Trout Mask Replica
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Bandi got a headache and it freaked me out
i got a headache and it freaked me out
DNFed bc the lyrics are disgusting and I actually cherish my finite time on this Earth.
This album is really moving, I don’t tend to listen to music that affects my mood negatively because I don’t need help with that 😀 but this was so so good. I heard a lot of elements of nu metal which is a genre I love, and it was good to listen to an album/artist which influenced that genre. A great part of doing this project is opening myself up to music like this and I’m so glad I started because this album is really great. Standout tracks: - Heresy (3.5/5) - Closer (5/5) - Ruiner (3.5/5) - I do not want this (3.5/5) - A warm place (4/5) - Hurt (5/5)
As a girl who currently listens to Dirty Work everyday on my spring/summer playlist, I was excited for this one - and I was not disappointed at all. A gorgeous little album, I have no notes. Also, as a big Michael McDonald fan I was SO EXCITED to hear him on Peg and I Got The News ❤️❤️❤️ Standout tracks: - Peg 5/5 - I Got The News - Josie 5/5
I enjoyed listening to it while cleaning, but I won’t be able to listen to this at any other time - wish I was sophisticated enough, but I’m not. Standout track: - Take Five 5/5
This simply isn’t for me - 2.5/5
I enjoyed - 3.5/5 Standout tracks: - Good Golly Miss Molly 4/5 - Penthouse Pauper (fell in love with this one) 5/5
This is getting a 4/5 for the music and a 2/5 for the lyrics - I wished someone else got a hold of these tracks and wrote something better bc, while this album sounds like a very cathartic process for Madonna, I found myself getting bored of the lyrics halfway through each song. Skin is 5/5 for me, wish she’d just sing more about fancying someone in a club lol (this is what I think it’s abt anyways) Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to find an album that’s like this by someone else
It's pretty... that's it. As someone who always feels sick with nostalgia at the best of times, I really don't need to be listening to an hour's worth of reminiscing. I also don't want to listen to someone who sounds like he has mouth full. The one positive thing I will say is that this sound is timeless and if you told me this was released in 1998 and not 1968, I'd believe you.
This is a lovely album - it really cheered me up and reminded me life is worth living if we are able to listen to music like this. I am officially a Willie Nelson fan. His cover of Unchained Melody is great too. Also, last week Willie Nelson released a duet of a country song about gay cowboys with Orville Peck and that makes me so so happy. ALSO, the interludes on Cowboy Carter? SLAY Standout tracks: - Blue skies: 4/5 - Someone to watch over me 4/5
I memories of The Offspring - mainly of my brothers listening to it before I could even talk and even back then I thought "this music is dumb". Because of this, I will always see their music as "music for boys" and I cannot override that thought no matter how hard I try. However, I can appreciate this album as providing something unique against the grungey landscape of 1994 US - I know they cite punk as their main influences, but I am getting a lot of old heavy metal in there too and I can DEFINITELY appreciate that. Standout track: - Genocide 4/5: as the guy said, "I ESPECIALLY enjoyed that one", gorgeous main riff *chefs kiss*
The start of this album was captivating, but it became repetitive by the end. Sarah Vaughan's voice, however, is perfect. It was nice to hear a live album, the imperfections make this album even lovelier. Standout tracks: - Willow weep for me: 4/5 - Just one of those things: 4/5 - Be anything but darling be mine: 5/5 (perfect first dance song)
jesus christ. standout track: - mea culpa: (made me anxious bc it reminded me of the hell level in super castelvania IV) 1/5
I stopped listening after track 5 - couldn't get past listening to this from my mum's perspective and I don't like crying at my desk on a Thursday morning. Despite the obvious grief in this album, I can't give it higher than a 2/5 as this is simply not for me - my god I am so so so sad.
4.5/5 - gorgeous. standout tracks: la-la for you - 5/5 how can you mend a broken heart -4/5
3.5/5 - was nice to have on in the background while I worked. I can also appreciate just how important this album and sound is to a lot of the music I love. standout track: - Shadowplay 5/5 - I fell in love with this one
3.5/5 - I thought I disliked the Beatles.... consider my ignorant self proven wrong Standout tracks (I fell in love with both instantly): - It won't be long 5/5 - All I've got to do 5/5
2.75/3 (I listened to the condensed 45 minute version) Ella Fitzgerald's voice is gorgeous and I enjoyed listening to this in the background while working, but I am quickly learning that this era of music is not for me. Standout tracks: The man I love - 4/5 Someone to watch over me 5/5 - preferred her version to Sarah Vaughan's They can't take that away 4/5
4/5 - I enjoyed this a lot, this sounds way ahead of its time Was nice to hear what else was going on in late 80s/early 90s when grunge was taking over Standout tracks: - No bones 4/5 - Yeah we know 5/5 (listened to this 2-3 times) - Don't 0/5 hurt my ears literally, had to skip - Keep the glove 1/5 it's like they got bored during the last two songs and decided to stop being good
4/5 - I enjoyed I keep seeing Chris Rock on a gambling advert and I have to change the channel bc it makes me cringe too much
3.5/5 - I do love Adele but I cannot listen to a lot of slow songs in a row bc it makes me sad Standout tracks: - Million years ago 4/5 - Sweetest devotion 4/5 - All I ask 4/5 (I sobbed)
3/5 - enjoyed! standout tracks: - ...Sound check (gravity) 4/5 - Clint Eastwood 5/5
4/5 - I really enjoyed this. Had the potential to be 5/5 if the songs were more complete. Standout tracks: - Every night 5/5 - Maybe I'm amazed 5/5 this reminded me of Mountain I'd say I'm officially a fan of Paul McCartney
2.5/5 - If you were to look at my music taste, you would assume I love Jane's Addiction, but the truth is I could never get on board, and I still can't - I got very bored towards the end, the songs are so unnecessarily long. Standout: - Three days 4/5
2.5 - alright heads will roll obviously a banger - 4/5
perfection, i have nothing else to say. no standout tracks because they were all 5/5
3/5 standout tracks: - magic hollow 5/5 - the wolf of velvet fortune 4/5
3/5 - I enjoyed! standout tracks: - there she goes 5/5 - clean prophet 4/5 - over 5/5 - I LOVE THIS ONE
I'm not the biggest fan of songs with a lot of lyrics but when it worked it WORKED for me. standout tracks: - winter 4/5 - china 4/5 - leather 5/5 - LOVED this - me and a gun... oh my god. I don't want to rate it bc it's so much more important than that
This is the first album I've had on this generator that I have a physical copy of. This album was an integral part of my adolescence and it is perfect. My fave songs: - thinkin bout you - fertilizer - sierra leone - sweet life - super rick kids - lost
pivotal to my adolescence and still special to me, the songs objectively slap and i have no notes
I enjoyed it, always have loved Nas' rapping and this didn't disappoint
not my fave led zep album, but it still slaps - 4.5
not for me - 1.5
2.5 - not for me even tho i love the white stripes, the mixing isn’t very good and the lyrics are annoying
I appreciate it, I'd enjoy it in the background in a dive bar but I'm not going to sit and listen to it in my spare time - 2.5/5
I enjoyed, old marcus garvey was 5/5 absolute banger
i got a headache and it freaked me out
If this album was shorter and there was less going on, it would be a masterpiece. I am a sucker for late 80s/early 90s preachy songs, it makes me feel so nostalgic and it fills me with hope, even though everything has gotten worse LOL Very good album, enjoyed
The first album I owned on vinyl - this album will always be close to my heart <3 stairway to heaven and battle of evermore are some of my most favourite songs in the world
alright nothing to write home about - 2.5/5 - in dead finks don't talk, it sounds like louis theroux is rapping at the 2:25 minute mark
3/5 - really nice to have on in the background while I worked!
i couldn’t finish - hauntingly sad, i love bruce but my mental health takes precedence 🫡 3/5 for what i did listen to - highway patrolman will stay with me for a very long time, especially bc i thought the man lying on the ground was his brother and he chased and chased a random car bc he hallucinated he saw his brother driving WOW anyway
this made me bored and sad
first half of the album is way better than the second half, a house is not a motel and bummer in the summer stand out to me
I enjoyed! 3.5
So so good! Idk if I'll get hate for this but her voice reminds me of Michael McDonald - this is the biggest compliment coming from me!! Standouts: - Mystery - No one in the world - Watch your step is SO Michael McDonald coded
3.5 - some of these songs are perfect, others are boring. Said perfect (5/5) tracks are: - Billy Jack - Hard Times - Love to the People
As a full time yearner who feels sick with nostalgia almost daily, I CANNOT listen to music like this. It's all "you were so sad, and your hair was so soft" cheers lad I'm crying now. I am happy to reduce my exposure to this music to hearing it on films during sad montages. Tracks I actually liked: - So Long, Marianne - Teachers
I am tempted to give this album 5/5 because it brought us Layla, but I simply can't. 3/5 - It's sad when an album that should be meant for me ends up missing the mark :( Now, let me talk about Layla. When I hear that riff, I ascend to another plane of consciousness. I see the clouds next to me, I see a bright blue sky above and I get higher and higher until I am floating, existing merely as a vessel for these vibrations to enter through my ears all the way towards my heart. I am complete for the 7 minutes and 3 seconds this song lasts, and I thank the universe I could live in a time after 1970. Those poor souls who died in 1969, they missed out big time.
I thought I'd love it because it's so British but nope, really didn't care for this
I don't understand what's going on, nor do I want to!
It's no Aja, but it's still amazing
I really really enjoyed this - this is the kind of music I would make if I had the ability to
3.5/4 - rlly enjoyed standout tracks: - my mind spray - jungle music
4/5 - long live south yorkshire synth-pop
Such a vibe for playing in the background bc I want my life to feel like this all day everyday - wtf do they be saying tho
I really enjoyed this a lot - pieces of what reminded my of old school rolling stones so much which i LOVED
was nice to have on in the background!
I wouldn't usually listen to this, was a bit samey towards the end but it certainly wasn't bad! 2.5/5 (the extra half a star is for the album cover, i love a medieval moment)
i LOVED this
Fun but slightly boring
I loved this, will be listening again - 4.5/5
Idk what’s going on, idk want to find out
Amazing 4.5/5 Standout tracks: - Shout (of course) - Everybody Wants To Rule The World (of course) - Head Over Heels / Broken - Mothers Talk <3 <3
One of the best albums of all time - half of these songs will be on my 2024 Spotify wrapped. Personal faves: - Wanna be startin somethin - Baby be mine - The girl is mine - Human nature - PYT - <3<3<3 THE LADY IN MY LIFE <3<3<3
As a girl who loves post-black album Metallica as much as pre-black album Metallica, I will die on a hill for this record. Also I love winding up men about this album, it's only fair since they give me their unsolicited opinions. There are no skippable tracks, all perfect (some are just more perfect than others, love u lots of wolf and man, wish they made a twilight werewolf spinoff just so they could have used u for the trailer). Faves: - <3 <3 of wolf and man <3 <3 - <3 sad but true <3 - holier than thou - wherever i may roam - the unforgiven
The weather was just right, my feelings were just right, everything was just right - 5/5
5.5/5 A love letter to the fans, this live album is a comfort to me, and I have spent many a hungover afternoons watching this on youtube <3 I listened to this album before I could form sentences, so it will forever be lodged into my brain. The master of puppets to of wolf and man to the thing that should not be run is perfection, no leaf clover is THAT GIRL and Kirk looks so gorg during this show (extra .5 stars for him)
3.5 - really good album, this genre in the early 00s was so so polished and great, bring it back
Hated it - why do I want to listen to something that accurately portrays my brain?
2.5 - it don't dislike it but i would never listen to it in my spare time.
This is overwhelming and overstimulating - it was triggering my anxiety. Also, I have long-standing personal beef with frontier psychiatrist: my brother would always watch the music video from start to finish whenever it was on the music channels and as a child I couldn’t wait for the infernal noise to be over. That being said, I kind of enjoyed it when I heard it again listening to this album. Maybe if I keep listening to one song at a time over and over I’d understand and appreciate, but who has the time for that?
3/5, nice! but i’ll never listen to it again
There was absolutely no substance to this - couldn’t finish it
This is an insanely boring album - the songwriting is subpar at best and all of the songs sound the same. The vocals are grating also. This feels like an album added to the list because this is what the curators thought would stand the test of time, but it didn’t even stand the test of 2018. PS Dangerous reminds me of my boyfriend being on fifa for hours 😀 BORING so glad those days are over
I enjoyed! 3.5/5 Lyrics were great. Standout tracks: - Shangri-La - She’s Bought a Hat Like Princess Marina
Music like this is nice but it’s too melancholy for me - 2.5 However - <3 between the bars <3 love at first listen. 4/5 Also, say yes is really lovely.
I loved this, the guitar was sensational.
4.5/5 Gorgeous, but some of the lyrics were a bit strange - if the lyrics were less nonsensical and less questionable this would have been a 5/5 My favourite - In France They Kiss on Main Street 5/5 Least favourite - The Jungle Line (AWFUL)
4/5 - I really enjoyed, was so fun to sing along to, each time the harmonica came out I was happy to be alive etc. etc.
2/5 - The lyrics are boring, the vibe is boring. I do really like god only knows, however - 3.5/5
3.5/5 - I am slowly falling in love with the blues genre and I am SO excited about it
2/5 - This did not evoke a single emotion out of me. I used to like weather with you, but now I know it’s not by an 80s yacht rock band, I like it less. The end of how will you go / I’m still here is the only time I thought they were feeling the music, but even that was for 10 seconds at the end.
This was a lovely record, but it was too melancholy for my taste - 2.5 Favourites: - The fairest of the seasons - These days - Winter Song (I feel bad enjoying any of this because I read that Nico hated this record because she didn’t have control over what was in it, and she especially hated the flutes - I really hope she got to make music she was happy with) Reviewed 15/08/2024
Forty minutes of droning followed by his cat running across his keyboard - 2/5 Reviewed on 16/08/2024
Loved - in my folk era Reviewed 20/08/2024
I understand this is meant to evoke emotion - but the sad thing is I can only listen to these records while I work, and I just don't want to feel even more anxious while I work. Wish I could have listened during a time when I have the capacity to appreciate, but I don't - 2/5 Reviewed 20/08/2024
Sad and boring - 2/5 Reviewed 20/08/2024
As soon as I heard the first song, I knew I was in for a treat - 5/5 Her lyrics are so simple, and that's what makes this album so good. You don't need to overcomplicate things when you are writing music as gorgeous as this. Her lyricism also shows she is one of us (sensitive, melancholic, anxious), and that makes me love her even more. I will be listening to this a lot from now on, except Mother or Rainbow, because they both made me cry and I don't need to deal with all of those emotions on a daily basis. Favourites: Slow Burn Oh, What a World
I thought this would be right up my street, but it fell flat 3/5 …Maggot Brain was amazing, a solid 5/5, but the rest of the tracks didn’t live up to the magic of the first one. The songs were really short too. Reviewed 23/08/2024
A lovely album to have on in the background, I enjoyed 3/5
I like this album, but it makes me feel really nostalgic and sad, so it can only be a 3/5 Reviewed 27/08/2024
The pinnacle of its genre, a masterpiece that will stand the test of time - 5/5 There is something therapeutic about finding out this is my album of the day while wearing a Slipknot top, it's like the stars all aligned <3 Favourite tracks: - <3<3<3 Wait and Bleed <3<3<3 - <3<3 Spit It Out <3<3 - <3 Me Inside <3 Reviewed 27/08/2024
I enjoyed this more than I should have - 3.5/5
I am glad that I got to listen to an album that has clearly influenced so many other artists, but this wasn’t my cup of tea - 2.5/5 Reviewed 29/08/2024
Having this as my 100th album is very fitting, as Black Sabbath founded the first genre I fell in love with - 4.5/5 A sublime album, planet caravan was a gorgeous surprise - could listen to it on repeat. Reviewed 30/08/2024
Glad to have listened to such an iconic album, and enjoyed the lyrics, but it’s not something I would choose to listen to everyday - 3.5/5 The rising inflection style of the vocals can get very grating towards the end, but I understand that adds to the defiant vibe which is great. Reviewed 02/09/2024
Gorgeous, a lovely album for all the thought daughters out there - 4/5 While I appreciate this, it is too sad and fluid to be in my rotation, this album is unsettling and melancholic in the prettiest way, but I am too mentally ill for it 👍🏽 Also, I resonate far more with Bonnie Raitt and Carole King, so I can survive without listening to this regularly and not feel like I’m missing out. After two Joni Mitchell albums, I can safely say I love her, but I will continue to appreciate her from a distance. Reviewed 04/09/2024
I really wish I liked Queen, but it never hits the mark for me - 3/5 Every song on this album sounded the same to me, and while it wasn’t anything offensive, it wasn’t particularly riveting either - I think this is because in the UK before you can even talk, you have listened to Queen some way or another. As soon as I hear the vocal harmonies I think of an Iceland Christmas advert or singing in assembly. Reviewed 05/09/2024
I liked!! 3.5/5 Fave tracks: - Da funk 5/5 didn’t want it to end - Alive 4/5 Reviewed 06/09/2024
I really enjoyed this - I don't have much to say other than I could listen again and probably will. Reviewed 06/09/2024
Ironic that it has “robots” in the title because this album droned on and on and on. Reviewed 10/09/2024
Fast, heavy, dumb - 14 year old me and 27 year old me are head banging together right now - 4.5/5 So many NWOBHM elements in this, what a gem of an album. The lead guitar itself is 5/5 HOWEVER, some of the songs dragged a teeny bit (the ones without guitar solos) Also the band name is so sus it’s giving white people trying to be edgy YAWN Standout tracks: - Selfdestructo bust 5/5 - Prince of the rodeo 5/5
This is a perfect album, I am so in love. Horrendous album cover though WOW All songs were amazing I don’t have any favourites
A gorgeous album, I loved the 90s twist on country - a lovely album for autumn - 3.5/5 Standout tracks: - Right in time 4/5 - Car wheels on a gravel road 4/5 - Jackson 4/5
Not my usual thing, but I enjoyed even though I did get a little sad - 3/5 15 step slays so so hard, I love it so much, that track is 5/5 Reviewed 14.09.2024
I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. Lyrics are great and important Standout tracks: Thousands are sailing - 4/5
Ahead of its time, and it was nice it felt like one big movement of sound, but I will not be revisiting.
Just two days shy of its 20th anniversary, this album’s release is fondly remembered by so many of us - myself included (even if I was getting sick of seeing the music video for American Idiot playing virtually on repeat on Kerrang! This album has so many hits on it, such a milestone album. I never fully committed to this one as a kid, but its singles are still great. Standout tracks: - Jesus of Suburbia 4/5 - Holiday 4/5 - Boulevard of Broken Dreams 5/5
Made my apartment feel like a dive bar - I’m not complaining. Standout track: - Mannish Boy 5/5
Loved this
I have been looking for this sound since falling in love with Dusty Trails’s only album - I am so so happy right now. Can’t wait to stare at the ceiling to this one.
I am not a big fan of live albums, but I enjoyed this - it was a nice introduction to The Who While I enjoyed the songs, I can’t imagine myself returning to this album, and it’s not my top musical priority to listen to any more of their stuff. Also what the fuck is with a quick one, while he’s away? The crowd sounded feral, would not liked to have been there 👍🏽 Oh and another thing, LEEDS LEEDS LEEDS
This was really good - finally I’ve listened to Pink Floyd! Time is 5/5
I enjoyed this a lot Standout tracks: - She's Fresh 5/5 - The Message 5/5
4.5/5 I knew I would really love Oasis, but I stopped myself from having an Oasis phase when I was 15 because I didn't want to be a cliche... I regret that now. I wish I had more years of enjoying their discography. I'm glad I have to listen now - I loved this so much. I feel sick with nostalgia thinking about the UK this album was made in, though. I don't have the energy to explain further but I'm sure others understand. Standout tracks: - Live forever - Supersonic - Bring it on down - Slide away (lead guitar 10/10)
A gorgeous album, I'm so glad I started this one album a day thing because it means I can discover gems like this. Standout tracks: - Judy blue eyes (the guitar in this is gorgeous) 4.5/5 - Guinnevere (SO pretty) 5/5 - You don't have to cry 4.5/5 - listening to this while working overtime getting eye strain was very hard hitting lol - Helplessly hoping 5/5 (on repeat)
When I saw the music video to Violet playing in the background on Kerrang!, I sat down in front of the TV entranced.... this was it, this was the music I needed during a time where I didn't know what each day would bring. The soundtrack to my 19th year on this planet, this album is firmly nestled into my heart forever - it was the soundtrack to heartbreak, finding my soulmate, depression, dropping out of university, breaking down and building myself back up.... this album is the definition of girlhood, and I was lucky enough to experience a transitionary period in my life listening to this album the entire time. My favourite tracks on this perfect album: - Violet (one of the best songs of all time, so many days staring at the ceiling, getting ready for nights out, watching the sunset from my uni halls window singing along to the lyrics) - Plump - Asking for it - Jennifer's body - Doll parts - Gutless - Rock star
I found this very mind-numbing, it was like he recorded as many songs as he could just to see what would stick… it worked tho ofc he got Blue suede shoes out of it Standout tracks: - Blue suede shoes - Trying to get to you - Blue moon
This feels so ahead of its time, and I enjoyed listening, but I won’t be putting this into my rotation because it’s so melancholy, the last song especially. I also love how most of the songs are about women, as they should be 😌 Standout track: - Firefly 4/5
This had all the elements of a great album, but I found it far too pretentious for my liking. Big time, however, is a solid 5/5 and I can’t stop listening to it.
I have always wanted to get into Lynyrd Skynyrd, and as soon as I saw those long-haired, flare-wearing men on the cover, I knew I was in for a treat. I knew a lot more songs on this album that I thought, mostly because of covers etc. Standout tracks: - Tuesday's gone <3 - Simple man (always makes me so sad) <3 - Poison Whiskey - Free bird (the solo is 5/5 I feel like I'm ascending to a new dimension)
I like all the sounds individually, but it annoys me when it's all put together (it's the style of vocals that annoys me most, in this genre there is a fine line between great and grating). However, it being from 1980, it was innovative so big respect for that. ALSO they are northern, and I have to support them for that reason alone. Standout tracks (positive): - Treason - I liked the French version too 4/5) Standout tracks (negative): - When I dream - Strange house in the snow - a solid 1.5/5, I hated it so much I skipped halfway through
I HATE dissonance, this album made me so anxious Standout tracks: - (When you wake) you're still in a dream (3/5)
I actually enjoyed this, but I can’t listen to it all the time especially when seasonal depression is ruining my life 😀 3.5/5
I really liked this, but it could either be annoying or really great - 3.5/5 Standout tracks: - Peaches in Regalia 5/5 I'm obsessed - The gumbo variations 2/5, the saxaphone in this was horrific
3/5 - slow and sad but enjoyable Standout tracks: - End of the day 4/5 - I like Beck's voice in this and guess I'm doing fine
One of the best albums of all time. Standout tracks (all of them are, but these have been my faves for years, all 5/5): - Ex-factor - Final hour - I used to love him - Nothing even matters - Everything is everything - THIS is the song I heard in Paperchase, I typed the lyrics on my phone (before Shazam), found this album on Spotify and I ended up not listening to anything outside of this genre for the next two years LOL
3.5 - I enjoyed!
This genre reminds me of two things: - Breakfast food adverts - Christmas It’s difficult to be sad while listening tho, so that’s nice
This was so depressing
A sweet album, was nice to listen to but I don't think I will listen again. I preferred the second half a lot more. Standout tracks: - Tears don't care who cries them 4/5 - Busy being blue 3.5/5 - Honky tonk angels medley 3.5/5 (I love doing this 1001 albums thing bc who knew I loved honky tonk so much?!)
Perfection Standout tracks: - Immigrant song (one of the best songs of all time) - Since I've been loving you - Gallows pole (OBSESSED) - Tangerine (chills, especially bc it's so misty outside today) - That's the way (once again, chills)
Start of the album wasn't great, but it got so much better in the middle. A generous 3 because although the vocals and lyrics were grating, the instruments were lovely. Standout tracks: - Up to me 3.5/5 - My god - 4/5
Gorgeous, I can't lie though I was waiting for Sultan's of swing the whole time (fun fact I heard this for the first time in a coop near my uni house and I was looking around like is nobody hearing this absolute masterpiece?! Standout tracks: - Southbound again 4/5 - Sultan's of swing (one of the best songs of all time) 5/5
Good I enjoyed - 3.5/5 Standout tracks: - It ain't easy 4/5 - Suffragette city 4/5
Boring, but some tracks sounded like videogame levels, so that's alright 2.5/5 Standout track: - Souvenir 3.5/5
I have no idea what is going on, but I do like it. Standout tracks: - Rocket reducer no. 62 - talk (the guitars in this are chef's kiss (4/5)
I enjoyed! 3.5/5 Standout tracks (good): - Synchronicity 4/5 - Synchronicity II (3.5/5) - Tea in the Sahara (3.5/5) - Every breath you take (absolute banger of course) 4/5 Standout tracks (bad): - Mother 1/5 IT'S SO SCARY
takes some doing to make me sad while making a heart and bow themed bridal shower scrapbook, well done arcade fire
It was ok, but the fact he wrote these with his death looming at a different type of nuance which can make any musical work more interesting. 3/5 Standout track: - Lazarus 4/5
I HATE DISSONANCE Standout track: - Think (let tomorrow bee) 4/5
4.5/5 - wow
Guitar tone is sensational Album cover art is also gorg, absolutely obsessed Meat Loaf always makes me feel so nostalgic, I know he's American but there's something really British about his sound.
Very fun to do chores to, makes everything feel fun and cheeky - not a genre I resonate with however, so it can never be higher than a 3
4.5/5 A lovely classic rock album that accompanied a sunny January day - I enjoyed very much. Extra half a star because they were formed in Sheffield (Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire). Standout tracks: - POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME 5/5 <3<3<3 dancing to this in Key Club when I got there at 2am and really should have gone home will always be one of my fave memories <3<3<3 - Gods of War 5/5 - the guitar from about 5:30 onwards is gorgeous and is more nuanced than the rest of the album. - Love and Affection 4/5
4.5/5 Absolutely gorgeous - this transcends time, seasons, emotions. He's English!! I am so surprised and so happy, I am glad I got to hear some English folk today, forever excited about this genre that is so new and lovely to me. Standout tracks: - Hazey Jane I 5/5 - Poor Boy 5/5 (was 4/5 but then the Saxophone kicked in)
Really enjoyed
3.5 - it was good, but I didn't enjoy it IN MY SOUL which was disappointing :( Stand out tracks: - Sign O' The Times 5/5 - one of my favourite songs of all time, absolutely beautiful - Strange Relationship 4/5
One of the best albums of all time <3<3<3 My favourite tracks in order (all 5/5): - Otherside - Scar Tissue - Californication - Road Trippin’ - This Velvet Glove - Porcelain - Easily (I love this song because it could be on Stadium Arcadium and nobody would notice, I love that we could hear that sound 7 years earlier here)
This album is American in the worst possible way. The lyrics prove that Beastie Boys knew their main listenership was 14 year old boys with undiagnosed ADHD. I can imagine the first impractical joker to get a car rang the other impractical jokers to ask if they wanted to blast this album while driving round the block. This shaved at least 1 day off my life expectancy. …. I decided to google them to see what they looked like. Don’t do that please, it’s not worth it. Standout track: - Fight For Your Right (barely tolerable)
Prince is horny on main. Second half of the album is better IMO, minus 1999. Standout tracks: - 1999 5/5 - Little Red Corvette 4/5 - Something in the Water 5/5 - Free 4.5/5 - Lady Cab Driver 5/5 (for guitar solos only). - All the Critics Love U in New York 4/5
Absolutely gorgeous Standout track: - At last I am free 5/5
I loved this so much, the amount of samples used here is like a treasure trove. The one sample that made my day however was Metallica’s Orion in “The Number Song” - finding my safe space song in this album was an unexpected joy. I didn’t keep an eye on the track names while I listened, but I loved it all.
I loved this, listened as the sun was setting <3 Standout track: - Love At The Five & Dime 4.5/5, would be a 5 but it’s too sad, I literally felt like I was a god watching Rita and Eddie from afar thinking how sad it was that humans lived for such a short amount of time.
Very fun, I enjoyed - 3.5/5 Standout tracks: - Message In A Bottle 5/5: This song transports me back to August 2007 which is lovely, also one of the best songs ever written. - Contact 4/5: The last part is especially good.
4/5 - I enjoyed, this may be in my rotation during the summer months. This album came out on my birthday before it was my birthday <3 Standout track: - Mood for a Day 5/5: so so pretty, I would listen to this again. - Heart of the Sunrise 4.5/5: 5:40 to 6:11 is perfection.
I love whatever sub-genre this is, I thoroughly enjoyed and wasn't bored one bit. 4.5/5 Standout track: - Juanita/Kiteless/To Dream of Love 4.5/5: 11:31 onwards, felt like I was ascending.
I can never past the lyrics in some rap, it's not the kind of thing I would like to be listening to as a woman, call me boring I don't care. I need to rate the aspects of this album in different categories, therefore: Lyrics: 1/5 Everything else 4.5/5 Standout tracks: - Murder Was The Case (4/5) - Serial Killa (4.5/5) - Who Am I (What's My Name)? (5/5)
I expected to hate it, but I didn’t. Guitar tone very cool. Standout track: - Rue de tempêtes
I liked! Loved finding sample origins also. Standout track: - Yearnin’ Learnin’ (4/5)
4/5 It's 2025 - time for me to stop pretending I don't think Oasis are one of the best bands of all time. I would enjoy this more if it wasn't for the awful nostalgic feeling I get in my stomach every time I listen to Oasis - I don't even know why but I have felt like this since I was a child and I cba feeling depressed so minus half a star. Standout tracks: - Roll With It (4/5) - Wonderwall (5/5) - Don't Look Back In Anger (4/5) - Morning Glory (5/5)
Highbrow albums like these are annoying bc I have nothing to say but I also didn’t hate it. 2.5/5 bc it’s boring
Apologies The Stone Roses, I was unfamiliar with your game. 3.5/5 Standout tracks: - Bye Bye Bad Man (4/5) - Elizabeth My Dear (5/5)