Jeff BuckleyStrong Durham vibes. Not listened to in years. Did not spark much joy.
Strong Durham vibes. Not listened to in years. Did not spark much joy.
One listen was enough and that was a struggle. Not my bag baby. Enjoyed reading everyone else's comments.
Great album title and a great album. Enjoyed a lot. Was not really aware of their pre 80's stuff apart from "pyscho killer" and for some reason I thought they were Australian... Not a dud track on album - its's a very high 4 as want to hold back my 5's for the absolute classics.
Retro Durham vibes.
Loved this album - had just moved to Guernsey and listened to it on my 30 min walk in/ back from work. Still rocks.
Listened on my CD version - bought the day it was released in the UK! Stills sounds great - esp organ donor.
Love the National - not my favourite National album (prefer "trouble will find me" and "I am Easy to find" but still a very solid 4
I am in a minority but I find his vocals so whinny.
Surprisingly still sounding great - a classic from Durham days when i borrowed the album from Tanya and then bought my own copy as liked it so much.
I have always enjoyed the singles - had not listened to the album previously and not sure what to make of it after 3 listens. It sounds like they are having fun - but I think of Sting as being so po faced and serious that it does not quite ring true for me. A disappointing 3.
Still really enjoy this album. Every songs a banger
Have always loved this album esp "you Said Something" .. although weirdly has not acted as gateway to other PJ Harvey records yet.
Not my favourite Beatles album and have never really understood why people elevate it above others.. still a banger and a 5/5 tho.
I really liked Tilted and their first album. Finding this album rather bland - with not much jumping out at me - especially the tracks in French which just wash overme as I have no idea what the songs are about. Was hoping to enjoy it more.
booooooring. Early 2000 vibes but not in a good way.
I used to hate the Doors (cannot remember why). Going in with an open mind and largely meh response. Enjoyed Riders on a storm - but large parts passed me by / annoyed me slightly. Some good bass /grooves but do not really care for Jim Morrisons vocals. A high 2.
Brighton Rock followed by Killer Queen is such a strong opening - but from there it gets a little bit lost and downhill ("Now i'm here" aside) which is such a shame as Brighton Rock is absolute banger and great opener.
Makes you think what greatness he could have achieved had lived long enough to fully develop/ mature as an artist...
I have a very low tolerance for the butter boy sell out that is John Lydon. As a result have not really delved into his PIL back catalogue - I do really like "Rise" despite John Lydon and I had therefore expected to enjoy this album despite my reservations. I am therefore a bit disappointed (but also pleased) to find that I thought the album was bullshit with no real redeeming songs/tunes/hooks.
Another album I was able to listen to on CD. My favourite Beck album, Lovely.
For reasons known only to me I was a big early Radiohead fan in the Pablo Honey era then really went off them - even to the point where I was one of the few people at Glastonbury in 97 and 2003 not to see their seminal gigs. "In Rainbows" was the my first step back to reappraising them and realizing that i had been a dick - with "Reckoner" being one of my favourite tunes of all time (for some reason I think its about the Sopranos). Great album.
Love this album - especially the mini opera of a "quick one while he's away".
Went in knowing very little about this album - but really enjoyed it - beautiful yet powerful vocals and a groovy bass. Solid 4 for me - will listen again.
Very strong 4. Not as good as J5 (which was a defining album of the late 90's for me) but still cracking - so smooth.
Classic 80's dad rock and I'm in the back of the car being driven to Saturday football and I'm admiring the electric windows and wishing that we had electric windows. For years I hated Dire Straits and all they stood for. I must be old now as I really enjoyed it and going to give it a 5!
Really wanted to like this - but was a struggle.
A mixed bag - really enjoyed parts of the songs but found the "chat" sections annoying and all a bit loose. Wanted to like it more.
Had never heard of Holger so was a first for me. Not quite smoking what Tom's smoking but did enjoy it although overall found it a mixed bag - enjoyed parts - although other parts had very strong flight of concords vibe...
I've had "My Girls" on various playlists for a few years now and really like the tune. Rest of the album falls a bit short of this - not bad - just lacking a spark that grabs me - I've listened to it 3 times now and nothing else has jumped out at me. A low 3.
Patchy ! Liked the solo one with guitar but very mixed bag
I really enjoyed Generation Terrorists when it came out and was a big Manic's fan even though they were bellends in their early years. As they matured I liked them less and less - a bit too portentous and lacking fun. Quite enjoyed "Everything must go" - but found it a bit flat and washed over me without sparking much joy. Singles are okay - but thats probably as have heard them so much. Was hoping to like the album more and that my younger self would be proved wrong for dismissing them but still found it all a bit meh.. 2/5 is probably harsh - its more a 2.5.
Liked this alot -esp the title track. I must be getting old.
I have not really listened to Eagles much. Hotel California is still sounds strong even after repeated exposure. The rest of the album is pretty bland nostalgia tinged American dad rock that did not float my boat.
Classic - trying to get Aga to move from Abba to Blondie...
Classic - and another opportunity to use the CD player. Nice. Stand out track - Higher Ground. tWangy.
Enjoyed - smooth vocals. Only problem for me is that cannot really relate to Cowboy songs about horses so kinda washed over me with no emotional hook.
The album title is the best thing about the album. Rest is very bland sub Phil Collins 80's pfaf.
Classic - still think of it as a recent album and one of the few current artists that I follow - turns out it came out in 2009...
Loved it.
Really liked the follow up album "Gold" - but this rather washed over me - a bit generic and a bit forgettable.
Strong Durham vibes. Not listened to in years. Did not spark much joy.
Have not really listened to much Pink Floyd as had previously dismissed as wanky toss when i was in my punk phase and never really revisited this opinion. Roll forward 30 years or so and its much more up street and very much enjoyed large parts of the album - unfortunately there are some wanky bits like the sax solo - but still happy to give it a solid 4.
The two big singles are bangers. everything else is a little bit 80's bland for my taste so only a 2... not quite a 3
Not listened to Wild Beasts before. Another mixed bag. A bit like Foals in places a bit meh in places. Not particularly bad - but doubt will come back to it...
Franks a bit too overplayed and ubiquitous for me - guess I’m used to the classic canon and this felt mostly sub par by comparison.
Was familiar with the singles - but had not listened to the album previously. I really like the later album: American Idiot and had high hopes as have a soft spot for punk pop. Unfortunately I found it rather disappointing - all the songs seemed to blur into each other at the same tempo/level with a lack poppy hooks apart from the singles. Maybe it was too early in the day but I found the whole thing rather tiring... :-(
Macca has always been my least favourite Beatle and I have always found his lyrics borderline twee and naff (and do have a similar view on his personality). So I approached this with a fairly negative mindset - so was genuinely surprised to discover that I rather enjoyed it - very catchy tunes - esp Mrs Vandebilt. Still a bit on the light and fluffy side with no moments that truly moved me - but very listenable and enjoyable.
Fab.. they don't make like they used to...
Like listening to Toy Story.... not my bag.
One listen was enough and that was a struggle. Not my bag baby. Enjoyed reading everyone else's comments.
Disappointing - was not familiar with early ZZTop so was hoping for something young/ rocky with energy. But found it rather dirgy with tedious geetar solos and no real stand out tracks. Had spent the morning listening to Beggars Banquet and this album was very poor by comparison. Would give it 2.5 if I could.
I enjoyed this album a lot first time around - but given he is such a massive bellend now I will not be listening this time round.
Its a grower. Will definitely listen again. Its probably a 3.5 - but was feeling generous so rounded up. Favourite track is Black Lake.
Really enjoyable listen. Surprisingly jaunty and poppy. Very much enjoying "walk on".
Had pretty low expectations - and on initial listen I thought the songs all sounded the same and it was as a little bit lightweight. On repeated listens it has grown on me and it works really well as background music to work to with a decent groove and not too in your face. Lyrically its pretty interesting when you do tune into the vocals. Its a 3.5 but feeling generous so will round to 4.
Still cannot escape the Toy Story connection - preferred it to the Good Old Boys - and would make this a solid 3.
47 years of living without listening to a Neil Young album and now two in a week! Enjoyed it - much preferred the rockier numbers - not fully sold on his vocals and there are a couple of bum tracks ("Theres a World" & "A Man needs a maid") which feel out of place with a Disney strings backing track.
Enjoyable - great skill on display and has an energy and vibe but not my cup of tea .
Wanted to like more as I thought I liked Goldfrapp based on singles/ radio play over the years. Found this quite irritating on both listens and do not feel like giving it a third listen. Disappointing - a high 2 but not quite a 3.
Its very MOR - I'm guessing my mom would be a big fan. Had to google him and was very surprised to see he was the singer of one of my favourite American 60's tunes : "Runaround Sue". Sadly this album does not get close to replicate the perfection of that tune. Feeling mean today so its a 2.
I was looking forward to this as I own a Tom Petty Greatest Hits that I enjoyed but had not ever delved deeper into an album. Was unfortunately a little disappointed. "American Girl" is a classic and stands head& shoulders above the rest of the album - which is a little bit vanilla by comparison with no real stand out tracks after 4 listens. A solid 3.5.
Not familiar with Devendra prior to this. Rather enjoyed it - a solid 3.
Strong 4. Some quality tunes - strong 80's vibes (sometimes to the detriment of the songs) - a couple of bum tracks (Pimpf?) mean its not a 5.
Great album title and a great album. Enjoyed a lot. Was not really aware of their pre 80's stuff apart from "pyscho killer" and for some reason I thought they were Australian... Not a dud track on album - its's a very high 4 as want to hold back my 5's for the absolute classics.
A strong 3 - some good tunes - sadly Smoke on the Waters impact is much diminished due to over familiarity. Would not rush back - but nothing made my ears bleed.
I was a big fan of this album when first released and I really remember being desperate to see the live tour with the flying trabents. Listening to it again now it feels like the dictionary definition of bland. It just washes over me with the exception of "One" which I still have a soft spot for.
Another Bjork album I had not heard previously and another one I really enjoyed overall. A couple of real stand out tracks ("Who is it" in particular). Real drama and epicness (?) to the album - unfortunately a couple of bum tunes ("Ancestors") where the crazy gets dialled to 11 means its not a 5. Strong 4. Will return.
Initial thought was not more good ole boy American country rock - which really is not flavour of the month currently. However after 3 listens its really growing on me - with a couple of really good tunes (esp Someday, Fearless Heart) and I am suddenly realizing were the Saw Doctors (a formative band for me!) got a lot of their inspiration from. The sun is shining and I'm feeling generous so going to give it a low 4.
Relentless. Imagine would be awesome live. Bit too intense to work to .... could only manage 1 listen through as energy levels too high.
Maybe because its raining today but just not feeling it. A couple of stand outs (stir it up in particular) but it generally passed me by. A high 3.
I'm getting old as I really enjoyed that in all its pomp.
Was aware of Nas but had not listened to this album previously. Really enjoyed it - great beats - strong smooth lyrically delivery and no gimmicks. Strong 4.