More Songs About Buildings And Food
Talking HeadsI've heard most of these before on Stop Making Sense but never the album proper! It's pretty great but not my fave talking heads. Still super danceable and cohesive though! 4.5
I've heard most of these before on Stop Making Sense but never the album proper! It's pretty great but not my fave talking heads. Still super danceable and cohesive though! 4.5
Liked this! Pretty calming and nice. Solid 4
Enjoyable! I think songs go on a bit too long and the album is too long as well, but I didn't mind it so much as I have with other records on this list. Not my favourite but has plenty I like. Song 2 is definitely an all timer, but Beetlebum, Death of a Party and All your life (from the deluxe version) are all great as well. 3.5/4.
Don't love it, songs are quite long and repetitive. I don't really like how Christina sings. Her singing is best on Beautiful, I am glad that song exists. Dirrty is also fun, but she already did it better in Genie in a Bottle. 2/2.5.
Can't believe I'd never heard Be My Wife before... it sounds so 80s. The ambient sections I find a bit tedious. Didn't hate it but I probably won't revisit the second half of the record. 3 overall, but a 5 for sound and vision
The instruments sound gorgeous, beautiful orchestration too. Sounds really rich. Chris's voice is a bit grating. Can't really tell the songs apart, a few moments are gorgeous but songs go on a bit too long. 3.5
Really intense and ambitious. Not sure how often I can come back to it but it's unquestionably brilliant. Some tracks are very long and winding - but I think that's the point. Lover you should have come over is one of the best songs ever written. Maybe a 4/4.5 out of personal preference but a 5 in terms of overall significance.
a bit repetitive, songs are really long, idk if i'm in the mood Damaged goods is good. 2.5
Not used to listening to jazz at all. Can't really distinguish between tracks, but listening through I managed to really get into it. Last track (Flamenco Sketches) might be my favourite, but that might be because they all blended together. 4/4.5 as I'm not used to jazz, should be a 5 in terms of overall significance.
Guitar is going CRAZY. The solo on highway star is great. Smoke on the water is iconic, but still goes on for too long. Overall songs are quite long and a bit boring not really for me. Somewhere between a 2.5 and a 3.
Sounds a lot like the Ziggy Stardust album, Hangin' Around reminds me a lot of Sufragette City. Sounds great, really strange in parts but with very special moments too. Walk in the wild side is probably the album's best song, no shock it's as huge as it is. Definitely one of the best songs of all time. And Satellite of Love is a personal favourite. :) Solid 4!
Not much to say about this one, have heard many times before and I'm glad to listen to it again! Not my favourite beatles album but has my favourite beatles song and is overall a great listen! Definite 5.
A LOT. I think I enjoy it but it's a lot to process, especially as a background listen. I like some moments a lot like the opening/backing track (?) of Heresy. I do not want this is also a highlight, but it feels weird to call it that when it's so intense. Closer and Hurt are probably the best songs on the album. 4.
5. Can't believe I hadn't heard this in full. Some songs are less abrasive than I expected, really interesting melodies. Can see myself listening to this as much as Doolittle by the pixies
i enjoyed this! good background music, repetitive but that's the point. Would be fun to listen to in a different context. 3.5!
Music sounds like things I love (XTC, nostalgic 80s pop like Cleaners from Venus), I just really don't like how Elvis Costello himself sounds... not sure if that's just bad vibes from what I know about him. I want you is an AMAZING song, but midway through i wished i was listening to the fiona apple version instead. Songs go on way too long, every time i think wow this one is GREAT midway through I wish it was over.
Can't believe I hadn't listened in full before. Songs are long and meandering which I like but can get a bit tiring. The piano sounds really nice and Fiona's voice is so lovely. 4
Surprising number of huge hits on this. Really enjoyed it, but nothing too outstanding. Somewhere around a 3 and a 3.5.
Pretty decent actually! Guitar sounds great. Very long songs but I do not mind it. 3.5/4!
Really good! Really horny. Beyonce is amazing but the songs as a whole aren't the strongest. 3/3.5!
Definite highlights (SWLARB and Sunshine of your love) but a bit boring overall. All the songs blur together at some point. 3.
Loved it. Not used to the jazzyness but was really enjoyable overall. A Fan's Mail was my fave track on it. 4/4.5
Fun! I enjoyed it. Sounds a bit tinny though my bad speakers but that's not their fault. 3
i quite like this so far, more than other foo fighters records I've heard. I like this early grunge sound plus the melodies are very nice, almost pop. Got a bit bored towards the end but decent background music. 3/3.5
something doesn't fully click for me, maybe the vocals or mixing. I don't dislike it at all, I just wish I liked it a lot more.
Some really interesting moments (especially Cohesion). It's pretty enjoyable, but it didn't completely stand out to me. The songs are so short I thought it was going to be a 35min album - but 43 songs is A LOT. They definitely lost me halfway through. I'm pretty sick of it now towards the end. 3
It's alright, a bit long and songs blend into each other. Pleasant but I didn't love it. 3.
Opening track is amazing. So intriguing immediately, makes me feel like i'm in a dream fantasy world. I love the sound of this record, the trumpet is incredible. Such an incredible album. Maybe one of the best pieces of music I've ever heard. 5
Have heard this before. I love Disorder. The rest of the album is a bit of a slog. It's a 3 I think.
Don't love it, songs are quite long and repetitive. I don't really like how Christina sings. Her singing is best on Beautiful, I am glad that song exists. Dirrty is also fun, but she already did it better in Genie in a Bottle. 2/2.5.
Beautiful and impressive, might not revisit but I enjoyed it! 4
didn't fully click for me but I enjoyed it. 3/3.5
I don't even need to listen to it again because I know it's a five and one of the best albums of all time. Listening now though, it really is that good. Stevie, Lyndsay and Christine are all incredible songwriters with really distinct styles and signatures, you can always tell who wrote what and they're all pitch perfect. Christine gets overshadowed a bit, but she's made incredible, gorgeous love songs. Dreams, the Chain and Go your own way are best song of all time contenders, but I think You make loving fun is also an absolutely perfect song. Lyndsay's guitar is crazy throughout, the solos are unbelievable. So good, somehow even better than I remember. Honourable mention to Silver Springs, we were robbed. 5.
It feels a bit derivative but I can't tell if it's where this sound originates and many imitators came after. In theory a sound I like, but I would like a bit more dynamism and action, it is a bit too mild. I am bored half way through, I don't think I am enjoying it at all. All the songs last far too long without anything really happening. 2.5
Incredible vocals and very well produced. Great. 4.
Can imagine how influential this was. I get a lot of Nick Drake and everyone that followed. Enjoyed it! 4
Supremely cool. I liked Chameleon the best, it made me want to dance, so funky. The rest of the album is also very interesting albeit a bit less accessible. 4/4.5
Enjoyable! I think songs go on a bit too long and the album is too long as well, but I didn't mind it so much as I have with other records on this list. Not my favourite but has plenty I like. Song 2 is definitely an all timer, but Beetlebum, Death of a Party and All your life (from the deluxe version) are all great as well. 3.5/4.
TWO BLUR ALBUMS IN A ROW? Overall like this less than Blur (1997). Girls and Boys is one of my favourite songs of all time. The rest of the songs sound a bit off to me, and the band overall sounds a bit more annoying on this. 3
Not super exciting to me, pleasant and has good moments, but overall found it a bit boring. Under the sun is a highlight for sure. It's grown on me on second listen and it's a pretty solid background listen, but I probably won't revisit it much. 3/3.5
Can't believe I'd never heard Be My Wife before... it sounds so 80s. The ambient sections I find a bit tedious. Didn't hate it but I probably won't revisit the second half of the record. 3 overall, but a 5 for sound and vision
Second Bowie in a row! Liked it a lot more than Low. Sounds a lot more like his earlier things that I'm familiar with but still really loved it on its own. Surprised it's only six songs. Songs are long but got really interesting places, I never got tired of them like I normally do with long songs. 4.5
Opener is explosive, one of the best songs of all time. The rest of the album is pretty syrupy and generic but not wholly unpleasant. She weirdly sounds like Christina sometimes. I want to lift it to 3 because of the title track but it's a 2.5 through and through.
Can't believe I hadn't listened to this one before. Love it so far. Songs kind of blur together but it's a sound I really like. Very Beatlesy in many ways. Would like to revisit! 4/4.5
Overall a consistent sound that goes some interesting places, however I find it pretty tedious. I still really like Under the Bridge, but the rest of it isn't really for me. A 3 for consistency, I can tell it's achieving what it's trying to do. I got quite sick of it after a while though.
Not for me. Goes along alright and I'm sure it's very influential but I get a bit tired of it. Took me a while to recognise Rod Stewart! I find the bluesy songs a bit boring, and while the guitar work is crazy I stop enjoying it after a bit. 3
Already bouncing right away, feel like running. It's a lot but I enjoyed it. Not my favourite style but a 4 for sure.
Enjoyed it! Didn't really feel like an Album, more like a series of great songs but I guess that's what an album is :') 4
LIstened to 1/3d. Beautiful voice but too much too tackle in one sitting
I'm probably missing out by not reading the lyrics in detail, however I've really enjoyed this and would love to revisit. 4.5
I've heard most of these before on Stop Making Sense but never the album proper! It's pretty great but not my fave talking heads. Still super danceable and cohesive though! 4.5
Brainwashed is great, and I already loved Shangri La. Overall pretty solid 4/5 album.
Really tough to listen to. Very abrasive which is the point, and normally I like that kind of thing but some of the misogny was so hard to listen to. 2/2.5
Pleasant but a bit boring. Cohesive sound but not very excitig for me. 3
I quite like this. Some songs drag on a bit but in general the sound really works for me. Very Elliott Smith somehow. I think I enjoyed this more when I listened to them yesterday - might've been in a better mood for it. I really like Barney and Me. Overall liked the album itself less than I thought I would but I am super interested in listening to more from the band. 4
Another I can't believe I've never listened to before. I need to read the lyrics to really get it I think. Tangled Up in Blue is fantastic. The sound doesn't fully work for me but I know I'm missing out a lot by not paying close attention to the lyrics.
Pretty fun so far. Some of the songs drag and they all blend in to each other. Surprised by all the classics in this one, they are pretty fantastic. Enjoyed it more than I expected! 4
A bunch of filler but a lot of bangers as well! Title track is an obvious famous classics but Hateful, Rudie Can't Fail, and Spanish Bombs are great too. Lost in the Supermarket is an all time fave song. Guns of Brixton and Train in Vain too. I think it's a 4 verging on a 4.5. The filler songs are good and the great songs on here are all timers.
Love Dusty, incredible voice. The ballads are a bit too syrupy and boring, but I enjoyed it. 3.5/4.
Seems like a random choice. I don't mind it but it doesn't super stand out, I can imagine they were influential but it feels more like something a lot of groups were doing at the time rather than them pioneering. One of the reviews said they just occasionally yell WHOAWWWWW and now it's the only thing I can focus on. Eventually quite grating. 2.5
One of the things I feel like I'm objectively wrong about.... but this just doesn't work for me. I really don't like how it sounds and meanders, I always concentrate more on music than lyrics and I think that's a flaw for this type of music. I'm sorry Joni, I think I have to read her words on their own to really appreciate it. 3 - just cause it feels like the most neutral rating I can give to something I'm sure is good but that just doesn't work for me
Pleasant but not my favourite. I like Every night quite a lot, the rest is okay. 3.5
Pretty gorgeous. Love his voice and these songs are all pretty great. Loved it, does exactly what it needs to do! 4/4.5
I like this! Songs blur together but I enjoy this sound a lot. Pretty pleasant 3.5
Not for me I think, pretty repetitive and a bit grating. However I can see how influential this is! 3/3.5
Pretty fun and creative. The speak singing will always be a bit funny to me. Hymn 43 is my fave so far, but I liked Wind Up quite a lot! 3.5
I quite liked it! I think this could benefit from closer listening. Some really brilliant singles here. Songs drag a bit sometimes but I generally found it interesting and enjoyable. 4/4.5
Pretty outstanding but also very disturbing and exhausting to listen to even without watching the film. Challenging and abrasive and I probably won't go back to it, but sounds incredible. Comfortably Numb is one of the best songs of all time. The last section was a lot to handle. 4.5/5
Nice cohesive sound, got a bit tired of it but enjoyed it. 3.5
Pretty beautiful. I really enjoy how it sounds - good background music too. Somewhat repetitive in a way I don't love but I mark it up to me not knowing much about jazz/how to listen to it. Loved the guitar breakdown (?) in the middle of track 2. 4/4.5 again because I don't fully understand jazz - but liked this more than the other Miles Davis album I had earlier
First thought - why is he singing like that? Instrumentals sound great mostly, the singing is just terrible and very distracting. I also did not really enjoy any of the songs in full. 2. [I called this a 2.5/3 before? being wayyy too generous]
I quite like how this sounds. Sometimes it's a bit tiring and repetitive, but I enjoyed it overall. Otha Fish is my favourite track. 4
So far I like it more than the other album by AF I had earlier. It sounds mixed better some how - it still very much sounds like arcade fire, they have such a cohesive sound. Not my favourite sound in the world but I have enjoyed this album. Loved no cars go and my body is a cage is brilliant 3.5/4
I don't think this is my genre. The beats are too repetitive and... well grimy. Can't rate it too low because I recognise it's a great representation of its genre... but I also did not finish it as it really isn't for me at all.
It's not my favourite sound but I can see what they are doing. Pretty long and repetitive but I imagine that's the point. 3/3.5 for consistency even though it's not fully for me. Would like to revisit it sometime
Not really for me. I find it very tedious and repetitive with few highlights or stand out moments. I liked the beginning of One but then they lost me. It's probably not sloppy for what it is but it does not work for me at all. 2
i've always thought i don't like the strokes... and now i can see that that's unfortunately true. they just don't work for me sadly even though there's nothing i theoretically object to i just don't like it. someday is my fave song i think. 3
Don't love it. Very repetitive and a bit abrasive in the way synthpop can be. His voice is a lot and often in a bad way. Some melodies remind me of the B52s weirdly, only much darker and less polished. and less good to be honest. I liked Thief of Baghdad and Treason, especially the french version. Overall I think it's a 2.5
Pretty good! Joyful, combative and constant energy. No individual stand-out songs but very much enjoyed it. 4/4.5
Enjoyable experience! Very fun to hear him joking and talking to the inmates. Songs are pleasant but I think the value of the record comes most from context and hearing Johnny in his element. Solid 4.
Really liked how this sounds. Need to check lyrics I think but overall really enjoyed it. 4.5
I postponed this one for ages but it isn't as abrasive as I expected. Not that it's not abrasive, it definitely is but I can also see the appeal to this. I'm actually enjoying this quite a lot, I can still hear great hooks and melodies behind the screaming. Honestly a 3.5, would possibly revisit!
Sounds a bit like what I normally listen to. Some songs I really loved, others felt a bit whatever. I was very surprised by Alright coming on. I think it's a 3/3.5 but I'm sure I'll return to at least a few of these songs!
Such a mammoth album. Lively and energetic jazz, pretty good background music and very impressive to listen to. Not necessarily life-changing for me but I recognise the talent and skill. 4.5
Amazing so far. Sounds brilliant and goes really interesting places. I would like to revisit it for sure. 5
LOVE! Really enjoyed this one, I will play it all the way through again. Really solid tunes, everything sounds brilliant. 4.5/5
not my fave bowie but pretty energetic and good pace! I liked it but won't necessarily come back to it too often. Lady Grinning Soul is a highlight. 4/4.5
i just hate his voiceeee. overall just a really grating listen. i really don't like this sound at all, 1 or 2 to be honest
did not find it super engaging, but there are some highlights for sure. Our House is so beautiful, can't believe those people calling it cheesy and shallow! I think a 3.5 overall
i know this one of course <3 lovely to listen to again. feels so comforting as always 5
Not my favourite but I enjoyed it. I could imagine this being as influential as it was. 3.5
I didn't really enjoy it, found it a bit repetitive and difficult to listen to. However, I think this is a case of it not being for me. I prefer the poppier end of the psychedlic folk spectrum. 2.5
Liked this! Pretty calming and nice. Solid 4
I love Willie's voice. It's so soft and warm, but also conveys so much emotion. Maybe it's the selection of songs, but it feels like he's from a much earlier era like the 10s or 20s. Beautiful record though, and I'm keen to listen to more from him. His version of blue skies is an all time favourite. 4.5
Enjoyed it! Probably sounds a bit different outside of the club context. Pretty good background music. 4
Actually enjoyed this. Repetitive and heavy but still interesting. Not sure I will revisit and I do feel quite tired as it ends, but I definitely enjoyed it more than I expected. 4 for quality
Loveeee. Works so well for me. I like how it sounds and the themes it explores. 5 and will revisit
Another I need to sit down and listen to more closely. Overall a good listen though, although I maybe couldn't listen to it very often as it is quite intense. 4/4.5
Enjoyed it! Songs kind of blur together (except Brighton Rock and Killer Queen) but the album as a whole flows really well. Love the cohesive style. 4.5
I like donovan but didn't love this one. found it a bit tedious to listen to. season of the witch still great. 3
Excited to listen to this! I can see how influential it was, but it's still a lot less tedious to listen to other old 50s rock albums I've had on here. I think they all still stand up! 5
Good background music but can get a bit grating. Some interesting musical ideas but goes on for very long. I feel like it's a 4 at it's highest points but I will probably never revisit it for the more experimental aspects which do not work for me. Those last few tracks are really dragging it down, even though I'm sure they were influential. 3.5/4
I like Star very much so I had hopes but unfortunately I found this one really tedious. I think it's a 2.5 overall, with a 5 for star.
Pretty lovely as usual with the Kinks. No massive standouts (Picture book and Monica I was already fond of) but a pleasant listen! 4
My 100th album! I do struggle with the singing but the music and lyrics are brilliant and I realize it's on purpose. Not my favourite but can recognise quality 4.5
pretty gorgeous and cinematic. not sure if this would work better if I had seen the movie, but I still enjoyed it very much! Solid 4
Another one I know by heart. I've listened to it about 100 times but always happy to listen again. Still one of the best albums of all time, every song is uniquely good and a classic. 5
I know this one by heart but I'll give it another listen. Perfect pop songs with the most earnest, longing singing voice. Communicates so much emotion and melancholy. Everything is mixed beautifully and the harmonies sound gorgeous throughout. All tracks have something special so it feels to pick stand outs but Hung up on a dream and This will be our year are some of my favourite songs ever. One of my favourite albums of all time. 5 no question.
Another one I know very well! Decided to listen to disc 3 as it's the one I've listened to least. It was definitely weaker than the rest - which is natural given the ammount of songs. If I wasn't already familiar with it, I may have disliked this in the context of the 1001 project, where we have to listen to it all in one go. However, I am very fond of this record and think it has great stand out songs. 5 for ambition and its place in my heart!
Pretty fun. Not my usual style but good background music. Made me feel like I was in the club in the 90s even though I was checking emails. 4
Sounds cool but is pretty long and eventually boring. Not bad but probably won't revisit. 3
Just gorgeous. I love this album and Fleet Foxes. An album that feels like being in the beautiful woods surrounded by beautiful nature. Individual tracks don't necessarily stand out but I don't mind at all. 4.5/5
Very fun and energetic. Probably won't revist but I liked this record's vibe. I really love the guitars in this. No real stand out songs except the title track, but is pretty cohesive. 3.5/4
I really loved the opener Stolen Car. Afterwards I got quite bored unfortunately. I enjoyed Feel to Believe towards the end. I think this is a 3/3.5, doesn't work super well for me but is nice overall.
Really good. Some of the songs hit harder than others, and some parts really don't work for me, but others really are amazing. 4/4.5
So crazy for a debut. A little bit frontloaded as the last two tracks seem a bit weaker. However an amazing album with so many classics. 4.5
Pretty heavy for such a light-sounding album. I enjoyed it but it faded into the background after a bit. Again, I am missing out by not listening carefully to the lyrics. Would revisit but a 4 for now
Decent but not as exciting as the other Air album I had a few weeks ago (Virgin Suicides). Good background music but nothing really special except Sexy Boy. A bit long winded and repetitive. 3
Decent, but a bit too samey without really going anywhere. Enjoyed it though, especially Fell in love with a girl, 3/3.5
First songs I really liked. Then slowly it lost me and by the end I wasn't having a good time anymore. His voice begins to get very annoying, and that cover of Heaven sucks. This album really drudges on too long. 2.5/3
I really enjoyed Fuck the police. Songs are a bit too long - I like the backing beats a lot but they get repetitive after a while. Overall didn't really stand out to me. 2.5 - but I can see the significance.
Starts so strong but then gets quite boring. Just What I Needed is one of my favourite songs of all time which makes me raise this score a bit to a 4. The production is great and everything Sounds good, I just find the hooks aren't as strong as the album drags out
I can imagine this being influential, but I found it a bit too difficult to listen to. Some stand out tracks and moments though. 3.5
It gave me a bit of a headache. Not unpleasant in theory but I felt it getting to me just through the repetitiveness and choice of sounds. But maybe I'm just overcaffeinated. 2.5
Very pleasant. Some of these songs make me feel like I'm in a dream. 4
Didn't really work for me. I don't like Liam's voice and I don't like the mixing (?). I wish I could get what everyone sees in this record but I just don't enjoy listening to it. The song I liked best was Married with Kids which is the only one without the fuzzy guitar - maybe it's just a stylistic thing. 3
Didn't love this one! I think it's a bit too grimy and repetitive without doing much exciting. Still got some highlights but I won't revisit it on it's own. 3/3.5
I imagine this would've been amazing live. A bit repetitive and abrasive in a way I don't love but I can definitely see the appeal. I Want You Right Now was amazing. Very sexy and explosive. The rest I found a bit harder to get into. Probably won't revisit but I can imagine the magic in person. 3.5
A LOT which is mostly good but it does start feeling like someone banging the drums in your face for 30 minutes. Can totally see the significance and influence of course. Songs blend together but I still enjoy some more than others. 4 for significance but 3.5 for my personal enjoyment!
A bit too mellow for me I think. The harmonies are beautiful and it's nice how understated it is - but I did get a bit bored throughout. Helplessly Hoping is the clear highlight. 3/3..5
Not sure if it's a coincidence to get this one on the anniversary of his death. Incredible album he really is in a totally different level. Purple haze still hits so strongly, as for deep cuts I loved the Wind Cries Mary. Even when the songs blur together it's a really incredible record
Honestly this is pretty awesome. Everything so tight and well paced, the guitars sound amazing and so dark. I got a little bit bored towards the end of the record but I really really enjoyed it. 4/4.5
I remember watching Bono perform sunday bloody sunday live when I was around 13/14 and being so deeply moved by the performance and the power of music I thought it was one of the best things I've ever seen. Something about his huge presence and anger just really moved me. I still like the song - even though I'm not that convinced by the production which now sounds a bit clunky to me (might be my own speakers. I think New Years Day is even better at capturing that same energy that I was enthralled by at 14. Unfortunately the rest of the album didn't really work for me. Even the songs I like somewhat drag and Bono becomes a bit annoying to listen to. 3/3.5.
I like this quite a lot. I could tell Kanye was involved without having to look it up. Haven't paid enough attention to the lyrics but I love how loose this sounds. The samples and beats work really great. 4/4.5
I thought this was alright. None of the songs really stood out except another girl another planet, but I still enjoyed the overall sound. I got a bit bored at times. I kind of wish I liked this more than I do! 3
I liked it! Songs do blur into each other but it's an overall pleasant sound. I think it's a 3.5/4.
Mixed feelings. I find it pleasant and engaging but also a little bit boring and dragged out. I enjoyed it overall but probably will not revisit. 3/3.5
hated his wonderwall cover. i enjoyed this album quite a lot more than i expected though. reminds me a bit of damien rice but less pop/accessible. unfortunately googled him and saw he's a really awful person. even without that some of these songs go on for too long or have sounds that just don't work. Ranking it as a 3.5/4 for the music, but I think this is pretty inessential as there's similar sounding things that are better and not made by someone grim
Not a great background listen. I feel like I couldn't really appreciate this in detail. I will have to revisit while looking at lyrics another time. I can see there's a lot going on underneath the surface and the experimental nature of it makes it difficult to judge based on aesthetics. 3 for now as I wasn't captivated, but I will need to come back to it.
Really lovely. Very comforting on a grey day. 4.5
i can already tell everyone is gonna hate this one on the reviews. Some things really worked for me but in general I probably won't revisit this. The singing is a lot and I don't love how it all sounds... but there is definitely something there sometimes. 3
Not my favourite sound but I can recognise the ambition and the innovation. Sometimes felt like I was listening to proto-hyperpop. 3
Found this really mid. I feel like I could enjoy some of these songs if they were arranged differently or maybe with a different singer. 2.5/3
Pretty mid unfortunately. None of these songs stand out to me at all, in fact they are pretty tedious to listen to. Sunny Afternoon and I'll Remember are the best songs on the record and sadly they're at the very end. 3.
Pretty batshit. Goes so many different places and is excessive while also being very nerdy. I actually really enjoyed it, even though it is so ridiculous. A good time and worth relistening! 4/4.5
Pretty pleasant listen. Not my favourite style but I enjoyed this. I liked the first half better than the second. 3/3.5
Pretty good. Down by the river is a stand out. Really interesting and dark grooves. Songs go on for a bit too long but I imagine this would work great in a live setting. 4
Sounds so early but I could imagine its impact at the time especially in the clubs! 3 but glad to have heard it!
Very nice listen, but I like the more straightforward songs a lot more than the rambling hippie experimental ones. My Back Pages is a lovely all time great pop song. 3.5/4
I really liked the opening track Billy Jack, and in general I love the music in each track. I find the singing/rambling style a bit more difficult to get into. I found that all the songs blurred into each other. Overall enjoyed it but wish there was a clearer stand-out moment. 3.5/4
The singles blow everything out of the water, perfect pop songs. The album tracks are much weaker and sound quite a bit more dated with the clanky production. Still a 4.5 just on the strength of the singles, especially Bad, the Way You Make Me Feel and Smooth Criminal. Leave me alone is probably my favourite album track.
One of my favourite records of all time. One of the best records of all time. Just happy to listen to it again for the millionth time. 5
Nice listen. I like getting these older records where you can just imagine the impact it's had. And the songs all sound great. Blur together without any standouts, but I enjoyed it all the same. 4
I liked some songs more than others. Not huge on this type of electronic music, but there were moments I enjoyed. I was surprised by how abrasive some of these songs are. My favourite track was D.A.N.C.E. unsurprisingly, the most accessible and poppy track. Still a good listen. 3/3.5
Interesting concept, I feel like she really captures a certain feeling. I didn't love the full sound, but some songs stood out. I would say a 4 for what she achieves but based on my personal enjoyment it's more of a 3/3.5
I thought I wasn't going to like this, but all of the songs sound incredible. The production is amazing and the songs have hooks for days. My biggest problem is the repetition/length, but even then I've not really minded so far. Surprised by the amount of hits on here. Extremely extra and dramatic but I really respect the ambition. Meatloaf is such a dickhead in this - but he's definitely consistent! Highlights are the title track, you took the words right out of my mouth, and Two out of three ain't bad. I can imagine this hitting very wrong when you're not in the mood but I think it's a pretty good achievement. 4.5
So so weird and kind of tedious. I can appreciate the experimentation but it also took me three sittings to go through it! 3 for personal taste but deserves props for innovation
These were nice, reminded me of gunfighter ballads but slightly worse. I enjoyed it but am unlikely to revisit. 3.5
Really enjoyed this! Not so many standout singles as Can't buy a thrill, but I'm also more familiar with that album. Generally a very pleasant listen, I really like Steely Dan! 4.5
Pretty fun! Songs blur together a bit. The singles stand out and I don't think it's just because I knew them already. Of the album tracks I liked Pulling Teeth a lot. 3.5/4
Already knew it but not too well. I like The Cutter very much. The rest of the album is okay. It gets a bit muddled as it goes on with not that many songs standing out. 3.5
a headache and a half but i know it's on purpose. i can still identify skill and interesting musical ideas even, just played extremely fast to the point of unrecognizability. makes sense that music like this exists but I will not be revisiting. 2
I know this one front to back and don't need an excuse to relisten. I'll do it anyway even though at this rate, Steely Dan is gonna be one of my top artists of the year. Do It Again is such a smooth opener, Dirty Work is a top ten favourite song at this point, Only a fool is a classic, and Reelin' in the years just makes me happy. The rest of the album tracks also work very well. One of my favourite albums, I am so fond of it. 5
I've listened to this before! I love outlaw country and I like a good story song, even though these are gruesome. I remember playing this at home and my mum asking me to play anything else after listening to how violent these are. You do get a bit tired of the same sound, but I generally find this a pretty pleasant listen. I love the strong Mexican influence. 4/4.5
Not for me sadly. Didn't really enjoy this but I think it's a me problem. Yuri-G was my favourite. 3
Liked the opener wildflower a lot! Pretty fun meathead rock. The rest of it was pretty generic, good guitar though. Solid 3 veering to a 3.5
Enjoyed it, but found it a bit samey. The beats blur a bit into each other but they're generally pretty good. Heavy in the Game and Dear Mama are stand outs. Might need to revisit. 3.5 for now
I think I was in the perfect mood for this - I loved it. Great rock songs, the production sounds brilliant and all the songs are pleasant. No particular standouts but not a bad thing when all the songs are solid 8s. I think a hit would bring this to a five but I'll call it a 4 overall
Some of the songs I really like, others don't really do it for me at all. Not as bad as Kings of Leon but at times I really didn't enjoy the abrasive repetitive guitar songs. Some bangers but overall just okay . 3
Listened to this one for the first time a few months ago and really liked it. On revisit, I love how this sounds. Especially on a grey day like today - this creates such an atmosphere. The album becomes a bit too repetitive on the second half. When it's good it's brilliant, but most of it I found a bit boring. It's a 5 up to Clint Eastwood (and M1 A1), but a 4 overall.
I liked this. Some of the poppier tracks remind me of Oddysay and Oracle. A couple of these songs drag, but when they hit they hit. Somebody to Love and White Rabbit are all time classics, I also liked the opener and My best friend. 4
This sounds great overall, such a cohesive sound. Songs are long and blur into each other, but the overall vibe is preserved in each song. No stand out songs for me but I enjoyed it. 4
Knew this one already but glad to revisit. Really emotional and distressing while sounding really really good. Should pay closer attention to the lyrics. Disarm has always been a favourite but Soma really hit me on second listen. 4.5/5
To be honest, I don't really like this one. I feel like the acoustic format mostly robs the songs from their power and Kurt sounds a little bit like everyone else that tried to imitate him later in the 90s. There are exceptions - The Man Who Sold the World, Dumb, and Something in the Way all sound incredible- but this might be because they are already calm/acoustic sounding. I think this performance might be better watched than listened to. Still a good 4 overall by the strength of the songs and the best performances.
Not for me honestly. I found this really grating and repetitive. I like tango and I can like some of the trip hop aspects of it... it just becomes pretty tedious after a while. The singing and speaking is what I found most obnoxious.
Beautiful album with great singles. Not sure I would listen to it all in one go often but I loved listening to it now. 5
Really liked this one. Pleasant and cohesive sound, reminded me of a lot of the best parts of different genres. And I generally like Paul's voice :) Some are a bit boring but overall good listen. 4/4.5
Pretty pleasant listen so far! Fun and infectious. Really liked her energy in particular. Not an everyday listen but definitely an enjoyable time. 4
I like this quite a bit. I can sense a lot of other bands in this - not sure which ones came before or after, but these are really solid songs. I can't quite place who they remind me of most, maybe arcade fire? Overall liked this one, DLZ is a highlight. 4/4.5
I liked the first few songs, super high energy with great guitar shredding. Songs are a bit too repetitive and the high tempo eventually gets a bit grating. I started getting a headache towards the end. I think this is a 3.5 - not really for me. My favourite track was the Prisoner.
I tried to listen and wasn't in the mood. Now I'm revisiting I quite like it. It's pretty jammy and a lot less tight than are you experienced. I can see the future of punk in some parts of this album. Highlights: Castles made of sand. 3.5/4!
First few songs were a little bit tedious. The middle of the album is pretty decent - you could improve this one by cutting out the first few tracks and making this a bit tighter. I quite like Safesurfer, nice guitar solo that goes interesting places. Follows a progression I usually like that feels like you're spiralling out of control. If You Loved Me at All was quite nice as well. Soldier Blue has a good groove. Third part starts to drag again. Beautiful Love sounds A LOT like the Happy Mondays. I liked the American Lite. The whole album is on average a 3, with the middle section being a solid 4. I'll probably revisit the tracks I liked.
Nice because I like New Order, but I feel like these aren't that special and get a bit boring. Bernard's voice is really clear, which I'm not sure is the best idea. I would say a 3.5, as I like it, but I think New Order has done better.
I listened to this one a few days ago and found it tedious, but on second listen I really enjoyed it as background music to drive me forward while working. The guitar skills on display are amazing, but I still think it is pretty tedious at times. Glad I listened again, we'll see if I revisit. 3/3.5
Pleasant outlaw country. Nothing really stood out but it's nice background music. I really love willie's voice. 3.5
Enjoyed this one. A bit preachy but maybe necessary preaching. The production is interesting and I love all the different samples. Some of these are really moving. 4
A good listen that reminds me of what I normally listen to, but i felt like it needed something extra to really stand out to me. Still a solid 4!
Pretty boring and didn't really work for me. His voice is nice but none of the songs stood out to me at all. 2/2.5
Normally wouldn't sit down and listen to this but it was pleasant as a background listen. 2.5/3
So weird that this is from Chicago given what they evolved into. Wasn't really feeling it at all but I actually loved Beginning, has a strong Mingus energy which I loved. Some of these are very strong (e.g. Listen, I'm a Man, Liberation). I'm feeling some of the same things I felt listening to the Allman brothers earlier this week. The solos and jamming out are very impressive and I'm glad that they've been preserved, but they don't necessarily translate as songs I'd like to hear. Free form guitar almost killed all my enjoyment of this though. Really high highs and really low lows, bringing it to a 3 overall.
Reminds me a bit of arcade fire or the national, bands that I feel like I should like more. Beautiful instrumentals but I mostly found them boring. I liked the build-up in some of these songs, but I often just struggled through. 3
I know this one well. Gorgeous production and lovely songs, although I do think it starts off strong and falters towards the end. Still a fantastic record though and one I will come back to. 4.5
Was missing a lot of tracks unfortunately! Pretty pleasant though, solid tracks throughout. Missing one or two truly special songs but I still really enjoyed it. 3.5
I found this a bit boring. I like the production and instrumentation but it gets a bit repetitive for me without going anywhere particularly interesting. II also think all the tracks sound kind of the same without anything really distinct. 3/3.5
I liked it! I found the bits of Missy speaking both jarring and charming. The songs themselves were alright, a little repetitive/boring but with some highlights. Work it is a classic, Play that beat was great, and I found Can you hear me quite moving. 3.5/4
Lots of Damon Albarn on this list. Pretty boring sadly, I get a bit tired of damon's meandering voice. It feels a bit like an album of filler gorillaz tracks. 2.5/3
I liked this one. They're pretty repetitive but I like the backing track he reuses. I will probably only revisit one or two of these tracks but I'm glad I got to hear it! 3/3.5
Lots of classic tracks here, crazy for a debut. Didn't love the album songs as they all blur into each other a bit for me. Still a high 4/4.5 for Mr Brightside and All These Things That I've Done.
I liked this, nice melodies and fun production, but nothing really stood out. My favourite was How Much More, pair that with Rusholme Ruffians as a great interpolation of Marie's the name. 3/3.5
Not my kind of music at all, pretty scarce and repetitive but that's the point. I am surprised by it's age though and I can imagine this being incredibly influential. I think it's at a 2.5 for me where I didn't dislike it but I also wouldn't really listen to it again. Makes me wish I gave that kings of leon album a one though because these two records should not be in the same category.
Found this super tedious. Songs drag on and don't really reach anywhere I like. Murky without great moments, sound a bit like Bowie ballads without the hooks that made those great. 2
Knew this one already. Songs are pretty good in general, although That's Entertainment blows them all out of the water, one of my fave songs ever. 4
Not very impressed so far. First song to stand out to me beside Teenage Kicks is True Confessions (Keyboard Version). Pretty forgettable, 2.5
Got a bit tired of it by the end but I appreciate them. Spellbound is a clear stand out but the rest of the album carries that same energy. Overall a 3 as it's not my fave style in the world
Nice record! Songs are a bit samey but there's still a couple of great hits in this. 3.5/4
Opener Sweet Love was amazing. Her voice is incredible and the track was very interesting musically. The rest of the record was more forgettable, the production wasn't my favourite and the songs were a bit too repetitive. I loved her voice but I probably won't revisit except for the opener. 3/3.5
Nice palate cleanser after a day of punk rock, goth rock and metal. Songs go on for ages but it mostly works to transport you to a certain vibe. Really enjoyed it but won't necessarily revisit 4/4.5
Opener i liked the beat and lyrics. I didn't pay too much attention to it overall but it was good background music. I think I should revisit and give it another listen. 3.5
I like this better than the other album by them we had before. Songs are long and winding but I enjoy the base ideas quite a lot. Good background music although I probably won't revisit very much. Highlights: All Your Friends, Sound of Silver, New York I love you. 3.5
I liked the first few songs but the instrumental tracks aren't really for me. I wish this record was more like what I imagined it was going to be! 3 overall
I like this record a lot, but I find it very very repetitive. T Rex basically have three songs - but if you like those three songs you will really enjoy this. I love Mambo Sun and Monolith, and Cosmic Dancer is one of my favourite songs of all time. I think this one is definitely worth a listen but I would call it a 4/4.5 at best.
i know this one well. I've always been fascinated by how this album combines heavy songs with light relief. Sometimes it feels like an endurance test to get to the respite... but maybe that's the point. First record starts super strong with no misses. Tonight Tonight is one of my favourite ever songs. The second half is a slog, with some bright moments. An unquestionable 5 for the first disc, and a 3 for the second. I would call it a 4/4.5 with some of my favourite ever songs on here as well.
Pleasant and upbeat, but sounds a bit unpolished. I like Don't Let the Rain Bring You Down and Ride the Wind. Perfectly nice even though it's not remarkable. I enjoyed it! 3
First song's lyrics took me by surprise, such a tough song on top of an easy groove. Overall I like how this sounds, although I don't think any of these are mind blowing. Still like the cohesive sound and production. Highlights: Starfish and Coffee, I could never take the place of your man, The Cross (loved this one!!!) I think it's a 4.5
Decent grooves but gets a bit tedious with Jonathan's singing. I liked Dignified as a stand out. 2.5/3
I really like this so far, it sounds gorgeous. I enjoyed this a lot - I can't imagine this being everyone's favourite but it's a sound I really love. 4.5
I like some of these but others just drag on soooo much. I love Superstition (of course!) and I Believe is also lovely. However, so many songs on here are extremely sappy, repetitive and plodding. I hate You and I. A really mixed record! 3
Just like honey is lovely of course. Some of the harder songs I also like but in other parts I find it quite tedious. 3
her voice is gorgeous and the production is super atmospheric. I couldn't really pick out a standard track as it all blurs and I don't think this is an album I will revisit very much. Still glad I listened. 4
Explosive and enjoyable. No stand out tracks but flows very well together and sounds great live. Some songs are a bit meandering in a way I don't love but I overall liked this a lot. 4
I liked it. I was surprised by how pop friendly it is, I was expecting something a lot more abrasive. All sounds are a bit samey sounding but I still enjoyed having it in the background. Highlights: title track, reasons to be beautiful, dying
Pretty middle of the road. I was surprised by how similar this sounds to other 80s pop - I was expecting it to be at least a little bit harder. I enjoyed it and liked the production but I wouldn't say it's anything special. 3/3.5
Adele really has an incredible voice. Some lovely singles and nice deep cuts when she can show off her skills. I find these a little bit difficult to engage with properly, but I still found this a good listen. 4
I really like how this sounds. I like it a lot more than the first PJ Harvey album I had. Reminds me of Fiona Apple a lot. Goes very interesting places from intensity to quiet while still being a little challenging.4/4.5
Pretty standard rock with no standouts, but also all pretty solid. 3/3.5
Brilliant album. I like Maggot Brain and Can you get to that best, they are all timer tracks absolutely.The rest of the record almost drags but it's still super funky. 4.5
Never heard of this band before but I immediately liked it. Not surprised to hear about their close affiliation to the Pixies. The songs drag on a little bit and feel a bit murky. I wish there were more stand out songs here but I still enjoyed learning about them! 3.5
I've had this one before. I like the grooves but songs go on for a bit too long. It feels a little bit joyless at times, I enjoy them much more live! 3
fun but a little boring. I enjoyed listening to it but I got tired of it eventually. Can see it's impact but don't think I'll ever revisit beyond I'm Just a Gigolo. 3
I love how this sounds and I think there are a lot of great ideas. However, learning a bit more about the album I feel less happy praising the credited artist. I enjoyed this record a lot, but it made me wish I was listening to the recorded artists instead. 3.5
I knew some of these already. I enjoyed the album, although I found it quite mellow at times and wished it would get more lively! You can call me Al is still my favourite from here. 4
A little bit headache inducing but I could imagine enjoying this in a live setting. A little bit boring after a while but I appreciate the energy. 3
Truly on another level, one of the strongest albums ever! I've heard this a million times and it still sounds amazing, in the production, her vocals, and the sheer variety of genres explored. I love this album, one of the best to ever do it!! 5
I don't really like the first two tracks, it sounds minor and muddy. Her voice sounds strained and the melodies are a bit repetitive. The production just sounds a bit wrong throughout... and her voice never quite sounds right either...I could convince myself that it works on some songs like Solidify, but there's still something that sounds off to me about this record. Some highlights, but 2.5
A lot of these are really strong, others wear out their welcome really fast. Overall it all blurs together, but it's mostly a good time. I like the peppers in moderation! Just have to pretend I don't know anything about their personal lives... 3.5
Opener was great, babe i'm gonna leave you was super extra but I enjoyed the build up a lot. Overall I liked this, it was explosive and energetic. I did find it a bit grating after a while but that is probably on me. I think this is a 3.5.
A really strange album. It was pretty abrasive and odd, discordant and overwhelming. Some songs really drag and I wouldn't want to listen to this all the time, but I still found it somewhat engaging and liked some moments. I could revisit this if I was in the right mood for something strange - but I probably won't. 3
Very nice, weird album. Some of these i find quite plodding, in a way I don't particularly love. I feel like I am not appreciating this as much as I should, but I'm glad to have listened. Cloudbusting is one of my favourite songs of all time. 4 overall
Not my favourite genre, I felt it all blurred into itself. However, I enjoyed some moments a lot! I love Three Little Birds, of course, and I was surprised by how funky it all gets sometimes. I gave it another listen and appreciated it a lot more, I enjoyed the production a lot and the way these songs make me feel. I feel like it's a 4, and would like to revist it!
I liked this! Unexpectedly fast paced and funky. I like Tim's voice. None of these tracks are outstanding, but I enjoyed it. 3/3.5
I knew a few from here already. Production is lovely. The songs all tend to follow a similar path that I don't find 100% satisfying, staying in repetition of certain sounds/melodies... definitely an issue of personal preference rather than the quality of the music. I don't see how he could've done anything better here, but I also don't think I'll revisit this too often. 4.5
I'm always surprised by how repetitive VU songs are... not in a bad way necessarily, but they really enjoyed letting songs play out for a long time. Surprising lack of nico in some of these tracks also. I like "All Tomorrow's Parties" a lot. Heroin was also deeply moving, really dark song that made me quite sad, but it works very well. I liked I'll be your mirror too. Not a huge fan of the experimental tracks but this is a solid record for sure. 3.5, higher for a few stand out songs
I liked One More Hour quite a lot. A very angry and energetic record with good melodies. Little Babies is good too. I was surprised by It's Enough, I didn't know Wet Leg interpolated them! I quite liked this one! Overall 3.5/4 but I am likely to revisit.
Super ambitious. Not as intense as the wall but I can imagine Pink Floyd taking some inspiration from this. I found the earlier songs quite troubling to listen to given the story, but it's told well. I got a bit bored towards the end and do think this is too long. Solid 4, with extra props for ambition.
My least favourite SD album so far, although still quite groovy. Just a bit boring and repetitive, without many hooks. Pleasant and very well produced but nothing special. 3.5
I quite like this one, it feels like something I would discover myself. A bit boring at times but in general really enjoyed it. A solid 4 that I will definitely come back to. Highlights: Jesus, Etc. and Heavy Metal Drummer