Nick Cave & The Bad SeedsThere were some very pretty moments here and there, but everything else felt like I was listening to an audiobook. I feel like this should've garnered a more emotional response from me, but it just didn't
There were some very pretty moments here and there, but everything else felt like I was listening to an audiobook. I feel like this should've garnered a more emotional response from me, but it just didn't
Just too repetitive for me. Almost every song is about a girl and I can only take so much HoOoOoOoO
It seemed like this should have been a solid alternative album, but the vocals were kind of whiny and breathy, which got a little annoying. Overall the whole thing just sounded kind of hollow
The lowest attention span of anything I've ever heard. Mostly sounded like British campfire songs mixed with noises they made with any random objects they could find around the studio
I didn't care for it, but I'm sure it was influential for other shitty music
Started off strong. First few tracks were very groovy, layered, emotive. The back half of the album kind of killed the momentum that the first half had. The spacey soundscape tracks weren't bad in their own right, but they just went on for way too long. Definitely would be a 4 if the balance between conventional and instrumental tracks was a little better.
No strong opinions here, kind of sounds like a lot of other acts from the late 60s and early 70s but with more edgy vocals. The title track definitely stands out, but it is a bit weird to start with the one ballad and have the rest of the album be much more tame.
Overall a pretty bland listening experience. The songs just kind of chug along with nothing really happening, and many of them feel indistinguishable from one another. Nothing offensively bad, just feels very unengaging to listen to.
The guitar really carries this album. I wasn't a fan of the vocals at all, but the rest of the instruments were complementary enough. The best parts of the album were the droning guitar solos, but unfortunately a lot of time was spent on more reserved indie rock type tunes that just weren't very interesting.
This is a great example of music that is very eccentric but completely coherent. They really love their trumpets and violins, and know how to write simple yet effective hooks. The vocals can be a bit hit or miss, and the slower, softer songs didn't quite hit the same for me. Overall a fun listening experience.
Chuck had some memorable bars and the overall message of the album was great. I also liked the incorporation of the live sound bits. But oh my god, so many of these beats have the most obnoxious sounds I've ever heard. I also find Flav very annoying, so while I enjoyed parts of the album, other parts were almost unlistenable for me.
I'm sure I would've listened to these guys if I was alive in 1966, but today I simply get nothing from this album. A few decent tracks and a lot of below average ones. It's all just a little too dated for my liking.
This was way more of a trip than I was expecting. The progressive, jazzy flow of this album was new and refreshing for me. The track and album lengths were nice too, nothing was dragged out and some songs were so full of ideas that they felt much longer. I'm not crazy about the vocals, they worked well for some songs but others missed the mark by a lot. Overall, this was my favorite so far and I hope more Joni comes up on this list.
The rapping on this album sounded so unenthused it was actually putting me to sleep, and the excessive disc scratching noises were dumb as hell. I also hate when people rap about how good they are at rapping. I honestly kind of checked out half way through this one.
Pop rock with some variety, but nothing very memorable. Decent ideas with solid execution outside of some occasional annoying vocals.
Whatever they were going for here did not resonate with me at all. The whole album was just noisy as hell, and any tracks that were more tolerable just ended up being repetitive. Noisy rock or pop that isn't done right is just straight up annoying.
Pretty enjoyable album and one of the better 60s rock groups I've heard. However this general era of rock just isn't my thing, especially with how far rock has come since then it just doesn't hold up quite as well.
Credit for some solid variety, but most of it just didn't land with me. It somehow managed to be eccentric but also fall flat at the same time.
This album felt like not only multiple genres coming together, but multiple eras as well. It transitioned between themes really well and the songwriting was sneakily intricate. Probably my favorite discovery so far
A relatively plain soul album that's almost entirely love songs. Nothing I hated besides the crying child, just uninteresting.
It's a perfectly fine soundtrack, but I think the only reason I would listen to this is if I had some nostalgia for the movie, which I don't. It was a bit long and I don't think I could distinguish anything besides the title track.
It was fun to hear something from a completely different era and part of the world than I'm used to. That ended up being its biggest downfall for me however, because I simply couldn't find much of anything to connect to as I listened. It's difficult to rate something like this, but my lasting impression is that I'm glad I heard it but I'm in no hurry to listen to it again.
A couple good songs on this one, the rest of it was just okay. Nothing wrong with easier listening classic rock but I personally prefer something a little more engaging.
I enjoyed this album and the story it told. The first 20 minutes or so were excellent, and the variety and creativity were well appreciated. It gets kind of distracted in the middle and I had mixed feelings about some of those tracks. I think some of these tracks maybe bloated the album's length just a bit.
I wanted to like this one but it just felt too ambient and kind of put me to sleep. It made me zone out a little and then it was just over. I'm sure if I was tripping balls I'd enjoy it.
Excessively British vocals are as grating to me as modern country vocals. There's good album here somewhere but sadly it's buried beneath the sounds of an old Englishman who had one too many at the pub.
I can sense the artistic ideas that went into this and the range of emotions conveyed. But it didn't totally translate musically, it felt like 80% of the album was just chunky, distorted guitar and crash cymbals, and there's only so much you can do with that. Didn't hate it, but was underwhelmed.
This album actually ended pretty well, but the first half was overly layered and busy with lyrics that were way too on the nose. Trying to be altruistic through cheesy 80's pop doesn't really work in my opinion. This album just felt like it was trying too hard.
I started out hating this one, with the flat, droning vocals and uninspiring sound. Enjoyed it a bit more towards the end, not sure if the tracks got better or it just grew on me. It's still a bit mediocre and not super memorable.
A pleasant, steady, and inoffensive rock album. Their style isn't too exciting in my opinion so each track seemed to lean more on the composition, which was mostly fine. The bulk of the album didn't live up to its best tracks, but when does it ever
I'm far from an expert on the genre, but this really feels like almost everything I would want from a bossa nova record. She has a very full voice and this album does a good job letting it take center stage. The only thing holding it back for me is that some of the weaker tracks can feel really disengaging, although most of the album is pretty consistent.
Every song on this album feels unique but consistent at the same time. The vocals always match the tone of the song perfectly. There's so many good build ups and the release is always well executed. My only complaint is that a few tracks just go a little longer than they need to.
I don't like Cheryl Crow's voice. Some of the softer tracks didn't sound horrible but were just boring, and if she tried to add any edge to it using her voice it sounded like shit. I don't think a single track hit for me.
If you've heard one song off this album, you've heard them all. The tone is very melancholy, and if you're not in the right mood for it it becomes a chore to listen through. There's nothing terrible going on with the music itself but the songs feel ambient at best.
The range of this album is really impressive. It got off to a really hot start and even the less interesting tracks were carried by Stevie's voice. But man this album could've easily been 30 minutes shorter. So many songs in the second half had a good idea going and then ended by doing nothing for an extra four minutes. Would've been five stars without that
A very calming and pleasant listen. I think the foreign vocals made me disengage a bit for better or worse. Everything was consistent track to track and I was neither thrilled nor bored.
This album has some good hooks and interesting ideas, which is what I've come to expect from them. I think the use of horns on this one was pretty excessive, and the vocals were very hit or miss. Not as memorable as some of their other albums
I was ready to rock out at the start of this one, and by the end I was just bored. Very stereotypical 80s metal and every song sounded the same.
I enjoyed the quicker pace and conciseness of this one. There was a nice little groove to most of the songs and while nothing blew me away I was at least entertained. Had to dock points for Robert Smith's overly British vocals though.
Overall this one was a mixed bag. The best songs were really catchy and had memorable choruses, but there were a handful of songs that were very boring in comparison and felt like filler. Would've enjoyed the whole album much more if they trimmed some of that down. Also there were a couple of songs where it almost seemed like the vocals were being drowned out by everything else, which is weird considering they should be the focal point of the album
This felt simultaneously haunting and calming. It certainly feels like one of the more cohesive albums from this experimental sort of era. Maybe a little campy at times but it mostly kept my attention
This felt like a pop album with hints of loungey jazz, but it didn't really excel at any particular genre in my opinion. It would've been nice to incorporate more sounds than just piano for 90% of it. There's nothing particularly wrong with it, but it just bored me at times.
Monotonous instrumentals and monotone vocals. I really failed to see a point to this one, and I was ready for it to be over by the 3rd track
This was overall a solid album, but only a few tracks felt like they really broke out of the boring 60's rock formula and were memorable. It did still feel like it was ahead of its time, and it's impressive that it holds up pretty well 60 years later.
Very slow folk that just isn't for me. I can appreciate the last track trying something interesting but considering it was a quarter of the entire album it needed to really impress for me to change my opinion
Live rock albums are very hit or miss for me, and I usually don't like when bands go on tangents for way too long. But for the most part, I didn't really mind it with this one. The performances of the actual songs were great and the elongated jams were mostly good, albeit pretty long in a couple places.
I do enjoy listening to very passionate projects with a clear story to tell, but musically there wasn't much that piqued my interest. The slower pace made it harder to stay engaged, but otherwise it was nice to feel like I gained a perspective that I would otherwise never have.
I'm not one to just listen to a 2+ hour live show without actually being there, but this one was pretty good. It was really densely packed from start to finish, wasn't much time wasted. The live performances were all good, but my main issue is that the orchestra didn't always contribute much. Some songs felt enhanced by it but others just felt like extra noise on top.
This was a bit all over the place, with groovy sections transitioning into abrasive ones that didn't really feel natural. Solid ideas and decent execution, but it feels like they took it one step too far in a few cases
Was going to rate two stars by way of it being very unspectacular folk, but then they added crying children. Don't put crying children in your music
There were some nice tracks in here, but unfortunately there were a few too many that felt like just whininess on top of dissonance. It had potential but some of the artistic choices were just a bit over the top.
This is about what I expected from a Beatles member solo project. Some nice, catchy tunes with variety, but wow this definitely did not need to be two discs. Just having all the good tracks on one disc would've been excellent, and honestly the entire second disc felt pretty unnecessary. Otherwise it felt like Beatles but also a little closer to American classic rock.
Good beats, good energy, some good bars and overall an enjoyable listen. Not something I'd personally listen to often but definitely one of the best rap records I've heard so far
This sounds like the band was shot forward in time from the Dust Bowl to write folk, but I actually kind of dig it. It's one of those albums you have to be in the right mood for, but it feels like there was so much soul put into it that it kind of roped me in. If I had to work in a field this is what I would play.
A bunch of slow love songs with absolutely zero change in cadence or tone. Bored me to tears
I really don't know what any of this was supposed to be, kind of like some hipsters trying to imitate jazz or progressive rock I guess. There were some okay parts here or there, but most of it felt super disconnected and without anything really standing out
A very enjoyable jazz record. Feels a little dated now because of how much later artists really pushed the genre, but I could easily see why this one has so much influence.
Zeppelin never really misses, and even though this isn't one of my favorites, it's still one I can get down to in most occasions. Compared to their other work, some of these songs feel like scrapped ideas or b-sides to other albums, but that's a high bar to hit.
Overall a fun album to listen to, even if it's a bit repetitive. They seem to really walk the line between catchy and cheesy.
It's like there were flashes of good music for like four seconds at a time, followed by the most annoying whining over semi-interesting but sloppy drums. Not my thing
A nice, smooth and passionate record with a little bite at certain points. I think the long format tracks worked well, and while the last track took me out of it a little bit, I still felt like this is one of the easier records to get into so far.
Didn't feel all that different from a Smiths album. I like The Smiths but this was slightly underwhelming. It was pretty good overall but nothing stood out, besides the usual cheeky lyrics.
This one was all over the place. Some really catchy upbeat pop stuff early on, but really fell flat towards the end. Take out the last 30 minutes and maybe shorten up the title track a bit, and this one could have been a banger.
Overall an enjoyable new wave sort of record, but also didn't feel like anything that I hadn't already heard before. Could be really fun if you're in the mood for it, but I didn't really have that connection. The backtracks seemed pretty well thought out, but the vocals tended to take me out of it
La Grange is a good song, but most of the album doesn't have that same groovy feel to it and just feels a little more like your typical classic rock. It mostly felt kind of flat and even the songs with good riffs didn't have anything else to build on
I was hoping nostalgia would carry this, but it's really just forgettable and kind of cheesy pop, with some really nasally singing.
I can appreciate the artistry with this one, but a lot of it just didn't stick with me. All the little high pitched fluctuations in her voice and a few overly arythmic sections ended up being distracting to me. I could very much feel the emotions being conveyed, which takes a lot of talent, and a few of the tracks were able to suck me in and keep me engaged.
This felt like one quick song followed by 45 minutes of jams. It was probably meant to be enjoyed live at Woodstock tripping balls in 1971
Classic rock with added keys and trumpets, and Mick Jagger being pretty over the top with his weird open mouth Britishness. I just know that mic is coated in saliva
A surprising amount of drive behind this one despite being mostly slower, piano centric songs. Some parts were a little too slow and the vocals weren't as good on the climaxes, but I still enjoyed it
This is how pop should be. Wonderful use of rock instrumentals, and just all around great performances. The slower songs didn't quite live up to the hits but Everybody Wants to Rule the World and Head Over Heels make up for it
What a fun listen. This album really makes you feel like you're eating a TV dinner
Good alternative rock muddied by Liam Gallagher's annoying as hell voice. I'm not saying I don't like any bands with subpar vocals but the overall compositions don't stand out enough for me to totally look past it
This was just straight up anger with barely any cohesion. It's very stereotypical nu metal and didn't age very well. The parts that did go hard didn't last long and I feel like their later music after this was much better.
Nothing egregiously bad, but it's just basically more of the same Brit folk I've already heard without anything memorable or pushing the genre in any meaningful way
Even though a lot of 60's music runs together for me, I can't deny this one had some bangers. The worst tracks felt pretty formulaic for the time but the best ones were super catchy
A very okay pop album. I felt mild satisfaction during it.
Pinnacle metal. If this doesn't get you into the genre, nothing will.
This has to be AI generated. There's no way anyone has actually listened to this awful, repetitive, annoying, boring excuse for club music
Never thought I'd listen to British hipster music, but here we are. Borderline unbearable
Good album with some nice harmonies and well written, layered tracks. Why are you keeping your cats in the yard? :(
Why are live southern rock shows just so boring? There is nothing interesting or engaging about this, it's just slow and bland.
Really nice mix of classic country and folk with what feels like a hint of Pink Floyd. Both intricate and easy listening
Pretty solid dubstep/EDM type album, nothing too overbearing. Some tracks were kinda average but some were definitely bangers. Good if you're in the mood for it
90% of this was just the same cadence and tone, so I was pretty bored for the most part. There was nothing particularly bad about the singing or guitar playing, he just needed to throw a little something extra in here or there
Some nice, consistent, and extremely 80's tunes. Easy to listen to but didn't really make me feel much of anything. It just felt like they could've been a little catchier or something
A great jazz record that starts off really strong, but doesn't keep me interested throughout the entire thing. It was mostly pretty fast and complex, which I much prefer to more monotonous music, but there were times it got too busy without pulling itself back together for a while.
Good flow and a mix of good bars and really dumb, narcissistic, and sometimes misogynistic shit. Beats were all good except for maybe some overused bass. Easy to get hyped during this one despite Kanye's dumb ass
A fine jazz album with a big band feel, but bored me a little bit to listen all the way through. Good for certain occasions but not an every day album
A pretty good pop album that's really elevated by the dynamic sounds and production, and some good lyrics. The songs aren't groundbreaking and the vocals are fine, but the rich backing beats keep it from falling flat
You pretty much always know what you're going to get with Bob Marley. Good for a specific type of mood, although sometimes a little too on the nose
This is what Talking Heads sounds like to people that don't like Talking Heads
Conflicting feelings on this one, some songs were really catchy but some were really formulaic and unmemorable. It's tough for me to get really into an album where every song is about boys, even if there were some bangers.
Overall it's a pretty fun listen, the grooves are good and the bass goes really hard. But man, these tracks live and die with how much nasality Mike Patton puts into it
This is the kind of punk I could get into. It's pretty fun and puts a lot of different ideas together cohesively. This particular album felt extremely long though, and not all of it hit.
It's a perfectly fine album, doesn't take many risks but doesn't have a lot of bad tracks either. Good as far as alt rock goes but not super memorable
The slow piano songs bored the hell out of me, but the rest of it was fine. Mostly just a product of its time
I think they used every corny latin music trope in existence, as well as some underwhelming rap. A couple songs were kind of catchy, but it was mostly annoying
This could have been a good folk at album at certain points, but the low, flat singing was just not it at all. Some parts were just incredibly annoying to sit through
Some jarring aesthetics in a fun package. I really liked the more upbeat and catchy songs, because they were the only ones that masked the aggressive singing and hollow sounding instruments
It's like they took a good alternative album and just put random noises in random spots. There was weird ass synth, some squealy guitars, and some beeping(?) Wasn't a bad listen but it did at times feel like it was trying to be different just to be different
I only knew Teen Age Riot coming in, and there was a lot more post-punk type stuff than I expected. Neither singer did much for me, and some parts definitely lost me with a noisier sound. But the highlights were great, really 90s sounding layered guitars and fun drum beats. Wish they stuck with that just a little more.
Really good one to close your eyes and relax to. The only parts I didn't enjoy were when it was less musical and more spoken poetry with guitar plucking, although he kind of rode that line throughout.
A cornerstone of southern rock. Just very catchy and Fogerty's voice fits perfectly.
Not exactly sure what I just listened to. They used just about every instrument under the sun, especially violins and xylophone. There wasn't really a ton of structure, it felt like mostly ambience or short, jazzy ideas that went all over the place. Wasn't really my cup of tea but I can respect it.
Before starting: Well this is certainly going to be new to me. 3 minutes in: OMG it's that one song This went surprisingly hard. Unfortunately towards the end I learned that there's such a thing as too much bongos
Even though some songs were a bit too slow and campy, overall this was a good psychadelic album. It was pretty well paced and most of the tracks were either kinda catchy or good for a slow listen.
I thought the album with Sweet Emotion and Walk This Way would be an easy 5, but the rest was pretty forgettable. Does Steven really have a 10 incher?
There was some really nice songwriting in the first half, but this whole thing would've been soooo much better with vocals that weren't completely flat. It's a competent album that I didn't hate, but it felt like a missed opportunity
Super fun and groovy with intricate backings. Lots of great songs. Easy 5
Overall a pleasant album, and I liked some of the jazzy backtracks. But ultimately there wasn't anything that stuck out or was memorable to me.
This wasn't bad by any means, but I'm also not really sure what this was supposed to be. Most of the tracks didn't sound like songs, just a beat to rap over. Maybe that was the point, I don't know
Queen has always been hit or miss for me, and that was true even within this album. I think they're at their best when they go for really big, grand ideas. There were a few of those here that were awesome, but the lulls here and there kept me from really loving this one
Started out strong, but some of those tracks towards the end were garbage. A couple songs were nice and catchy, but it was mostly unmemorable
I'm not a big post-punk guy, but this one kind of grew on me. Some of the beats were fun and the singing wasn't as abrasive as some similar bands. Still not something I would normally listen to but I didn't mind it
A great mix of some slower folk and fun, upbeat stuff. Not every song was amazing but I honestly can't think of anything bad to say about this one.
A lot of these didn't even seem like actual songs, just some beats or dance music repeated many times. It didn't sound awful or anything, but I'm just confused as to what this was even supposed to be
Certainly different for a Bowie record. Plenty of interesting songs, even though he sounds a bit old and there was some variation of an Amen break every few minutes. Still solid, just not one of his more outstanding releases
The holidays just ended and I get a fucking Christmas album. What have I done to deserve this?
Songs about cornbread, fingernails and honky tonkin' aren't really my thing. Still better than modern country
Ah, the good old days where songs were two minutes long and only about love. I liked it but I thought the guitar was going to be a little more prominent
Reminiscent of some older Beatles, but outside of a couple songs this was a snoozer
This one felt way more country than I could've expected. Gimme Shelter is a great opener but the rest is just okay
One of the better old country albums I've heard. The genre is not really my thing but there was a nice mix of slow and upbeat songs
Cool sort of dark new wave sound, but unfortunately none of the songs really went anywhere. It was just kind of the same drums and synths, wasted opportunity in my opinion
Nice, pleasant listen, even if a couple songs were a little slow for my taste or just too on-the-nose country
I guess this type of electronic music is more prominent than I thought, but I still don't get the appeal. It's so repetitive and all I could do is just zone out
This thing is over two hours long. The first half was just inoffensive brit rock, but the rest was just confusing and weird. I just can't understand why it was so long. I should be compensated for sitting through that much of dollar store Mick Jagger
Just too repetitive for me. Almost every song is about a girl and I can only take so much HoOoOoOoO
A decently fun and pleasant listen, but only a couple songs stood out. I enjoyed the female vocalist, it's too bad she was only in a few songs
Some beautiful songs on this one, with great use of piano and strings. Relaxing vibe without getting boring
Slower but very emotional. Some great dynamic sounds and cool buildups keep most of the songs interesting.
This is the most diluted metal album I've ever heard. Everything is so overly distorted and mindlessly repetitive. Industrial metal already isn't my favorite genre but it has some merit, this is just annoying
Pretty fun and hype. Some of the backtracks were a little overbearing but otherwise it was both powerful and catchy with a strong message
When it's mostly just piano and singing, I get bored quickly. The songs weren't terrible or anything but this style just isn't for me
Having only known Take Me Out, I was pleasantly surprised that most of the album matched the same energy. Really playful instrumentation and good hooks. Only a couple songs felt like filler
Some cool spacey stuff in this one, but it usually went on too long and never had any satisfying conclusion to it
Had a nice aesthetic to it, but was otherwise really bland. I swear the drums were just on a loop
Wasn't crazy about the voice at first, but after hearing it in a bunch of unique styles and ideas it grew on me. No particular song stood out but there weren't many bad ones either
The most underwhelming rock record I've ever heard
All of the best aspects of funk and jazz are here, and Stevie's vocals are majestic as always. Even the slower songs were groovy
That famous Santana guitar tone just works so well with Latin music. They found a great sounding formula and just rolled with it.
Every song is like "My mom is a fat bitch so I cut off her vagina and put it in the oven for 75 minutes at 400°. Then I did some mushrooms and dipped my balls in the cotton candy machine."
It's like a bunch of rock and pop artists came together to make an interesting sort of fusion alternative rock. Pretty solid all around
A nice compilation of blues/soul/jazz. Nothing stood out as amazing but there were some fun moments and overall good musicianship
Nice and psychadelicy, but not really a lot of surprises. A good record to smoke doobies to
It seemed like this should have been a solid alternative album, but the vocals were kind of whiny and breathy, which got a little annoying. Overall the whole thing just sounded kind of hollow
More of a bluesy CCR, but without most of the catchy songs I'm used to. Mostly forgettable
Every track was repetitive, but at least it felt a tiny bit more creative than I was expecting. Still mostly indistinguishable from any other electronica I've heard
Really solid jazz fusion. Bro was absolutely shredding that trumpet
A mix of R&B and rap, a couple songs were catchy, most were mid. Could've done without the skits/dialogue after almost every track
I liked the various genre influences throughout, and while there weren't any tracks I particularly disliked, the album as a whole was just a little slow for my liking
Some cool jazz writing and worldly flavors. I didn't enjoy the singing sections as much, and it was maybe a little excessive with the brass
A lot of old brit rock and punk influences came together to make something worse than all of them
Tough to rate off of one listen. They really can put on a good fast groove when they want to, but a lot of parts were not easy to digest, even as a big fan of prog. The more conventional tracks in the back half were fine, but just not really their strong suit
Sounds like something I'd hear in a fancy restaurant. Pleasant but kind of boring
Obviously she has an amazing voice, and there were more groovy and upbeat songs than slow and sad ones, which I appreciate
Nothingness. Not cool, mysterious, thought provoking nothingness. Just... nothing.
The distorted guitars and droning vocals are just so overdone. They still had a decent sound, but ruined their own momentum with unnecessary abrasive noise sections
Fun beats, but the singer went to the Tom Petty school of nasally vocals
Really interesting and cool alternative type rock, wrapped in a brit punk aesthetic that I'm not super fond of. Every song felt unique and I could get down to most of them
All the usual components of Fleetwood Mac were there, so the album was already good by default. This one kind of lacked some of the magic of their other stuff, and there wasn't nearly enough Stevie
The entire sound is so 80s, but I've never heard a group do more with it. Rio and Hungry Like the Wolf are bangers, but I don't think there's a bad song on here.
Some pretty decent jazz that liked to add these weird, sinister, off-key sections that didn't always flow super well. Points for originality and overall brevity, but not my first choice when it comes to jazz.
While this isn't one of the most memorable Beatles albums, it's still solid all the way through and stands out compared to similar acts of the 60s. It suffers a little from feeling samey like a lot of early 60s stuff, but it's still a pleasant listen
Rolled my eyes when I saw the length, but ended up enjoying every minute of it. Something about the style and the flow is infectious, and a few of the tracks brought a genuine emotional response out of me
Pretty high energy alternative rock with some interesting spacey sounds. It sometimes was a bit abrasive and repetitive, but overall not bad
A two hour double album, that is certainly a lot of OutKast. There was definitely some great range showcased, even if some of the beats felt too similar. The best tracks could've been condensed into one really good album, but sadly that wasn't what happened.
Pretty solid slower folky rock. It went on a few tangents with these odd guitar sections, but they weren't always interesting enough to justify the time spent on them
Pretty unassuming Southern Rock. A couple songs were interesting lyrically, but I expected something more from a band called The Flying Burrito Brothers
This one started out great, and then the last 2/3 or so was incredibly mid. Another case of an album that could've been much better if they just trimmed the fat
Some soothing latin with a couple standout songs, but ultimately I just couldn't connect with it and was uninterested by the end
This feels like the maximum potential of this band. Some great, catchy riffs and lots of creativity with feeling too avant-garde or disjointed. Really good performances too
I guess this is another one of those albums that was made before the invention of songs that aren't about love
I was trying to find a good album out of this, but it was drowned out by just the most awful whiny vocals. "Don't" is one of the worst songs I've heard in my life.
Another Bowie album with some quirky sounding songs and a long artsy section. None of the songs were really bad but none were memorable. Every instrument was so evenly mixed in it was kind of hard to distinguish anything
This is the blueiest blues that ever blued. Also the most harmonica I've ever heard. Like waaaaayyy too much. Really not for me at all
Flashes of greatness surrounded by British mediocrity. Kinda went back and forth between somewhat interesting and annoying.
Pretty weird 80's cop show kind of vibe, but I enjoyed it. Some bits were a little corny or just odd, but the musicianship was great.
A kind of surf-punk thing, a little samey but still a good sound.
Some combination of electronic and hip-hop, it didn't excel at either but it didn't totally miss either. It had a pretty low-key vibe and made my mind wander a bit, but I wouldn't be terribly excited to listen again.
Mediocre and indistinguishable from most Latin stuff I've heard. It was mostly tolerable, although a lot of Spanish singers get annoying quickly in my opinion
Even though the edginess can come off kind of cheesy, this album has some undeniable bangers and is really well produced. I'm sure nostalgia/familiarity played a factor but I had a great time relistening.
This band always just feels like a cheap knockoff Beatles to me.
Psychedelic rock that felt stale immediately. It won me over a little more towards the end but not enough to make me want to listen again
Absolutely nailed the spacey rock sound, and the competitions were fun and intricate.
When you make something French, it automatically becomes better. Except people and music
All in all it was perfectly fine hip hop, but it was almost an hour that didn't really go anywhere and wasn't memorable
Pretty spontaneous and eccentric, but always cohesive. The highs weren't crazy high but there were plenty of great moments.
This one was just way too corny 80s hip hop for me to take it seriously. Not really painful to listen to, just formulaic.
Solid tunes and genuine, infectious positivity. Bonus points for a nice tight 27 minute length
Are we sure the Stayin Alive band made this boring church choir ass shit?
90% of it was just slow and sappy, with the same guitar tone I feel like I've heard in every country song ever. The vocal performance was good, but it felt wasted on this
Had a pretty good funky sound, but none of the songs felt creative or innovative and it kind of dragged on
An interesting, full psychedelic sound and a pretty decent pace. But the whole thing was just super long-winded, none of those tracks needed to go on as long as they did.
Just enough weird and silly to go with some earlier Who. With it being full of odd concepts some were bound to miss. I really love Keith Moon and his drumming added a much needed texture to this one.
Classic Deep Purple. Fast drums, complicated keys and power chords.
Meh, I've heard funkier. The last track was really good though
Not the worst country I've ever heard, but it is country.
A mediocre alternative rock album that felt like it was just trying to be different. Also the worst album cover I've ever seen
I'm not a big punk guy, but this is basically everything I'd want from a punk album. It was consistent but not repetitive. Some good and catchy sections that snuck in different genres. Have to dock it for being overly British though
I had a pleasant time with this, a lot of solid tracks in a row but nothing that really wowed me. Just one step above typical radio quality songs.
It's Neil Young. Some songs have guitar and are like la la la, some songs have piano and are like wa wa wa. It's perfectly okay.
My second favorite Rush album behind Moving Pictures. Really sick bass, the acoustic guitar sections sounded great, Neil and Geddy doing their things.
I didn't care for it, but I'm sure it was influential for other shitty music
An even mix of catchy 80's rock and filler. Kind of cheesy but that's to be expected.
Sounds like the male Joni Mitchell, and my opinion is basically the same. The semi-musical poetry is artistically respectable, but doesn't do much for me. Part of me feels like it could've been better off written than sung
Surf punk, I guess? Was fast paced but didn't feel all that energetic. Certainly wasn't bad though
I really enjoyed the nice, calm atmosphere of this one. I just wish there was more structure, or something for me to grasp onto instead of just wandering the whole time
Pretty solid new wave. There were plenty of cool, groovy parts, but also a lot of boring sections that got annoying before an actual song kicked back in
A very solid hip hop album with a nice variety of supporting sounds implemented. Didn't care all that much about the subject matter and maybe was a little heavy on the high vocals, but I still liked it
I appreciate the variety, although none of songs stood out that much. This could've been better but I'm really not fond of Thom's whining
Even though it was a little too aggressive at times, there were still some great jazz moments. I'm a sucker for drum solos too
I liked the nice trancey vibe, but most of it sounded a little too similar. Would've liked to hear that sound used a little more creatively
Each song was basically a different genre, they were mostly fine in their own right but it didn't feel blended particularly well. It kind of felt like a weird mixtape
A bunch of good songs and a couple okay ones. Reminds me of Simon and Garfunkel with a little more modern and dynamic sound
Some catchy new wave type stuff, consistent throughout although it lacked any sort of a standout hit
Lots of good tunes on this one, kind of sounded like something a former Beatle would write. There were some weird transitional bits and odd lyrics that weren't really necessary
The dark and gothic sound can be really cool if used effectively, but the slower, monotonous pace just doesn't quite do it for me. Not bad, not great
Pop mixed with more R&B than I expected, although it felt a little soulless for R&B and lacked any good pop hooks. The second half was better by virtue of having a personality, despite being egregiously slutty
I need whatever this guy was on when he sang this
Some really beautiful sounding sections, but it was an extremely slow burn. I would've liked an abridged version of this, instead of it being stretched very thin
Some real post punk bangers, if only David Byrne was so tough to listen to sometimes
Some nice classic rock from a band I've never heard of before. Good use of keys too, although it was nothing revolutionary
A prog rock staple, and Rush at full form. It's accessible but feels rewarding on multiple listens. I especially appreciated the bass on this listen.
This is what I was hoping to hear from the Stones. A little more subdued, and every song felt like a slightly different genre. Some simple yet beautiful acoustic guitar, strings and even some worldly sounding drums at times.
A lot of individual elements that would indicate a good album. Some jazzy sections, some fun new wave stuff, and a range of emotion. But for whatever reason, this one just never clicked with me. Wasn't bad at all, but didn't grab me either
I understand why this album is so highly regarded, but as someone who has almost no history with rap, I had trouble those reasons for myself. Maybe the pace was just too fast and unrelenting for someone like me to grasp
As fun as getting kicked in the teeth by a horse
Interesting blend of punk, some psychadelic proggy sections and poppy hooks. Would've been great if it wasn't executed mediocrely
It's Coldplay. Pleasant on the ears but uneventful
This one was fun. Psychadelic but a bit more upbeat
As someone who doesn't like country, I still really vibed with this one. His voice was kind of goofy but it was just the right pace and the songs were well written and nice to just relax to
Pretty much every Simon and Garfunkel stereotype in one place. A couple of surprises here and there but it's mostly exactly what you'd expect
Pretty cool sound, just didn't leave much of an impression on me
One of my all time favorites. It's too bad they suck now
The instrumentals were pretty repetitive and the vocals sounded like a drunk David Bowie doing a Jim Morrison impression. Mostly kind of ugly sounding
Some variety is good, but the songs still have to not suck. This album did absolutely nothing for me
Impossible not to be in a good mood after this one
Not the most inventive songwriting, but what saves it are the well designed sonic layers behind each track that reward you for being attentive
This could've been such a beautiful album, but once I realized just how much vibrato I was hearing it was hard to focus on anything else
I was kind of digging it at first, then it became way too chaotic, and then it actually gave me a slight headache. These guys seem like talented musicians, sucks that they cover everything with so much noise
It's a fine alternative album, although I think the blown out, distorted vocals are super overdone. I knew it was really hyped up coming in, so the album title is basically how I felt after listening
Annoying, monotone and yelly vocals, but other than that it was semi-interesting punk.
Nice goth and psychadelic Cure stuff, very chill and not super slow or long-winded
Having more than one AC/DC album on this list seems redundant
Pretty relaxing trip-hop vibes, but also a bit too generic sounding
Points for being a pretty unique genre (surf-glam?) Unfortunately if you've heard the two hits you've heard the whole album
Just got a contact high listening to this
I'm not crazy about her voice and it's mixed oddly quiet. I appreciate the songs being structured in a different way, but with a near complete lack of hooks or sensible composition it was just hard to get into.
How could someone not like this
Timeless, really puts the "rock" in "rocking chair"
Stop forcing The Kinks on me, they're so average
A little bit slow and drawn out, but some of the guitar parts were really cool and it had a nice desert-level feel to it
A nice varied assortment of boring indie songs
One of the most bizarre and schizophrenic things I've ever heard. This is what metal sounds like to people who don't like metal. It did actually win me over a little bit just because of how absurd it was. Unfortunately so far the metal representation on this list has been awful
Probably the best flow on a hip hop album I've heard so far, and consistent maybe to a fault. Kinda wish they took a little more risk creatively
Definitely a lot of early 2000s R&B vibes, and she has a really nice voice
A decent late 90's-early 00's alternative kind of sound. Not all that imaginative though
Some fun disco songs, but also some slower ones that don't do it for me
Not sure what hipstery subgenre they were going for but it didn't work. Can't really figure out who this is for. Not the most offensive thing I've ever heard, just a head scratcher
Yeah it's brit rock, but it was catchy and concise
Already mediocre indie with some unnecessary droning noise slapped on top.
Good and groovy electronica, but the beats are repetitive and the tracks are long. A good listen if it isn't your primary focus, bad if you want something engaging
There were some very pretty moments here and there, but everything else felt like I was listening to an audiobook. I feel like this should've garnered a more emotional response from me, but it just didn't
It's got an old country sound that I usually enjoy, but this one was otherwise very underwhelming
I like The Doors, but this one didn't quite hit the same. Jim Morrison's voice was weirdly off, like it was pitch shifted to avoid copyright claim, and most of the songs felt a little too esoteric or like they were B-sides
Some good, fun punk songs on here. Unfortunately this is yet another album that's held back because the singer sounds like if a crumpet could talk
If you need background music while you smoke fat dabs, then boy do I have the album for you
The lowest attention span of anything I've ever heard. Mostly sounded like British campfire songs mixed with noises they made with any random objects they could find around the studio
Alternative indie type rock with some weird stuff thrown in. Mostly fine but nothing in particular stood out.
Really solid tracks throughout, even if it was a bit long and rough around the edges
Really well executed punk that's raw but not too raw and has fun and interesting instrumentation that has a nice groove
I don't really have anything bad to say about this one. It's well written, easygoing but not boring and earnest but not pretentious.
The random switch from jazz to a funk/hip-hop thing halfway through was a bit jarring, but the whole thing was still really solid and didn't miss, outside of maybe that weird rapping section
Not special and not even that saucy. The inflection he puts on his voice makes it seem like he's trying really hard to be cool
Most of this felt pretty formulaic, and the times where it wasn't were mostly overbearing
Even though it's a little bloated, there's still plenty of bangers here
It was just kind of the same throughout, but I'll be damned if that vocal choreography wasn't impressive
It's fine, but feels mostly derivative of stuff I've heard a thousand times
Lots of catchy moments in between softer but well crafted glam. My favorite Bowie album
I feel like they're a good punk band, but there's just so much unnecessary crap thrown in everywhere for no reason
Every song just sounds so happy
Nothing genre defining, but just a lot of fun grooves and not too abrasive
Some good soul that's easy to listen to but does just enough to keep your attention. I must've not paid enough attention because the narrative that everyone raves about was a little lost on me.
Megadeth lives or dies on its guitar licks, the rest is just okay. This album had some bangers, but also didn't highlight Mustaine's wild playing as much as I would like
This was a pretty mellow listen, but delivered some good vocal and guitar harmonies and was pretty consistent
Uninspired and painfully average
Steely Dan perfection, I don't know whether to sit back and smoke a cigar or get up and boogie
Pretty cool, very sexy, but definitely not crazy
Good songwriting, good lyricism, good energy. Not exactly my preferred genre but I still enjoyed it
Each song is fine in its own right, and it was a little more sonically interesting than most electronica I've heard, but still ultimately suffered from being sluggish and unchanging
More of what you'd expect from these two, their formula works for me and there were a couple of standout tracks on this one
An absolute journey from start to finish. So many styles well executed, great vocal performance and never really lost steam.
The style made it seem like it was edgy and cool, and yet it was so boring
I feel like this one didn't really have a discernable identity, and the slow pace didn't make it easier to digest
A pretty cool post-punk sound but I honestly couldn't discern a single song from any other
Any% Live Set Speedrun in 22:25.63 (WR)
A good live performance by a decent band. Unfortunately, like most other live rock albums, has one too many jam sessions that immediately makes me lose interest
Yup, that's early 60's music alright. Half the songs just abruptly faded out
R.E.M. is already pretty average, and this felt like all their filler in one place. There's absolutely nothing special about this album
It was a bit slow to start, and I'm still not crazy of Thom's vocals, but the last 2/3 or so of the album were pretty great. Fun hopping between styles with lots of cool effects subtly added in.
The disco-funk-jazz hybrid was quite good, but this felt like 15 minutes of music stretched out to 50
Some great songs that seem to pull from multiple other alternative bands, but also one too many boring songs that make this far from a complete album
As far as elevator music goes, it's pretty good
Blues isn't my thing, but this was a good, energetic performance all around. Also shockingly high quality for 1965
The preferred album amongst the most insufferable people wearing the dumbest hats
More mindlessly repetitive electronica. I can't believe I just listened to an hour and a half of non-stop breakcore drum loops
A bit lighter take on grunge, not mind blowing but solid all the way through
I still don't know what "chooglin" means
The couple songs I already knew from Motorhead were not that great, and nothing really changed with this album. Not sure what was so special with this live recording either
Well I know what I'm playing next time I want to harsh the vibes horribly
An easy listen but also somehow ruthlessly sexual. Overall left very little impression on me
Some of Van Halen's best tracks in one place, the rest were hit or miss. Pretty good balance of catchy ballads and moments where the guitar/synth/drums just rip
Nothing about it was particularly bad, but outside of one or two songs it topped out at okay. The singing and the compositions were all fine, maybe could've been a little shorter.
At first I wasn't too fond of it because I thought it was just kind of flat, but there were enough catchy beats and punk energy to reel me back in
Each song was fine by itself, but the album was way too long and the vocals were a doozy, even for Bob Dylan standards
An hour of acoustic guitars and high pitched harmonies, not bad but very uninteresting
Best case scenario, I could see one of these songs in a skateboarding game on the PS2
The musical equivalent of a box of chocolates. Some of them will suck, but you can't be too upset that you tried it
I hate that I can't help but compare this to Nevermind. It's got some good songs, but as a whole it really doesn't stand up to not only Nevermind, but a lot of grunge albums
Actually not bad, it's still not very creative music but the style was decent and the songs didn't go on way too long
It was kind of show tune-y which was fun. Her vocal style is pretty aggressive so it either hits or misses badly
Kinda conflicted because there were some interesting instrumental moments, but the rest sounded like a subway performer on MDMA
Pretty good rap, although it mostly ran together for me
This is the most Bob Dylan-y Bob Dylan I've heard. It's funny how even at the beginning of his career he sounds like he's 73
Good album, but why did it have to get soft on me. I still enjoyed the slow songs but I was kinda hoping for a couple more Money for Nothings
I like this organ-y psychadelic era of rock
Not bad, but it lacked something to really set it apart from other southern folk rock
Good variety of cool guitar licks and catchy choruses with some gospel like backing. Only a few tracks didn't land with me
Very much a 2000s indie rock sound, so I can't say it hasn't been done before, but it was done very well. A couple of certified bangers carried the album. Just don't try to Google the band's name
The album as a whole didn't live up to Sunshine of Your Love, but it was still good minus a couple stinkers. I especially appreciated the drummer absolutely working those toms
Finally something I can relate to (I'm white and sheltered)
Some people that play their instruments at an intermediate level found a guy that can kind of sing and wrote an album with no interesting ideas and spent three minutes designing the cover
Sort of a swingy big band style, just without the big band. So it maybe didn't have all the same intricacies, but it also made it a little more intimate which I liked
Didn't think I'd ever listen to a Bollywood soundtrack, but I definitely didn't also think it would go kind of hard
This shit made me want to dance proactively
Some really great moments of post-punk mixed with some prog styles and really cool progressions. Sadly feels like a little potential was wasted because the singer was actively fighting against the melody
If you've heard any new wave then you don't really need to listen to this, just kind of a baloney sandwich of 80's music
I can't point to anything I specifically hate, and yet almost none of the tracks were appealing to me
Foo Fighters are never terrible, never outstanding, just fine. Every album has one or two catchy songs and the rest is okay.
Pretty standard, but there's just something comforting about old country
Pretty hit or miss, some really good songs and some that were kind of annoying or overbearing. Some of the inserts came at a time where I was enjoying the music and it came to a screeching halt
This made me feel a newly discovered human emotion called blumber.
The best Queen is when they go full Queen and make a bunch of miniature rock operas. This wasn't quite full Queen but it was like 90%
They really ride the line between 80's camp and actual bangers, but overall this one had enough great songs that I could shamelessly enjoy it
Perfect if you ever find yourself walking through a forest filled with woodland creatures on your way to slay an ogre
Overall it was fine, but that's really as far as breathy, whispery vocals and acoustic guitars can get you
One very bland song repeated a dozen times, she has such a strong voice and yet it was barely shown here
Some decent songs that could've been a lot better if the vocals weren't so raw
They were really trying to do the "make every track a different style" thing, but none of them were really special and it felt kind of tryhardy. Also the production was jarring, lots of big volume fluctuations
Pretty hit or miss for me, the new wave/indie sound was nice and there were a couple of great songs but the rest didn't really stick
Okay sounding funk, but a mostly uneventful album that felt like it took too long
Just flat out fun, not a lot of dull moments and a good swing sound
This is the first Kinks album I've heard where they actually tried, and whaddaya know it's actually good
I would fuck to this album if it didn't put me to sleep
More minimalistic and loosely structured singer-songwriter. Not really for me, it just needs a little something more
I was afraid this one wouldn't be much more than just Cult of Personality, so happy I was wrong. More great riffs, great drums, and just a great energy all around
An above average album, although just an okay album for Zeppelin standards. Plenty of highlights but also a little bloated
Bit of a weird vocal style and the lyrics were not what I was expecting, but there was enough low-key punk energy and catchy songwriting to make it a decent experience
Some good songs on here, but overall kind of a generic pop punk sound
A cool modern twist on older soul artists, really full sounds and something musically different to take away from each track
Awesome, another band with annoying, blown out vocals. Please let that trend die forever
The style isn't really unique or innovative, but it was well executed and easy to listen to
Nightclub drum machine poppycock. Best case scenario you get a track that sounds like a rough draft of a New Order song
A very safe album from a band that could do so much more with their sound
Some good flow and and a couple standout tracks, but man this felt like it was never gonna end
Every time I thought they were going to do something interesting, they reverted back to their plain indie sound
Acoustic Nirvana is kind of a double-edged sword. You get some really beautiful renditions but also sometimes miss out on the production that elevated the studio versions. You get more raw emotion but Kurt expressing it doesn't automatically make the vocals better
This sounded like they wrote a bunch of okay songs and then reverse engineered a bunch of post-punk tropes into them
Really outdated and sounds like shit. It actually seemed to get worse as it went on, maybe from all the unnecessary screams into audio equipment that couldn't handle it
Pretty steady and safe, but otherwise typical Paul Simon
I've been to an Allman Brothers show and I can confirm it's one neverending jam. Cool if you're on mushrooms (which everyone was), bad if you just want to hear some of their songs (which I did)
Led Zeppelin doing everything they do best. Timeless.
The hits are really good, the rest is pretty typical hair metal
Bookended by very good songs, and shows some range in the middle, but the constant fried out yells took me out of it
Glad I ordered a side of rock with my horns. Lots of fun and engaging songs, but also got weirdly self indulgent and unfocused towards the end
Same T. Rex sound that I like, although this one was a little slower and safer
Actually some good rock grooves here. Unfortunately they just had to try and be different and throw in random stuff all over the place
The crazy amount of features on this one kind of saved it, because Ghostface's style is a bit much for me
Enough variation in styles and themes to keep it interesting, even if the pacing was pretty samey
Cool jazz band that was well blended with the classic African chanting. It went on a bit too long but I still enjoyed it
Torturously repetitive
Just a cool sounding modern rap feel with enough added production and creativity to keep it engaging
There's a lot to like about this album, especially Stewart Copeland. But two things bother me to no end: one is how goofy Sting sounds sometimes and two is the fact that they simply do not know how to end a song
Not groundbreaking stuff, but good variation and atmosphere building made this an electronica album I surprisingly didn't hate
A couple songs went pretty hard but otherwise it's what my uncultured brain expects from a Latin album and not much more
I just find Prince's style boring and mostly unchanging. There were interesting moments of instrumental mixing but not enough to save the whole album
Mostly just a decent hip hop album, but there were a couple of really good songs in the first half that made it worth the listen
Just a bunch of musical rambling, pretty pointless and uninteresting
I tuned out pretty quickly, the sound is just so generically 90's. I think parts of this were supposed to be funny but I wasn't laughing
It's what I expected from ABBA: fun, jiggy, and really nice harmonies
I feel like one ballad per album is enough, this one has like five of them. There's a couple great, if not overplayed songs and obviously her voice is powerful, but the slow, methodical pace of the album makes it kind of exhausting
Overall some well-executed R&B, even if some of the rapping sections took me out of it a little bit
Sounds really good for how old it is, probably my favorite 50's record so far. Unfortunately a lot of songs still run together, but at least I had fun trying to imitate his voice
Outside of a couple songs, there wasn't really anything that set this apart from other bland modern hip-hop acts
They had a good classic rock sound, but also threw in some extra sections and weird sounds that mostly didn't work
Super disco-y, which means all the tracks feel homogenous and drawn out. It wants to be fun but if you're not at a club in the 70's it's pretty boring
A nice, chill atmosphere, but not a lot of substance to grab onto
I can still call this a good album despite how inconsistent it is. It just constantly reeled me in, then lost me, then reeled me back in, then lost me...
Another case of the hits being good, but not much else. Way too much slow, sad filler
A good sounding and fun big band, but it was pretty excessive on the brass and there weren't any particular moments
I guess I'm not as big of an RHCP fan as I thought. There's so much talent in this band and then Anthony Kiedis has to open his mouth and go bippity bap bop suck my weiner
There are a few points that remind you that this was capable of being good, but the rest was too avant-garde to be enjoyable
Excellent album that works both as a comfort listen and an intricate work meant for analyzing on multiple listens
Not their best, some good tracks towards the end but the beginning is beans and toast level bland
Too amateur sounding to be a good rock album but not enough edge to be a good punk album. Some good guitar parts though.
Packed tight with just about every style that was popular in the late 60's. Executed decently well but nothing to write home about. The last track was interesting but not quite good enough to justify the epic length.
A much slower burn than their other stuff. Not as many of the fun grooves that I like. Less of the super goofy vocal parts but they do still pop up a few times. Overall they still retained many enjoyable aspects of their style, just in a slower package
Nice and jazzy. Didn't understand a word of it but I know she was spittin
A good soul sound, but gets monotonous when every song is about love
I think the author genuinely mistook this guy for the other Elvis, because why are there three albums on here by this nasally fuck
Weird in a fun way, like if Talking Heads wrote surf punk. The tracks themselves were very hit or miss
Super weird mishmash of instrumental soundscapes and atmospheres, but with just barely enough cohesion to make it feel like a traditional album and not one long slog. Certainly not an everyday listen but I'm just happy to listen to something I think will be memorable
Nothing more than serviceable 80's radio
A painfully uneventful folk album
2000 was a weird year. Everything sounds so synthesized and it really didn't age well
What punk sounds like to people who don't like punk
First make a backing beat, then roll some dice every ten seconds to determine what sounds to throw in. There was some good jazz talent in there but it was so sporadic I could never connect to it
Some really good songs in the first half carried the whole album. The goofy vocals and aggressive guitar tone puts a cap on how good this band can be
Normally I don't like slower, minimalistic stuff like this, but it had a really ethereal and almost eerie sound to it that I found really interesting
Very much ahead of its time, as most Beatles records are. Constantly interesting and while I stayed engaged, I was never really wowed by anything
Really rode the line between having a nice chill vibe and just being boring. There were a couple songs where it broke out of the quiet formula and they were quite good, just not enough of that.
One of the albums of all time
New wave/indie sound with a little bit of The Cure thrown in. Not a bad sound at all and there was some standout drumming, but overall just not very memorable outside of The Killing Moon
A little slow to start and end, but was mostly great with lots of fun detours to complement the swingy brass and drums
Folk with some good variety, however the half singing/half talking style gets annoying
Their sound is just kind of annoying to me, especially the guitar tone and vocals. I can respect what they do in terms of songwriting, but none of the tracks are really that special either
Pretty solid pop although it was really long. Her voice is nice as long as she doesn't go super over the top with it
I don't know how they blend punk and alt rock so well, but it just works
They cycled through a lot of different influences, mostly worldly ones, but none of it was really all that interesting. Felt longer than it was
Great band, and pretty much all their best songs are on this album
Soft, slow, and country-ish isn't usually my thing, but this one just hit the right spot. Some songs came and went without leaving an impression, but most of them were quite nice
Just a guy whining about being lonely, but he does it in such an on-the-nose twangy country way that it was weirdly kind of endearing
So incredibly bland, and a slog to get through
To me this isn't quite the life changing record people make it out to be, but it is still a collection decent to great pop songs
Sounds like any other 90's rapper to me. Some good songs, a lot of okay ones, and a few that were extremely annoying
Even if it was a pretty odd folk sound at times, the songs were really well written with a prog type of playfulness
Early Sabbath couldn't miss if they tried
Some neat spacey sounds to try to keep me interested, but it's still so repetitive
Pretty good punk formula with a fitting guitar tone. They do seem to be scared to deviate from the formula even slightly
Reggae is something I enjoy listening to here or there, but a full album of it does not excite me. This is some of the best I've heard and it still doesn't quite get me going
Some solid 80's stuff that sound like something I'd tune out while shopping. It was pretty nice but I'll probably forget it soon
Another reggae album that's perfectly okay
This is what new wave sounds like to people who don't like new wave
Nothing outstanding but still some really solid funk that gets even better if you're already in a good mood
The few songs I already knew were great, and while I wasn't wowed by the others I was surprised by how consistently good this was for over an hour
Somewhere between Thom Yorke and Michael Buble you get this guy. That doesn't sound like a good thing but surprisingly it worked, there were some pretty well written songs in here
Some of the songs were kind of interesting, but Janis Joplin sounds like Marge Simpson
Like most reggae, it's fine but mostly just boring
Very weird. Sometimes good weird, but mostly just weird weird
Works good as background music but not very engaging, so I guess enjoying this album just depends on the situation
Surprisingly good for what seemed to just be another britpop new wave type album
The softer songs are this band's strong suit, and this album has a lot of them. R.E.M. is always good but I think there's enough memorable songs here to make this one great
I was pretty fond of their sound at the beginning, but it kind of lost me as it went on. Still above average for an electronic album
Not sure what that was. There were times where I could see the vision, but I don't really ever want to listen to this again
Prince's sexual pop rock style just isn't for me, the songs were decent but were also painfully 80's
Minimalist instrumentals and unremarkable vocals made this mostly just boring