Aimee MannWhatever
Sleeper hit, I never heard of these guys before. Giving it 5 because of the pleasant surprise considering the boring name
Very different from parklife but somehow also extremely enjoyable. Some of the songs felt like a better version of Radiohead. Ended up listening the album four times on the same day
As someone not that much into modern hip hop (and tired of Ye's controversies), I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Decent production and a couple of hits I didn't even know where his
I was gonna rate this highly due to the first half, then the album finishes with fart noises
Very enjoyable first half, with timeless songs that felt easy to both listen to and dance! The second half felt very added on however, even if the songs aren't party focused, it felt too commercial to be proper 'sad' songs
I can see lots of modern artists drawing inspiration from this album alone, and for that I love it!
An easy listen, but I feel the sounds were very forgettable. Like listening to a song on a hotel speaker, I did not hate the noise, but knew I wouldn't be able to name a song.
Adding it to my main rotation, made me noticed Blur is more than Song 2
Disappointed by this one, didn't like the tone at all and struggled to finish the album
Very different from their best known hits, still a pleasant listen
Pleasant listen, but didn't compare well vs Ok Computer
Pleasant listen, would revisit again
Like a country version of a fallout radio
A couple good songs, but many flew by
Beastie Boys but angrier
Even if I never heard of it before, its influences and status as an instant classic were incredibly evident. Timeless piece!
I was not expecting to like it this much, but the tracks felt very unique despite their names.
An album that tries too hard. It would be lower if it weren't for a couple bearable songs in the second half
After listening to other pop songs here, I've noticed I can't take this as given even if it's not my thing. Amazing how some weird Swedes could make such timeless classics Except wenakissatiche
I really wasnt expecting Stan and Slim Shady to be the only good songs. The 'skits' were the cherry of awful on top
It's amazing to find an album that is known to be good actually be this amazing. Almost half a century later. people are still trying to replicate the magic of this album, making it feel as it came out yesterday
Some nice tracks with nice instrumentals, but the vocals can be hit and miss. Favourite song: All my friends
A nice chill album, very unexpected to see them being the original band of California Dreamin
Not as bad as I expected from the album covers. Big variety between chiller and more energetic songs as well
Had a couple good tracks, but it got lost by the sheer length of the album.
There's more good songs than just the JoJo One ™ However, most of them struggled to stand out to roundabout
Both bland and grating somehow , couldn't finish it
Would rate it 3.5* if I could. Enjoyable, just not as enjoyable as other 4*
Icelandic mitski, only giving a bit more than 3 for uniqueness
Rock is more than just screaming and having your voice crack
I genuinely tried, but it was too overproduced to enjoy
A classic, but a much needed breath of fresh air after the recent albums
Another album that even when I tried to actively listen it didn't really grab me
A decent chill listen, mostly rating it 4 stars because it does a better job than the previous picks
Please stand up for the anthem of British Millenials
Enjoyable but felt like most tracks never got started
Genuinely surprised to find out this isn't a joke pick like what Philosophy of the World would be
After hearing so many bad attempts at rock, this felt like a breath of fresh air
Radio music
Surprisingly enjoyable for an album I never heard of before, quite timeless as well
An all time classic song, but surprisingly a very solid album as well
I thoroughly enjoyed it, the secret is to like it ironically and pretend to be stuck in a 2007 YouTube video
Decent, but not outstanding
A classic that never gets old!
I never heard of them before, honestly as soon as the backing vocals got less annoying this got really really good
Indie Soundtrack vibes, got a bit seinfeld effect'd
Good listen, but I was expecting more from Bowie
Ok-ish album, with this and Bowie it feels we're getting the more mediocre albums of big stars?
Prince is Ƭ̵̬̊. , even its weaker songs are saved by how hilariously raunchy they are
I was expecting another The Slits with that cover, but this one actually goes kind of hard
There were some very good tracks in here, but like other albums this length the majority bogged down the good ones
The blandness was a bit too strong on this one
Liked the jazzy tracks, the others not so much
The album wasnt over and I already forgot its earlier tracks
Easiest 1 star so far, the guy obviously added it to show what a bad album is
This whole tour made me notice I'm a big Who fan
Sleeper hit, I never heard of these guys before. Giving it 5 because of the pleasant surprise considering the boring name
A lot more enjoyable than the first album, nice all throughout with good mix of things
A bit edgy but that cover goes too hard for 3*
Surprisingly chill album. Would give it 5 stars if the intro wasnt overused by now
Enjoyable but only one or two hits stuck with me
Giving it a 4 because it's the soundtrack of Jojo Part 4
Gym pop
Now I may be blind, but I recognise a great album when I see one
Although more enjoyable than other 'one good song' albums, nothing else really stood out for me
Extremely disappointed only Sultans of Swing was a good track
Not as strong as the other album
Makes me happy I didn't grow up in the nineties
Somehow even worse than the last eminem album
Unironically one of my favourite albums of the tour so far, mostly because I would've never heard of it before. Incredibly ahead of its time, it sounds like it came out in the last decade and not 1975, and despite being progressive rocky it actually manages to accomplish that meditative/instrumental rock style of pink floyd without the pretention
None of them hit as hard as mister blue sky, but I feel the others shared the vibes very well
The extra comments from it being live made it a bit more special
Some songs were good, but I cannot rate something with a beep beep boop boop song higher than a 3
Some decent beats, nice listen but nothing crazy
Double Great
Cute lounge music , but nothing really outstanding
Im really not a fan of this dated 90s Pop style
Chill and nice album but most of them weren't very memorable
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United State of Groove and to the Music for which it stands, one Groove, indivisible, with liberty and funkiness for all
This was another album that from its cheesy cover I was expecting to hate, but as I was going through it I was liking more and more of them. Very pleasant surprise
Rip and Tear? Rip and Tear,
I was gonna rate this highly due to the first half, then the album finishes with fart noises
I know, it's a bit of a cliche rating, but I was surprised to enjoy the other songs of the album as much as Stairway to Heaven. A few of them got imitated a lot so they get a strong Seinfeld Effect, but it was still a great listen.
Obviously a biased raiting because it makes me very nostalgic, but also I am glad to escape a bit from the anglosphere
Pleasant and chill, but nothing note worthy
From the album cover to the beats, a perfect time machine to a platonic ideal of the eighties
Another album that was a pleasant lsiten, but by the time it was over I wasn't able to remember a single song
Enjoyable music, even if at times he sang a bit aggressively. Always nice to listen something other than English
Very different from parklife but somehow also extremely enjoyable. Some of the songs felt like a better version of Radiohead. Ended up listening the album four times on the same day
Another surprisingly strong album I can see adding to my main rota. Hallelujah came out of the blue compared to the rest
Enjoyable classic, but didn't stand out enough to enter the main rotation
While an important listen, I feel modern pop borrows a lot from this, making it hard to enjoy
Pleasant listen, but it went by so easily I cannot even name a favourite track
As someone not that much into modern hip hop (and tired of Ye's controversies), I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Decent production and a couple of hits I didn't even know where his
Good stuff, one of the classics
I can confidently say I don't like Lamar's style, his influence is a big part of why I dislike modern rap probably
Bit too experimental for my liking
One of the few albums that manages to feel chill and uptempo at the same time. The lyrics feel very ironic and the style has become inspirational for many modern indie bands
Like walking to a bar in the late nineties and listening droning music to drunkenly move to 'Omega Amigo' especially sounds like something someone in the bar would tell you after bumping into you and giving you glowsticks
Always nice to see a more contemporary album! Despite the extreme popularity making it harder to judge, I still believe it's an incredibly powerful album. 'Rolling in the deep' and 'Someone like you' both lost some of that luster from overplaying, but I can still feel it from some of the less known ones like 'Turning tables'
A bit yeehaw, but nothing to write home about
Wouldn't surprise me if this was here only for the cover's bait and switch. The only notable thing about this album is that it made me appreciate kollaps by einstürzende neubauten more, at least they manage to make an interesting experimental noise album
I kind of agree with The Dude here
Electrotango works a lot better than what I expected. I feel if you're not used to the album it will come along as very elevator music-ish, but for me it felt like a great spin to already a very underrated genre
Pleasant, but doubt I'll listen to it again
A very outrageously 90s album that felt like it was just made for party playlists
Kind of dated, but an enjoyable listen
The album has the advantage of being relatively recent, but it felt incredibly fresh and unique compared to some of the recent albums
A classic, there isn't much more to say here!
Passable, but not much more I can add
The expectations might've been too high, but honestly it didn't grab me as much as some of the other albums that have a reputation of being the greatest
Very easy listen, with some very slight reminiscence to talking heads in some songs
What a powerful album. I was worried that Hurt would be the only one to grab me, but the voice of Cash accompanied by powerful lyrics and guitar made this an absolute delight to listen to. Big change in song tones again which I did not expect!
Some very nice enjoyable tracks, but the album itself wasn't strong enough to make it into my favorites of the tour
Can't say this album really grabbed me, which was a surprise since I like other songs by Iggy Pop
Even if I love jazz, I was left wondering when this album would get good, as no songs were grabbing me, only to see 4 tracks overall. Not sure why this is part of the album list
I was enjoying the indie-rock part at the beginning, but unfortunately the album quickly devolved as it went on
Maybe this album will make a lot more sense to be included in the list 10 years from now, but right now it felt extremely uninspiring, even in its blandness. Most of the album just passed by, one song blending with another, with the rare exception of the ones that had a feature as supporting vocals. I can't say I liked it, I can't say I hated it, so placing it right in the middle.
While not as many songs grabbed me as the other Yes album, their originality brings a breath of fresh air
Despite the nineties influence that previously I did not like, this album has a timeless feeling that made it enjoyable to listen through
It was worth going out of the way to search it! The first song started a bit worryingly generic, but as the album went on it developed a sense of unique personality
A generation-defining classic with an endless amount of songs that stood the test of time. I was surprised by the year, shows how much this band defined the decade to come.
Show anyone that's not familiar with them Sunday Morning, or Femme Fatale, and they'll never say it comes from the sixties. The album feels like a missing link from psychedelic pop and rock to modern indie and grunge.
It's exactly what it says on the tin
A couple very enjoyable hits, which I was not expecting!
Loved even if I didn't get a word of it
I used to get surprised when so many of the jazz/blues albums of the tour were live versions, but legends like BB King show how important it is for this genre for it to feel like a 'personal' experience where both the artist and the crowd react along
I feel these 1001 albums have a strong punk/post punk editorial bias, which means that I am both finding a lot of new bands outside of the usual. Another pleasant listen in the genre, though it didn't stand out enough to surprise me
It's a great example of what people mean when they refer to the 'music industry', but after so many unique albums it's hard to consider this one to be an outstanding stop
Maybe it's because of how ubiquitous it was , maybe it's the lead vocals, or maybe it's the sound mixing, but something didn't chime with me. Feels like a parody of everything people are known not to like about 2000s indie.
Another one of those albums that feels that feels like it was created for characters in a movie to put on their radio in the background
A fun rock album, I have to admit I wouldn't remember it as much if it wasn't because of the insane lyrics of Pablo Picasso
There were a couple of good indie rock hits, but the album itself lacked the coherence to be an enjoyable listen.
I admit that I am probably holding this to incredibly high standards just because of the incredibly high praise this album gets. It's one of those albums I am glad I finally got to listen to. I understand that it's an incredibly influential album, but even then, I really feel it hasn't held up compared to other influential albums I've heard (135 so far). The songs felt a bit too saccharine for my liking, ironically enough the intro and outro being among my favorites.
Really liked this album , solely because it's the one that actually feels most like it puts the 'psychedelic' in 'psychedelic rock'. Later pink floyd albums make for a more cohesive and atmospheric listen, but this one isn't hidings its influences at all.
Didn't enjoy it as much as IV, and despite feeling like no song really grabbed me, I ended up replaying the album many times during the day. A subliminal hit is a great hit in my books
So interesting to see an album that perfectly encapsulates the transition from 80s to 90s style. The album still feels like something representing the former decade, but you can begin seeing some of the trends that would pop up later. Other than the obvious classic of Enjoy the Silence, it was enjoyable finding Personal Jesus after I got Johnny Cash' cover not that long ago.
All songs sounded like a parody of themselves, like a cover sung at a karaoke
Genuinely nice and funky tracks
A nice album to listen on a weekend morning. Father and son was especially cute
Feels like a nice stop along the way to listen to some Britrock from Salford
Really wasn't expecting to like this one so much, a great quintessentially rock album with amazing guitars backing it up
Way too experimental for my tastes. Not only did many parts feel extremely harsh, but the mixing is some of the worst I've seen so far. Incredibly big jumps from quiet music to deafening
A certified classic that over the past years has been gathering a lot of steam again. If I hadn't already listened to it so often I would've been glad to have discovered it here
Can't say it really moved me, perhaps I am not a fan of the Stones
Radiohead is really good at making a vibe that is incredibly hard to define. Listening to the album itself it all feels like generic instrumental noise, but somehow when I was done with the album I wanted to loop it right back again.
The first half sounded like a weird, but unique progrock album, but as soon as they started trying to add their twists to some known classics it started to sound incredibly cheesy.
While none of the other songs hold as much power as Bohemian Rhapsody, it was still a very nice listen all throughout!
Enjoyable jazz album, but the big band didn't stand out that much for me
I was expecting to be bored from a pop album like this, but a couple songs ended up really sticking with me.
My first attempt to listen to this album was on loud, but high fidelity speakers, and this was an absolutely awful experience. An incoherent noisy mess. However, I gave it another try on some low-grade earphones, and suddenly everything made sense. The album was made for listneing it on a crappy walkman on the way home, where you just melt into the incoherent but very emotional noises. Listening to it this way, the lyrics were too incomprehensible to live up to their Emo reputation, but perhaps that enhanced my enjoyment even more.
Catchy tunes, peak pop and enjoyable throughout! Lovefool went on to become a very popular song, but I find some of the others a lot more interesting personally
Compared to other albums that I have listened to on this site, this one doesnt really stand out in any major way, with nothing really to make it memorable.
Unique beats that felt enjoyable to see how they'd be evolving. I'm not sure if I'd listen to it regularly, but at least it was a pleasant album to run into
Certainly a product of its time, and I mean this in a bad way
Passable album that started strong, but I feel never quite reached its maximum potential
It felt like a very odd inbetween more 60s chill pop and the first beginnings of rock. A pleasant listen!
As I mentioned before, I really appreciate albums that manage to be relaxing while not being dull. Paul Simon's tracks had interesting tricks to make sure each of them stood out in some way. Giving it the full rating as I gave it multiple listens across the day.
Considering my natural aversion to hip hop so far, I am giving this one a higher rating because of how much I enjoyed it, and how well it encapsulates what people call the golden age of Hip Hop. You usually hear people saying how hip hop used to have more meaningful lyrics and better samples, and this is now my go-to example for it.
Cant really say any of the tracks grabbed me
Funky but not as strong as some of the other Prince hits
Even if she isn't exactly my cup of tea, her influence and unique style are both undeniable
Finally an album I would rate six stars if I could. This is what I listen to all of these albums for, completely bizarre and enjoyable music that I would've never run into otherwise. A sixties jazzy/funky brazilian singer talking about Hermes Trismegistus? Sign me up!
Her calming and powerful voice made it a pleasant listen all throughout
This really wasn't worth going out of the way to find. Feels like a product of its time trying and failing to be experimental
The tracks felt like they needed something more to stick in my mind
It was definitely an album that was worth listening before I die, but I feel the gimmick is a lot less interesting now that Indian culture isn't some exotic foreign concept like in the early 70s
The more rock albums this site pushes to me, the more demanding I feel for one of them to stand out
This would be passable if it was at a local concert at a dive bar, but it definitely doesn't belong in one of the 1001 albums to listen before I die
Another great example of how hip hop can be something more than what it is now. Not all the songs struct to me, but it felt insanely satisfying to find To Zion, a track that's been stuck on my head for decades.
A simple album ,but felt very honest and didn't overstay its welcome. Really enjoyed it.
Struggled to get through it because of mood mismatch, but I can see this standing out compared to other albums, so I am glad to have ran into this one
The beats are catchy and well made, which is why 50 cent has remained so popular. However, I can't rate it highly compared to the other hip hop albums, since I feel this was one of the big turning points to what rap and hip hop are today. The poetry has been mostly stripped up, and as long as we bop our heads to the beat we're fine with it.
Timeless, relentlessly weird but in all of the good ways. I knew this one before starting the tour, but running into so many failed ' experimental' albums shows why Talking Heads are Talking Heads. Once in a Lifetime is still the most pop-like of the album, but the way the all songs come together to form a relentless march forward of uniqueness is amazing.
I mean, it defined indie rock for like 3 generations and somehow managed to remain relevant to this day, what else can I say?
This is the first album I listened to after a long break. Love the breakneck jazzy paste and bizareness of it, especially how it doesnt overstay its welcome
there's very few albums that are so modern, not sure why this one is here
Traditional rock-and-roll might be the genre that I like the most but has become too bland and cliche' for its own good
I'm just glad I didnt start with albums like this, otherwise I wouldve given up in listening the much better ones down the line
A jolly listen all throughout, but I feel it started a bit too strong
Weird, unique, and all along surreal. There's a reason Kate Bush has such a strong cult following, and this album shows it better than any other I've heard from her so far.
Not really my cup of tea honestly, didn't hate it but I have to admit I was glad when the last song played
What a bland and inoffensive album. I don't hate everyone for liking it, but to me it felt like a bag of unsalted chips (or fries). You go through it, on the moment there's nothing that makes you particularly stop, but by the time you're done with it you feel at best ok and at worst wondering why you spent time on it. Maybe it needs a decade more in the fridge before it becomes charmingly cheesy and retro, but right now I really don't get why people would spend life savings to see her live.
The thing with celebrities that stay long after their fame has passed is that you don't know why they became so big in the first place. Listening to Snoop's other hits, I thought he was just overrated as a singer and had a funny persona, but now I can tell his very early talent was unique. Really stands out to me compared to another artist with a similar career, Eminem. While eminem's hits felt overly edgy and unlistenable beyond his biggest hits, snoop's are still pleasant to listen to, and his childish skits feel more lighthearted over trying too hard.
You can start to feel the vibe that will push Jamiroquai to success, but it just makes me forward to the possibility of another album of him coming soon later
Passable bops that were nice to listen to, but there wasn't enough meat to push it into 4 stars for me
Felt like the soundtrack for either a b-movie film of the 70s or a scooby doo episode with a terrible cameo
Found the voice to be a bit too grating even for the genre
This album feels like it's part of the wrong decade. The eighties were great, and this fits more on the slop of nineties melodrama
In theory, I should hate Sinatra. His music has been shoved in every mediocre trailer to make the audience excited, and his voice is now synonymous with Christmas in many households. Songs struggle to stand out, and they all have similar themes. However, every time I listen to his songs and tone it feels like a velvetised hot chocolate , and I really can't bring myself to hate it.
I was hoping Imagine would be the outlier and the rest of the album would convince me of the genius of Lennon everyone spoke about, but it actually gets worse as it goes along. 'An Englishman pretending to make traditional American music' describes it way too well, both in terms of its lack of authenticity and how badly it fails.
I got this right after John Lennon, so my opinion is slightly biased. What a kitsch but enjoyable ride. Firestarter defined a generation of wannabe badasses , but the whole album immerses you perfectly into the world of people stuck in a mediocre life at the turn of the millenium pretending to be characters in the Matrix. I much rather prefer this garish side of the nineties over the melodramatic pop
What an incredibly pleasant surprise, really was not expecting this. Feels like Daft Punk after coming back from a chill sunny trup to the French Riviera
Groovy stuff
Very surprised by this one. I knew about ' Daydreamin' but mostly cause I knew the other versions of hte song. The whole album is very solid hip hop, would happily listen again
I was kind of dreading listening to this one, Wonderwall has been played to the point of pure annoyance and I was worried the rest of the album was going to be as annoying. I was so wrong, man now I get why people love Oasis
I feel BIG was one of those artists that started normalising the transition from old style rap to the new one. Great beats, but the kind of rap lyrics that overwhelm the genre nowadays
Not terrible, just a bit of a snoozer even for the genre. Would be a great album if I wanted to wind down after work, but then it merits no more attention than a lo-fi playlist
Feels like a parody made by somebody who hates the genre. It's what I would send a friend right as they're getting into metal to make sure they stop their pursuit. Just awful
Not terrible, but not particularly moved either