Tracy Chapman
Tracy ChapmanThe guy who left the Secretary Rock review is absolutely unhinged. Beautiful music, strong themes that are sadly still very relevant today. Gotta be a 5.
The guy who left the Secretary Rock review is absolutely unhinged. Beautiful music, strong themes that are sadly still very relevant today. Gotta be a 5.
Lyrical masterpiece and far more influential than the Beatles
The first half of the album, the annoying piano is so intense that nothing else can really breathe in the mix. Second half was brilliant. 3 seems fair.
The guy who left the Secretary Rock review is absolutely unhinged. Beautiful music, strong themes that are sadly still very relevant today. Gotta be a 5.
They lost me a bit in the middle, and the fact they wanted to release Essex Dogs as a single is insane to me, but if you are looking for experimental indie at its finest, Blur really achieved this with this album. I feel like 4 is too high, I would give it a 3.5, but such id our flawed voting system that I have to round up.
I just wish the vocals were a little louder on some of the tracks.
This album started off AMAZINGLY strongly until the title track presented itself like a blood-sucking vampire and killed the energy. Following that, it was like being upset in a nightclub, the party still takes place around you, you sober up a bit and try to get back into the groove, occasionally getting another drink, and giving it your best dance even though you keep being pulled back to being upset. It just doesn't feel the same after track 5.
Mellow, beautiful, somehow left wanting a bit more whilst also not knowing how.
If this scale was /10 ot would be 8.5 Then you remember it doesn't allow decimals so you round to 9 Then you divide it by 2 because this is out of 5 so it is 4.5 But then you remember again you cannot have decimals so you round it up to 5 That's the formula for working out this rating, but the formula for an amazing Pixies album is Black Francis plus Kim Deal plus distortion equals a really really good time.
Great performance but -1 for being a cover album and -1 for choosing songs that go on about death all the time.
This review might be a bit biased because I have fond memories of listening to this in my favourite bar back when I was in college. The only bad thing was when some magician guy tried to hit on me, not realising I was a dude with long hair. This used to amuse the bartender who otherwise seemed to be having a very frustrating shift each time.
If you like lyrics about sexual and animal abuse, this is the album for you. But also get help.
John Lennon has a really nice voice. Paul is so annoying.
Lyrical masterpiece
I cannot get past the annoying squeak in his voice to get through the album I am sorry.
This was absolute shite. Please never make my ears hear this again. I would rather roll around in battery acid.
Lmao wtf is this, nevertheless he had a song about dogs and ending up charming me with his strange music.
I was torn between 3 and 4 but the peaks of this album definitely send it to the 4 territory.
Influential but got very samey
I enjoyed it whilst also simultaneously waiting for something to happen in every song.
I wanted to dislike this because of Bono, but Kite is beautiful.
Very pleasant
Instrumentals were fun but the vocals were too over the top.
I hated this the first time I listened to it, but honestly the optimal time to listen to it is when cleaning your flat like mad before visitors come and you need something to both calm you down and make you feel chaotic at the same time to keep up the pace. That is this EP.
Going from Ray of Light to this in two years should be a chargeable offence. It is no wonder that the word music is in quotation marks on the cover. Dull, uninspired, ticking boxes for a record. I hated this for how much I couldn't enjoy it - at least give me a reason to listen to it again even if it's so bad I have to laugh. This had nothing. And yet I will probably give Ray of Light four or five stars when I get it.
The singer's voice annoyed me and the band just felt like an accompanying act to her. Still, far more authentic than Madonna's "Music" so this isn't a 1.
I wasn't sure what to rate this. I won't give it a 5 as its mostly covers but... Imagine if an alien came to Earth and said "We have been studying the instrument known as bongos from afar. Bring me your best bongo album or I will vaporize you. The fate of your entire planet rests on my opinion of this album." It would be this album. It has to be the best album to have bongos in every track. It's a 4. Fuck it actually let's go 5.
I get he inspired a generation but this was just dull apart from Blue Suede Shoes.
This album tells me that I might like PJ Harvey on albums of hers that have less repetitive chords and wailing. I hear that. I just don't fully like this one.
This would be a 2 but two albums of THIS? It's a 1.
5 stars. No notes.
This album was the musical equivalent of eating a scone. I don't really like scones.
Really nice and with such a short length did not stay its welcome, but it is the same reason I took a star off as this is basically EP length. I know things have changed since those days but yeah!
Lyrical masterpiece and far more influential than the Beatles
Some of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard, til the second half
I didn't listen because his last album has not aged well lyrically with lyrics of sexual volence and misogyny but I know this has Stan on it so gave it 2 instead of 1.
Nice voice but very boring
I should have tired of this with it being a double album. I did a little during Disc 2 but not enough to downgrade it. Amazing.
Boring as fuck
Sea Change is far better