This really surprised me and was right up my wheelhouse. Came close to giving it a 5/5. Waiting for the night, personal Jesus and enjoy the silence are absolute bangers
Not his best but still good and a solid 3. Time, Aladdin and Jean standouts
Enjoyable listen
Very long and very repetitive
Difficult to believe this is 50 years old. Definitely one to go back to 5/5
Overwhelming relief when it was over
Bizarrely enjoyable
Impressive live, good listen
Over 60 years old and still some bangers
Unsure if it was the fumes because I was painting whilst listening but very enjoyable, epitaph and crimson in particular
No idea what the lads banging on about but enjoyable sound throughout. Too long
Difficult to believe this had mixed reviews on release. Outstanding
Ironically nearly gave up during don’t give up. Kate Bush couldn’t even save this one for me
Haven’t listened to this through for a long time. Such a great listen start to finish
Thought this was great listen. Love how eclectic it is. Public enemy/NWA vibes. Potential fifer on relisten
Once went to a wedding where bunch of 40 year old blokes stormed round to our house with ties wrapped round there head. Put me off that song and the rest of this album is worse. To give them their due they’re distinctive and instantly recognisable, just not my cup of tea
Listened to this disjointed over last few days which probably wasn’t ideal. But enjoyable album, really enjoyed the ditty’s in between
Easy going listen, very inoffensive. Feel on relisten could improve however didn’t blow me away
Thought this really worked. No major standouts but whole album just flowed
Laid back, easy going listen however doubt I’d rush back to it
Difficult to believe this is live- what a voice!
Felt like I should’ve liked it, just felt really disjointed. Imagine it’s influenced a lot but felt it lacked its own identity and was too chaotic
Green day are so recognisable and this was a great listen. Basket case a highlight but a fun listen throughout
Had 2 beck albums now and enjoyed both, felt this was better listen as a whole. Tailed off a bit but overall great listen
This just didn’t work for me. Long and boring
I really disliked this, it’s long, dull and found his tone irritating. A song also seemingly empathetic towards Gacy? Bed wetters music
Short and sweet
Atol protected. Enjoyed this throwback, if I’d not been listening whilst doing laundry may have scored higher
Difficult to believe this is in the top 10,000 albums
Really worked for me, definitely going to go back to his earlier stuff
Enjoyable throwback with a couple of bangers thrown in
Love thunder cat and this was a lovely listen
Probably the best of the electronic we’ve had. If you’re going to do it, go Eno ambient. Listened whilst building some ikea furniture; perfect activity for this album and may have inflated the rate
Probably wouldn’t rush back to it but easy listen. Porcelain is a banger
I know this goes down as one of the greatest of all times but it’s just not my bag. I could appreciate it and didn’t dislike it but wouldn’t return
Love this album, bombtrack straight into KITNO riff is such a great transition. Interesting to have this post Metallica, enjoyed this much more
Never listened to Mott and surprised how much I enjoyed this. Bowies influence all over it probably inflated the score but still some great songs (Memphis and hymn were highlights)
Found half of this on YouTube. Difficult to find, in German and it’s theatrical- holy trinity of shite
Easy listening soul album. Mostly forgettable but overall an easy listen
Guitar solos and synth, very enjoyable
I’d never previously listened to this through. Can hear so much of their later stuff in this. Good listen but not one I’d rush back to so 3/5
Only thing I knew about them was Perry farrells recent on stage breakdown. Felt later songs better, but probably wouldn’t go back
Classic listen. Short, snappy songs (and album). Loud and repetitive but not in an unenjoyable way
Never really given the dandy warhols a chance and now I have no idea why. Loved this and right in my wheelhouse. Came close to 5 but flagged a little bit mid album
Never thought I was a jazz man but here we are
Another day, another brilliant jazz album. The only thing I knew Duke for before this was Big Mouth. Skin deep could have been the whiplash finale
I went into this expecting find Bragg grating. At times I found the lyrics too forced left-fed left wing ideology but enjoyed the folk and some of the protest songs were really catchy
Unoriginal, boring and bloated. Scraped a 2
Hotel lobby vibes, forgettable
Love this album. Took so much of what was great about NWA and made improved. Laid the foundation for much more in the 90s
Enjoyed large parts of this- dark lyrics, stripped back. However a lot of it was a bit too bare for me. Potentially higher on a repeat listen
This honestly made me question why I don’t listen to Iron Maiden more. It’s all so well put together- the build up, the solos- absolutely loved it. Children of the damned and run to the hills highlights
Best album ever made imo. Every song is 5/5.
Easy going, lovely listen with some bangers sprinkled through
I enjoyed parts of this a lot, our house is such a good song. In parts found myself getting bored.
I have such a soft spot for this album. One of the first albums I bought myself and still stands the test of time. Through to bucket doesn’t really miss a beat
Listened to this first thing and it’s got a nice sound. Was just a little bit too cry yourself to sleep for my tastes. Possibly on another listen will score higher
just not my bag, scraped a 2
Decent listen and kept interesting throughout, changes such as great song. High 3 on first listen, likely higher if I went back to it
I’m sure this inspired lots and seems ahead of its time. However found myself so bored throughout. Just scraped a 3 but so forgettable I won’t be going back
Take your 5 ya merry bastard
Loved this, felt like I was in a 70s movie. Jazz/blues element kept it really interesting- would go back
Excellent album- heroine the highlight
Cracking album this, great background music
This grew on me, first couple of songs thought it was going to be a tough listen. But although repetitive, easy listening with enough going on to bop along to
So stereotypically French it came full circle and I quite enjoyed it. Felt like I was sat in a Parisian restaurant
Please forgive me for the exposure of my guilty pleasures. May be bland and boring but I love David Gray. Forgive me, Babylon and years love highlights
As a concept album just really worked for me.
Difficult to grasp why so many people are averse to Coldplay. Hit the ground running here; some absolute bangers. Trouble, shiver and everything’s not lost highlights (love yellow but bit of Mr Brightside to it)
I always struggle rating early Beatles. It’s hard not to think it’s derivative until you realise it’s everything else that’s influence by it. Either way great album with some standouts
Only knew holding back the years before listening. Much of the same really, very banal and forgettable
What a fantastic soul/funk album. Smooth 70s funk, loved it
Baffling to see the hate for this. Wasted time was such a great interlude. Probably wouldn’t rush back to this but lovely listen
Lot of soul recently and this was another cracker. Incredible voice and backing. Would’ve been a 5 but bit too repetitive
Felt like this was trying to do hundred things, most of them poorly. Didn’t enjoy the vocals, too chaotic
Never listened to this through before and what an album! In da club, if I can’t, PIMP all cracking but holds its own throughout. Fiddy gives such a soft gangsta rap that he feel if he were to smash my face in, it would come from a good place
Great listen- lively funk album that remained interesting. Little bit on the lengthy side but enjoyed throughout
Every time I listen to this, and it has been a while, I always think it’s going to be way over hyped. But then as I listen it always grows on me. It builds throughout whilst remaining interesting, should listen to Wilco more
I like public enemy and there’s a lot in here to like. However seemed too much of a good thing this one. Found myself willing it to end by the last few songs
Never listened to the fall and there were bits that were fine but majority was a struggle. Wouldn’t return
If there was a Bechdel test for music this would’ve failed every song, not a win for feminism. It wasn’t a tough listen but extremely repetitive and very much feel I could’ve died without listening to this one
This was a mixed bag, desire lines was an absolute banger but a lot of it didn’t hit. May score higher or lower on relisten and probably needs a bit more time
This was fantastic. Dark, atmospheric with Smiths distinctive lyrics. Need to get more cure in my rotation
Love this one a lot
When he asked what is the point of this story I couldn’t help but agree, this was as dull as dishwater. Cars are cars up there as worst song on this generator so far. You’re better than this Paul
I enjoyed that huge first song and tears in the second half was decent. Probably wouldn’t go back
Not really listened to iggy pop before and this was cracking. Lust for life and passenger highlights with Bowies influence all over them
Lesser of the two BB albums we’ve had and pretty rough around the edges. Slow ride, girls and fight for your right the highlight (girls was bizarrely enjoyable)
This really deserves its reputation. Absolute bop throughout with once in a lifetime and crosseyed highlights
No idea how this took nearly 20 years to write. Slow, dour and irritating. Each song was a battle
This was a lot of grime. Had its moments though and just snuck a 3
Loved this ain’t no cure for love and tower of song highlights. Bizarrely enjoyable songs in the middle too (jazz police in particular). Would come back
Again needs to be in my rotation more. Excellent and baffling that they dropped off the planet after
Nas is someone that I always skip over other names when in a hip hop mood but this album is incredible. Hard to believe this was his debut. First half is stacked with bangers
Not one I’m sure I needed to listen to before I died. Very forgettable, scraped a 3
I remember in 2003 listening to this on a Normandy history trip, I stared out the window at war graves with boulevard playing thinking it was the deepest point of my life. Was a sad act but what a way to reminisce. Mostly belters, easy 5/5
A lot of this was pretry standard 70s stuff but a nice easy listen with some highlights in there, thirteen, try again and watch the sunrise highlights
Difficult to say much about this album that hasn’t already been said more eloquently by others. There’s something reassuring about the familiarity of it. Time into TGGITS into money is up there as the best song run in the list so far
Great album, tailed off slightly otherwise may have been a 5