Mar 23 2023
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Slanted And Enchanted
Not very "musical" in my opinion. Definitely different, which they get a plus for, but not that enjoyable to me personally.
Mar 24 2023
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Highway 61 Revisited
Bob Dylan
Dylan never was my cup of tea really. Can't deny his impact on music though.
Mar 27 2023
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The Offspring
I'd give this a high 3 star rating. Self-esteem is a real banger, but I didn't really get with the rest that much, even though the music style fits me well. This is why it's not a 4.
Mar 28 2023
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Urban Hymns
The Verve
I've mostly just heard the Sweet Symphony, but I gotta say I was positively surprised and really enjoyed the album as a whole. Very high bar overall in my opinion.
Mar 29 2023
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The Chronic
Dr. Dre
Really like it, has some classics on it. Doesn't get as good as 2001 though, which is a clear 5 for me, so can't get any higher than this in my opinion. Have to say this type of rap is probably the only genre I enjoy though, so I'm a bit biased maybe. The lyrical content definitely hasn't aged very well, I'm not sure how they got away (did they?) with the women degrading stuff they were spewing back then (even though it "might" have been satirical, still not cool). I'm not sure that would fly today.
Mar 30 2023
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Raising Hell
I know it's a classic but I just didn't really feel it. The sound has not aged well in my opinion; the drumbox sounds are very boring, and their rapping style/flow is not my cup of tea and is quite "predictable" and monotone. Fun to see how much closer this feels to rock than for example The Chronic album we heard yesterday.
Mar 31 2023
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Toys In The Attic
Didn't really enjoy or dislike it. "Generic" rock imo, didn't stir any emotions or anything, but then there wasn't anything that I didn't like about it, so I guess it is a weak 3 for me, just in the middle.
Apr 03 2023
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Something Else By The Kinks
The Kinks
Waterloo Sunset is so good, but didn't really feel anything particular with the rest. I think the Kinks in general are very cool though, you can hear the early seeds of punk rock in there.
Apr 04 2023
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Nilsson Schmilsson
Harry Nilsson
Pleasantly surprised by this! Never heard of Harry Nilsson before, but the whole album held up very well. Also sounds very well produced and sounds great to me! Perhaps a weak 4, as there aren't any particular songs that I can say "I really like that one", but all of them were simply pretty good!
Apr 05 2023
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The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
David Bowie
I had a really hard time rating this. I've heard it some times, and it's definitely not my favorite album, and David Bowie is not my favourite artist, but I find all all songs unique and varying with an overall very high quality, with some of the songs being timeless classics. I also know how high people regard this, so it feels hard giving it lower than 5, even though I don't get the feeling that I just need to listen to the album again after hearing it, which I definitely feel with some other albums I'd rate 5 in a heartbeat. So probably weak 5 for me.
Apr 06 2023
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Fear and Whiskey
It started out really good with Chivalry, and I was excited for the album. But then it got pretty bland, with some occasional pretty bad stuff, such as Darkness and Doubt with the out of tune violin (especially ending was outright bad imo), and it just didn't really recover to the level of the start of the album. Still, it could have been worse for sure, but didn't hit home for me, and will probably forget about this album fairly soon.
Apr 07 2023
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Out of Step
Minor Threat
Didn’t find anything I enjoyed really. No catchy riffs, no finesse or anything.
Apr 10 2023
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You've Come a Long Way Baby
Fatboy Slim
Didn’t listen to it, but I didn’t have to. Heard it many times. Solid 5 star for me, lots of really awesome songs. Very 90s defining for me!
Apr 11 2023
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What's Going On
Marvin Gaye
Really nice album! Perhaps not all songs stand out that much to me, but the overall feel of the album is very nice, and it's something I can definitely see myself revisting, it gives a certain mood for sure - in a good way! In addition, it feels very nicely produced and Marvin is a killer singer!
Apr 12 2023
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American Pie
Don McLean
American Pie and Vincent are instantly recognized classics. While the rest of the songs didn't reach those highs, I still feel like it kept a high standard. There were a bit too many ballads or ballad-like songs for my taste, so it will get a strong 3.
Apr 13 2023
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Tracy Chapman
Tracy Chapman
Have listened to this album once before I think, but didn't think anything particular of it except of Fast Car which I absolutely love. Coming into it I didn't have any special hopes, but I gotta say I was pleasantly surprised by how good all of it is. The lyricical content is quite serious and I wouldn't consider it especially "happy", but somehow it still gives me some feelgood vibes strange enough. Also good variety in the songs in my opinion, for example completely caught off guard with Mountains O'Things which got some carribean vibe going on. Then a bit of raeggae feeling with She's Got Her Ticket straight after, very nice! Hard choice between 4 and 5, but when listening through the album there is not a single song I don't like, so it will have to be a 5!
Apr 14 2023
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Devil Without A Cause
Kid Rock
The lyrical content is complete garbage in my opinion. Feels like something that was written by a person who wants to be cool, but is not. Dre and other artists that have a pretty rough and degrading lyrics at least give me the impression of having some self-distance and doing it in an ironic way, but didn't find any of that here. Every fiber of me wants to give this a 1 star, but if you put the lyrics aside some songs were actually pretty catchy, so it gets a 2 for me. Won't return to this album though for sure.
Apr 17 2023
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Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space
I like that it felt different, but just didn't do much for me unfortunately. Can barely remember any songs from when listening on Friday.
Apr 18 2023
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Made In Japan
Deep Purple
This was a real tough one, but not for the same reasons as with past albums. The music itself was good, no doubt, but my gripe is mostly with whether live albums should actually be included on this list or not, and the fact that there seemed to be about 10 different versions of this particular album if you go and search for it on wikipedia (I listened to the 2 CD variant from 2014). A liveset in my experience usually comes with the latest - but more importantly, greatest - songs of a band. So it kind of becomes a "greatest hits light" album, and I definitely don't think greatest hits albums belong on a list like this because I think it's not a fair comparison. So I'm leaning towards not being a fan of this being included at all actually, but let's have a look at the music a bit with that said.
I see that the original CD only contained what is essentially CD1 of the 2014 album, so I will only consider that when I write my thoughts below.
I think the music is very good, but I'm not completely sold on everything. Smoke on water, though having a catchy and easy riff, is one of the most overplayed songs ever in my opinion, so just hearing that got me a bit anti. Then there is a 7 min drum solo or something in the Mule which almost made me quit it. The songs are also needlessly long, which of course is not an issue if you're there live, but becomes a bit tedious when listening to it like this. Otherwise I think it's very good, actually much better than I first expected. I like the sound of 70s rock a lot, feels very raw and has some "dirtyness" to the sound that I really like, if you compare with modern recordings of rock for example. Very straight forward with a cranked amplifier, very nice. Reminds me a lot of Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath, which I also like a lot. Everyone in the band plays very tight as well, singer really delivers. Despite all the annoyances I really enjoyed it though, feels like something I could listen to again for sure!
Apr 19 2023
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Bright Flight
Silver Jews
I thought this was pretty good! Never heard before, but was interesting. I wasn't a big fan of the singer though with his dragging and borderline out of tune sining. I think most of their songs sounded very similar, so it all blended together and became a bit unmemorable unfortunately.
Apr 20 2023
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Arc Of A Diver
Steve Winwood
This was nice! Reminds me a bit of Phil Collins somehow. Probably won't see myself returning to this as the songs didn't quite stick with me. Still, it was hard to decide whether it gets a strong 3 or a weak 4, but I think I'd like it to be something I would at least consider coming back to and having some songs stick with me for it to be a 4, so 3 it is!
Apr 21 2023
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Live At The Star Club, Hamburg
Jerry Lee Lewis
Had a long rant about live albums before, so not going to say anything about that here.
I think this type of music can slot in when in certain moods, and the concert is no doubt a real good one, Jerry seems to be on fire and you can often hear the crowd go really wild as well. Watching it live I'm sure this would be very good and have gotten higher rating, but listening to it like this gets a bit messy.
Apr 24 2023
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Here's Little Richard
Little Richard
Kickass singer, but I got bored pretty quickly to be honest, it feels like at least half of the songs follow the exact same format and structure: "Sing catchy short sentance a couple of bars, do some falsettos woo's, break, repeat". Yes, I'm looking at you Tutti Frutti, Ready Teddy, Long Tall Sally, She's got it, Jenny Jenny. I mean he's a kickass singer, but it felt like he found one exact song format that worked well for him and then just did. I was about to give this 2 stars, but then I realized I gave the Kid Rock album 2 stars and felt like maybe that was unfair.
Apr 25 2023
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Let's Stay Together
Al Green
I'm not sure why, but I liked this very much. Some songs you recognize instantly, but mostly all of it held very high bar I guess. Compared to some other albums from around the same time, this didn't sound very dated at all and held up very good I'd say!
Apr 26 2023
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A Night At The Opera
I am not a very big fan of Queen to be honest. I usually don't like their chord progressions (with some exceptions), and their songs sounding like musicals and their overuse of choir doesn't fly with me at all. Their songs have also been played so much all over the place that it has almost drained me of all liking, unfortunately. Still, I can't deny that this is a good album. They definitely have their own style, and even though their sound might not be my cup of tea exactly, it still works very well and is well executed. Freddie Mercury is definitely one of the best rock singers of all time as well, which helps. I don't think there are any other songs on the album that come close to of course Bohemian Rhapsody, but also You're My Best Friend, and I would have given it a 3 if these two were'nt on the album. But as it stands it's going to have to be a 4. Looking at my other stats, this still slams harder than for example the 'Smash' album by the Offsprings, and 'Toys in the Attic' by Aerosmith, which both got a 3.
Apr 27 2023
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A Northern Soul
The Verve
The album was good, I think I've discovered that The Verve is my cup of tea. The mellowness and chord progressions sits very well with me, been quite fond of shoegaze in general which I would consider this album to be to some degree. Unfortunately there was no song that really stood out to me, and the whole album sort of blended together a bit to me, probably something I would put on in the background to create a certain mood rather than actually "listen" to. I actually don't really see why it's on the list at all to be honest, the 'Urban Hymns' album was straight out better in all regards and this album doesn't feel like it brings anything special or something that you don't get from that other album.
Apr 28 2023
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Crime Of The Century
Really good album. Love Supertramp, love electric pianos, what more can you say. Baffles me how they are not more highly regarded. The album might not contain the songs their most famous for, but it's definitely one of their best still. Some songs stand out more than other, but it's one of the rare albums where I actually think every song is good. No song sound like the other either.
May 01 2023
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New York Dolls
New York Dolls
Wasn’t a super big fan of this. Everything blended together and nothing really stood out.
May 02 2023
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(What's The Story) Morning Glory
This one is a bit tricky to be honest. It has very high highs, but it also has some fairly low lows. Still, it basically contains all of the Oasis bangers on one CD, which is very impressive and can probably only be said about very few other albums. I've definitely grown tired of hearing the top hits of Oasis after having heard them what feels like a million times, but giving this anything other than a 5 would be unfair.
May 03 2023
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Ananda Shankar
Ananda Shankar
Never heard this before. When I started listening I was very excited, and I really wanted it to be one of those rare gems. But it wasn't as good as I had hoped, it became a bit too monotonous for me I think with the songs being hard to distinguish from each other. I think it worked well as a mood setter though, and it was nice to have on in the background as a variety from the usual stuff I listen to. It was definitely not bad, but didn't capture me as I had hoped either. Plus points for being different though!
May 04 2023
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Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Another album I found hard to rate, surprise. I listened to it once and got distracted with something else, so it kind of just flew over my head. Then I listened again, and it definitely stuck to me better. Maybe if I listened more I would grow more fond of it, but it still didn't quite stick. I can't put my finger on it though, it wasn't bad by any means, but there weren't any song that particularly grabbed me I think. I contemplated going for a weak 4, but I think it will have to be a strong 3 instead. Definitely have some Neil Young songs I'm very fond of, and none of them were on this album, so I know what it feels like when it hits home.
May 05 2023
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Vanishing Point
Primal Scream
Had a hard time deciding whether this was good experimental stuff, or not. It definiely sounded very 90's for me somehow, and I liked some songs as mood setter background music, but the album never really punch through for me. The only track that really caught my attention was Trainspotting, which I liked, but that's not enough to cover up for the rest. I think this is going to have to be one of those albums that tried valiantly with its quirkiness, and ended up on the wrong side of the line. Still, not by any means so bad that I'd say "there's nothing I enjoy in this, burn it". 2 stars.
May 08 2023
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Close To The Edge
One of those bands there were big back in the days, but didn't survive the test of time and have been forgotten since (compared to other bands). Tried getting into Yes before. Didn't manage then, and didn't manage now. On paper it should be a good fit, but in my opinion their songs just aren't that good, nothing that really grabs me or evoke any type of emotion other than indifference. It's not bad though,, nothing that is outwright wrong or anything, and it's still performed good etc, so it lands in the middle.
May 09 2023
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The Cure
I never really understood why people love The Cure so much. And when I started out with this album, I didn't feel much. Then it got better at the end somehow. I wasn't particularly fond of Lovesong which was the most listened to song, but The Same Deep Water as You, Lullaby, abd Homesick stood out to me. And after re-listening a bit, I think I have to give this a 4 since I feel like the overall bar was still quite high, and like I mentioned, there were some good songs that I definitely liked. And yet when I look back, it probably isn't any album I'll remember as being "particularly good". It's weird; deciding it must be rated a 4 and still not understanding what people like so much about a band.
May 10 2023
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Lost In The Dream
The War On Drugs
I've heard this before, and I'm not a very big fan of The War on Drugs to be honest. I can see why they are popular, but to me each song just feels too much like the same thing and becomes very predictable. The chord progressions are good, but I find the issue in the arrangements. Most of the songs it feels like there are no tempo variations, breaks or anything, and the tempo is usually way too fast for the song. Once the drums start (for which they always play use the most basic pattern there is with almost zero fills or variations) it just goes on repeat until the song ends with no finesse. Under the Pressure, Red Eyes, Burning for example is prime examples of this. In addition, I'm not a big fan of Adam Granduciel's tormented singing. His voice is unique in a way, and he doesn't sing false or anything, but I just don't like the style. Despite me being hung up on certain things, I still think there are some songs where these issues don't stand out as much, for example Suffering or Disappearing, and I usually like this type of genre. So it gets a 3 for me, but I had to revisit what I had given a 2 star rating to determine that I actually think this is a bit better than those.
May 11 2023
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Tuesday Night Music Club
Sheryl Crow
Very meats and potatoes in my opinion. All I Wanna Do is very good, but otherwise nothing that really stood out. It wasn't that bad either though, just not particularly interesting. Actually not sure why this is on the list, maybe it was revolutionary when it came or something. Feels like another contemporary-ish pop/rock/country album.
May 12 2023
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John Prine
John Prine
I never really listen to the lyrics that much, because then I need to focus on the song and can't focus on anything else I'm doing. But here the lyrics really stood out to me, he really has some witty, and sometimes clever, writing. Country folk music isn't a genre I'm particularly fond of, so it's not something I will put on again probably. But I enjoyed if for what it was, and it gets extra points for actually making me notice the lyrics, which usually just pass me by as background noise.
May 15 2023
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If You're Feeling Sinister
Belle & Sebastian
I did not like this at all. The singer was was so monotone and boring. The songs were some of the most borings songs I've heard, and the mix sounded really bad and boring. No dynamics at all, just flat and weak.
May 16 2023
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Sign 'O' The Times
Really liked this, was probably my type of vibe. Didn't listen through all of it, and I don't have any standout songs that I particularly like, but all of it was just really good. The songs were also very varying to me - in a good way. My only gripe might be that it was a bit too long of an album.
May 17 2023
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Sweet Baby James
James Taylor
Hadn't heard of James Taylor before. Had to google him to find out that he's supposedly a very beloved and "one of the best-selling artists of all time", but I don't quite get it I think, at least not judging from this album. I think the recording sounds very good technically for being 70s, but the songs sounds a bit like generic country to me. Nothing wrong with that, it wasn't bad, but don't really stand out to me either. Maybe it was something you had to experience when it came, not sure.
May 18 2023
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The Modern Lovers
The Modern Lovers
This was one of the most stupid albums I’ve heard in a long time - and I mean that in a good way. The singer wasn’t that good, but the songs were sooo weird and interesting. I definitely didn’t like all of them and probably won’t listen to it much, but it’s definitely an album I’ll remember. I also read that one of the members were later part of Talking Heads, and while this doesn’t reach their heights, you can definitely see where some inspiration came from. With lines like “Well some people try to pick up girls
And get called assholes
This never happened to Pablo Picasso”, how can you not like it.
May 19 2023
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Tea for the Tillerman
Cat Stevens
Don't know why but not really feeling it. Not bad of course, but doesn't really do anything for me either. Also heard "Wild World" too many times, so it has lost its magic.
May 22 2023
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The White Stripes
Really cool album. Impressive how they manage to get such a big sounds from just a pair of drums and a guitar. Each song feels unique as well, overall really how bar. Definitely seeing this being something that could become a 5 for me if I listen to it more.
May 23 2023
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I usually regard R.E.M highly but this was a very weak album from them. It's The End Of The World As We Know It is a popular song that you're guaranteed to have a heard before, but apart from that it's not very exciting.
May 24 2023
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Femi Kuti
Femi Kuti
I actually liked this quite a lot. Maybe because it was a nice breeze of being something else than rock. Even saved some songs. I think some of the songs were a bit long though and dragged on for too long.
May 25 2023
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Massive Attack
Never heard of Massive Attack but I loved it, very cool album. Sounds very 90s somehow - in the “good” way. Also gives me some lo-if vibes which is cool. Definitely see myself returning to this, and many songs I really liked. Hard to decide between a 4 and 5, but I think I will settle for a strong 4.
May 26 2023
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Haut de gamme / Koweït, rive gauche
Koffi Olomide
I appreciated the uplifting melodies of the album, but other than that it was pretty underwhelming. It contained tons of typical 80s synth parts that have aged very well in my opinion, and the tracks were just not that good.
May 29 2023
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Sheer Heart Attack
Apart from 'Killer Queen' which is a great song, this album just didn't cut it in my opinion. As mentioned before, Queen is not really my cup of tea to begin with, but that is usually weighed up by really good songs. Didn't really find any of that here unfortunately. The surprise of hearing some Queen metal did give it some extra points though, did definitely not see that coming!
May 30 2023
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I really wanted to like this, but it just didn't grab me somehow. Song 2 is a real banger, but can unfortunately not make up for the rest of the album which is quite forgettable in my opinion. Interesting how you can see where some of the "old microphone" effects used a lot in Gorillaz comes from as it's quite prevalent here as well. Unfortunately this album has pretty much cemented that I really much prefer Gorillaz to Blur.
May 31 2023
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The Police
This was a weird album. I had pretty high expectations for some reason, but it started out pretty weak, and then suddenly you stumble into 'Mother' which... is a song that probably never should have been made. Every Breath You Take is a very good song, but apart from that the rest wasn't anything to cheer for.
Jun 01 2023
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Fetch The Bolt Cutters
Fiona Apple
I knew I was in for quirky when I saw the album cover, and I was not wrong. Fun to hear something contemporary, but I personally think there are loads of new albums that are better than this by miles. It gets plus points for trying to do something different - so tired of hearing rock at this point. Unfortunately it doesn't do anything for me at all, which is unfortunate because I WANT to enjoy it. I think I can single out 1 or 2 tracks that I could give a chance again, but other than that it's an album that I'll definitely remember, but not return to.
Jun 02 2023
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Brown Sugar
The lyrical matter was quite sleazy and lame, but I liked the "music" part of it! Definitely something I could have on in the background as buzz. Generally not a fan of RnB, but this sat quite well with me!
Jun 05 2023
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Back To Black
Amy Winehouse
I don't consider myself an Amy Winehouse fanboi, but this album is really good. I don't remember how it looked back in 2006 when this was released, but it definitely feels very fresh and stands out in today's climate, which is really cool! Very good singing, overall nice with some soul/jazz/blues.
Jun 06 2023
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White Denim
I don’t think I really understood the point of this album. It was mostly instrumental long solos, but none of it was particularly good. I would’ve understood if it was the first of its kind in the 60s or 80s, but in 2011? I usually like this type of music but it just didn’t hit home, maybe I need to listen to it more, not sure.
Jun 07 2023
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Pet Shop Boys
I liked this! Maybe not the best Pet Shop Boys record, but definitely good.
Jun 08 2023
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Sweetheart Of The Rodeo
The Byrds
Cozy country, but nothing that stands out honestly. I didn't listen to the lyrics that much, so maybe it's about pain and misery, what do I know. Definitely something I could put on if I was in the mood for some country background music though.
Jun 09 2023
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Hypocrisy Is The Greatest Luxury
The Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy
When I saw the album cover I knew it was going to be quite a ride. And it was; a very political one. When the first song started with "Hallelujah" I thought it was going to be some religious shenanigans, and then it switched to hip hop immediately and I drew a sigh of relief. I have to say I don't think the rapper fitted particularly well in this genre... it felt too tame and square somehow? Too well rehearsed somehow, or reading directly from the sheet or something, hard to put a finger on it. Overall I think it was a bit too political for my taste (though I enjoy Rage Against the Machine, so that's a bit of hipocrisy, fitting to the album). I am still well very glad I listened to this - even though I probably won't return soon - as I would never have found it otherwise. I'll remember it for its militant cover.
Jun 12 2023
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Fleetwood Mac
Nothing special in my opinion. Guess it's a guarantee we're going to run into 'Rumours' at some point if this is on the list.
Jun 13 2023
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Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath
Love the Black Sabbath sound, the guitar sound is just so tasty. I also like how they looked more like hippies in the 70s than the super dark edge lords that they turned into later. This album is not their best in my opinion, N.I.B. and Evil Woman are very good tracks but the others don't stand out as much.
Jun 14 2023
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The Holy Bible
Manic Street Preachers
This album didn't do much for me honestly, can't remember a single song. Somehow all of it just mixed together. It feels sooo pretentious as well somehow, but I'm not sure if it's actually the lyrical content or if it's just the singers voice that gives me that feeling.
Jun 15 2023
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Michael Jackson
Think this held the title of "most sold albums of all time" for a very long time, and understandably so. I also read that Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones' intent was to make a record "with just hit tracks". I think they succeeded pretty well in that. Probably everyone in the world has heard some song on this album at least once, and some artists could only dream of making one of these songs once in their life. There are some tracks (The Lady in My Life and The Girl Is Mine) that are definitely not on par with the rest, but otherwise it's just banger after banger.
Jun 16 2023
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Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Phantom of the Opera and Strange World are real bangers, but otherwise it wasn’t really anything that stood out as much. Feels like it holds a pretty high bar overall though, and I like Iron Maiden so a very strong 3 feels about right.
Jun 19 2023
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The Suburbs
Arcade Fire
I've listened to the top songs from Arcade Fire before (The Suburbs, Wake Up etc.) but doesn't evoke any special emotions in me. Kind of the same in this album, but I did enjoy Half Light I and Suburban War quite a lot actually. Feels like a proper 3, definitely not higher.
Jun 20 2023
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The Seldom Seen Kid
I was determined to give this a 2, but then I listened again and Grounds for Divorce kind of stuck with me. Then I realized that I kind of like the singers voice, so I changed my mind to a 3. The most played song was One Day Like This, but that didn't really stand out to me. Overall it was very fun to hear something I never had heard before, but it didn't impress me that much.
Jun 21 2023
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Alexander 'Skip' Spence
This was an odd one. First playthrough I took notice of Cripple Creek and Lawrence of Euphoria which stood out with its weirdness. But when I got to Grey/Afro and continued listening I definitely noticed something was wrong. Turns out the songs after that wasn't part of the original - and you could tell easily, the quality really plummeted. The whole album is very uneven in quality. Songs like Diana and Grey/Afro are a clear 1/5 for me with its hazy rambling and droning. But some songs do stand out, like I mentioned. I also read that the whole album was recorded by himself just after having been hospitalized for some time and diagnozed with schizofrenia. That backstory adds more to the album and makes it more interesting somehow - it could explain a lot of the mellowness, for example. Even though it won't get very high rating from me, I'm glad I listened to it and learned some piece of history with it!
Jun 22 2023
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Roger the Engineer
The Yardbirds
For being such an old album I think a lot of it sounds pretty modern! Not the actual production of course, but the actual writing. I think I was a bit distracted when listening to it so nothing really stands out that much. When skimming through it now I must say it's pretty catchy though!
Jun 23 2023
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Club Classics Vol. One
Soul II Soul
I thought it started out in a good way with the first 2 or 3 tracks, but then it deteriorated quite a bit. ‘African Dance’ and ‘Dance’ were quite yawny for example. Not sure I understand why this deserves to be on the list to be honest.
Jun 26 2023
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Snoop Dogg
I really like West Coast 90s hip hop so this should definitely be my jam. Snoop Dogg have really been on a ridiculuos amount of hits in that genre, but I wouldn't say they're on this album. I've listened to it a few times before but I always conclude that it's not really for me for some reason. There are some well known songs like 'Gin and Juice' and 'Who Am I', but I'm not that big a fan to be honest. They're not bad or anything, I just think there are way better songs out there (see 2001 by Dr. Dre for example) Solid 3 star rating; not bad but doesn't reach any great heights for me personally.
Jun 27 2023
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Maybe a bit cliché but Nirvana is one of my favourite bands, and this is probably their best album. The first half is crazy strong, so many good songs. What I discovered this time listening to the album is that the second half, starting from 'Territorial Pissings', is actually very weak. If that was all the album contained it would probably be a 2 for me, but the first half makes up for it. 'Come As You Are' is probably my favourite song on the album. I think 'Smells Like Teen Sprit' used to be
the best the first 100 times I heard it, but now it has lost its magic a bit since it's been so overplayed over the years.
Jun 28 2023
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I have never heard of this guy before, but I was quite pleasantly surprised and definitely found myself digging some of the songs. I don't think this type of rap/hiphop is really my thing, but if it was I think it would've maybe gotten some higher ratings.
Jun 29 2023
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For Your Pleasure
Roxy Music
Some of the songs could've kind of worked for me, but I feel like everything is dragged down by the singer. I really don't like how he sings or how he sounds. It's not too far away from how David Byrne does it in Talking Heads, but there it just fits the music somehow, and is executed better. Here it's just dissonant somehow. Not a big fan.
Jun 30 2023
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Paul McCartney
I don't know... I didn't really feel that much during the first playthrough to be honest. Definitely not bad, but nothing that stuck with me either except maybe Momma Miss America, which was a really cool song, but also completely different from the rest of the album. Maybe I just need to listen to it again, not sure.
Jul 03 2023
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Jethro Tull
Pretty cool album honestly. I think this is one of those albums where they manage to turn the weirdness into something good, rather than letting it end up drawing the whole thing down. Perhaps I don't want to put it on immeditely after hearing it, but there are definitely some killer riffs in there, and I think it could become a quite strong album for me if I just gave it some more listenings. I'll give this one the benefit of the doubt and give it a weak 4. Plus points for standing out. The album art definitely gels well with the music on it somehow.
Jul 04 2023
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The Boatman's Call
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
I wasn't very fond of this album. There was too little variation between the songs for my taste, and I particularly didn't like that it was so low-tempo and mellow. I am not someone who appreciates the lyrics that much, and this certainly feels like an album that is for those who do. Still, 'People Ain't No Good' and 'West Country Girl' stuck out to me, and I really liked those. I am going to give this a strong 2 star rating, knowing that it probably deserves better. And it would've gotten more if it was more my thing.
Jul 05 2023
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Rust In Peace
For metal to work for me, I think I need it to be quite... outstanding. And this album wasn't that for me. It's not enough to just dish out lots of notes in fast order to get my blood pumping. It should have nothing to do with the music, but it might also get dragged down by my view of Dave Mustaine as a whiny child about getting kicked out of Metallica for a being a drunk and general douche.
Jul 06 2023
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No Other
Gene Clark
Never heard of this before, but this just grabbed me from the start somehow, which happens very rarely. Often I feel like I need to listen to something for a few times before appreciating it, so that is a really good credit to the album. Most tracks were just great or really good honestly, hard to point out exactly what it is. But the tracks were quite different from each other, I really liked that. Some with heavy Pink Floyd-esque guitar solos like 'Stength of Strings' or 'Some Misunderstanding', a bit more folk or country with the first two tracks and 'True One'. 'No Other' was just a really cool track overall, comes as a complete surprise but really slaps with some distorted bass or synth or something.
Jul 07 2023
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The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady
Charles Mingus
I like Jazz, but I don't think I know Jazz well enough to understand the greatness of this album, or why it stands out and needs to be on this list. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was a nice listening, but it just doesn't stand out particularly much. Having an almost 19 minute track also gets a bit tedious to be frank. I also think all tracks sounded VERY similar. Still, it sounds good for what Jazz is, so I guess I'll just put it in the middle?
Jul 10 2023
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Marquee Moon
Pretty decent album, never heard of them before! There were no song that really grabbed me other than perhaps 'Marquee Moon' a bit, but all of them held up well enough! Nothing really bad, so this ends right in the middle for me.
Jul 11 2023
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Never Mind The Bollocks, Here’s The Sex Pistols
Sex Pistols
Many of the tracks are a bit samey, but all in all it's a great album. 'God Save the Queen' has got to be one of the most iconic punk songs, and there's more where that came from as well. I think some mystery is added to all of it with the band having this as their only studio album ever produced before breaking up.
Jul 12 2023
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Rain Dogs
Tom Waits
When the first song started my reaction was "....what?". And to be honest I think this fits more like a soundtrack to a movie, rather than something to put on and listen to as a typical album. Despite this I think it took me on an interesting journey. Really made me picture being on an old steamboat at dusk at the turn of the last century, in some tropical place, hanging out with various dubious people playing cards and smoking cigarettes. So even though this might not be something I would just put on and listen to, I still enjoyed it for what it was and I'm glad I heard it. But due to this it's also hard for me to rate it much higher than 3 since I wouldn't say I "liked" it as I usually like 4 star albums.
Jul 13 2023
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Peace Sells...But Who's Buying
I wasn't a big fan of the 'Rust in Peace' Megadeth album we heard recently. Though 'Devils Island' stood out as a pretty cool song, the rest just all molded together in a bad way. Can't remember a single song. I think I've grown quite tired of Megadeth already just after 2 albums.
Jul 14 2023
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Catch A Fire
Bob Marley & The Wailers
I really looked forward to hearing this. I have to say I was a little bit disappointed. I had pretty high expectations though, and this is definitely not Bob Marley's best album. Regardless, I really like reggae in and Bob Marley general, and even though I was a bit disappointed it was still not that bad. Good thing is that the really awesome albums will probably come later!
Jul 17 2023
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Fiona Apple
This was miles better than the 'Fetch the Bolt Cutters' album. I especially enjoyed the 'The First Taste', 'Sullen Girl', and 'Sleep to Dream' which sounds like 'Destiny' from Zero 7, but maybe a bit worse. I didn't feel like it was really my kind of music though, maybe if I had given it more chances it would stick to me. Still going to have to go with a weak 4, recognizing that she is a very good singer and plus points for sounding different.
Jul 18 2023
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Either Or
Elliott Smith
I can see how this album speaks to some people. For me it felt a bit like toned down Blink 182 or skate punk, but in a more serious way, and it just doesn't really work for me. Too many mellow songs and lullabies makes it quite boring to be honest. Feels like it would fit perfectly in some of the 90s or early 20s teenage drama series like O.C, One Tree Hill or similar, and that's just a bit past me.
Jul 19 2023
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As soon as the singer opened his mouth, I knew it was going to require very much of both the album and myself to straighten the sinking ship. And we never did, it sunk faster than Titanic. There was nothing that I liked about this album, but I least of all liked the singer. It could maybe have gotten a 2 or 3 star rating without him, but that really cemented the 1 star rating. There were no song that really stood out, and it all sounded bad as well to my ear, just badly mixed and too much distortion.
Jul 20 2023
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Somehow I was more accepting of this album compared to ‘Raising Hell’. Not sure why, because it felt like it had less hits. But I think the annoying drum machine sounds were less prominent. Feels like a solid “in the middle“ album.
Jul 21 2023
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Mott The Hoople
When I saw the cover art I was a bit sceptical, but it was actually surprisingly good. It sounded good for being so old, and I really liked some songs like 'Honaloochie Boogie', 'I'm a Cadillac / El Camino Dolo Roso'. The album sounded really good and it reminded me a bit of Led Zeppelin sometimes, which I'm a big fan of so this sat quite well. Quite many songs were "generic rock", but perhaps I was just in the mood for this when I heard it, not sure. Weak 4 it is!
Jul 24 2023
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Electric Ladyland
Jimi Hendrix
When I saw this album I though “Nice, I’ve heard this before and it’s an easy 5, I barely have to listen”. But then I thought I might as well. And it’s not as good as I remember it - if you put the classics aside. Without those it would probably have been a 2. Many songs just drag on and on forever or are just not that good. But due to ‘Crosstown traffic’, ‘Along the Watchtower’ etc it still gets a 4.
Jul 25 2023
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Led Zeppelin II
Led Zeppelin
Not sure if this is their best album, but it still slaps hard. Even the less known songs are very good with easy, yet recognizable, riffs. And then there’s the classics like ‘Whole Lotta Love’, ‘Heartbreaker’ etc. on top of that. Robert Plant is definitely one of my favorite rock singers as well, so powerful.
Jul 26 2023
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Michael Kiwanuka
This was an interesting album. When I started listening I felt that it was something that should sit well with me, but for some reason I just didn't like it THAT much. Can't figure out why. But I am still inclined to give it a 4 star rating despite this, somehow I feel that it deserves it. There is so much crap music today, but this stands out as well produced and innovative, even though I don't feel like throwing myself over it again any time soon. Think I will learn to like it if I listen more to it.
Jul 27 2023
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Really like Chic. Unfortuntely this album doesn't really reach the highs to warrant a higher rating. Many songs, though very catchy, can get quite long and monotonous as well.
Jul 28 2023
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Neon Bible
Arcade Fire
I don’t know what it is but I really don’t like Arcade Fire. The last album ‘The Suburbs’ didn’t quite hit home and this sank even lower. I think the chord progression they use just isn’t for me, or it’s too cheerful sounding or something. I wanted to like it, but for the whole album I just couldn’t wait for it to be over, and I wanted to skip every song. I think this is also the first album I rate 1 star even though the production and sound is actually good. Here it’s just the music that really don’t work for me.
Jul 31 2023
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The Velvet Underground & Nico
The Velvet Underground
While I can understand the significance this must have had on alternative rock - especially considering it came out at 67, which feels crazy I early - I’m finding it hard to name songs that are actually good. ‘Sunday Morning’ is a classic that I’ve heard many times, but it’s a song more fitting of a soundtrack or something, rather than something I want to listen to like this. Same goes for many other songs. It’s just not something I really want to listen to.
Aug 01 2023
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The Bends
I have mixed feelings in general about Radiohead, I sometimes feel like they’re a bit too pretentious. So coming into this I was a bit reserved, also due to the fact that I’ve heard this album before but it didn’t stick that well. But I was actually pleasantly surprised, I especially think the latter part was very strong. ‘Fade out’ was already among my liked songs, but ‘Bullet proof… I wish I was’ is a new addition!
Aug 02 2023
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Pelican West
Haircut 100
I was strolling through Limone Sul Garda in Italy when listening to this, and it fitted the scenery very well. Never heard the album before and it was an interesting listening experience, though some songs felt a bit too similar.
Aug 03 2023
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Time Out Of Mind
Bob Dylan
Sounded different for a Bon Dylan album, which is good. It was fine, not much more to say.
Aug 04 2023
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Brutal Youth
Elvis Costello
I think this album had some of the weakest starts I've ever experienced, and I was determined to give it 1 star straight away. Everything just sounded bad and I didn't like it at all. Then it recovered a bit and finally landed on a 2. Elvis Costello is a name I've heard before many times, but I was thoroughly disappointed with this record.
Aug 07 2023
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The Clash
The Clash
I think it demands quite a lot from punk to be good, and this just wasn’t enough. Nothing memorable really, just mindless riffing etc.
Aug 08 2023
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Really cool album actually, quite trippy. The first quarter or so of the album was definitely 5 star terrority for me, but then it got a bit worse after that. Still some cool songs like 'Humble Mumble', 'We luv dez hoes' (though the latter is quite misogynist, like much else sadly). I think overall it just sounds a bit different with lot of acid-like elements and their rapping style works really well in my opinion.
Aug 09 2023
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Chelsea Girl
This started out really interesting, I really liked ‘These days’. Unfortunately it got gradually worse as the album progresses. ‘It was a pleasure then’ was a clear 1 star track with its weird noises, and so was ‘Wrap your troubles in dreams’ where she sounded out of tune.
Aug 10 2023
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Cosmo's Factory
Creedence Clearwater Revival
I've heard all of these songs so many times before, so I was hardly blown away, in a "surprised" kind of way, by the album. Though it's quite a feat to have managed to get all of these songs on one album, and I can only imagine how strong this must have been when it came out. I was contemplating putting a 5, but I think a 4 is reasonable.
Aug 11 2023
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Joni Mitchell
Liked this one! Very even, high quality throughout the record.
Aug 14 2023
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James Brown Live At The Apollo
James Brown
Last James Brown album we had, I remember thinking (and maybe writing) that it would've been better live. Now that we're here, I find that it didn't do as much as I hoped. The fangirls shouting is more annoying than anything, and the songs are just drags on more than a regular album. James is undeniably at least as good a singer live as he is on the album, but other than that that there's nothing that stands out here. I seriously don't understand why this live album, if you had to pick any, ended up on this list.
Aug 15 2023
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Surrealistic Pillow
Jefferson Airplane
I've heard this album a few times before, and when it popped up now I still thought "I wonder what other songs are on there apart from 'White Rabbit' and 'Somebody to Love'". I think this is quite telling of the record: it's very uneven. There are very many songs on the album, and only the first half + 'White Rabbit' is really worth keeping. The rest should just have been cut and it could've gotten a 4 probably. I also think it's a mistake to not have Grace sing more of the songs, since she has such an iconic voice and is what stands out the most to me.
Aug 16 2023
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All Hail the Queen
Queen Latifah
Not my cup of tea really. No hooks or anything in my opinion. Not totally rock bottom, but still very uninteresting to me.
Aug 17 2023
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I instantly disliked this, but tried my very best to not let that first impression affect me for the rest of the album. But it was impossible to turn it around. Maybe the worst record we've had on this list so far and I cannot fathom why it is on the list at all. Maybe it was a pioneer back when it came out and paved the way for some genre, no idea. Is it here as a benchmark mark for how bad an album can be? When I looked at the number of songs on the album I got seriously scared, but the silver lining was that each song was just 1-2 mins long, amounting to a very short total playtime around 38 mins. And that turned out to be the only good thing with this album. I would've given this 0 stars if I could.
Aug 18 2023
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The World is a Ghetto
New album for me, and this was a happy surprise! Every song felt very funky and had a really nice groove to it. Listened to it while working and I can't remember thinking anytime that it got bad or especially boring. Songs were also different enough from each other. Just overall solid, very happy with this!
Aug 21 2023
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Licensed To Ill
Beastie Boys
I feel like a grumpy old man but I didn't like this very much. 'Fight for you Right' is definitely a classic, but other than that I didn't really enjoy any of the tracks. I think it's the same problem that I have with the old Run DMC albums, it just sounds so synthetic and "basic" with just the drum machines and some sampled stuff. While their rap style can be cool and work well in some songs, it can also become very monotonous and "toneless" over a few songs.
Aug 22 2023
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Head Hunters
Herbie Hancock
Bit interesting to hear a Herbie Hancock album start out with some acid bassline. Heavy use of electrical piano as well, which is absolutely some of my favourite sounding instruments. Was planning on going with a 3 first, but this is actually quite a unique jazz album, very different from what I've heard before. And it's very good!
Aug 23 2023
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John Lennon
This was quite hard for me to rate honestly. The music itself was good, but nothing spectacular for me personally. But since it's John Lennon you sort of feel inclined to give the benefit of the doubt. But I still think a strong 3 is appropriate for me when comparing with other albums. To get a 4, I'd at least want to feel some excitement about some songs and want to give it a listen again. Not so much with this. 'Imagine' is of course a very good song, and 'Oh Yoko!' was quite good as well, though very cheesy.
Aug 24 2023
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They Were Wrong, So We Drowned
I actually thought we had hit lowest possible already, but this might have reclaimed the throne? First song is basically a bunch of out of tune noise, more like a soundscape (which can be nice ofc, but not like this). And it just went on the same unfortunately. 0 stars if it would've been possible.
Aug 25 2023
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Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Seems to be a fairly popular album, but I'm not quite sold. Sounds a bit like a mix between Radiohead and Eliott Smith, but especially Radiohead are way better in my opinion. I think overall there's not enough interesting stuff going on, quite bland in general so to speak. 'Jesus, Etc.' was quite a cool song, changes sounds completely with violins and everything. But other than that it wasn't for me.
Aug 28 2023
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Moon Safari
This album has a bit of an interesting lo-fi vibe to it. It's a bit quirky, and I like that. Somehow it also sounds older than it is, which you don't see too often. 'Sexy Boy' is such a cool track, and the ones with Beth Hirsch are also especially good. I also like 'Ce martin-lá - From "L'uomo in più"'. Not all songs are great, but it keeps a quite high bar still, so this will have to be a weak 4.
Aug 29 2023
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Machine Head
Deep Purple
We had a live album by Deep Purple before, 'Made In Japan', that I was expecting to be bad but turned out to be very good. This is almost the opposite situation. I saw 'Smoke on the water' on this record and expected it to be a banger, but almost all songs turned out to be boring. This was also a stupid expectation to have from me to have, since I can't find any joy with 'Smoke on the water' to begin with, I have simply heard it to many times, and it has lost its magic. My overall feeling with the album is also a bit perplexing. On paper, this album really has everything I should like. Good singer, rock from era I usually enjoy, cool electric piano etc, but it just doesn't get up there for some reason. The album was saved by the last two songs, 'Space truckin'' and 'When a blind man cries' which were actually very good songs, many steps above the rest.
Aug 30 2023
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Gunfighter Ballads And Trail Songs
Marty Robbins
Fun record. I wonder if I enjoyed it much because it was actually good, or if it was just a fresh breeze compared to the records you usually get (rock mostly). It made me want to go to southern US, so I guess that’s a good sign?
Aug 31 2023
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Teen Dream
Beach House
I noticed I had saved 3 songs from this album on Spotify, but I'm not sure I listened through the whole album before. Amazingly I found even more songs that were worthy of saving, and I didn't really think there were any bad songs at all. I never really considered this to be THAT good, but now when I heard the whole album I can't really give it anything other than 5 stars, it's actually a stellar album. It's quite melancholic though, and her voice is probably something you either love or hate, but it hits just right for me.
Sep 01 2023
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The La's
The La's
I've only heard 'There she goes' before from the La´s, and after listeningen to this I understand why. The whole album was pretty forgetful actually, nothing there to reel you in. It's not bad per-se, but there's just nothing that stands out apart from 'There she goes' to me. I think I will change it up and give this a strong 2, instead of a weak 3.
Sep 04 2023
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Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin
Once again Led Zeppelin delivers a high quality album. There are definitely songs here that wouldn't be considered Zeppelin's top ones, but the overall bar is still very high. Songs like 'Good Times Bad Times' and 'Communication Breakdown' are probably my favorite ones on the album.
Sep 05 2023
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Back At The Chicken Shack
Jimmy Smith
This was such a nice and calm listen. Super cozy. Starting out the first song with an electric organ was an instant hook for me. I imagine the best way to experience this is in some cozy dim lit NYC basement while having a nice meal.
Sep 06 2023
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Live At The Harlem Square Club
Sam Cooke
Seems to have been quite some energy in that club going on. I think in general, I've concluded that I don't like live albums that much. So far the ones I've heard have been less impressive than regular ones, and I'm not sure why I keep seeing them on this list. Regardless, I would consider this one of the better ones I've heard. It's also fun to hear a different more energetic version of Sam Cooke than I'm used to hearing, so it'll get a 3 from me.
Sep 07 2023
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Rising Above Bedlam
Jah Wobble's Invaders Of The Heart
Really fun with an album that sounds different from the rest. I had hopes this could be the same revelation that the Massive Attack album 'Protection' was. And the first half kind of had me leading on to that, but then it changed format to a more oriental one, which can be fine of course, but it felt a bit disconnected and messy just splitting the album up in two parts like that. In general it didn't quite hit home for me, but I'll give it plus points for trying.
Sep 08 2023
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Fifth Dimension
The Byrds
Very forgettable to me frankly. I guess the album cover should have given me some hint at what I was about to hear. Somehow the actual songs themselves doesn't sound as hallucinatory as the art feels, but there are still some songs where the experimentation goes wrong. Like 'Eight Miles High' for example, which was a low point for me personally. In general I think this album have some of the worst guitar solos I've heard. We've had one more The Byrds album before, and I just fail to see the greatness with them.
Sep 11 2023
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Blue Lines
Massive Attack
Massive Attack really has become this group that I wasn't familiar with before starting with 1001 albums, but now love. Had their 'Protection' album here before, which was really good. I think this is stronger though. I am probably a bit biased in my honeymoon phase with this band, but they are just really good at creating extremely cool grooves with nice mellow chord progressions that works very well for me. It definitely feels 90s to me, but also manages to stand out and be very unique compared to much other music. The singers on the album have very different vocal ranges, which it makes it very interesting. It sounds quite similar to Moby, of which I am a big fan. He also manages to capture a similar feeling, especially in the 'Play' and '18' and albums. Some of my favourite tracks from the album are 'Blue Lines', 'Daydreaming', and 'Lately'. But like I said, all tracks keeps a very high bar.
Sep 12 2023
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This was an extremely uneven album. Almost half of the songs are nonsense and feels like they're there to tie the good songs together or set the mood of the album, one quarter is quite good - like 'Knives Out', 'I Might Be Wrong', 'Dollars and Cents', and the other quarter is ok. How do you rate that? I think I'll actually give it a strong 2 for once instead of weak 3. I just feel like the weak songs drag down the overall impression way too much to ignore.
Sep 13 2023
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Dolly Parton
I don't think I am knowledgeable enough in this area of music to really rate this properly. To me it sounded good and the singers are extremely capable, but the music is also feels like pretty generic country music. Nothing I want to throw myself over again, but it was a pretty calm listen and if I'm in the mood for country I could put this on for sure. I just hope for their sake that the album cover picture was done as satire or a joke, and not in seriousness. Though I'm not sure how much humour Dolly Patron & co. has, so it's hard to know.
Sep 14 2023
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Heaux Tales
Jazmine Sullivan
"Cool, an album from 2021!" is what my first reaction was. Unfortunately this quickly turned to sadness since there is so much good music these days, and they chose this out of all the good music they could've picked. I also read that she was inspired by Cardi B, which is not a good thing. I think conceptually the album feels quite cohesive. Unfortunately, the theme is not really something that excites me that much. Some of the songs are ok, but it's just not really my jam honestly, so it's hard to give it proper credit. It's not something I really enjoyed though, and I won't go back to it, so a 2 feels right for me.
Sep 15 2023
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Armed Forces
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
This is our 2nd Elvis Costello record on the list, and I still fail to see the greatness with him. I am fairly certain that this is a "me" thing, because I can't really point out any obvious issues more than that it is very mundane and doesn't move me at all - the chord progressions are just not interesting at all. I think I've heard 'Oliver's Army' before, which seems to be the high point of the album. But even then it's quite weak. The best thing about this album is the cover art, which I think is quite telling. I don't think it quite drops into 1 star rating territory, that feels a bit too harsh, even though I sincerely hope there's no more Elvis Costello on this list.
Sep 18 2023
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good kid, m.A.A.d city
Kendrick Lamar
Kendrick Lamar often seems to be cited as the big hip hop phenomenon after 2010. I've tried getting into his stuff, but I just don't see it. I tried listening extra much to the lyrics this time to see if that's where the gold was, but to me it's just the same old tropey disrespecting women, talk about fame and money etc. that you've heard a trillion times. And sure, some of the beats were perhaps a bit more... mellow and melodic somehow, but not enough to warrant that level of recognition. The trap-like elements and tri-hit hi-hats actually works against me here, not a fan of that at all. I think my favourite song of the album was 'Sing about me, I'm dying of thirst', which coincidentally also seem to stand out the most from the rest. I really want to like it, but I just don't. And I am pretty sure this is an extremely unpopular opinion. Maybe he was super revolutionary when he came out, but if so, it's just not in a direction I enjoy. Weak 2 for me.
Sep 19 2023
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Hounds Of Love
Kate Bush
Both the album cover and actual music feels old. It was an interesting listen with many unorthodox songs, but it's hard to say whether I liked it or not. 'Quirky' is probably a good way to describe this album, and a bit all over the place. Not something I'll return to for sure.
Sep 20 2023
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Another Green World
Brian Eno
During my first playthrough this left with no real impression, even though Brian Eno is often brought up as a pioneer in electronic music. I was working while listening and nothing really stood out.
I skimmed again now just before writing this, and it's actually not that bad, but not great either. I think it just passed my by since it's mostly ambient and mellow stuff. It would work much better as soundtrack to a movie rather than a typical album. Might be something I'd put on again while working. Weak 3 overall, not that exciting.
Sep 21 2023
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Otis Blue/Otis Redding Sings Soul
Otis Redding
This was pretty good, but after hearing a lot of familiar songs thinking "was this really made by Otis Redding?" I googled the album and realized that 90% of it are covers. I honestly think that kind of makes it ineligible for a rating, and that it shouldn't be on this list at all. I guess all I can do is rate his performance then, so I'll do that, even though it feels unfair towards other albums that might've gotten a lower rating.
A fun fact is that it's apparently unknown who the girl on the album cover is. The art somehow also feels before its time and looks like something a bit mysterious that could've popped up during the 90s.
Sep 22 2023
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Ritual De Lo Habitual
Jane's Addiction
'Been Caught Stealing' is a quite deecent classic that you'd hear at any 90s themed party. But there's not much more than that for me personally. I think one of the main gripes I have is that the singer mostly sounds like he's singing at his sonic capabilities all the time, like there's no dynamics - it's either on or off - and that makes it feel quite intense all the time in a not-so-good way. Also this is just not really my jam.
Sep 25 2023
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Led Zeppelin III
Led Zeppelin
Another banger from Led Zeppelin. Perhaps not their best one, but it's crazy how consistent they are. Even their "bad" albums are better than some artists could ever dream of creating. Perhaps this one doesn't contain their most famous songs, but all songs are just really good, where 'Immigrant Song' probably sits on the throne as the most recognized one.
Sep 26 2023
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Station To Station
David Bowie
A bit of a different Bowie album? At first playthrough it kind of flew past me, but then I listened again and I felt that it actually kept a pretty high bar throughout. Hard to pinpoint exactly what was good, but just overall quite nice! Weak 4 it is.
Sep 27 2023
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Dear Science
TV On The Radio
I can see how this could've been an inspiration to other bands to do something similar. I can't quite put my finger on where I've heard traces of this before, but I am confident it's out there somewhere. I appreciate that it stands out and takes a leap of faith in being original and I'm positive this sits well with a lot of people, but it doesn't quite manage to grab me unfortunately. It's probably just not my cup of tea.
Sep 28 2023
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Peter Gabriel
My first though was "hmm, this sounds quite a lot like Phil Collins, but not as good". And sure enough, Peter Garbriel was the front man of Genesis, so I'm glad that my spider senses proved themselves working for once. But that was the most exciting thing with the album for me. Like many other albums we've had on the list, there's nothing bad about this really, it just doesn't get my blood pumping. It also sounds very 80s in a not-that-great way.
Sep 29 2023
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Third/Sister Lovers
Big Star
The first half was not that great, but it recovered itself in the second half! 'Blue Moon' was a quite a good song. Overall I think a 3 makes sense.
Oct 02 2023
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The Genius Of Ray Charles
Ray Charles
Pretty bread and butter big band music as far as I can tell. Nothing wrong with that though, it slots in perfectly when you're in a certain mood for that. The listen made me feel happy, which is more than you can say for many albums!
Oct 03 2023
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Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea
PJ Harvey
Not really my cup of tea. 'You said something' was good, but other than that it really didn't hit home for me.
Oct 04 2023
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People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm
A Tribe Called Quest
Think I've only heard 'Can I Kick It' before, so this was new territory for me. I was quite sceptical at first (which I always am, nothing new there), perhaps mostly due to the band name, which definitely ranks high as some of the worst I've seen.
Their music was far better though, really liked it! Once again - as is quite common with many of my 4 star rated albums - there wasn't really any single track that stood out very much, but the overall level was just really high. I found myself constantly grooving along. 'Mr. Muhammad' for example is a really cool track that gives me Massive Attack vibes. Then 'I Left My Wallet in El Segundo' gives you a completely different vibe, but is still really cool. I guess one thing that annoys me is that their rapping flow/style feels a bit tame sometimes. A bit "kosher" somehow. But in summary, really cool album! One of few that I haven't heard before, but still leaves me super excited about listening again!
Oct 05 2023
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Don't Come Home A Drinkin' (With Lovin' On Your Mind)
Loretta Lynn
Once again it started off with scepticism, as the cover art looks like an invitation card to dinners at an Amish place in the 50s. Lucikly it turned out to be a very nice album! What a wonderful voice she has, she sings very well. It's hard for me to give it more than a solid 3 in the middle, because even though I can appreciate it when in certain mood and it genuinely made me happy to listen to, it's not really something I usually put on myself. It's also hard to know how this album from 67 has impacted the genre.
Oct 06 2023
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Street Signs
This really wasn't to my liking at all. The single biggest issue for me was that it didn't feel cohesive at all. It was a mixture of latino rap, some rap that didn't feel latino, 'Who Discovered America' which felt like a worse kind of radio smash hit version of Santana's 'Smooth'. Then there was 'Dejame en Paz', which was something completely different? I think if some of the tracks were hand picked and put in another constellation, it might not have been as bad, but this just didn't fly at all. But to be fair, the tracks didn't really leave any impression on me regardless so maybe not.
Oct 09 2023
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Tres Hombres
ZZ Top
Some proper "old man's rock". 'La Grange' is a real classic, and even the rest of the songs mostly contain real catchy and memorable riffs. If that's exactly what you want you'll love this. I think personally it gets a bit boring after a while somehow. Very bread and butter rock, maybe I just wasn't in the mood for that. One thing that surprised in a good way was how well they sing.
Oct 10 2023
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Fela Kuti
Pretty nice vibe, hard to sit still with this on! Songs were a bit too long perhaps, but not much to complain about to be honest. Hard to say what could change to give it a higher rating, but somehow feels fitting with a 3 even though I can't really motivate it properly.
Oct 11 2023
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The Joshua Tree
I came into this thinking it would be a solid 5 star album. I have to say I was a bit disappointed. The first few songs are crazy strong, but the rest is kind of forgettable to be honest. I am a quite big fan of U2's music, but a realization has dawned on me that they are quite uneven. It's really only their best songs that are good, the rest are not that interesting. Lucky for them they have quite alot of smash hits across all of their albums, but when looking at this album as a whole it fell short of other albums I've given 5 stars.
Oct 12 2023
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Electric Warrior
T. Rex
Another one I haven't encountered before, but this was a really cool album! It starts off with - in my opinion - the albums best song 'Mambo Sun', and just keeps going with cool songs. When I got to 'Get It On' the coin finally fell down since that is quite a well known song. The singer had a quite unique style, but it fitted very well with the songs. I think in general most songs were just very good, which doesn't happen very often when I come across an "ordinary" rock album. Hats off to this!
Oct 13 2023
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Under Construction
Missy Elliott
I've come to the conclusion that I just like very specific types of rap for some reason. And unfortunately this didn't fit in there. Can't put my finger on it, but it just didn't move me at all for some reason. I appreciate that she's taking a stance for the ladies though, quite a lot of rap can be very misogynistic in my opinion. So hearing something different than that is refreshing.
Oct 16 2023
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Straight Outta Compton
Funny how the last album we got was 'Under Construction' by Missy Eliott, and I said how refreshing it was that she was taking a stand for the ladies. Enter this album, which is the polar opposite of that.
I might get lynched for giving this a 4 star, but I'm just a bit tired of the older hip-hop beats. It was the same feeling with Run-D.M.C. Eazy-E´s rap is also so annoying to listen to, don't like his flow at all. Still, you can't deny how influental the album has been for hip-hop, and catapulting Dr.Dre and Ice Cube, for example, towards very successful careers.
Oct 17 2023
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Fela Kuti
Wow, another Fela Kuti album. Think that has been the artist so far with most albums generated, very unexpected. I have to say this live album actually added something; Fela's energy was really rubbing off! The first 3 songs were really strong, then it dipped a bit. The absolute low point was the 16 minutes drum solo. I really try to be open minded about drum solos, but they have never really worked for me.
Oct 18 2023
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Green Day
I used to listen to lots of skate punk in my teens, and some albums still hold up really well. But this doesn't do much for me, unfortunately. I think it is regarded as one of the better early works in that genre, and certainly some songs like 'Basket Case' and perhaps 'When I Come Around' are bangers, but it is just too uneven for me to give it a higher rating. I really like Green Day's more commercially successful album 'American Idiot', but other than that I think Green Day just isn't really for me, for some reason.
Oct 19 2023
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The Madcap Laughs
Syd Barrett
Pink Floyd regards Syd Barret very high and has mentioned how influential he was for their sound and how he was a cornerstone in the band, basically pulling the strings. That might be true, but it's a bit funny how they made their best stuff after he left the band.
I can see many resemblences between this album and the first two Pink Floyd albums as well, but those albums at least had some songs that were pretty good, and they sounded like they were mixed by professional musicians. This has nothing of that. It sounds terrible, the songs are jibberish and incohesive. Maybe some songs reflect his mental wellbeing at the time, which would be both interesting and a bit sad, but it's still not anything I would put on or listen to.
Oct 20 2023
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Kimono My House
Sounds like a mixture between circus music and Queen. Way too sprawling for my taste. I don't think this is objectively bad, it just doesn't suit me the slightest.
Oct 23 2023
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Songs In The Key Of Life
Stevie Wonder
This was an album with a lot of mixed emotions for sure. The length of it seems to be a whooping 105 (!) minutes, which is absurd for an album in my opinion.
The first quarter is way too much religion centric for my taste. Almost all songs seems to be about Jesus or God in some form - not my cup of tea.
Not all songs keep the same quality, but you can't deny that there are quite a lot of bangers here. What's more, there are also a handful of songs that have been sampled and you recognize from other famous songs as well. 'I Wish' seems to be the main song in Will Smith's 'Wild Wild West', 'Pastime Paradise' has been covered and sampled loads of times, and there might be more that I missed. Still, for an album to get a 5 star I would like it to be a bit more even throughout, and it would probably reach that level if like half of the songs were cut. Strong 4 it is!
Oct 24 2023
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The Soft Bulletin
The Flaming Lips
I actually disliked this with a passion. It was a long time ago since I heard a record that sounded this bad, it's on demo territory for me. I actually had to check if my headphones were connected properly, just because it sounded so bad.
The singer has a quite special style that you may or may not like, but I think he actually sang out of key on some songs which just enhances the feeling that he can't sing.
It's a bit of a shame, because 'Race for the Prize' could've been a very good song if it was just executed better. And that is a feeling I have throughout the whole record; every song that could've been good is ruined by bad choices of what sounds and instruments to use, which just makes it sound crap and dissonant (I'm looking at you, distorted bass in 'A Spoonful Weighs a Ton').
It does sound quite a lot like a predecessor to Death Cab for Cutie though, and I can see how many other indie and alternative bands might've been inspired by this.
Oct 25 2023
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Punishing Kiss
Ute Lemper
Strange album. It sounds like it's way older than from 2000 somehow. If lining up all of the different famous artists on the album cover was going to be selling, it unfortunately didn't contribute to it being actually good. Ute sounds like a competent singer, but the songs just weren't for at all.
Oct 26 2023
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David Bowie
This was quite interesting as it didn't feel like a Bowie album. Maybe too non-quirky and/or more electronic elements than I'm used to in Bowie's music. Still, I enjoyed it, refreshing! Shows that Bowie is quite the musician with many different sides to him.
I instantly liked 'Sound and Vision' when it came on, but other than that not much really stuck. There were some nice melodic pieces in the latter part of the album like 'Art Decade' and 'Weeping Wall', but somehow don't feel like it deserves more than a quite strong 3 star rating, still.
Oct 27 2023
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Teenager Of The Year
Frank Black
I understand the Pixies to be quite highly regarded, but this just did not cut it at all for me. It felt extremely bland, and I actually didn't manage to sit through the whole of it. Even though it was just an hour long it felt like I was listening to it the whole morning. Not in a good way.
Oct 30 2023
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Hybrid Theory
Linkin Park
It was really hard to rate this album. This album and 'Meteora' were albums that became insanely popular when I was young, so there are quite strong nostalgia connected to this for me. Which raises the question of how good it really is.
Somehow it doesn't feel super modern anymore, but I can't put my finger on whether it's because I haven't been listening to this type of music for long or whether it's something else.
Having mostly heard the big hits before like 'Papercut', 'In the End', 'One Step Closer', 'Crawling', 'A Place for My Head', I have to say that I can't find that many songs that are actually bad.
I think I will have to give this a weak 5 star, just because I can't really find any reason not to. It's just overall filled with good songs. I don't necessarily enjoy it as much as I would've back in the day, but I still think it's objectively really good. And when it came out it was quite groundbreaking.
Oct 31 2023
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One Nation Under A Groove
This was hard to get hold of, was not available on Spotify in our country.
I think I was a bit too focused while working to take this in properly, I barely remember anything about it. But it did feel nice to have in the background. Gut says this is a 3.
Nov 01 2023
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Foo Fighters
Foo Fighters
Foo Fighters has some good songs, but never really liked them that much for whatever reason. I definitely think there are albums that contain much better songs than this, so this is by no means their top stuff. The first half is pretty decent, but second half drags it down quite a bit with 'Weenie Beenie' being the low point.
Nov 02 2023
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Red Headed Stranger
Willie Nelson
Nice country. Wise men say country is all about the lyrics, but unfortunately I couldn't focus on that while working. Regardless, it was a nice listen.
Nov 03 2023
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Talking Book
Stevie Wonder
Interesting album. Contains two of his most popular hits; 'Superstition' and 'You Are The Sunshine Of My Life' which are undeniable bangers. The rest of the album doesn't reach those highs, and as I mentioned before I have a bit of a hard time relating to the religious theme of his songs. On the flip-side, the Clavinet and electric keyboard, which are some of my favourite sounds, are on almost every song and gives it a nice funky feeling. Still, going to have to settle with a strong 3.
Nov 06 2023
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Paul Simon
Paul Simon
When this record started I got lured in by the reggae-like sound and thought it was someone from Jamaica singing. Didn't recognize Paul Simon's voice at all!
Paul Simon is a pretty clever guy when it comes to creating interesting stories and wordplay. But for some reason it just isn't quite hitting home for me, it doesn't stand out enough somehow and I can't explain.
As interesting as some songs are lyrically, equally as uninteresting some songs are as well. 'Run That Body Down' has a nice mellow vibe to it, but the lyrics feels like filler lyrics someone would come up with on a napkin while sitting on the commuter train. Same thing goes for 'Armistice Day'. And I just expect a bit more from Paul I guess.
All things considered it will have to be a 3 for me, though I realize this could be a 'me' thing and it deserves more.
Nov 07 2023
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Dusty In Memphis
Dusty Springfield
I liked this. But is it something I'm going to lay sleepless over and think about all the time? No. I think it's a bit unfair towards the album because it's so hard for me to relate to this properly, so giving it more than 3 or weak 4 at tops is just not going to happen. Still, there is a feeling that it might deserve more.
Nov 08 2023
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Automatic For The People
We've had R.E.M´s 'Document' album here before which was beneath mediocre, but this definitely stepped up the game a notch or two! After hearing two albums I'm semi-convinced that the base sound of R.E.M. is not really for me - it's more an exception that they managed to create a few really really good songs. This one falls apart a bit at the seams between those strong songs, preventing it from reaching a 5 for me.
Favourite songs from the album are 'The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite', 'Everybody Hurts', 'Man On The Moon', the latter two of which are absolute smash hits that everyone has probably heard at least once.
Miscellaneous strong points unrelated to this album specifically are that I really like Michael Stipe's singing, very good voice and energy. Also badass band name!
Nov 09 2023
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Had one Yes album here before that didn't impress that much, and this is not really improving on the matter. On paper I should like them, and I wish I did, but I just don't. I think it's just too much, perhaps. It feels like they try to cram in too many notes in their songs for my liking, and it just gets messy.
Nov 10 2023
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This Is Fats Domino
Fats Domino
This was pretty nice! But what is it about older artists and basically copy/pasting the same song format over and over? 'Blueberry Hill', 'Troubles Of My Own', 'Blue Monday' and 'So Long' are very, very similar to each other. Had the exact same thing with James Brown.
Nov 13 2023
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David Bowie
Not sure why this is on the list, it's nothing special at all. I'm fairly sure that if this didn't have Bowie's name on it, it would've been forgotten.
Some songs are ok-ish, but mostly it was just weird and dissonant. Bowie's music has always been a bit weird to me, but it always manages to land on the good side. This doesn't.
Nov 14 2023
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Off The Wall
Michael Jackson
Whenever you hear Michael Jasckson songs, it's always the smash hits - which he has plenty of, can't argue about that. This album contains two that I can spot, but the rest are more modest. And I have to say that there is quite a big difference between those hits and his other songs. They were by no means bad, but didn't stand out that much else, except of course by the fact that MJ is a stellar performer and singer.
Strong 3 it is.
Nov 15 2023
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Pet Sounds
The Beach Boys
The Beach Boys has some good songs, but they're not my favourite band. This album feels pretty much like our last record, 'Off The Wall' with Michael Jackson, which had 2 smash hits and then the rest was pretty meh. That's how I feel about this as well; 'Wouldn't It Be Nice' and 'God Only Knows' are stellar, but the rest is pretty forgettable. Just like I did with the MJ record, I'm going to give this a strong 3, where the good songs push it up and the rest drags it down.
Nov 16 2023
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Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
I've never been a huge fan of Tom Petty, just doesn't hit the right spot for some reason. This is the first whole album of him I hear, but it didn't really do much in favour of changing my mind. Even the supposed hits just fly over my head. It's hard to give a fair rating, but I think reasonable a weak 3 might be appropriate.
Nov 17 2023
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All Things Must Pass
George Harrison
Never listened to much of the Beatles past members´ own work, and the few songs I have heard were from John Lennon. So this was quite uncharted territory for me. I have to say I was surprised and impressed. It is VERY good!
It contains the hit 'My Sweet Lord', but I find it overall to have very high quality songs, at least in the first half, with 'Run Of The Mill' being my favourite one. I actually wanted to give it 5 stars at some point, but when I consider that it's over 2h playtime and the second half doesn't nearly live up to the first half, I have to lower it a bit. So I think a 4 is quite appropriate!
Nov 20 2023
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3 Feet High and Rising
De La Soul
Really cool album that kept a red thread throughout it. 'My Myself and I' and 'Eye Know' were probably the best songs, and overall it was just a very good session where I felt like all tracks gelled together but still stood out enough at the same time. I am fairly sure Gorillaz (which I am a big fan of) has taken quite a lot of influence from this, as it reminded me of them in the sense that it is quite playful and a bit weird at times, but still rockin.
They could have skipped the whole Jeopardy!-like meta they had going as it didn't really seem to end up anywhere. Apart from that, really cool album that I've never heard before, really glad I did! Strong 4!
Nov 21 2023
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The Score
This sounds like a very 90s record, with the super smash hits 'Killing Me Softly With His Song' and 'Ready or Not' at the front. It feels like this was a pretty influential record, and if nothing else, very commercially successful. I think overall it was pretty decent, but it doesn't quite grab me the way I'd hoped it would. I think it deserves more, but to me it felt like a solid 3.
Nov 22 2023
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White Light / White Heat
The Velvet Underground
The link here directed me to the deluxe edition of this album, and I wonder if that was really supposed to happen as I see now there is a also a regular one on Spotify. Listening to the original album version might've changed things as it seems much more condensed, but I can't be arsed to go through it again.
This album has cemented my dislike of The Velvet Underground. Their first album is ok, but not really my cup of tea. This is much worse in all regards. The guitar distortion they have on all tracks is done in an ear-deafening way and not very nice. So many high pitched shrieks that are really unpleasant.
It's not just the actual sound though, the songs themselves are super boring as well, and a few of them just drag on forever, like 'The Gift' and 'Sister Ray'.
I think this probably has to be listened to with the fact in mind that it was released in '68, but it's hard to do that when it sounds how it does. There are many older albums that survived the turn of time, but not this one.
Nov 23 2023
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Country Life
Roxy Music
This flew completely over my head. I don't remember a single song. Maybe that's because I was focused at work, or it just wasn't that interesting. I am going to go with the 2nd. Feels like this was only included because of the controversial album cover.
Nov 24 2023
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Surf's Up
The Beach Boys
My first thought when I saw the album cover was "what is this, some kind of death metal?", and then it turned out to be The Beach Boys. What a surprise!
I think I may have liked this more than 'Pet Sounds' as a whole. It felt more coherent, and this was another side of The Beach Boys I've not encountered before. Some songs were quite mellow, like 'Disney Girls' and 'Surf's Up', and then there were a bit more experimental ones like 'Lookin' At Tomorrow' which had an interesting eerie chord progression and almost reminded me a bit of some of Metallica's "softer" songs.
I think it might be a bit too generous, and maybe just a honeymoon thing, but I'm going to give this a weak 4 actually. Not very often I get positively surprised, so have to take opportunity to reward those moments!
Nov 27 2023
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I've heard quite a lot of praise for Lorde (pun not intended), but I'm not sure I quite get it myself. I think it sounds a bit too over the place for me. Too modern perhaps? Though writing that down makes me feel super old.
Don't see what separates this from other modern pop. Not great, not terrible either.
Nov 28 2023
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Fever To Tell
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Definitely not something I listen to every day, but this was still alright. I don't think I will revisit it, but it was still interesting to hear!
I think perhaps the mixing could've been a bit better, everything melds together a bit too much and becomes a bit too high frequency. Especially with that very specific "old microphone" and delay effect on the singer which ends up in about the same frequency spectrum as the hi hats and distortion.
Nov 29 2023
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Bongo Rock
Incredible Bongo Band
At first I was excited to hear a bongo oriented album, never heard that before! But I was kind of quickly disappointed, unfortunately, by the low-effortness of playing mostly (only?) covers. The ones that weren't obvious covers felt more like jam tracks, and got a bit too messy. I don't think it sounded bad per-se, and it was quite cozy listening to the album, but I just don't think an album with mostly covers really belong on this list which is what brings the score down.
Nov 30 2023
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I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got
Sinead O'Connor
This is definitely not my type of music, but her voice and singing along with interesting melancholic chord progressions manages to carry the whole album, so I think it comes down to whether you like that or not. The rest of the musical parts are not particularly interesting, and furthermore that part hasn't aged very well with the quite boring drum parts, for example.
This has quite a few years on it's back now, but there is definitely a loudness issue with this album. It is probably intentional, but many of the songs are so quiet it's hard to hear what she's singing (and whether she actually is singing).
Dec 01 2023
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I Am a Bird Now
Antony and the Johnsons
Interesting album. The first song really grabbed me, it was really good. And what a voice he has, wow! I think it became a bit too much of the same thing by the end though, that was the biggest drawback. I still think this deserves a 4; it still felt fresh and new even though it is from 2005. He must've been quite ahead of his time!
Dec 04 2023
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The Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd
When I heard this the first time some years ago I didn't exactly understand the hype. It took some time to appreciate it, and now I do. I wonder if I would regard it as highly if I didn't know it was one of the best selling records ever?
Regardless, I think this is an album that is perfectly suited for listening all the way through in one sitting. Some tracks feels like segways between other tracks ('On The Run', 'The Great Gig In The Sky', 'Any Colour You Like') and perhaps doesn't stand as firmly on their own, but work very well in the context of the album.
This is also an album where the artist definitely experiments and pushes boundaires (as with the clocks in 'Time', and the whole 'On The Run' track) and where it actually works very well.
When I think of the greatest record ever made, this definitely springs to mind as a candidate, but I am not sure if it is because I really think that it is that good, or if it is because I know it's valued as one of the best records ever. Probably the latter. But even if it's not the best album ever for me, I still think it deserves a 5 star.
Dec 05 2023
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Blood On The Tracks
Bob Dylan
Another Dylan album, another 3. Still can't get into his stuff, despite trying for quite some time. I mean it's not bad, it just doesn't resonate with me. 'You're a Big Girl Now' was my favourite song of the album.
Dec 06 2023
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System Of A Down
System Of A Down
System Of A Down is a really cool band. This album has some good songs, but I think both 'Toxicity' and 'Mezmerize' are better albums. Still, it really stands out and manages to stay clear of being too juvenile/ridiculous and keep on the right side of "coolness". You can tell they're on to something here.
Dec 07 2023
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I've heard the 'Surfer Rosa' album before and wasn't that impressed. This was much better! I've never really understood the (seeming) cult following of the Pixies, but this album definitely feels before it's time. I can't really point out any specific high point other than 'Here Comes Your Man', but overall it held a pretty high bar!I think this might deserve a weak 4, but I'm going to give it a strong 3 instead. Could probably reach a 4 if it was more my type of music and if I listen to it more.
Dec 08 2023
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Beggars Banquet
The Rolling Stones
Haven't listened much to Rolling Stones, but this wasn't very convincing. I might be wrong, but I expected Stones to be a bit more... hard rock perhaps? This is quite tame rock in my opinions.
Didn't really find any specific song that grabbed me on the album. Also, 'Sympathy For The Devil' is in my opinion an extremely overrated song. All throughout the song it feels like it's about to take off, and then it's over.
Dec 11 2023
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Arcade Fire
I was a bit disappointed there was another Arcade Fire album in here, but I gave it a shot. Still don't like them, unfortunately. Probably deserves better but not my thing.
Dec 12 2023
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There's No Place Like America Today
Curtis Mayfield
I really liked this! Perhaps it didn't feel particularly innovative or special, but it was nevertheless very good and my type of jam. Not much else to say actually! Weak 4
Dec 13 2023
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Here Are the Sonics
The Sonics
Good energy. I can see how they could be influential perhaps, but it passed me by a bit to be honest. It just feels a bit too dated.
Dec 14 2023
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Rock 'N Soul
Solomon Burke
Pretty decent. Didn't stand out particularly much from other older albums, but wasn't bad either. If anything it feels a bit late to come with this '64 perhaps?
Dec 15 2023
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Another Music In A Different Kitchen
I don't know what to think of this... maybe it's a 2, maybe a 3? Regardless it didn't impress me or made me lift any eyebrows really. Doesn't really provoke any type of emotion other than indifference.
Dec 18 2023
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The Stone Roses
The Stone Roses
Nice album. I think this might be one that you need to go through a couple of times to appreciate, but I certainly do now. Apart from my personal low point of 'Don't Stop', which is basically 'Waterfall' reversed with some additional lyrics, most tracks keep a high bar and are both varying and interesting. I know 'Oasis' is a band that has drawn a lot of inspiration from 'The Stone Roses', so they were definitely unique during their time. Weak 5 for me!
Dec 19 2023
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A Girl Called Dusty
Dusty Springfield
This album is probably the best Dusty Springfield album I've heard as of yet. There are quite a lot of really good tunes on this one, like 'You Don't Own Me', 'Anyone Who Had A Hear', 'I Only Want To Be With You'. I think this album suffers from too many songs though, not all of which live up to the same standard as the ones I mentioned before. Despite this I think it still qualifies as a weak 4 for me!
Dec 20 2023
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Since I Left You
The Avalanches
At first playthrough I was not sold at all for some reason, even though it feels like this should fit me like a hand in a glove. Not sure how that idiom translates from swedish to english, but you get my point.
I gave it a second try and turned up the volume a bit, and then it was better received. I think I missed out on some of the grooves when listening at lower volume, and perhaps didn't pay much attention.
Their sampling skills are very impressive, but I feel that it sometimes becomes a bit too much. The funny thing with this album is that it doesn't have any single song that stands out as a clear hit for me, and in fact my least favourite one is the one with some of the most plays; 'Frontier Psychiatrist'. But all songs just keep a very high bar, which still makes this a 4 for me, albeit a slightly weak one.
Dec 21 2023
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Trans Europe Express
Kraftwerk have made some tracks that are very good and holds up well today, but between those tracks (that aren't found on this album even) it can get quite boring. I appreciate the album as a concept thing, and I think if you'd listen to this in the correct setting or context it would shine brighter.
I am normally listening to quite a lot of modern electronic music, and this just pales a bit in comparison to in all areas ranging from production to music writing. In my opinion, you have to work deliberately to get movement into your track to make it interesting since you don't get that for free like you do with "organic" instruments like guitars, drum kits etc. This lacks all of that, it gets very monotone. I should probably be a bit nicer since this was at the inception of synthetic music when it was much harder to do just that, but I can't get away from the fact that it just hasn't aged very well.
Dec 22 2023
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O.G. Original Gangster
Ice T
The album cover art is truly hot garbage. It's interesting how I really like 2001 by Dr. Dre but have a hard time standing this, even though it's the same genre. I guess it just isn't as good. Weak 2 for me.
Dec 25 2023
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L.A. Woman
The Doors
I've listened to The Doors quite a few times, but they've never become my favourite band and I still have a bit of a hard time appreciating it. Some songs are really good, like 'Riders on the Storm', but the rest of this album passes me by quite unnoticed to be honest.
Dec 26 2023
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A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector
Various Artists
A Christmas album packed with some of the most popular Christmas songs. There are quite a few of these song versions that are still played a lot on radio today, like 'Sleigh Ride', 'Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" etc, so by those measurements it must be regarded as a success.
Still, there are quite a few Christmas songs I listen to that are not on this particular album. And for some reason I feel that Christmas music plays in a different league than "regular" music, so it's hard for me to compare this to ordinary albums. I think a dead on 3 feels reasonable.
Dec 27 2023
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Steely Dan
Not sure if it's me starting to get burned out to listening to new music every day, but this didn't really move me that much even though I felt like it should. Can't put my finger on why. 'Peg' is a cool song though!
Dec 28 2023
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A Hard Day's Night
I was trying my best to forget the fact that The Beatles are probably the most popular band of all times when listening to this album, and I was even trying extra hard to be sceptical about it. I was surprised that I found it very good. It's probably not their best album, but it overall holds a very high bar and there are a few songs here that feels like some of Beatles most recognized ones like 'A Hard Day's Night', 'Can't Buy Me Love', 'And I Love Her' etc.
Even though this was during the inception of rock music (the album cover even had 'Stereo!' written on it) I feel that it doesn't hold up to today's standards. One thing I notice quite clearly is that the singing is overshadowing almost everything else. Front and center is of course best practice for song, but in 'I Should Have Known Better' you can only hear the acoustic guitar's strumming, but not the chords it actually plays because the singing just overpowers it completely.
Dec 29 2023
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Henry's Dream
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Not my thing at all. Didn't really like the "grand cinematic-like soundtrack" approach it had. Previous Nick Cage records haven't worked for me either, so not a big a surprise.
Jan 01 2024
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Green River
Creedence Clearwater Revival
One of my regrets on this list is having not given the Cosmo Factory album 5 stars. I think this album might be slightly weaker as a whole - maybe because it is longer - but I am going to redeem myself now and give this 5 stars - albeit a weak one. I am actually shocked by how good I find the Creedence albums, because it doesn't feel like it should suit me that well, and I haven't been especially interested in them historically and haven't regarded them that high.
This album has plenty of hits, but it is also held together at the seams by less famous songs that still deliver. One of their most famous songs, 'Bad Moon Rising', is found on the album, but I find myself enjoying some of their less famous songs more, such as 'Sinister Purpose' and 'Tombstone Shadow'.
Jan 02 2024
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If You Can Believe Your Eyes & Ears
The Mamas & The Papas
Pretty good album with many well-known songs! I feel in general like they must've been a bit behind their time though, this feels more like late 50s music in some ways to me. Another downside is that I get a bit tired of their formula after a while, but it's still held together pretty well so it'll be a 4 for me!
Jan 03 2024
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More Songs About Buildings And Food
Talking Heads
Talking head albums can really be hit or miss. They always walk on a fine line of being too quirky and weird, and being really good. This slightly misses the mark, but since I know they have much better albums I’m looking forward to hearing them in the future. Weak 3.
Jan 04 2024
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Have heard a lot about Björk, but never really explored her music. At first I wasn't that struck, but it grew on me after a while. The album is quite uneven; there are many songs that didn't really pan out that well, like 'Ancestors' with the weird breathing and moaning, or 'Where Is The Line' with strange sampled vocals that make up the bassline.
I think I would describe it as more impressive and interesting rather evoking of that primal feel you can get when you hear some really good music where you just want to hear it again. Many times there are only acapella vocals and choirs, which is cool, but it is perhaps not the kind of music I typically listen to.
A thing that must be said is that this must've been extremely progressive and far ahead of the curve when it came in 2004. I feel that I recognize a lot of elements in this music in some of Lorde's or newer modern music. Also, it feels fresh and sounds great for being from 2004, it might as well have been from this year for all I'm concerned.
Perhaps not my favourite album here, but I am very glad I heard it and it widened my view on music!
Jan 05 2024
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Sheet Music
Interesting album! Never heard before, but I was hooked with the first song. I really liked their funky and a bit odd melodies. The song was also interesting, reminding me in some ways about Supertramp. I think the album held up all the way through, and they managed to distinguish themselves enough from other rock to hold their own! The only lame thing was their juvenile band name, which gets old instantly.
Jan 08 2024
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The Next Day
David Bowie
The person who made this list must be paid by Bowie. Granted, he made many good albums, but this is certainly not one of them. So much modern music from same time that is so much better than this. Can’t see this having made it if it wasn’t for it being Bowie.
Jan 09 2024
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Is This It
The Strokes
Probably The Strokes best album, and for good reason. It contains most of the hits they are known for, and the rest of it is also really good - though it took me a bit longer to appreciate perhaps.
I think they do a great job of sounding modern, but also manage to rub off some older indie band vibes like The Smiths. I can't swear exactly on how much The Strokes have influenced other bands, but if Alex Turner from the immensely successful Arctic Monkeys sings "I just wanted to be one of The Strokes", I have a vague idea.
Jan 10 2024
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The Teardrop Explodes
Very uninspiring. Sounds a bit like tame 80s circus music to me. Not great, not terrible either.
Jan 11 2024
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The United States Of America
The United States Of America
When I started listening to the album I was convinced it was going to be a 1-star album, but it recovered itself. I think the first half is is pretty messy and not very good. At 'The American Way of Love: Part I' that changes and it actually becomes quite decent!
My main issue with the album is that it's generally incoherent and sprawling all over the place. It's also quite long. This album will not stay with me for long, but overall I think it was quite interesting, so going to give it a weak 3-star!
Jan 12 2024
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Underwater Moonlight
The Soft Boys
Not too bad! It had its ups and downs, but in general it held up quite ok. I think my favourite song of the album is 'I Got the Hots', which was pretty cool. Not many strong opinions either for or against, will have to be a 3 star.
Jan 15 2024
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The Blueprint
Always knew Jay-Z was highly regarded within the hip-hop scene, but I never really dug into why. This must be one of the reasons. Rock solid album all the way through. Even though it doesn't seem to contain any of Jay-Z's most successful hits, it still really good overall.
Jan 16 2024
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The Queen Is Dead
The Smiths
I think this is an OK The Smiths album, but not more. 'There Is a Light That Nevewr Goes Out' is a good song, and 'Frankly, Mr. Shankly' is a quirky but interesting song that could've fitted in well on the first Pink Floyd's 'The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn' album. Other than that it feels quite bland to me.
Jan 17 2024
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Hearts And Bones
Paul Simon
I liked this album better than his self-titled one we got a few months back. Still, it doesn't make that great impression on me, but it's also not bad. Not sure why it doesn't hit harder, maybe it isn't my jam completely. I didn't find any particular song that stood out as being particularly good, but most of them were pretty decent and held an even bar so it was a nice listening anyways.
One song that I didn't like very much was 'Cars Are Cars'. It should be liberating that every song doesn't have to be about love or something serious, but it just feels silly when you get nonsensical lyrics like this. I remember I had the same feeling about some songs on his self-titled album as well. Feels very low effort.
In summary it was a decent even album where nothing stood out very much. Solid 3.
Jan 18 2024
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Hunting High And Low
What a start to an album! I realize it sounds weird, but this is just too much 80s for me - and it feels stuck there too. Apart from 'Take On Me' which is an awesome song I didn't connect with any of the other songs. It feels a bit too cheesy for me. I had a hard time deciding between a 2 and 3, but I think I'll give it a weak 3 since it wasn't unbearable like most 2 star albums are.
Jan 19 2024
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American Music Club
Not sure about this, it completely passed me by the first run, and then I put it on again, but now I can't remember a thing. That can't be a good sign. I think it was pretty decent, but also left no impression whatsoever except maybe being a bit pretentious sometimes. Think this will have to a 2 star.
Jan 22 2024
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Daft Punk
Always love me some Daft Punk, and this has got some good songs on it like 'Revolution 909', 'Around the World' and 'Da Funk'. But it also has some very very bad songs like 'Rollin' & Scratchin'', 'Rock'n Roll', and a ton of songs that are quite dull or just not very exciting. This is definitely my type of genre of music, and I do think Daft Punk introduced a new sound to the genre, but there are just too many songs that aren't good for this to reach higher ratings. Has to be a 3 for me.
Jan 23 2024
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Band On The Run
Paul McCartney and Wings
Really good album that I've never heard before! I think it was good all the way through with all songs keeping a high bar and being different enough while still manage to stay within the boundaries of the album. I especially liked 'Band On The Run' that felt like 3 songs in one and it felt like it shifted key multiple times! Very cool.
Jan 24 2024
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I can't really put my finger on what exactly it is I don't like about this album, but I don't. It started off OK, but then gradually got worse. It felt very forgettable if nothing else, nothing that really stuck to me.
Jan 25 2024
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Sly & The Family Stone
Some decent songs on this, but also some pretty bad ones. I like this type of music, but this album just didn't contain the most exciting songs.
Jan 26 2024
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In Our Heads
Hot Chip
I am usually not that big of a Hot Chip fan... I think they sound too... meek somehow? Maybe that is further reinforced by the singers rather timid voice. Fast forward to now; this was actually a pretty decent album! 'Look At Where We Are' is probably my favourite song of the album, but the rest of the songs held up very well.
I'm weighing between a 4 and a 3, but I think it might not stand against the other 4 star albums I've rated so it'll have to be a very strong 3.
Jan 29 2024
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Kind Of Blue
Miles Davis
Pretty legendary album, and it's one of the first albums I started listening to when I wanted to explore some Jazz albums. For being Jazz, it has quite memorable tunes and melodies, and feels more coherent and less "jammy" than many Jazz albums, which I appreciate. I haven't found any Jazz album so far that I appreciate more than this.
This album always makes me want to some dim-lit cozy bar late in the evening and see some calm jazz.
Jan 30 2024
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Fulfillingness' First Finale
Stevie Wonder
Third Stevie Wonder album on this list now I think. It's probably the weakest of the three, and I feel that I am getting quite tired of Stevie Wonder at this point. I think it's the religion preaching parts that are wearing me down, and a bit too much hallelujah.
It's hard to find a single best song on this album, nothing really stands out. But nothing really is bad either (except what I wrote above); they are still quite groovy and well made. I think it's going to have to be a weak 3, and the reason it isn't higher is because I'm tired of Stevie Wonder right now.
Jan 31 2024
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This Nation’s Saving Grace
The Fall
Not my thing at all. The singer wasn't my cup of tea either. The coolest song was probably 'To Nkroachment: Yarbles' with the opening bass riff... but not a proper song really with its 1:22 runtime. I think Punk in general isn't really my genre of choice, unless it's exceptionally good or different.
Feb 01 2024
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The Stooges
The Stooges
Not so sure about this... 'I Wanna Be Your Dog' is a really cool song, but the rest is not up to par. I can imagine this was quite fresh when it came in '69 though. I think with that in mind it's going to have to be a very weak 3.
Feb 02 2024
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Tubular Bells
Mike Oldfield
Interesting and a bit of a different album, I like it! I instantly recognized the first part from The Exorcist movie, but that wasn't the only lead on side one.
I actually enjoyed the first half of the 2nd side the most, with its relaxing and mellow tones. Reminded me a bit about tavern music somehow. Would be a good part to play board games to.
The latter part of the 2nd side unfortunately regressed quite a lot when someone started doing guttural noises and screaming, which was just too weird.
All in all it was an interesting experience and I think a dead-on 3 or high 3 feels fitting.
Feb 05 2024
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The Yes Album
Had 'Yes' here on the list before and then I was less than impressed. This was actually not that bad though! It had a quite consistent quality throughout the album that I would put somewhere in the high-mid spectrum. I especially enjoyed the 'Perpetual Change' song, which had a pretty cool melody and reminded me a bit of the rockier Supertramp songs. I think some of the songs could have benefitted from being a bit shorter. Still, going to go out on a limb and give this a weak 4!
Feb 06 2024
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3 + 3
The Isley Brothers
After having a Stevie Wonder album last week, I have to say that this reminds me of that quite a lot but is just straight up better. I ran through this album once, then did a second playthrough and then it stuck to me quite well. I especially like 'Summer Breeze, Pts. 1 & 2' which is a very nice song. I think this has been in quite a lot of travel commercials as well if I'm not mistaken.
Had a hard time putting a score for this, but I think I'll give it a weak 4. I don't think there are any weak songs really, and the good ones are quite good actually.
Feb 07 2024
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Siouxsie And The Banshees
It feels like this would belong to a genre that fits me well, but after listening through the record I can't name any songs that I liked. I wasn't y cup of tea at all somehow.
Phaser-like effects on... basically anything, are usually something I am extremely fond of. But here I find it extremely overused on the guitar. I am not sure that I like the singer either, too much wailing and moaning.
An interesting thing I found after skimming through it again is that the first few seconds of the opening riffs are usually pretty interesting, but then they loose it for me when everything else is added. Good examples would be 'Night Shift', 'Sin In My Heart', and 'Arabian Knights'.
Anyways, didn't like it, it'll have to be a 2 tops.
Feb 08 2024
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Street Life
The Crusaders
The Crusaders seem to be labelled as a jazz band, but this album also feel equally as much as disco or funk. I don't think this stand out particularly much as being different or innovative perhaps, but it was just very good from start to finish, and that is enough in this case! The first two songs were definitely the strongest. It fell off a bit later on, but still managed to stay strong.
I am debating between a strong 3 and a weak 4, but I think I will settle with the latter because even though perhaps it isn't regarded or renown as highly as some of my other 4 star albums, I still felt like I could definitely put this on many more times in the future and enjoy the whole album - something that can't be said for lots of albums to be honest.
Feb 09 2024
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The Renaissance
Never heard of this before, but I liked it a lot! I usually have trouble connecting with new hip-hop artists and albums, and even though this can't be regarded as "new", I still think it keeps one foot in the older sound of 90s rap somehow and sounds less like hip-hop after 2010.
All songs kept a really high bar, and the formula kept changing throughout the album. Some of the songs in the beginning are good, but so is the one with Norah Jones as well. Solid 4 star, might potentially be a strong 4 even. Will definitely come back to this!
Feb 12 2024
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Rust Never Sleeps
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
'My My, Hey Hey' is a great song, but the rest didn't really do anything for me at all, surprisingly. Neil Young must be one of the most respectable in his genre, but I've come to the conclusion that he has a few songs that are very good, then the rest is actually below average. At least this is what I've found after hearing some of his albums through this list. Quite disappointing album for me, I'll give it a weak 3 just because I feel it's a bit of a "me problem".
Feb 13 2024
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Raw Power
The Stooges
I really want to like The Stooges, but I've concluded they're not really my type of band and I don't think they're very good honestly. I mostly like 'I Wanna Be Your Dog' from their self titled album, but that's it. Haven't really found any other song I like, and that goes for this and their other albums I've heard. I'll give this a strong 2 as it's something I will never return to most likely, and the supposed more popular songs were not to my liking either.
Feb 14 2024
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A Short Album About Love
The Divine Comedy
Wow... I have a heard time describing how I feel about this. I guess it must be quite genuine, and he is obviously quite sad. But at the same time it just gets too much and become cheesy instead for me, almost to the point where it gets a bit pathetical. I envision him sitting (much like the album cover) inside his room alone and feeling sorry for himself, which is reflected in the music. I guess I am supposed to feel sorry for him or find some songs beautiful, but I don't. Maybe I am just too cynical, I don't know.
Either way, I wasn't very fond of this, neither of the theme nor the chords or anything really. The singing was fine, but it got quite moany after a while, as did the album.
Feb 15 2024
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Germfree Adolescents
X-Ray Spex
What a train ride! First off; it was very hard to understand what songs that were part of the original album. The Spotify link sent me to Germ Free Adoloscents: The Anthology. Then I checked wikipedia and the original tracklist was different and with another order of the songs. Also turns out it has been re-released a few times with different set of songs and orders, so that made it more tricky. I gave up trying to make sense of it and listened to whatever the Anthology that the link sent me to.
It didn't start off very strong with 'Oh Bondage! Up Yours!' which was very punky, but grew on me after that. I really enjoyed 'The Day the World Turned Day-Glo' which had some metal vibes. And then 'Germ Free Adolescents' was probably my favourite song, but was neither punk nor metal. So the whole album was quite a mix of different genres, with saxophone and everything, and in this case it worked quite well!
Overall I enjoyed it a fair bit, and there were some songs that stood out as quite good! It was not even enough to really warrant a higher rating, but I'll still give it a weak 4 just because of the handful good songs and the pure joy of hearing something weird and different that actually works for once (very often it does not)!
Feb 16 2024
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Born In The U.S.A.
Bruce Springsteen
Yesterday I thought "I wonder when the first Bruce Springsteen album will show up", and here we are. This has to be one of his most famous albums, so here we go.
I've tried liking Bruce Springsteen so many times, but he never really manage to get up there with the great ones for me. I think the best comparison I can make is to meat and potatoes; even though I'd say Bruce Springsteen is very good meats and potatoes, it just - at least for me - never manages to get very exciting or really stand out.
With that said, I still think this is a very solid album. It seems to contain his most popular songs, 'Born in the U.S.A' and 'Dancing in the Dark', the latter of which I am a real fan. I think the songs between the hits are solid as well, but no bangers. 4 stars from me feels like a very fitting compromise since I just don't love it that much, but still recognize that it's a good album.
Feb 19 2024
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On The Beach
Neil Young
When I saw this I thought "Oh no, not Neil Young again", but I was actually pleasantly surprised!
This was probably his best album so far of those we've had on this list. It perhaps didn't have any songs quite as good as 'My My, Hey Hey' from the 'Rust Never Sleeps' album, but it was much more solid and consistent throughout the record.
Feb 20 2024
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Interesting album, never heard before. When looking at the cover art I thought I was going to get something synth related, but that is probably just because I've been listening to lots of Synthwave lately.
The music itself was not too shabby. The first song had some quite good and interesting parts, but I've come to the conclusion that I really am not a fan of long songs like that.
I think my favourite song is probably 'A Passage To Bangkok' which has a really sick opening riff. After going through the whole album you can definitely see where Iron Maiden got their inspiration from as well. Seeing that Rush formed in '68, they must really have been ahead of the curve back then as I don't think this type of music existed then. Overall really cool album that I'm glad I heard, very strong 3!
Feb 21 2024
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I really enjoy this type of thematical music. It has some nostalgic value for me somehow, even though I didn't experience the 40s or 50s. The album brings out a feeling of curiosity and exploration for me for some reason.
I can't really name a single song that stands out, but as a whole I like it a lot and can definitely see myself putting this on in the future just to get in a certain mood or just have some relaxing background music.
Feb 22 2024
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There are some Kraftwerk tunes like 'Radioactivity' and 'Das Model', to name a few, that still holds up well today, but they are not on this album. Kraftwerk's influence on electronic music can't be understated enough, but sadly they are also a group whose music don't hold up at all today - and this album is a perfect example of that.
If the first track was 3 minutes or so, it would have been endlessly better. But 22 minutes? I get that it is thematical, but come on. 'Morgenspaziergang' has is ok as a lullaby, but not much more than that. In general I think it's cool that they have tried to imagine how a certain theme might sound if done only with electronic sounds, such as 'Kometenmelodie' or 'Morgenspaziergang', but the problem is that it just isn't that good or fun to listen to in my opinion.
I will give this album a 2 star rating ONLY out of respect for Kraftwerk and their legacy, but if this showed up today out of the blue in 2024 it'd be a 1 star hands down. And this comes from someone who listens to and loves electronic music.
Feb 23 2024
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Queen Of Denmark
John Grant
This album took me completely by surprise. I didn't listen super attentive, so the first song sounded like it was going to be some sort of pretentious love album. But it was a really wild ride, lots of swearing, and maybe even some low-key slander-like - or at least quite offensive - comments regarding certain topics. Love it!
It's not often that I comment about lyrics, but that definitely is the most interesting part of this album. So many weird (in a good way) songs with various themes and wordplays going on. The cool part is that it's not only the lyrics that are interesting; the songs also contain memorable and catchy melodies, ranging from slower more mellow acoustic songs to more up-tempo ones with some electronic elements.
Overall this was a very fun record to listen to and I'm glad I heard it. I'm going to go out on a limb and give it a weak 5 because we've had very few 5s in general, and I think this record really stands out among the crowd and deserves some recognition.
Feb 26 2024
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Pretzel Logic
Steely Dan
On my first run of this it went completely over my head, and I had to re-listen to it for this review. Having done so I feel quite comfortable just putting it in the middle, potentially a candidate for strong 2 as well.
The start of the album is pretty decent with some funky jams like 'Night by Night', 'Any Major Dude Will Tell You', but then it turned fairly bland for the rest of the album, with 'East St. Louis Toodle-Oo' being a low-point that I don't feel belong on this album.
Not sure why this is included on the list at all. Like I said it's pretty bland and I don't see many game-changing songs here.
Feb 27 2024
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The Band
The Band
Not sure why but this didn't stand out or stick one bit for me. Didn't find any song I liked.
Feb 28 2024
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Hail To the Thief
Interestingly enough I never considered myself that big of a Radiohead fan. Granted, they have many good songs, but also many bad ones, and it often gets pretty pretentious. Fast forward and this is the 2nd (or 3rd) album here on the list, and I really feel like they're all very consistent and deserve high ratings.
I've heard this album loads of times, so that probably influence my perception of it. But still, I think it holds up very well through the whole record. Some songs are stronger or weaker than others, but overall it's high quality. 'A Punch Up at a Wedding', 'There, There', '2+ 2 = 5', and 'Scatterbrain' are the best songs on the record for me.
Feb 29 2024
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Five Leaves Left
Nick Drake
I discovered Nick Drake pretty late in my life, but he's become one of my favourite artists when it comes to getting that specific mood of just tinkering about outside in a garden during fall, or talking a walk in the woods.
I don't think this is his best record, but it's still quite good. All songs hold a high bar and adheres to the same formula and follows the same red line. The album opens very strong with 'Time Has Told Me' and 'River Man', where the former is my favourite song on the record.
Even though the quality is even, I'm lacking a bit more "hits" to warrant a higher rating. I think a weak or dead on middle 4 feels reasonable here.
Mar 01 2024
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Dance Mania
Tito Puente
I think this type of music can be really refreshing to put on, and get a break from the regular pop, rock, electronic music and so on. I think it injects some really happy and light mood, which certainly can be very nice sometimes.
The problem for me is that it is very hard to rate music that I don't know very well, and this album falls under that category. The same usually goes for jazz, orchestral, and some other select genres. I liked this album, but in my mind it wouldn't compete against other 4 or 5 star rated albums of what I would consider "good music". So I guess it'll have to be a solid 3 star rating then, even though it may deserve more.
Mar 04 2024
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Ready To Die
The Notorious B.I.G.
Some stuff from the legendary B.I.G, cool. Not sure I think as highly of this as the rest of the world, but it was pretty decent still. As seems mandatory with all 90s rap, it contains all the profanities you'd expect along with blowjob skit songs, and promises of extreme violence. I think B.I.G. has a very nice rap style/flow as well that stounds out from other artists from the same era.
The album didn't start out that strong, but had a real nice streak of my favourite songs with 'Machine Gun Funk', 'Warning' (which sounds like a complete rip-off of 'Hood Took Me Under' by Compton's Most Wanted, by the way), and 'Ready to Die'. The hits weren't my favourite songs, but in general the album held up nicely throughout the whole record with barely any real low points (apart from the sex skits which feels a bit too juvenile).
All in all, cool record, 4 stars it is!
Mar 05 2024
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Michael Jackson
It's crazy how many hits Michael Jackson manages to cram in on some of his records, and this isn't an exception. There are some songs that are not particularly interesting, like 'Just Good Friends', 'I Just Can't Stop Loving You', and so on. An issue that I also find throughout the album is that I didn't really like the mixing. On some songs like 'Bad', Michael's main voice actually feels overpowered volume wise by the choir and some other elements. Same with 'The Way You Make Me Feel' actually.
Another big issue I personally have with the album is that it sounds so incredibly 80s, and it is hard for it to stay timeless that way. If you compare with some other rock album like 'Dark Side Of The Moon' or 'Led Zeppelin', or even disco albums, they have aged much better in my opinion. I think it's that particular drum machine they use and the those damn DX7 bells - or whatever it is - that just screams 80s pop, and there's no getting away from that.
Despite all of this, I kind of feel obliged to give it a 5 stars somehow. I think it's partly because there are so many hit songs that they still weigh up the bad ones, but also because I actually think they're pretty good. I don't consider myself a huge Michael Jackson fan, but when I thought about giving it a 4 star rating due to the issues I mentioned, it still felt kind of wrong.
Mar 06 2024
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Beach Samba
Astrud Gilberto
Same feelings towards this as Tito Puente's 'Dance Mania' basically. Very nice with different type of music, and Bossa nova definitely works well in some contexts! But at the same time, I don't know the genre to know whether this is revolutionary or not. But I liked it, refreshing indeed. Was half expecting 'The Girl From Ipanema' to be on the album though, but apparently not.
Mar 07 2024
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The Wildest!
Louis Prima
Same story as yesterday basically. Nice listening. Think I preferred the Bossa nova album though.
Mar 08 2024
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The Undertones
You never know if you're going to get godlike or crap when you see weird album covers like this. But something made my spider sense tingle, and this time it was definitely the latter. There wasn't anything technically wrong with the album really, but more that it was 0% musically interesting to me.
I initially thought I had found originators of 'Under the Boardwalk', but nope. This was just a sucky version.
After finishing it felt like a 2 star, but the more I thought about it I realized I didn't like anything with it, so 1 star felt more fitting.
Mar 11 2024
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Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd have some sketchy albums, and some incredibly good ones. This is one of the better ones.
Really solid album where actually all songs are really good, harmonize well, and are coherent. Cool album cover too. I guess this might not fit someone who dislikes guitar centric music, otherwise I think this is an album most people are familiar with and can enjoy.
I also like that every song is quite different from one another, even though the also work well together. 'Welcome To The Machine' is for example a quite synthetic song, as opposed to 'Have A Cigar' which is more rocky.
Solid 5/5, would recommend to everybody.
Mar 12 2024
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My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Kanye West
Tricky one. Generally not a a big fan of Kanye West's music. And let's not get in to what a shitty person he seems to be, though if that was taken into account I'm sure there are other artists on this list that should be subject to the same scrutiny as well. So I will disregard that part!
Commercially it seems to be quite successful, and it is a bit annoying that I feel that affect how I perceive it, but it does. But if I try to put that aside I think it might end up somewhere in upper middle for me personally.
His style seem to land somewhere between hip-hop and pop for me, and you have to appreciate that many of the songs are quite experimental and stands out. They are also quite different from each other, but the album still feels coherent. But I still somehow can't find a song on the album that I quite liked. They were all decent, but even the supposed popular ones were a bit of a shrug to me. And the lyrics weren't that impressive to me.
I'll give it a strong 3. Maybe it would grow on me if I put it on me, not sure.
Mar 13 2024
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Lam Toro
Baaba Maal
Interesting to find something different, but not really my jam for some reason. All songs sort of gelled together and they were lacking any hooks, so it was hard to single out any favourite ones. It passed me by a bit too much unnoticed to warrant any higher rating.
Mar 14 2024
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Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley
Pretty ok album. I suspect you had to be there when this came out to really appreciate it. Now that you've heard Presley dozen of times the initial shock reaction is not very strong. Regardless, 'Blue Suede Shoes' stands out as the best song, but otherwise it was pretty bland.
Mar 15 2024
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Jack White
Jack White usually make pretty interesting and innovative rock songs and records. I think this fits that description. But it still wasn't... as good as I expected somehow? Maybe I was just not paying attention enough, but it kind of passed me by. I should probably give it another try, but don't have time currently, so it will have to be a 3.
Mar 18 2024
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The Fat Of The Land
The Prodigy
Wow, what an album! Almost all The Prodigy top hits are gathered in one place. It feels very 90s with the drum-n-bass like beats. Extremely unique style as well in my opinion. I'm sure there are other bands that does music in a similar way, but nothing that has reached this level of success as far as I know.
The album is not flawless. Between the hits it's not always that interesting, and some of them also sound quite similar to each other, for example 'Smack My Bitch Up' and 'Funky Shit' which have very similar drum patterns. The reason I decide to go for 5 is that the good songs in 'Smack My Bitch Up', 'Firestarter', 'Breathe', and 'Mindfields', are just so good that they weigh up the other ones honestly. Regardless of whether this music caters to your palette I think everyone should hear it. Chances are you'll find something you like in it.
Mar 19 2024
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Out Of The Blue
Electric Light Orchestra
Very cool and creative group, and this album holds many good songs. I want to like them more for their creativity and uniqueness, but I think I might have burnt out a bit on them throughout the years and have a hard time really appreciating it THAT much. 'Mr. Blue Sky' is especially good, and there are some other songs I forgot the name of that are decent as well, along with some that pass by unnoticed. The length of the album was very noticeable as I got fed up by the end and just wanted it to be over.
I was contemplating putting a 4 on this, but I don't feel like I want to revisit it soon, and it feels a bit weaker than some other 4s as well so it's going to be a strong 3 instead.
Mar 20 2024
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Djam Leelii
Baaba Maal
Another Baab Maal album within one week, low chances! I liked this way more than the Lam Toro one. This was much more interesting, and each song differed more from each other. I found some songs that I thought was decent. Solid 3 from me!
Mar 21 2024
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Foxbase Alpha
Saint Etienne
What an up and down album! The start had me worrying a bit, but I found 'Girl VII' to be a pretty cool song that pulled me attention to it somehow. Then followed a couple of pretty nice songs, along with 'Stone To Say The Least' and 'Nothing Can Stop Us' which were really nice. I don't know why, but they just brought me to a nice place, being nostalgic about something I can't put my finger on. They also just fitted very nice together and created a certain mood.
I'm drawn to putting a 4 star rating since it was long time ago that I was surprised like that, and there were a handful songs that really grabbed me for some reason. But there are also quite a lot of really boring songs that draw down the whole album, like 'Etienne Gonna Die', and 'Wilson' for example.
Mar 22 2024
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I See A Darkness
Bonnie "Prince" Billy
Wow, what a drag. Felt extremely pretentious. Can't remember a single song to be honest. Maybe it's a bit harsh, but I just can't find anything positive with this really, will be forgotten in an instant.
Mar 25 2024
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Pink Moon
Nick Drake
I think this along with Bryter Layter are Nick Drakes' best albums. Very cozy album, got slightly better songs than 'Five Leaves Left'. As I said last time, I think this is the embodiment of calm, relaxing and cozy music you want to listen to during spring or fall. I still think this lacks something to deserve a 5 star rating. It's very unique, and the quality and high and even throughout the album, but still not quite a 5. Strong 4 feels more reasonable.
Mar 26 2024
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My Generation
The Who
Interesting how they sound very much like The Beatles on many of their songs here on their first album. Feels like they hadn't quite found their identity yet. 'My Generation' does feel very much like a The Who song though, and is easily the best song of the album. The rest are pretty forgettable actually, not much to get excited about.
Mar 27 2024
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Vincebus Eruptum
Blue Cheer
I liked the idea and sound of this album, but the execution was not very good. The songs just weren't enjoyable somehow. Also it sounded pretty bad. Not very well balanced for example; badly mixed and lots of screeching.
Mar 28 2024
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The Beau Brummels
Wimsical and a bit strange. Surely different, I dare say in a positive way! Still, not my favourite type of music really, but nice with a change of scenery! When listening the first time it passed my by completely and left no impression at all, but now that I'm skimming through it a second time it's actually not as shabby as I first thought. It definitely managed to claw itself up to a 3!
Mar 29 2024
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Wonderful Rainbow
Lightning Bolt
Wow... I am actually speechless. This is so bad it is inconceivable. I had to skip some songs because I couldn't listen to it. I also went through all of them to see if there was anything worth salvaging, but everything was equally bad. We've had some pretty bad records on this must be the far worst one by quite a margin.
Apr 01 2024
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Buena Vista Social Club
Buena Vista Social Club
Nice, calm and thematic album. Very well sung and good composition. It really makes me want to go to Cuba!
Apr 02 2024
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In Rainbows
Another Radiohead album. This is probably the weakest one we had on this list, and if 'OK Computer' also shows up (which I assume it will), it will probably remain so. I really like 'Weird Fishes/ Arpeggi', but otherwise there are not many songs that sticks with me. Holds a pretty high lowest bar, but this definitely belongs in the middle for me.
Apr 03 2024
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The Cure
Always had a bit of trouble understanding the greatness of The Cure... this album didn't change that feeling. Pretty bland overall, no song that stood out and grabbed me really. Hope they have more exciting albums than this on the list!
Apr 04 2024
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Deep Purple In Rock
Deep Purple
I've always associated Deep Purple with being the boring rock band that made 'Smoke On The Water' and not much else. Turns out that is not quite true. Although a live album, the 'Made in Japan' that we had previously on the list was a banger, and this one is is very good as well.
'Child in Time' is a real 5 star song for me, and unfortunately the rest of the songs don't quite get up there, but it's still a good run through with catchy riffs and great sounding guitars and overall rock. I read that some consider them to be one of the earliest metal bands, and I definitely see what they mean.
Overall, very good album. Maybe a bit generous with 5 stars (weak one, admittedly), but this sat really well with me and I was probably in the right mood when I heard it.
Apr 05 2024
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The Predator
Ice Cube
Felt like this was slightly lighter on the 90s rap tropes like sex skits etc. than some of Dre´s albums. Didn't listen to the lyrics very well otherwise, but I really like the general vibe you get from this album. I like that there are some "lighter" songs like 'Now I Gotta Wet 'Cha' and 'Dirty Mack' that brings your mood up. Then you also have the 'It Was A Good Day' type songs that are just really heavy and cool.
There is a much better version of 'Check Yo Self' than I found on this album, shame it wasn't here. Definitely one of Ice Cube's better songs. Anyways, overall high standard on the album, I like it!
Apr 08 2024
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Reggatta De Blanc
The Police
Never thought of The Police as a reggae band, but I certainly do now. At least partially, as many of the songs, perhaps 'Walking On The Moon' mostly have pretty apparent reggae elements and grooves.
Overall it was a decent album, but not more. We had one record of them before which was pretty bad to be honesty, and this doesn't exactly improve my perception of them. 'Message In a Bottle' is probably the most famous song on this album, and it's a decent one, but nothing that can carry the album on its own by far.
Apr 09 2024
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Jagged Little Pill
Alanis Morissette
Wow, what an album. It feels like the 90s have come back and slapped me in my face - in a good way. Probably the most 90s I can think of crammed into album.
I have heard all of the hit songs on the album in isolation from each other ('Hand In My Pocket', 'You Oughta Know', 'Ironic', 'You Learn') but I never realized they were from the same artist, and certainly not from the same album. This is extremely impressive considering some of them are the biggest hits of the 90s.
After finishing it yesterday I was impressed, but not much else. Since then I haven't been able to stop thinking of the album. The hit songs are just so good. Alanis' singing can get a bit screamy and fatiguing after a while ('Forgiven', for example), but she has such interesting and clever flow when she sings that just grabs your attention. Also the lyrics are quite frank and fits together in an unexpected way. This feels quite poppy for me, and it shouldn't really suit me that it well, but it just somehow.
I never thought I would, but I can't think of any reason not to give this 5 stars. The hit songs are extremely catchy and it feels like I can listen to them over and over again. Then ones in between are not bad either, at least not bad enough to drag down the overall impression. Probably the biggest surprise on this list so far, I never thought it would turn out like this when I put it on. So much fun!
Apr 10 2024
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Orbital 2
I was a bit excited about the album when I heard what kind of music it was. But the two first songs are such a weak start that I think I lost focus a bit after that.
My tops songs are 'Remind', 'Lush 3-1', and 'Halycon and On and On', which all definitely have something and are quite cool. But most of the other songs were quite monotonous even by electronic music standards, which brings down the overall impression. Could be that this is something that was very revolutionary when it came out, but I can think of many types of electronic music that I'd rather see on this list than this album to be honest.
Apr 11 2024
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Faust IV
I've never really understood what "Krautrock" is, and to be honest I'm not smarter after listening to this album. Is it just slower rock with some psychadelic and electronic elements...?
Anyways, it was a good album! I think this fits me quite well. Not all songs had the same quality level to them, but there were a few gems like 'Picnic On A Frozen River, Deauxieme Tableux', 'Jennifer', 'Just A Second (Starts Like That)'.
I found it really hard to decide whether this was a 4 or 3. But in the end I think there are a bit too many tracks that doesn't really do anything or enough, like 'Lauft...', or even the first song 'Krautrock', for it to a 4. Strong 3 it is!
Apr 12 2024
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Live At The Regal
B.B. King
I don't know... I usually think this type of music can be a bit cozy and give you a nice feeling, but I don't think I was in the mood for this yesterday at all. Found the crowd noise distracting and it just became messy overall. Granted, B.B. King is extremely talented and a great performer, but it just flew over my head a bit. Maybe an unfair score but it is what it is.
Apr 15 2024
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Cloud Nine
The Temptations
This didn't make any sort of impression on me, frankly. Bad cover of 'I Heard It Through the Grapevine' and not much else.
Apr 16 2024
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Vol. 4
Black Sabbath
I was a bit disappointed in this to be honest. I really like their tone and the 'Paranoid' album which is a straight 5 for me, but this had none of those catchy riffs at all. Felt more like noodling aimlessly.
'Changes' is quite a different song and shows that Sabbath have another dimension to them than just making heavy metal songs. But it's still not enough to change the outcome of the score on the album. Strong 2 for me, as I like Black Sabbath and their sound, but the album was fairly uninteresting.
Apr 17 2024
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All That You Can't Leave Behind
Strong opening with 'Beatiful Day' which is definitely one of the best U2 songs, followed by 'Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of'. I think in general the first half of the album packed a bit more punch than the latter half.
Despite this I must say I am a bit disappointed. I have always considered U2 a very good band, and especially listened to them very much when I was younger. I guess I always knew they were a bit on the cheesy side, but it wasn't until I started listening to this list that I realized how much. Their good songs are very good, but their bad songs are really quite boring. It was the same with 'Joshua Tree' which I expected to be one of the easiest 5 star albums, but turned out not to be. Just like that album, this is dragged down by bad the songs between the good ones. 'Grace', for example, felt so extremely pretentious and boring. Bono sure sings good, but it can just become too much cheese, like in this example.
Was contemplating putting 3 stars on this, but I think a weak 4 is more appropriate considering what albums I have given 3s before.
Apr 18 2024
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The Notorious Byrd Brothers
The Byrds
This feels like it probably deserves more, and could get a higher rating from me if I listened to it under different circumstances, but for now it will be a dead on 3. Just didn't cut through the noise of my workday enough, and I can't really single out a song that felt particularly good. Maybe should have listened to it more attentively, but it is what it is.
Apr 19 2024
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Van Halen
Van Halen
Interesting... this is quite a niche album for sure. Only heard some of mr. Van Halen's guitar solos before, and I guess this is pretty much what I should have expected an album of that to be.
I am not a big fan of this frankly. It feels very over the top in a sense that I don't like. 'Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love' is a cool song, and it's cool what he does with the guitar, but it just doesn't speak to me. Still, I think this could definitely be in some peoples' taste, especially if you like power guitars and glam rock.
I'll give it a weak 3 for 'Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love' and for recognizing his influence on guitar playing.
Apr 22 2024
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Decent album for sure, but didn't hit home that well, still. I often find Beatles' songs too cheery, I think that's my main issue with them. Probably in some key that I don't fancy.
'Yellow Submarine' is an interesting song, but feels more of a lullaby than something I would seriously listen to. 'Fo No One' was a song I haven't heard before that I found to my liking, but other than that it was pretty beige.
Apr 23 2024
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Green Onions
Booker T. & The MG's
'Green Onion' is really cool, but the rest is pretty bland unfortunately. Even the electric organ and piano couldn't save this one. I feel that my opinion was also heavily dragged down when I found out it's mostly covers, and I only think that can take you so far. The 'Twist and Shout' one was horrible, by the way.
In summary it had great potential, but perhaps a whole album of this just was a bit too much. Plus, for some reason it feels a bit like circus music or something less serious. Maybe because 'Green Onion' has been used as soundtrack in sneaky scenes in movies or something.
Apr 24 2024
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Fairport Convention
The album opened quite strong with 'Autopsy' and 'A Sailor's Life', and I thought it would be one of those rare gems that I hadn't heard before and took me completely be surprise and just nailed it. Unfortunately, this streak become fairly short lived when we started to get more cheerful folk-like music and the violin came in on 'Cajun Woman', which wasn't to my liking at all. 'Percy's song' suffers from the same.
When listening to it again the day after, I realize I completely missed 'Who Knows Where The Time Goes' which has that same feeling like the start of the album. So it definitely has a few strong points, but also some fairly bad ones. I was initially hoping for it to be a sleeper 5 or at least a 4, but it will have to settle with a strong 3 since it's very uneven, and the good songs don't manage to carry it enough.
Apr 25 2024
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Beyond Skin
Nitin Sawhney
It had an interesting start, but fairly quickly I realized that this was an album that couldn't decide what it wanted to be, as it felt like there were a few different styles of music on there. This can definitely be fine in general, but on this record it didn't work for me. I have to give it some plus points for being different though, and for some very nice vocal landscapes. Still, couldn't really single out a song that I liked in particular.
Apr 26 2024
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Isaac Hayes
When I started listening to this list I thought live albums were off the chart, but learned otherwise. Apparently we can have soundtracks now as well? It's not a terrible album, and it was nice to work to, but I just don't quite understand why this of all movie soundtracks ended up here? There are so many others that are more worth putting here instead, like Lord of the Rings, Godfather, Star Wars, various soundtracks from Disney movies, to only name a few.
I assume it was never claimed by the list creator for this list to be objective in any sense, but this move certainly proves the lack of it in my opinion, and gives me some second thoughts about how well verse the author of this list actually is in music.
Back to the album. The opening theme song is very cool, and like I alluded to, I like the overall feel of the album. It fits nicely together and gels well. But I don't think it belongs on this list, and it's not anything I will probably put on ever except when working as a wall of sound. 1 star for the decision to include it in the list, 3 stars for the actual music and the album as a soundtrack.
Apr 29 2024
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Shake Your Money Maker
The Black Crowes
What a boring album. This felt like the most bread and butter rock I've ever heard, but I didn't find any hook or anything interesting with it. Don't remember a single song either. It also felt somehow like they tried to imitate some other artist, but I can't put my finger on what artist that would be.
Very low 2 star.
Apr 30 2024
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Liquid Swords
A fairly new Swedish game studio is called 'Liquid Swords', I feel pretty sure that this is where that name comes from.
Anyways, the album cover game me some manga vibes so I had a hard time figuring out what kind of music this would be before putting it on. Even though it is from mid 90s (which usually is where I usually find most hip-hop that I like), this was not really to my taste. I can't really put my finger on why, it just didn't stand out somehow. It felt kind of like the hip-hop equivalent of the Black Crowes album we heard the other day, just quite boring and nothing special - though admittedly this is a bit better than that.
Strong 2 for me.
May 01 2024
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Emerson, Lake & Palmer
A whole album that sounds like a video game boss fight, interesting. You have to give them so cred for producing something very different, just a shame that none of it is very good.
Couldn't find any song that I liked on the album. Almost all songs are super stressful and incoherent, and there's a lot of notes that hit you in the face in a fast pace.
The only thing I liked with this album was the cover art, which might be one of the coolest I've seen.
May 02 2024
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American IV: The Man Comes Around
Johnny Cash
Very strange album in my opinion. Mostly covers, which is a concept I am not a fan of at all on this list. I thought 'Hurt' was a Johnny Cash original, but turns out that is a cover as well. The first song is at least good, and there are some other ones like 'We'll meet again" and 'Personal Jesus' that work as well.
My biggest gripe with this album is Johnny's singing. There are very few songs where I actually think it works out. Mostly he just speaks, rather than sing. And if we're lucky, it's going to be in tune. It isn't even the tempo or whatever that is the issue, it's the execution. It sounds half-assed and amateurish. I get that he was old when this was recorded, but come on.
Feels a bit brutal but going to have to give this a strong 2. I recognize that this might be something other people enjoy, but not my cup of tea.
May 03 2024
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Cool album! I liked the sound and the overall feel you got from the album, felt quite exotic somehow. I didn't find any particular song that I liked, but I think all of them were pretty good. 'Black Magic Woman / Gypsy Queen' makes me think of an old coffee commercial though.
The album felt cohesive and it worked well to listen to it in one sitting. Got a bit samey after a while, but not enough to get boring. I'm missing some more bangers for it to give it higher rating, still strong 3 though!
May 06 2024
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Get Behind Me Satan
The White Stripes
Generally quite cheerful melodies, coupled with quirky lyrics. 'Blue Orchid' was a cool song, but other than that I didn't find much to my taste. Not as strong as 'The White Elephant' album we had a few months ago, but quite innovative still, which they should get cred for. Weak 3.
May 07 2024
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Layla And Other Assorted Love Songs
Derek & The Dominos
What a strange album. It should get a prize for worst album name as well, I think. Cheese deluxe.
Some pretty sweet blues here and there, but got quite boring quickly. Whole album was hovering around 2 stars for me until I got to 'Layla'. That was also when I thought "wait, isn't this an Eric Clapton song?". And that's when I realized this was his band before he went solo. Interesting.
Anyways, that song slaps so hard it's ridiculous. I have heard it before many times, but either this version had more energy than I'm used to or I had just forgot how good it was. Perhaps the 2nd half could be cut off, but still. It definitely doesn't fit in with the rest of the album's theme or sound, but it's without a doubt the best song of the album, and the only reason to listen to it in my opinion. It also explains why they put it in the album title.
Even though 'Layla' is superb, I still have to give this album 2 stars since most of it was a drag.
May 08 2024
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Ray Of Light
Another album that just screams 90s. I've heard many of these songs, at least 'Frozen' and 'The Power of Good-bye', but I had no idea it was Madonna who made them. Doesn't feel like a Madonna album - it's a bit too tame.
Even though I think much of the text is quite cheese or pretentious, I have to say I dig the overall feel of the album. Lots of nice electronic elements with mellow sound scapes, strings, and so on. It might be nostalgia, but I think most of the songs are pretty good for what is. It definitely doesn't feel fresh or modern, but that's ok.
I think I will have to give this a weak 4 actually. I don't know if it's nostalgia, but I think it's overall quite decent. I also feel like I'd rather listen to this again than pick up many of my 3 star albums.
May 09 2024
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Music Has The Right To Children
Boards of Canada
On paper a cool idea and album, but fell flat unfortunately. Off to a terrible start with extremely repetitive and boring songs. Somewhere in the middle it became decent, with the album high of 'Roygbiv' which was a really cool song that I will listen more to, and some other nice tracks that followed. But the end was also pretty weak if I recall correctly, so overall pretty bad experience.
May 10 2024
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Wild Is The Wind
Nina Simone
In a way it sounds kind of fresh for being a 60s album, like something that might have inspired Duffy or something. But on the other hand it wasn't really my cup of tea entirely. I think a 3 is suitable, but definitely plus points for sounding different than a typical 60s album!
May 13 2024
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The Downward Spiral
Nine Inch Nails
Many people regard Nine Inch Nails pioneers in their area and hold them very highly, so I went in with quite high expectations. I was thoroughly disappointed.
I listen to quite a lot of techno, and that genre usually get comments about being monotone and just "noise", so it's funny that I should have the exact same feeling about this album. I think the melodies are not interesting enough and lacking in general. Almost everything is just distorted way too much for the sake of it (at least that's how it feels). Extremely edgy in general.
'Close' has a cool beat, but the lyrics are just weird. I prefer Johnny Cash's version of 'Hurt' many times over this original with it's dissonant quirks.
Might be heresy, but going to have to give this a strong 1 since I feel that it is borderline hard to listen to sometimes. I think it's a matter of taste though, NiN are obviously praised by many but this wasn't an album for me.
May 14 2024
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Ill Communication
Beastie Boys
I don't know to honestly... Beastie Boys manages to make white guy rap cool with some energy, but still quite bland. 'Sabotage' is a really cool song, but had a hard time finding anything else that stood out. Gets pretty monotone after a while, but I've heard worse albums as well.
May 15 2024
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Soul Mining
The The
Could get worse, but real boring album, not for me at all. Thought 'The Twilight Hour' and 'Soul Mining' had something though, but the supposed hits were not my thing. Weak 2.
May 16 2024
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The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan
Dylan again... still can't wrap my head around why people love him so much. I don't get swooned much by lyrics, so if you take that away, what is left here for me then, really? Dylan's labored wheezing of a singing, or the fairly boring guitar playing?
Decent, but not to my taste at all. And it's not that I don't enjoy folk music or guitar songwriters, it's just that I don't like Dylan. Weak 3.
May 17 2024
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Odessey And Oracle
The Zombies
Pretty up and down album. Overall I'm pretty impressed with how good it sounds for being from '68, especially the vocals.
The first song, 'Care of Cell 44' was pretty good and sounded fairly fresh! Generally it was hard to find songs that grabbed me, but they ended on a high note with 'Time of the Season', which was the best song of the album hands down.
May 20 2024
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Ellington at Newport
Duke Ellington
I only listened to the first part of the album, it was so incredibly long. The music itself was nice, but again, it just get tiresome with all the introduction and small talk between songs etc. that comes with a live album. As with other jazz albums, it's hard to really find any song that stands out, especially when it's live. It all melds together. And it was an OK listening session, but I prefer actual studio albums to 2 hour long live sessions.
May 21 2024
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One of those few albums where I actually think every song is good. Probably biased though, as it feels like I've listened to this a hundred times over the years, and it holds a special place for me.
Those early Coldplay albums before it got too commercial and all over the place really is something. Sure, it got some cheesy pop lyrics, but I also feel like they've got their own unique sound with a bit of that melancholic vibe. And I really like Chris Martin's singing with the falsettos, it's got something special to it.
5 stars without a doubt, one of my favourite albums.
May 22 2024
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I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
Aretha Franklin
Legendary Aretha Franklin. Fun to hear!
This album took me by surprise and was way better than I'd expected. I half expected it to sound quite dated, like some of the 50s albums we've had on the list. And it did to some extent, but mostly I was surprised how it sounded relatively modern, and almost all songs on the album were quite good actually!
I enjoyed listening to it back to back, and I never felt like I zoned out and just forgot about it. Every song took my attention even though I was working. Not a lot of albums do that!
May 23 2024
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Rock Bottom
Robert Wyatt
I guess this joke must have been done a billion times, but this album was certainly the embodiment of rock bottom. It started off really bad with the first song and it's atonal quirks and overall... not good things. Then I noticed on Spotify that it was the most listened-to song of the album. Yikes. It got worse pretty fast after that, with 'Little Red Riding Hood Hit The Road' and 'Alfie' probably being the epitome of badness. There are just so many elements that are out of key etc. which makes it very unpleasant to listen to. And the songs drag on forever as well... blah.
You have to give him some props for trying out something different, but it didn't work out at all. Or maybe it's the genre, I don't know. Definitely one of the weakest albums on the list so far. And it's a bit frustrating as well, because you can hear that he's a quite capable singer, he just chooses to make it bad like this. Makes you wonder what could've been if it was different.
May 24 2024
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The most interesting part of this album for me was the album cover. It evokes some nostalgia somehow that I can't put my finger on. It also made me think it was going to be some electronic music. Maybe it's because it reminded me of Mindtrap - Norther Rooms.
To the music. It kind of flew me by a bit, I think because I was focusing on something else. 'Vapour Trail' is a nice track that I think I've heard before. Overall I think it was pretty decent, but not good enough to pull me out of my focus on whatever else I was doing. Should listen to again at some point.
May 27 2024
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Paul Simon
Quite interesting and different album, if you consider what Paul Simon had done before. I remember that my dad recommended this album, but after hearing it the first time I wasn't that impressed. It took a few listens to get there.
Conceptually I think this is quite a clean album, the songs meld well together and the African influences and sounds shine through "just enough" so that it's still a pop album, but with a touch of other sounds. What makes the album interesting hinges quite a lot on how it was produced and made together with an African band in Africa, so if you don't know that it might not as special.
Generally I think the album has its ups and downs. There are some definite top songs on here, like 'You Can Call Me All', 'Graceland', and 'Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes'. In-between those songs it ain't that interesting always, but I think they serve their purpose in tying it all together, and the top songs are worth sitting waiting for in my opinion.
I was debating between 4 and 5, but I'll give this a weak 5 out of generosity. I think conceptually it's a really cool album, and there are some really good songs with interesting vocals, twists, and turns. It could really be a bit more consistent though, and some songs are just a bit too weak for my taste.
May 28 2024
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Songs Of Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen
This reminds me quite a lot of Bob Dylan. It's quite basic music often times, where it's the words and lyrics that are meant to carry the weight. As established, I am not much for lyrics or poetry though, it doesn't touch me nearly in the same way that the other musical parts can do. So just like the Bob Dylans records, it's quite boring and not very fun to be honest.
The first few songs were quite a drag. Then it picked up around the middle, peaking with 'So Long, Marianne' which I thought was a really good song. Other than that I had a hard time finding songs that I liked, and it all sort of meld together. I'll give this a strong 2, simply because I dislike more things than I like. But some parts do have something that could be worth going through again in the future.
May 29 2024
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The Only Ones
The Only Ones
I think this album had something different going. Felt like a more modern that sound than what I expected from a '78 album. Didn't really find any song that stood out, but most of it was still decent. Deadshot 3 for me.
May 30 2024
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Gris Gris
Dr. John
Some real voodoo vibes going on with this album. This reminded me initially a lot about another album we had on the list (that I can't for the life of me remember) that had a real pirate coven theme going on. It sort of turned out like that as well, but a bit less pirate specific. But it sure gave me tropic vibes.
Definitely a special album that stands out, interesting stuff. Not sure it was entirely for me, but it was something else at least!
May 31 2024
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You're Living All Over Me
Dinosaur Jr.
Oof, this was a tough one. There were many things that were good, but also many things that were quite bad. I thought you could hear some early seeds of late 90s or early 00s skate punk in there. But that good core was mostly disturbed - if not entirely destroyed - by overuse of distortion and bad mixing. Examples of this is 'Sludefest', 'Tarpit' around 3:20 where the guitar overpowers the song completely with its screeching, and 'In a Jar' where the open hat is so ear piercing it's ridiculous.
If they would've toned some things down and mixed it better it could get a strong 3 perhaps, but now I feel like it's a deadshot 2. Also, the singing wasn't the best, and sometimes fell apart and was out of tune.
Jun 03 2024
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Nice sound for being punk, not too screeching and noisy. Really iconic voice on the singer as well to create that Ramones sound.
Generally for me I find it a bit too samey. I have no problems with simple chord progressions, but every song on this album sounds kind of the same to me. 'Blitzkrieg Pop' is a really nice song, but there is not really anything else that stands out. Don't know what group that was first with punk, but if it was Ramones, I can imagine that it was quite groundbreaking when it came. Going to have to be a strong 3 for me.
Jun 04 2024
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Natty Dread
Bob Marley & The Wailers
Always love me some Bob Marley, even though I don't think this is his best record. I much prefer the live version of 'No Woman No Cry' to this one. The drum machine or whatever the beat thing is is making it feel very amateurish and like a kids version. Couldn't really single out any specifically strong songs, but they were all ok still.
Jun 05 2024
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Live At Leeds
The Who
I have no idea why this album was on the list. Sure, it was pretty good energy, but it didn't do much for me at all frankly. Not game changing by any means in my opinion.
Jun 06 2024
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Rage Against The Machine
Rage Against The Machine
Man I really love Rage Against The Machine. It's just so heavy, and the grooves are extremely cool. The riffs are usually very unorthodox with Tom Morello and his witchcraft, but just work so well. Extremely fresh.
Zack's rapping works very well together with the rock and sounds cool. The political messages of their music isn't something you can miss, but it's not anything I take in very much, and not either what makes their music good in my opinion. Zack really feel like the personal manifestation of a militant vegan though.
There are a handful of absolute bangers on this album, like 'Bombtrack', 'Killing in the name of', 'Wake up', 'Bullet in the head' etc. Perhaps the other songs don't really reach the same heights, but they're still damn good all of them, can't really name a weak song.
After listening through the album you notice a particular song formula they use. Almost all of their songs end the same way; there is a break where Zack sings slowly, then it ramps up and ends with him chanting one of several phrases with all other instruments going max. Basically the same on 'Wake up', 'Bullet in the head', and 'Killing in the name of' for some obvious ones.
Anyways, I think this deserves a weak 5. Evil Empire might be a better album, not sure, but this one is still damn good. But like you notice in my review, I am a bit biased. This is probably not anything for everyone, but I do think everyone should give Rage Against The Machine a try at least once.
Jun 07 2024
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Bone Machine
Tom Waits
More Tom Waits! This dude really loves his bamboo stick xylophones or whatever percussion thing he has going. It is quite similar to the 'Rain Dogs' album we had before, and gives you the same familiar swamp-like pirate cove feel. It does digress a bit from this pattern with 'All Stripped Down', and 'A Little Rain', for example, which comes unexpected but changes it up a bit.
I think I've gotten used a bit to Tom Waits and can appreciate it a bit more than last time. And while quite interesting, I don't quite feel like it's my jam entirely. Still fun to listen to. Strong 3 for me!
Jun 10 2024
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Queen II
Queen must be one of the bands that I am the most tired of hearing. First off, I am not that keen on their choir and glam-like sound. Second, they have been played so extremely much over the years that all of their hit songs have lost their charm since long.
This record doesn't contain any of their most popular songs, which could have been an opportunity for me to enjoy another side of Queen without their hits. But I think I am just so burnt on it that I can't enjoy it. Or it's not that great. Probably deserves more, but a strong 2 for me.
Jun 11 2024
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People usually seem to put Portishead and Massive Attack next to each other for comparison, and while I can see what they mean, I think that it's also not really spot on. On paper I should prefer Portishead, and I do like the overall sound and feel of the album, but somehow their songs don't manage to grab me entirely. I think the singer really hits the spot and adds so much value and emotion to the songs. But compared to Massive Attack, I feel like there is some energy missing overall on the record. The sick basslines and rap sections they have there really makes a difference.
In the end it's going to be a strong 3 for me. I have heard this album before and didn't thhink much of it. It grew a tiny bit on me when listening to it again, but I don't see it becoming something I really come back to that much.
Jun 12 2024
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The Man Machine
Had a previous Kraftwerk album that didn't impress, but this is most likely their best one. 'The Robots' and 'The Models' are great songs that do sound old, but still hold up very well today. 'Neon Lights' is also a pretty nice song. In general I'd say it's overall a quite tight album. All songs are decent, and keeping it fairly short ensures that no other garbage gets in there.
If there's one Kraftwerk album you should hear, it's probably this one.
Jun 13 2024
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Heavy Weather
Weather Report
Props for one of the coolest album covers on the list! The actual music felt very 80s, even though it's from '77. For some reason it feels like a movie soundtrack to some detective show. Shaft comes to mind for some reason. Quite interesting in general though, but nothing that I will really come back to realistically.
Jun 14 2024
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Honky Tonk Masquerade
Joe Ely
Had some witty lyrics but didn't really leave an impression on me.
Jun 17 2024
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Channel Orange
Frank Ocean
Fun (but completely unrelated to the music) start to the album for a nerd like me, some throwbacks to the original Playstation. The first thing I noticed when starting the album on Spotify was how many listens it had. Also, this has flown straight over my head as I've never heard about Frank Ocean before.
Now, over to the music. it opens with one of the most popular songs of the album, but I can't for the life of me see why that is so popular. And it continues along that same path for the rest of the album as I am a bit clueless as to why this album in particular is so popular. After putting it on now just before writing this review I admit it's quite a nice and mellow experience, and it's not half bad. But I still can't really see the supposed greateness. I must add that R&B is not really my forte. I found my favourite song in 'Lost', which also seems to be the most popular one on the album. Other than that I can't really single out something particular that I enjoy, but it was overall okay.
I realize I am out of touch here with the rest of the public opinion, but for me a strong 3 feels like the right score. Was contemplating giving it a weak 4, but that would have been because I know it's a popular record.
Jun 18 2024
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Stan Getz
Extremely cozy feelgood music, makes you happy and calm when listening to it. 'Girl From Ipanema' is a very good song, but the rest doesn't stand out in the same way, but blend together more. In fact, almost all songs on this album sounds exactly same. I don't know if they're playing similar chords in the songs or if it's just due to the guitar player playing the same "riff" over and over again.
Overall it's a nice playthrough though, and I think I will save this to put on during a dinner or just to have some nice background music. For it to reach higher ratings it would definitely need some more variety. Strong 3.
Jun 19 2024
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Buffalo Springfield Again
Buffalo Springfield
Maybe this was revolutionary when it came out, but man, what a boring album. No song stood out to me. I am beginning to get so tired of Neil Young as well. There is a handful of things spread across many albums he's done that are really good, but he gets praised like he's the messiah of music for some reason. Fire and forget album for me.
Jun 20 2024
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Christina Aguilera
Not sure I expected to see something as "poppy" as this on the list, but I'm glad I did. It's fun with something other than rock!
The album itself was a bit too long for my taste with it's 1hr 20min or so runtime. Christina really has some superclass vocals, and I never experienced this before, but it actually got a bit fatiguing after a while somehow. It's just so intense, and it feels like all lines she sings needs to be sung with extreme presence and energy. Almost like she's trying to sing every song in the most technical and impressive way, just for the sake of doing it - and because she can.
There were a handful of classics in there that you've heard before, like 'Infatuation', 'Beautiful', and 'Dirrty'. The hits are decent, but it's not really my jam to be honest. You can't deny that this probably had some impact when it came, definitely played a lot when it came out!
Solid 3 overall.
Jun 21 2024
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Moving Pictures
This album made no lasting impression on me unfortunately, forgot I had listened to it when I was about to write this review. I think they have a cool sound, but the songs are not really sticking somehow. Maybe need to listen to it more, not sure.
Jun 24 2024
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Crosby, Stills & Nash
Crosby, Stills & Nash
I've heard this quite a few times, and when it showed up I immediately thought "nice, this will be an easy 4 or 5!". But I started listening to it again, and I realize it's actually not as tight as I remembered.
The vocal harmonies this band makes are indeed superclass, and I really like their overall sound. 'Helplessly Hoping' stands out as one of my absolute favourites from CSN, but not much else does unfortunately. I think the album could've been cut down a bit to remove some fluff.
I really want to give it a 4 star, but I feel like a very strong 3 is more reasonable.
Jun 25 2024
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Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand
Glad to see this album made the list, as it is a real gem. It holds a special place for me as well as this album and 'N.E.R.D - In Search Of...' were the first digital albums I ever got. A friend had downloaded them from internet sometime around the mid 2000's and shared it. Must have listened to this a hundred times since then.
Even though I am biased, I still think this is holds up to be one of the best albums out there. It's quite an uncommon thing to encounter, but I don't think there is a single bad song on this album. A few of my favorite ones are 'Jacqueline', 'Take me out', and 'Darts Of Pleasure', but the other songs are good as well, and listening through the whole album is a treat.
They have an interesting sound and some unconventional melodies that I can only describe as slightly corny somehow, but at the same time extremely catchy and cool, which is a strange feeling. They manage to deliver some proper energy on most songs. For example, the buildup on the start of 'Jacqueline' until the first chorus just grabs you completely. I think the two guitars are just very good a playing complementary melodies that takes it a notch up. There are some sick basslines in a few tracks as well.
Easy 5 for me, kickass album.
Jun 26 2024
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Bee Gees
Bee gees have some songs before their disco era that stand out, but they were not nearly as interesting back then, sadly. There's nothing wrong with this album production wise really, and the song is good. But it's just so boring. There isn't really any song that stands out to me, but there are a few that I really don't like, such as 'I Laugh In Your Face', and the sudden cowboy song of 'Give Your Best' that doesn't fit at all in the record.
Very forgettable album, no idea why it's on the list at all.
Jun 27 2024
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Generic rock album for me. Nothing really stands out, none of their better songs here or anything. Really like their tone though. Maybe I should listen to it again, not sure. Weak 3 for me for now.
Jun 28 2024
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After The Gold Rush
Neil Young
Another Neil Young album... I am honestly starting to get really tired of him. Granted, he has made some good songs, and some albums of his are definitely good (like 'Harvest Moon'), and perhaps he has been more influential over the years than I recognize, but I think he is criminally overrated. This album is a perfect example of that. I don't even know what it's doing on this list. It's extremely beige - even below mediocre. No songs stands out. His singing is sub-par for what I'd consider professional. The only good thing is that it's fairly short. Weak 2.
Jul 01 2024
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I always considered R.E.M a very strong group, but I have concluded that they only have quite a few hits that are really good. The rest, like this album, and the one we had one the list before that, is quite boring.
Nothing that stands out or excites really. Weak 3.
Jul 02 2024
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Ágætis Byrjun
Sigur Rós
Fun to see Sigur Rós on the list! This album didn't contain that many "hits", but I think it held an overall high, even level of quality. I am not sure if this is their best album, but I think it deserves a weak 4, as I consider it better than many generic albums I've given a 3 star rating. Think it lacks some more stand out songs to warrant a higher rating, but definitely fun and different!
Jul 03 2024
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Cafe Bleu
The Style Council
Interesting album! Every song was quite different from the other with the unexpected turn of 'A Gospel' on the B-side, and I really like the mood it set. Feels like a perfect thing to put on in the background whole working, or having dinner, for example.
'My Ever Changing Moods' stood out as one of the better songs. In general I was missing some stronger songs, but I really enjoyed the whole album.
Realistically it should probably be a 3, but I really dug the album for some reason, so I'll give it a weak 4.
Jul 04 2024
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Virgin Suicides
I can see this being very fitting for a certain type of film, but I don't think it stands very well on its own as just an album. For being almost exclusively instrumental, it's a bit too uninteresting to listen to from start to end. Generally I feel that Air is a bit overestimated as well. They're doing what sounds like 80s or early 90s synth music in the 2000s, so it's not that unique to me. Vangelis for example does it better.
Jul 05 2024
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Born To Run
Bruce Springsteen
I don't think I will ever understand the praise of Bruce completely. To me, this is the most meats and potatoes or dad rock you can get. It's extremely unexciting to me, even the most popular song of the album 'Born To Run' just passes me by without any real emotion. And the same goes for the rest of the songs.
Jul 08 2024
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Back In Black
AC/DC is one of those bands that is starting to become overplayed for me like Queen or ABBA, but haven't gotten there quite yet. Incredibly strong opening track in 'Hells Bells' with a really sick guitar riff. 'You Shook Me All Night Long' and 'Back In Black' are also really good tracks, probably some of AC/DC's most famous ones. To manage to get those 3 songs on an album is a feat in itself.
I think other songs like 'Givin the Dog a Bone' and 'Shoot To Thrill' are pretty good as well, even though they don't reach the same high. In other words, it's an album with a high lowest bar, but with very high highs.
One slight issue I have with the album is that the songs can sometimes feel a bit too similar somehow. AC/DC certainly has a style, and it shows. Maybe it's similar chord progressions or something, can't exactly put my finger on it. Other than that it's a good album and definitely belongs up there on the list as some of the better albums.
Jul 09 2024
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Interesting album, very different from much other types of music. In general I was not a fan of the dance up-tempo tracks. I think the rest was decent, but those felt out of place and didn't add anything since they weren't really any good.
I mostly like Björks singing, it could as well have become too much and too weird, but it stays just on the right side of the line. Very melodic and exciting.
I didn't really find any particular song that really stuck with me, which was what I was missing.
Jul 10 2024
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Myths Of The Near Future
Decent album, but nothing that really impressed me all that much. 'Totem On The Timeline' had a bit of Franz Ferdinand vibes, so that was a pretty cool song. Hard to pinpoint what type of genre this would be exactly.
Jul 11 2024
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The Cars
The Cars
I don't know... it kind of feels a bit like a less exciting alternative to Talking Heads? At least the singer sounds quite similar to David Byrne. Not sure which band came first, just an observation.
Had a hard time finding a song I liked. Even the more popular ones didn't really stick it for me. Weak 3 it is.
Jul 12 2024
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In The Court Of The Crimson King
King Crimson
Pretty cool album, and nice cover! '21st Centuary Schizoid Man' had a pretty sick guitar riff. I enjoyed it in general, 3 stars.
Jul 15 2024
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The Wall
Pink Floyd
Not my favourite Pink Floyd album, but still delivers. There a couple of really good songs on here, like 'Another Brick In The Wall, Pt.2", 'Hey You', and 'Young Lust', to name a few. Conceptually and sonically it's very well orchestrated and tied together with a clear red line and theme throughout the album. You can also go watch the 'The Wall' movie directed by Alan Parker if you want more of this album and the concept.
I feel it works both for and against it being made as a concept. It's quite neat that there is a red line, but at the same I become quite annoyed when 'In The Flesh' the second time. And there are also quite a few tracks that are meant to drive the narrative of the album, or just setup the next song, which I perhaps wouldn't consider a proper song themselves. For example 'Is There Anybody Out There', 'Stop', 'Outside The Wall', 'Goodbye Cruel World' to name a few. This makes the album feel littered and sprawling. But perhaps you should instead look at the album as some sort of opera, which I guess it was made to be. But that's just not how I want to listen to albums.
Weak 5, mostly due to the many and sometimes uneven tracks. But still a good album!
Jul 16 2024
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I know the Eagles are a renowned band, but this felt like extremely generic rock to me, not that interesting at all. 'Most Of Us Are Sad' was probably the song that stood out the most to me.
Jul 17 2024
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Nick Of Time
Bonnie Raitt
Not especially exciting, sadly. It felt quite generic, didn't really have any song that stood out. Bonnie has quite good voice though, gotta give her that.
Jul 18 2024
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At San Quentin
Johnny Cash
But.... why? Puzzled by this making the list... sure, it's pretty cool that he's holding a concert at a prison, but still? Feels like 60% of the whole running time is made up from Johnny's elevator talk about various uninteresting things, and the rest is actual music. Not really what I am looking for in an album. I am not big on Johnny Cash, but I found the songs quite dull as well. This would probably lend itself better as a filmed version than something to listen to.
Not necessarily 1 star for the music, but for the album execution. I am here for music, not a podcast.
Jul 19 2024
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Didn't listen that attentative, but a decent album mostly. Becomes a bit bland after a while, and I enjoyed the songs that were a bit less country oriented. Should probably listen again sometime, but a 3 for now.
Jul 22 2024
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Another album I've heard a million times. Really cool and unique. Quirky in a way, but also fresh and cool at the same time. Must say I am really impressed with Damon Albarn. Blur doesn't exactly sound remotely close to this, yet he manages to deliver even better in a completely different context.
While (what felt like) hugely popular when it came out, I don't think this is the best Gorillaz album, but it still really good. There are some cool tracks on this record, like 'Tomorrow Comes Today', '19-2000', 'Rock The House', and of course Gorillaz's most famous song: 'Clint Eastwood'. Then there are songs that conceptually tie the record together, but aren't hits per-se, like 'New Genius (Brother)' and 'Sound Check (Gravity)'. A handful of songs could've been skipped, like 'Punk', 'Slow Country', 'M1 A1' to name a few.
Before writing the review I was determined on a strong 4, but after skimming through it again I realize that there aren't as many weak songs as I thought, so I will have to put it on a weak 5 instead. I am really a Gorillaz fan though, so probably a bit biased.
Jul 23 2024
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Music for the Masses
Depeche Mode
Pretto decent album, but not their best album I reckon.
Jul 24 2024
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Devotional Songs
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Man, what a breeze of fresh air from hearing so much rock on this list. I don’t know if it was actually good, or I was just starved of something different, but I really enjoyed listening to this. Strong 3!
Jul 25 2024
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The White Album
What a behemoth of an album with 30 or so songs. There are some Beatles classics here like ‘Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Ada’, ‘While My Guitar Gently Weeps’, and ‘Blackbird’ for example, but also some real low points like ‘Piggies’ that felt like some Victorian court jester’s theme. ‘Rocky Racoon’ is a quirky little tale which was quite fun, and ‘Revolution 1’ was a song that I’ve never heard before but I really liked! Other than that it was… pretty bland honestly. And how are you supposed to knock out 30 bangers in an album?
I find this pretty hard to rate. Should you credit the album for its highs, or give it a score for the complete experience? I think I’ll have to go with the latter, and since there are so many subpar songs I can’t really stretch any further than 3. It just ain’t that good in my opinion, no matter how well renowned The Beatles are.
Jul 26 2024
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Van Halen
This is not really my type of music, so it's a bit hard to give it justice... It wasn't terrible, but not really that good either. 'Jump' is such a cheesy song as well, doesn't fit in at all with the rest of Van Halens rock repertoire. Weak 3.
Jul 29 2024
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Curtis Mayfield
Nice surprise! Was a bit sceptical when it said it was a motion picture soundtrack, but it actually worked very will to listen to as a free standing album as well.
All songs were pretty interesting and they felt different enough from each other. Perhaps there weren't that many songs that stood out as "hits" except 'Superfly' perhaps, but they were all just really nice. Really liked 'Give Me Your Love' as well.
Jul 30 2024
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Nice with something modern for a change.
Adele sure has a very good voice, and this album contains a few of her most known songs. It is a very emotional record for sure, and I read that she wrote it during and after breaking up with her boyfriend. For me it gets a bit samey after a while, basically every song is about heartbreak in various forms and I lost track how many times the word "Love" was mentioned. For whatever reason I don't feel sucked into the music and I find it a bit hard to relate and connect, but maybe that's more on me than on her.
Overall solid record, but maybe not entirely my type of music. Still, a very good modern album and it's insane that she made this when she was 21 considering how mature and good it sounds.
Jul 31 2024
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Live And Dangerous
Thin Lizzy
Felt exhausted just seeing a 1hr 16 min live album by Thin Lizzy going into this... but it wasn't that bad actually. I think I mixed it up with Alice Cooper. Anyways, had some decent songs, but nothing that really grabbed me, and won't be remembered either. Weak 3.
Aug 01 2024
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So Much For The City
The Thrills
My first thought when I heard this was that it sounded very early 2000s California pop, and felt like something that you might've heard on the 'O.C' series. Not very surprising considering the opening tracks are called 'Santa Cruz' and 'Big Sur'. I was correct in the early 2000s part, but was surprised when I found out they are from Ireland.
This spoke to teenager me in a good way. The only real complaint I have is that the lyrics felt quite... childish? As in a toddler could've actually wrote it. At least that's how I felt with 'Santa Cruz' and the first few songs, and then I lost track a bit because I was out running.
Overall I liked the singers voice and the "instrumental" part, but got hung up on the lyrics that I didn't like. Weak 4, can definitely see myself revisiting this.
Aug 02 2024
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Mj Cole
My strongest feeling after hearing this album is that I am so incredible tired of the drum pattern he uses throughout the whole record, and I never want the hear those snare, rim and kick samples ever again.
Garage and other drum-and-bass like genres are probably my least favourite electronic music, so this album is fighting an uphill battle from the start. I think the guest artists singing makes the whole record. He also has some nice piano progressions which fits well. But the record is way too monotone for me. FYI Mr. Cole, it is possible to do electronic records without it sounding exactly the same. It does get better at the end of the record though, changing tonality, and 'Rough Out Here' being a fresh breeze. But then it falls back into old ways a bit too much.
Not complete garbage, but very close to a 1.
Aug 05 2024
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The Atomic Mr Basie
Count Basie & His Orchestra
Cool album cover, with some (in my opinion) pretty generic, but sweet, jazz. Don't feel like I have the skills to determine what differentiates this from other similar albums. I liked it, but it doesn't feel like anything special to me.
Aug 06 2024
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You Want It Darker
Leonard Cohen
Late Leonard Cohen had a quite unique and interesting style with his whispering-like and bassy "singing". Hearing this record it really feels to me like Leonard was always a poet first, and a musician second, which is also beautiful in a way because poetry was how it started from him before he got into music. Unfortunately for me, I'm not moved much by poetry and words, so this becomes a bit of a dull. Still, I'm impressed that he managed to create something fresh and different even at the very end of his career and life.
Aug 07 2024
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One World
John Martyn
This was a quite coolt album that I've never heard before. I had a pretty hard time deciding and figuring out what genre this is. His singing suggests it could be some sort of blues, but the music points towards it being some form of psychadelic or progressive rock. Also, what an interesting voice he has!
Definitely plus points for interesting album with some good songs like 'Certain Surprise' and 'Smiling Stranger'. Think I could grow to like this if I listened to it more, but for now it's a strong 3.
Aug 08 2024
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Diamond Life
Sade's first album, never heard before even though I've listened to her quite a few times. Contains a quite a few songs that are of similar "cheesy love song with saxophone lead" as 'Careless Whisper' 'Smooth Operator', and 'Your Love is King' for example. But that's not all the album it is, the album is loaded with lots of electric piano and really tasteful grooves and basslines and I just find myself nodding along. Most songs are pretty good actually, but 'Smooth Operator', 'Why Can't We Live Together' and 'Cherry Pie' are some examples of songs that stand out for me.
A thing with 'Smooth Operator' that someone pointed out is that "Coast to coast, L.A. to Chicago" makes no sense since Chicago is not at the coast.
In summary I didn't expect this album to last all the way through, but I think it didn't and liked it more than I thought I would. Weak 4!
Aug 09 2024
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Roxy Music
Roxy Music
Didn't find anything for me here on this album, overall boring and... not very good. Singer reminds me of a worse version of David Byrnes as well.
I'd say this borders between weak 2 and strong 1, but haven't had a 1 in a long time so I feel adventurous to explore other ratings as well. The reason it tips the scale towards 1 was that it was so uninteresting, and actually sounded a bit bad a times.
Aug 12 2024
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Court And Spark
Joni Mitchell
Definitely not your usual singer songwriter experience hearing this. Interesting melodies and Jodie has a fun and enchanting way of singing. The singing makes me think of an earlier, less angry version of Alanis Morisette somehow, she also has an unexpected rhythm to her singing that I like.
I’m writing this review quite a while altering listening to the album, and I realize I have forgotten quite a lot of it, not a great sign. The first song is very good though, and when skimming through it I really like it. On the edge of being a 4, but will have to settle on a strong 3 since it obviously didn’t leave that strong impression on me.
Aug 13 2024
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In A Silent Way
Miles Davis
Many jazz albums have flew over my head, but this certainly didn't. Though the first track dragged out for quite a while, I thought it was a nice journey and I didn't get bored. Had an interesting suspense to it, like something crooked was about to happen.
The second track started off more mellow, relaxing, and peaceful. Then it ramped up and changed form. This track also took me on a nice journey.
Overall really good album, nothing to complain about! Strong 4.
Aug 14 2024
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Talking Heads 77
Talking Heads
Talking heads really are an interesting bunch. One of the few bands that actually manages to make ‘quirky’ work, where other bands on this last have tried and failed. Sometimes David Byrnes singing can get a bit too weird and tiresome though.
Not my favorite album from them, but there are have few decent here like ‘Uh Oh, Love Comes To Town’ and ’Psycho Killer’ for example. The rest is decent, but not really anything I would put on the record to listen to. Strong 3 will have to do.
Aug 15 2024
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Isn't Anything
My Bloody Valentine
I feel like I’ve heard My Bloody Valentine being regarded quite highly, but I must admit that I don’t quite understand why, at least not judging from this album.
I think ‘(When you wake) You’re still in dream’ is quite a kickass song, but found it really hard to find anything else that could even be considered decent. I enjoy other shoegaze bands like Slowdive, but this didn't even come close to that. They have quite a lot of out of tune things and various noises in their tracks, and it doesn’t work that well in my opinion. The first track on the album is a good example of this, so is ‘No more sorry’ and ‘All I need’.
I recognize that there is something there that has something, but I just think this isn’t for me at all. Strong 1.
Aug 16 2024
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Feast of Wire
Initially a quite interesting album, but it felt like it diverged a bit from its own formula after a while and got a bit too incoherent for my taste. Don’t remember any particularly song that stood out, though most were decent, mixed with a handful ones as well that didn’t work for me.
Aug 19 2024
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Stevie Wonder
I have to say I was impressed by this as a Stevie Wonder album. It felt more grounded somehow than his previous records I've heard. Still, the occasional Jesus talk bugs me a bit. But it had an overall even quality to it, which I really liked.
The only real complaint I have is that it lacked some song that stood out a bit more as a hit, but other than that it was a good album!
Aug 20 2024
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Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music
Ray Charles
Cozy album, but didn't really stand out to me in any way from other big band music. Weak 3.
Aug 21 2024
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Coles Corner
Richard Hawley
Pretty unexpected album to come out mid 2000s. I think it was a cosy listening session, but nothing that really grabbed my attention that much track-wise. Could see myself having this on in the background at some dinner though.
Aug 22 2024
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Peter Gabriel 3
Peter Gabriel
Read that he was the singer of Genesis, which makes complete sense since this sounds very much like Phil Collins - only worse.
Found some half decent songs in 'I Don't Remember' and 'Games Without Frontiers', the latter which whistle tune might have been sampled in Mange Schimdt's 'Giftig' song.
Overall I didn't like this record very much. It felt a bit pretentious, which you can get away with that if the music is really good, otherwise not.
Aug 23 2024
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Highly Evolved
The Vines
This album started off extremely weak with some edgy rock and the singer sounding like a worse Liam Gallagher. Then around ‘Homesick’ it changed tone into something that I really liked, followed by a streak of a few good songs more reminiscent of 2000s pop rock.
In the end it felt a bit too uneven to warrant a higher rating, having both pretty low lows and high highs. This might be an album I’ll actually revisit to see if it changes my mind, but for now I think a 3 feels appropriate.
Aug 26 2024
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British Steel
Judas Priest
Most of Judas Priest's biggest hits seems to be packed on this record, which is quite a feat. I still felt a bit let down though, the songs didn't punch as hard as I remembered. And though it might be an unfair and unnecessary comparison, I kind of feel like Rob Halford is just a bit of a less good singer than Bruce Dickinson in Iron Maiden.
Getting 3 strong stars from me, but could definitely deserve more if this is your cup of tea.
Aug 27 2024
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Bringing It All Back Home
Bob Dylan
So tired of Dylan now it's insane... it was just as boring as I expected.
Aug 28 2024
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Todd Rundgren
This record really was all over the place... it had a handful of ok songs spread out over the different sides, but mostly it is either mediocre or garbage. This is simply not acceptable for such a long record in my opinion. Better to make it tight and short than to have much material with a few decent songs. There were some wit around, but I can't really see myself recommending this to anyone.
Aug 29 2024
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The Sensational Alex Harvey Band
Wow, what a ride. Mostly juvenile and silly nonsense, but pretty fun to just hear something completely different and out of the box sometimes. Hard to take it that seriously though.
Aug 30 2024
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Imperial Bedroom
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
I must say I don't really understand why Elvis Costello has multiple records on this list. I read online that he was praised for his lyrics and storytelling. If that's the case then it passes me by. I mostly find myself annoyed with his voice, and the music feels quite luck laster.
Not anything that raises any eyebrows to me.
Sep 02 2024
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Lou Reed
I can't put my finger on why, but I kind of liked this. Maybe it was because it was morning and I was susceptible to some calmer stuff. I usually don't enjoy monotone singing that sounds like talking, but for some reason Lou worked just fine this time. He has some unorthodox timings that makes it interesting. The lyrics feels quite unfiltered as well, and somehow Lou sometimes gives off a bit of creep vibes, which I haven't experienced with many singers before.
Overall I thought most songs brought something new and were interesting and fun to listen to. Probably not something I will put on that much, but really appreciated it this time. Going out on a limb with a weak 4.
Sep 03 2024
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C'est Chic
Very funky and groovy album. No song is bad, though there are some that are stronger than others. Still, very even and high standard throughout the record. Solid 4.
Sep 04 2024
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Fisherman's Blues
The Waterboys
First song was pretty good, but I got a bit tired of the format quickly. Maybe I was just not in the mood for this type of folk music, not sure.
It felt like the first half of the record was more rock oriented, and then it turned more folk at the end. Nothing really to write home, strong 2.
Sep 05 2024
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Dig Your Own Hole
The Chemical Brothers
Very 90s record for sure. Had some pretty cool songs, but it was a pretty up and down experience. 'Block Rockin' Beats' and 'It Doesn't Matter' felt like perhaps the strongest songs, other than that it wasn't anything special that stuck to me. Hasn't aged nearly as well - or reach the same level of quality - as Prodigy, even though they have quite similar sounds.
Think I will seattle on a weak 3.
Sep 06 2024
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Make Yourself
Hmm... tricky one. Sounds quite 90s indeed. This sounds like a crossover between Linkin Park and Audioslave, both of which were later projects. Surely this must have been quite a major influence on those bands.
I think there are some cool riffs and instrumental choices, heavy use of chorus etc. that works really well. Overall quite dark and dubious sounding, I like it.
I am not sure I am fan of how the singer fits into it all. He sings very well and can deliver some power, but to me he just has a way too poppy voice. So for me, this whole album has a weird soft edge to it that doesn't feel fitting.
It feels like this probably deserves a 4, but it doesn't gel completely with me, so I'll give it a strong 3. I think I could grow to like this though if I listened to it more.
Sep 09 2024
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Hunky Dory
David Bowie
Another Bowie album, starting to get a handful by now. Not too shabby, but definitely not his best either. 'Changes' and 'Life on Mars?' were a few levels above the rest for me. All in all decent, but as I'm not a major Bowie fan to begin with it didn't really lift any eyebrows. Strong 3.
Sep 10 2024
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Black Holes and Revelations
Probably the most successful album of Muse, along with Absolution, back when they were actually good. There are some real bangers here, like 'Starlight' and 'Supermassive Black Hole'. The rest are also a decent bunch and fit in nicely to make a cohesive but also varying album.
What I particularly like with this record is that it doesn't quite sound like anything else, but is still very good. Some quite unusual riffs and patterns here and there that keeps it interesting. Matt's singing style is also one of a kind I dare say, really nice falsettos and long drawn out wailings.
It took me a while to warm up to them, but I very much like this Muse era. Not what comes to mind when I think of my favorite albums, but I still think a weak 5 is quite fitting.
Sep 11 2024
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Sonic Youth
I think this record started off pretty promising with 'Dirty Boots', and 'Tunic (Song For Karen)' that I particularly liked. But after sitting through everything I feel like the melodies and delicacies are lost in too much noise and distortion. This definitely peaked at the end of 'Mildred Pierce' which just turned into some scream fiesta for no good reason.
In summary it had some decent songs at the start, but nothing to warrant any higher rating.
Sep 12 2024
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Everything But The Girl
One of the most 80s sounding records on this list so far... sounds like surely most things on this record ust have been made with DX7 almost. Got all the 80s bells and chimes etc. Very uninspiring drum machine sounds as well.
The album definitely lacked some variation, and it hasn't aged particularly well. For what I was, though, I actually enjoyed it more than I expected to. It doesn't really have any hits, but I just thought everything was fairly nice. I was a bit sad when I found out that my favourite song on the record 'I Don't Want To Talk About It' was a cover, but still a nice song. Not a record I would really recommend to anyone, but wasn't half bad. Solid 3.
Sep 13 2024
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Led Zeppelin IV
Led Zeppelin
Another Zeppelin album. I never remember what songs are on their different records, but I am always astonished by how many good tracks they have. And this might be their best album, though it's a tough call.
Led Zeppelin are kings of sick riffs, and they show it with an extremely strong opening in 'Black Dog', followed by 'Rock and Roll'. 'The Battle of Evermore' fits in thematically well, but is perhaps not the most exciting song of the album.
Then comes 'Stairway to Heaven'. This is of course the most no-brainer and unexpected opinion to have, but this might be the best song ever made. It has everything you'd want out of a good song: acoustic elements with slow buildup, good singing, exploding climax, sick guitar solo etc. The lyrics are very fairy-tale-like in true Zeppelin fashion and perhaps not the most exciting, but fits well in.
'Misty Mountain Hop' and 'Four Sticks' are not that exciting, but not terrible either. Then comes one of my favourite Zeppelin songs; 'Going to California' , which is just an acoustic jewel of fingerpicking. And the record closes with 'When the Levee Breaks' which has really cool drums and a sick distorted harmonica lead.
Very good album, everyone should hear it. Still amazed that Led Zeppelin manages to deliver 5-star albums again and again. Probably one of the most consistent bands of all time.
Sep 16 2024
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At Mister Kelly's
Sarah Vaughan
Very cozy album, very cool album cover. Really enjoyed hearing this. This type of music has a very calming effect on me. Perfect to put on during fall or whenever you fell like relaxing a bit. No song particularly stood out, but I just liked the whole package. Strong 3.
Sep 17 2024
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Sound of Silver
LCD Soundsystem
Cool band name. Sometimes sounded like a modern version of Depeche Mode, especially in 'Someone Great' and 'Sound of Silver'. Also reminded me a bit of Talking Heads at times, like in 'Us V Them'.
Generally I preferred the songs that were entirely electronic, compared to the ones sounding like it had acoustic instruments in it. My top songs were probably 'Get Innocuous', 'Someone Great', and 'Sound of Silver'.
The general experience was a bit mixed. The songs differed quite a lot from each other, and there were some that I liked much better than others. Still, after just skimming through it again I feel like it's quite an interesting album. I'm going out on a limb and giving it a weak 4 because I felt like it was quite different from a lot else we've heard, and they managed to get quite a few good songs in actually. Still, a bit of an uneven album,
Sep 18 2024
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Siamese Dream
The Smashing Pumpkins
A bit ambivalent about this one. Smashing Pumpkins is definitely a band you have heard about before, and it think this record should deserve a higher rating if this is your jam, but it just didn't resonate with me for some reason. There are some decent songs like 'Today', and perhaps a few others that probably deserve more credit, but it just wasn't for me in the end. Weak 3.
Sep 19 2024
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Depeche Mode
Fun with more Depeche mode! Mostly heard their hit songs, so exciting to hear the rest of their repertoire.
This one contains some of their most successful hits with 'Personal Jesus' and 'Enjoy the Silence', which are real killer songs. I'm happy to say that that's not all the album delivers, however. Despite Depeche Mode perhaps not being my exact taste, I find the rest of the songs pretty decent, such as 'Policy of Truth' and 'Blue Dress'. What I find lacking is a bit more uptempo songs, as most feel more tuned down and ballad like. This really lets Dave Gahan shine with his stellar singing, but a record with a majority of ballads is not what I'm looking for in synth music.
Weak 4.
I think overall this deserves a weak 4.
Sep 20 2024
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Call of the Valley
Shivkumar Sharma
Never heard about this before, but just... wow. I was absolutely taken away by this. The album cover had me interested and turned out to very well convey the serenity you feel when listening to this album. I also read that it was supposed to represent a day as a an indian shepherd in Kashmir. This makes me really want to visit Kashmir.
I haven't listened to much oriental music, but this feels like it managed to cater a bit to western tastes as well, with a nice blend of oriental instruments, acoustic guitar, some background pads, and acoustic drums elements.
The album takes you on a very nice journey, quite similar to how soundtracks does. There is calm, excitement and tension weaved throughout the songs. Some jazz serve the same purpose to me as this does; to calm and put you in a nice state of mind. That can sometimes fly over your head, but I didn't feel any of that with this record. The melodies were really memorable and it kept my interest throughout the record.
Overall I found this extremely nice to listen to and will come back many times I am sure. This might not objectively deserve 5 stars, but to me this was such a nice gem and revelation. Will try to seek out more similar music in the future for sure!
Sep 23 2024
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At Fillmore East
The Allman Brothers Band
Passed me by quite unnoticed actually. Not sure it's bad per-se, but quite uninteresting. Usually these end up somewhere with a '3', but this felt particularly forgettable, so giving it a strong 2.
Sep 24 2024
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Brilliant Corners
Thelonious Monk
Nice jazz. Nothing less, nothing more, really.
Sep 25 2024
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Music From Big Pink
The Band
Pretty decent album. Feels like I've heard 'The Weight' somewhere else, but not sure from who. Or maybe I'm just imagining.
Anyways, nothing that really stood out, but not bad either. Solid 3.
Sep 26 2024
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Born To Be With You
Decent I guess? Had some good vibes, but nothing I will return to most likely. Only listened half-attentative when working, but it didn't cut through the noise.
Sep 27 2024
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The Doors
The Doors
I find this album pretty hard to review. A lot of The Doors success seem to have come from Jim Morrison being a real erratic person, surrounded by lots of drama, but also from their music being quite different from what else existed, with controversial lyrics and energetic live performances. Most of this is missed out when hearing the recording.
Anyways, this album contains many of their top hits 'Break On Through (To The Other Side)', 'Light My Fire', 'The End', and so on. This by no means that the album is only carried by those songs though, I think most songs hold a really high bar throughout the whole record. For example, I really appreciate 'Soul Kitchen', and 'Back Door Man'. 'Alabama Song (Whisky Bar)' is quite a strange song. "Show me the way to the next little girl" is quite... interesting to put on a record. Perhaps I'm taking the lyrics too face value, but it certainly makes them come across as a bit suspicious and creepy.
Their sound hasn't aged very well in my opinion. It really sounds as old as it is, and the sound quality isn't that impressive. The electric organ they use in almost all songs is a trademark instrument for them, but it makes it feel like whimsical circus music at times, which doesn't sit that well with me.
In summary, I think it's definitely a record filled with enough interesting stuff to warrant a high rating. The actual music is interesting and evenly good, and the band is also surrounded with some mystery and weirdness that piques your interest. The Doors is definitely not a group I would count among my favourites, so I had a hard time deciding between a 4 and a 5, but in the end I'll give it a weak 5 partly because it's actually pretty good, but also because of the band's influence on music.
Sep 30 2024
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Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
Arctic Monkeys
Not sure I expected to see this here, but fun to have something relatively new!
When Arctic Monkeys came I think they took the world by storm a bit, especially in certain age groups. For me personally I had a bit of a hard time with them, and it wasn't until a few years ago that it actually clicked for me.
I think this is definitely one of those albums that you either like or hate. It's quite noisy, and I can see how Alex's singing can feel like a whiny teenager going at it.
What makes this record shine for me is in its simple, yet extremely catchy riffs, along with Alex's unexpected lyrics and singing melodies, which is quite unique else I dare say. The record contains quite a few uptempo songs that can set a crowd on fire, like 'I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor', 'Still Take You Home', 'When The Sun Goes Down', 'A Certain Romance' and so on. But the rest of the record also has really good songs though, which makes it a strong overall album.
Not a perfect album, and I think it very much depends on whether this is anything for you or not, but I think a weak 5 is in order considering how many good songs there are on the record.
Oct 01 2024
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Brothers In Arms
Dire Straits
I was a bit sceptical of this for some reason, but it sure did prove me wrong.
Almost all famous Dire Straits songs on the same record, impressive. Particularly ‘Money for nothing’ really is a banger! But there are also a handful of other songs that are good, like ‘Your latest trick’ and ‘One world’.
Though famous, I really don’t think ‘Walk of life’ is a particularly good song. It’s too tame or meek, which is enhanced when sitting behind ‘Money for nothing’. I’m don’t think Mark Knopfler is a particularly good singer, quite the opposite actually. It sounds very half arsed and boring.
But in summary I found it a surprisingly good record, where not only the hits delivered. Almost want to give it a weak 5, but a 4 feels more balanced.
Oct 02 2024
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Was focused on work while listening to this, so I didn't get a very accurate picture of it, but it didn't particularly stand out. Just skimming through it now afterwards makes me feel like it wasn't too bad, and I should definitely listen through it again! I already found myself some pretty cool songs, like 'In My Mind', 'Vastopol', and 'Time With You', for example. There are quite some parts in this album that surely must have influenced some 2000s indie bands like Vampire Weekend or something.
Interesting listen, strong 3 for now!
Oct 03 2024
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Clube Da Esquina
Milton Nascimento
Zero expectations coming in to this but I was actually blown away a bit. First off, it felt quite fresh, well sounding and modern for coming from '72. And even though it contains quite a lot of songs with its four sides, I found all songs to live up to a high standard. Didn't really find any song that I didn't like. Conversely, I found of songs that I did like a lot, such as 'O Trem Azul', 'Club Da Esquina No 2', and 'Paisagem Da Janela' to name a few.
At first, I was almost thinking of giving this 5 stars, but I realize now when going back the day after listening that I was a bit clouded by the good songs. Still, I think this is a solid 4 stars for me. Very fun listening!
Oct 04 2024
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Beautiful Freak
When I saw the album cover I feared I was in for a rough ride... and I was. Basically an album equivalent of Alice in the Wonderland, in a bad way. Feverish and dissonant, not at all to my liking. The singers voice also reminds me quite a lot of Elliott Smith, which I am not overly fond of.
The only ray of light is 'My Beloved Monster', which I think I recognize from being in the Shrek movie. This recovers it from a dead 1 star to a weak 2 for me.
Oct 07 2024
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Ogden's Nut Gone Flake
Small Faces
Cool and funky album cover art, and weird name. Had some potential for sure, but felt a bit too quirky in a similar way like Pink Floyd's first album - not that great. Didn't really find any song I liked, most of it just felt like background noise.
Oct 08 2024
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Future Days
This might very well be the album with the fewest tracks I've seen! The album had some decent parts to it, but there was a bit too much noodling around for me. 'Moonshake' was a decent song, but that was also the part that was most different from the rest of the album. If you like slowly progressing and meandering rock, this is for you. Personally I found it a bit too impactless. Strong 2.
Oct 09 2024
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Melody A.M.
I have a hard time putting a finger on exactly what the Röyksopp sound is, but it's definitively recognizable and distinct. Has some mellowness to it, while still having some dance oriented tracks.
'Eple' and 'Poor Leno' are the best tracks of the album in my opinion, but the other ones hold their ground well too. Overall really cool album that still sounds fresh.
Oct 10 2024
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Black Sabbath
Holy sh*t, what an album. I didn't use to like Black Sabbath at all, until I heard this album. I am not sure I would call myself an all out Black Sabbath fan of their newer stuff, but this album they did back when they were basically hippies, before they started wearing black trench coats and eating bats on stage, really is gold. But I digress.
Just hearing the first opening note of 'War Pigs', you know you're in for a heavy ride. The guitar on this album might just be the sickest tones I've heard on a guitar actually. It just sounds so rich and heavy, almost doesn't need a bass with how thick it is. Ozzy might be a loony, but he is actually outstanding on this record and delivers much energy. The drumming throughout the record is also exceptional and powerful, and lifts all tracks.
The whole album is just filled to the brim with good songs. The opening track, 'War Pigs', might be my favourite song of the album. It has a nice long progression, and you're rewarded in the end with a sick end to the song. Then there's also the absolute bangers of 'Paranoid' and 'Iron Man' that straddles 'Planet Caravan', which is a calm an mellow song with a completely different tone with its feverish song. I actually think this sits so well where it's at, and is actually a really good track in itself.
The only critique of the album would really be that the first half of the record is an order of magnitude stronger than the first. But I think the second half still holds up pretty well, I enjoy them as well.
Overall I think this might just be a top contender for one of the greatest records ever. Strong 5.
Oct 11 2024
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When I saw the album cover, I got the feeling that this surely must be some kind of heavy or black metal or something. I wasn't wrong!
Cool to include an album like this on list that is some order of magnitudes heavier than anything that's been here so far. Doing this in '96 also feels quite early for this type of music, so this must have been quite novel when it came out. I read online that the album is about the band exploring their Brazilian heritage, and that they went to visit some indigenous tribe in the jungle. This is quite an interesting backstory that was at least missed out by me when listening to it.
As for the actual music... well, it's not for me. I find it hard to connect to and appreciate, which also makes it impossible for me to give it a fair score. But I dare say I've heard music in this genre that I liked way less, so I guess that's... good?
I'll give this a 3 star rating as it feels most fair. Also, it wasn't that bad honestly.
Oct 14 2024
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Had no idea what to expect when starting this, but I was pleasantly surprised! I was quite busy with some work when listening to this, but it still grabbed my attention, which is quite a testament.
'E-Pro' immediately felt recognizable. I wonder if it has been in some famous commercial or something. Nevertheless, good song! The rest of the tracks continued along the same track; a bit experimental with quite heavy grooves. Reminded me of Gorillaz at times, in a good way. Funny thing with the record is, Beck doesn't look at all like a person who'd make this type of music. He looks more like he'd fit in the Lumineers, and I'd expect someone closer resembling Shift Shellshock or something to be the author of this. Funny how wrong you can be!
I find it hard to single out particularly good songs, except perhaps aforementioned 'E-Pro', and 'Que' Onda Guero'. I just think the whole record was really good and nice to listen to. I'm going to give it a 4 for now, but this could be a 5 if I give it a proper swing again and get more into it.
Oct 15 2024
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Teenage Head
Flamin' Groovies
What a boring and forgettable album! Most generic rock I can think of, nothing special whatsoever. Didn't sound particularly good either compared to some other '70s albums. Maybe it was influential back then, I don't know, but it certainly drowns in the sea of good rock available from that era.
Giving it a weak 2 out of lack of inspiration and fun-ness. Only thing saving it from a 1 was that it doesn't sound as outright bad as some other 1s we've had.
Oct 16 2024
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Freak Out!
The Mothers Of Invention
I liked the sound this album had, made me think a bit of early Pink Floyd at times, like on 'Who Are The Brain Police', and 'You're Probably Wondering Why I Am Here' with its quirky kazoo, for example.
Overall it felt like something I should have enjoyed more, but didn't for some reason. It think it got a bit too silly honestly. In addition, it felt relatively lengthy, which wasn't in its favor.
Weak 3.
Oct 17 2024
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Miriam Makeba
Miriam Makeba
Quite varying songs, but it didn't stick with me that well. I initially thought 'House Of The Rising Sun' was a cover of The Animals' version, but it seems like she actually recorded it at least 4 years earlier than them. Turns out it has been done before Makeba in many other iterations as well.
Anyways, there are some playful and interesting lullabies in there that are cute. But in general it just didn't feel like it was for me. Strong 2.
Oct 18 2024
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Daydream Nation
Sonic Youth
Felt like it could've been something for me with some sections of quite ambient guitar playing with much chorus. Leans a bit into shoegaze territory sometimes as well. But nothing really stood out to me. When I thought a track was going the right direction, instead they chose to take it the wrong way. Maybe I need to listen to the album more, not sure. Not a fan at the moment though.
Oct 21 2024
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Kings Of The Wild Frontier
Adam & The Ants
Quite strange album I have to say, very similar to Talking Heads in many ways. The singer sounds very much like David Byrne, but the songwriting and weirdness is quite similar to them as well. Apparently quite successful when it came out.
I'm having quite a hard time figuring out where it ends up on a map with weird on one axis, and good on the other. After some consideration I think it ends up somewhere in the middle. It's quite interesting and decent at times, but not something that really pulls me in either. Didn't find any particular song that I really liked, for example.
I think a weak 3 will have to do.
Oct 22 2024
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The Sounds Of India
Ravi Shankar
It was very interesting to hear about the different ways indian music is structured, but I'm not sure I feel it belongs to an album you want to put on to listen to.
The music itself was nice, but I don't feel that I am knowledgeable enough in indian music to know what makes this stand out compared to other similar pieces, and therefore find it hard to see why this particular album should be on the list, and not some other sitar album. I do enjoy the sitar quite a lot though, would be very fun to try out sometime.
Oct 23 2024
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Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Elton John
Surprisingly I think this might be our first Elton John album on the list. This is certainly one of his better albums, and is set off with a couple of real bangers in 'Candle In The Wind', 'Bennie And The Jets', and 'Goodye Yellowbrick Road'. It's actually crazy that these 3 come in succession.
Unfortunately, that is pretty much everything that is interesting with this album. I really like Elton John, and it's ridiculous how many good songs he has to his name. But in my opinion he has never really succeeded in putting many of those songs on a single album. They are spread out over all of his many many albums. So, while he certainly has a good amount of hits, there's also many songs that aren't particularly good or notice worthy, a bit like this album. Still, I think those 3 songs are just good enough to edge this record to a weak 4, but the album certainly doesn't deserve more than that to me.
Oct 24 2024
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Permission to Land
The Darkness
Did not expect to see this here! Listened through it at least once before, but was a while ago. Remember hearing 'I Believe In A Thing Called Love' when it came out and I thought it was a bit of a weird one, but still catchy. Listening through the album now it definitely feels like one of those ones where you go "oh, I completely forgot about this, what happened to those guys?!".
The music seems to take influence from the heavy riffs of perhaps AC/DC, but with a completely different tone added with Hawkins' singing. And I think it works very well together. Hawkins wearing a tight glam rock body appearance is somehow what you would expect when listening to the songs, but I feel like they have quite a lot of self distance and do it more in an ironic way, rather than that being how they view themselves. It's nowhere near Kiss in my opinion, and that's a good thing.
'I Believe In A Thing Called Love' is probably the most recognized one, but I actually think the whole album is really good, with other favourites such as 'Friday Night', 'Love On The Rocks With No Ice', 'Holding My Own' to name a few.
I can't understate how cool of a singer I think Hawkins is. His falsettos are incredible, and he takes this from being generic rock and roll, to something completely unique. I was planning on giving this a 4 star rating, but I'm actually going to be generous and give this a weak 5 star rating. Forgot how many good songs here are.
Oct 25 2024
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Rum Sodomy & The Lash
The Pogues
Ah, the band with the depressing Christmas song! I find this type of irish-like rock/folk music very fun and cozy in certain settings, especially when experienced live. But a whole album like this wasn't really my thing... perhaps I wasn't in the right mood, I don't know. Admittedly, 'Sally MacLennane' is really catchy when hearing it again now one day after listening to the album first time. Still feels like a 3 for me, but if this really is your jam I can see how it deserves a higher rating.
Oct 28 2024
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Hot Shots II
The Beta Band
I think they have an interesting chill sound, and this should really suit me. While I found 'Squares' to be alright, I didn't find any of the other songs particularly interesting.
Somehow the whole album also sounds very... weak, and bad? There is no punch in anything in the songs, and the singer's voice is extremely weak and sits behind everything else in the mix, so it just doesn't grab you at all. Also almost zero stereo image... just very bad sounding in general to me.
Maybe a bit harsh, but getting a 2. Mostly because it's sounds so uninspiring, but also because it's a bit of a boring record.
Oct 29 2024
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Rhythm Nation 1814
Janet Jackson
Judging by the numbers of times played on Spotify, some of the songs on this album are still quite popular. I fail a bit to see why, though.
The album sounds very 80s pop, even though it's from the latter part of the 80s. It's hard to not think about Michael Jacksons album when hearing this, as it sounds quite similar. Where Michael's albums stand the test of time, this doesn't. Barely any songs that I liked that much, perhaps except 'Lonely' which I found still sounds fairly modern.
Overall not that interesting, but also not the worst I have heard.
Oct 30 2024
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Bruce Springsteen
As mentioned before, I am no big on Bruce, sadly. I admire him for making this a bit of a different album compared to the other ones. Unfortunately it's not to my taste either. Everything just flew over my head, don't remember any song barely. Pretty boring overall. Strong 2.
Oct 31 2024
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Joanna Newsom
Sad that this isn't on Spotify, not where I live at least.
Hearing this I feel like the most accurate description I can come up with is "cute". The cover art matches the music well, which have a bit of a fantasy or medieval feel to it. Definitely different for sure, so I believe the spot on this list is deserved!
The album contains a few songs with interesting small stories, focusing heavily on the lyrics, which admittedly is not my favourite part of songs usually, but it works well. She seems to be playing the harp as her main instrument, which is not anything you see that often, cool!
Overall, I found it a quite interesting album, but not anything I would really see myself listen to. I also find her voice quite annoying to listen to after a while, unfortunately. Still, fun with something different for once! This could actually deserve a better rating, but for me this is a strong 3.
Nov 01 2024
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Maxwell's Urban Hang Suite
What a nice album! Hits just the right spot for me. Really funky, nice basslines, lots of electric piano and nice guitar fills. What is there not to like?
I just found the album overall nice to listen through. Strongest songs are probably 'Urban Theme', 'Sumthin' Sumthin' and 'Ascension', but the thing I missed the most was a real banger that clearly stands out and you can put on repeat. Luckily all songs are just nice to listen to, and I can definitely see myself put on this whole record when working or something.
Nov 04 2024
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Disraeli Gears
Extremely era accurate cover art. I wonder how much LSD went into making this one.
Sounds very gritty, and I would say '69 in general. Reminds me a lot of how Jimi Hendrix or Jeferson Airplanes songs sounds. Overall I think this is quite a good record. Have heard it before, but there's definitely quite a lot of good songs here in 'Tales Of Brave Ulysses', 'Outside Woman Blues', and 'Strange Brew', which all have very memorable riffs. And let's not forget 'Sunshine Of Your Love', which is actually quite a banger. Just a very mysterious and heavy riff.
It definitely sounds a bit dated, but I still think it's catchy enough to hold up quite well today. And I can imagine that this must have been quite sick when it came out, especially live. Solid 4.
Nov 05 2024
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Heroes to Zeros
The Beta Band
Another Beta Band album... "yay". I actually don't understand what the list creator sees in this band. While this wasn't as bad as the other record (Hot Shots II) we had just last week, it's still pretty bland and boring. Most critiques for previous album holds true here as well; singer is quite tedious to listen to, and no real oumph in the songs. I hope we don't get any more Beta Band albums on here, there are more deserving artists for those spots.
Nov 06 2024
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Basket of Light
Nice album with some really nice vocals, especially those sung by the Jacqui. It feels like many songs go in the same key using the same chords, but I don't mind too much, it sounds good.
'House Carpenter' is a really good song, and I could've sworn I had heard it in the Read Dead Redemption 1 or 2 video game, but can't find it now for some reason. Maybe I'm just imagining. Feels like an iconic track somehow though!
I feel like this beats a lot of other type of folk records I've heard, so giving it a weak 4.
Nov 07 2024
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Live / Dead
Grateful Dead
There are a few Grateful Dead songs that I appreciate, like 'Terrapin Station' for example. Other than that I haven't listened to them that much.
Grateful Dead have quite the fanbase and cult following, and if I understood it correctly it's much due to their live shows. I have to say that I don't really see it in this record to be honest. I think jamming and noodling, when done correctly, can be really thrilling live, but it just doesn't lend itself that well for a studio record in this case. There are also a few quite long segments that just doesn't work at all for me, like 'Feeback' for example.
In the end I end up a bit disappointed in this, resulting in a 2 star rating.
Nov 08 2024
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In It For The Money
I just listened to disc 1, as the 2nd disc seems to have be some limited edition thing.
When I saw the album cover I thought we'd get something along the lines of The Pogues, and was not very enthusiastic. I was quite wrong.
I don't think I've ever heard this record before, but somehow it felt like I've heard at least half of the songs before. I don't know if they have been in some movies or TV shows I've seen, or if I am just imagining, but most songs felt easy to get into and were catchy.
I must admit British rock bands leaning towards pop can definitely be hit or miss, but I am very impressed with this album, even though I don't feel like it's entirely my jam. Most songs are good, but there are actually more songs than usual that I would consider very good, such as 'Late In The Day', 'G-Song', 'Sun Hits the Sky', 'Going Out'.
In summary I was pleasantly surprised. Even though it's not 100% my type of music, I still found it very good, which I find quite rare to be able to appreciate something in music that you're not fond of. So I'm giving this a 4, but think it might actually deserve more if you're into it.
Nov 11 2024
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Bryter Layter
Nick Drake
I see Nick Drake, I press 'like'. Another very good album from him. 'Norhtern Sky' might be his best song, competing with 'Pink Moon'. Overall, high quality throughout the record. I kind of want to give this a weak 5, even though it suffers from a bit of the same problem as the 'Pink Moon' album of lacking some more real hits. On paper this should be a weaker album than 'Pink Moon', which got a strong 4, so I guess it will have to get the same!
Nov 12 2024
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Einstürzende Neubauten
I am a bit disappointed that I knew before listening to this that it was the lowest rated album on the list, but I don't think it would've made a difference. I can understand it holds that position, but there have also been other albums on this list that could also be deserving of similar sentiments.
While bold and definitely something else, it just doesn't turn out very well. Very harsh and dissonant in general, with lots of saturated screams and singing, mallets, and all sorts of percussions and noises. Barely anything resembles a traditional "song". I ended up turning it off half-way through since I felt it wasn't my thing, and it didn't show any signs of heading in a different direction.
Nov 13 2024
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Untitled (Black Is)
Maybe newest album I've encountered on this list? Actually heard this once before, and while I am a bit surprised to find it here I must admit it's a damn cool album. It feels quite political. Nothing for or against that, just an observation. Other than that I'm struggling to find bad songs, most of the album is evenly good! 'Wildfires' feels a bit like a league of its own though, clearly the best track of the album.
Overall really solid record. Feels very modern and fresh, a nice breeze on this list compared to all 70-80s rock we've had. Also feels very underrated judging by the listening numbers on Spotify. Strong 4!
Nov 14 2024
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Kid A
Feels like we must have had almost all big Radiohead album now on this list, just missing 'OK Computer'!
I think this is a bit weaker than those albums we had before. No real single strong song that stand out and carries the album (not that it's a must-have, but still), and I find the rest to be lacking identity, like 'Kid A' and 'Treefingers', or just not being that good. Still, 'How To Disappear Completely' is a really good song, and 'Everything In Its Right Place' is decent as well, but the rest you can skip.
Nov 15 2024
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Selling England By The Pound
For some reason I'm always a bit sceptical about Genesis... I sometime feel its too religious, but I am not sure if this actually warranted, or just due to the band name and some minor things in some songs.
This album was a bit of a surprise. The cover art definitely mirrored the music quite well: a theme album touching on old English culture. We had Joanna Newsome's 'Ys' album here recently, and this reminded me a bit of that, but in a more modern and rockier setting.
Overall I didn't really find a favourite song, but I thought most of the songs were quite decent. I don't have any deeper analysis; it was a pleasant listening session, but didn't move me in any particular way, so a dead on 3 feels appropriate.
Nov 18 2024
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Duck Rock
Malcolm McLaren
Oh wow... what a ride, what just happened here?
Starting off with 'Buffalo Girls', I thought we were off in some kind of early-hip-hop direction. But then we took a left turn onto "latin up-tempo music", which seems to make up the majority of this record. But before arriving in "weird american rodeo town" represented by 'Duck For The Oyster', we had to take a quick detour into an 80s synthpop-ville, with 'World's Famous' (which might have been my favourite song of this record).
This album was really all over the place, and I mean that mostly in a good way. It is always fun to hear something that you don't expect! If he could have just managed to tone down the craziness a bit and keep it a bit more cohesive I think it could've gotten a higher rating easily!
As it stands, the best songs were the ones that were not really representative of the album; 'World's Famous' and 'Buffalo Gals'. I enjoyed the mid-section to some degree, but that wasn't the best. Not everything is great on this record, but for once I actually think this might be an example of when it actually paid off to to just break all boundaries and go crazy. Interesting album that takes you on a weird journey, and rewards you with some cool songs and an overall nice feeling!
Nov 19 2024
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All Hope Is Gone
I like some Slipknot stuff, but this wasn't really what I expected to see on the list. None of their really good songs are here, and I have to say some songs sound more like light Nickelback than what I consider Slipknot. The first quarter or so of the album is quite good, but could live without the rest.
Nov 20 2024
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Sticky Fingers
The Rolling Stones
Crazy how much the opening riff in 'Brown Sugar' just sounds like a chopped up 'Start me up' riff, almost feels similar close to me.
Overall I think this was a decent record with some songs that were better, and some songs that were not as good perhaps. I don't feel like I'm swaying in any direction, it's pretty much dead in the middle for me. Pretty much "meats and potatoes" rock I would say. 'Wild Horses' was probably my favourite track.
Nov 21 2024
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The Rolling Stones
Back-to-back Rolling Stones albums, what are the odds? I found this more to my liking that Sticky Fingers. Felt a bit more daring and different, whereas Sticky Fingers was very vanilla rock. 'Under My Thumb' stood out as a particularly good song, but 'Mother's Little Helper' was also a quite good, especially as a way to start the album.
Still, this wasn't anything that really blew me out of my chair. Haven't listened too much to Rolling Stones ever, and I guess there is a reason for that. Sure, they have some hit songs that are pretty cool, but mostly it's pretty mundane.
Nov 22 2024
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Huh, a bit unexpected, but always glad to see something that is not rock, even more so something contemporary-ish!
Really whacky record. Listening to this make me feel very uncool and old. All beats are extremely catchy and groovy, and the lyrics are complete jibberish and devoid of any type of coherency or "sense". It just feels completely disconnected and all over the place, but she is just so good at creating memorable fun pieces that rhyme really well and are easy to remember, that now it feels like I know almost all songs even tough only heard the record once. And I think that is where much of here success lies, it's incredibly powerful.
Going to sound even older now, but I wonder how much she has influenced how kids talk these days. Listening to her rap feels a bit like hearing teenagers talk.
In summary this is definitely not what I usually listen to, but there's just so many hooks here in the lyrics and the beats that it's hard not to dig it. Really fun to listen to as well, not so complicated or pretentious as some music can be. Gotta give it a weak 4 just because of how fresh it feels, even though I probably won't listen to it much more and I didn't find any particular song that I "loved".
Nov 25 2024
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Tank Battles
Dagmar Krause
Another one that can't be found on Spotify. The cover gave me a bit of Ute Lemper vibes, so was a bit sceptical coming in.
This hit all the wrong spots for me unfortunately. A german composer (Hanns Eisler) writing an album about tank battles in the late 80s, it just feels so... dated and prehistoric? Granted, it was during the cold war, but still... felt like something that may have been fresh during the 30s, but late 80s? Come on.
Not my thing at all, stopped half-way through.
Nov 26 2024
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Blonde On Blonde
Bob Dylan
Oh no... not more Dylan. I wonder if his moaning, disguised as singing, has peaked on this record? 'I Want You' is a very good song, and the 'Stuck Inside The Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again' is good as well, but the rest is... ok I guess?
If it wasn't for his crappy singing this would've gotten 3 stars, but that just drags it down for me.
Nov 27 2024
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Deja Vu
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Good album from a good band! Got a good bunch of songs in 'Carry On', 'Almost Cut My Hair', and particularly 'Our House' which we played at our wedding and holds sentimental value to me. Their vocal harmonies are definitely what makes them stand out as a group, and also coincidentally most present on the tracks that are the best, like 'Our House' for example where it almost makes the entire song.
I've read a lot about how this group had troubles getting along, especially with mr. Young who was only part of the group for quite a short while. It's funny how his most noticeable appearance here is on 'Helpless', where it almost feels like he's singing solo.
Overall, solid album for sure, but lacks some "better songs" to really punch through. Weak 4 for me.
Nov 28 2024
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Little Simz
I wondered where I recognized her from, and it turns out she was part of Gorillaz's Humanz tour that I went to, cool.
As always, cool with something new. I'm not big on rap in general and am quite picky, and unfortunately this wasn't to my taste at all. Sounds modern, but not in a good way as it leans too much into the seeming current trend of "have to get as many words in a bar as possible".
The supposed most popular song of the record, 'Venom', did nothing for me and was actually among the worst songs, which I think tells me this is just not for me. 'Sherbet Sunset' and 'Selfish' was probably my favourite ones on the record, and also happens to be the ones that differs most from the rest.
Nov 29 2024
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Stephen Stills
Stephen Stills
Almost back-to-back with CSNY two days ago. Have had lots of that happening lately, interesting.
Must say that this was quite beige and colorless in general. I don't think a single song stuck with me, it passed me by completely even though I appreciate CSN.
Not much to say, strong 2.
Dec 02 2024
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Lazer Guided Melodies
Cool name on an album, but that was almost the only positive with this album. On paper this should fit me very well, but it just doesn't catch me. 'Shine a Light' was a good song, but the rest just passed me by without leaving any impression. They have a good sound, but the songs are just very... boring? Lacks some punch as well.
Dec 03 2024
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Alien Lanes
Guided By Voices
This has to be the worst; when you get the sound of the 90s, but it's just outright bad music.
For starters, the album sounds incredibly bad. Like it was recorded and mixed on a toaster. With 28 songs crammed into 41 minutes, there is no way every song can punch hard, and it shows. Some songs are not that bad, but they drown in the rest that are mediocre or worse. Definitely quantity over quality, and that's not how I want my music.
Think this deserves a strong 1. Could've gotten a weak 2 as well, but we've had some many twos and this is just such a boring album. Taking into account the issues with it sounding bad, and way too many songs, I think it cemented itself as a 1 star album for me.
Dec 04 2024
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No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith (Live)
Haven't listened to much Motörhead honestly, I mostly know that 'Ace of Spaces' is a real banger track. Overall I found this a pretty cool, high energy live recording. Since I don't know most songs from before I find them a bit unintelligible from each other. I think this would be less of an issue on a proper studio recording, so I'd rather have listened to that other than a live one. But overall, not bad!
Dec 05 2024
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I See You
The xx
Interesting to see this, in my opinion, worst The XX album on the list. Maybe we will see the other albums as well then? Regardless, it was still much better than I remember it. Obviously I have quite a sweet tooth for The XX.
The opening track 'Dangerous' is a really good way to kickstart this album. Cool horn sequence that goes straight into a very cool beat, and then we the familiar XX vocals we love. Following up is 'Say Something Loving', which is also a good song, but not as groovey as the first.
The mid part of the album is perhaps the weakest part of the album, but it's still quite good, and 'Replica' is an example of a really good song that sounds like something from the previous XX albums.
The album finishes very strong with 'On Hold', which is perhaps the coolest song of the whole album, and then 'Dare' which is also lovely.
This whole album definitely sounds different (perhaps more poppy?) than their previous albums. I remember being a bit on the fence when it came out, but hearing it again now I am not sure why I didn't like it. I also can't really come up with any reason to not give it a very high rating, it's just that good. I am obviously biased, but to me The XX is a band that has managed to be very consistent throughout all of their released material so far. And all of it is very very good in my opinion. Was debating between a 4 and a 5, but unfortunately 'A Violent Noise', 'Brave For You', and especially 'Test Me,' are not that good, which drags it down a bit. So it's going to have to be a strong 4. Time will tell if I regret it or not.
Dec 06 2024
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Living Colour
Got some Red Hot Chili Peppers vibes from this, especially on 'Cult of Personality'. I wonder if they influenced each other.
While this wasn't exactly what I'd call "bread and butter rock", it was pretty damn close. The only real song that stood out to me was 'Cult of Personality', the rest just passed me sort of. In summary I'd say it was pretty boring, frankly. Strong 2.
Dec 09 2024
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Madonna's discography really is a musical roller coaster. Her previous album two years prior to this was 'Ray of Light', which felt like a spa friendly, buddhist inspired record that could have been conceived during some journey about finding oneself in Nepal. This record gives me the feeling that she is back in the bar, ready to shot Jack Daniels and throw dart with the boys.
This was an incredibly strange record with a wide array of different musical styles. Both 'Music' and 'Don't Tell Me' feels very 90s and are both Madonna classics. They both sound vastly different though, so it's strange to find them on the same record. They're both by far the best songs of the record though.
Some mentions must be made of 'Nobody's Perfect', where Madonna discovered auto tune, which is quite a terrible song actually. 'American Pie' is quite a decent cover I guess, but just weird to find it on this record. Musically it stands out quite a bit from the rest. The rest of the songs were not that noteworthy.
Overall I think this record was too sprawling and incoherent for my taste when combined with the fact that the songs weren't that good.
Dec 10 2024
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Too Rye Ay
Dexys Midnight Runners
Meh, 'Come On Eileen' is a really good track but the rest is pretty boring. Looking back at this list, British and Irish folk music studio albums hasn't really worked that well for me. It's fun to hear live, but not a recording. Doesn't capture the same magic somehow.
Dec 11 2024
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Madman Across The Water
Elton John
Like I've stated before, Elton John has a whole load of hits under his belt, but his individual albums are fairly weak. I think this album is a good example of that.
'Tiny Dancer' is a really good song, and while the rest are not bad per-se, they are not anything that really takes your breath away.
Dec 12 2024
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Happy Trails
Quicksilver Messenger Service
Cool album! The cover art reflected the feeling I got from the album: Some western vibes with a modern take.
I usually don't like these kind of records that just sound the same throughout the whole album. It is quite standard rock in some sense, but the guitar just sounds so gritty and cool, and that paired together with the overall theme just works very well for me somehow. Makes me want to go camping in the Rocky Mountains or something.
There is not really any single song that stands out that much, but it is more the complete package as a whole that is good. If I have to name any songs, it's probably 'Who Do You Love - Pt. 1', 'Mona', and 'Maiden Of The Cancer Moon'.
Overall cool record, strong 3.
Dec 13 2024
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Cheap Thrills
Big Brother & The Holding Company
Janis Joplin sure has a unique voice, you can't deny that. But somehow she's never really been a favourite artist of mine, can't put my finger on it.
'Summertime' is a pretty good song though, gotta give em that. I think I could grow to like this over time perhaps, as the sound should kind of gel with me. 3 for now.
Dec 16 2024
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Come Away With Me
Norah Jones
This album really is the most sugary type of cafee jazz you can get, with some smooth butter on top. Marvin Gaye probably is the most stereotypical "love song" artist, but this album might just claim the title as the ultimate love album. At least that's the feeling I get when listening to it.
Overall I think this is a great album. 'Come Away With Me' has been played loads of times, but it still is a great song. My favourite song of the album probably is 'Shoot The Moon' though, such a nice song. Got a touch of melancholy to it that hits different.
I only knew 'Come Away With Me' when starting out, but I must say I thoroughly enjoyed this whole album. It gets a bit samey at times, but all songs are just very good. I think it deserves a strong 4!
Dec 17 2024
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The Last Broadcast
Never heard of this band before. The cover art had me thinking it would be either some synth thing, or metal/hardcore.
In theory this should definitely be a sound for me, but I have a bit of a hard time being too excited. 'Caught By The River' was my favourite song on this record by far, and the other hits in 'There Goes The Fear', and 'Pounding' were alright too I guess. For some reason it just doesn't hit home completely. I think I might have to give it another swing sometime, but also kind of feel not to at the same time.
Dec 18 2024
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Hot Buttered Soul
Isaac Hayes
Huh, Compton's Most Wanted's 'Hood Took Me Under' is basically a complete ripoff of 'Walk On By'. Fun to know where those samples came from!
I really liked this album. I have never really listened to Isaac Hayes before this list, but this is the 2nd album here now, with Shaft being the first. I think it's fairly deserved spots. This is slightly stronger than the Shaft album for me. It feels noticeably less of a soundtrack. The weakest part of the album is probably the 8 or so minutes at the start of 'By The Time I Got To Pheonix' which is quite a chore.
My only real gripe with this album is it seems only 'Hyperbolicsyllabicsesquedalymistic' is the only song actually written by Hayes himself, the rest are covers. And I am generall not that big of a fan of cover records, I find it removes quite a bit of the cred somehow, even though the tracks might be completely different. Still, if you let go of that fact and only focus on what you hear, I think this is a very nice album. I would want to put a 4 on it, but going to have to knock it down to strong 3 due to the cover thing.
Dec 19 2024
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Happy Sad
Tim Buckley
This flew a bit over my head, I think I was a bit unfocused when listening to it.The first two songs are quite good, then it turns a bit dull and samey from 'Love From Room 109 at the Islander' and onwards. Think this will have to cement it as a strong 2 for me.
Dec 20 2024
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Tago Mago
I really have quite a hard time getting into Can. They have made a few good songs ('She Brings The Rain', 'Vitamin C'), but sadly, none of those have been found on the records on this list so far. After listening to Can more, I also realize that they aren't very typical Can songs.
There are many songs on this record that has something to it, but only temporarily. 'Mushroom' for example, is decent at times, but derails at the end of the song. 'Halleluhwah' has a nice main riff to it, but is just way too long and becomes repetitive after some time. Then you have 'Aumgn' and 'Peking O' that are... I don't know what. The black sheep of this album, perhaps? Complete garabage.
I'll give this a weak 2. It is bordering on complete trash, but there are some rays of light that saves it. But just barely.
Dec 23 2024
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Pictures At An Exhibition
Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Wow, this really was hot garbage. Almost an hour long live album of (what seems like) improvised stuff. It almost can't get any worse. So extremely incoherent and all over the place. Would not recommend to anyone.
Dec 24 2024
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Live At The Witch Trials
The Fall
We had one The Fall album on this list before. This album might be marginally better than that one, but I didn't see it then, and I don't see it now. All tracks just fly over my head. Not interesting enough hooks or anything really to evoke any sort of emotion for me.
Dec 25 2024
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MTV Unplugged In New York
Generally not a fan of "non studio" albums on this list, but I think this deserves an exception. It's quite a stark contrast from Nirvana's normal heavy grunge sound, but they managed to make each song work really well acoustically. I actually prefer this version of 'Come As You Are' to the studio one, for example.
The album is definitely a bit rough around the edges though, as you can tell the recording is not studio quality. Curt's singing is also a bit lacking at times, mainly in the beginning, but that is also part of their sound to some extent.
Despite mostly positives, there are some songs on here that doesn't work very well acoustically as they probably do originally. 'Pennyroyal Tea' and 'On a Plain' are examples of this.
In summary this is a very cool album that shows a different side of Nirvana than what you're used, and it works very well. Worth a listen for sure!
Dec 26 2024
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Van Morrison
Van Morrison is one of those supposed great ones, but I've never really understood his greatness completely. Perhaps it's yet one of those "you needed to be there when it happened" kind of things. This is not bad by any means, it just doesn't stand out that much to me. Very in the middle.
Dec 27 2024
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Marcus Garvey
Burning Spear
Quite political record to say the least. Still groovey though! 'Marcus Gravey' was a very catchy song that stood out, but the rest feels a bit like quite staple Reggae? Or it is just me who has mostly heard Reggae from '75 who thinks it's a bit ordinary? Nothing wrong with that, just an observation.
Anyway, I enjoy myself some good reggae from time to time so this was a nice session! Nothing that to me that really warrants any higher rating than strong 3.
Dec 30 2024
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Parallel Lines
I've come to the conclusion that Blondie sounds like something you'd hear playing at your local worn-down rock pub. 'Heart of Glass' and 'One Way Or Another' are a step up and really catchy songs, the rest I could do without. Not consistent enough to warrant any higher rating really, so will have to land in the middle.
Dec 31 2024
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The College Dropout
Kanye West
I try really hard, but every time I try to listen to Kanye's music I can't stop thinking about what a horrible person he is. That aside, this was actually not that bad. It shows that this was early Kanye before he went complete bonkers, so this feels much more humble than his later works somehow.
The album didn't start out that strong for me. I don't think I really get Kanye that well, or modern rap for that matter (if you can call 2004 modern). It turned at 'Slow Jamz', followed by 'Breathe In Breathe Out' which I think had a really cool riff. The whole school skit section with 'School Spirit' in the middle was actually pretty well done. Usually skits don't add much value but here Kanye portrayed some self-distance. The three last songs were good as well, with 'Through The Wire' being a classic.
In summary I think this will have to get a weak 4 to me. It seems very widely praised, and I can understand why to some extent, but it just doesn't sit THAT well with me.
Jan 01 2025
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Method Man
Quite grim and ominous sounding in general. Got some interesting beats here and there, 'Release Yo' Delf' was definitely my favourite tune, really cool with the trumpet sample. Other than that I didn't find anything particularly noteworthy, but overall decent groove.
Jan 02 2025
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The Psychedelic Sounds of the 13th Floor Elevators
The 13th Floor Elevators
Must say that this album feels quite fresh for being released in 1966. 'You're Gonna Miss Me' stood out as a pretty decent track, otherwise I found it a bit hard to find a particular track I enjoyed. It was more the overall sound and feeling that worked for me. Feels like an album that slots in right in the middle of the scale. Nothing that I will return to probably, but also not something that I disliked.
Jan 03 2025
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Penthouse And Pavement
Heaven 17
A synth album, cool! Read that a member was a past member of Human League, which is interesting trivia.
I think this is an OK album, but not much more. The beginning of the album with 'Penthouse and Pavement', is decent, and so is the ending with 'The Height Of The Fighting' (which might be the best song of the album) and 'Song With No Name'. The rest was more of a necessary evil.
Overall I find the beats a bit too much raw drum machine for my taste, and the album in general is decent, but not more. Weak 3.
Jan 06 2025
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Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes
TV On The Radio
First off I just have to write a few notes about the presentation of this album. Holy cow, what a sprawling impression. The 'TV On The Radio' font looks like something fitty for a cheesy wedding invitation. The album name 'Desperate youth, bloody babes' makes me expect either an emo album or a hip-hop record. And the actual image itself gives me synthwave associations. I am not exactly sure what we got, but it's not that.
The record was a quite slow start for me. Didn't enjoy any of the early tracks, even though they seem to be the more popular ones judging from number of plays on Spotify. It felt like they were just dragging on without any real hooks or leads.
I did find 'Poppy', 'Don't Love You', and 'Bomb Yourself' quite a nice trio of songs of which all I enjoyed. But that was about it sadly, even though their sound did have something. Probably will have to be weak 3 for me since it wasn't that good, but at least I managed to find some joy.
Jan 07 2025
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Fire Of Love
The Gun Club
Uh... I've realized through this list that only the very best punk rock works for me. This doesn't fall into that category.
The riffs are very similar and I find that it overall lacks anything musically to keep me interested. It's all just a bit of a mess. Also failed to find any song that I particularly like.
Strong 2.
Jan 08 2025
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Metal Box
Public Image Ltd.
I was really excited for this when I heard the bass line of the first song and thought that this might be something. Unfortunately my excitement for this recorded ended there. The rest was of the album is mostly filled with various noises and screeching.
I have to say I am a little impressed that some parts of this album sounds quite modern for being made in '79. If the singer wouldn't have opened his mouth for the entire record and they would have used something other than that awful distorted guitar it might have been a completely different story. 'Albatross' and 'Graveyard' are good examples of where it almost works, but is dragged down due to aforementioned issues.
In all this unfortunately falls quite flat and is mostly annoying. Strong 1 for me.
Jan 09 2025
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Follow The Leader
Though I don't listen to them much, I think I generally appreciate Korn. I think they have a sound nobody else has, and it definitely works. Not sure how fresh it feels today, but it works in my opinion.
The first three songs on the record are quite good, with 'Freak On A Leash' standing out as a clear 5 star song to me. The rest is also decent, but I must admit I am got a bit tired of the formula and its was hard to find songs that stand out.
I think in the end it's going to have to be a strong 3 for me. There are a bit too many songs that don't do it for me to warrant higher a rating.
Jan 10 2025
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Beauty And The Beat
The Go-Go's
Fun with with an all ladies group, don't get that very often unfortunately!
I think this was a pretty decent album. 'Our Lips Are Sealed' was my favourite song of the album, it had a nice groove to it. I also enjoyed 'How Much More' and 'Fading Fast'. I can see this being quite fun to dance to at a party or something as it had quite much energy. The runtime of 35 minutes was just perfect before it started getting tiresome. Wish more albums could keep it down in that area, it makes it much more digestable in a sitting.
Strong 3!
Jan 13 2025
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Who Killed...... The Zutons?
The Zutons
Hmm... I don't know quite how to feel about this. There were some parts that was quite interesting, like the three four songs, along with 'Not A Lot To Do'. And the overall sound was definitely had something at times.
On the other hand I found that overall it sounded a bit weak somehow, like it lacked some instruments like pads or something to make it sound a bit more full. Sometimes it just sounded a bit amateur somehow, not sure how to put it. I also got a bit annoyed with the singer quite quickly. It just sounded a bit pretentious somehow... and I always got the feeling that this sounded just like some other famous band I've heard, but can't remember the name of.
I think in the end it's going to have to be a 3 for me. It had some ups and downs, so that's what feels most suitable. Plus points for stumbling into something I have never heard of before!
Jan 14 2025
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Neil Young
Ah... Neil Young's most famous record. When I heard this the first time I was a bit disappointed. 'Heart Of Gold' wasn't as good as I expected, and neither were the rest. But I am starting to warm up to it. And for me being someone who usually have a bit of a hard time with Neil, actually find myself letting go of that a bit here.
The opening track, 'Out On The Weekend', is probably my favourite track of the record. It has a nice melancholy touch to it, and you just gotta love the steel guitars that gives it that extra atmospheric touch.
There are a few weird ones on this record, though. 'There's a World', for example, comes in very suddenly and unexpected. It's like leaving your cozy cottage in the woods through the front door and end up on the main stage of an ongoing Phantom of the Opera play. Very strange. 'Alabama' also sounds like a worse version CSNY's 'Ohio' (Alabama was released before Ohio though, but still)
In summary the record holds a high standard, and it's easy to see why it is a classic. Still, this is no 5 star record to me. Even though the quality is high, there aren't enough singles, or hits if you will, that carries it to that next level.
Jan 15 2025
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Come Find Yourself
Fun Lovin' Criminals
A rap album from the 90s that doesn't feel dark and depressive for once, nice! The whole album has a kind of playfulness to it with interesting samples, guitars etc, which I like. The metal guitar riffs perhaps doesn't work that well everywhere, but I appreciate the effort!
First time I went over this it wasn't instant love (even though it stood out a bit compared to other rap albums), but I decided to skim through it again a bit before writing this review and now I actually appreciate it much more.
Favourite songs included 'The Grave And The Constant', and 'I Can't Get With That'. Gives me feelings of wanting to drive around at summer sunset or something, very calming and groovey.
Overall I grew to like this album over the course of hearing it, so giving it a 4!
Jan 16 2025
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Ryan Adams
When I first read the artist name I misread it as 'Bryan Adams', and was mighty surprised when he started singing.
My general feeling about this is that it sounds a bit too much like teenage music to me. That coupled with the fact that it sounds like modern country, or very "american rock" for lack of a better word, makes it hard for me to relate to.
I found that the songs I enjoyed the most were the more mellow ones like 'La Cienega Just Smiled', and 'When The Stars Go Blue'. But apart from that it just really wasn't my jam. Not that it was bad per-se, just not for me.
Jan 17 2025
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Maverick A Strike
Finley Quaye
What a sprawling record, and I can't decide if that's a good thing or not. The first song had me thinking it would be some kind of reggae album. But then 'Sunday Shining' sounds completely different, and again 'Even After All' is something new yet again.
After second time listening through this I think I'm leaning towards this being a quite good record. I like that it tries different things, and it does it quite well. Plus there are several tracks that I enjoy quite a lot, like aforementioned 'Even After All', 'Your Love Gets Sweeter', and 'Sweet And Loving Man', to name a few. The rest of the tracks does what they do quite well also, and there are barely any ones that are a bad. Except perhaps 'I Need a Lover' which could've been skipped for sure.
Fun with a record I haven't heard before that is a bit different! Weak 4 for me.
Jan 20 2025
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Apple Venus Volume 1
An album not on Spotify always have me suspicious. This time I'm positive we're better off without it.
When listening through the record I always had a feeling in the back of my head that not only was the music pretentious, but the people behind it as well. And boy was I correct. The lead singer, Andy Partridge, seems like quite a distasteful person when reading about the band on Wikipedia. The guitarist basically quit because he singer spent all of their budget on a 1-day Abbey Road studio session, and was overall extremely hard to work with.
And when it comes to the music, it really just doesn't work for me. In addition to the record feeling extremely pretentious, as I mentioned earlier, the singing feels quite laboured on some tracks ('Easter Theatre', 'River of Orchids'), and borderline false sometimes. The orchestral additions is also not for me at all.
Thoroughly didn't enjoy this.
Jan 21 2025
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Lloyd Cole And The Commotions
Must say this was quite a boring album. It just lacks identity completely for me. Everything sounds very tame and vanilla, very forgettable overall. Didn't sound bad by any means, just very uninteresting.
Jan 22 2025
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Talk Talk Talk
The Psychedelic Furs
What a boring album! The singer really is unbearable, it sounds so amateurish it is ridiculous. He projects the image of someone who woke up and was forced to sing the lines. And when he hold notes (or attempts to) it just sounds garbage, what a drag.
Removing the singer from the equation couldn't save this record though, everything sounds uninspiring and the same to me. This will have to be one of those records that gets a one star because of how boring it is, and failing to evoke any kind of positive emotion.
Jan 23 2025
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Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Probably Red Hot Chili Pepeprs first album (chronologically) that really hit the mark and put them on the world map, the ones before were not that interesting.
I am a quite big RHCP fan, but this is by no means my favourite album. In general I feel like the album mix lacks a bit of punch and could have benefitted from being a bit louder.
There are a handful of really good songs here, like 'Suck My Kiss', 'I Could Hvae Lied', 'Give It Away', 'Blood Sugar Sex Magik', 'Under The Bridge'. Almost more good songs than some albums have regular songs! Despite this, it feels like a 4 star album for me. The reason is simply because there are too many songs, especially songs that are mediocre or worse, which dilutes the whole album.
If the whole album was shorter and tighter this could be a 5 star, but solid 4 feels appropriate.
Jan 24 2025
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The Modern Dance
Pere Ubu
Been in a rut for a while now with the seed in this list, having more bad and mediocre albums than usual. Was hoping for that trend to change soon, but with this album we plunge right back into the deeps of the garbage can.
What an absolute terrible album. There are sometimes cases with albums where there's one or two songs that are really bad, so much that they draw down the whole impression of the album. Imagine finding an album where all the songs are like this. Enter 'The Modern Dance' by Pere Ebu.
There are songs on this album that resemble "normal" songs, but mostly it is quite experimental with various weird and atonal noises. The album makes me think about Einstürzende Neubauten - Kollaps, which is the lowest rated album on this list. This is a bit better, but not by much.
A real 0/5 record if I could give that, but I can't. There's no positive thing with this album. Stay away.
Jan 27 2025
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Definitely a quite 90s sounding record. When I was younger I listened to music like this quite a lot, but I must say this barely does anything for me now. I wonder if the situation would've been different if I had heard any of their songs before.
While the sound of the band appeals to me to some degree, my main problem with this album is the lack of any type of interesting melody. I also felt that most songs were a bitt too busy. They mostly turned into a distorted mess.
Weak 3.
Jan 28 2025
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It's Blitz!
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Definitely a different album, fun to hear. Feels a bit like a modern Blondie album for some reason. I also noticed that I have saved song from Yeah Yeah Yeahs on Spotify, but sadly it's not from this album.
Personally, the experience of this album was a bit up and down, and I'm a hard time deciding how I feel about it. On one hand, it had some songs that were decent, like 'Soft Shock', 'Dragon Queen', and 'Hysteric', but nothing that really wow:ed me. I also appreciate the fact that it stands out among much else on this list.
On the other hand, I just don't think this is for me. The album's by far most popular song, 'Heads Will Roll', didn't do anything for me whatsoever. I generally find that the music gets a bit too messy, and I think it's mostly due to the singer. She really is a blessing and a curse; it's what makes the band unique, but it also gets a bit too much at times.
Think I'm going to settle on a 3 after all. It's not anything I want to put on again, really.
Jan 29 2025
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You Are The Quarry
Huh, didn't think I'd see this album here. Opening track is quite wild. I think maybe he doesn't like America that much, not sure.
It seems that the main selling point of this album is the provocative and sometimes witty lyrics. And he succeeds in that very well. Morrissey is one of the few people that actually seem to be as pretentious and self-occupied as he sounds.
To me, it's not really enough to have crazy lyrics to carry a whole album, there needs to be something else as well. 'The First Of The Gang To Die' is a really good song with a clever story (and also completely orthogonal to the rest of the album content if you ask me), but that is the only song that I could really see myself go and put on from this album. There are a handful other decent tracks, but that's about it.
Jan 30 2025
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Napalm Death
The cover had me half-expecting something like this... but it was actually worse than I anticipated. I don't know how to make this review sound anything else than an old person complaining about something, but so be it.
I don't listen to grindcore so I don't have anything to compare this with... but boy this really is bad in every single aspect I can think of. It's just a wall of sound that hits you with no finesse whatsoever. The tracks are completely indistinguishable from each other to my ears. On top of that the mix is complete trash, everything sounds so incredibly bad. Perhaps some parts could've been salvaged if that wasn't the case, but probably not. In the end I didn't manage to sit through more than a couple of songs before turning it off. Hot candidate for worst album on this list, maybe even of all albums I've heard ever.
Just like some others have said, the only realy joy I got out of this was reading some of the crazy reviews.
Jan 31 2025
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Searching For The Young Soul Rebels
Dexys Midnight Runners
Must say I'm quite impressed how good this was! My initial expectations hit rock bottom when I saw that it was an album from Dexys Midnight Runners, as their previous albums, along with similar acts such as The Pogues, hasn't been my thing at all. But this was quite nice!
Off to a bit of a slow start, but I found almost all songs starting from 'I'm Just Looking' until the very end to be very good. Ones that stand out as especially good to me are 'Geno', 'Seven Days Too Long', and 'Thankfully Not Living in Yorkshire Doesn't Apply', the latter of which is a really quirky but cool song.
I was going to give this a 3 star, but I actually think I'm going to raise to a 4 star. Taken by surprise with the many good songs on here, definitely worth a listen!
Feb 03 2025
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Birth Of The Cool
Miles Davis
Felt like a pretty average jazz album to me. Not more, not less.
Feb 04 2025
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Let's Get Killed
David Holmes
There are many albums on this list that get a whole lot more interesting if you just read a bit about them on Wikipedia. This is one of them. Apparently David went to New York with a tape recorder and just recorded a bunch of sounds and strange people in the city, and then used that as basis for the record. I even found a small 30 minute documentary about him from '98 on Youtube that I watched, quite interesting.
The album definitely feels conceptually complete. There is a vision for the album, and every song feeds into and realize that vision. All songs just fit very well together.
The whole record also feels extremely 90s with the breakbeat or drum 'n bass-like drum patterns, something which I am not a big fan of. They are centered way too much in the songs for me and take over quite a lot, leading to many songs sounding the same. The scratch sound effect is also something I don't think I've ever heard on anything except 90s or early 2000s music, and I don't think anyone would dare use it anymore.
What is interesting to me about this record, apart from the production method, is how it was very evident that it got progressively better to me the more I know about it, and the more I listened to it. I have alluded to this before that it's sometimes hard to appreciate something when hearing it first time, but here it was extremely clear as I wasn't very impressed when I put it on at first, but now think it's a quite decent record.
Some of these songs were a bit too long and repetitive, but I found 'Gritty Shaker', 'Rodney Yates', 'Slasher's Return' to be my favourite songs.
I was determined to make this a strong 3 star album, but I think I'll stretch it to a weak 4. I realize this is entirely because this is a bit of my jam, but also because I've become quite biased after researching the album.
Feb 05 2025
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Larks' Tongues In Aspic
King Crimson
Not really my cup of tea. Through this list I think I have concluded that I only really like a selected few pieces of progressive rock (Pink Floyd), otherwise it's not for me. Way too much aimless and long noodling, especially the first and last songs.
Feb 06 2025
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Achtung Baby
There was a time long ago when I held U2 extremely high. I think back then I had only really listened to their hit songs, which admittedly there are quite a handful. But the songs between those can really be bland and forgettable.
One' is a stellar song, and 'She Moves In Mysterious Ways' is decent, but the rest is not much to count home. And this is not a unique issue with this album, it was the same when I went through the Joshua Tree album. There were more hits songs there, so the album was overall better, but non-hits were quite forgettable.
Weak 3.
Feb 07 2025
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Blood And Chocolate
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
With all bad records on this list taken into consideration, I wonder if the most criminal thing about this list still is the amount of Elvis Costello records brought in. I think this is the third of the fourth, and I can't for the life of me see what he has done to deserve that. I can only pray that this is the last, but I am afraid that might not be the case.
Maybe it's a thing you either love or hate, but I simply can't stand this mans voice anymore. His labored wheezing can sometimes be categorized as singing, but mostly not. I have a hard time putting a finger on what the issue is, but his singing just lacks depth somehow, and feels fake. Perhaps an unfair comparison, but with Bruce Springsteen you always feel that what comes out is deep, sincere, and there is emotion in it. With Costello it's just words that he's projecting, but there's nothing behind the curtain so to speak. A bit like a teenage who tries to sound cool singing, but fails to understand what cool is.
Since his singing seems to be front and center on the album, devoid of any type of interesting riffs or melodies, the rest of the album also becomes extremely uninteresting.
Really not my cup of tea. Guess it probably deserves a weak 2 or something, but I'm just so tired of him so I'm going to drop it to a 1.
Feb 10 2025
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Astral Weeks
Van Morrison
Not sure why, but this doesn't do much for me. I have a feeling it might be for a similar reason as other singer-songwriters like Bob Dylan: there is just too much that hinges on you listening to and enjoying the lyrics. And I didn't really do that when listening to it. Not bad, just not for me.
Feb 11 2025
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Chicago Transit Authority
Not so sure about this... felt way too long, and it was a bit all over the place. There were a few good songs like 'Beginnings', 'South California Purples' to name a few. But then there were also a few tracks which were mostly or completely instrumental that just sets the album in the wrong direction to me, with way too long guitar solos that are not that great. 'Free Form Guitar' for example was a really crappy song, and 'Poem' is just waay to long and uninteresting to make up for it.
In summary it was a decent album, and they had some cool riffs going on in places. Might return to it in the future, we'll see. Reminded me quite a lof of the Eagles actually. Will have to be a 3 star for now.
Feb 12 2025
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Chore of Enchantment
Giant Sand
Fun with something I haven't listened to, or even heard of before! It's usually fairly easy to hear when something is from the 90s, but not with this. And I say that as a good thing. It feels like it might as well have been made today, so it definitely survived the test of time.
It was very cool to hear this album, but it's probably not anything I'd put on again. I don't know what it is, but it just doesn't resonate that well with me somehow, and I'm a bit sorry for that honestly.