Tago Mago
CanGerman Pink Floyd. Pink Freud
German Pink Floyd. Pink Freud
Every good band begins with a B. The Beatles. The Beach Boys. The beastie boys. The Bees also begins with a B but don’t let that fool you
Music to play while you and your friends sneak into a graveyard in high school
Good thing the Beastie Boys weren’t a thing when I was in college because I would have been really fucking annoying about it
She walked so Tracy Chapman could vroom vroom in her fast car
You love Nirvana so much? Go ahead, name 5 of their albums
Not sure why he sings like he has a potato in his mouth
Who knew the guy who wrote the boys are back in town had more than 1 song?
I love mama Mia!
There’s nothing better than listening to RATM while working my cushy 9 to 5 job
I could see this being the soundtrack for a “Tab” commercial
This is what I thought the future sounded like in 2004
“I don’t want to be gay. I just want to be sexy” - David Bowie, 1975
This was only on the list so you could appreciate how good albums can be
Well written, genius, and a sexy name. What more can you want
Ya like jazz?
His raps are ok but he needs to fire his producer
40 minutes of perfect music and also a song about playing cards or something
British people are weird!
… not sure any songs are even about food but ok…
Some hits, some misses, but damn he can blow the shit out of that harmonica
The most boring album of good music
No woman, no cry… no man, no one cares!
How did they predict the 90s ???
Good thing they’re called R.E.M because they put me to sleep
This band is the shitty knockoff of Oasis which is already the shitty knockoff of the Beatles
Amazing what cocaine can bring humanity
Now THIS is jazz
This album answers the question “what if they still wrote doo wop music in the 60s”
Radiohead’s biggest sin is convincing the world that polyrhythms mean it’s good
Misread the name and accidentally listened to the band “WAR” while on drugs
Aw man I’m all out of Cash
Oh, you hate nirvana so much? Don’t name 3 of their albums
Scrubs soundtrack ass music
This album is so good, my future father in law got it for me on vinyl 2 christmases in a row
Couldn’t understand a word they were saying. It was like they were speaking a whole different language
Me when I see a sand castle: Can I kick it? Yes I can!!
This guy lived during the 60’s and thought that all British people could write music
Haha what if we were ironically fascisf? Haha wouldn’t that be funny? Haha what if it was a joke that we made being nationalist a thing again haha right? Heyy where’s everyone going???
Maybe I just don’t like Brit pop
How he gonna sing a whole song about Vincent Van Gogh and not mention the ear
It sounded like the hey Arnold theme song
Mmm pretzels
Oof ouch owie my ears
Would be a 5/5 but it loses some points for whatever the beginning of “Andy Warhol” is
When I saw this was the album of the day I was like YES! If you don’t think that’s funny, my fiancée didn’t either
The baby was a bit much
Ya like jazz?
One time my roommate said he was making “Scarborough fair bread” and I said “what goes in that” and he said “parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme”
Not Bowie’s best, but still better than 99% of the other stuff on here
Why is the beginning of “off the wall” so spooky?
I love the blues! And by that I mean I like being sad. This music is fine
Store brand Bob Dylan
The perfect album for dropping acid with your older brother
Hour long anti smoking PSA
Mac Demarco for people in 1990
The music was great but the vibes were not.
How are you gonna name an album “untitled” and then title it in the same breath
This album sounds like when your 8 year old cousins come over and they ask to play your guitar
Like Jazz? Why not jazz it up with extra jazz
Minus one star for ripping off Talking Heads
One hit wonders
They made this as if they knew guitar hero would be a thing
They should have spent less time writing a story and more time writing better music
I wish I lived in the 60s so I could have a nuanced take on this
Every rapper who dies early is contractually obligated to have songs like “I’m never gonna die!” Or “shoot me until I’m dead”
They just copied Yes but go off
Anyone who doesn’t like this album can unfriend me
More like the Freeballin’ Bob Dylan
Sounds like it was written and recorded in an alley
I like the instrument that sounds like someone is washing the window
Dad R&B
Another member of the Bush family getting fame. What’s next for America? Jill Biden making a mixtape?
German Pink Floyd. Pink Freud
Nick drake = nickleback + drake
This is what life should be like. Chillin on a couch outside the house with 2 dudes, singing songs and having an ice cold miller lite
What did they put in the water during 1980-1989 that made everyone write bad music?
You know if the guy serving you food is mean to you the meal boutta be fire
They sound like they would be good live. Too bad they’re dead
Whoever said punk is dead is wrong because I can still listen to music from the 70s
Tim Burton ass soundtrack
Every time a child in Africa dies, Bono claps his hands
George Clinton really just says whatever he wants
Fine. You can have a 3. But only if I never have to listen to you again
I’m not buying! this album
It sounded like they made the album as a joke
One time I saw the flaming lips live and Wayne Coyne had a fake baby. True story
In Philly they call this album “Hoagies”
It was a mistake listening to this in the car because I couldn’t tell if it was the music or my windshield wipers
Not Stevie on the drums on every track??
The Pokérap could have been on here and I wouldn’t have noticed
The band really named themselves after Corn
The definition of “scaring the hoes” music
I now understand what Billy Madison meant when he said “If peeing your pants is cool, I’m Miles Davis”
Wow! An album full of cleaning supplies commercials music!
Wait… British people can make good music??
If I was in middle school in 1992 this would have been my JAM
Bone Machine sounds like it was written by Tim Robinson
This album hits harder when your brother played it non stop during college
I think I heard the DK rap on there
Imagine popping molly in the club to this album tho
Hey Miles I think you accidentally recorded the band tuning their instruments for 40 minutes
This is what being forced to go to church sounds like
You just know he got laid after that
So Neil definitely wanted a bang maid, right?
Adding beetles in the bog as my ringtone
I listened to this on a cassette for the full effect
The perfect album to eat crawfish to
Objectively good music that I subjectively don’t like
Smash bros loading menu ass music
Was a 3 until I got to the worst cover of “Stand by me” I’ve ever heard
My 6th grade history teacher’s name was Mrs. Bird, but my dad always spelled it Byrd. Maybe this is why. Or maybe he was just old
Ok now I understand why the Beatles were so popular
I thought she was a knock off of the Talking Heads, but turns out they’re a knock off of her
Let me off at the next stop thanks
Acoustic Queens of the Stone Age
This album is timeless, in that it could have come out in any decade and I still wouldn’t have liked it
The best thing disco ever did for me was have really good fries named after them
This isn’t even the best album in the Beatles
This is the music of my people
Hey, this sounds like the “woo hoo!” Guy. Hey, this IS the “woo hoo!” Guy!
Gets a 4 at minimum because one of these songs was on Rock Band
This is what I needed to hear today
This is also the music of my people, but this album doesn’t have the Dubliners on it
Did not know there were so many people who don’t like cold play. Add one more
I now understand shoe gaze
It’s times like this I wonder what if there was a rapper named Tuna Casserole
I listened to the whole album
If they can write music, maybe I can too
If you told me this guy invented being cool, I would believe you
Fairport convention: Omg our friend Michael is so crazy! We should write a song telling people how crazy he is Michael: [the most boring British man to ever live] hi
The band is very aptly named because their music is slow, dry, and I want to turn them into soup
More like recycling because it was fine
If I were a 12 year old in 1970 I would have been really annoying about this album
Oh, so THIS is what bad punk sounds like. It’s just new wave music
That was Aphex Twin?? That was just a bunch of cheap walk cycles!!
Not bad although I do not remember a single thing about the album
Paper Mario ass soundtrack
This is what happens when you give g*mers the courage to write music
I think I listened to this in a fever dream but it was good
Great sleepy time music, unfortunately I was not trying to sleep
My least favorite Beatles album :/
I thought it was almond brothers!! I was so excited for songs about nuts
Thought it was Greatest Hits of Billy Joel for a second
British rapping just doesn’t sound right
The crazy part is I like some of her songs
Someone give these rats a popsicle!
Metal is a silly little genre and you can’t convince me otherwise
Sending this to the boys chat before they all come over to smoke weed and fill their bellies with diet soda and play burnout revenge for the ps2
“Tommy’s Holiday Camp” awakened a deep memory when I was at camp and one of the scoutmasters woke us up 30 mins early with a big “GOOD MORNING CAMPERS”
If you have a fear of music, DO NOT LISTEN!! You will be scared the ENTIRE time!!!
My cousin used to sing “we got the beat” poorly and that’s all I could hear and I’m sorry
Took the sound of Jimi Hendrix without any of the emotion
Haha babe what if we pretended to be brother and sister haha I mean wouldn’t that be crazy haha as a joke!! Joking!!
Nothin better than gettin soft with the boys
Florence and the machine but the machine is broken
Mom please come pick me up I’m scared
I liked it but this ain’t country
Oh ok maybe British people don’t know how to make music
She, sings, like, all, of, her, words, have, a, comma, after, them,
Unbelievable that this guy and John Lennon were bffs for like 3 years
She was better in Glass Onion
If this is what jail is like, I wanna go!
It’s a shame when you read this is an artist’s best album and it’s still not that good
UK new wave is something I wish I could have listened to after I died. And I mean that as an insult.
Playing “shopping” on the way to all my mall visits from now on
He’s hard, I’m hard, are there any more hard people I should know about???
It’s no captain beefheart, but it’s close
Electric Ladyland sounds nice, but I really want to visit Fireman City
The length of “Since I’ve been loving you” is the exact amount of time it takes to get from my ex gf’s house to my house, a fact I learned at 4 in the morning in high school after sneaking out
Just made me hungry and thirsty
In a not unexpected move, “we will fall” made the albums rating fall from a 3 to a 2
Music to play while you and your friends sneak into a graveyard in high school
Meghan Trainor music if it was good
This here is what we call dad rap
The The The album isn’t very good. Damn it now The doesn’t sound like a word anymore
Willie Nelson let me down
I’m also gonna review this on Letterboxd because I think it counts as having watched it
The title is accurate because I really do wish I listened to another music
A great listen on the treadmill
What’s goin on? What’s happening? Who are you?? How did you get in my house???
Great vibes on the way to Portugal 🇵🇹
Sheryl Crow ran so Kacey Musgraves could walk
You just know her coat of many colors went hard
Great music to put in the background at a nice low volume. And by low volume I mean 0
No babe when I said I wanted to Peg I meant Steely Dan! Honest!
When this album came out, it was ahead of its time. Unfortunately, I’m listening to it 30 years later, so it feels behind my current time.
I’m a sucker for any band with a good bassist
It’s like a party in my head and everyone’s invited!
I don’t get all the hate. I do get all of the dislike though
Every good band begins with a B. The Beatles. The Beach Boys. The beastie boys. The Bees also begins with a B but don’t let that fool you
Good kid, maad city, great album, bad haircut
Sometimes I wish i we’re an eagle so I didn’t have to listen to this album
The kind of music my older brother would put on and when everyone complained to him he would go “I never complain about your music!!”
If you do not like this album then you are super stupid !! Ha like the song
Repeater? I hardly know her!
“One of the most influential electronic albums ever!!!” My dude this is just 1 note with some rain, wind, and ocean sound effects over it for like 45 minutes
They really just chose the default band name
Great show! Too bad I fuckin hate Elvis :)
She walked so Tracy Chapman could vroom vroom in her fast car
Anyone who wrote the song from Shrek is a friend of mine
Baby’s got depends… oh no…
It’s nice :) gonna save this one for when I cook dinner high as fuck
When will Radiohead learn that 3 minutes of ambient noise doesn’t make for good music
Once again the Talking Heads lied to me. There are nowhere near 77 tracks on this album
Gonna tell my kids this was the birth o of Al
This didn’t win the Grammy and I will never forgive Taylor swift for it
The kind of music my parents would tell me to turn down, and they wouldn’t be wrong
The genre of this album is “music”
The kind of album you’re not just meant to listen to, but one you’re meant to get up and dance to! Unfortunately I was listening to it
Full on disassociated while listening to sister ray
Bonus tracks for the album: If you’re gunna cheat, at least do it to my face Winners never cheat, but cheaters never lose Cheat cheat (it’s all you do (but I love you))
In high school one of my friends said he “liked music without sexual overtones, like AC/DC” we played the album and just about got to “Givin the dog a bone” before he realized his mistake
The kind of music your friend would show you in high school and you would obsess over and then you’d go to a concert and it’d be empty
RIP Nick Drake. You would have loved Drake and Josh, which aired on Nick.
Imagine how good he’d be if he could see
The French Frank Sinatra. Franc Senêtre
Just woke up from a 30 year coma. Can’t wait to see what these guys put out since then!
The first album I ever bought as a teenager, and haven’t listened to it since
Royalty free music you can play in the background of a high school video project
Listened to Tv on the radio on my phone in my couch on my floor on earth on space
Good thing the Beastie Boys weren’t a thing when I was in college because I would have been really fucking annoying about it
Quintessential indie, which means they’re popular, which means they’re not actually indie, which means… something?
Rip Fatboy Slim. You would have loved garage band
The Beatles got good when they stopped writing songs about love and start writing about taking naps, submarines, and taxes
More like Brown Floyd. Because it sounds like doo doo
The first Beatles album I ever listened to at 7 years old. I was like “they can drive my WHAT???”
Just…. No
Actually it’s pronounced “Adam and the Aunts”
I love pre grunge :) except when it’s post folk :(
Sorry electronica really ain’t my thing
I now understand why the 80’s were like that. Everyone was trying to copy Van Halen
The whole time I was like play freebird! And then they did!!
Yaaaasss qween rock it 👏
So nice of Pink Floyd to write an album about Mark Wahlburg!
More like my old not favorite band
I listened to this on Depeche Mode. And by that I mean I sped through all the bits I didn’t like (because depeche is French for hurry the fuck up)
Finally a band for Sonic the hedgehog fans like me!
He is neither a wizard nor a true star
Loved the one that sounded right off the Metroid Prime soundtrack
Do their fans call themselves the knights who say NIN?
Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo. And by that I mean I don’t like this album very much
I’m kind of blue da ba dee da ba die
Give me a miller high life, a grill, a cigarette, and Steely Dan and you will give me happiness
I wonder if their engineer’s name was Roger. Seems like a nice dude
It’s like Marvin Gaye met a girl with no talent and had a baby with some talent
Throwing this on at the next party and seeing who starts dancing first
Expected to hate it - didn’t hate it - is that a win?
I’m confused so is he talking to Satan or is he Satan
When you’re a child, you think ELO is the best band ever. Then when you’re a teen, you think you’re too cool for ELO. And then when you’re an adult, you realize ELO is only pretty good.
Steamy punk
The second he started singing is the second he lost me
Perfect music to listen to right after Halloween
There’s no better experience in life than listening to the song Bad Company by the band Bad Company on the album Bad Company while I’m playing the game Battlefield: Bad Company and I have my rude friends over (they are bad company) who all work for Amazon (a bad company)
It’s like he went to Bob Dylan’s house to raid his fridge. But he forgot to bring a cooler so the food went bad
Great music, greater vibe, best hot chicken in Nashville
Even worse than his daughter Celine
Fastest turnaround from a 1 to a 4 I’ve ever seen
The verve only have one good song and and it’s not even on this album
Still blows my mind that he released Thriller one week AFTER Halloween
Tom better stop waiting because I will never find his music interesting
WARNING!!! Do NOT misspell Astrud! There’s only one s and the t comes BEFORE the u!!
Finally, Jack White goes solo and can use more than 2 instruments in a song!
These guys are so ahead of their time - we haven’t even found the fourth dimension yet
I can’t believe I’m typing this but Marcel the shell with shoes on really ruined “peaceful easy feeling” for me
The first time I heard “freedom!” Was on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which means that I can’t take it seriously. Like at all
Today on “songs that other media has ruined for me”: stepbrothers ruins sweet child o mine
RIP the specials. You would have love the 90s
Is it pronounced “Bowie” or “Bowie”?
It’s like if Elliott Smith was from Chicago
You can’t open with a terrible cover of Neil Young and expect me to like the rest of your album
They sound like a band at a bar that I definitely did not pay a cover to hear
Times like these remind me that deep down, we’re all just hoochie coochie men
Of course I’m experienced ! (I say as a LIE 😈)
Took a toilet nap at work while listening to skies over Cairo and had a dream about Mario in a desert level
Sheryl Crow is my waifu
One of the greatest guitarists playing some of the most dogshit music
I’ve been listening to shakedown street for 3 days and they just got the end of the first verse…..
More like 1001 albums that make you die
Music made for a high school “rave” in someone’s parents’ basement that starts at 6:30 and ends at 9
Ladies and gentlemen… foo FIGHTERS
Not at all like The Rolling Stones plus Guns N’ Roses
Hell fucking yeah
Yep, that sure is Radiohead alright
Maybe the lawns are hissing because she sucks
Yep, that’s Jazz alright
Maybe one chord would have been better…
The kinda music that plays in an adventure movie when they go to a hot country in the Middle East
I wish I was as cool as Curtis Mayfield….
Ban she’s? In my America? I don’t think so
British people who can’t sing shouldn’t sing
The man named after angels!
Eminem be like “I’m Eminem I like eating m and ms every now and then [m and m crunching sound]”
The album aged even worse than the cover art
If Mr Beach Boy wants to make music as his form of therapy I’m here for it
What one tuner would have done for them!
Eric Clapton can suck it
The kind of music they made so your mom could tell you to turn it down
Jumped out of my chair when I heard Thom Yorke
Solid bangers that sound too good to have been recorded in a basement in Watertown
The lead singer sounds like he’s constantly on the verge of tears, which is pretty apt because that’s how I was living at Villanova when I first got into the album
“As soon as they like you make them unlike you” sure got the crowd fucking hating this guy
I’m starting to think this guy isn’t even a doctor
What a great album that I’ll promptly forget and never listen to again
Lost me at “I wrote this song for a girl I don’t even know yet….” Predatory ass music
It’s like the soundtrack to a movie that I didn’t want to watch
Why are his fingers sticky…..? Ew
Good thing I had a surrealistic pillow because this bored me to sleep
John Frusciante isn’t even the best guitarists in the Red Hot Chili Peppers
How’d he get an AI image generator for the cover in 2019?
Makes me want to have dropped out of college!
I bet the mosh pit went fucking HARD
This is the music that they play in the elevator on the way to hell, but 3 minutes in you realize you’re already in hell
Listening to this the week before Christmas makes me feel like the grinch because both of us hate NOISE
Grungeitize me captain
I know their instruments aren’t out of tune, but if their instruments aren’t out of tune, then why do their instruments sound like they’re out of tune?
If you were born between 1975-1980, there’s a 50% chance you were conceived to this album
Brilliant album ruined by 12 minutes of literal silence in the middle
So funky I think I need to get tested for something
What an exciting Christmas present to open
Can’t believe my parents used to listen to this trash. 4 stars
A slog to get through but not without its exciting parts - just like highway traffic!
It’s like if Talking Heads only wrote very sad music and his suit were too small
Tim should retire and have a son and teach him guitar. I think it’d go much better for him
Finally an album for me - a lover of cigarettes
Garbage name but great background music
It’s like the opposite of daft punk - adept conformist?
Really good for Brit pop! Unfortunately I don’t usually like Brit pop
I’ll review this album like The Streets would: Dis album is bad It made me quite….. Sad! It’s ova ….. and I’m ….. glad Do ya fink he Eva kneew ‘is dad?
I don’t know who Adele’s ex his, but his dick must be huuuuge
For the love of god, please hire 1 (one) more musician
So jazzy but the guy needs to hire a better singer
It’s like Lou Reed had a baby with the Soft Boys, but then that baby had a baby with the Cure
Great album, would be even better if they had a third guy who said the last word of the rap when they said it
Was not aware that Sonic the Hedgehog was in a band in his younger days!
Only a few bands can write the worst songs of all time and still make me love them
The perfect music to play from a cassette while hanging at the mall on a Friday with the besties
Is this what Kanye based N****s in Paris on?
Clearly a gifted musician but he needs to find a friend to fix his garbage lyrics
Spoiler alert: they never say what Jane is addicted to
They’re the new Beatles. And by that I mean they’re British and nothing else
Is now a good time to mention how Johnny Test stole American Idiot for its theme song?
Leon has no king. Leon NEEDS no king
Imagine not listening to this album because John Lennon is a bad guy and then listening to Sabrina Carpenter
Dan just isn’t the same without Steely… or is this steely?
One of the best guitarists in our time playing some of the most boring music
How do you say “ok” in Portuguese
Missing my favorite Eric Clapton song, “don’t leave your window open while you’re doing cocaine”
The madman!!! He’s a madman!!! He played piano really good
Anyone in the Crosby stills Nash young cinematic universe is a friend of mine
Finally a fun, flamboyant, and full-fledged album from famous fingers of fine fellow Fevie Fonder
Imagining smoking a great big spliff to this while sitting at my desk in the office