On The Beach
Neil YoungDid he get whinier? I can't imagine a less beachy album than this.
Did he get whinier? I can't imagine a less beachy album than this.
Title track wins but I thought a lot of these songs were gorgeous.
This is not interesting.
Best shit: "2+2=5", "Where I End and You Begin", "We Suck Young Blood", "The Gloaming", "There, There" (top 100 songs ever IMO), "I Will", "Myxomatosis", "A Wolf at the Door". That's most of them. This shit fucks. 4.5/5
Five Years - I know this song, but I know the Placebo/Brian Molko cover better. I didn't realize it was the opening track. Soul Love - saxophone Moonage Daydream - I should know this song but I don't. the guitar strumming and drum remind me of the song Ziggy Stardust. Starman - A+ but I knew that already These songs are starting to sound same-y. Ziggy Stardust - okay I'm back to thinking that just the solidity of every song, even if they sound samey, makes this a great album. Suffragette City sounds out of place. Wasn't prepared for this to end. Didn't feel culminatey.
Zero - good. Heads Will Roll - I like the drums. Wasn’t this in Rock Band? But it’s always struck me as repetitive and whiny, vocally. Skeletons - I like the instrumentation. Song feels “deep”. Layers of sound. Dull Life - I liked the beginning more than the end. I think Runaway - I don’t like the record-skip repetition she does across multiple songs. I feel like it’s fine once but don’t like using it twice+ in the same album. The song itself felt interesting throughout even though it wasn’t. Loud. Or whatever. So far this album feels like, thematically cohesive. No song has felt like it sticks out or doesn’t belong. Dragon Queen - zoned out through this song. Remember the beginning being kind of interesting. Hysteric - again I like the drums and the pulsing (synth? What is that?) in the background. Vocals/lyrics underwhelming or I didn’t notice them. Little Shadow - very 2000s. Resonant.
This is SO BORING. It makes sense that “Imagine” (song) is simple because it’s a straightforward idea. Why are the rest of the songs so uninteresting? I liked the mixing on some of them and the variety of instruments (whistling, harmonica, was that a harpsichord in “Oh My Love?”) but all the songs were just so boring, structurally. After “Hold On”, a song started that I was immediately like “okay this is more like it” but it was just Spotify playing the Beatles “You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away” after. (Oh apparently “Hold On” wasn’t part of the album either. I wrote “good mixing” for that one.) No one would think twice about this album if anybody besides a Beatle made it.
Reminds me of Joy Division
I listened with both headphones at work! I dig this. It’s very up my alley, not sure why I never tried to listen to the album before. No bad songs. When did stereo become a thing? Immediately listened again once it was done. I like the almost medieval folk sound. “Aqualung” (song) has a real “What’s New Pussycat” feeling in the middle/end there. “Hmm, Aqualung is a lot longer than I thought…”
I like Talking Heads but this was a little hard to get through
I liked “Good Enough” and “Pokin’ Around”. Harmonica in a grunge album was cool to hear. The rest was at best early Nirvana sounding and at worst kinda uninteresting.
This album lost my attention twice
Not as many bangers as I was expecting but otherwise solid
I was expecting more songs like Norwegian Wood. But once I got over that disappointment I liked the pop rockiness of the album. Still don’t like “Drive My Car” much.
I like “King Kunta” and “How Much A Dollar Cost.” Like the jazzy elements. “The Blacker the Berry” DAMN.
Most of the songs were musically interesting but I don't find Lemmy's voice very appealing to listen to.
* Uh-Oh, Love Comes to Town - I dig this. Has a "Come and Get Your Love" kinda riff. He talks about his friends a lot. Acoustic "Psycho Killer" sound the same. I liked this much more than Fear of Music. It's much catchier and. More musical, I guess.
Not memorable. But it was fine
Much groovier and poppier than I was expecting!
Movin' Out - classic The Stranger - Just the Way You Are - a little saccharine but that's fine Scenes from an Italian Restaurant - Vienna - this is nice. I like this. I like the accordion or whatever. goes well with Scenes from an Italian Restaurant. Only the Good Die Young - A+ She's Always A Woman - fav Got It Right the First Time - Everybody Has a Dream - Not as piano-y., Seems like a lot of songs are multi-part or change tempo/time signatures. Lots of instruments. Solid songs.
1st listen: sure! This is fine. Kind of forgot that I was listening to it. 2nd listen notes: Green River - this is fine Commotion - I zoned out Tombstone Shadow - Wrote A Song for Everyone - I like this one Bad Moon Rising - this is good. Lodi - Cross-Tie Talker - Sinister Purpose - a little boring but I can dig it. The Night Time Is the Right Time - Okay, I think this is a great "feel" for an album. Gives a vibe. Just not very interesting.
Does Johnny Cash not know how to tune his guitar? I found this kind of boring. Most of Johnny Cash's music is kind of samey but at least the studio recordings for some reason feel more exciting. This bland live performance of his kinda bland music and his bland speaking voice just weren't interesting to me. I just realized I've never listened to "A Boy Named Sue" all the way through.
Many of these sound like "Equal Rights" from Popstar. Lyrically, this is rough.
This sure do be a reggae fusion pop rock album.
I had heard "Bread and Circuses" before and I did kind of like it. Kinda Beach Boys-y harmonies but also kinda discordant? There is a lot of interesting music on here. Each song feels like it has its own vibe, but somehow still cohesive mostly. Maybe because my brain still hears it all as "'60s". Yeah, I dig this.
The only Pixies song I know is "Where Is My Mind." Cecilia Ann - fine Rock Music - wow that's some yellin'! More hard rock than I was expecting. Are they doing like, a song in every genre?
Sorry I don't have anything interesting to say except I <3 Cat Stevens
Started strong. Like how eclectic it was. Latter part of the album was too eurobeat-y for me. I liked the last song though.
this was fine. Unrefined, haphazard. But I didn't hate it. I regret rating Imagine 2 stars because this is better than Imagine but not worth 3 stars.
This is exceptional, except for Summer Breeze >:(
I liked the plinginess of it.
This is a VIBE. 3.49 stars.
The bluesy stuff kind of drags on a bit.
felt very experimental, as in many different styles. it didn't feel cohesive but is still impressive
oh! it's over. half the tracks weren't available on spotify, but I get the gist. It's very fun music.
3.6 stars. Musically interesting, the songs had a cohesive and recognizeable sound but were not too samey. inb4 "bu'in"
Was this not just the same thing for 50 minutes? I don't get this.
I liked this! Nothing really stood out but it was nice to listen to.
Similar to other Sabbath that I have listened to. I dig the kind of medieval sound. Not sure what that is but I think it's really cool
unironically and only a lil apologetically, this is SO GOOD. TIL about chipmunk soul. I didn't know that was a Kanye thing. I also liked the use of rock-sort-of sounds (something I think comes in more heavily in some of Kanye's later music) and tasteful use of autotune (imagining going back in time and saying that to my 2004 self and chuckling) I laughed out loud at some bits. appropriate criticism of the idea that education = good to the point that educated = worthy, without ever attacking the educated. also felt very personal. good album
idk why sometimes bossa nova annoys me and sometimes it's soothing. it's one of life's little mysteries.
I guess I see why people like this! It's cool and fresh without being too weird. Not my thing though. I'm not big on instrumentals.
This was fine. I liked the Caribbean/reggae sort of influence on some of the tracks. I think it was solid, not boring, just not my thing.
Produced by Frank Zappa. Experimental. I'm reading the wikipedia article because. this makes no sense to me. I was suspicious of this from the start because this is an iconic album cover and a well-known album, but I can't name any songs from it. Which is usually an indication that it fucking weird I hate this Checking my watch after each song to see when it ends It's like they had to figure out what music isn't before they could figure out what it is and just recorded all of their attempts Oh thank god. it's over Rating 2 stars because I recognize that this did a lot of cool stuff that hadn’t been done before but man was it insufferable to listen to
1. Black Mirror - 2.5/5 2. Keep the Car Running - 5/5 3. Neon Bible - 4. Intervention 5. Black Wave / Bad Vibrations - 6. Ocean of Noise 7. The Well and the Lighthouse - 4/5. I like the lulling/lilting sort of melody? Idk how to explain that. I think it's the time signature. 8. (Antichrist Television Blues) - (okay I guess I got bored of doing that when I listened on Friday) but overall I like this, it feels livelier than their other one we listened to (The Funeral?
So not 1001albums, but I listened to British Steel by Judas Priest a few weeks ago and it sounded really flat? and I remember thinking "okay this is why people in the '80s loved concerts so much, because their recordings sounded like poop." Spotify SAYS this is 1984 Remastered but really?? it has no depth, it feels like. I like the synths
I like this. Reminds me of a less trippy Massive Attack, or Cornershop. Or even early Blur.
Sounds like a '90s movie soundtrack. I guess piano jazz is better than the other kinds of jazz.
I do like this sound-wise for the most part. Content-wise, I think at the time it felt like, a fun kind of arrogance. and now it's just like... awww.
I liked it musically. Broody. Vocals were not my thing.
They are all the saaaaame. And boring, to boot. I guess it's kind of cool that he was making electronic music in 1979? But that doesn't make it interesting.
Yeah! I can dig this.
some bits were too grungey for me. overall I was meh on this and prefer the more sanitized foo fighters
Very eclectic.
I'm probably biased because I knew a lot of these songs already. But I enjoyed this
This is almost right up my alley! A little too reggae/groovy. I was distracted by the bass.
Listened to the mono versions, 2018 remaster at work. I actually like this. Pretty standard, British invasion, ever so slightly psychedelic. Songs that stood out: Lazy Sunday
Some of this was more listenable than other parts. Favorite songs: "Revolutionary Generation" goes hard, "Pollywanacraka" is catchy and also reminds me of the Jackal from the West Wing (:
I like it for the most part but not a fan of the jazzy/soul kind of aspects.
I like this. Kinda country. But some of it was a little to CSNY/Seals & Crofts for me. Songs I liked: "Some Misunderstanding", "Life's Greatest Fool",
I like this for the most part but it felt a little samey by the end. Like they made the same album twice
I liked this for the most part! Some songs very beatles-y.
This confirms that I love The Who.
Jazzier/funkier/groovier than my preference but I respect it.
This was fine! but unfortunately a little boring.
björk I love you but this ain't it. this one is too avant-garde 4 moi
Almost gave it 4 stars but it is one of my favorite debut albums of all time. all the songs do sound the same production-wise, maybe (a kind of foggy/muffled kind of thing) but I think they're all so good
Better than Fame and still obviously influenced by genres other than rock, but not very interesting outside of the title track
I forgot how epic this album is. True rock opera.
Surprisingly diverse. like normal twangy country but also loungey and blue-eyed soul and Mexican regional music?
This is fun!
I think this is better than I think it is but his voice just sounds so bad
I like this era of Aerosmith but then again I like all aeras of Erosmith. However several songs just felt like do-overs of others. "Sick As A Dog" verses the same melody as the hook of "Back in the Saddle Again."
this was okay, pretty fun, I guess. more fun than other jazzy stuff
This is sad and pining and is probably a good album but not fun to listen to.
Mostly too generic-pop-y for me. I also don't like the production on Taylor's Version as much as the originals :(
Kinda country/bluesy. Doesn't sound dissimilar from other Rolling Stoneses of the time to me.
I thought this was kind of boring and badly produced(?). Especially "Whole World In His Hands" sounded very tinny. I kinda liked the blend between '60s folk and '70s soft rock (again ? idk how to talk about genres) but nothing really stood out to me.
This & Frank Sinatra etc are so hard because I just forget I'm listening to them. It's not that they're bad, it's just. It feels like I'm at Macy's at Christmas or something. Unobjectionable. 2.4 stars is my subjective rating (I just don't care for it). Not a bad album. idk.
I was shocked this was from 2023, it sounded so retro, '90s hip hop. And then I found out the year was wrong on Spotify. Anyway, I liked the infusion of Indian music into some of the tracks. I didn't listen too hard but I liked the protesty feel of it.
I've always found South Side kinda pleasant in a nostalgia/inoffensive kind of way. But it's not particularly exciting, and everything else on this album is even more boring. Sry Mobe
who is this old lady
I had never heard of this. I like it a lot but I don't understand why it's on this list
I GET the Sufjan hype but I've never been able to get into his music.
Does this deserve 4 stars? Idk. I think the majority of the album are great. First few songs are a lil weak.
This was a little too talk-y for me. No flow. Avant-garde rap? Experimental hip hop? Very political.
I liked this okay! I like Season of the Witch.
I liked this! I like the crunchy/fuzzy/grungy britpunkyness. Especially "Strange." Wtf is 1 2 x U about tho.
While not really my thing, I was intrigued by this. It was never boring. 3.51/5
Arctic Monkeys have always been kind of two bands for me. When I first heard them, I didn't really like them. I knew "I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor" and (from later albums) "Brianstorm" and "Crying Lightning" which all have a kind of dark/minor thing going on. Maybe that's the punky side of AM. It wasn't until I heard "Cornerstone" from their third album Humbug that I started listening to them more and came to appreciate some of those older songs I didn't like. But! Even Suck It And See, my favorite Arctic Monkeys album and their fourth studio release, has an almost even split between jangly indie rock and harder punky songs. Though Whatever People I Say I Am has more of the former, there are a few others (my favorite songs of the album) that are more my style: "Mardy Bum", "Riot Van", and "A Certain Romance." What ties the album together more than its musical style though is Alex Turner's songwriting style, featuring a ton of deadpan humor and vivid reference to working class, struggling musician types in Northern England. 4.49.
The thing about '60s music is that everybody did everybody else's songs and they all sound kinda the same. The quality of the recording I listened to was awful.
Stevie has a nice voice but the songs are kind of uninteresting
I know this is probably sacrilege but this is only okay :/
This is very boring :<
Even when they're screamy, I can't take Sonic Youth seriously as a punk band or whatever they are. It's fine. I feel like I liked this one better than the other Sonic Youth album we had.
I feel a little bad rating this because it is kind of not my thing. A little too dreamy & synthy. But I feel like I would be able to appreciate the production with some good headphones. Since I'm at work and listening in 1 earbud. I would give this one a second chance.
2 psychedelic 4 me
This is not interesting.
This made me depressed which was a surprise based on its cheerful album art.
Did he get whinier? I can't imagine a less beachy album than this.
This slaps. "In the Air Tonight" wishes it was as creepy as "Intruder". "Games Without Frontiers" = love hearing the British children's names of the '80s.
This is weird because it's serious. If you put out a song like "One More Chance" in 2024 it would be assumed it was satirical. Is it weird that the main thing I notice is parallels with Hamilton? Obsession with death. It's not my thing (a lot of the like, beats are kind of samey) but content wise I think it is a very good album.
I know this is considered like a perfect album and I think it probably is very good but I only kinda like some of the songs.
"five isn't enough" said my husband. yeah well. 3 isn't enough. except I'm not going to give it 4
This was boring!
Maybe if I gave it another listen I'd like this more but this was just like a combination of Arcade Fire. M. Ward, Eagles but make it 2000s (even though this came out in 2014?), Tom Petty, but worse.
This was nice. shrug
Mostly too bluesy 4 me. I liked "Oh, Sweet Mary" and "Piece of My Heart" obv.
Most of this is pretty good. My god "Sub-Culture" is awful tho.
I like "That's the Way" and "Immigrant Song" (obvi).
I liked "Backseat Freestyle" best, and "Swimming Pools." The rest definitely lacked the things I like about Kendrick though. More gangster. Also WTF Drake featured on this?
I like this! But I don't understand why I had to hear it before I die.
Tempted to give this 4 because it was slightly better than all the 3s I give. 3.49 maybe.
I can get behind this. The songs all have a different feel so it didn't feel monotonous.
I guess I like this more than some of the other jazz (I forgot I was listening to it rather than being put off by it) but I have no other comments.
I was actually a little underwhelmed with this. It was fine, I like new wave, but some of the songs felt a little dull. Maybe a remaster would help? I'm not savvy enough to know.
okay I'm convinced. I listened to it twice. I still don't really care for "Thunder Road". I actually liked "Meeting Across the River". That + "Jungleland" (also rly good) is what made me want to start over and give it another listen. Also. Is there some kind of musical property that makes something feel nostalgic even though you weren't there? Or do we all just think heartland rock is nostalgic because it's what our parents listened to while being nostalgic? Nostalgiception.
I <3 Boston. Just a flat-out good time.
Title track wins but I thought a lot of these songs were gorgeous.
This seemed very... artsy. Like it's probably really genius but you have to squint with your ears. It took me like 5 tries to get through it bc of work. But it was good.
Probably better than her debut Pure Heroine production-wise, and a more mature album, but I like it less. I think it is still a good album though. I like "Green Light" as a song but I wish it didn't start with the second line "We order different drinks at the same bars." Yes Lorde, that's how bars work.
It's not music I would choose to listen to on a daily basis but I do think that this is a great album.
This was too chaotic 4 me.
Okay I like the world music part of this :/ Still weird he's a white British guy tho
this is gr8
Honestly? Banger after banger
poppier than I was expecting. it was fine.
I forgot jazz could be smooth. I like the synthiness of some of this. This is like a 2.9/5
Tracks 6-10 are bangers, first half is boring af. Tracks 1-5 is a 2, second half is 3.5 so I guess we'll call it a 3.
I liked "guilty partner" and "love less" but everything else just sounded generically EIGHTIES
I actually think this is a 2.5 "Don't Know Why" is leaps and bounds ahead of everything else on the album IMO.
All these songs are way too long.
.....I like this. idk if it deserves 4 stars but I like it 4 stars.
I understand why this is on this list. good for them. however it was very average and since I give too many 3-stars and this album had a slur in it I'm giving it 2
"Wallis' production maintained the acoustic feel" "Wallis replaced the drummer with a drum machine on five of the songs" the '80s were a weird time
Not as good as the other one but pretty good. Poppier.
Fernando is a better song than Dancing Queen. fight me. also this album is mediocre but some bangers brought it up to 3 stars.
this was very repetitive
It's good. Actually it's probably very good. But I was meh on it.
okay it grew on me a little but I still gave up 10 songs in. I kinda dig it, just not something I really want to listen to.
This grew on me! A lot of it was not my thing but I appreciated the variety in songs. It seems like they did a lot of different things well, like I could never tell which genre they were "supposed" to be.
Early '90s R&B is one of those genres that I just. Really hate. Sry
David Byrne for president
Sorry but this slaps a lil. Detracting one star because of all the problematic lyrics I'm sure I missed while listening to this at work
Better than Moondance. I'm realizing that I really like Van Morrison's music but I don't really like his voice outside of Into the Mystic. But that's not his fault. He's doing his best.
For a genre that usually only has one sound/vibe, I didn't get bored with this album at all. Some gnarly bass on "Rain When I Die."
This got better as it went along, but still not my thing. I liked "I Am Somebody."
sorry not sorry. this goes hard for 1986 or w/e
3.5 ish! This was cool.
Best shit: "2+2=5", "Where I End and You Begin", "We Suck Young Blood", "The Gloaming", "There, There" (top 100 songs ever IMO), "I Will", "Myxomatosis", "A Wolf at the Door". That's most of them. This shit fucks. 4.5/5
This was only okay. Honestly I find Supertramp just a lil creepy/uncanny. I like some of their stuff musically but maybe it's the vocals that just make it feel "off"
This teeters between a 3.4 and 3.5 when I average my ratings of individual songs. The latter half (or maybe even 2/3) is great Britpop but this is probably my least favorite '90s Blur album so I'm bumping it down to 3/5
I should've saved my listening notes yesterday because I don't remember anything about this at all. It's folk music! I remember thinking "3 stars"
The song called "Intro" which is puzzlingly in the middle of the album is a fun look back at 70s music production. Anyway, this wasn't really objectionable except that I didn't really like it? It was also long. Not sure if it is objectively bad or I just wasn't in the right mood.
I actually kinda like this. Was more interesting than some of the other blues stuff. Dance-y.
This is fine! (: I think this is one of those albums that is probably better than I give it credit for. As soon as I started I was like "this is the same as Low Rider", but it got better from there. Still a distinct sound but not boring. idk
This is so boring. I didn't finish it :< Giving it 2 because it seems like they're good at what they're doing but it is not Pleasant To Listen To
It's fine for "the first hardcore punk" album, I guess.
Not as intriguing as Pet Sounds
This album rocks so hard now, I can only imagine how mindblowing it was in 1970.
Did not finish. I guess I liked it musically but. I know rap is misogynistic but it was just a lil hard to listen to.
every song sounds the same as all other CCR songs except "Good Golly Miss Molly" which sounds the same as the original
Okay, I'm a White Stripes convert.
I am giving up and giving this 3.5 stars. I have tried many times to listen over the past few days and work+phone data issues have made it hard. But I like it. Even the stuff that's not quite to my taste, I think is relatively interesting and well done. I like that while they have a sound and in that way all the songs sound the same, there's a lot of variety in the album as well.
I do love grunge but I don't know if this stood out among other grunges.
This was poppier (in the sense that like, hair metal is poppy) than I expected
I like to think that I am open-minded but I feel like this was particularly uninteresting as far as funk goes.
slightly varying speeds of chuggas and growly lyrics about social issues. not interesting.
I kind of dig this? But I would never like, listen to it for fun. Is that weird?
almost all of these songs are on the Pogues Best Of.
I like this! He sounds like Michael Hutchence.
if you can death-of-the-author this and ignore some of the other silliness. this is a REALLY good album
It was fine. I liked some of it but not the super thrashy stuff (go figure)
why does "Endlessly" have Silent Night in it.
sorry but I kind of hate this? I don't know why. his voice is bad and the songs are lifeless. it got a little better. I liked "Factory" and "Prove It All Night"
this sure do be an eagles album. 2.45 stars
I'm actually surprised. I think there are a lot of strong songs on here. Some of them FEEL passe just because they are so well known (e.g. Mysterious Ways) but are still pretty good.
Loving all the new wave/post punk recently.
This is probably the most unexpected album I've loved. The songs aren't bops and yet they are? The power of disco✨
this is boring. also I consistently think that "Wish You Were Here" (which is boring but I still kinda like it, definitely more than the rest) is "6th Avenue Heartache."
This sure is a Queen album! They do many genres very well.
this reminds me of like, hound of the baskervilles. like, reading it now is underwhelming because it's so basic and riddled with cliches, but that's because it was effectively creating a genre. I'm sure this album was interesting in 1998 but iit's really, really not in 2025.
It's not BAD I guess
I know that album cohesion is not a fair metric, but these songs all sound like they could be different bands. They're all great though.
I did not enjoy this.
this is kinda good but a little boring. I appreciate what he's trying to do though.
okay this is actually pretty good.
kind of annoyed that I enjoyed this. ZZ Top is so boring but also catchy.
slaps. a lot of different styles, felt a lot more experimental/adventurous than modern bollywood.
Now I know why they are a one-hit wonder.
just when you think metal can't get any worse
boring :/
sorry, I like trip hop. this slaps. 4.5. no notes.