Curtis MayfieldThis was a great album. Smooth as butter, with surprising depth.
This was a great album. Smooth as butter, with surprising depth.
I wish some of the songs were longer. I'd just start getting into them, and then they were over.
This was really good. I'm gonna need to listen to it through a few more times to take it all in. Great storytelling.
This feels awfully modern and well-produced, I was surprised to find it's their debut album.
Lovely voice. It feels very contemplative and peaceful.
Fantastic energy. I've heard most of these songs before but never listened to the album the whole way through. Really an experience.
Until I listened to this I would have said that I'd only heard the radio-played songs off this. As it turns out almost all of them sound familiar and I even seem to know the lyrics to about half. I definitely never owned this album as a child so I think my brother must have, and played it often enough to permeate my consciousness. The good songs are still good, and individually I think they're all decent, but the thrashy energy gets tiring at length.
I get why it's on here, and I enjoyed some parts, but overall this just isn't really my thing. I don't see much reason why the 20-minute song couldn't be broken up, since it's obviously separate songs already. Also fuck Ayn Rand.
Radiohead seems pretty divisive, both in general and for me. I'm not a huge fan, I enjoy some of their music but whole albums can really bore me if I'm not in the mood for them. This one landed solidly in the middle for me.
The ideal state for listening to this is drunk in a club dancing. Unfortunately instead I am stone cold sober, at home with headphones on. It makes great background music for doing other things, since it's repetitive and doesn't really reward close listening.
Really good stuff that set the stage for even more good stuff later on. I enjoyed listening to this.
A punk classic for sure. Still great to listen to.
I'd never really heard of the Zombies before (shows my ignorance) but this album was fantastic. Just a pleasure to listen to from start to finish.
Packed full of excellent songs, dirty and raw and neurotic. It really feels like it fits right in the 90s alternative era - but it came out 10 years earlier. Truly before its time.
A real classic. Not personally a music genre I love, but I can appreciate the skill and talent that went into this.
It felt like pretty standard alternative rock. No real standouts on the album for me, though it wasn't difficult to listen to. Made good background music.
Extremely repetitive. I was glad when it was over.
I saw them live once, great energy, great show. Their sound is very distinct and I really enjoy it.
A lot of fun to listen to. Upbeat dancey pop with a bit of camp and a dash of melancholy. I liked it a lot.
I'd never heard Death in Vegas before. It was solidly ok. Some good tracks like 'Dirge', a lot of less interesting stuff that faded into the background. Not anything I'd listen to again and I didn't feel like it was especially original.
I probably could have died without hearing this album and been fine.
Great harmonies, great songwriting, classic great stuff here.
Gorgeous voice, very soulful.
Didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did, but it felt like a raw and sometimes oddly fun outpouring of anger and teen angst. 35 minutes is about as long as I can handle thrashy music, too.
Didn't enjoy it much, but can't really deny it deserves to be on the list, if just for Free Bird.
First time listening all the way through, though I've heard tracks here and there. Revolutionary, of course, and formative, but also really enjoyable even in 2023. Clever, funny, emotional, smart. Good shit.
I put off listening to this because I didn't think I would enjoy it, but actually it was pretty good! Solid dad rock. Maybe I'm a dad now?
Still such an iconic voice. Classy, up-tempo, fun to listen to. The songs do all sound very similar, though.
I didn't feel like it rewarded attentive listening - essentially, just background music. It's probably a great time if you're fucked up at a club.
I'd never heard of these guys so I was excited to listen to something new, but it just wasn't very good.
Good voice, funky beats, but nothing really stood out to me.
Some good songs, some very cheesy ones.
Enjoyable beats, fun and sometimes funny lyrics.
Pleasant to listen to but not especially amazing.
Wow, I really enjoyed this. Great flow, insightful lyrics, real skill on display. I'm looking forward to listening to it again and getting more out of it.
A little over the top and almost goofily dark at points, but overall fun to listen to and well-done.
Real star power, great audience energy. Not great recording quality, though, and pretty short.
Sunday Bloody Sunday is a great song. Otherwise, even early U2 doesn't do much for me. Too bombastic.
There's real storytelling in these songs, as well as a great Western spirit. Made me feel like a cowboy listening at a campfire.
It was interesting and enjoyable for the first 30 minutes, but way too long.
Very relaxing to listen to, and definitely the start of a real identity for ambient music. But it's background music, designed not to really be listened to.
Very chill, soothing, interesting to listen to. It was hard to keep my full attention on it but when I did it was absolutely worth it.
Really nostalgic, I heard some of these songs nonstop when I was younger. The ones I hadn't heard before didn't amaze me, though.
This feels like it should be something I like - I usually enjoy down-tempo sad boy shit. It just didn't grab me.
It wasn't unpleasant to listen to but I just don't really get jazz.
I didn't like Led Zeppelin before and I don't now. The songs are way too long, even Kashmir, which was otherwise the only interesting one.
A few great songs, and I didn't hate listening to it, but it didn't seem especially noteworthy.
Not my thing personally, but definitely a classic that belongs here.
A lot of fun to listen to.
Funky and really made me want to dance. The man's a legend, apparently, and this was my first exposure. Good stuff.
White guy blues featuring noted racist Eric Clapton.
Scrolling through the reviews and seeing a lot of 5s for an album I thought was solidly average. I guess everyone has different tastes.
Really enjoyable. Great to listen to, definitely deserves its spot.
I'm not sure what about this is supposed to be notable. It was fine to listen to but none of the tracks stood out to me.
I really enjoy synthpop and love that big 80s feeling. There were some really standout tracks on this one.
Very country.
Some really classic songs, but otherwise not my thing.
Dr. Dre is undoubtedly influential in the history of gangsta rap, as is this album, but nowadays it feels dated. Full of homophobia and misogyny, and only about three things: smoking weed, killing people, and fucking.
Decent to listen to, but I have no idea why this is on the list. Didn't seem notable in any way.
Well done, but it felt like it lacked any real emotion.
A great album, if not quite as incredible as Rumours.
Incredible stuff.
Great classic rock music.
I liked this one a lot, upbeat and fun to listen to.
Not really my thing, but I can recognize the skill that went into it.
Surprised me by being much more enjoyable than I expected. Some of the usual boring rap misogyny, of course, but there's some really great tracks as well.
I've heard plenty of songs from this album but had never listened to it the whole way through before. Really great.
This feels awfully modern and well-produced, I was surprised to find it's their debut album.
Solid, entertaining.
It was an interesting listening experience, and I didn't hate it, but I don't think I ever need to listen to it again.
Immigrant Song is fantastic. The rest of the album was pretty good.
Really makes you want to dance. I liked it.
Super nostalgic, my brother played this album nonstop back in the day. Listening to it as an adult, I can't say I purely love it - some tracks bored me. But it has a lot of bangers for sure.
Really interesting, I enjoyed it.
Nice rhymes, good energy, I'm pretty over the intense misogyny.
I like this genre so I enjoyed it, but it didn't seem especially original or groundbreaking.
A classic staple of grunge. Chris Cornell really was an incredible vocalist.
Great storytelling from a talented artist.
I love getting stuff I've never heard of before, but while this was interesting at first, I got bored pretty fast. Didn't really love it.
Such a great album name. The music was fine, but didn't quite live up to it.
Felt like video game background music.
I'm normally not much for blues, but this was incredible.
Delightfully nerdy. Maybe not the best Queen, but still Queen.
Decent rhymes but the misogyny was a little too much for me.
It's a little too chill for me, but undeniably influential.
This came out when I was 15 and it is absolutely perfect for a 15 year old. Listening to it as an adult, it feels very emotionally and musically repetitive.
Springsteen is a legend, and the album is a classic, but it's personally not my thing.
Janis is so amazing to listen to.
Very boring to listen to.
Very 60s. Fun to listen to.
Nothing really stood out to me as particularly interesting or notable, but I didn't hate it.
I never would have listened to this on my own, but I really enjoyed it - exactly what I started doing this for.
A solid, classic album full of great songs.
Really interesting and unexpected. Beautiful.
Nice to listen to, but a little too long.
It's good, but I just can't get into his mumbly voice.
I'm just not the kind of person who can say "Well, he might have been a racist, incestuous pedophile who abused people, but he sure made great music!"
It was all right, but he's just not as great on his own.
Nice work, easy to listen to, but it didn't blow me away.
I wasn't impressed. Sounds like easy listening music for dads.
Discordant and weird, not in a pleasant way.
I'm not really a Bob Dylan fan, but I can't deny this is great.
Great songwriting, really enjoyable and chill to listen to.
Interesting sound, not a huge standout for me but nice to listen to.
Decent, but not great.
This felt very 90s, in a good way.
I didn't really need to listen to this one to give it five stars, it was on repeat for most of my teen years. I haven't listened to it in a long time, though, what a joy to revisit such a perfect album.
I would have said I'd never heard of this guy, but he has so many great, classic songs. For me, a hidden gem.
I can acknowledge that this is an important and well-made album while also having no interest in its sound personally.
Most if it was fine, funky, nice to groove too. The 11 minute song that was most variations on poop references was awful.
I'm gonna have to listen to this a few more times. I think I really liked it, but it's not quite like anything I listened to before. Definitely a unique work of art.
Nice voice, enjoyable to listen to, not life-changing.
Enjoyable to listen to, but it faded into the background.
I really enjoy REM's sound. Just great to listen to.
Maybe not a timeless classic, but I really enjoyed listening to it.
A little corny at times, but I enjoyed this a lot more than I was expected. Older hip hop is usually too misogynist for me but other than a few gross lyrics I just got the impression he really, really loves fucking women.
Prince was a genius in his area, but it's really not my thing.
Great grooves, songs are way too long for me.
Very pretty songs, impressive songwriting. Somehow more political than I expected.
Very modern-sounding, I can definitely see how it was influential for a lot of people and bands. Unfortunately I didn't actually enjoy it.
Prog really doesn't do it for me so most of this was boring. Loved the flute, though.
A classic concept album, and for what it was it did it well.
I'd never listened to this whole album. It's amazing. Instant fave.
Not my favorite Bowie album, but even those are excellent.
Not a big heavy metal fan, but I did enjoy this. After awhile it all sounds the same, though.
Every time I started to enjoy it - which was pretty often - he took a little time out to be misogynistic and I stopped enjoying it.
Not one of the best Bowie albums, but still pretty good.
A true classic of an album. Gorgeous and melancholy and so smooth.
Beautiful voice, but quite boring. Nothing stood out to me.
Sloppy and raw, a lot of fun to listen to.
A couple great songs at the beginning, then it kind of trails off into mediocrity.
Definitely an interesting project, but it didn't really appeal to me.
A true timeless classic. I've heard every song on this before and yet listening to the whole album through is still an amazing experience.
Such amazing vocals. The entire album was great, but 'Four Women' is such a standout.
Interesting and political, with less misogyny than I expected from rap of this era.
Some tracks were great, others were ok, a few were not good.
I'm not much for jazz, but his skill cannot be denied.
The classic sound of Christmas. (I'm fine with not getting a gift from Phil Spector though.)
Enjoyable to listen to, and definitely not something I'm used to. However it all felt too long, both the songs and the album itself.
I had basically no emotions about any of these songs. They just happened, and then they were over. Boring.
My favorite Leonard Cohen album. Introspective, incredible lyrics, thoughts from the end of a life.
Some amazing talent on display here, dragged down by your standard rap misogyny.
Solidly mediocre. Not sure why it's on the list, I'm not surprised it was removed.
My second solidly mediocre album in a row. Nothing about this stood out to me.
I'm firmly in camp 'hating Abba is hating fun', but I also think they're too overly silly to be truly transcendent.
Great live album, you can really feel the crowd energy.
This is a really great album, soured a little by the unhinged mess Kanye has become since.
Poetic, melancholy, moody. Just the sort of thing I like.
This is one of those albums where I'm really reminded that this list was made by a British man of a certain age. Nothing about it stands out or seems interesting or unique to me, but I'm sure it seemed fantastic to the author at the time. It's not bad, just mid, as the kids would say. There are a lot of albums like this on the list, and some of them have surprised me, but most are just as average as I expected.
A lovely, haunting album.
Nice songwriting. Big dad music vibes.
I liked it well enough, but nothing stood out.
A pleasure to listen to. 50 years old and still just as relevant.
Really fun, made me want to dance.
Funky, what a groove. Shining Star is such a great first track.
I don't really vibe with Anthony Kiedis' singing or his penchant for statutory rape. That said, I have good memories of a lot of these songs, and they are still fun to listen to.
I'd forgotten how much I enjoy Portishead. Impressive, atmospheric, amazing vocals.
Some great tracks but they all sound pretty similar. Luckily that similar sound is good.
Interesting, and I enjoyed listening to it, but nothing really stood out to me. It just sounded very 60s.
What a range of styles and sounds. I love it.
I'm not really much of a Talking Heads fan. It was fine.
Very odd! But was it good? I have no idea.
Lovely voice. It feels very contemplative and peaceful.
Often rap doesn't work for me because of the misogyny, and this had that, but mostly it just wasn't very good.
This was a great album. Smooth as butter, with surprising depth.
Songs are a little too long and everything feels repetitive. I didn't hate it, but I wouldn't listen to it again.
A lot of fun to listen to, but it still felt a little too derivative of the Beatles. Some interesting stuff in there, though.
Very dad rock. Not my thing, but it wasn't awful.
Some really great tracks on this. My friend is a huge Killers fan so I've developed an appreciation - though I wouldn't call them groundbreaking, they make solid, enjoyable rock.
Fun, and not terrible, but nothing really struck me about it. Maybe Beck's just not my thing.
Great songwriting, but a little too much harmonica.
Nothing really stood out here. It was fine. Sounded a little too similar overall.
Brooding and dark, this gives life to the part of me that always kinda wanted to be a goth.
I enjoyed this, but it didn't stand to me as being especially groundbreaking or noteworthy.
Prog rock is really boring to me and this wasn't any different.
Loved the first track immediately. The rest wasn't all as good, but there's definitely some great stuff here.
It sounds all right, but it just didn't feel like it had much emotion or heart.
Incredibly influential, and it deserves it. A beautiful album with incredible, introspective songwriting. Delicate and intense.
Sometimes it's difficult to rate music because it can be hard for me to separate my knowledge of the terrible things the musician has done from their talent and skill. Luckily, this time it's not hard at all, because Marilyn Manson's music sucks as much as he does.
Dark, hard, and depressing. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did.
A lot of fun, I bet this was a good time live. A little too much trumpet for me.
Enjoyable, interesting. I can only handle so much of the Rufus Wainwright Voice though.
I enjoy the Pet Shop Boys a lot. This album felt mellower and maybe more mature than the others I've listened to.
Really interesting. I liked the Western song covers less than the other stuff, they felt a little too gimmicky.
I am the masses.
I am too uncultured to properly appreciate jazz, but this seemed good.
Every song sounds the same and that one song is just not very good.
I feel like he was trying to do something interesting but didn't quite make it.
Wow! It never felt too long.
Sounds fantastic, of its time but somehow not dated. Grace Slick should sing all the songs.
What a great performer, and what a voice.
It was fine. Nothing special, and the sound was pretty samey, but I didn't hate listening to it.
All right. A bit boring after a few tracks.
Still incredibly relevant, and for classic hip hop has a pretty low level of misogyny and homophobia. Loved it.
Incredible stuff, but a little too much of it for me,
Huh? Why this?
I like Bob Dylan, but this was too much Bob Dylan for me.
I loved this album when it came out. I listened to my copy all the time. It doesn't quite hold up - not as brilliant and classic as I remember - but it's still pretty great.
Some great tracks.
Solid album, a lot to enjoy here.
I guess it was mostly firmly tongue-in-cheek but it just wasn't that good.
A real classic, and set the stage for a lot of other bands.
This was really good. I'm gonna need to listen to it through a few more times to take it all in. Great storytelling.
I'm not really into The Who and I'm not really into live albums.
Bittersweet Symphony is great, but the rest is pretty samey. I got bored.
My mom loved this album and I didn't realize how many good memories it would bring up. I can't rate it objectively.
A lot of fun.
That melancholy Cure sound. A classic.
I listened to this album endlessly as a teen. As I no longer exist in that state of frustrated anger and hormones, it hits different - but I still found myself really enjoying it. Raw and haunting and angry.
Great lyrics, not quite as gripping as Blue.
Very enjoyable, certainly a classic.
I wish some of the songs were longer. I'd just start getting into them, and then they were over.
Easy to listen to and not bad, but sonically repetitive.
Love her voice, love her lyrics, love her emotion. I wasn't into this kind of music when it came out, but I am now, and it's incredible.
Feels pretty generic. Not even sure I could dance to this.
The problem with basing your persona on being shocking is that things rapidly become normal, and your songs about necrophilia get kind of cringey. Not terrible, but not great.
I can see how this was influential, but it mostly ended up being background music for me.
A classic, I guess. Not really my thing.
Unfortunately, still just as relevant today.
Very chill. Enjoyed it.
This seems very love-it-or-hate it, but I'm in the middle. I don't dislike metal (love the energy) but I want something that will make it stand out to me. This didn't, it all sounded the same.
Great songs.
Great stuff, love her vocals.
Undeniably groundbreaking and influential. Also, a fantastic listen.
A moving and well-done collection of covers.
Some classic songs, some writing that's a little too fond of its own cleverness.
Pretty solid.
I'm sure they felt very clever and revolutionary while writing these songs.
Nice to listen to, but nothing really stood out.
Foundational for sure, and an absolute blast to listen to.
Relaxing and pretty, but unremarkable.
I enjoyed this, but I don't see what's so exceptional about it that it deserves a place on this list.
I didn't hate it, but it didn't blow me away. Decent.
I mean, he really was a genius.
Oasis is really enjoyable, but I have to admit that a lot of their songs sound the same to me. At least it's a good sound.
I'm not that familiar with the Talking Heads. This was a really interesting album, it felt very unique.
Better than I expected, fun to listen to.
Lovely voice, songs that grabbed me, I enjoyed this quite a bit.
Some great tracks on here. They have a distinctive sound that I like.
I recently developed an appreciation for The Temptations, and this is one of their good ones.
Very relaxing. Some bleeps and bloops. Kind of faded into the background.
I like grunge, and this is some formative stuff.
There are a lot of great songs on this, and it definitely deserves its place on the list, but man are the best songs overplayed. I don't really need to hear them ever again.
A little too much misogyny here for me.
Really enjoyed this. In my mind Neil Young is firmly dad rock, but I guess that just means I'm a dad now.
Great album. It really showed the progression of her talent, and it's a perfect soundtrack for a particular moment - heartbroken in your early 20s, partying to try and deal with it.
Not my thing. It was fine.
Interesting. Good vibes, but I could not tell one song from another.
This was fine, but his work in the White Stripes is better.
Wow! A lot of fun, and some real bangers.
Some of it was interesting, some of it was really annoying, a little was great.
I'm not a big Who fan but I cannot deny that this album is full of bangers.
I'd never heard of this band before. It was fine, but nothing amazing.
It's Aretha.
Classic, foundational disco. Disco isn't really my thing but I did enjoy this.
Very chill. Great vibes.
This was a formative album for me and it still holds up all these years later. Regardless of your feelings about Courtney Love, this is a foundational record for so many bands. It's propulsive, angry, and honest. Even now, Violet and Asking For It hit really hard. Also, for the record, I went to school in Olympia.
Unremarkable and uninteresting.
Great voice, great songs.
It was all right. The songs all sounded pretty similar, but it wasn't a bad sound.
Felt like pretty standard 60's folk/country. Not a standout.
This probably would have seemed awesome to a UK teenager in 1968. I didn't think it was that unique or interesting, though.
Undeniably a classic, but personally I'm not a fan. Too loud and dumb.
An amazing singer.
Not good, and not even in an interesting way.
Some fun moments, but it wasn't very remarkable or memorable.
Steely Dan is just all right for me. I don't mind listening to it but their music never sticks.
I bet if I enjoyed jazz I would love this.
A good listen. Some classic stuff.
The parts where they actually played music were ok.
Really enjoyed this. I've heard some of the songs before but never the whole thing - what a sexy, sleazy blast.
It's really long, but honestly, I enjoyed all of it. Some of it was just good memories from my teenage years, but I do think it holds up in general.
Between this and Mellon Collie yesterday we're going through the greatest hits of my teens. This is a very 90s album, but it still hits. Alanis is a legend.
Enjoyable to listen to. Jazz still mostly bounces right off me.
Fun and clever and good rhythm. One I'm gonna come back to for sure.
Chill, nice to listen to. Where'd Young go? Did they eat him?
Paint it Black is great. The other songs are all right, except for Under My Thumb, which is incredibly skeevy.
I knew some songs but hadn't heard the whole album. It was great.
Solidly enjoyable.
Extremely folky, which was entertaining at first but got a little old.
Some fantastic songs, great energy. Don't love the skits or misogyny.
Rush just isn't my thing.
These are pretty good songs.
I liked it, but it didn’t really stand out.
I can see how this inspired a lot of musicians, but it wasn't really my thing.
Fun and classic. The songs all sound like the same song, but it's got such great energy I can't be mad.
Chill and great to listen to.
There were only a couple songs that were actually good. The rest was just a mess.
Early edgelords.
The only song on this album I've ever heard before is Scooby Snacks, which sucked in 1996 and sucks now. As does this whole album.
Some classics, and I'm sure it was amazing when it came out, but it's far too long with far too few interesting songs.
The songs everyone has heard are pretty solid, even if U2's sound is a little over the top for me. The rest were just ok.
Fast Car alone deserves 5 stars. I was delighted to find that the rest of the album was great too, smooth and bittersweet and honest.