La Revancha Del Tango
Gotan ProjectI didn't mind this as sort of interesting background music, but it does seem an odd choice for this list. I think you could die without having heard it.
I didn't mind this as sort of interesting background music, but it does seem an odd choice for this list. I think you could die without having heard it.
This is a strange one - looking through the reviews I don't think I've seen a more polarising album. All 1s or 5s. I've tried to listen to it neutrally, and will give it a 3. There are some OK hooks, but generally it is pretty bland.
This was better and more interesting that I thought it would be given the Beach Boys connection. Like the Beach Boys with the annoying elements removed and replaced with something grittier
I just don't like the Beach Boys and I don't like this. There is the odd OK moment - but those slide whistles - jeez!
A Stevie wonder rip-off that hasn't really dated well. Lots of people loved it when I was young, which is fine, but it was always irritating to me - especially the lyrics
Chain of Fools!
Rawer than the later records
This one was completely new to me. Not usually a fan of prog-rock, but this was OK I think partly due to their stripped down sound as a 3 piece
Another great Aretha Album
Brings back memories, but I think has dated a bit
Perfection - one of my favourite albums ever
Slick, but not really my taste
I have not listened to this for a long time, and enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Dated in parts, overexposed in others, but an interesting album
OK, but not as good as the Stooges
I've always liked and respected Dylan rather than loved him, but I think this is my favourite album of his
Interesting and unique
Nice and loose
Purple haze - one of my favourite songs. This is a great album
I didn't know what to expect, and ended up liking this album a lot
While I don't mind the twin guitar solos, this is not really my thing. Seems to me a heavy 60s & 70s US bias in this list so far
Sounds great, but some of the misogyny jars nowadays
Rude and raucous - Ace of Spades is the essence of rock. Enjoyed this one.
Enjoyed this one - crunchy and precise
Tricky and Walk this Way are awesome, but a lot of this sounds a bit dated now
Sounds incredible - a lot of energy, but now I find the 'Bitch is a Bitch' type lyrics jarring - kicking down?
OK - but a little dull. Not sure what the album is doing on this list
Interesting as a milestone in the history of rock - but not sure I'd listen to it too much for pleasure
I love the Stooges, but this album is let down a little by the production. Great songs, but I prefer Fun House
I love this album - one of my favourites. If you don't like reggae, I don't think it is going to convert you - but I love the raw elements - his plaintive voice, the 'country' horns, poewrful lyrics in patois etc etc
I don't mind Smooth Operator, but the rest of this album is pretty dull. Seems like a strange choice for this list
It had some depth and I enjoyed it. would have liked to have first heard this when I was younger
Smooth and soulful, and a bit strange. Interesting to hear a Public Enemy sample. I enjoyed this a lot
Not what I was expecting. So long and so Spinal Tap. Didn't know Lemmy from Motorhead was in this band. Some weird stuff, some pedestrian. Glad I listened to it once but don't imagine going back to it.
The first album and group that was completely new to me on this list. I enjoyed it as something fresh and different.
I've always loved this album - kept finding myself humming or whistling along. Just brilliant
Pretty good
Some good riffs and energy, but feels like something you grow out of. I agree with the other reviewer - listen to Public Enemy
Pretty Vacant is one of my all time favourites, and there are a lot of other great songs on this as well. Enjoyed it
First time listen for me - pretty good
Known of this album for years, but never felt the need to listen to it. Pretty interesting, including the backstory that it was recorded in Lagos
Pretty good - a Bob Dylan album I guess
I can see that this album polarises people, but I loved it.
Interesting, but not really my thing
A Stevie wonder rip-off that hasn't really dated well. Lots of people loved it when I was young, which is fine, but it was always irritating to me - especially the lyrics
It's OK I guess - of it's time. Can't help but think of Spinal Tap at some point
A bit pedestrian I thought - I don't mind metal, but this wasn't for me
I enjoyed this one - even if as background music I could engage with
I enjoyed this one a lot - unique and true to itself. I can imagine how amazing it would have been when it was released in 1978, and still sounds fresh
Interesting, one of those artists I knew the name of, recognised a couple of his songs, but had never really listened to. I enjoyed the album, and you can definitely hear the Beatles influences
While it is obvlously a classic, I find it a bit overwrought - not really to my taste. I'm not a fan of Opera either.
Interesting to read how polarised the reviews are of this album. Personally, I love it - so evocative of an amazing period
Nice to have non US/UK choice. I loved this one, very funky, and due to minimal french, can avoid alleged paedo overtones to lyrics as noted in other reviews.
Pure and beautiful - what is not to like?
It is impossible to review this album objectively. But there is no doubt there are some bangers on it
Interesting - one of those albums I've known about for a long time, but never actually listened to from beginning to end.
It was OK - of its time I guess
She's a favourite artist of my daughter's but I hadn't listened to her before. Beautiful, I enjoyed this (and Norman Fucking Rockwell, which my daughter said was better)
A fantastic unique album - love it
I love PJ Harvey - but I don't think this is her best album
Fame is one of my favourite Bowie songs ever - but the rest of the album is a little ho-hum
Pretty good - Radioheadhas always been one of those bands I understand are good, but they don't really connect for me
One of my favourite Stones albums - loose and raucous.
Interesting story, I was only vaguely aware of this band and no idea they were from Finland. But album is pretty average
Nothing needs to be said about this - takes me back to listening to my parents' copy when I was 10. I love this album
I enjoyed this more than er other album on this list
This is a strange one - looking through the reviews I don't think I've seen a more polarising album. All 1s or 5s. I've tried to listen to it neutrally, and will give it a 3. There are some OK hooks, but generally it is pretty bland.
Interesting - but not sure I would want to listen to that more than once
Never heard of this band before - interesting album, happy to listen to it while working
Pretty good - distinctive sound
It's OK - an interesting artefact
Its a beautiful thing. I had played it too much previously and happy to encounter it again here.
Too much noodling - this one should have stayed in the 60s
Interesting - a new album for me
Enjoyable, even if I am not as crazy about The Boss as a lot of other people
Never listened to this before, OK - West Coast sound
I was only vaguely aware of this band. Solid 'meat and potatoes' rock
Interesting to listen to such a prominent album which I'd not listened to previously - OK but it didn't grab me. Production is very of its time.
Never heard of this guy - and really enjoyed this one. Bossa nova with a slightly experimental twist that stops it being muzak
Much more familar with XO and Figure 8 so interesting to hear this earlier work
It's OK - an album and artist that was in the ecosystem but which I never felt the need to engage with
Interesting - pure country - not quite my thing but appreciated it nonetheless
Always happy to enjoy some thrash - this is competent, but not distinctive
I am a fan, though I prefer to later albums, this is pretty good
I'd never taken much notice of this band - album was better than I thought it would be
I understand the appeal - it just doesn't resonate with me
I like the texture of this record - have had the vinyl for years
A polarising album - but I like soundtracks and I like the concept
Fantastic - a lot of energy. I enjoyed this as much, and perhaps even more than Fela Kuti - though they do sound very similar. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree
Some good songs here
Pleasant, and a little more interesting than I thought it would be
Happy to see an Australian band on the list. If you like this, try some other Australian bands of the era: Laughing Clowns, Died Pretty, Radio Birdman, The Triffids
Pretty good - pleasant, and every now and then something grabs my attention
Very naughty and a lot of fun - and funky. I enjoyed this one!
OK - recognised some of the tunes, but it didn't make much of an impact
Pretty good - though I like Black Sunday better
OK - though in some ways delivers less than it promises. Love Mango Pickle with the Wilcannia Mob though!
Smooth - perhaps a little too much so - but good background music
Pretty good - though perhaps not his best?
Interesting background music - which I guess is all you can ask from Ambient music
Like many other reviewers, I don't 100% get Prince - though he is obviously an important figure and there are some great tracks in here.
I enjoyed this as a piece of recording history. I think they were very influential for bands in Australia.
Having listened to my parents copy of this on vinyl repeatedly in the 70's this record is part of my DNA. And (with the exception of Run For Your Life - why are so many 60's songs about killing your girlfriend?) it still sounds fantastic. Love it!
Is it unfair to compare this to the Smiths? I loved them, but haven't really listened to his solo work. It's not too bad
Solid, but not really my thing no more
It's OK, but I'm not the audience for this.
I don't think this has dated well, though there are some fresh sounding bits.
Is what it is I suppose - competent but leaves me cold. However happy to listen to a landmark album a couple of times
Completely new to me - never heard of these guys before. Fresh, I liked it
Smooth as butter
I'm a long term QOTSA fan, but had not listened to this album before. Found it a little disappointing at first, but it repaid a few repeat listens
Interesting - I think this album was very influential in the Sydney live music scene in the 80s. Not quite my thing now, but I would have loved it then
Dense and interesting - feels like I need to listen to it a few more times. But also feel like I'm not really the audience for this.
It's a solid album, but didn't hear anything to hook me.
Another album that is impossible to separate from pre-existing impressions, prejudices etc. And I have just heard Hotel California too many times! Can I place myself in the position of someone hearing it for the first time? What would I think? Pretty solid but does not resonate for me. Coincidently - just watched the Big Lebowski - which would get a 4 or even a 5
Interesting to hear the big band sound, but nothing jumped out at me. Perhaps a bit of its time?
This was a favourite of my teenage years, as were all Specials albums. And I still love them
I don't usually like vocal jazz - but I've always felt Amy Winehouse was a bit different. I enjoyed listening to this - more familiar with her later albums.
Great vibes
Interesting album, and a little different - but I just don't like the Beach Boys. I can understand why others do - but I don't
Apart from 'Reelin' in the Years' Steely Dan were never on my radar. I didn't mind listening to this album, and like another person, enjoyed hearing some De La Soul samples etc.
One of my favourite albums - good fun to work my way through the list of samples in the wikipedia article
Pleasant listening, with some interesting twists here and there
I had overlooked this album - it was much better than I thought it would be.
I grew up listening compulsively to this album - so I am not even going to pretend to leave an objective review. Still sounds great!
None of the songs really live up to My Generation
Didn't mind this at all
I've heard a lot about Big Star over the years, but never really listened to them. Interesting album with its own sound
Normally I try to listen to each of these albums at least twice. But this was long and pretty sketchy, so only once.
By co-incidence, we watched Napoleon Dynamite the day this album come up. One of my favourite films, and I never knew the title track was a White Stripes song. I had heard the hits from this album, but never listened to it the whole way through. I think the variety of sounds is surprising, given the set up of the band. Enjoyable.
I'd never heard of this band before, and found this album pretty appealing. Definitely identifiable as a precursor for a lot of other artists I like. A good discovery
Its OK, some interesting bits in there
I agree with all the reviews for this album, positive and negative, and those in languages I can't read.
A solid album, lots of stuff to get caught on in there.
Such a a beautiful voice - the guy in One Last Dance is very annoying though
Pretty album - some parts are a little close to Sly Stone for comfort
I really enjoyed this album. Fantastic lyrics, and I don't understand the criticisms of his voice and delivery which are perfect. I also think the production adds an interesting layer as well.
Radiohead escaped me at the time - there's some nice tunes on this though!
I love the VU so predisposed to listen to this - and wasn't disappointed. I actually like his vocal style, and found all the tracks pretty interesting
I love PJ Harvey - though perhaps her other albums more than this which I hadn't listened to before
Functional head cleaning music - that feels very appropriate reflecting current world events (April 2022)
Some interesting bits, some strange bits and some very daggy bits. Somehow I've escaped listening to this until now - good to check it off the list I suppose.
It was OK - good without making a big impression
Interesting artefact - didn't listen to it then, only really heard of Common People - probably won't listen to it again - but glad I listened to it for this
It was Ok
Fine, but nothing that grabbed me or would lead me to listen to it again
OK - Neil Young cover is one track I would listen to again.
First entire Iron Maiden album I have listened to. It was OK, but not enough that I would consider going back for more
Didn't leave much of an impression on me
Pretty good fun, although iffy in parts. Interesting to hear the Public Enemy parodies here and there - eg Officer
Enjoyed this more than I thought I would - probably because I've only been (over) exposed to their massive hits before. There was some interesting synth-pop in there
A hard one to rate - creative, great production, but unpleasant - hadn't listened to the whole album before, won't listen to it again
I was only vaguely familiar with Nas before listening to this album. I enjoyed the stripped down sound and texture. I'd listen again
A favourite artist of my teenage kids. I thought it was OK - though sounded a lot like the Fleet Foxes
I find the Beach Boys very bland - they are just not my thing
Interesting and beautiful. I prefer some of their other hits, but glad to listen to this
I love Eight Miles High - a cracker of a song. And there are some other good tracks there. I'll go back to it.
I agree that there are some ordinary songs on this album, but Sympathy for the Devil alone rates a 4. Street Fighting Man and Jig Saw Puzzle are pretty great too.
How to compare this with a Byrds album, for example? Pushing the limits of 'popular music' as the subject of this list? Anyway - I enjoyed it.
Brilliant, one of my favourite albums ever, and Good Fortune one of my favourite songs ever. Noting fantastic production by Mick Harvey (ex Bad Seeds).
There is something elegant in the simplicity of the concept here - like with the Ramones. But really, in this case it's not for me. Trivia question - which is the only ZZ Top member without a beard - the drummer, Frank Beard! And then there is the Sesame St parody for the letter Z - classic line and the end from the Billy Gibbons muppet: "Only band I've ever played with that can fall asleep and keep playing the blues"!
Solid, and I like the piano in this album - but Bruce isn't for me
I agree with the majority view here - 1st side of the album is incredible, 2nd half is awful!
A Gen X classic - I had this on a pirate cassette tape bought in Indonesia. The Cure were huge in Australia in the 80s and 90s. This album still creates the same mood now, but I can understand if it doesn't work so well for younger listeners.
Interesting here that no matter whether they give 1 or 5 stars, each review says more or less the same thing. And I agree with all of them
Hadn't listened to this album for a long time - forgot how good it was. And to note in passing that Nick Cave is one of the best live shows you'll ever see. Last time I saw him, he sang People Ain't No Good - during the song I was thinking to myself that the lyrics sounded a little juvenile. Then at the end of the song he said that he'd changed his views since that song was written and now he things "people are alright"!
Never heard of this band before. They were OK, didn't mind them, not sure I had to listen to them before I die though
I enjoyed this - yes some sketchy elements but as a lot of reviews say, a lot of head bobbing, and some great rhymes
I enjoyed this, slick, of its time, cover is the most 80s thing I can imagine, and of course tinge of nostalgia
Although there is the odd moment - this isn't for me
Never heard of this artist before - an interesting enjoyable sort of timeless album
I was vaguely familiar with North American Scum before - which i think is a great song. Otherwise wasn't really familiar with this band, and happy to make their acquaintance
A pleasure to listen to this. Coherent exploration of a sound - cold, mechanical nostalgo-futuristic. I was only familiar with Cars (which was played to death on TV when I was a kids) so glad to hear the rest of the album
A classic of course - can't really review it neutrally as I have the vinyl and have listened to it repeatedly, though not for a while. Not sure my 52 year old self likes it quite as much as my 17 year old self did, but it is still pretty good.
I was aware Gang of Four existed, but didn't know anything about them and had never listened to any of their stuff. Sounds like it was groundbreaking then - a little dated now. But I enjoyed listening to this - they have their own sound.
I remember a lot of this in the background in the 90s and didn't mind hearing it now. It was OK
I just don't like the Beach Boys and I don't like this. There is the odd OK moment - but those slide whistles - jeez!
Rock Lobster was huge in Australia in the 80s - it was everywhere all the time. We covered in my high school band of course. However the none of the rest of this album made any impact at all for some reason. So I was interested to listen to them, and thought this wasn't bad at all.
Interesting to get to this, which had never attracted my attention before - given that it doesn't have their bigger songs. I found it atmospheric, and rewarding for multiple listenings
It was OK - but Madonna isn't really my taste
Another band where I only knew the hits and had never really listened to a full album. I didn't mind this, they've carved out their own coherent sound, and those singles such as Promised... are pretty good.
American country cliches lyrical and musical - not for me
Pretty good for what it was - never listened to it before
I love the Stooges, but there are better albums
There are some beautiful moments, and some pretty cringe-worthy dated moments as well (Battle of Epping Forest). Interesting, but something I would have listened to of my own accord - which is why we do this I suppose
When I was a kid, a friend gave me a cassette, with the first half of this album tacked on one side (remember we use to do that to fill-up the 90 minute cassettes). There was no track listing, no credit, no information at all to explain what was leaping out of the speakers at me. They might have told me it was a friend's band's demo - how could I know? In some ways I feel sorry that mysteries like this denied to kids nowadays by the everpresent internet. I love the Pixies, everything about them, and they are even better live. Who else has this sharp crackly sound, unique worldview. Haven't come across Doolittle on this list yet, but it will get a 5 too!
Beautiful compositions, interesting production etc, but that voice for an hour is a bit much for me - too much, too rich
Had never heard of this band or record before. Didn't mind it at all, but not sure I'd bother to go back. Slightly rough, ragged texture appealed to me, In My mind was pretty good
I didn't realise David Watts was a cover. For me, the Kinks have always been a band in the margins, not quite the Beatles, not quite Bowie, not quite this not quite that. But always so English. They still seem like that, but there were some good tracks on this album.
Good for background while working - but seriously - does not belong here, even given the extent to which it was sampled. The point of sampling is to make gold out of obscure things like this
Converse to some other reviews, I think this is a fantastic name that the group doesn't really live up to. Bog ordinary garage rock really
Reminds me of long car trips. It is a classic, but not an amazing one
I'm new to Black Sabbath - for some reason I missed them when I was a kid despite loving Zeppelin, the Stooges etc. I found this album surprisingly good. Will probably go back to it
Enjoyed this a lot
Listening to the interview, I was intrigued to hear that Jimi Hendrix played with them for a while. Look up Testify parts 1 & 2 on YouTube, also features James Brown I think. A lot more soul that this record which was OK as background, but overall felt a bit flat to me
Clearly a significant album that belongs on this list. Of course, I knew many of the songs, even though I have never listened to the album from beginning to end before - probably because I saw it as to MOR for me. Which it is a bit, but I still enjoyed it
Raw, weird and pioneering - liked it
I've heard of them, but never listened to anything. It was OK
I had never heard of this album, this artist or anything to do with him. So a real delight to find something I really enjoyed, even to the extent of recommending it to my 18 year old daughter. Beautiful production, lyrics which are clever without being annoying, and some real hooks. A find.
Really don't like this - Jay-Z strikes me as an rapper with pretty limited skills, stuck on boring obvious content. Don't understand his status
Bright and splashy, exactly what you'd expect from this. I'll take it
Although long, it was a great soundtrack to work to today. Knew the hits of course, but never listened to the whole album. Generally pretty good - I enjoyed the variety
It's Elvis Costello, so generally OK for me. But not an album that I had listened to before and I didn't hear any hits
I remember this album being huge amongst my peers in Sydney in the mid-90s, but I only knew his cover of Hallelujah. I enjoyed this.
OK, but not for me
Nice - I like the sparse clean arrangements
I didn't mind this as sort of interesting background music, but it does seem an odd choice for this list. I think you could die without having heard it.
Never heard of him, interesting production, didn't mind it
First-time listening to the whole album, though knew the title track of course. A lot of boomer rock noodling, but My Mirage was pretty good
I like Stevie Wonder - but never listened to this album in total. While some parts are a bit slick, and others a bit dated, overall it is pretty fantastic. There's also a lot to take in - I'll be coming back to this
Not sure why this album is on the list? It's pleasant to listen to, like I am at an expensive restaurant. But not much more than that
Old-school Miles Davis, it's good. Does raise questions for me about the scope of this list - should straight classical albums have a place on it too?
This and 'It Takes a Nation of Millions' are my favourite rap albums. I love the production, the flow, the attitude. The claims of anti-semitism are concerning - but I don't hear them here.
I'm not sure why you wouldn't just listen to the Stones?
I had never heard of the band or the album. I thought it was OK
Interesting time capsule!
I thought I'd hate it, but it was OK.
One of my favourite albums - these guys are tight!
Hadn't heard of The XX before - though VCR and a couple of the other songs were familiar to me. I thought the album started strong, particularly liked 'Islands', but then fades away. The space I liked initially sees them melt into the background. 'Infinity' is pretty close to 'Wicked Game'. All up, happy to be introduced to The XX
Pretty good - more raucous and less music hall than I expected. Brainwashed stood out.
Shout out to my university friend Steven who put me on to Kurt Vonnegut and The Modern Lovers in the 90s. I've loved them ever since.
I just don't like Queen, they grate on me. I appreciate the talent, I admire Freddie's chutzpah and attitude, but I just can't stand the music
Top 10 of all time for me. Everything about this album is perfect. I still get the chills at their interplay in No 13 Baby
Not bad sixties psychedelia - didn't mind it
Heard the hits a million times of course - but never the whole album. So that was interesting. Quite liked the heavy 80's vibe.
Never heard of Common. For me, this was a little dull
Strange - I'm pretty familiar with albums 1 - 4 , but for some reason have never listened to this one. It's pretty good, but not sure it contains the hits the other ones do.
So You Want to be a Rockstar is a great song - simultaneously bright an cynical. And the other tracks aren't bad for this style and time.
Didn't mind this - though agree with other reviewers wondering whether this could be seen to be a 'watered down' record, with perhaps other earlier tracks having a stronger claim to inclusion
I hadn't listened to this album before. I liked the rawness of this album, and it grew on me more after a few repeats. Borrowed Tune is pretty bold - never heard an artist do this openly before!
Music is OK, but not amazing and Kanye is too annoying for me. I don't get it
An album and artist I'd never heard of before. Fairly pleasant I suppose, not sure about having to listen to it before I die though
Golden years is a 4 by itself - and the rest of the album is pretty good. Not his best, but pretty good
Late 60's English folk music? I assumed that I would hate this album - but actually really enjoyed it - particularly the track Sally Go Round the Roses. I would never have listened to this album of my own volition, thus the value of this project.
I was listening to NASA recordings from space before this - they went together well. A new album for me which I enjoyed.
I agree with one of the other reviews here in that one of the great things about this project is hearing albums, when you are only aware of the hits and singles. This album is a perfect example of this. I really enjoyed it, and will definitely go back to the Pretenders.
I haven't listened to this for ages. It was everywhere for a while - too much then. But it's actually a great album and I was happy for it to pop up here.
Too many Neil Young Albums
I appreciate having something outside of US/UK artists on the list, and didn't mind this. But didn't find it distinctive either
This was better and more interesting that I thought it would be given the Beach Boys connection. Like the Beach Boys with the annoying elements removed and replaced with something grittier
Nice and swampy - I enjoyed this album, which I hadn't heard before - only Bad Moon Rising.
I don't get the Beach Boys. Yes this is better than (not as terrible as) Kokomo, but it still seems sentimental, twee and juvenile to me, with an undercurrent of incel self-absorption. Yes, God Only Knows is a pretty good song, but it doesn't get this album over the line for me. Comparisons with any Beatles album are ludicrous.
Yep, these guys do it for me. It pumps along, but there's enough weirdness to keep it interesting.
It's well produced and there are some beautiful moments - but on the whole not outstanding for me
Another album from which I'd only heard the hits (a lot) before this project. It was OK, though not sure I'd bother going back to it
First time listen for me - I didn't mind this as interesting background music
I love this album, and it is etched into my brain from my youth. Whatever Morrissey is now doesn't change that. Wry, bittersweet and a strong sense of time, place and state of mind.
It was OK - bit of history I suppose
I love Nick Cave - especially live - no one should miss the chance to see him as he is intense. I don't listen to his records as much as I used to, and somehow hadn't come across this one before. Although not my favourite Nick Cave album, it's pretty good!
This album has particular resonance for me - both from it being a part of my youth, but also because it captures something about being Australian.
Even though I prefer other Bowie albums (slightly) this one still rates!
They polarise people don't they! I liked them a lot when I was young - and there are some nice passages here. I can understand the criticisms but aren't going to join in the pile-on
I enjoyed this stripped-down sound more than the other Springsteen albums on this list
Another band I've known of for ages, but never listened to any of their work. This album was OK, even if it strayed into Coldplay and then Radiohead territory at times.
I have loved this album ever since it slid into my consciousness as a teenager. As one of the other reviews here says - like swimming in autumn. Beautiful
For some reason, I have never listened to this album before, or consciously listened to any song by Ryan Adams before - thought I've heard the Bryan Adams story. However a number of the tracks sounded familiar to me, and all in all, I thought this was pretty good
This is my 252nd album - I don't think I've seen as many 5/5 reviews yet, or as few 1s & 2s. I agree, No arguing about this album's place on the list
It's OK - though so fresh so long
Pretty ordinary
I can hear the talent, but I just cannot connect with this. I have the same response in relation to Queen or the Beach Boys. Not sure if this is a fair comment, but I sense something phony or inauthentic about them.
Dear God is a beautiful ambitious song - hard to believe that they almost left it off! And the rest of the album is not too bad. Definitely original
I'm going to ignore the haters on this one - I think this is a classic album. Such a unique sound, and great songs. I loved this when I was 15 and I love it now.
I like the fact that this album exists - though not sure how much I want to listen to it again!
I liked this, and agree that sounds like the soundtrack to a James Bond movie that doesn't exist
I never liked the covers, seem hokey to me. However, having never listened to the whole album before, it was more interesting than I expected
It was OK, I thought the different style of production worked well for Dylan at this stage - but not sure I'd return to listen again in a hurry
This is such a raw honest album that captures something of what it is like to be a teenage boy. I loved it then (on vinyl) and it still sounds great
Like finding this on vinyl in a house you've rented in the country, in a valley, with lots of dark wood and 70s furniture, listening to it while it's rainy outside, and you're flipping through old magazines.
I always had this strange feeling that I should like this band more than I actually do? Having said that - it's OK
Interesting to finally listen to this album. I knew the guy played flute standing on one leg, and over the years I've seen a million copies in 2nd hand record shops - it's a pretty distinctive cover! It was better than I expected.
I didn't mind this - an artefact of its time that still carries some feeling now!
Happy to listen to a Tito Puente album. I love the brass, the cross rhythms, the 'rrrrrr' at the end of phrases, but it does lead me to wonder where the boundaries of this list lie? What is in and what is out?
I agree with the other reviewers - starts off OK, but then becomes a bit boring. With that name, and coming from the Arctic, I thought they'd be more interesting
Not sure I needed to hear this again
A straight up and down country album - if that is what you are after
First time listening to a T-Rex album all the way through. It seems like a solid proto-Bowie sound and I may well come back to it
Ramble Tamble rocks. There are some other good tracks, some played to death and a few duds. And I love the cover, especially the dude on the bike!
A nice tight sound
So great, one of my favourites. It either works for you or it doesn't, there's no explaining it!
I'm a fan of the hits, haven't listened to their full albums much. There is some filler I think
So boring - possibly the most boring album so far....I can't stand this pointless blues noodling
Pleasant - especially the first few songs, but then it seemed to fade away a bit
Favourite album from a favourite artist. Like the Ramones, who I listened to a few albums ago, he polarises listeners, and that's OK. You either buy into the world he has created over the decades, or you don't.
Does the job when you feel like some thrash metal (if I have the right sub-genre)
Kind of superficial I think? Didn't resonate with me
Pleasant enough I suppose - I think the Stan Getz albums are a better collaboration
I hadn't heard this album before (had a copy of Machine Head on cassette when I was a kid). There are some great riffs in here, possibly a track or two I would go back too - eg Into the Fire.
Too much - I like Deep Purple, but I don't need this
Weird and interesting enough to earn it's place on the list I think. I enjoyed it.
Weird listening to a whole ABBA album and not recognising a song. I'm not usually a fan, but this was better than I thought it would be.
Never listened to this album before, and really only knew this band from Sweet Home Alabama. Thought it was pretty good, and might even revisit a few songs like Poison Whiskey.
With 'run for your life little girl' and now 'you can't do that' I'm wondering if John Lennon was not such a nice guy, and perhaps had some issues... Otherwise there are some great songs, but also some filler on this. Like other reviewers, I prefer the later albums
As for lots of other reviewers - I like Tainted Love, but the rest of it is kind of painful
the music equivalent of an aperol spritzer - its OK
Is was OK - though generally it seemed to pass through my mind without leaving much of a trace
I thought this was pretty flat, and I Love the Dead was gratuitous - try hard.
Need to leave room for Nevermind, so giving it a 4. I'd not heard the whole album before - just seen clips here and there. It's very good
A little dull - lot of noodling
I signed up to this for such albums. Never heard of this before - fascinating back story, and I enjoyed the tight but primitive sound. I own a couple of the Nuggets garage rock compilations on vinyl, and the Monks would definitely fit on those. And you can definitely hear them as precursors to lots of great bands like VU, Stooges, Pixies etc
I will give this credit for being what it is and not trying to be anything else - not that I will listen to it again
Faith was massive when I finished school in 1987 - I hated it. More receptive to it now, but still is not really my thing.
I think this album is very effective as a soundtrack to the film, and creates an eerie melancholic mood.
Interesting, like historically, but not something I'll listen to again
I must have seen the Tusk video with the marching bands hundreds of times when I was a kid, but had never listened to the album. It's a strange collection.
Interesting, inconsistent some freaky stuff here. Never heard of this guy before - this is what I signed up for
I enjoyed this as an archetypal 70s album
Never listened to the whole album - there was more to it than I thought there would be, and I didn't mind the cover of Lovesong. Not that I think I need to go back to it.
Bar Muzak from the 90s - not sure this is essential?
I listened to almost nothing but sonic youth for a couple of years in my twenties - their albums are hardwired. Takes me back
Why not? Strange how many reviewers have a problem with it being in Portuguese. I enjoyed this, a nice change
It was OK - nothing special
I've known about Supergrass for ages, but was never impelled to listen to them. I found this album pretty good, but don't feel that I was missing anything particularly
I've always stood at a distance from Radiohead - but I liked the slightly experimental nature of this
Well it doesn't really work for a 50 year old - but there are some clever rhymes there
Pleasant - Sultans of Swing is OK - but overall bland
Work It! - a great song
I haven't listened to this since the late 90s, when it was everywhere, all the time, in Sydney. I enjoyed the nostalgia and I think it generally holds up
I love this - a fascinating album I've never heard of before, with some crazy and weird music that sheds light on artists that came afterwards.
I listened to this album for about 2 years solidly in my 20s - the sound spoke to me - and it still does.
OK - but pretty overrated. I recall 'Loaded' from back in the day.
Take 3 - an important album I guess, but a little overheard and feels a bit dry to me
It's a rich brew
Such beautiful harmonies
Atmospheric, but didn't really make an impression on me
It's an odd fish this album - many reasons I shouldn't like it, but I do.
I appreciate it, its significance, but it doesn't really move me
Enjoyed this. First time for me for this group, though I have earlier Tinariwen album which is similar. I don't understand why people complain or downgrade records that aren't in English?! Climb out of your burrow. Isn't music meant to transcend language, and isn't the point of this project to discover new stuff?
A band I've known of for years, but never really listened to. Interesting for historical reasons, but I think the Ramones do this better.
Well - it's Otis. Terrible cover art though
An artist whose name is very familiar to me, but I've never happened to listen to any of his music. At least not intentionally. I didn't mind the 70s soft rock / yacht rock, but I can't imagine searching it out in the future.
I've never heard of this band, though 'There She Goes' sounded familiar. I enjoyed them - original take on britpop.
Some good bits, but there are better REM albums - eg Life's Rich Pageant
Having an album this long is pretty insane - I respect the ambition and didn't mind the experience. But I don't think I'll be going back to it.
It was OK but not remarkable
Was aware of Ride, but hadn't listened to them prior. This genre appeals to me generally, however I'm not sure I'll revisit this particular album
I've loved this since it came out - no objective review from me for this
Never heard of this - kind of interesting, but not enough to revisit. Not sure if this has to be heard before death
Interesting to hear the album behind the hit - and to hear what that hit borrowed from the Led Zeppelin song Trampled Underfoot.
Echo & the Bunnymen have always existed on the finge of my attention. Glad to finally listen to an album, but not sure there's enough for me to go back to it. Very evocative of the 80s
A solid soul performance
I enjoyed that more than I thought I would, given how far away from the target market I am. And enjoyed listening to the Ryan Adams cover of the whole album. That is pretty unusual
Didn't really work for me - seemed like a pastiche of Interpol and other groups
I didn't mind this at all - I was fearing the worst reading the Pet Sounds references in the wikipedia entry, but it was OK in the end
Some good songs, but I'm not sure what to make of the Who - why pissing?
a little preachy and clunky for me
I thought I would find this dull - but instead there was an clear eerie feeling to these simple songs - like listening through a David Lynch filter
I enjoyed this, something different, sounded fresh.
At the time I went well beyond saturation point with Come on Eileen. And his voice + violins would usually turn me off. However, overall it was better than I expected
It seems I had, unfairly, written these guys off as a novelty act. There was some interesting stuff in here
I had only vaguely heard of this band before - not sure why they weren't on my radar as I think I would have been pretty into them at the time. I guess they didn't have a strong presence in Australia back in the day. Anyway, another introduction through this App to a band I hadn't listened to before, and who I quite like.
Nice cover, good background music to work by
A voice that is strong and fragile at the same time - I've always loved Curtis, but hadn't come across this album before.
While it's possible there is an excessive amount of Neil Young on the list, I didn't mind this album. The plonking bass and ragged guitar sits well with his plaintive voice
More substance to this than I thought there would be
Had only vaguely heard of them before - a 90s time capsule for me. Music is OK, lyrics and vocals a bit lame
I've loved the Doors for ages - don't care what anyone says! This is not quite their best album, but with Peace Frog and Queen of the Highway etc it still gets a 5 from me
Weird- seen the T shirts so many more times than heard the band. Interesting sounds
That slid past nice and easy 70s style. I really only know Tom Petty as a shadowy character on the margins, and from the hit 'Don't Come Around Here No More' which I saw as a kid and always found intriguing
It has hard to avoid a close comparison with Ziggy Stardust era Bowie. And how much does Buick Mackane sound like Evie by the Easybeats? Notwithstanding these thoughts, I enjoyed this as an album by a band that has their own sound and know what to do with it.
Background music, but OK in that role. Seemed like a strong 90s Bristol sound to me.
I liked the B-52s but rougher and more political sound. I was recommending Deceptacon to my daughter - but she told me it has been 'tik-tokked' - sigh
Never heard of these guys before - it was OK, but not sure it caught my interest enough to revisit
I listened to Jane's Addition intensely for a period in my twenties, then hardly at all since. It was good to re-discover them. Ocean Size is a great song
Enjoyed this - had heard tracks before - but not the whole album. I think it earns its place
Interesting to listen to as a cultural artefact, but really it's all a bit silly?
I loved ABC when Poison Arrow came out, wasn't even a teenager. I still enjoy the polished melodrama of this album.
I enjoyed the 70s future-nostalgia vibe of this. Didn't realise this was where Limmy took the Falconhoof backing music from (which made it a little hard to take that bit seriously)
I understand why this album is on this list, and it is 'adjacent' to music I normally like - but there is something that holds me back from really getting into it
Great album, great cover
I don't understand how you could embrace this project, then write a record off because the lyrics aren't in English? Can't you enjoy the melody of another language? I'd rather that than listen to boring banal lyrics I did understand. Anyway, with that off my chest, I like this record with its gentle, but complex harmonies and rhythms.
Less preachey than I had feared (apart from the interludes), and more enjoyable than I had anticipated
I enjoyed this album much more than I thought I would, the melodies grew on me with a few listens, and I loved the 'quaint' conversations with that Southern formality
Just What I Needed! Perfect tight 80s new wave pop
Some seductive melodies here, even if the vocal affections can be wearing. Another group I was aware of, but hadn't really listened to until now. Overall I enjoyed it
A strange one for me - I didn't mind, though I am not a Paul Simon fan generally
Alison, Watching the Detectives - classic timeless songs
I bought this on vinyl back in the day and have always loved everything about this. The dense almost industrial sampling, Chuck D is a fantastic lyricist, Flavor Flav is the perfect foil for him. And they are talking about big issues.
Was too busy with young kids etc to pay much attention to MGMT when this came out. It's OK, and I do recognise some tracks from the general ambience
Never heard of The Youngbloods before. It struck me as pretty generic 60s music to me, and those jazz noodling tracks are awful. Darkness, Darkness is good though, and rescues this from a 2 rating
The album grew on me, though harder to appreciate on a bright Sydney summer day compared to a dark Vermont winter
Peculiar for sure - hadn't really listened to Sparks before. Enjoyed it as part of this project, but not sure I'll go back.
Weird, peculiar - never heard of him before. but happy to explore for a couple of spins
Shimmering sounds, very evocative of the 90s
Beautiful melodies, clever songwriting, but doesn't really touch me for some reason - do I feel it is too mainstream? Although, as an Australian, the hits have been all around me for a long time, I've never listened to the entire album - was happy to do that
I didn't pay these guys enough attention at the time - this record is pretty good!
Very disco , of the smooth kind- Kathy Sledge has an amazing voice, I enjoyed this
A brilliant original album which hasn't dated since I first heard it over 20 years ago. The videos for both Frontier Psychiatrist and Since I Left You are also brilliant and worth checking out.
It's OK - has a certain vibe
Strange, that despite the ubiquitous artwork, I didn't know any of the songs on this album except She's Lost Control. Pretty good though
It's a great album - I've loved it since I first heard it years ago, even though this sort of Americana is not usually to my taste. I think she has an intriguing voice, writes catchy tunes, and writes with a direct, original style.
Was only familiar with the remix of Asha - didn't mind the album, something a little different
Interesting cultural artefact, so I'll give it a 3 for that - but the best parts of this record were those he ripped off from African and other original musicians
Head bobbing and breezy - it's ok
It was OK - Walk this way is a great song (though Run DMC made it better)
What was that? I would never have guessed the Bee Gees and I had no idea about their pre-disco era. I'll give it a 3 due to the unexpectedness of it
Love this - brings back memories and a good mood
I knew the hits of course, but the rest of the album was great too. Classic
Although Song 2 is overexposed, it is still a fantastic song which I'm happy to hear. And I didn't realise how good the rest of the album is. A mix of sharp songwriting and experimenting with textures.
It's not my thing, especially scat singing - but I suppose respect is due
It's OK
I owned this album 30 years ago in the form of a pirate cassette tape from Bali - which demonstrates a certain status. I guess it is jazz in the miscellaneous sense. Anyway, I was happy to hear it here.
Another band whose name I've known for years but never listened to. They were OK, but didn't catch my ear enough for a return visit
Another album which I have been aware of for ages (that striking cover!), recognised the hits, but never felt compelled to seek out an listen to. It is of its time and a with a creepy feel in places. But also some good parts.
Hadn't heard of this project or album - it was probably fun to record, but not as good as the Arctic Monkeys.
Pleasant enough
Pure stripped-down old-time country. Enjoyed this
It's a classic - I have it on vinyl. Contrary to other reviews here, I am into soundtrack albums, often the commission seems to give the artist more commission to range
A big artist and record that passed me by at the time because I was busy being the parent of young children. I found it grew on me with a few listens
Moments of interest amongst a lot of noodling
It was OK 90's rap, but one star less for Da Bichez - a bit over this stuff
Pretty fascinating historical artifact. Sure, it has dated, but I enjoy the anarchy, spite and inventiveness. And some of it is still pretty good.
I had completely forgotten this album, but as soon as I saw the cover and started playing it, I was whisked back to the lounge rooms of countless share houses in the 90s. Something about this music doesn't stick for me though
Coincidentally the podcast 'A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs' released an episode on Dark Star while I was listening to this. The podcast makes the Grateful Dead sound interesting - if fact, seems like dull hippy noodling to me of the worst kind. The podcast says that you can't really appreciate the Grateful Dead unless you hear them live, while you're tripping. But you could say that about any band? Saved from my first '1' rating by the Feedback son.
It was OK - nothing struck me
There's some good songs in there - but how can I rate something this long - over 2 hrs!
Of course, I have been aware of them since the 80s, but never really listened to them. Perhaps now it is too late for them to grab me - but was OK
10am - too much 10pm - loved it This is not background music
Radiohead hadn't really got through to me before - but I like this quite a bit
Historical, but you can feel his energy blasting through
I have always loved Bob Marley - he's a huge talent. This album has some amazing tracks (Natural Mystic, Exodus and Jamming), but also unfortunately some annoying tunes (Three Little Birds) that stop me giving it a 5. It is a little over-exposed in the beach bars of SE Asia, but you can't blame him for that.
On the one hand, it's a cool cover, I like his voice, the storytelling, the harmonies, and subtle arrangements. On the other hand, I can't help wondering if this is the sort of thing that has fed into and built up the US gun-culture over the years?
I feel this album has earned its place on this list, and I didn't mind hearing it again after such a long time, I don't think I'll be listening to it again
As some other reviewers have commented, this album is buried in my subconscious having listened to it since I was a little kid. I still love it
Interesting to hear where that song Feelin' Alright comes from. Otherwise it was OK, but can't see myself revisiting
This album really evokes my childhood in the 70s - it's deeply embedded. It has been a long time since I listened to it, and I enjoyed it. There is some substance here.
I appreciate the simplicity of the production, and historical importance
Some about this 70s german synth music draws me in - like soviet sci-fi. And it is one of the great album covers
It's OK. Had to put aside the anti-celebrity bias. Probably would have enjoyed it more in my 20s, which was in the 90s.
For whatever reason (young kids I suppose) I never paid this album that much attention when it was released, though Seven Nation Army was hard to escape of course. I missed something - it's a great collection. For the record, I love the drumming on this album.
Never heard of this group. The album grew on me after a few listens, the track 'Revival' in particular.
It's tight and well produced - but I'm not the market for it
This band still cuts through - Holiday in Cambodia and California Uber Alles are such great tracks
It's very evocative of the late 80s and there are some classic tracks
I've known of this band for ages but never really listened to them. And I don't usually like this sort of music. But these tracks grew on me after 2-3 listens
Long time listener, yet it still gives me chills
A strange one - novelty album well past its use by date? Or a sort of pioneer. There's a fair amount of 'ewww'. I only knew his couple of hits. Almost a 2, because I didn't really enjoy listening to it - but scrapes in with a 3 due to originality
Pretty smooth, she has a great voice, good to work to
Pretty raw, lot of energy but those vocals were hard work sometimes
Better than I expected, very long of course, but there was a lot in there. Came to this with minimal knowledge and was pleasantly surprised.
Interesting album, and one I'd not listened to before. Hard to believe it was released in 1973, could have been yesterday. There is a lot of depth here, though lyrics and vocals can occasionally grate.
Quite enjoyed this. I suspect King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard don't mind a bit of Faust
Heard the singles of course, but never listened to the album. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I would prepare for something slick and digestible, but there was depth and complexity
Known of the Slits for ages, but never sought them out. Expecting typical UK 70s punk, but this subverted those expectations
It came out at a time when I was too busy with kids etc to pay attention to music. Parts flickered with recognition - was OK
Would have been a 3, but + 1 due to Bernard Edwards bass - he is awesome
Somehow have never listened to this album before. I knew and appreciated the hits, but the other songs are great too. Even the odd lyrics in songs like At The Zoo have a charm. And at 29mins, it doesn't overstay its welcome.
I found this a bit dreary
Blandish 60s rock - not sure it should be on this list. I had heard the name, but never listened to them. Now I know
This is the Nick Drake album that hit me, and it has stuck. Before the internet, one great way to find new music was through film soundtracks - which is how I found this, from the film Dream with the Fishes. Weird thing is I sent it as a recommendation to my daughter who is travelling - and she had just listened to it while sitting next to a river in Slovenia
Yet another band I feel that I've always known about, but never actually listened to. I enjoyed this - playful and experimental
Doesn't appeal to me as much as other blues artists - a little smooth perhaps? But OK
Nostalgic to hear this album again. Saw them live back in the day, though never a huge fan
Almost a 3, but Bongo bong is super- annoying, and I still resent it's omnipresence back in the day. This is the ultimate backpacker album
I never saw myself as an Elvis fan, but I liked this more than I thought I would - wasn't too slick
I only recalled Drop the Pilot - it's a warm 70s album and her voice is beautiful. I enjoyed it, but not sure there is enough for me to revist
Kanye makes my skin crawl
A really beautiful complex accomplished album - for me it captures something essential about growing up in Australia in the '80s. I'm surprised at the harshness of the reviews here - it doesn't translate?
Known the name for ages, but never listened. They were OK, Dragon Queen was pretty good.
Nice voice - but a bit too smooth for me
Boring. Muzak
I agree with the reviewer who noted this as a 'palate cleanser' - following the last couple of fairly bland records I listened to. I wasn't really into this band back in the day, but I like the integrity and intensity now
In tears she poured out words with a faint voice, lamenting her sad woe, as when the swan about to die sings a funereal dirge.
They seem like a party band who would have been fun to see at the time, but not really a seminal release that justifies inclusion on this list. And I agree with the other reviewer about Come See Come Saw being a rip-off of 'Know Your Product' from the Saints. Penalty of one star for that.
60% elemental and classic and 40% questionable in a Spinal Tap sense. Overall I enjoyed it
I love this album - have it on vinyl. Basically what the 1 star and 2 star reviews said about it, I think the opposite
It had a mood - I didn't mind it
Clearly a classic - even though hard to take seriously after Spinal Tap. I used to love Run to the Hills when I was a kid
Doesn't do much for me - it all seems a bit hackneyed
Nice textures - but for me background music
I've always thought these guys were overrated, but this album is actually OK - pleasant country style
It was OK - document of its time I suppose
Enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Had a kind of elemental simplicity - like a southern rock Ramones. I've heard La Grange a million times with no idea of who it was - assumed it was someone like John Lee Hooker
Another album I have known about for a long time, but never listened to. I didn't mind it, a little too self conscious for me (I think the Wes Anderson references in other reviews are spot on), but there are some good moments.
Never heard of them before. I don't mind something experimental like this as a palate-cleanser
Classic Britpop, which I remember from the time, it being everywhere. My ears pricked up at the Stranglers quote from 'Waking Up' - I note that it seems it was the Stranglers' publisher who sued rather than the band, and that they were actually happy with the interpretation and I would agree their views. I think Elastica took a great hook and did something new with it - that is pop!
I didn't mind this - interesting texture, though not really my thing.
Smooth, almost too smooth, but I didn't mind it
I figured I should listen to the German version. I liked the soundscape and the way they say Trans-Oyropa
Pretty crazy, out of left field for this list. A real mix of sounds and influences. I don't know much about Bollywood soundtracks, or where this example sits, however I really enjoyed it!
"If she says she can do it, she can do it - she don't make false claims" One of my favourite lines in rock music. Classic album from Bowie's prime. I love it
Another record I've known about for years, seen the cover many times, yet never listened to. The riff from 21st Schizoid Man is fantastic and familar. The rest is OK - I can see the influence on lots of other artists such as Frank Zappa and John Zorn
They are probably a 3, but I'm giving them 4 because they are Australian, and Get Free is awesome
He knows how to create a mood, and there are some beautiful lines in this album
Friends of mine love him, but Van Morrison just doesn't do it for me - especially a live album
Don't like it - prog rock muzak
Like almost every other reviewer here, I think California Dreamin' carries this record. Though Got A Feelin' is also pretty good. Never listened to a full Mamas and Papas album before
Really? This is very lightweight. Groove is in the heart saturated Sydney bars in the early 90s
I wish I had one of those suits - otherwise pleasant twangy music to work to
I'm just not buying it - overblown
I think it is outrageous that Spotify has a poxy-new age imposter pretending to be the original album. On the other hand, the original - a crackly version on YouTube is pretty good.
This was one of the first albums I started listening to of my own volition as a 12-13 year old, so I can't pretend to review it neutrally. I can accept the criticisms made here, but it still resonates for me.
OK - but I agree with many other reviewers - seems a bit mediocre to justify inclusion on this list.
As noted in other reviews, starts off ok but becomes repeditive
Better than I had expected, having assumed that most of the talent in the Smiths was Marr and the others.
It does sound a little ahead of its time, and I can hear some Nick Cave stylings in there!
Nice - but a bit dull for mine
Not bad. I had never heard of them, but like their southern rock sound.
Never heard of it, and can't see any reason for it to be on this list - even though it is pleasant
I love the way she uses her voice, and her lyrical twists. Usually I wouldn't go for such retro music, but she takes it somewhere else, in a way that other similar artists couldn't. Such a tragedy the way she was torn apart.
I love this album - though I have not got into Irish folk generally. It's strange, because the more traditional songs on this album are my favourites. Perhaps I should investigate further.
A great album, brilliant and genuine lyrics enhanced by the accent. And it rocks. Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor is one of my favourite tracks ever
Well - it exists. Although I thought I had a fairly good awareness of this era, I'd never heard of them. Nothing jumps out at me now
Ant Music and Dog Eat Dog are remembered from childhood. The rest is bonkers enough to be a bit interesting.
Album #500 for me! Pity it's not a 5, but still pretty good. Highway Star is a classic. I think Smoke on the Water is the worst song, and is only famous because everyone can play the riff.
I have Loveless on vinyl, and it will be getting a 5 when it comes up. I don't feel the same way about this one, but perhaps because I've come to it lately?
I've always loved Revelator, and Everything is Free. Beautiful and sparse. But a whole album in one go is a little bit much for me.
No argument about this album's place on the list. I have a vinyl copy I bought as a kid. But it is a strange beast, some beautifully written bits, some weird creepy bits (which are currently taking over Roger Waters), and overblown parts that have not aged that well. It is out there on its own, and I was happy to listen to it again.
I was lucky enough to see the Waterboys in Cork in the late 80s. This is a beautiful album, made with a lot of passion
I enjoyed this much more than I thought I would. Yes it is old-time country, but there is the slightly cabaret touch that makes it interesting slightly dark.
Some good songs, but I am more familiar with The Queen is Dead and still prefer it.
Surprised to hear they were British - assumed US. Rating - feels like rating a piece of furniture or something. They are just there, always have been.
Not my favourite era, but a nice foreshadowing of what they would become.
I love her voice, her delivery, phrasing etc. And some great songs and arrangements. I enjoyed this more than I thought I would
Last record 'Dusty in Memphis', then this! But all good - Life's Rich Pageant (haven't had that yet). I knew of Pantera, but hadn't really listened to them before. This was one of those records which 'did what it said on the tin' - but did it well I think.
It's OK
Not liking the Fugees that much I have never listened to the album, apart from the DooWop single which was hard to escape at the time. I was pleasantly surprised by this - I love the loose rambling feel.
I remember the hit, but it seems a strangely insubstantial inclusion?
I liked the textures of this album. Quite different to their other stuff. It was enough to keep me engaged.
Quality of course, but it doesn't really touch me
Enjoyed the cyberpunk space ship / post soviet industrial ambience
Nostalgia the main reaction from me. Very 90s Sydney vibes
I like getting these from left field - but can't say I would listen again. I prefer Serge Gainsbourg in this genre
It's strange how some albums just hit you. I love this. I saw them play once and am sure they were the loudest band I've ever heard. Swimming in sound
I thought I knew this album, but actually I had been listening to some kind of compilation (with many of the same tracks). There are some great songs, reminds me of a long car trip we took when the kids were little. Kermit the Frog - not a bad comparison - but it still works for some reason
Eerie otherworldiness tempered with love and sensuality
Pleasant but for me, a little dull
A good recommendation, something different. I enjoyed the brazillian feel, and the experimentation in some tracks. Exposure to albums like this, which i wouldn't have come across otherwise, is why I am involved in this project.
I'd never heard of this band. They seem a bit average to be on this list?
I saw them once as a youngster and remember being blown away - bass player performed in a towel only? But for mine, this album hasn't really aged well.
Pleasant Americana - but not much more than that for me.
Over the course of a few listens this grew on me. As I became accustomed to the quirks, the underlying qualities emerged. Like your eyes upon entering into a dark place.
Too cheesy and camp for me, but can understand it would be iconic for some people
This late 50s rock isn't usually my thing, but the Everly brothers bring something different. Love Hurts is a great track
I could listen to that on a Sunday afternoon
I've always found him a but cute - but there is some great music on this album, and I think he does deserve credit for helping to transmit that beautiful South African music to a wider audience (though of course the original is best!)
Enjoyed the harmonies
Surprised how much I liked this - reminded me a little of Bjork
An album I'd heard about a million times but never extended myself to listen to it. It was OK
Classy and elegant
I enjoyed this, even though familiar the songs are still raw and powerful.
A huge nostalgia rush for me, having received the LP for christmas as a kids when it was released. I haven't really been an ABBA fan since, but these songs are better than I thought they would be.
It was pretty good, happy to listen to it, but I don't think it added much to what Stooges, Bowie etc had already done
Interesting album, original, some unexpectedly familiar tunes I didn't know where they came from. This is the sort of album that this project should be uncovering.
Aware of them (due to Blixa being in the Bad Seeds), seen the t-shirt, never listened to them much before. I dug it, experimental in the best sense. Another album that justifies this project.
I have a soft spot for this 70s roots reggae
One of those albums I have never got around to listening to, so only knew the title track. Very different to what I expected - more Zappa less AC/DC. Didn't mind it.
Pleasant - if not really my thing
A great record, some tracks I had heard before without knowing their origin eg Definitive Gaze. They seem like an underrated band to me
XTC always produce interesting catchy music, but it was a hassle listening to this on YouTube with ads
I've enjoyed other recordings of Ute Lemper singing Kurt Weill - but I agree with other reviewers, there was something a little phony about this.
I had originally written her off due to her vocal approach - couldn't stand it. But I made myself listen to this album a couple of times, and while it still is not my thing, I can hear what is behind it now
Never heard of this band. I thought it was a pretty good record - shades of Sonic Youth.
It was OK - of its time
Freak Scene was everywhere when I was a kid in Sydney in the late 80s early 90s - I like the song, but for some reason never pursued this band. There are some great tracks on this 'No Bones', 'Don't' that'll I'll listen to again
One of those bands that can get a festival crowd going, but I don't really need to hear records of. Lucky, given they're not on Spotify
I don't mind these headcleaners popping up occasionally. Not sure I'll bother to go back to it though
It was OK - just kind of slid through my head without me noticing much
Not quite as good as Fear... and It takes... - but, well, it's still PE
It's pretty good, understand it is iconic, but it kid of slides past me
Unexpectedly fantastic - I have always associated them with Bryan Ferry crooning Avalon (which is a great song), but this was something quite different. Will listen again
Interesting - another band I've heard of since the 80's but for some reason never listened to. I thought they were pretty good.
Pretty good, just not quite as good as Loveless
A great album. Interesting to see how since his personal tragedies, Nick Cave has become a modern-day sage through his Red Hand Files
What an amazing voice, and beautiful production. I'm reminded of David Bowie's Black Star in the sense of the gravitas of these records released at the end of a star's career/life
I'm familiar with that cover - from second hand record shops perhaps, it is pretty distinctive. This record is pretty mad, some bits rock, other bits are trippy, then there is the weird narration. 1968 I guess
Great album
I enjoyed this album - to songs, the mood the production. Didn't really listen to it at the time, but appreciate it now.
Interesting to hear this band, having known of the name for a long time. 'Gentlemen' was my favourite track.
Pleasant enough - nothing stands out.
Beautiful and unique
Old Times Good Times featuring Hendrix was my favourite track. Very 70s cruisy album.
A classic album - can't go past Reelin' in the Years for my favourite track on this one, though they are all pretty good
It's OK - but prefer the Smiths - can't see myself going back to it
Hadn't listened to this before - good fun - my favourite I Luv U 'Oh well'!
I respect the idea of this - short bursts of songs, express your idea then get out of there. Favourite tracks Shit from an Old Notebook, The Glory of Man, Storm in my House
OK - I'll be around was my favourite track
First hearing, very smooth - possibly too much so? Favourite track Dancewitme
Not sure why I never paid these guys the attention I paid to Sonic Youth, the Pixies etc. It's a great album, favourite tracks are Conduit for Sale, and Jackals, False Grails: The Lonesome Era. It was also interesting to hear Here - which I knew previously as a Tindersticks cover.
Interesting as an historial artifact, and for who produced it - but not interesting as music
It was OK, and brings back memories of the 90s - but couldn't hear a track that stood out
Such a great - if inconsistent - group. Best tracks here for me are Seven and Seven Is, and She Comes in Colours.
Hank and Lefty, or the cover of For No One probably my favourites. I don't naturally gravitate to this type of country, but can still appreciate the beauty of this album
A band I seem to always have known of, but never listened to. It wasn't quite what I expected, and quite stranger mix of different music - blues, soul jazz etc Spinning Wheel is pretty good
I 'kind of' liked Husker Du in the day and still do. Ice Cold Ice is a good track, and they have a cool name.
I like it, though could understand a comment from someone who found it a bit smooth. One of These Things First, or Bryter Layter my favourites
It's a well made album, but pretty self-congratulatory. And was the inspiration for hundreds of Idol, X-Factor yowlers?
I really enjoyed this album, which was new to me. Experimental, but great rocking songs. Like Bowie, but different. Favourite tracks, Bitter Sweet & Casanova.
Better than I remembered. Love Action is a classic
I didn't mind it, though not sure I would bother going back to it. Favourite tracks probably My Way of Giving or It's All Over Now
Not being a Folk fan, I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Favourite tracks - The Calvary Cross and I Went to See the Bright Lights Tonight.
Had only vaguely heard of Finley before this, which is probably about right. Ultra Stimulation was OK
So not Celine Dion, another one... it seemed like pretty generic 70s MOR AOR. OK, but nothing stood out to me
Happy to get this - something fresh and different. I saw him in the 90s at Womadelaide. It is pretty uplifting music and I love the loping beat.
Is what it is. Well produced, just doesn't touch me
Reminded me of an old flatmate - it was OK, with a tinge of nostalgia. Assessment my favourite track
Scarborough Fair really is beautiful, not matter how many times I hear it. The rest of the album is OK
More Iggy - thanks! Passenger is a classic
Better than I thought it would be, but I did have low expectations. Sort of Beastie Boys light. Favourite track Scooby Snacks
This one just flows past - the first one, Strange Feelin', is a bit of a Miles Davis homage?
A classic album - good to listen to it here
A good album, hadn't listened to it before, but a favourite of my daughters. Ecstasy is a great song
Pretty solid I guess, but I suppose I prefer Blur
Seems undistinguished to me. 'Don't Die Just yet' was the track I enjoyed the most, but I think it is a rip-off of a Serge Gainsbourg tune?
Not bad - interesting to hear them at this early stage - another band I'd heard of for ages but never really heard
Pretty boring
A mixed bag - didn't mind Long Gone
I wonder how long (if ever) it will be before the B word is as toxic as the N word? I just don't get the ongoing double standard. But on the other hand this has a great sound and flow? Nup sorry Snoop, 2 for you.
I'm always partial to these guys - can't really pick a favourite. And the doco Dig is fantastic
Never heard of this group. It was listenable, but didn't seem to merit including in this list.
Although some tracks are the most seriously overplayed in history, it actually isn't that bad.
It's OK - pretty smooth in a Silk Sonic way. Strange reference to KFC in one of the songs. Product placement?
It's OK - just flows past - nothing stood out for me
Haven't listened to Ryan Adams much, though have heard quite a bit about him. It was alright, but I can't see myself revisiting. Last track, Sweet Lil' gal was my favourite
Weirder than I thought it would be, kind of mental. Funny that Neil performed it in the Young Ones. And all the Kazoo, Jaw Harp, and other strange instruments. I'm glad I was exposed to it here
Pretty good - 90's cabaret industrial or something. L'Amourir was my favourite
I'd never heard of this group. The album grew on me over a few listens. Hard to pick a favourite track - perhaps Lion in a Coma, Daily Routine, No More Runnin
One of my favourite albums ever - and if you don't get it, check out their set at Woodstock
I enjoyed this Artist and Album - hadn't heard of either before. Relaxing vibe, beautiful voice and some interesting lyrics
A classic - obviously
Enjoyed the 100% 70s sound - favourite track Get on Top
An odd choice - not complaining of course, that is what I have signed up for. I actually have a couple of LPs of this sort of music in my collection (Lost in the Stars, a collection of Kurt Weill songs by Tom Waits and other artists is fantastic).
Haven't listened to this for ages, what a nostalgia blast. The Cure were so dominant in Sydney in the 80s. Our high school rock band covered A Forest. I think it holds up more or less
It's a drum and bass record innit? Seems OK to me, but I can tell these sorts of tracks apart from one another
Although I think they improved with later albums, I'm never going to give the Beastie Boys less than 4
It's OK - not likely to go back to it
Pretty smooth, happy to listen to it a couple of times
While the union songs don't really gel with me, i think Billy's pretty good writing about human relationships to. I have this one on vinyl from back in the day, and have always loved Greetings to the New Brunette.
I would have loved them when I was 20. Now i think they are OK, but can't see myself going back to the Hives. Best track (and cool title) Hives are Law, You are Crime
I love this album, 4 star rating is because I think Tom has done better (Raindogs, Swordfishtrombones, Franks Wild years). The bass player is amazing and does need to be chained up
Pretty good, not bad, can't complain, but actually everything's just about the same. This album really grew on me after a few listens. Dylanesque - but I actually prefer this. Could return to it
Really not my thing - there is often something a bit off about this 70s UK prog rock
Kick out the Jams is a great riff, but they just don't seem as good as the Stooges
Not my favourite Elvis Costello album, but has some good tracks. I Want You is interesting, I think it is a fantastic song, but I would be reluctant to recommend it to anyone, as it is also quite creepy
Didn't mind this, found my head bobbing along as I listened while I worked. I do love that African bubbling bass, tinkling guitar combo, and he does have a great voice. But he is not a great guy, judging by the Wikipedia entry. Qui Cherche Trouve probably my favourite track
A band I'd heard of, but never bothered to seek out at the time. They were OK, but it is not a good sign when you are listening to it while you work, your ears perk up 'That song's OK' but Spotify has run on, and it is Long Division by Fugazi.... There was a weird 'snoring' chorus in one song
Donovan has dated for sure, but this was better than I thought it might be. Three King Fishers was my favourite track
One of my favourite albums of all time. Marc Ribot's solo in Jockey Full of Bourbon is one of the best solos of all time, especially with Keith Richards chugging away behind him. Funny to see that the ratings are almost all 1 or 5 with nothing in between. I think this is what artists should aspire to, and I think Tom Waits would appreciate this. 5 for me!
Talented, competent, but it just doesn't touch me - something like Queen. Happy to acknowledge it as a milestone album though
OK, but nothing too distinctive for me. Price Tags was pretty good.
So weird to listen to this album now. It was so huge then, but sounds so dated in 2024 with that MOR saxophone and MTV references. He really does sound like some middle-aged guy trying to sound cool. I don't mind Sultans of Swing, but I am not sure there is anything here that I really need to go back to.
I don't really have any comments on this - I'm not the audience. Seems competent
Another band I was aware of, but hadn't really listened. Halo of Ashes was good, but i don't think there is anything here I need to come back to.
Nostalgia to hear it again, it was everywhere then
Never heard of this artist or album. I was surprised at how un-Folk it was, strong 70s vibe, and nod towards Nick Drake. Enjoyed it, not sure if I need to return. Most interesting track was probably Dreams by the Sea
I don't like Bono, but I do like this album
A band I've been curious about - this was pretty good. Favourite track Flugufrelsarinn
Pretty good - I love it when they do a roll call of countries in latin music (see Plastico)
Another band I've known the name of forever but never sought out - recognised Appetite and a couple of other tracks. Nice pop songs, didn't mind this at all
Nice Mingus vibes at some points, and I could hear the South African feel too
The Kinks are such an odd band - occupying this weird place compared to the Beatles and the Stones, and with such a wildly disparate sound between songs. Another album I knew of, but hadn't listened to. I enjoyed it, and the track by track discussion on the Wikipedia entry really enhanced the experience
Pretty good. I was surprised by how many songs I recognised from this, including Metronomic Underground
It's OK, I remember when this was big, but it is a bit too low key for me. And the best tracks, including Sweet Jane, are covers.
Classic of it's kind I suppose, but doesn't really resonate with me
Pedestrian. A little while ago, I received a free ticket to see KISS and went along for curiousity. I thought they might be one of those bands that had more hits than I remembered. They weren't. 'I Was Made For Loving You' is a great song, but there isn't much else.
A great album which grows on you with each listen. I didn't pay much attention to it back in the day - but it is very popular with my kids' circles (ie around 20 y.o.).
It's unpatriotic of me - but AC/DC don't really do it for me, like KISS, I also find them a bit pedestrian. But respect for plying their trade with skill I guess
OK - I've heard it, acknowledge that it exists, but won't be listening to it again
Soaked in the 70s that album - I prefer Tom Waits for this sort of thing
Pretty good for a 2nd-tier band. Yet another one I've known the name for ages, had never really listened to, now I have, and now I can place them. He really does sound like Bowie - I wonder why he seemed so interested in them?
Really beautiful record - especially if you feel like remembering someone who has passed away
I enjoyed this - especially Mark E Smith's delivery with '-uh' at the end of each phrase. Rough and raw
Never really listened to Slade - before my time. They're another interesting 2nd tier band. Interesting to hear connections with Bowie and Beatles coming through the Glam Rock - Wandering Y and Man Who Speaks Evil were favourites
Two Fall albums almost in row. I enjoyed this one, they are really growing on me.
I wasn't looking forward to this, and I wasn't disappointed. It's proficient - but not for me
A great title, and I enjoyed the laid-back 70s vibe - probably Harry's House my favourite
For me, the Who are a band who can and could be great - but they divert into a vibe that is a bit creepy. Like I Can See for Miles and Miles as a classic example. So happy to give this album a go, but won't come back to it.
While I think the Police are a fantastic group, this is my least favourite album. Perhaps too much Sting, not enough Stu. Synchronicity is my favourite song. and shout out to 'Scrantonicity'!
Cool story behind the name - otherwise it was just techo playing behind me while I worked, with the odd catchy chorus.
It was OK - samurai movie quotes seemed hokey, and music seemed a bit generic to me.
That was fun - Chic Cheer my favourite (Le Freak is great of course, but I have just heard it too many times)
I like this era of reggae Tosh and Marley together, and while I hadn't listened to this album through before, I knew a lot of the songs - 400 Year or Kinky Reggae probably my favourites.
Sorry I just don't see it - I mean it's OK, but I prefer others
I love Lou Reed, but this one was a bit patchy. I liked the tracks I had heard before - Caroline Says, How Do You Think it Feels. That track The Kids is awful with the crying - had to skip it
A bit too long - its OK
Was aware of this band, but had never really listened to them. I enjoyed this, they are trying to do their own thing - favourite track was Bomb Yourself. Will come back to them.
These guys passed me by at the time.
I can't see this in the list - don't think the orchestra adds anything of substance
Don't mind a bit of post-punk. Heard of Bauhaus but first listen
Not usually a prog-rock fan, but there was something about this that hit the spot
I remember this from the time, but it passed me by then and now. It's OK
Pretty good fun - these guys were fantastic live back in the day
I love her voice - though this is pretty straight stuff
Interesting, and I am glad it was served up to me. However I can't see myself going back to it.
It's the second album I've heard which has made me think Hole and Courtney Love have been underestimated. This is a great recording which i will come back to. Malibu and Northern Star in particular are great songs.
Solid 60's British Blues I guess. Interesting to hear the Led Zep antecedents, but can't see that I would need to go back to it.
Interesting artefact, and to hear the roots of metal, but the record itself is heaving going
Enjoyed this and will go back to it, especially Dumb Waiters and Pretty in Pink. A real sense of the 80s.
Not an album I had listened to much, but I really enjoyed it, particularly the title track
Interesting, but I'm not going back to it. Reminiscent of Pink Floyd
It's well put together, and better than I thought, but that style of singing grates on me - it has infected every talent show singer
These faithful reproductions aren't really my thing, even if they are as beautifully done as this was.
I had never considered myself a G&R fan - but there are a lot of great songs on this album, which I have never listened to in full before. My Michelle was a new favourite for me.
He has a distinct sound - strange how the world seems less open to music like this now. Daniibe my favourite track
Never heard of them - didn't mind this time but probably no need to go back, Iggy Pop notwithstanding
Obviously a classic
It's OK - a little unfairly maligned? Earlybird was my favourite new track
There was a fantastic punk band in Sydney called X. I knew there was a US band with the same name, but have never listened to them. Now I have. Pretty good.
Background music for work. Never heard of them before, but didn't mind
Classic songs on this album, and they have such a strong unique sound. I love the Stranglers
More grating than I remembered, but worth a couple of listens
Happy to listen to a Stevie Wonder album of course. I wasn't familiar with this - which is a bonus. But I don't think it is quite as good as Innervisions
Although this is not my favourite Peter Tosh album, it is my favourite period of reggae - No Sympathy is a great song
I'd never been interested in this band - too goth. But it wasn't bad. Favourite track, Lucretia My Reflection.
Don't mind it - probably wouldn't seek it out
Unexpectedly good - a cut above the usual late 60's psychedelia. I'll come back to this one.
Enjoyed this - funny that their most famous song is kind of their most annoying one. Favourites - The Teams that Meet in Caffs, and Geno
It was OK, but I was expecting more I think. They were a band I had overlooked, and thought this might be a revelation, but didn't really do that much for me.
Not quite what I thought it would be. He is an amazing singer, but it does seem to lean on cliche, and some of those covers seem a bit sketchy
A classic with some of my favourite songs ever.
There is a consistent sound through this album that does make the songs indistinguishable to some extent. However I didn't mind listening to it a few times through while working.
Like many others, I give this a 4 due to Superstition.
Pleasant country - can't say more than that
It was OK - didn't really speak to me, but then again, I'm probably not the audience
Suedehead is a great song, Bengali in Platforms seems like a foreshadowing of his current questionable positions, and the rest of it is kind of the Smiths but not quite as good.
Big nostalgia blast for me, though they weren't in the first rank for me at the time.
Just flows past - Fire and Rain is a pretty good song though
I wasn't familiar with this Cure album - I respect the intention and the sound they acheived
Pretty amazing album for 1978 - it improved on repeated listenings, and I'll probably come back to it
This was pretty awful - not sure what it is doing here
I really enjoyed this today - When You Dance You Can Really Love was my favourite track
Never heard of this band, and it is not clear to me why they would be on this list.
Brilliant album, not one that I am too familiar with. Great to hear REM when they were raw!
Pretty good, was familiar with Broken English and Ballad of Lucy Jordan. She is an institution.
Great album - Sugar on my Tongue a discovery
Heard of them, but had never listened. Pretty good - favourite track probably the first one The Shining Hour.
More interesting than I thought it would be
A good album from an artist I always overlooked. Quiet Life and the cover of All Tomorrows Parties were my favourite tracks
Alright to listen to while I worked - but I would query it's inclusion on this list. Not really groundbreaking and kind of forgettable
OK - but not sure about this record's place in the 1001
Interesting, and justifies inclusion, but I don't see myself going back to it. The Dreaming has not aged well - weird Rolf Harris vibes and strange Australian accent
I enjoyed this more than I thought I would - Rock Your Body is a great track
The first time I 'got' jazz was listening to this album as a teenager. It's been a long time, but I found myself humming along to so many beautiful moments. Really enjoyed this, and won't neglect it so much in the future
I've seen the name around, so interesting to hear what they sound like. But it didn't make a big impression on me.
Good- but not their best
I didn't mind listening to this - especially his Hank Williams covers. But historical interest, more than something I would go back to.
Not entirely my thing, but I can see the appeal - and clearly deserves its place on this list
With a couple of exceptions, this is a pretty ordinary record. They can do better
Yet another album where I knew the hits, but had never listened to the whole thing. Not exactly my thing, but still pretty good, a coherent piece of work.
Like other reviewers, one of the reasons I signed up is to come across albums like this. Can't say would necessarily come back to it, but I am glad to know that it exists, and that I have given it a few 'spins'
In the Kingdom # 19 is a great driving song! I was obsessed with this band in my 20s, played this one on heavy repeat. Something about the guitars, JG Ballard vibe etc etc
Imagine coming across this on vinyl in the 70s. Some weird shit for sure. Why not?
Terrible, like Gil Scott-Heron, but with no talent. I could only listen to that once.
Reminded me of an old flatmate who used to play this off a burned CD all the time. There are some songs such as Human Being and Gone that I could come back to.
Didn't mind that
First time listening to a whole EWF Album - it would have been good if they could have cut loose Africano style more
Basically a perfect album - i feel back to being 10 years old, listening to Starman
Classic of its time - brings back memories
I remember 'I Had Too Much to Dream...' from an old Nuggets record. Its a good track, and even though this record is patchy overall, there are a few other good ones.
Solid 60s rock I guess, not sure I would bother to go back to it
I like the Lawrence of Arabia quote in 'Oh What a World', and the rest of the album is pretty lush. I enjoyed this one
First time for me - enjoyed the discovery
He's always interesting. Might come back to Black Sheep Boy later
Iggy Pop + Bowie + Berlin = 5 stars of course
Interesting time capsule. Happy to have listened to it a few times
I enjoyed this - favourite song was Ronnie and Neil, but will come back to it I think
Had heard of, but not heard, these guys before. Not sure how it missed me back in the day back in the nineties. I enjoyed listening to this, and may come back to it. Great cover photo
Pretty good. I do think they bring something new to the genre, and would be happy to go back to them. I'm Not the One was one of my favourites
It's the Clash so guaranteed 5, even if I prefer some of the later albums. 'I'm so bored with the USA' pretty much sums up our current era
An old favourite of mine, even if there are a couple of tracks that could have been left off (On Any Other Day). But with Walking on the Moon and Message in a Bottle - definately 5
A classic record - The One I Love still makes me a bit emotional. I remember be affected by it when travelling in my twenties.
Ok for background music while working
This one really grew on my after a few listens - simple and direct in a punk style. I've added Fast Cars to my playlist
Historic and interesting for sure - but as others have noted, it suffers from the fact that other artists built on and improve these foundations. Glad I went through it a couple of times, but can't see myself coming back to it.
This was a great album that unfortunately I overlooked at the time. I'll come back to this
I enjoyed this - interesting to hear how it foreshadowed Eno and Talking heads for instance.
Pleasant - updated Sade - didn't mind
I knew the name, but missed them when they came out. Not too bad
Didn't mind - liked the double bass in Brown Paper Bag
Pretty fantastic - haven't heard it before, other than Rikki of course. I think here they pull off the type of album a lot of other bands aspire to. Note also that my hipster 18 y.o. son has a weird liking for these guys.
One of my favourite albums, and Crosseyed and Painless one of my favourite songs - amazing the range of genres they played with and foreshadowed (The Overload - sounds like Joy Division for example). Amazing record - hard 5
As it happens, I've never listened to this album from start to finish, even though I have always loved Dreams. It's pretty good. My other favourite track was The Chain.
A record I saw in every 2nd-hand record store or stall (when we had such things), never listened to it then, and now I have. Weird how he only seems to have existed through this one record? Anyway, it is serviceable I guess
Sure it's fun, and they were fun at the time, but that falsetto is a bit much.
Hadn't heard of these guys - interesting evolutionary step, bits of Ramones, Radio Birdman, beach boys
Interesting and enjoyable to listen to this album through in full a couple of times after all these years. I think it still holds up.