Frampton Comes Alive
Peter FramptonEverytime I think the 70s were cool I'm going to remind myself this tepid guitarist wankfest was the best selling album of 1976. 2/10 smooth music for smooth brains.
Everytime I think the 70s were cool I'm going to remind myself this tepid guitarist wankfest was the best selling album of 1976. 2/10 smooth music for smooth brains.
If you don't like this album then you don't like Neil Young. If you like Neil Young this is about as good as it gets.
Fucking unhinged 9/10
So Roger Waters spat on a fan during a concert and instead of having some self reflection and becoming a better, more humble person he instead writes an 80 minute ego stroke about how its all everyone else's fault. 6/10 Comfortably numb is probably my favourite pink Floyd song though.
Listening to this will make your neck red and your rocking chair squeak. It'll make your overalls faded and your shotgun loaded. It'll turn your cousin's attractive and your brandy into moonshine.
Getting depressed has never gone down this smooth. Self indulgent. The only break from depressing is melancholy and apathy. Dark. Also devastatingly beautiful. Polished until it shimmers and gleams. The cure did make better pop music but this is their best music.
Stevie clearly hitting his stride. Superstition stands out. Kinda timeless. Some fat basslines.
Some absolute trash mixed in with some of the prettiest pop songs ever written.
This is terrible.
It Elvis. Live
Morrissey that only wallows in misery and self pity half the time. I'll be honest I don't like his songwriting. Years ahead of his time though.
Straight up blues but not the really great heartache blues of old. Some great features. Very polished sound.
Beige is not a colour of spring.
This is good. Except even for 65 it sounds like it was recorded through a payphone
This is like listening to an argument between a visionary who wants to change the shape of music forever(Eno) and a visionary who envisions a bigger bank account(Perry). The whole things sounds about 10 years ahead of its time. But let's be real Brian Eno is the real genius here.
A snapshot in time.
Oh man this goes off. What a voice. Power and tenderness all at once.
I enjoyed this album a lot more than I thought I would. Varied and interesting the whole way through.
Pretty good for new wave, keeping a lot of it's punk roots on show. Couple of tracks I'm sure I've heard before or maybe it's just Belinda Carlisle. Really great energy throughout.
Believe it not kids, there was a time Kanye was a focused, creative and energetic musician and producer. This holds up pretty well. The hits still hit.
This is just acoustic guitar and reverb. Folk music for suburbanites. Safe, shallow and utterly soulless. This spawned a million douchebags wearing flannel shirts carrying around the most expensive guitar daddy could afford wailing into microphones pretending to be deep and sensitive.
Apparently if you were in the music industry in the 70s and liked heroin, you had to do an album with David Bowie. This is a David Bowie album. The production, the music, even the lyrics scream Bowie. It's good but it lacks the menace of Iggys later work or the noise and violence of the stooges.
Not my style of music at all. If I was the bass player I'd buy a cool hat and start a band singing about speed and gambling. Honestly give me two hits of acid and a time machine and I probably would of loved this concert. 7/10
I don't even know how to rate this. The songs are fine. First three tracks got played nonstop on commercial radio for 30 years for a reason. But man it just sucks for some reason. Maroon 5 for boomers
Interesting, I am able to find something I enjoy in almost every track. Different and experimental in its use of instruments. I don't think this deserves to stand next to some the giants on this list but I can honestly say I've never really heard anything like it. 7/10 but I'll give it four stars because after enduring the Eagles this was fresh and kinda fun.
I'm sure a lot of babies were conceived while this was playing back in the day.
Self indulgent egotism. Actually the worst janes addiction album. I know some Gen X types that think this is some sort of masterpiece. I guess you had to be there because I just don't see it. 6/10
Pretty good. A few duds. It's so hard to say when REM were at their best, this is close.
Boring. Horribly delivered vocals. Every now and then there's a moment when it all sounds good. The rest is mud.
This was pretty alright. Great guitar sound. 7/10 but 3 stars because the singing gets grating by the end.
Saving this for my next psychedelic adventure. Rich full sounds. Pleasant.
I swear this album has been sampled non stop since release. I know I have never heard this before and the whole thing sounded warm, familiar. I liked this.
Next time someone asks you what dad rock is, play them this album. The music is fine if a little boring. No risks were taken here and the radio friendly production makes that stand out.
These guys really just woke up and decided to blueprint the next 25 years of music. Amazing.
What an absolute masterpiece. I'll admit I'm biased here because I love the Zep, I love Tolkien and John Bonham is the drummer I probably idolised the most growing up. bombastic and beautiful. This is one of the albums I most wish I could hear for the first time again. Solid 10/10
Adele is a talent and song selection here is damn good. Can't help but thinking her stardom has more to do with whiteness than talent. Like Elvis she has taken soulful, impactful music, made it safe, made it clean and made a fortune.
Full of energy, probably from amphetamines, this a genuinely great debut. Some of the lyrics are a bit dated these days. The music has a redneck jangle that is irresistible in the right setting.
Like a time machine, listening to this sent back to the past, when I was a long haired stoner sitting in my friends car. Smoking weed out of a seashell pipe, I can taste the slight saltiness from the ocean on the pipe. He turns to me and says "hey man, have you heard the new green day album, dude, its actually pretty good" He connects his no-brand discman into his 92 corollas tape deck, I hear the slight click of the disc being placed the snap of disc lid closing over the ocean waves as the sun begins to set and for the next hour I ignore a stunning, glowing tropical sunset as I sit enthralled by what comes out of the speakers. I really feel like this album captures the impotent rage of newly politically conscious suburban teens in the early bush era. Production is nicely polished. Having the balls to come out with a direct attack on American warmongering, anti- intellectualism and jingoism in the climate of post 9/11 America has to be noted. Despite what the 'hardcore' punk fans think, this is punk. 9/10 but 5 stars because I know it'll piss off a NOFX fan.
This is great, really it is.both ahead and very much of its time. Very punk. Very musical at the same time. Not for everyone, if you click with it you'll love it. If you dont it's just noise.
Basic. Boring. This is really not a great album. It doesn't belong on this list. Nothing of any real interest going on here. Sounds and feels hollow.
This sucks. It's not just a bad McCartney album. It's a bad album in general. Unfinished and sloppy. If this was by any other artist it would of been forgotten long ago. Why it's on this list I will never understand.
Smooth and funky. It's very of its time and honestly should probably stay in it's time.
There's a lot here to like. 1hr runtime gets to be a grind near the end though. Some gorgeous moments.
This is glorious. This is what I want from this list. Fantastic music from a band with a hefty catalogue I've never heard before. This is chill but keeps it mainly upbeat throughout. Perfect for doing chores around the house. I can't explain why I like this so much the more I listen the higher I want to rate it. It's just great fun. 9/10
Really lovely stuff. The music and delivery really forces you to focus on the content of lyrics, which is luckily very good. Very poetic. 8/10
Beautiful compositions. Nice, comfortable sounding album.
Ok so this sucks. But if you forget how much it sucks it's a lot of fun.
Loud, brash and obnoxious. Horrible lyrics. Riffs. This is music for blurry nights full of cheap whiskey and dirty speed... Lemmy, It's made by Lemmy for people who live like Lemmy. Classic. 9.5/10
If you don't like this album then you don't like Neil Young. If you like Neil Young this is about as good as it gets.
Ambitious. Hugely influential on the music that emerged after this released. Dragging indian music into the electronic age with it. The compositions are rich and usually lovely. A wild mix of styles and influences. Production is tight. It's just not very engaging. It's ok.
This is pretty fire. Drags on a bit after a while and I feel like some these tracks can be trimmed a minute or two. Sax is slick.
It's a hard sell in the modern age but there was literally nothing that sounded like this in 79 which is cool. I like this, I do, but I have to admit it's just not very good a lot of the time. When its great it's fantastic. 7/10
So very ahead of its time. Sharp guitar sound. Bass is very forward. Lyrically punk.
Guitar just attacks your ears. Singing is rotten. Noise everywhere. Was that a synth? What a bewildering experience. 8/10
It is immensely difficult to drive these old synths, so, this is amazing. Very balanced, controlled and textured sounds. Fascinating from top to bottom. 9/10
This album is a miserable experience. Dylan moans and drones in meandering pieces full of vitriol and bitterness. 10/10 my favourite breakup album and the only Dylan album worthy of the list.
Nu-metal sucked. Korn didn't, but this isn't a very good Korn album 7/10.
This holds up.
Not as bombastic and technical as Zeppelin, not as dirty and dreary as sabbath. There's a charm to early heavy metal that I personally adore. 8/10.
As bland and unremarkable as tepid tapwater. Every single song sounds like a budget option for a tv drama to play over end credits. the sort of stuff playing in the background of an intense coffeeshop breakup scene. It sucks. Another album taking up a spot in this list it doesn't deserve. 3/10
Listening to this will make your neck red and your rocking chair squeak. It'll make your overalls faded and your shotgun loaded. It'll turn your cousin's attractive and your brandy into moonshine.
This is energetic and pretty good. Everything is well polished. Very radio friendly Britpop. Not sure it belongs on this list but I do love the energy from the band.
There's some filler in here but for the most part this is full of top tier pop. Catchy. Memorable. Classic. 9/10
There was nothing wrong with this. Basic boring guitar pop. Seems insincere. 3/10 doesn't belong here
Drab and grim most of the way through. Morrissey has a way with words. Love the guitar sound. 8/10
This is a lot better than I was expecting. Good warm old style rock. Nice. Redneck. 9/10
Smooth. Silky.
I only listened to this album about 6 hours ago and I've completely forgotten every song. Utterly forgettable, serviceable pop. Good for filling in dead space on the radio and not much else. 5/10
Political, conscious. It's been 30 years and kkk still wearing 3 piece suits. Sounds old. Repetitive samples and very 1991.
Gets better as it goes on. Great guitar sound, I can see how this influenced a lot of music that came after. Singer is annoying to me.
Both overrated and under appreciated. Only works as a complete piece with side A and side B being the only real seperation points. Personally I love this album. Nothing else like it. Pop art in musical form 10/10
Ella had a beautiful voice and this holds up well. A solid showcase of the talent found in the original recordings. For those interested the original release was around 3 hours long and is amazing in scope.
Whole album has about four chords. Songs are short, fast, loud and often obnoxious. Terrible singing. Amateurish guitar. Catchy as hell. Punk was born here. 10/10 Birth of a genre
Pretty good for country. Nanci gets a lot of emotion across. Sounds all a bit the same by the end. Not to my taste. 7/10
Featuring some of the hottest talent in music from the last 25 years and Justin Timberlake. Justin delivers a decent Pop/R&B performance. The real stars here are in production. Pharell Williams and Chad Hugo are pure legends.
Kacey Musgraves walked so Taylor Swift can fly. Still boring. Still basic. 5/10
This is ok. This lineup feels like it's missing something. Someone young
This is a disjointed rambling mess of an album. I'll admit it was an interesting listen. Sounds like this guy is coming apart at the seams which is a pretty captivating. The music's pretty bad though. 6/10.
This is sure pretty at moments. Sounds like a soundtrack to cheap animated movie
Absolutely delightful.
A monster in the industrial metal scene. Influencing almost every metal album that followed. Gets a bit repetitive but every track at one point just assaults the ear. A must listen for any metalhead. 8/10
I have to give this 4 stars just because I know almost every Zeppelin album will be on this list. 4 stars because as great as it is it's pretty low on my normal rotation.10/10 album. 8/10 Zeppelin album
Tough listen. Points for ambition I can see what is being attempted here and sometimes it almost hits. 3/10
Lush but dreary. Production is great. Nothing really stands out though
This goes hard. Immature and somehow bombastic 90s punk. Fun
You can probably skip this one. Just listen to get it on and imagine 10 variations of that. Done. Repetitive but fun 7/10
Has some of the best, prettiest beach boys arrangements next to some of if not the worst beach boys songs. Great when it's leaning into psychedelia. Actually terrible the rest of the time. 7/10
This album fucks. Now you may think I mean it's smooth, sexy and full of funk and all that's true. This album evokes that feeling when your on a date and you realise that both of you have decided to sleep with each other and then spend the next 30 minutes sending increasingly provocative signals to each other. 10/10 will be seduced again.
So here's an idea, let's take some of the most dynamic and interesting artists of the late 20th century and make them sing boring show tunes. This sucks. The only interesting thing is that somehow Ute Lemper convinced a bunch of super talented musicians to agree to work on this project. 3/10
So this was recorded in a church on a single microphone, seems to give the whole album and ethereal yet intimate quality I adore. Kept me engaged the whole time. Bonus points for a sick sweet Jane cover. 8/10
It's the cure. Dark, depressing, menacing and pretty. A great album if you like that sort of thing. I do. 9/10
Some classic 60s stones here. Even for the times it feels like a series of attacks on women. I've never been a big fan of the stones and this isn't even close to their best work. 5/10
Beautiful vocal work. Worth the listen but will never listen to this again. 8/10 succeeds in exactly what they set out to dom
Mopey music for people who like moping. Emo with even less edge. The smooth SpongeBob of depressing music. 6/10
Covers a lot of musical ground in it's runtime. Jazz is a very subjective experience. Either it clicks or it doesn't. For me this clicked. 9/10
I dunno man, sounds like your most boring grandparents favourite band.
Loved the energy in this performance. Really great stuff
Nothing I can say that hasn't said a thousand times before. The art scene in mid 60s New York must of been wild place. Exudes cool. One of the ten most significant albums in history. 10/10
One of the best concept albums ever made. One of the most complex and complete narrative albums ever made. One of the best rap albums ever made. Inspiring in its ambition, breathtaking in its execution. Masterpiece.
A time capsule. 90s r&b. Mariah Carey elevates this above the usual 90s r&b noise. A truly stunning voice. 8/10
Pretty average pop music. Pretty average song writing. Wishing well slaps but the rest is forgettable.6/10
And the world was inflicted with both heavy metal and Ozzy Osbourne ever since.
Pairs well with a cold can of beer. Two of the bands best but the rest is just good. looking into the band they had an amazingly short but prolific career, this being one of three albums released in twelve months.
This is absolutely a vibe. Frenetic, rhythmic. Timeless music.
Ever played persona 5? This is persona 5 music but in Portuguese. I had fun listening.
So Roger Waters spat on a fan during a concert and instead of having some self reflection and becoming a better, more humble person he instead writes an 80 minute ego stroke about how its all everyone else's fault. 6/10 Comfortably numb is probably my favourite pink Floyd song though.
The word simple always comes to mind with Billy Joel Simple, pretty melodies. Simple, earnest lyrics and delivery. No pretense, no showboating, no gimmicks. Simply good songs. The older I get the more I appreciate Billy Joel. 8/10
Do you like jazz? Because this is extremely good jazz. Such a warm clear recording I can practically smell the tobacco haze and spilled booze. 8/10
This kinda sucks. Despite all the genre smashing every song sounds very samey. Maybe you had to be there for this one. 5/10 Pretentious and boring.
Bold and beautiful compositions paired with some high school level songwriting. Worth the listen and engaging but I don't think I'll be adding this to my rotation. 7/10
The bass on this is wild. The music tends to force itself into the background. The movement on some tracks is outstanding if you can manage to stay focused. 8/10.
My grandmother loved Rod Stewart so I've heard this album many times before. Some killers some filler. 6/10
If this is what the 70s sounded like and I'm glad I didn't have to live through that mess. 4/10
Another secret Bowie album. This time with Lou Reed as a proxy. I honestly find the bright and layered production a great fit for Lou Reed. With love songs about heroin in the park and pop numbers about trans girls from the country giving head in the city, this album was a wilder ride than its polish suggests. 10/10
My personal favourite Metallica album. Heavy, raw and so angry it seems to lose focus. I won't say this is Metallicas most important album. But it is their best. 9/10
This was gorgeous. Ahead of it's time and a pioneer of the downbeat movement that followed. Music for the weary drive home after a weekend festival full of various festival style chemical enhancements. 9/10
Dude it's exactly what it says it is. A vulgar display of power. Do you like metal. I do. 8/10
This is tough one for me. The music kinda sucks, it plays well with the lyrical themes and has some very poignant moments but overall the music sucks. But man, what fantastic storytelling. In under 50 minutes Lou manages to spin a tale of toxic relationships, drug abuse, prostitution, domestic violence, child neglect and suicide. A harrowing and dark tale told with unflinching honestly. 9/10 I just wish the music was better.
My second eagle's album and I very nearly bounced off the list completely. A more country influenced eagle's album. Is it good? Yes. Is it boring? Uninspired? Absolutely. 3/10 Tap water has more flavour
I was going to give this 4 stars until I gave it a relisten. Most of the time when you strip all the noise, fuzz and feedback away from punk you end up with something very close to pop. This is different. So, so different. A unique album that's atleast a decade ahead of it's time. 10/10 a worthy successor to the velvet underground.
A cornerstone album in the evolution of hip hop. Honestly this one speaks for itself. Let the beats get your head rocking and enjoy the smooth flow, clever wordplay and tight storytelling send you back to one of the most exciting times in music history. 9/10
Honestly this album is what I hear in my head when I think about jazz and funk together. It's great. Jazzy and funky. 8/10
Yay! Prog rock is invented, now to have a ten year musical arms race to see who can have the smallest tracklist, the most esoteric lyrics, the most complex, key changiest song structure and longest most wanky instrumental sections and solos. 5/10
Pairs well with European MDMA. Wildly ambitious and a bit pretentious. Well executed overall. 8/10 Some very nice breaks
Pretty pop. Lush production. Pretty forgettable overall. 5/10 aggressively mediocre
Not a good smiths album. Not a good album.
2006? Time flies. This album however is timeless. Amy's voice is captivating, drawing us into her hazy reality. Truly belongs on the list 9/10
The music is really good at what it's trying to be, undeniable talent and skill. I like the classical. I love the tango. The jazz has its place but adds a lot of bloat. 7/10 I had a good time
This album is burned into my psyche. I remember being a first year apprentice baker, 17, 1am and bone piercing cold. The baker pulls up, opens up the bakery, alarm off, lights, oven and kettle on. Turns on the stereo and plays this very album at a skull reverberating volume while screaming instructions on how to bake and doing lines of speed in the change room. Fucking magical man. 10/10
This is probably the best The Doors have ever sounded. Bonus points because Jim Morrisons whispering all over riders on the storm creeps me out. 9/10 Psychedelics aren't a good cure for the blues guys
This is a long, boring, agitating album. Not a good Hüsker album. Why is it taking up space on this list. 5/10 Sonic youth without talent.
Lol. Psychedelics. 7/10
There's hits here. George Michael really found his sound on this album. That sound is subdued pop. 7/10 Bonus points because freedom absolutely slaps
Funnily enough seventeen seconds is how long this album took to make sad and sleepy. 6/10
Beats are tight and this Frenchman has some flow. Good stuff. I had to look up translated lyrics, hard to tell with the rhyme scheme destroyed by translations, but the lyrics seem good. 7/10 more layers than a croissant.
I dare anyone to put this on and try not to doing that funky head bob, you know the one. It can't be done. This is the funk. Pure funky fun. An album made for good times. Legitimate classic. 10/10
Radiohead is overrated. This isn't the bands best This isn't even the bands most experimental album. It's good and I do truly enjoy this album, it doesn't belong on this list though. 8/10 album 6/10 Radiohead album.
Everytime I think the 70s were cool I'm going to remind myself this tepid guitarist wankfest was the best selling album of 1976. 2/10 smooth music for smooth brains.
I hate this. I don't even know why. The music is pretty at times. The lyrics are often clever. Singing is serviceable. But I can't find anything I personally like here. 2/10
Utterly forgettable. The horns are nice and it's pleasant enough listening. The best vocals are the nonsense sounds. Then there's Come on Eileen which is a stone cold classic, pure earworm. 5/10 7/10 with Come on Eileen.
My great-grandmother rates this. I don't but I'm not 90 years old. 6/10
There is a before Jimi Hendrix and an after Jimi Hendrix. If that doesn't warrant 5 stars I don't know what this list is for. No review just listen to it. 10/10
Someone let these guys loose in the studio and it sounds like they had a great time. A landmark album in hip-hop. Clever, playful rhymes backed by clever, playful sampling. 10/10 Probably the most fun I've ever had with a hip-hop album.
Every great Bob Dylan song has been done better by someone else. That's a testament to both Dylan's incredible songwriting and his absolute dogshit performance abilities. I saw Bob Dylan live once, it's been 15 years and I still want my money back. 8/10 thoughtful boomer music.
I have mad respect for Nick Cave as an artist. He has had an incredible career. His songwriting is both unique and articulate. He brings a menacing dark vibe to every project that is inimitable. This album is pretty average. Honestly probably doesn't belong on the list. 6/10 sad on a few too many levels.
So this is about it for crowded house and hits. Most of these songs are still on some radio stations regular rotation in my country, I'm sick of it. I'm sick of these two brothers who can't keep a band together. 3/10 it might be good but I hate it.
This has some really great moments. Lush compositions that are too often pushed back in favour of some busy guitar. I enjoyed it. 7/10 nice to see something that isn't on every list ever made
I dunno man. This is good pop music. Great at times. But I can't help but feel that something was lost in the transition to glossy pop. Maybe a little bit of magic got squeezed out with the heavily processed guitar. For what it is and what it's trying to be it's a damn fun time. But I know ZZ Top can make better music. 7/10 she got legs that haunt the radio for 40 years.
I have a soft spot for 70s synths. This is sure pretty when it wants to be. Aggressive and fun when it wants to be. 8/10 Exactly what I imagine when I think of kraut rock
The VNFiona Apple flavour of sad-girl indie-pop has inspired hundreds of not thousands a far less talented and far more annoying copycats through the years. For better or worse that warrants a listen. 7/10 There's power in these songs.
Bjork isn't for everyone. But everyone should hear her. Personally i think she's a genius. Ahead of her time, never confined to the constraints of pop music but always tapping into pop sensibilities. This album is weird, daring, beautiful and unique. Just like Bjork. 9/10 True art
Damn Jimmy. What else you got hiding at the chicken shack
Something about melding jazz and rap music just sends the white people crazy. Don't get me wrong this is great. Q is on fire with a lot of these bars. Tapping into the golden age of hip hop. Nice, safe, digestible. Hi hop. 8/10
Your response to pearl jam definitely depends on how well you can tolerate Eddie Vedders voice. That being said pearl jam was the radio friendly version of grunge. Pulling more from 70s stadium rock than punk. The hits on here still hit pretty hard. 9/10 a Gen X classic.
Not a fan but this isn't even Britney's best album. Some pop classics. Big bold turn of the century production values but honestly all the gold is front loaded and this isn't a great album from track 4 onwards. 6/10 a disappointing classic.
I'll state upfront I love the Beatles music, it's all important and it's all beautiful so Ill review this ranked against the Beatles other albums. This isn't that good. Revolver has better songs. Magical mystery tour is more psychedelic,. The white album is more experimental. Please, please me has more energy. Most importantly it's the actual last Beatles album I would recommend to someone. 6/10 overrated
Maybe this caught me on a good day. Beautiful production. Great music. 8/10 I still think bono is a wanker
Another boomer trip down memory lane. It is good though, I like the grungy guitar in the second half. 9/10 I've always had a soft spot for Neil Young's songwriting
Theis album seems to tell a story, the story of a band that experimented so hard and took so many psychedelic drugs that the only escape was Jazz. Because apparently psychedelics make Jazz make sense, man. Anyway, there's definitely a time and place when this album makes sense. I've never been there, but I'd probably like to go. 7/10 far out man, dig it
Fucking unhinged 9/10
Fantastic. One of my favourite finds on this list so far. 9/10
Love me some Johnny cash. He nailed this set, great performance by the man in black. 9/10 Full of energy and rebellious menace.
This album is tragic and beautiful. Had me completely enthralled the whole time. 8/10 Sad man makes sad, beautiful music.
Everything about this is amazing. Hits everywhere, superb production, great songwriting. 10/10 Too shelf bottled pop, early 70s vintage.
So... 80s pop production ruined 80s pop music. It's all a mushy neon slap. 5/10
The music is good but I just feel like these guys are trying way to hard. 7/10 Baby's first psychedelic experience
This is not a good Simon and Garfunkel album. Honestly probably their worst. Mrs Robinson is of course a stone cold classic. But that's all there is to see here. 7/10 Disappointing
MDMA was so good in the 90s it had everyone dancing to two french robots saying around the world for 7 minutes. Daft Punk are great but even though this is a top notch debut and fantastic french house music. It's not a great Daft Punk album. 8/10 Have to listen to discovery now
This goes hard A genuinely great classic album 10/10 Another testament to the quality of 90s MDMA
Why did I have to hear this. Pointless, aimless music It's not even well executed 3/10 Actually terrible
I really enjoyed this album I also know that I'll probably never listen to it again. Nothing really stands out. 8/10 Forgettable excellence
This isn't very good. It's pleasant enough and has some great moments, too long. if it was released by anyone not a Beatle it would of been mostly forgotten. 6/10 This too should pass
This is alright, pretty boring. There's way better Reggae that should be in its place though.. 6/10 Kinda boring
On the one hand this album has aged like milk, even if Eminem moved past this juvenile edgelord phase a lot quicker than his fans, it's a pretty shit legacy. On the other hand it's so well executed. Incredible talent. The storytelling in Stan is so good it changed the English language, Kim remains to this day the most lyrically uncomfortable song I've ever heard. 10/10 A highly flawed and dated classic
This sucks more than most other Bruce Springsteen albums. Sure it forces us to focus on the songwriting, Springsteen isn't that great a lyricist. 4/10
This is actually pretty solid pop music. Great for 80s pop. 8/10 If I was a teenage girl in 1983 I would of loved this
I love this album and I 100% blame it for turning me into a complete shithead in my late teen years. Still goes hard 10/10 Memories of pointless rebellion
I imagine in 1992 Mudhoney is what you play at party when you've played all the good grunge albums already and want people to start going home. 5/10 Supremely average
What treat this was to Bowie fans in 2013. Easily his best work in decades. This also doesn't belong on this list. I need to hear David Bowie before I die, yes. This isn't the album to sell me on his genius in David Bowie released 26 studio albums and this ranks about 15. I liked this album and enjoyed my listen but I'm scoring low because more deserving albums from 2013 belong here. 4/10 Average from greatness is still pretty great.
Something had represent lo-fi in this list and I agree this is pretty damn good. I'm all for DIY recording but they had enough money to buy a decent set of microphones at this point in their career, maybe some sound dampening foam. 7/10 Kind of annoying when the bad recording is deliberate. Great for what it is though
Probably Johnny Cash at his best. This does a great job at capturing Johnny Cash as a performer. Everything about this is chosen for the audiences enjoyment. Not just songs but the banter, the jokes and the stories he tells are all well chosen for his audience. 10/10 Pure showmanship
It's like being booted from one bad dream to another. Just a series of terrible sounds experiments. I love it, it's pure art. 9/10 Strange noise.
I would definitely say this is the best representative for this period of jazz. Fire all over. 8/10 Cool
This is a 5 star album because Bjork. The band is pretty average and will be soon left behind. Bjork is already a star 10/10 Yes, Birthday is all it's hyped up to be
Pretty forgettable. I like how it's tango and somehow always has a French accent even when instrumental. 6/10 Pretty sure this was on repeat in every hipster coffee shop for 20 years
Pretty average Britpop. I forgot half these songs as soon as I heard them. 7/10 More British blandness
This sucks so bad. Not an ounce of musical originality in the whole thing. Lyrics are cringeworthy. Nah, actually lyrics are infantile. Dude, it wasn't ok when John Lennon did it in the 70s, it wasn't ok when bob Dylan did it in the 70s, feel free to keep ripping off their music but leave the tone-deaf racism in the past. Trying to pull that shit in 2010 is disgusting, so dumb it defeats the attempted message of the song. The rest is varying degrees of garbage. Truly, truly awful. 1/10
Big sexy synths 80s style. This album is horny even for prince. Personally I think prince is a musical genius but he isn't for everyone. Not his best though 8/10
Musically this is fine, but man I can't stand Elvis Costello for some reason.i dunno I guess he's just lame. 2/10 Bland.
Pleasant and relatively inoffensive. The inescapable shadow of the Beatles and psychedelics looms large over this and frankly every pop album from this time period. An interesting snapshot. 8/10
Genuinely beautiful noise. This sounds like the culmination of everything that came before it while sounding like nothing else. Billy Corgan really should of delegated vocals to someone else though 10/10 Everyone should hear this
This is fine. Silky smooth and soulful if that's your thing. Not my thing 6/10
Every song just. Drags. On. For. Way. Too. long. It's decent enough for disco Must of been some good blow 7/10
Oh sweet, another B tier album by a B tier band from a B tier genre. Another spot wasted on mediocrity 4/10
There's a lot of talent here going to waste. Dated even for 20 years ago. I fully support the message but it's delivered so clumsily. Disappointing 6/10
R.E.M. are a super important band for some reason. I don't understand why. This is just ok, I suppose maybe you had to be there or maybe the oversaturation of knockoff wannabe R.E.Ms in the last 30 years has ruined the original. Important but not exactly great 7/10
Imagine listening to this and thinking I want this guy to do the soundtrack to my heartwarming animated kids movie. Anyway this sucks. What a waste of time 3/10
Soulless, lifeless and insincere. This is music as a product pretending to be art. A grungy cash-grab 5/10
This album gives me the same feeling I get walking through a cold drizzly rain in the seedier part of a major city at 2am, Oddly something I've done way too much. Dirty, stark, worn out and darkly beautiful 9/10
This sounds so far ahead of its time I struggle to imagine it existing in 1980. More melancholic than depressing. I like this more than Joy Divisions first album but I'm just not a fan of Ian Curtis, his singing was really bad. Influential and unique. 8/10
Yea disco fun. Was Michael Jackson a monster? Probably The music was good but also this isn't thriller 8/10