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My Bloody ValentineAt one point I thought I heard something interesting but it turned out it was the theme to 30 Rock that my wife was watching in the next room.
At one point I thought I heard something interesting but it turned out it was the theme to 30 Rock that my wife was watching in the next room.
‘Streets of Your Town’ is such a great song, so the rest of the record is disappointing by comparison. Quite dull overall.
Suffers from not being as good as the studio albums either side of it, but it’s still a very good record. Far too long though. Three excellent tracks, 2+2, There There and Punch Up.
I just don’t get Pink Floyd. Usually if something isn’t for me I can appreciate it without liking it, but I’m afraid this band utterly baffles me.
The hits are outstanding but the rest doesn’t really do much for me
Quite liked this. Nice harmonies, VERY 1974 sounding. I’d definitely listen again.
An all timer. One of the very very best. I’ve bought this at least 4 times in various formats since it came out. I was obsessed with this as a teenager.
Not for me. I think The Who are one of those bands that I would just stick to a best of collection. Maybe I’ve come to them to late for it to mean anything to me. A couple of tunes on here but too long and meandering for me to really get into it.
I got absolutely lost in this. Wonderful.
It is what it is. Not much light and shade, but it’s well produced.
First time hearing this, and fuck it’s perfect isn’t it?
For the first and last tracks alone this deserves to be on the list. Cool as fuck.
Reggae nein danke
Loved it.
This isn’t at all what I thought it was going I be. Doesn’t sound dated at all. Far more psychedelic than I was expecting.
Not for me. Never been a fan of that English county fayre vibe that all the kinks albums have.
I love the Roses so much. There’s not a single second of this record that I don’t adore.
Another first timer for me. It’s just incredible isn’t it?
No thanks.
Suffers from not being as good as the studio albums either side of it, but it’s still a very good record. Far too long though. Three excellent tracks, 2+2, There There and Punch Up.
Not my cup of tea.
I like the music but it has the kind of hip hop lyrics that completely put me off. (Stop saying ‘pussy’ for fucksake).
Hmmm, another one where obviously it’s me that’s missing something. Im sure this is great but I don’t get it; again it’s Not For Me™️
Adding strings to something doesn’t improve it. You can polish a turd all day long but all you’re left with is a shiny shite.
Perfect. No notes.
I’ve heard bits of this over the years but never listened to the whole album, although not sure why cos it’s always seemed like something right up my street. I wasn’t wrong, it’s ace. It’s too long (all double albums are), but editing would take away the grandeur of this record. Love it.
Right, this is fantastic. I don’t have two and a quarter hours to listen to it in one sitting.I did this in three goes, and I loved it. I’m a huge fan of the Amorphous Androgynous psych compilations and this sounds like the first 3 volumes. I’ll add most of this to my psych playlist but probably not listen to it as an album from start to finish.
I’ve tried several times with this record over the years but I just don’t hear anything in it. Self indulgent whisper/mumbling over about a thousand miserable songs. Coffee table music for people who wear white socks.
A stone cold masterpiece. Sounds timeless yet relevant.
All light, no shade. Mr Blue Sky a genuine all timer, but too many songs have the same tempo, structure and instrumentation. An extra star cos I love Jeff Lynne.
I can definitely hear some of this in the recent Bobby Gillespie / Jenny Beth record. It’s not quite 3.5, but better than a 3. I probably won’t listen to it again but it was pleasant enough while it lasted.
Incredible voice, obviously. Sounds like the soundtrack to the saddest episode of Tom and Jerry. 5/10. An extra star for sinatras voice.
I’ve tried to be objective with all of these records but this is garbage. Sounds like he’d discovered a new guitar technique and drilled it to fuck. This is Not For Me™️
Not as good as 1 or 4 but still a great record.
Not my thing but it’s an excellent example of its genre at the time.
Not at all what I expected. Odd, jazzy, psych in places. I liked it more than I expected but wouldn’t listen again, probably. A generous 3 cos Alice seems like a good guy.
This is alright. It might’ve sounded modern in 1986 but while some other records can seem a bit timeless, this isn’t one of them. S’alright innit?
Not my thing.
S’alright inni?
It took me years to get into this record. I’d never really got anything they did after OK Computer, but You & Whose Army came on the radio one day and I got completely lost in it. Might be their best album. Maybe. Possibly.
This is great. It’s confessional and blistering and FURIOUS. I was 16 when it came out and I remember thinking I hadn’t heard anyone being so honest on a record before. Haven’t listened to it all through for probably 20 years, but it still sounds painfully honest. A brilliant record.
It’s not bad, but it’s not good. It’s rock music designed by civil engineers for people who think ordering a rogan josh is edgy.
I’m sure this is great, and it should really suit my taste but I just couldn’t find a way into it.
‘Streets of Your Town’ is such a great song, so the rest of the record is disappointing by comparison. Quite dull overall.
I just don’t get Pink Floyd. Usually if something isn’t for me I can appreciate it without liking it, but I’m afraid this band utterly baffles me.
Hahaha, no.
I don’t think this has aged well. Not my thing.
I adore this record. First bought it when I was 15.
I was a teenager when Suede released this record, but I was in my late 20’s before I really got into them. Dunno what that says about me or about the band or about the 90’s. All I know is that they’re one of my favourite bands and this record is and All Timer™️.
In September of 2019 I had an abscess in one of my front teeth. Even the slightest breeze wisping past my tooth caused immeasurable pain and I couldn’t speak or eat for 2 days. After emergency root canal surgery (which left me £360 lighter) my face looked like I’d been beaten with a bar of soap in a sock. I was woozy and in agony for a further three days. I would gladly repeat all of that rather than have to listen to a single second of this record ever again. One star because while I was listening to it my son farted and it made me laugh.
Kinda feels like this doesn’t belong on the list. It’s just weird industrial techno. No thanks.
It doesn’t really do anything, does it? The first few seconds set out the stall for the rest of the album and it doesn’t go anywhere else. I dunno if this is meant to be a concept record of some sort, but listening through twice I couldn’t hear any theme or reason. Anyway, this isn’t ‘bad’ but it’s not my kind of thing. If I could sum it up with an emoji, it would be this… ⬜️
I appreciate it for what it is; but it’s not my cup of tea.
Ignore the baggage and take this album at face value. It’s good pop, I’d argue there are 2 brilliant songs here ( South of The Border & Old Before I Die ). When this was released he was too close to his previous life. Good pop, well made. ‘Angels’ is utter dogshit.
Too 80’s sounding for me.
This is where the Beatles started to become the Beatles. Assured songwriting, with swagger and a wink.
A good example of the genre. Black Hole Sun is a genuine classic.
Comfortably the worst band of all time.
It’s alright innit? Gotta Get Up and Without You are all timers.
A masterpiece. I miss him.
Nein danke
This changed my life. People tend to get very snobby when it comes to Oasis, but they were a cultural phenomenon in the UK. Almost overnight people changed they way they dressed, the way they spoke… A genuine landmark band.
One of the very very best
For a long time I hated anything remotely connected to reggae but this album completed changed that. Sometimes it just takes the right artist to switch you on to something, and for me The Specials (and Madness) opened up a whole new road. A classic. Fuck the Tories ✌🏻
Right, how have I never heard this record before? This is cool as fuck, simple as that. Really soft production, great melodies, lovely harmonies.
I really wanted to like this. Started off a little like Pulp, but just became too bland. Not for me.
Dylan was one of those artists that passed me by for years. I was in my late thirties before I listened to any of his albums. This was the first and it’s my favourite by miles.
One good tune, the rest is pretty oblique. Their first record is fantastic and this is technically excellent, but just really cold.
Shit, I was fully prepared to hate this. I’m a dick for pre-judging it.
Just as good as it’s reputation.
Absolutely not.
I can never really get on with a full Stones album. More of a singles band for me. This is alright.
First time listening to this one. Sounds VERY ‘93. I like it a lot.
S’alright innit?
It’s groovy enough but too long.
S’alright innit
Hahahahahahahahahaha this is fucking dreadful.
At one point I thought I heard something interesting but it turned out it was the theme to 30 Rock that my wife was watching in the next room.
Sounds like a Wes Anderson car chase. And not in a bad way.
Hard pass, no thank you.
There a very few albums that sound exactly like the year they were released. 1994 sounded like Portishead. Every UK TV theme, every advert, every late night radio jingle sounded like Sour Times. An incredible album; it changed the way the 90’s sounded more so than the ones you think did.
One of my favourites.
One of the very very best albums ever made.
It’s alright.
This sounds like someone having an argument with a robot. I didn’t hate it, it knows exactly what it is doesn’t it? Won’t listen again but it was alright while it was on.
Groovy innit
Absolutely not under any circumstances.
Another one that’s not for me. Can’t hear anything in this that would justify it being on the list.
This is pure, uncut, raw Springsteen and as such it is shite. Greetings From Asbury Park NJ is a brilliant record, as are The Rising and Western Stars. The audiobook version of his memoir is excellent, he’s had a great life and is clearly a very sound guy. But this record is rubbish. 1 star album, but an extra star cos I saw him live at Hampden a few years back and it was genuinely the best gig I’ve ever seen.
Okay, firstly what the fuck is going on with the production here? The dynamics are all over the place. Secondly, ‘Save the Life of My Child’ is one of the worst things that’s ever happened to me. But then ‘America’, my god what an incredible song. And the rest of the record is fine. Mixed feelings here, good but not great whilst also shite but not awful. I’m glad it exists. Peace ✌🏻.
Haha. Absolutely not.
Tonight on The Littleist Hobo…
This is great, but somehow it sounds like everything the Kings of Leon have made since 2010.
Don’t get it.
Absolutely not.
It’s alright. Moody and well made, vocals are great. A bit too long maybe
Hmmm, another band that largely leaves me cold. 2 stars cos Kashmir is a banger.
What is it good for? Absolutely fuck all.
Gorgeous. Beautiful, joyous, soulful music being performed by people who have lives well lived.
Heartbreaking, life affirming, joyous, melancholic and everything in between. One of the very very best records ever made.
Not for me.
Dull as all fuck. I love this genre but there’s nothing interesting happening here.
Their best album. Probably the closest they ever got to the sound in Kurt’s head. The album I bought with my own money as a kid.
Not his best work.
Nah, probably one of those albums where you had to be there at the time.
Like all double albums it’s far too long, but some great stuff in here.
Every morning for the last six weeks I’ve woken up with pain in my neck, hips, back, shoulders and chest. Muscular, y’know? I’ve recently bought a standing desk for work so it might be that, but to try and get rid of it I’ve started yoga and today bought a new memory foam mattress. I’m 45 so I’m at the age where keeping fit while working from home is tough but I’m determined to give it a go. Fuck Kanye, fuck his music.
Not bad.
They found a rhythm they liked and mostly stuck to it. Im filing this alongside The Kinks as one of those bands where I just don’t get the vibe. I see how they’re important to people but they just give me bad juju. Peaches isn’t as cool as it thinks it is.
Now we’re talking. This is fantastic. I’d never have listened to this if it wasn’t suggested here, but will definitely be listening again.
It’s alright. Wouldn’t turn it off on the radio but wouldn’t go out if my way to listen again. Absolutely does not need to be an hour long.
It’s odd. I like that.
Long live The Strange.
It’s alright but very “it’s own thing”
Like a tramp in a shopping centre.
Early in the pandemic, at the beginning of the first lockdown.. These Days came on the radio. I stared out of the window and saw a red balloon floating out of a garden across the road. I followed the balloon as it blew further away across the river and eventually out of sight. At the lowest moment of a dark time, a true moment of absolute beauty.
I’m sure it’s a good example of its genre, but it’s absolutely not for me.
No. Not under any circumstances.
Don’t overthink it, this is great fun. Basket Case was everywhere in 1994. Me and my pal from school listened to this every Friday night for about six months with a bottle of cheap white cider. Hope you’re well John x
Bit shouty.
One tonk honkied is one too many. Sadly this albums contains many honkied tonks and as such is rendered unlistenable. Sounds like it was recorded in a tunnel.
Too long. Some decent stuff but overall it’s a nah.
It’s lovely in places and he’s technically brilliant. Not something I would listen to again but I can appreciate it for what it is.
A production masterclass. Interesting, layered, jagged and technically brilliant. I’m just not sure if the songs are actually any good.
I will not be listening to this under any circumstances. Namaste.
Loved this album for a long time. It’s a Friday night record. Don’t know why. Anyway, it’s another of those records that sounds like the period it came from and probably influenced the soft club aesthetic more than most.
Hahahahaha fuck off. This list has become a joke. Maybe one good album a week and the rest are utter dross. Life’s too short. Ol’ JT is the straw that’s broken this music loving camels back. Peace, out ✌🏻.