A Grand Don't Come For Free
The StreetsThis sounds fucking terrible.
This sounds fucking terrible.
Honestly makes for great thinking music and music to work to. A little more hyperactive than the jazz or piano music I usually work to and maybe made it harder to focus, but that isn’t to say that the music is bad. Very, very good hyper instrumentals. It’s kind of like the fight music you’d hear in Marvel vs. Capcom or your average beat em up. Plus, the longer it goes, it becomes oddly soothing. I would say it’s a little too long at three hours but that’s perfect when you’re using it to think/work.
this album kinda rules. first track seemed like standard 60s/70s fare, then it was just banger after banger that had me like "holy shit." Where You Lead, Will You Love Me Tomorrow, and Smackwater Jack were the only forgettable tracks (not bad, not skippable, just didn't leave an impression) but the title track did not disappoint, and the last track was a solid way to end it
First track in and I get exactly why Sade is praised the way she is worldwide. Hang on to your love is even better. Beautifully sensual and moody. Not grim moody but a good kind of mood, get you in a mood, be it dancing mood or erotic mood. I like the jazzy instrumental selection and her voice … wow her voice. It just works.
Didn’t really give it a chance. Didn’t care for it, wasn’t moving me but I also wasn’t excited for it going into it. Maybe I need to give it another try one day in a better frame of mind
Classic. Heard this before and it bangs.
Raw as fuck. Holy fuck. Remember when rap used to be grimy?
BIG. TIME. IM ON MY WAY IM MAKING IT. BIG TIME. Other than that, I’m bored tbh.
It’s very indie in a 90s way and that can give it a dated vibe because that’s a specific sound from a very specific era, but the somber tone of Smith resonates. He is really pouring his heart and soul about topics that people should be able to relate to and if they can’t relate, then the emotion he puts in his voice and instruments at least demands to be felt and can’t be ignored.
Probably will never listen to this again, but it's good rock from what I'm hearing, especially track 1.
Not my favorite Tom Waits, but it's Tom Waits. You can't go wrong with Tom Waits. Never heard a bad project from the guy. Never even a bad song from him.
White mediocrity at its finest. Not even Welcome to the Jungle is anything special to me. In fairness, I liked Paradise City and Mr. Brownstone caught my attention. Sweet Child O Mine kinda goes too. Everything else blows, especially that weird one about the “daddy does porno now that mommas gone” cause wtf was that.
Not my vibe. Couldn’t get into it. Not bad just not my vibe.
Not gonna lie, I was ready to go in and talk shit about this, but man that first track hit me like a hurricane, shit goes so hard immediately. Why is this so good? This should not be so good.
"Shot him in the ass on the DOWN stroke 9x" This can't be hip hop.
Not my vibe. Bored by it.
Started off kinda interesting, like a punk sound with a classic rock aesthetic but got really boring real samey really fast.
This is hard at a time when I neeeed something hard.
Big contender for Favorite Album of all Time.
Surprised me. Completely caught me off guard. Angelic voice. Incredible songs. No skips whatsoever. Loved this.
Pretty good. Got a little distracted so I couldn’t enjoy it fully but I wouldn’t be against listening again. Really liked Jupiter and Teardrop.
I tried to listen, not bad, just not my vibe.
This project has no right being as good as it is.
Kickstarted me into discovering and diving into a whole new genre. Very calming instrumental music. Can easily have it on while working, thinking, or even sleeping.
Not bad, it’s chill. Not my favorite project from her but it’s chill, feels complete and concise.
It’s listenable but nothing that moves me. Not really my vibe.
I’m good on this slave master ass music. Tho they were cookin on Knoxville Girl a lil bit.
Great album. Tom Waits rules, maybe better than Blue Valentine?
This shit kinda swagger less.
You can tell he stole from black people but he jamming so let him cook
Started off strong but I zoned out pretty fast. Still, listenable album, just not something I can see myself listening to again. It’s just ok.
Surprised this kinda goes crazy immediately
Surprisingly fire. Surprisingly groovy. Did not expect this to go hard like it did. I’m skeptical to give it a 5 because it’s so new sound wise to me but it hit so hard, why did this go so hard?!
Unique sound that got old pretty fast. Surprisingly groovy in places and I liked a couple songs but it got repetitive real fast and that uniqueness lost its luster. Got boring.
It’s chill. It’s ok, won’t listen again but it’s chill in a funky way.
This does nothing for me, some songs are a little annoying actually.
Not really my vibe but I get it. A little boppy. I get how this became a classic. Different for the time, as far as performing at a prison, but Cash is also killing it for this crowd and he’s speaking down to earth to them in between songs. That alone is kinda cool. Plus tracks like Cocaine Blues are boppy.
Modern classic in its genre. It’s dope to see the female pov of what guys usually brag about in songs: bachelor life, sleeping around, tricking off, etc. It’s most interesting when it turns bittersweet and she’s talking about how this is her lifestyle but she wants more and doesn’t know how to get more. Kind of relatable even as a guy.
Dogs distracting me but I like what I heard.
Surprisingly disappointed. Nothing really hit me. Love in the Dark was good tho. River Lea is fine. Then Hello is Hello, but that’s it. All I Ask is hard tho, might be better than Hello. But album over all I kinda expected better. Ok Sweet Devotion is amazing, way better than Hello. Fuck these last few tracks saved the album.
This surprised the hell out of me. This a head bopper for sure.
Absolutely unhinged lyrics. I cut it off after Be Sweet.
Not really my kind of music but it’s cool as hell that this is Bjork pre-solo run. Didn’t expect her voice to pop up. I liked that motor song a lot.
I already don’t care for live albums. I care not for live butt rock.
Way better than I expected, shit is a vibe AND a bop.
Wasn’t feeling track 1 but track 2 Kinder Murder is kind of a head bopper. Twelve Steps is ok. Too soon to know is ok. A lot of songs are either ok or not my vibe. I get why it’s on the list but most of this kind of music just ain’t for me.
Classic! Every one of his albums are better than the last.
Experimental as fuck, I’ll give it that, but it’s just noise. Grating as fuck to my ears.
Classic. Amazing stuff.
Felt like listening to the Toy Story theme over and over again, except none of the songs are anywhere near as good as the Toy Story theme.
Excellent jazz. Practically feels like classical music in its execution and it happens to be just as good.
Honestly, too similar to the Beatles. They sound like a cover band. I get that was the sound of the era, but it’s not interesting or innovative when it sounds so same.
It’s listenable. It’s like listening to western music with the sensibilities of a Mamas and the Papas.
It’s interesting because I see the influence of future artists. Like I can see Amy Whinehouse being inspired by this sound especially on It Takes More. That’s the song that jumped out at me most in general. Not much gripped me beyond that.
This fuckin rules!
Holy shit THATS what that 21st century schizoid man sample is from! That’s crazy always thought it was Ozzy Osborn. That along make this a five.
Not bad but a little too mainstream pop rock for me?
Not my vibe, also not my language.
Decent background music.
Fake ass Bob Dylan
This is different. I was surprised.
Joy Division makes music for lottery sweepstakes winners.
WHY IS THIS INTRO SO FUCKIN LONG???? Ok this is an album that demands a lot of patience. You have to be really patient with this one but it kind of pays off. Worth it. Title track is my favorite and the crazy intro builds to something I end up liking, too.
Even better than the Folsom one surprisingly. Great stuff.
Holy shit wtf lol this opening track. This album kinda rules.
Butt rock. More like ass rock. Obnoxious.
Conflicted between calling this the worst thing ever or the best thing ever. Sound is incredibly dated and that stunts it the most, but when it bangs, it bangs.
Not bad, not something I’d want to listen to for an hour, lost its novelty for me after awhile, but worth it to get to the last song Wolf at the Door.
Feels weird rating this without listening but I can’t find this streaming anywhere.
It’s chill.
Classic. Still holds up as one of the all time best rap albums.
Not bad. Not bad at all. Railroad is cute tho.
This sounds fucking terrible.
So calming and serene. Straight shooter is my favorite but also really like Call Your Name and others like Got a Feelin. Good old school, carefree stuff.
Did not think I would like this album for some reason but holy shit so good. You can see the foundations of punk being built in real time while listening. So many great punk rock albums borrow elements from this and it’s evident. Besides the influence, music is just good. Anarchy in the UK of course stands out obviously but the others are bangers too like Bodies, Seventeen, and Holiday in the Sun.
Still classic grunge. Holds up.
Great stuff.
It's not bad, interesting sound (I keep thinking Elton John if he tried punk), just not really my vibe.
These instrumentals are kinda crazy good especially Aumgn.
Ok this is my jam. I really like this. Rockin’
Wonder is wonderful, as always.
It’s chill. Catchy.
Nothing wrong with it just not really for me. I do like how all the songs seem to bleed into each other, that’s always cool to me.
Running Up that Hill is tremendous obviously, that song alone is worth three stars, but nothing else really for me beyond that. Nothing hits the same. It almost starts too high as a track 1 and everything after is just immensely disappointing by comparison.
Some songs are a little dull and others are good until they last too long, but Cry Me a River and Rock Your Body still ring off. Why isn’t the Clipse w credited feature on the second track?
This surprised the fuck out of me. Stellar.
Starts off hot but I got bored by it fast. I think I like U2 in small doses but not album length.
Unexpectedly calming. There was a point where the album just breezed by and I didn’t realize how wrapped into songs like Why Worried Now I was, until I thought “wow, I’ve been listening for 30+ minutes and it doesn’t even feel like it.” I just felt chill and calm. Not even thinking about the music, I just sat in the feeling and got lost in it.
Love this guy’s voice. Oddly soothing songs, soothing yet thunderous.
Feels like a wack ass Sex Pistols. The songs are only like 3 minutes a piece but they feel so much longer because they’re wack. Shit you not, thought I was listening to the album for 20+ minutes after the first two tracks. Only six minutes passed. Ugh.
Vocals are too low, makes it like an instrumental album. But the instruments are good at least. Just wish I could hear the lyrics.
This nigga spittin. Too bad he couldn’t see the spit, too
It’s fine. Some albums are just fine. Not bad but nothing I’m in a rush to hear again. Listenable.
Again, it’s fine. Didn’t hate it like I thought I would so hey that’s something. Decent stuff.
This muthafuckas Jamin’. Was not expecting Bonita Applebum to be the original sample for Fugees Killin Me Softly.
Decent listen. Not for me but decent background music.
Eh, does nothing for me.
She was cookin.
It’s different. It’s not bad, solid stuff. Really liked that song Planet 10.
Ok song.
It’s cool. Starting with Tiny Dancer is ballsy when it’s such a great song. On the other hand, rest of the tracks follow the same style of that song and it becomes less interesting the longer it goes.
Good tunes for the background but why is Respect here twice.
Honestly better than I was expecting. The guitar solo on Eruption is CRAZY. This kind of rock isn’t usually my vibe but it’s solid.
It’s not really doing anything for me. First two tracks were promising but I got bored of the sound fast. Not for me.
Holy shit this surprised the hell out of me. Almost tempted to give it a five, this is fire. Flames from start to finish, especially track one. Title track is so good.
Very serene, very demure.
Astrud has such a calm, serene voice and it gives way to calm, serene sounds attached to soothing instrumentals.
Doesn’t hit with the same oomph as their future works (rightfully so, it means that improve with future releases) but when their breakout album is THIS good, it’s easy to see how this wound up being a breakout. Strangelove especially gets hella replay value and the opening track starts with a bang that the rest of the album lives up to.
I don’t … really know what to do with this album. Tone is all over the place which can be a cool thing because it shifts genres so often but it throws off the vibe once it establishes a vibe. Goes from hip hop to line dancing to Jamaican jive to … how do you even categorize this? Works to listen to songs individually depending on what you want to hear in the moment but you don’t get consistent enough of a vibe to really enjoy this fully as a body of work, as a full project. At least on first listen, it’s jarring and unexpected.
First track off rip if awful. Bad first impression that’s hard to pull me back. Second track is just a little mediocre. Walkin on Sidewalks and You Would Know are the only decent tracks. The rest is grating. It’s a dull new school band trying to be old school and it’s not landing for me. You Can’t Quit Me is interesting tho and I kinda wish this album was more of that. Truthfully there’s a point it almost grows on me near the end but it’s either too little too late or not enough to change my mind significantly.
Super tranquil, peaceful listen. Calming.
Some lines don’t really age well, as in the “safe” Common saying specific slurs, but these bars are good. great even. Common Sense is spittin.
Not bad.
I don’t like this trucker genre of music.
I usually don’t rate an album this high on a first listen but holy shit this is so good. I love this. It’s smooth but rugged. Serene but I can pinpoint the sound as an edgier time in music. It’s almost indescribable but you can really feel this shit. And what a feeling.
I don’t think I like Led Zeppelin.
I try not to give 5s to albums that I listen to for the first time, as I need to live with with an album longer than that to love it, but holy shit, this album fucks. No skips whatsoever and most songs I outright fuck with heavy. Not sure if I’ll feel the same later, but damn this album feels great.
Not bad, but not into hearing dancehall music outside the dance hall. At the very least, I’m just not really in the mood for this kind of music right now, especially outside of a club setting. That might change if everything aligned correctly, but not being in the mood and everything else, I grew tired of the sound after track one.
Not bad but a bit forgettable.
This album kinda rules. Beck kinda rules. Who would’ve thought? I don’t care what the internet says, Beck is pretty great.
I like the concept of every song bleeding into each other to make one song. I just wish I liked the song it produced here more. A little too slappa da base energy for me.
This is cute. Longer I sit with it, the more I really like it. Gets better the longer you listen, too.
Otis killin jt
I’m surprised how much I like this, especially after not liking Morrison Hotel. Starts off strong with Break On Through and it maintains that momentum. Twentieth Century Fox rocks especially. The innuendo of Back Door is CRAZY tho. Then The End is kind of a beautiful way to end an album.
Oh wait, Baba O’Riley is THAT song??? Who, I did not recognize your game. Too bad nothing really hits after that. The Wife is ok tho. Song is Over is chill. Alright I’m hating, Getting in Tune is cool too. That whole last 1/3 of the album kinda go crazy.
Super chill, kind of reminds me of Father John Misty but more tranquil.
Really good jazz that borders between serene and eerie.
I see the king in BB King so why can’t you?
It’s fine, it’s listenable. It’s alright.
Calm jazz.
Title track is goated and always has been. Rest of the album is pretty damn good too.
EWF were them ones, had no idea they did Shining Star. So much soul in every song, but different variations of soul that each song feels different, but with so much love and passion put into them like with All About Love.
Someone could tell me that this is objectively the greatest rap album of all time and I truthfully would have a hard time trying to argue. I guess it ain’t hard to tell.
I kind of had expectations because the title, the album cover, even the name all looked wicked cool to me. But this failed to captivate me or leave an impression. I genuinely don’t remember how these songs sound. Which is a shame.
Gripped me from the start, she’s got a great voice with emotion behind each lyric.
This surprised me a lot, the world is a vampire. Too long of an album tho.
This is kind of great, real breezy listen. Was over before I knew it. Reminds me of a mix between Father John Misty and Tom Waits.
I feel like I heard the opening track somewhere before but can’t really place it.
Frank was cookin with track 1, but the rest is a little too old timey for me. Like buddy is talkin about “making Whoopi” what are we doing. Smooth talker tho, he says things well, well spoken fella. Slicker than a can a paint.
Doesn’t do anything for me, not my vibe.
I love the sound, but the announcements in between take me out.
These muthafuckas don’t miss.
Kinda boring, not gonna lie.
Not gonna lie, especially after that My Heart Still Beats, I can’t help thinking “Now I see why Beyoncé was pegged as the breakout star. Kelly and Michele are great but Beyoncé is the clear standout. Still, very good album. Would be better if it wasn’t so long, overstays it’s welcome after awhile. But great stuff here, from the hits to B-sides like Emotion. Didn’t know they had joints like that. Honestly, just when I thought the album lost me, the b sides go crazy.
This album has no reason being this good. Like even outside the classic Mrs. Robinson, joints like America, Overs, Save the Life of a Child, Hazy Shade of Winter, Fakin It, etc all go so fucking hard. I wish it ended on a better note because the last track At the Zoo doesn’t do much for me, but wow what an album.
I dig Invincible and Starlight but that’s about it. Muse isn’t really my vibe I don’t think. First time hearing them. Still, it’s an ok album. Listenable for the most part.
It’s very French. Not a bad thing, but it’s low on instrumentals and high on vocals I don’t understand. Wasn’t into it.
Lovely melodies left and right, back to back.
Its ok. I really like Happiness. Cute sound. Boring in some parts but nothing outright bad or offensive. Happiness has replay potential but I doubt I’ll ever peep this project again.
I like the track one remix of daydreaming but nothing else really does anything for me.
Honestly makes for great thinking music and music to work to. A little more hyperactive than the jazz or piano music I usually work to and maybe made it harder to focus, but that isn’t to say that the music is bad. Very, very good hyper instrumentals. It’s kind of like the fight music you’d hear in Marvel vs. Capcom or your average beat em up. Plus, the longer it goes, it becomes oddly soothing. I would say it’s a little too long at three hours but that’s perfect when you’re using it to think/work.
So surprised I liked this as much as I did. I usually hate anything classic rock, but there’s practically no skips on here. Woman and maybe Armageddon are my favorites. Even the big Sugar hit goes hard.
Wildly disappointed. Always assumed his actual music was old school, old timey vibes like what he does on the ASAP Rocky feature, that’s kind of what I was in the mood for. This was some classic rock, fake ass Led Zeppelin, bum ass Bon Jovi rip off music.
If it’s not Kashmir, what are we even talking about dude?
I wanted to like this, but it does nothing for me. Cutesy beats don’t really do anything for me, they kind of become grating by minute 20. Interesting arcade sounds mixed with a bohemian sound, but again, grows weary fast and the album just becomes a chore to sit through. I don’t hate it, just disappointed.
Nothing really to this besides Mr. Bright side and Somebody told me, maybe On Top. Smile and Things are ok. A lot of songs are just ok, Brightside is the only real banger.
Did nothing for me.
Did not expect a mostly instrumental album. Not soothing enough for thinking/working music. But it’s ok.
Nah I ain’t jacking this.
CLASSIC. Living for the City especially but the rest of the album holds up better than I remember too.
These reads so smooth. Ends on a high note with Fame but other tracks like Fascination are great too.
Mostly instrumental and it’s listenable for the most part. When it does ease lyrics in their, the lyrics are interesting, like on The Only Way when it questions how God can exist when He let the holocaust happen. Don’t like the Diddy bop song at the end but the rest of the album is listenable. Solid stuff.
This surprised me. Starts off strong off the first track. Every time I thought the album was losing steam, the next track brought me back.
Sweet Thing is cool, only one that’s decent enough to listen through without wanting to skip. Maybe I just wasn’t in the mood for this, but this does nothing for me. I was over this album long before it got going.
CLASSIC. Living for the City especially but the rest of the album holds up better than I remember too.
Super soothing and relaxing instrumentals. Easy to work/think to, even sleep to. Calming for me.
Not quite thinking music but there are some boppy instrumentals. The more lyrical stuff like Praise You or Heaven, though, I don’t care for and take me out a bit. Other times, it’s a little too electronica even for my tastes. But ultimately a decent listen.
I’m already not an Eminem fan, this shit gets insufferable and overstays its welcome fast. By time I get to Role Model, I’m desperately waiting for this album to end, tempted to skip songs. Good beats, tho, they help the obnoxious lyrics sometimes be listenable but when the beat doesn’t connect (like on Role Model) that’s when it really feels insufferable.
Track 1 feels like a fake David Bowie song but the album soon becomes a straight instrumental album. I loved the instrumental songs. The vocals would hold the album down especially when they were so grating. Like Alfie is an insufferable song for that reason and the vocals heavy ones are the ones I’d skip.
Strong start with track one but loses its allure fast. Lots of skips, annoying voice for the most part. Le Premier almost wins me back though, I really like that one. That song is immensely calming to my ears.
It’s a light Beatles pack that ain’t connecting with me. First track or two is listenable but I can’t listen to that kind of sound for too long without everything feeling samey. I like Hung Up on a Dream tho.
Everything is pretty shippable. Obnoxious sound.
Love the 80s vibes. Well it came out in 1989 so obviously lol but the synth pop is lovely. Soothing. Especially on Run, Vanishing Point, and Love Less.
Good good jazz.
Not bad actually. Pleasantly surprised. Super listenable. Not a single skip and a lot of songs I really like including Baby’s Got Sauce. Rap infused with a groovy beat poetry sound.
Did not think this would cook like that judging by the cover. Color me surprised. This is good ass country, the best country album I heard in a minute. First track off rip is great, even the more upbeat songs like Mary Come around are great, but I prefer the more low key tracks, the slower stuff like Grand Tour, Who Will I Be Loving Now and Darlin.
I wanted to like this, I wanted to give this a chance, but for the life of me I could not give a shit about any of it.
It’s like there are no skips on this. Really calming head bopper, chill and calm music. Favorite Marley album I’ve heard so far easily.
I can’t get jiggy with this shit.
Not bad, just doesn’t leave much of an impression. “On How Your Love is Strong” is the first song to get my ears to perk up, but most of these songs sound exactly like that. “Needle of Death” is another one. Decent stuff but most of these sound the same with different lyrics and few, if any, standout for me. Very Bob Dylan inspired it seems, which I can at least appreciate on some level.
Incredibly calming music.
It’s fine. Just fine.
Incredibly calming. I can listen to this all day.
Heard this before but this is way better than I remember. First listen I knew it was a solid early effort from Bowie, but on a second listen, it still ranks among his very best.
Coincidentally heard this like 2 days ago lmao. Loved this, love the Herbie Hancock sound. You’d be hard pressed to find a Herbie Hancock album or, hell, a song I won’t like.
Feels like an extension of that Mello Gold, Loser era of Beck. I like Loser but not that much. Nothing really hit as a result. I prefer the more experimental Beck we got on Sea Change. Not that I’m comparing and contrasting but stating my preference as to why quintessential Beck did nothing for me.
Nothing really hits except The Passenger. Very disappointing.
Starting with the classic Karma Chameleon kind of sets it up for failure. Nothing really compares after, though I do like Black Money.
Merry Christmas.
I’m surprised. Reed Rules, low key a lot of these are ballads.
OH! THAT’S where THAT sound effect is from! Album is worth it 5 out of 5 for that alone, my mouth dropped hearing it on Roundabout (which is also a great, funky head boppy sound even if you don’t recognize the sound effect). Puts you in a cheery mood.
Too Beatles lite without a Beatles punch.
I was expecting something harder from the title. Not too different from that last Who album I didn’t like.
What a pleasant surprise! Honestly saw the name and got them mixed up with the Foo Fighters Pretenders record, but this is a great example of girl rock. Very few skips. I think my favorites are Precious, Cant Control Myself, Brass Pockets, Lovers of Today and Up the Neck. A lot of good stuff here.
Almost entirely instrumental. Some small hints of hip hop near the middle and gets a little more EDM-esque near the end. But a great vibe when you need to think or listen to something to help you focus.
It’s not bad. I just wasn’t really in the mood to hear something this moody, so I was a little bored by it, but I recognize how interesting and intricate the sound is. Maybe I’ll give it a relisten on a day I’m in the moody for such slow, methodical moodiness now that I know what I’m going into. Such a powerful voice and sound. Feels like he’s trying to take me to church at a time when I wasn’t in the mood to go. That’s the only reason why it doesn’t connect and even then, it connects enough for me to see merit in it. I know how much I’d enjoy it under the right circumstances.
I’m so good on this.
Fantastic instrumentals. Great use of samples. Beats are bumping and calming.
I appreciate it as an instrumental but forgettable sound, ultimately.
Not bad at all. Not sure I’ll ever go back to it. But it’s listenable. Even if it starts to overstay it’s welcome for me halfway after “It’s the End of the World…” That might just be my least favorite song on here, which is funny because I think it’s their most famous, but that’s when it starts losing me. Their style gives way to a lot of songs that sound samey and that styles becomes grating for me after this song.
Holy shit, I had a feeling I’d like this but this is terrific. No skips at all. 80s vibrance at its finest. I feel it in my heart and soul. Hard to pick a favorite. Through the Night, She Bop, Money Changes Everything … and we haven’t even discussed the hits yet.
Excellent instrumentation.
Big fan of Song 2 and Beetlebum, as well as Death of a Party, but the sound starts to get repetitive and I lose interest.