Ellington at Newport
Duke EllingtonThis album is phenomenal. I don’t know much about jazz but I like this.
This album is phenomenal. I don’t know much about jazz but I like this.
Never really listened to a full Zappa album other than Apostrophe. The musicianship is crazy. Very entertaining and interesting.
This is actually some of the best rap I have heard. Real lyrics. Some nice music hooks.
Always loved this album. None of their hits but just a very cool album. Not like anything else that was coming out in 1968.
I’ll admit I don’t really know anything about jazz but I have always wanted to learn more. This was very different from any jazz I have listened to before. I thought it was very interesting
Been a long time since I listened to this. Better than I remember. Great debut.
I don’t think I ever listened to an entire Cure album before. I always liked a few singles of theirs but was not a huge fan. This album was just OK for me. Not great. Not horrible. Seemed a bit scattered.
This is a very interesting album. No big singles or hits. I know this was released right around the time Bowie died. It is very avant garde. jazzy.
One of the many great Beatles albums packed with 3 minute hits. This was not long before they discovered the studio and everything they could do there. They were still touring in ‘64 when this came out Great great album
I had not heard of these guys before. Apparently a very British band. I didn’t really care for it much. The production seemed very muddled and hard to hear. Maybe it’s just my old ears…..
I thought I liked this album more when it came out. I probably thought I was cooler than I really was. Listening now, I can’t really say I like it. I don’t think it aged well. Or maybe I didn’t….
This is Michael’s grooviest, sexiest most playful album. Every song is great. I actually like this album much better than Thriller. Michael just seems so relaxed and confident.
One of the great rock albums of the last 20 years. 2 monster hits and then just a lot of good guitar based rock music. Love it.
This is one of m favorite albums of all time. By far the best Wilco album and that is saying a lot. Just every song is great. Plus all the other noise just fits in so well.
Pleasant enough album. I had heard of these guys but never really listened to them. I will listen to this a few more times. Reminds me of mi-60’s Kinks. Which is a good thing
I always liked this album. Not so much the rap type songs but the jazz and rock ones are great.
Not my favorite Dire Straits album but a good debut
I would give this 5 stars just for Reapect.
I was familiar with the history of this album but I don’t think I ever listened to it all the way through. I was listening to it driving through a snow storm in the early morning so it was weirdly appropriate. Not sure it will ever be an album I listen to regularly but I liked it.
I thought I always liked Maggot Brain better but this was very good too. More jamming. More rock.
Some good songs. I’ve never listened to a whole Femmes album before. That guys voice kind o grinder on me after a while.
I’ve listened to this a few times I. The last couple of months. I like it more each time. Some great songs. An interesting concept album. Probably a bit ahead of its time.
I forgot how good this album was. Cecilia and The Boxer are two of my favorite S&G songs. The title song always seemed to me to be a bit over done but overall a great album.
I could have done without the 25 jam but other than that this is a great album.
A lot different influences here. I have listened to some other super grass albums but never this one.
Different. Interesting. Not my thing.
I was never a huge Metallica fan. And I never listened to this whole album before. But it seems like all it is is screaming and speed guitar. There are no hooks. No melodies. I like some of the later Metallica better, but not a fan of this one.
A lot of nice acoustic guitar. Some great songs.
Very high energy. Great songs. Would have loved to see these guys live.
To me this was a lost Neil Young album. I listened a lot to After the Goldrush, Tonight's the Night and Harvest but not this. It is really good. Some great songs and guitar work.
I had never listened to theses guys before. Seemed like good songs. But nothing special or extraordinary that I would say warranted inclusion in this list.
The greatest rock n roll album of all time.
Stevie was on a quite a roll during this time. I didn’t think this was his best album of this era,which was Songs in the Key of Life, but this was by anyone else’s standards at the time excellent
Guy has a good voice and the music was pleasant enough. I just didn’t find anything remarkable about it.
I listened to this a little when it first came out because it was talked about so much. I didn’t like it then. I like it even less now. Hearing this guy with a British accent rap always reminded me of Monty Python. Plus, unlike Eminem, there was no real beat to the music.
I had this on vinyl at one point and loaned it to a friend who never returned it. So I didn’t listen to this a lot back then. But it was better than I remember. Especially turned up loud. Loved the guitar.
I knew of this album but had never really listened to it before. Being a white not from Kentucky I can’t really say I can relate to a lot of what they are singing but man is the music powerful. Especially thinking back to this coming out almost 40 years ago. And many of the things they are singing about are still going on today.
Better than I remember. Really hard to follow up Thriller but this is a pretty good album. And his last decent
I have been a Beefheart fan for a long time. I came across his album Doc at the Radar Station while in college and just thought it was great. Very weird. But great. I then tried Trout Mask Replica but honestly it was too weird but it was lauded by almost every critic. I never went back and listened to Safe as Milk but it is actually his most “normal” album. Some really great lyrics and some unique instrumentation.
Loved this. Tremendous album. Muddy and his band just sounded like they were having so much fun. A great late career record.
I try to listen in relationship to when albums originally came out sometimes. When this came out in 1975 synthesizers were relatively new to rock music. So maybe this was groundbreaking then, but now it just sounds uninspiring or original. Maybe it just hasn’t aged well.
Great, great album. What shame she:didn’t get to follow it up properly.
I was never a huge Basties fan. This is ok. Nothing special though
First the good, the quality of the recording is great. The production and mixing sound really good. I always thought many of the Metallica albums just sounded muddled. This one doesn’t. But the music just doesn’t do it for me. It sounds like a movie soundtrack rather than a rock album. Metallica always had a sound of menace to me. The orchestra just wipes all of that out.
I really liked this. I bought the second album when it came out but never went back to this one for some reason.
I’m not a rap/hip hop fan. It would be nice to have an album that isn’t all shot, fuck, ho, pussy and the N word. This is better than most. Music is interesting. Don’t really care for his voice.
Great little pop album. I never listen to this whole thing through and it’s actually pretty good even now it still sounds good.
I never listened to this before. I was familiar with their next album, Loveless. I liked this a lot. A lot of good guitars. A bit of a wall of sound approach with all the noise and the vocals buried in the mix.
Horrible. No idea what this shit is. There may have been a decent song buried in here somewhere but way too much bullshot surrounding them
This was the best Zep album. It was really John Bonhams album. The drums were spectacular. A bit less guitar than 1-3. Better writing. Better production. Stairway took on a life of its own but every other some was very good.
Best Who album ever. When CD players came out, this was the first CD I bought. Terrific from start to finish.
I was not not the soft rock/folk music when it originally cam out but I learned to appreciate it over the years. I did come to really like the Mamas and Papas. Great harmonies, great instrumentalist and some really good writing. Even the covers they did brought something unique. Some of their best songs are on this album.
Never listened to these guys before. Pretty good straight ahead rock n roll.
What a great album. Rod was the best before he decided he was a sex symbol. The great rock critic Greil Marcus once said about Rod Stewart that “ Rarely has a singer had as full and unique a talent as Rod Stewart; rarely has anyone betrayed his talent so completely.” This was a great album. Too bad he stopped making albums like this a few years later.
This was the only Van Halen album I really liked. I thought and still do, that David Lee Roth was a putz. I liked Eddie but David was just too much. There was some great guitar work here.
This was always my favorite Taylor Swift album. I’m not a huge fan of this type of pop music but this was pretty good. I probably liked this a bit more because Ryan Adams did a cover of the total album in his style which brought a lot more out of the songs to me. I’ll never be a swiftie, but I do like 1989.
Never listened to this whole album thru before. Some truly great songs. Not all, but some.
I liked this. The first 3 songs was not impressed with but after that I thought it got a lot better. More jamming, more hooks in the songs.
Cult is amazing. I didn’t find anything else on this album even close to that though.
I’ve always found Radiohead albums interesting. It’s been a while since I listened to this all the way through. I need to listen to Radiohead on a good stereo where you can get the full effect. The instrumentation is great. I can’t say I really understand a lot the lyrics but I still enjoy listening to this.
I came across this album a few years ago. I was familiar with Time of the Season, but the rest seems completely different to me. Seems like a Kinks album from the mid 60’s. Very mellow and relaxing. With cool stories.
My favorite doors album. And the first one I bought. This is such a great album from beginning to end. Jim Morrison at his absolute best before he went off the deep end.
Not really my thing. I do like some rap/hip hop but it needs to be more tuneful. More catchy. I don’t get that from this
I found this album on vinyl about 10 years ago. Just tremendous. Not a lot of his hits but every song was great my favorite Bowie album.
Nice solid country tinged rock. Which is what I would expect. Nothing though with the level of the Byrds. No really catchy songs.
Not my favorite Radiohead album. Always some interesting songs but a bit too trippy for me.
Tracy just has so much emotion and aching in her voice that she can bring so many songs to life. The first 2 were hits. And then she got a lot more recognition when Luke Combs did fast car. But the rest of the album is very good too.
Not really a fan of heavy metal music but these guys are pretty awesome musicians. Can’t say the lyrics were much. And the singer’s voice was a bit grating to me.
Nothing like the first two albums. I loved those first two albums. This one is kind of a bummer. Not necessarily bad but different. And unexpected. This one is going to take a few more listens to fully appreciate I think. I’m giving it a 4 in the meantime. Could rally be a 5.
This is a really good album. I’ve never really listened to her before. The vocals, the incrementation everything was just really top-notch. I really enjoyed this album.
Bu far my favorite Joni Mitchell album. I like a lot of her stuff but on this one she actually sounds like she is having fun.
I have this album hanging on the wall in my basement. I just love every song on this. A friend of mine got me into John Prine about 20 years ago. He is such a wonderful storyteller. Plus he is a pretty guitar player as well. Great, great album from someone we lost way too soon.
I used to really like Kanye. His music always had more of a rock element to it than a lot of other rap music to me. This was really the last album of his that I thought was good. After this it was all down hill. Not my favorite album of his but certainly not the worst.
Parliament albums are always fun. Some great jamming. Some weird lyrics. I don’t think this album is as consistent as some of their others though.
A great album. I like Achtung Baby better than this but this is still good. The first 3 songs were amazing. A bit of a drop off after that.
I thought this was an interesting album. Not something I would likely listen to on a regular basis. The instrumentation was beautiful. His voice so pained.
I’ve come to realize that listening to full albums again that it is really hard to be consistent through an entire album. This one has some great songs. But I think it also has some filler songs. But this is a debut album too so that makes it harder too I think. I always enjoyed this album but I think she had better albums later in her career.
Not a big Duran Duran fan. Decent power pop though with a few popular songs.
Love this album. Bought it as soon as it came out. A late career masterpiece.
I’ve never real understood Leonard Cohen. I like some of his music but aside from a few songs it isn’t something I really listen to much. I know this was a late career one. And the first song got a little radio airplay. I liked that one and a few others. But it is a bit dark for me.
My second U2 album in a week. My favorite is still Achtung Baby. This was a little too political for me but had some see ent songs.
This is the first group I have never heard of. They remind me of Evanesence a bit. Some decent musicianship but not a lot of real catchy songs.
I’m not a rap fan. Some of the more R&B type music seemed good. But I really hate to listen to rap music that uses vulgar language. I don’t really enjoy listening to songs that use bitch, ho, pussy, fuck and the N-word. Just not my thing. Plus rap music with a British accent just sounds so weird to me.
One of the last great rock bands and this was one of their best.
Not really my thing but pretty powerful stuff.
Never really listened to a full Zappa album other than Apostrophe. The musicianship is crazy. Very entertaining and interesting.
Strange album. Never listened to it before and I don’t think I recognized any songs. Not something I would expect from the Beach Boys. Bit some interesting songs. I will definitely listen to this a few more times.
The version in the Wikipedia review has 13 songs. The one on Apple Music only has 8. But the 8 are pretty damn good. I would really like to hear the full album. I’m going to try to find it on vinyl or cd.
I love ELP. I hate this album. I’m a huge fan. They were always one of my favorite bands growing up. I saw them live in thx 70’s. But this album is horrible.
I live in the Detroit area so the White Stripes were a huge deal here. This was the album that put them over the top. It was great when it came out and still sounds fresh today.
Spectacular. Some albums get better with time and this is one of them.
This was an actually an enjoyable album. I think it went on a little long. But it was nice to hear some rap/hip hop that wasn’t full of 4 letter words.
I really like this. I had listened to the Minutemen a little bit years ago and really like them, but never really listen to firehouse at all. Some really great instrumentals just straight ahead rock ‘n’ roll.
A little too whiny and lush for me. Couple of decent songs, but nothing I would ever come back to.
2 Stripes album in the last 10 days. Love it. Great album.
How can you not love this album. Jamin’ alone makes it 5 star.
I always liked Sebadoh. Never listened to this album though.
I really liked the first half of this. The second half is a little too Tangerine Dream for me. I read the summary on Apple Music so I understand what Bowie was doing. I just don’t really take to that type of music. Would have been 5 star for me if the second half followed the first.
I’m really not a fan of club music but this was pretty rockin’. Not sure I would ever put this on and listen to it on a regular basis but had some interesting stuff. Seems like this would be great music for a movie or tv show soundtrack.
What a waste. She could have been so good if she had lived. But at least we got one great album. So soulful. Just a beautiful record.
Cry to Me is just an absolutely great song. I didn’t think some of the other songs were as engaging. I actually liked some of Solomon Burkes later albums better. But still, pretty good
I forgot how much I liked this album. I bought this on CD when it originally came out. It still sounds great today. I know this isn’t exactly club music but it’s close. If all club music was like this I would be a big fan.
I bought Thai album on Cinyl about 20 years ago. Just fabulous. 2 massive hits. Plus the Little Richard cover. And then just a bunch of great bluesy rock and jamming.
Stevie Wonder had one of the best 5 album stretches of any artist ever in the mid to late 70’s. Starting with Music of My Mind and ending with Songs in the Key of Life. Talking Book was the second album of this streak. With 2 massive hits this was one of the best of the streak. Every song is just wonderful. A perfect mix of rock, jazz, soul and funk.
I love Sinatra. And I love the song The Girl from Impenena. I had never heard this album before. There is a whole other rating scale for Sinatra. I really liked this album. But compared to some of his others, it’s not my favorite.
I liked some of this. Clint Eastwood was a huge hit and something different at the time. But I think the album just went on too long. My guess is that if this didn’t involve Damon Albarn this wouldn’t even be on the list.
Never heard of this band. And after listening, that doesn’t surprise me. The recording itself was very poor. But there was nothing remarkable here for me.
Better than I expected. One massive hit. The two cover songs were god. Plus there was some decent jamming on some of the others.
I don’t know much about jazz but I always wanted to listen to more of it. I came across this album after I heard the lead song in a movie I think. This whole album is terrific. Other than Miles Davis Kind of Blue, this is my favorite jazz album.
I’ve listened to this album before but just had it on in the background. This time I listened on a good stereo and read the lyrics. What a difference. This album really rocks at a lot of points too. Lots of great songs. A lot of pain too. I will definitely be listening more to this.
I don’t think this has aged real well. Music and lyrics are very repetitive. Other than the one hit, it all seems very bland to me.
First time for me for this album. Liked it a lot. I think this has aged very well.
Came back to this after Stranger Things popularized Running Up That Hill. Pretty damn good. Like her voice a lot.
Not really a whole lot of music on this I mean, just a steady kind of backbeat and then a lot of rapping. I’m not a huge rap fan anyway, but I did like some of the Beastie Boys stuff and some of run. DMC didn’t do much for me.
This may be the worst album I have ever listened to. This was terrible. I get that it is “experimental” but I think they need to keep experimenting because this was truly awful.
Good straight ahead rock n roll. Always liked super grass.
Always loved Cat Stevens. This was one of his best.
Never really liked Queen. And this album does nothing to change that opinion. Banal lyrics. Overwrought musicianship. Horrible production. Next….
Love this album. One of the first albums I bought on vinyl as a kid when it came out. I listened to this constantly. The remastered expanded version is even better. I’m still not sure what a Jeepster is though….
Not a rap fan. But this record actually had some melodies and more restrained lyrics. Not a lot of 4 letter words. Still not my cup of tea, but better than most.
I’ve become more of a Morisey fan over the years. I liked this a lot.
Pure perfection. One of my top 5 albums of all time.
There needed to be one Flaming Lips album on this list. And I think this is the best one. The Lips are very unique and interesting. I have to be in the right mood to listen to them but I think they are very good.
Been a long time since I listened to this. It is actually better than I remember. And the impact it had on music and even culture at the time were huge. It really shook things up and led to a lot of be a different things in rock. So I see why it is on the list.
The only rascals album I ever owned was the greatest hits, which i love every song on. But this brings a different feel. One that is more varied I think. Going to go buy this one on vinyl as listen to it. Great album.
I always liked these guys. This was their best album I thought.
I hate Rush. I can’t stand this guys voice. I have tried to listen to them a number of times. Can’t do it
I am far from a jazz aficionado but this is one of my favorite jazz albums.
I never really listened much to George Jones until I watched the Ken Burns Country Music documentary. He was a pretty amazing guy. And understanding the context of this album around his marriage and career I think is really necessary to completely appreciate it. It’s a sad album but also a great one.
Best Aerosmith album. Although I do like Rocks too. But this s the classic one.
Wtf was that??? Horrible. I can’t understand how this would even make this list.
A lot of quirky interesting songs. I don’t think one of their best but definitely interesting.
One of my top 5 all time albums
I think this album showed what Janis Joplin. could’ve really been. I know most people like Pearl better. but I think this one showcased her power and energy more. What a shame.
I get why this is part of the list. It’s kind of unique and gender. Bending this is different than most the rest of the rap and R&B that was out at the time I like a lot of it creative. I’m not sure what it really brings longer time.
I really liked this. Never listened to Sarah Vaughn before. This is the kind of album I was hoping to find on this list.
Just a fabulous album. I think this one shows how much talent the Neatles actually had.
Good album but I don’t think his best. Live in Europe was amazing. I don’t think this studio album showed his range and excitement as much.
This is actually some of the best rap I have heard. Real lyrics. Some nice music hooks.
Started off a little too angry for me but then leveled out a bit. Good hooks. Liked the beat of most songs.
A little dark and moody for me. Good instrumentation. Seems very much like Nine Inch Nails to me.
My favorite Springsteen album. This is when I really got into Bruce. Freshman in college and this came out. From the opening notes all the way to the end, just perfection
One of the best live albums ever.
Wasn’t able to listen to this whole album as it was not released in the US, but have always been a fan
I had never heard of this group before but it was actually pretty good. A little goofy at some points but the instrumentation and the lyrics were interesting and creative
The Bryds need a whole different rating system. There stuff was so good. This really is not my favorite Byrds album. That would be Mr. Tambourine Man and Sweetheart. But this is damn good. You can tell the influence of the Beatles and Beach Biys in the production especially. And of course Dylan in some of the lyrics. I’m giving 4 stars on the Byrds adjusted scale but clearly a 5 star on the normal scale
One of my all time favorite albums. I listened to this continually when I was a kid. All 4 sides were just brilliant.
A few good songs. Of course roundabout was outstanding. But a lot of pillar I thought too.
Very interesting and unique. Hard to rate those because of that. But I enjoyed it.
One album by the Divine comedy was more than enough. The second one in two weeks.
I didn’t really like this at all. Way too dreamy. Seems like a stream of conscience with no real focus. The vocals are nearly impossible to hear they are buried so far in the mix.
I really like deep purple but this album was not my favorite. Some great musicianship but no real hooks in the songs. Machine Head was obviously the peak. That should be on this list. And we don’t really need 2 Deep Purple albums.
I liked the two popular songs. But even on those, it’s a ton of repetition in each song. And they seem to go on forever. Do we really need 5 full minutes where he says nothing but fat boy slim is fucking in heaven? The beats and hooks are great. And maybe this is what this type of music is supposed to be but for me it was just too much.
I really got into Nick Cave after watching Peaky Blinders. It’s definitely dark but very cool. I had not listened to this album but I really liked it.
I listened to this a bit when it came out. My youngest daughter really liked this. So much so that she named her cats Twigs. I do find it very creative and different. Not really my thing but I can appreciate it.
I can’t say that I really understand this music but they are obviously gifted musicians. And I try to put it in the context of the time which I think it makes it more interesting.
One of my favorite albums of all time. Love Van Morrison. Love this album.
One of the best, if not the best, unplugged albums. You can really hear the hurt in the songs when they are presented this way.
This was really good. I don’t think I had ever listened to the entire album straight through.
Always liked this. Great songs.
Very interesting instrumentation. I’m sure it was groundbreaking when it came out in 1968. I’m not sure it’s aged as well though.
Couldn’t listen to this specific album because for some reason, it’s not on Apple Music. It’s hard not to like Fats
The two monster hits make it worth the price of admission. But the rest of it is pretty good too. Little more mellow little jazzy which I kinda like.
I don’t know anything about jazz but have always been intrigued by Miles Davis. He seems like the jazz version of Dylan to me. Constantly changing and challenging perceptions. This album was very cool.
This kind of grew on me the more I listened to it. Not sure it will be in the regular rotation but I will check out some of their other albums.
How can you not love this album!
This is a terrific album. I had listened to this years ago, but I forgot how much I really enjoyed it. Willie‘s voice and the guitar playing just brings a different dimension. I think to the songs that are so familiar.
First Talking Heafs album I ever bought on vinyl. Not their best I don’t think but very quirky and interesting. It’s best with the volume up loud to hear how much this really rocks.
I’ve always been framed by Radiohead. This is the first time I ever sat down and listened to the album straight through and read the lyrics while it was playing. I can’t say I really understand it. Most of the lyrics seem pretty obtuse to me. But the music is pretty amazing. These guys are clearly excellent instrumentalist. And the production is outstanding I think.
I think this is good as far as hard rock goes probably especially back in 1989. But the one guy‘s voice is so high and scratchy. I just can’t stand that voice. I got good beat. It’s got good hooks.
I actually like this a lot. Maybe went on a little bit too long for me. But good beats. I think it aged pretty well too.
These songs are so familiar by now. Hard to believe these were all on one album this so early in his career.
One of the best live albums, ever I think. Along with the MC5, James Brown at the Apollo And Otis Redding live in Europe. Although I’m not really sure we need three deep purple albums and the top 1001
Couldn’t listen to it as it is not on Apple Music but I have listened to some of there other stuff.
Always loved Elton John. This was an album I came to a little late but really enjoy now.
Just phenomenal. There are the hits of course, but the other songs are very rocking and bluesy. Been a long time since I listened to this all the way thru. And they did 2 more albums this same year.
Very creative and unique. The instrumentation is amazing. Love all the horns and strings. I honestly can’t say I understand everything he is singing about but still a great album.
I had heard of Portishead but never listened to this album. Very dark and brooding. Her voice is perfect for the music. Would be a great album to listen to at 3:00 in the morning.
No. Not for me.
One of my favorite albums of all time. First time I listened to it I actually hated it. But then I spent some time with it and now love it. Their best by far.
I have come to appreciate Blur more. I know they are revered in Britain but never really were that popular here in the US. But it is great straight ahead rock and roll. Some interesting lyrics.
This was such a phenomenal album. The impact that this had at the time was just massive. Every song in here is good.
Trent was in an angry dark place when he made this album. But man, did he make some fabulous rock ‘n roll.
I know everyone raves about this album. And there is some interesting music here. I just don’t see it as the epic that most do
2 Adele albums in 3 days is a bit much. I like Adele but I didn’t think 25 was as good as 21.
I’ve never listened to an oasis album all the way through before. These guys are really good. Great rock ‘n’ roll.
Not my favorite yeah yeah yeah album.
Maybe the greatest comeback album ever
Total fucking dick.
Lots of songs. But nothing really remarkable to me. For a soul record it didn’t seem to be to have a lot of soul.
First Rolling Stones album I ever bought. I still like it the best. I think Charlie Watts on the drums on here. It’s just great plus all the other pianos bongos it just all fits together so well great rock good blues some country elements. Just a great great album
Love this album. The title track alone is worth a five star. Great guitarist, great funk great rock. Plus the album cover is just so iconic.
From the opening guitar riff cinnamon girl. To the 10 minute finale of cowgirl in the sand this is just a tremendous. One of my favorites of Neil Young.
Interesting mix, rock and hip-hop. But nothing really special I think warrant Being on this list.
This was pretty interesting I actually read along with the lyrics which brought out a lot more to me.
Always loved muddy Waters. But you can hardly tell there’s an audience and this is a live recording. Maybe it’s because it’s 1960 and Newport, but it just doesn’t seem like the crowds into it at all. Some great singing and some great guitar plan, but I think there’s better muddy water out there
Not on Apple Music so I couldn’t really listen to it. But from what I read doesn’t sound like anything special to me.
Great frog rock not my favorite category, but I thought this was actually pretty good.
Some interesting lyrics. The music is OK. I don’t find anything overly interesting about it though. Even for 1988.
The most popular song on this album is probably my least favorite. It more people would have listened to the ret of the record I think it would have been much bigger.
This album is phenomenal. I don’t know much about jazz but I like this.
Love this album. A classic for sure
This would probably be better up really loud and if I was hammered. Not something I would listen to on a regular basis but at the right time….yeah
I like a lot of this but all at once it is a lot. Many of the songs sound very similar to me.
Actually my favorite Queen album. I was not a huge fan of Queen. Too over the top for me. Didn’t have the rock like many other British contemporaries like Zeppelin. Didn't have the humor and interesting writing like the Kinks for instance. A bit to artsy for me.
Reminds me of the Friends episode where Ross was playing his music. Horrible.
Really liked this. I had heard Calexico a bit before but not a whole album. Great instrumentation, good hooks, nice vocals.
The title track along makes it a five star.
One of the greatest hard rock albums, ever I just love these guys in this album. Doesn’t really get any better in this.
Love Casey and love this album. This was her best by far. So far.
This is really good I particularly like all the Horns and drum.
Clearly his most Misunderstood album. But really, maybe his career defining album. This was just so unexpected and I think it just gets better with age.
Not my favorite REM album but there is a whole different scale for REM. I thought the first half was better than the second. But for a debut, it was pretty remarkable.
The Red Hot chili peppers best concert I’ve ever seen. Lotta stuff on this album. I like some of it not so much.
Kind of dreamy. Reminds me of Fleet Foxes for my morning jacket. Kind of pleasant and nice.
I really wanted to like this sonic youth album. I like some of their other stuff, but I never listened to this album. Sometimes I just don’t get Sonic Youth and this is one of those cases I think.
Great great album. Really showcases for talent the best I think.
Their best album by far. Second and third album were pretty good too. After that, I wasn’t such a fan anymore. They seem more concerned about Ticketmaster than making great music.
This was their best album. The hits were great. Some of the filler stuff I wasn’t crazy about.
The King sure one of my favorite of all time especially these early albums they were just so creative. The music was great. The lyrics were great good humor.
The first Pink Floyd album I ever purchased. It was really good great on headphones, especially I don’t think as good as dark side of the moon of the wall but after those two This is MY FAVORITE.
I didn’t really care for this so much when it came out initially. Maybe because it was just overplayed on every radio station you can ever think of. But over the years I really come to appreciate this album. And she clearly never repeated this again. But she didn’t really need to. Since she probably made so much money on this first album.
There were some songs on here I really liked. But it seemed very chaotic disorganized. I read the history around the album and maybe that makes sense. But I don’t think it’s something that I would come back to again.
This is not a casual album to listen to. It’s heavy, deep, dark and complex. I can see why it got such high critical reviews. The lyrics are complicated and eclectic. The instrumentation is unusual in a lot of the tracks. I actually liked it more than I anticipated.
This sounds so different than Dusty in Memphis. I have not heard Thai album at all before. Some good songs and good performances. I don’t think I would have it on the list of 1001 but it was pleasant enough. .
Tooth synthesizer based albums in three days was a little bit too much. And I really didn’t like this gal‘s voice either. I didn’t see anything real special about this at all. That would include it on this list.
Interesting music. Obviously didn’t understand the lyrics but you could hear the passion
I’m generally not a big fan of synthesizer based bands but this was pretty good. I liked the drums a lot. The production I thought was great.
I really liked this. Can’t believe I never listened to it. It does sound a lot like Big Star is some places. Also heard some Sweet and some REM here too
This was actually kind of painful to listen to. And I know most of the backstory with Karen Carpenter and there were a couple of the original songs that I thought were OK but the rest of them cover. I did not like it all, maybe it just has an age very well
I always liked Michael Franti with Spearhead. I did not know about this album. A little too militant for my taste but the beats and guitars were good.
This is when they hit the big time. I still Ike’s the first few albums better but this was pretty good