Out Of The Blue
Electric Light OrchestraGod I love ELO
God I love ELO
You may have caught me on a bad day, animal collective, but I am offended by how mediocre and boring this is. I am a 2010s indie darling and this stuck me as the worst of the worst, middling, repetitive, and never ever building or leading toward a progression of a song. I remember hearing “my girls” because everyone did and it reminded me of why I never got into you back then - that’s it. That’s all there is. I imagine somehow these dorks said “we are avant garde beach boys” as they somehow took the worst of the beach boys and made it even more unpleasant by slapping some awful loops on top of endless echoing singing. How does every single song sound the same? I cannot imagine a single person on this earth identifying a single song and saying “that’s my favourite song of all time”. For me, there’s no heart, no soul. Just bland.
This is the stereotype of Bjork. This is what I sing when I’m making fun of Bjork. It actually makes me question what constitutes an album. How is this music and not “beat poetry”? Where is the line?
It was okay! If you like Florence you’d probably like this. Hell I would have liked it more if I was 10 years younger. A little too much voice manipulation for my taste. But not bad!
I think Harry may be a madman - no sane person would ever pair Without You next to Coconuts. And yet. He did. And I am absolutely obsessed. What a trip.
A little before my time and not really my style. However I can see why this was so wildly influential- to the point it’s borderline cliche now. I got a little tired of her simile/metaphorical songwriting and was happy when the album finished. Head over feet was my fave. Forgiven/mary Jane and not the doctor were my least faves
Lovely album with beautiful flow - not normally my choice but I am pleasantly surprised. This is a very joyful album with great ups and downs. Feels like a much larger story is being told. operatic and cinematic references.
Soooooo groovy. Golden years is a duhhhhhh 👌 but I really love how short and sweet this one is. No fluff.
A pretty sexy little album. pyramids is a favourite. Some of the tracks are a miss but overall I think this has had some lasting influence on music. Pyramids followed by lost was a treat
Nostalgic album. Some bangers for sure. Some cheesy ones like Your latest Trick. Not sure I ever actually listened to this back to front even though Dad had this on vinyl growing up. It felt a little dated but overall a solid album.
I’m not sure. This one isn’t doing much for me… relaxing album. But I can’t really distinguish the songs from one another they’re all blending together and not really standing out. “Peace like a river” is a fave and I can see that was likely and influence on lots of those early 00s folksy singers like sufjan.
I was worried about this one because I don’t love young Americans. Win is great, fascination and I dunno it’s just way funkier in a good way than I expected.
I already love it. I knew I would. Somehow I missed this album in my Elliot smith days. He absolutely influenced artists like sandy(alex g). Speed trails and 245am were my faves.
Owned this album as a kid but never really “listened” to it. The second half is the best, imo. Toilet Tisha is really beautiful. This album has a cool blend of humour and serious topics
It’s a pretty good album but it feels dated! Like such a unique date and time (mid 2010s)
This one didn’t do much for m outside of the obvious hits like “just like a woman” or “I want you” I love some Dylan albums so much but this one isn’t my favourite style
This album feels more contemporary than it is - “pump it up” I always assumed was a 90s song. I don’t love it but I can see how it would have been kind of cool at the time. It did grow on me a bit as the album progressed and it became more “fun” I think. But overall? Meh.
This is fun, but forgettable for me. Still nice to have a cheerful album for a change
I thought I would hate this. It’s surprisingly fun! I guess I thought this band was a one hit wonder and maybe they are but the whole album is more rock opera than I expected. Liked it more than I expected. “Until I believe my soul” was groovy.
Such a seminal album for me. Arcade fire was IT for the indie scene at this time. I love love love this album so much and I think it holds up today.
This is so not for me. I understand a certain dad liking this from a specific period of time. But outside of that. It’s totally forgettable. I struggle to find much “meaning” in these songs outside… yeah being a suburban dad.
Some really solid songs - great progression beginning to end. A wonderful album.
This is so 80s. It is forgettable. I don’t think a single song stood out to me, which is rare. It all felt very one note. Okay it hit me - this is for the kids who loved joy division. Same camp I guess. The singer has an haunting and beautiful voice. The guitarist is also very talented, but I find the drummer extremely repetitive. Ended up liking “in bluer skies”
What a weird little album. On its own, it doesn’t do very much. But in context? Wow I cannot believe this was made in 1977. It sounds so modern and I can hear so many influences and riffs that have been borrowed since. Frankie teardrop filled me with dread. As did much of the album. Just a bad weird feeling. Not drug friendly music I think.
Recognize the influence. Know it’s important. Love something different from this website. But still can’t get over how “stereotypical” it sounds even when it’s not.
It’s crazy listening to this now because of what Kanye is and I hate to support him. His lyrics have increasingly become more self centred and sexual which is… boring? But this album shows why he is still famous today.
Just a feel good time. Really transports you away. Groovy as can be. Short and sweet.
A beautiful ride from top to bottom. No individual tracks REALLY stood out to me but I enjoyed the ride! - I take it back, don’t wish me well is fireeeee.
Groovy little album. More jazzy lofi than what is favoured today and some very 90s vocals. But a dope little ride. I’d love to listen to this while I do some work.
So awesome. I think the kinks are underrated now. Love the groovy blues stuff but also the easy pop tracks. This is just such a fun album back to front. I think I would have been a biiiiig fan of the kinks if I was a 60s kid.
Awesome crooning - love songs with a story to tell and a couple hits sprinkled in as well. I love it.
Just a realll groovy time. A story told beginning to end. The composition of each song is so much more intricate than it appears on first glance. Dying over some of the funky riffs that I think are still sampled today. I got lost in this one - in the best way. Maybe a touch long but that’s literally my only critique
One of my fave albums of all time. Listened to this endlessly when I was 16. 12/10 absolutely perfect. I don’t need to listen to it because I know it by heart but… I did anyways. A pleasure. Listened 3x in a row
I love the album. I don’t understand the musical history behind it but know of its infamy. I just think it’s a bomb little moody pop album. I love the grumpy lyrics mixed with sunny beachy tunes. Surprisingly intricate.
I really love this - but going into summer I wasn’t into this level of moodiness. I remember times when I was though and this hit the spot.
Wow really interesting to me because I can see how this album heavily influenced so many of my beloved 2010s bands and that indie scene. Interpol, wolf parade, the strokes etc. marquee moon obviously bomb but torn curtains also got me a little lost in the music 💕
didn’t hate this as much as others seemed to. Something I didn’t mind putting on in the background and just being creative… tuning out. Turn on your love light was pretty great.
So awesome. Weirdly so much more upbeat than I ever thought as a kid (the album covers seemed so scary to me). A groovy time. Good for lifting weights and burning off your anger.
DNF at the second song. This is so not for me. I recognize they are excellent musicians and for metal fans this is likely amazing. I am not a metal fan. Kbye!
A fine album but forgettable. A few surprises thrown in there like runaway child that make it more groovy that a typical Motown.
this defined my early 20s and being a total idiot and living poorly in every sense. Some undeniable bangers that are still used in popular lexicon. My only critique that prevents me from a 5/5 is that I can’t grasp the overarching theme of this album. I struggle to find a through line for something like money trees to swimming pool. Both are bomb ass songs for me but I don’t see why they’re on the same album. I loved some songs that I may have missed the first million times around like “good kid” hit different now. 4.5
A good BBQ, beach, camping, chilling outdoors and drinking a beer kind of album. It’s lovely and the talent is rife. Some really groovy riffs. But not terribly memorable for me.
Mediocre 90s rock. Inoffensive and bland. Really lame lyrics. Technically fine, composed well. But unmemorable. I think I get it though? A precursor to some Brit pop/rock that came a little later. Some are saying he’s ripping off Radiohead but I only hear Coldplay. I’m not sure if that timeline makes sense.
Soooooooo good. Love the famous tracks but also nodded along to ones I wasn’t familiar with. Really enjoyed this one beginning to end.
It’s perfect. What else can I say?
It’s amazing. Some of these versions are more memorable than the polished album. I listened to this in high school and so many verses are seared into my mind. I never listened back to front though, and I don’t love some of the random tracks. That being said it doesn’t take away from the experience so… 5/5
I don’t know what this is… the lyrics and the vocals ouffff
Awesome. Cock rock I was not expecting to like at all.
Really solid. Some excellent tracks. Jos lament caught me in a good way.
Solid. Of a theme. But lame. That being said, fun. Classic Dad rock. I can see myself jamming out to this in a dirty bar if the band was playing live after a few too many beers. No hate.
DNF not for me. Two songs in an I had anxiety.
I don’t need to listen to this because I’ve listened to it before. But I will because it’s 5/5 thank you algorithm.
Respectfully, fuck this man’s voice.
It’s okay… perfectly fine country/rock/grunge. Without anything to standout.
Had to skip Warszawa but other than that I enjoyed the journey.
Solid 4 - the hits are so awesome but comes out at the front way too fast. the rest blends together, so I didn’t find the album worked well in a “story telling way” when I typically give my 5 ⭐️
I do really love this album. I want to give it 5/5 but anything not voiced specifically by Grace Slick is a snooze. Lyric free tracks like Embryonic journey are doooope. Ahhh but the cultural influence is just so high - this has to weigh it higher, right? 4.5
The cramps have a “je ne sais quoi” about them. They shouldn’t really work. But they do. And their musical influence is clear if you like rock & roll or indie or grunge. They just don’t seem to be trying very hard and that’s what makes it so effortlessly cool.
I didn’t like Paul Simon’s solo album for all the reasons I LOVE this album. Great lyrics, a story from beginning to end. All around Beautiful. I really loved everything about it. Perfect little package for a sunny spring day ☀️
As a house fan, I can appreciate it and recognize the influence in layering and building of tracks. Slowly. Very slowly. Outside of Halycon though, this has low re-listen value. But I appreciate it.
Really cool little album. 4 stars as it feels like a collection of sounds rather than a cohesive album.
Dear Pixies, You are too cool. 😎 I love this album when I first heard it and I don’t think anything has changed at all. Sincerely, Big fan.
Such a groovy album that has great progression.
It was okay! If you like Florence you’d probably like this. Hell I would have liked it more if I was 10 years younger. A little too much voice manipulation for my taste. But not bad!
Just an absolute pleasure to listen to. The tones the textures. The way he can convey a feeling in a song despite not knowing the meaning behind the lyrics… just gorgeous gorgeous music and this is exactly the kind of thing I want to be shown more of on this list.
2 police albums? DNF. I gave the last one 2 and I was too generous. I do not like sting.
Why is this on here? I’m not even a Tswift hater but this is 🥱 no song stands out and has the same tempo and progression. Plus one point for lyrics which aren’t to my taste but are decently good.
+1 because I feel like I’ve heard every single one of these songs before in another place. It’s hard to picture this now as NOT being a movie soundtrack. I think that points to his music being readily available in the cultural zeitgeist. -1 Also this is just SO AMERICAN. Is that a bad thing? I don’t know. 🤷🏼♀️ +1 it does tell a story with ups and downs which I appreciate in a good album.
Skipping some songs the album is bloated, but there are some interesting tracks like let the bells ring. But some others that are just tiresome. Lyrics kind of funky and beatnik so I get the appeal.
I dunno why but this album seems like it would be good to fuck to. Dirty, drunk, desperate sex you feel icky about after but definitely think about for years later. That being said, some really fucking awesome strums and riffs that are hypnotic. WHERE DID THAT SAX COME FROM? Alriiiiiight!!
A little emo but I can hear the influence especially in the slow-indie/synth bands of 2010s like white lies and many more I’m not able to remember. Hard to fault. prayers for rain came in haaaard.
In a word: excruciating. Did enjoy stoned soul picnic.
Honestly really liked this album. It was fun and rock-n-rolly with some really interesting compositions thrown in. Reminded me of Blondie, obviously. But unlike blondie I enjoyed the whole album more. 4.5
It’s interesting. I think it’s ahead of its time in terms of the sort of gorilla recording - very spurr the moment, I’m moody, grab a guitar and start recording. I think possibly influential to Alex G and Elliot Smith. Buuuuuuuttttt not the easiest or most pleasant listen.
A weird little mix tape - reminds me literally of that, a mix tape from the 90s played out of the tape deck in Dads car. Very of the time. I could see it being a sci-fi film soundtrack. Lacks a really hook to have repeat listening.
I love this album so much. I remember hearing Venus in Furs on vinyl (maybe on mushrooms?) and it absolutely blowing my mind. Now I love hearing the context of new York “hippie” scene - as compared to the San Fran scene at the same time which was way more whacky.
Omg I LOVE this album. I never knew I liked prog until I heard Yes. And maybe I don’t so much like prog as much as I just love Yes.
I loved this so so so much. Trex has always floated on the periphery for me. I knew some songs but never committed to an album. I was so surprised by how much sound they could fit into an album. Some songs reminded me of ELO. Some were pure rock-n-roll and some made me feel feels. I love it.
It’s okay. I can understand a certain audience that would have ate this up - my biggest gripe it that I loved all the songs w/o lyrics far more than the ones that did and I’m fairly certain they were interludes.
I just can’t. I listened to an entire Train album. That’s enough lame rock for me.
I can respect black flag so much but I think mostly from youthful nostalgia. Punks were cool. Metal kids were not. There’s a lazy angry sort of sound I love in this. But in this day and age I’ll never listen to it again.
I’m Canadian, I 💕 you LC it’s part of my patriotic code.
You may have caught me on a bad day, animal collective, but I am offended by how mediocre and boring this is. I am a 2010s indie darling and this stuck me as the worst of the worst, middling, repetitive, and never ever building or leading toward a progression of a song. I remember hearing “my girls” because everyone did and it reminded me of why I never got into you back then - that’s it. That’s all there is. I imagine somehow these dorks said “we are avant garde beach boys” as they somehow took the worst of the beach boys and made it even more unpleasant by slapping some awful loops on top of endless echoing singing. How does every single song sound the same? I cannot imagine a single person on this earth identifying a single song and saying “that’s my favourite song of all time”. For me, there’s no heart, no soul. Just bland.
Never heard of them before but I enjoyed it! Perfectly fine but not terribly memorable for me which is the only reason it looses points.
This rocks. That is all.
Pretty rocking
Aretha IS the poo. So fucking awesome. 😍 I wish I could have witnessed this live, her energy is transmutable across wavelengths.
I weirdly love this when I probably shouldn’t and I’ll likely never ever listen to it again, but I genuinely love the angst the noise the chaos. The feelings, even when that feeling is basically apathy.
I hate this less than others seem to. But that doesn’t mean I like it. It’s stupid. Somehow it infuriates me less than Elvis Costello.
Great intro to blues for an inexperienced ear. I enjoyed it!
God damn. This is good.
I don’t like this one very much. Big pixies fan, I thought, but this one is scratchy and lacks some of that surreal charm that I love from earlier albums. I think there’s a reason I missed it.
I heard this on vinyl when I was 17. Loved it then. Love it now. Nothing has changed, nothing needs to change. The chain was the song that my stoned brain grabbed on to and felt so deeply.
This was my first Radiohead album back to front when I was 16 and I absolutely loved it. I had to go back and fill in the gaps - as in OK computer, bends etc. so this one is hard for me to judge as I’m insanely biased and this has a special place in my formative years
Was this camp back in the day? Because it’s camp now.
Really interesting and beautiful. Love when this shows me albums I really wouldn’t have heard of.
It’s public cannon, now. Yeeeeeeeeaa boieeeee!
I liked this far more than I expected given the freaky deaky nature of Bork. Some awesome groovy tunes but it’s really hard to get past her voice which I figure is probably a dealbreaker for a lot of people.
I’ve never listened to this back to front and yet I knew all the songs - I think I liked this more than “songs in…” Stevie is quickly becoming an all time fave.
I was a little scared at first because of the first couple lines of the first song…but I actually ended up liking this. A little short but very groovy.
Listen, Aldrin, I'm not as laid back as people think. Now here's the deal: I'm going to play, and you're going to float there and like it.
DNF not for me.
Interesting to hear. Mostly what I thought it would be. Don’t feel like I missed much. But didn’t hate it.
Very good! Not what I was expecting but pleasantly surprised by the whole thing.
So good. So influential on indie. Talking heads have some bangers and some songs that legit piss me off haha. But overall I respect 🫡
Moody-ass precursor to shoe gaze. I cannot fathom giving this less than 4 because of how many bands I love that this clearly influenced. Did I enjoy it? Kinda.
From the album cover I was not expecting jazz. I loved this. Smooth and relaxing.
Quintessential 80s. This is all the hits. This is exactly what I expected. I still hate it. More and more the 80s across many genres is my least favourite era.
This one is a rollercoaster! The bangers are high and the 80s synthy riffs are low. My emotions flip flopped between annoyed, wooed, horny, bored. I can honestly say there is and will only ever be one Prince.
I love this. It’s easy to forget these are covers. The songs are so thoughtfully picked and composed in such a beautiful way, that honours the original while making it his own.
I love Sam Cooke but the quality of this left much to be desired.
Yeah yeah, I get it. You’re van halen. 🤘
Still pretty rocking. Interesting to hear the development from 70s to 80s. I much prefer the 70s deep purple. But maybe that would make a good bar convo.
I think this album is about fucking.
Mannnnnn that was hard. I love talking heads and what they did for music and all the artists I love. But this was an annoying album.
Remember how groundbreaking this was when released? How seeing Radiohead on this tour is still one of my all time favourite shows. I can’t not 5/5
Very odd little album. It felt like a bit of a love letter to many different artists. I’m not entirely sure what to make of it but I think that’s the point.
It’ll take me a long time to finish this - but unless it suddenly turns into heavy metal in the 3rd act, it’s 5/5 for me.
Horrible. Sanitized pop punk with a forced message trying to be edgy.
Interesting. Lots of cool musical references and notes. But, a little forgettable. I’m not sure I equate the cover art with the lyrics and words and tone of this album at all.
Kind of cool - I liked it more than porcupines or whatever. This one was much more atmospheric and groovy - I got into that beloved “flow” state a couple times where I just grooved along. That being said, not a single song actually stood out and rather blended together.
This still slaps. I had a lot of fun listening to this - however, some of the songs dragged on a bit and I found myself feeling frustrated by the constant repetitions.
I loved this so much more than I expected. Not sure why I thought deep purple was like awful 80s hair metal - maybe they transform. 70s deep purple rocks.
Weird little album - er 90s. Fluctuated between Rolling Stone to more funky electronic. I really enjoyed it.
Very talented.
I really liked this. It felt like it all came from one guys brain and their mood swings. Stooges are becoming a fast favourite.
DNF - I read a review that said this was a cut rate screamadelica. And I thought, hey that’s not fair! But they were correct. This was frustrating to listen to and I found myself skipping a lot.
Fun, if sanitized!
An entire album of nick drake is a lot to ask of me. I find myself getting frustrated by his melodies and his voice. Beautiful lyrics to be fair.
Essential 80s. Cheesy synth and slappy bass in tact.
This is exactly what I would think Bjork + 80s would sound like. That being said, I kind of like it. But vocally evokes B52s without the camp.
A million high school boys in a band have this (& the Ramones) to credit.
My ear isn’t tuned for jazz but I can’t imagine it gets any better than this!
This is the stereotype of Bjork. This is what I sing when I’m making fun of Bjork. It actually makes me question what constitutes an album. How is this music and not “beat poetry”? Where is the line?
I think Harry may be a madman - no sane person would ever pair Without You next to Coconuts. And yet. He did. And I am absolutely obsessed. What a trip.
Perfectly fine dad rock
Very post modern - I enjoyed picking up on all the references. But I did loose a bit of steam as it went on.
This is the last zeppelin album I love - then their sound sort of changed. But this is rocking.
Loved this much more than expected. I absolutely love the singers voice. The themes were very interesting and timeless in some ways, while totally 80s in others. I think this sound is also very current for the 20s. I think I’m also a sucker for anything inspired by the grandness of cinema.
I really liked this! I think it dragged slightly in some areas but I think this sound is so fresh and totally stands up to contemporary ears. Interesting to see some obvious references that have been borrowed since.
The 80s keep surprising me. I actually really enjoyed this. Promised You A miracle was a standout. Some really interesting beats.
I like this a lot more than the previous album (1990). Maybe because it still sounds so distinctively Neil young with a tad more liveliness?
I skipped every song. Fuck Lana and her whisper depressing songs.
Really fun
This is probably the least favourite of the quintessential 60s albums I’ve heard so far (ie. Jefferson/beach boys). Very monotonous.
May be my favourite of all Neil young so far.
I was so worried about listening to this because of the comments - you’d think this album slapped someone’s baby. Methinks yall don’t like rap. That being said, this was just OK
Feelings of nostalgia for things I’ve never actually experienced.
Historically important. But not enjoyable to listen to. I can’t get into the rap-yell style so the whole album blends almost entirely together. Respect though for contributions to the genre.
I get it. I think.
I actually really like the chemical brothers. But I do not like this album. It’s much more frenetic and even aggressive than the trippy, chill beats that I know come later in their discography.
The roots were all the rage when I was in my indie phase and I never really got into them. But god damn. My bad.
I never really clicked with the Wall. It was tedious to me, even in my classic rock heyday. But contributions to music and culture cannot be denied.
Serious meh.
No. I am not an angry man, and thus this album was not meant for me.
Just a banger of an album.
I think I hate this. It’s repetitive, poorly recorded, and repetitive. I like VU but this is pushing the friendship. I can see how this would have been kind of cool/hip NY counterculture though.
I really oddly enjoyed this. Started off strong, and meandered a bit but I still loved all the riffs that I felt were quite modern. 3.5
Overplayed but genuinely very good album. 4.5
Awesome. Very Beatles esque. Also sooooo many medicocre indie bands from the 2010s make sense to me now because they were ripping this style off without the talent to do so.
I don’t really “get” this one and found it bland. The final two songs sunk in better and I could understand the hype around Eno in music spheres. 2.5
A little greater than adequate. I recognize/respect the influence. But this is an album I may never be in the “mood” for. Ie. depressed
Very good. Beautiful voice.
I listened to this while making a quiche and it made the entire activity seem like such a sexy endeavour.
So groovy. Shuggie is cooler than I will ever be in this life or the next. However, I must admit I skipped a song or two. But when it landed it landed hard.
Respect because I do think this is very ahead of its time - by at least 5 years. And likely inspired many artists. However. It also hasn’t aged very well. Choppy and clunky beats and drops.
I liked it more than i anticipated for a one hint wonder band. A bit moody. Feel bad for this band.
Deece rocking
I get why people love this but I hate it. Points for banging keys 🎹
Ok. This one gets a 2 for all the hits.
Pretty good. Some I loved and some I found annoying. Her voice is amazing though I absolutely love it
I kind of love it. Mixtape era. The yell rap style hasn’t aged well but it’s very cool.
I mean… it’s not rumours but it’s still so, so, so good. These guys really know how to weave a whole album together. I dunno why I loved The Ledge so much. 4.5
Most of it is fuzzy and non memorable but my god. Cherry coloured funk has been copied stolen, and reworked for the past 30+ years so. Well done Cocteau twins.
Stop it. ✋
I don’t know why this is on here. Truly flabbergasted, as I was with that one echo and the bunnymen album.
I remember being absolutely mind blown by this album as a young 20 something. Now, less so. I appreciate the technicality and the inventiveness of many songs. But now I clock the drag a lot more.
This is kind of awesome. I really like the beats. And her rap/lyrics are pretty awesome. VERY 80s.
Perfectly adequate with some lovely melodies and a few unexpected funks.
I know I love this album. Dance this mess around is a low key GOAT of mine.
I’m one song in an obsessed 😍
Decent. Never heard it before. Certainly no unknown pleasures.
A classic.
Very interesting. Liked it quite a bit actually. I hear a lot of samples I recognize today. 3.5
Jesus. Perfectly adequate. Exceptionally boring. Completely forgettable.
I mean yes, fuck. If rocks. Great album. -1 for overplaying because I’m petty.
I love this. Very good album. Great beats, steady progression, excellent raps. Should have realized the Tribe connection sooner. Bomb.
It’s alright if you’re into that kinda thing. Blended into one for me but I thought it was sort of…fun?
The clash are so fucking cool.
I wanted to like it? But it didn’t land. Appreciated the creativity but I liked the stuff Spotify recommended afterwards much better. 2.5
This was probably super mind blowing back-in-the-day. Some good. Some bad. But they’re really trying things out which is cool. Respect ✊🏻
I imagine Lurleen Lumpkin in the Simpsons. While this is good and very entertaining it’s extremely one note. The whole album is basically one long song.
I can’t help feeling like this album is just… shallow.
Quintessential indie of the 10s
This was just so good. The vocals, the lyrics, the samples. Excellent.
This is insane. The quality of the recording? I often forgot this was live!
I think the song “this is hell” is actually self referential because this album is awful and never gets any better
Very cool. 😎
This is probably his “best” album. But he just can’t help himself to be annoying AF.
Interesting. Highly sampled. I almost liked so many songs but it leaned towards heavy repetition and some harsh sounds.
Yeah. Whatever.
Like an angrier Built to Spill and a less angry Xiu Xiu.
Solid dad rock 🤘
That’s some smooooooth jazz
Sounds like very modern but just mid indie rock.
I really liked this. I can hear the influence such as for someone like Helena Deland. I did get fatigued by the end though…
I don’t like this - but I do respect it. It makes me nostalgic for a time I didn’t experience. When people took their frustrations with society out in music and art. I miss the passion. Now there’s just a void.
Hard to find too much fault. Beatles albums may come down to preference at some point… 4.5 because it’s not my fave era and skipped 2 songs.
Dece rock 🤘 stooges are one of my faves but this is not my personal fave of their repertoire
Nah. Boring.
Soooooo lame.
I remember buying this in the Vancouver HMV in high school because of the weed. Legalize it turned out to be one of the worst songs on the whole thing. Then Burial hits you and it becomes so layered and interesting. Love this album.
Mixtape era. I like it. Interesting compilations.
Why is this two discs? It’s fine and the lyrics are nice but…. 2.5
Just hits!
Great music for working to. Reminds me of my dad, obviously. What a stoner.
It’s so good!!
This irked me some. Long Distance Runaround lost me. I don’t know. I usually like Yes but this is a nah
Kinda lame tbh. If oasis is your thing then I’m sure you’d be happy.
Is it perfect? No. Is it angry. Yes. Funny at times? You know it. Do I love it? Heck yeah.
I almost hated this album purely from hearing 1000 bad covers of Blizkrig Bop. But that was my fault because this album is so great! Such a rowdy little adventure.
I was a little bored. 🥱 repetitive sound but then “maybe the people…” came on and it was such a standout I’m bumping it up!
It sounds like Thom Yorke singing fake plastic trees over and over.
Amazing. 🪩 💃 🕺🏼 can’t believe this is 97. Makes me wanna rave still.
Excellent. So much feeling. So much talent.
How dare you make me feel feelings Leonard.
This is my fave of the self titled zeppelin albums.
It’s amazing. It’s not their best. It’s hard to give this less than 5 but 4.5 I suppose.
I like this - it’s very solange “seat at the table” but more …funky? Wildfires is an obvious standout from some of the other tracks which can get a little repetitive
Good but kinda gross haha 😆
Yeshhhhhh 💨
Wonderful. The quality is amazing.
Oscillates between cool and lame. On a rope a standout obviously. Ska-ish, punk-ish. 3.5
What a groove. Hard to find fault in this one.
It’s lovely. There is nothing “wrong” with it. But it lacks that “hook” ya know?
Crazy good bassist. I love this. Early rockabilly 💕
No thanks
It’s kind of silly and self deprecating which I always like but I don’t know how much I like this. 2.5
The earlier the RS album the more likely I will enjoy it. 3.5
Dope 💨 🤟
It’s okay. Mostly mediocre with some unexpected elements - kind of psychedelic. Really enjoyed M62 song. 2.5
So groovy.
It’s pop gold, honestly. Top tier.
Surprised this is so early. Feels like a precursor to emo/indie/garage. Some weird hybrid. Some interesting use of sound and tone. But overall nothing really stood out to me.
I don’t need this, nor do I want it.
Awesome. 👏🏻 how I wish I could have been there!
Absolutely lovely. Great music to work to.
I respect it, but the enjoyment levels are low. That’s personal though - I always thought they were a little cheesy. But the talent levels and craftsmanship is high.
It’s fine. It didn’t age as well as I’d think. The stokes always sort of fell a bit flat for me. Not much has changed. 2.5 for the bops.
I enjoyed it more than I should have. But it worked for me on a lazy winter day when the sun didn’t come up. 3.5
God I love ELO
Nice but there’s something u always find irritating about nick.
Not my thing but I respect the talent
Just hit after hit
It all blended into one song for me.
Yeah, a solid folksy album 3.5
I’ve been thinking more and more about the actual title of this “albums to hear before you die” and I think it’s shaping my opinion more and more. I find I have less patience for what I think is mediocre. Did I need to hear this album? Not really. +1 for I got the hots
Avalanches are very groovy. I can see the influence of this even now in lots of tropical house type beats. And my dad probably loves this album. I think the only thing that actually “ages” this one is the drum/beat progression. Otherwise it still stands.
This is perfectly fine and has some interesting features but it doesn’t feel “new” or “fresh” for 2018 indie/rock.
Iconic. But it does feel a bit like a hodge podge of sounds. Just throwing some things at a wall. Soda pop? Wth is that. 2.5
Some genuinely incredible beats that still hold up today. Could see many samples. Also see a lot of influence on that mid 90s electronic grunge.
Awesome, weird, danceable?
It’s not that it’s not good. There are some solid songs on here. But I agree with other reviewers here that say this drags a bit, is repetitive at times and frankly feels… insincere.
Kind of cool. Maybe a precursor to nirvana. Some nice beats but mostly fuzz.
I don’t mind the pet shop boys but I think this album was lacking an “hook” by way of a hit.
I wonder how many people have gotten pregnant because of Al Green?
Good shit. 🕺🏼
This album defined mid 2000-10 indie rock:pop. Outside of the obvious smash hits…. 🤷🏼♀️ unmemorable. 3.5
I don’t know what this is. It’s kind of fun but also lame? Super interesting beats then toned out by 80s monotony. I truly don’t hate it but I don’t love it either. 2.5
I love it. I recently had a nostalgia trip through Best Coast and the thru-line there is obvious. Can’t give it a 5/5 because I don’t think it’s like… mind blowing but I think it’s poppy and fun and surprisingly fresh even now.
I forgot I was listening to this. Perfectly fine but perfectly bland.
If this wasn’t technically the 70s I’d not know if it was influential or not because it sounds so quintessentially 80s (But I still don’t like it)
The lyrics 👌 makes me nostalgic for a time I never even lived.
While this is very creative, and there are some excellent tracks in here, it's bloated.
Not my thing - but pretty rocking.
When Bruce hits he hits but my god, the songs I don’t like are an instant skip.
Very influential but very boring 2.5
This really doesn’t do much for me at all. It doesn’t fill me with rage like the 1s on my list, but it also feels completely forgettable…
Amazing sound quality and super energetic.