We're Only In It For The Money
The Mothers Of InventionOkay this was just actual noise.
Okay this was just actual noise.
I listened to it. Kinda cool. Kinda forgettable
Not my favorite era of the arctic monkeys. But must give the credit it deserves. This album exploded these kids on to the scene when they were nearly still in diapers.
Not a fan of the police. This album has a frantic tempo that I just can't enjoy.
Blah blah blah. Rambling old man
Love these guys, but not my favorite album of theirs
Too slow and folky for my taste
First song is like a gay bar in your ears. Also kinda pedophilish
Nice to know he would do that for the incarcerated
Joni Mitchell's voice and style irk me
Classic album by one of the biggest artists of all time. Definitely got a lot of funk to it!
Love me some Abba. It was nice to listen to an actual studio release and not just greatest hits. Very abba'y no songs I recognized, but good none the less
Couple of good songs, but rolling stones should stay in their lane
Great album with lots of amazing songs on it. Not quite as good as by the way or stadium arcadium but solid nonetheless
I like how crunchy the plugged in stuff is. But Neil Young definitely falls into the shutup boomer file.
Great album. Q-tip has a unique and likeable cadence. I know him from his work with the chemical Brothers. I wonder if his name is reference to q-tips not being allowed in your ears, but still feeling so damn good.
Womp womp
Not a fan of British folk pop
There was alot of good stuff from this era of the 80s. This was not one of them. Nothing really stood out for me
Excellent old school hip hop. Great beats, great flow and a lovely little taste of the ODB on the last track.
If billy idol and George Michael had a love child that grew up to be a creepy predatory rapist. That's what kind of vibes this gives off
This gets the rare 5 stars solely for the song Angels. One of the greatest songs from the 90s
This album made me realize I'm officially at the "this music is just noise" age
Can't deny his talent and influence. 8 year old me would have given this a 5
Great songs, great harmonies, great voices. Bunch of classics on this album. I wonder how many millions of dollars from this album went towards cocaine?
Boring 60s folk
If I asked you to describe the 80s on a base guitar, this album would be it. I've known the name Steve Winwood since forever. This is my first time actually listening to him. There was lots of different sounds to this. Great guitar. Fun Bass. And all around a decent lesson but a little dated
Ah pretty unremarkable
Much like the previous Neil young album, not really my thing.
Very nice listen. Paul Simon is such an incredible writer. It's shocking how relatable some of lyrics are. I especially loved how all off the songs kind of tied together.
Okay this was just actual noise.
Classic Beck, real melancholy
Surprised on how awesome this was. I was expecting some lame rock songs about a girl who knows how to walk or some fancy suit. But no, it was a bunch of bluesy rock bad assery
A great album for listening to while making dinner. Lots of soul
You can really see what a huge influence this rambling was to James Murphy of LCD. It earns a 3. Not great enough for a 4, and not epic enough for a 5.
Some classic tracks on here but not overly my favorite genre
Excellent background music for making supper
I've heard the name for years but never actually listened. Over all pretty boring
A few songs on here that I didn't realize were covered. Great listen. Perfect for cooking super.
Good for a certain mood and setting. Not something I could listen to at work, but good for cooking dinner
Great album by a great band. This only gets a four though cause it's not plastic beach, and Damon Albarn is a wanker
Great album by a great artist
Really interesting to see another band that heavily influenced LCD
Great band, classic album
Definitely an interesting and eclectic album
One of the all time greats. Timeless and pure. Noel Gallaghers writing is just absolutely incredible. Liam is a wanker
Cool album but I couldn't listen to it regular
Very monotone and meandering. Kinda reminds me of destroyer
Some say this is the greatest Beatles album. That I'm not sure about but does have some great tracks. The best being in my life
I don't really have much to say about this album. Sounds like sonic youth.
Great album. Great bass, great vocals. Great drumming by the one and only ginger baker. It was interesting to hear some influence here onto queens of the Stone age. Josh home definitely takes some vocal influence from this band.
Nice easy listening I've heard the name for years but only new the one song. Not really much relisten factor
Not awful, but pretty unremarkable. Nothing to report
Classic heavy album full of bangers
Truely one of a kind. An epic triumphant rock opera the likes of which are unmatched. Werewolves, endless sexual induendo. Guitar solos and timeless vocals. Also, his name was Robert paulson
Great album by an incredible artist. To this day probably my favorite concert I've ever been to
Vulgar and classic.
Love making music right here
What are you going on about?
Like a 90s gaybar. Some good tracks on it though
Great album with great flow. I especially like chali 2nas deep baritone
Alotta classic songs on here. But I can really only handle so much of John Fogertys voice
Man nothing beats old school hip hop. The skits, the cadence, the rhymes, the beats. A great classic hip hop album
I'm surprised by the similarities with these guys and the tragically hip. Hip better though obviously
Interesting that the name Janice Joplin gets thrown around all the time. But she was just a member in a band. Some classic songs on here. But Janice does have a big Kermit the frog vibe.
Classic album with great tunes.its incredible to think this was their debut album
Unremarkable. I like a few of their songs but nothing on this album tickled my fancy
Surprised to see it was almost 40 minutes long but only 2 songs. Jazz man! Great cooking dinner album
Not as bad as the last pj Harvey album on this list. But still not my favorite. A little bid of KD Lang vibe
I was expecting to hear a song about missing you like the deserts miss the rain. I didn't hear it. I moved on with my life.
Great chill album. Excellent for cooking dinner
Interesting to see the influence this had on others. Mainly belle and Sebastian from last week on this list. I would file this under "what are you rambling about?"
This live jam seemed just like one long continuous song. A bit repetitive. I'm not sure what the Deadheads are going on about.
An absolute banger of an album. This album both opens and closes with two of the most epic songs ever. If I ever want to introduce a band to muse I put on this and I crank it to 11. Worthy of the elusive 5
Some classics on this album. I'm not huge on Kanye, he kinda irks me. But definitely some good tracks
Nothing to report. Easy listening, non memorable
Ahhh I'm not a huge metal guy. I guess these guys were Pioneers of some sort. Rob Halford can sure scream though.
Great album. Who knew she was such a dirty girl. There's some pretty heavy topics on this album. I gave it two listens and will keep it in rotation.
Listened to it while make some apple crisp. The apple crisp turned out great.
Cool classic rock album from a band I've never given the time of day. I'm sure my dad knows every song
I listened to it. Kinda cool. Kinda forgettable
You can definitely hear how Nirvana gets influenced by these guys
Interesting earlier album from these guys. A few classics on it and alotta southern influenced bluesy type stuff.
I'm surprised the year this was made. It's straight outta the 70s
Classic soulful album. Lots of themes of love and getting together in piece. Kind of ironic there's some lines about his dad. Who ended up you know, uhh shooting him. A little too much Jesus for me
See the rating below for at San Quentin. Cause it's about the same
Some great themes and lyrics on this album. Wish I had the chance to see him. Fucking covid
I'm surprised I've never listened much to these guys considering how much I like gorillaz. I now know why I don't. Oasis is better
Like a csny album but just the C. Pretty unremarkable
Nothing to report. Listened to it while cooking dinner. Had some Paul Simon sound to it
Great album. Had lots of cool B sides that I had never heard before. Definitely will give another listen
I'm a big fan of 90s jams. But some reason this didn't overly do it too much for me. Some decent songs but some absolute turds
Never given a full listen to one of their albums. Some decent songs but nothing special.
Some real Honky Tonk Honky Tonk music
Too melancholic for my likes. But a couple of good songs.
Nice easy cooking supper music
Some cool 80s sounds.
Some nice ambiance. I was too young to realize how important these guys were.
Overtly sexual, silly and all around fun. A few of the songs I recognized which I always thought were blur songs. Who knew!
No denying what this album did. I feel like it's just been played to death. I haven't listened to it in 25 years probably. My feelings are still meh.
Super fun, weird and chaotic. I've heard the name lots before so nice to hear some actual music of his.
Super funky, super fun. Stevie sure has an incredible voice.
Awesome album from someone I've never ever heard of before. It was witty, some silliness but still profound. I must have listened to it four times in a row.
Most of these songs have been played into oblivion. Jesus of suburbia gives this the additional star
The rare 5. This album held a major part in shaping my life. They reunited in 2007 for Coachella. 19 year old me, fresh with my first ever credit card, bought a bunch of tickets on a whim. We ended up going to Coachella 10 years in a row. It sparked my love of live music and festivals. Obligatory: fuck you I won't do what you tell me
Sounds like this girl had one two many of the cocktails at the bar she was singing at.
I listened to 4 different versions of the album thinking it was the same
Soulful smooth and beautiful.
Awesome and jazzy. Listened to it the night I proposed to my future wife.
Short and sweet. Not so sweet.
Yeah no yeah. Some sinkers some floaters. Like meatloaf said, two outta three ain't bad
More like goldcrapp
Background music. Nothing worth noting
Surprisingly decent. I couldn't listen to it regularly, but I did enjoy it.
Jazzy and good supper cooking music.
A little too british-y for me
50 minutes of clanks, bangs, whips and just utter garbage. The only thing worse than a Peter Gabriel album is a Phil Collins album
Surprisingly decent. Never ever listened to her stuff. Kind of gave me a lady gaga vibe
Not my favorite Tom Waits album, but still some decent growly raspy stuff. Some great lyrics. Jersey girl was the highlight
Great double album by one of the all time best.
Today I learnt that there's a difference between roots and The roots
Pretty decent background album. I'd love to see the boss some day.
Mostly just noise to me. I really didn't get much outta this
Alot better than the last Dylan album on this list. Not so much rambling
An incredible debut album. Tons and tons of bangers on this one. It brings me back to an incredible point in my youth. It would get a 5, but the last 1/4 of the album kinda drops off a bit.
Completely unremarkable until that all you need is love/Dylan cover came on. That was trash
This is what I imagine would be playing though my head if I was larping at a medieval fair
I'm really not into the tiny Tim vibratos
I mean there are some bangers on here. This brings me back to like grade 6
I always hated Paul Simon growing up. But he sure has grown on me. Motherless child reunion is an amazing song. This album is great ambiance for a nice visit with friends
Much like the previous album I hated these guys growing up. Their constant airplay and cheese beards irked me. But much like the last album of theirs on this list I quote enjoyed it. Some songs have been played to death on the radio, but that's not their fault for making great songs
Some great songs. Some great funk and some great lyrics.
Rem sure sounds alot like the tragically hip. No Canadians we'll never understand their impact.
Interesting for sure. Considering these guys were at the forefront of EDM. I felt the rpms were a little too slow
Tasha said she wasn't a fan. I'm surprised how many of these songs I've actually heard before. Kinda surprising. I liked it myself.
This has been played to death. Eddie Vedder is over rated
The screams and wails in the album are pretty next level. Some sick solos from Mr Ritchie Blackmore as well
Morrissey is a pompous whining loser.
Great timeless album. I grew up listening to and watching the last Waltz over and over again.
It's like Bjork at a renaissance fair. This is like cranking bjorks shittiness up to 11.
Much like a previous one, I'm surprised how much honky Tonk country there was in this album. Definitely some massive classic songs though
Like taking an electronic journey to the middle east. Decent cooking supper music.
Real 90s. And not in a good way. I did recognize one song though.
Pretty decent. Very British sounding of that era. I didn't recognize any songs but I still enjoyed the album.
This falls under the "what are you rambling about?" Category.
Boring. Not even okay for background noise
They really missed the opportunity to open with foreplay/long time. It would have been one of the best opening tracks to a song ever. Just a slap you in the face intro
Not my favorite genre but the lady can't sure wail
This album lived on repeat in my head as a teenager. I always wanted to be Jim Morrison. I had a hair to match. Great from start to end
If there's such thing as a perfect album, this album is not it. It starts off real strong. The first few songs are incredible, but it really drops off on the bottom part of the album.
I love the Beatles. Everything the did, I enjoy. I especially like the covers on this album.
Soulful and nice to listen to. Not much else for input
I wish I had more to say about this album. I really dig the bass lines in it. Nothing else to report though unfortunately
To me this is just your standard run of the mill jazz. Nothing too special
The comeback. The return of ACDC. Honestly it's just a bunch of songs of sexual innuendo. But then again alot of music is just that. I much prefer the bonn Scott days.
Pretty good opening song. But beyond that pretty unremarkable.
Atmospheric, ambient and melancholic. A nice album for background music.
A couple good songs, but just not quite Oasis.
Good supper making music.i love some Arabic/middle eastern jams
Surprisingly well produced and some funny skits. I feel like rap album skits are of a bygone era.
Simple... Love making music.
Have you listened to the who? This is a who album... Sept live
Good flow and good lyrics.
Background music for making supper. Nothing to report.
Funky and up beat.
Kinda repetitive.
Great album with some massive songs on it. Avoids the elusive 5 though cause there are a few duds on it.
Pretty fun album. A few songs that I recognized on it.
One step above noise.
Ive been enjoying alotta stuff of this style lately.
Honky tonk indeed. This was fun
Donovan? I'm wanting nonofhim. Pretty boring
Pretty nice spin of blues on this one.
If I was alive in 1973 I'm positive that I would be making some sweet love to this album at some point
Decent for background noise
A little bit more noisier than some of his other stuff. I have always enjoyed Fatboy Slim. I've had the pleasure of seeing him live a few times. It was always a blast.
This one sure pushed my limits on my no skip rule. It did have a few bass lines that were groovy. A little bit of a Les Claypool feel to some songs.
I find my mind blanking on what to wit about this album. It really didn't do anything for me. There was a couple songs I recognized on it.
A little too heavy on the keys for me.
Fine for background music. But I'm not really a big drum and bass guy. The tempo is too frantic for my already frantic brain.
Pretty groovy and fun. I had the pleasure of seeing these guys play right before rage against the machine at Coachella '07. The crowd was going bonkers!
Good easy listening Clapton. Some reggae feel to it.
Pretty easy listening album. I do like early Coldplay alot better than newer Coldplay
Some classic jams on this one. It definitely sounds like the 90s
Pretty cheesie. Rock operaish
A surprise but not surprising. Brings me back to my jack johnson days
Another classic old school hip a Hop album. Worth a relisten
Punk is probably my least favorite genre.
Awesome reggae tones. Surprised a few songs I thought were Marley songs all these years
Great Valentine's Day dinner background music.
Great classic album from the boss. Lotsa epic songs on this one