American IV: The Man Comes Around
Johnny CashSome classic Cash sounds and some that felt like they dragged him into the studio and put the lyrics in front of him. "We'll Meet Again" probably my favorite... although "Hurt" is always good.
Some classic Cash sounds and some that felt like they dragged him into the studio and put the lyrics in front of him. "We'll Meet Again" probably my favorite... although "Hurt" is always good.
Classic early Dylan. definitely a good listen - if not every-day.
Classic and great headbanging fun. Arguably the most musically impactful album from a great band
I could listen to her any time anyplace and all day.
Obviously a bunch of great ones... "Respect" is a jam for sure!
Always a classic.
Voice of a generation. Hard rocking but relatable. From "Basket Case" to "All by Myself" - honest, sometimes funny, always straightforward.
Some classic Cash sounds and some that felt like they dragged him into the studio and put the lyrics in front of him. "We'll Meet Again" probably my favorite... although "Hurt" is always good.
So good. Energy, drive, really the beginnings of rock and roll - albeit with an early corporate bent.
Such a mix... greats like Smooth Criminal, Way You Make Me Feel, & Leave Me Alone... and then some awful awful tunes... Speed Demon?? Ugh...
Meh... never been too into this type, but it was fun.
Classic early punk. Light on technical ability, Heavy on angst and lack of F's.
Speaking my language. Every song is good - multiple are classics - at least two are iconic in riffs, lyrics, style. Just great stuff.
Interesting - feels a lot like the Dead with a Jam Band vibe and some really good harmonies. I had never heard this before!
Nice and smooth. I'd listen again.
Foundation for a lot of synth rock and pop over the following 10 years. Classic.
Interesting with the Ska influences along with the rock & grunge. Fine album, but I just don't think it would be on my list.
Back to back to back bangers. Also one of the greatest unplugged performances ever. Great album.
Best of the era.
Interesting - some very typical and classic Bowie. Some not as great.
Fun. Definitely kinda the next step into the 200s for the rock genre.
Not his best, but still a great artist finding his craft.
Love me some Cat Stevens. Kind of a surprise on this list, but a nice listen.
Campy and interesting... for about twenty of the 69 songs. Then it gets old quickly.
Interesting. Not a huge jazz fan, but this seemed pretty experimental.
Meh. I understand why it's here and enjoyed it okay, but not my jam.
Classic early Dylan. definitely a good listen - if not every-day.
Meh. Too jam-band-y for me.
Classic and great headbanging fun. Arguably the most musically impactful album from a great band
Classic, but probably only the 3rd or 4th best REM album...
Hadn't been exposed to these guys - looks and sounds very British. Nice sound, though. Better than Oasis... ;)
Not a big electronic/house fan, but even I liked a few of these!
Classic song writing.
Meh. Not my jam.
A little experimentation on their songs. Note bad at all.
Harder than I remember. Not bad and nice straight jersey rock n roll.
Meh. Too much Partridge Family and not enough Ziggy Stardust.
Okay. Talented songwriter.
So very late 90s...
Very nice - different than a lot of the LA music I've been exposed to.
Really good - but not even close to his best!
So great - lyrics, music, vibe. What Reggae means to me.
Impactful. Not my favorite overall, but you can hear influences back in time and how she has influenced others.
So good for straight metal.
I get the message and songwriting, but not my jam.
Classic 60's
Meh... C'mon Eileen appears to be their apex.
Classic. Easy. Almost a solid listen from front to back.
Early early. Some intertwining of what would be the actual rock with the Stones. Good album, not great.
I could listen to her any time anyplace and all day.
meh. okay for a British rock band.
Fun. Worth listening. Definitely hear some samples in there!
Okay... moody
Love me some Van Morrison.
Classic trip back to the radio days of my youth. Nothing groundbreaking, but fun and full of memories.
Classic - what could have been!
An okay listen, but just kind of blends into the background noise of life.
One of the best rap albums of all time.
So great. Mature, but still groundbreaking and experimental. Avant gard, but still an enjoyable listen.
Recognized a few songs. Not bad - some decent creativeness and is a nice album to work to.
Fun, poignant, and a little experimental. Always good for some De La
Interesting and enjoyable, but too complex for my everyday listening
Better than I remember. Never a Courtney Love fan, but this is a good straightforward rock album.
Nothing overly memorable, but a nice listen.
Interesting and cool. Would listen again and it could definitely grow on me more.
So good. Might be a 5...
I mean, great voice and good songs, but would never be my go-to.
Had NOT heard this before and it is AWESOME. 4.
Meh - a few too many mind altering drugs consumed by these guys. Interesting, but would not listen again.
Classic Clapton.
Decent for sure. Would listen again.
I mean classic rock and some blues. Just great all around.
Not sure I ever listened to them before. Certainly not a whole album. Not bad, but I wouldn't seek them out.
Might be one of the best Christmas albums.
One of the top 5 rap albums of all time.
Classic. Love some of the softer and less whiny stuff here.
I mean - not as good as II, but solid.
Yacht rock...
Not his best, but interesting and definitely ahead of it's time.
Top 10 rap albums
Bitch, please. Ain't nobody like Aretha!
Never understood the attraction here. I mean, it's fine 70's rock, but just not that amazing or groundbreaking.
Not bad. I wish I had been more aware of them back in the day.
I mean, good, and a few hints toward what's to come with them, but not my favorite.
Post disco greatness.
Interesting and listenable as good energy background music.
For sure. No real musical talent and yet, musically and emotionally EPIC.
Pretty good, actually. I would listen again.
Outstanding. A lot I knew there and some great others with real influence from Jazz and influence on future music.
Good and some great, but not their best album.
Nopers. Mostly spoken word and the music isn't really even intriguing.
Classic. Love it. So much live energy.
yeah. groundbreaking and a great way to kick off the metal genre.
Takes me back. LOVE!
Nice blues-laced rock & roll. Great first album.
Such a good mix of writing and music.
Classic. My genre and soothing sounds ;)
Seriously? I guess it was popular and catchy enough...
Really good. Would definitely listen again and interested in what else she has done!
Great start.
great listening.
Pretty cool... electronica and metal. Precursor to Prodigy?
Excellent - when I think Jazz, this is what I think of.
Before the grandiose ambitions. Enjoyable.
Takes me back. Great, smooth & just timeless.
Good, not great rep of the 90s.
Not my style - even for death metal
Better than I thought and more than just Take on Me.