BjörkWow. This album is so, so good!!! I grew up thinking Bjork was some weirdo (and she is!) but appreciate the artistry and new sounds so much more now! This one is going into my rotation.
Wow. This album is so, so good!!! I grew up thinking Bjork was some weirdo (and she is!) but appreciate the artistry and new sounds so much more now! This one is going into my rotation.
Great album! It’s like 70s disco rock! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: possibly Favourite Song: Take Your Mama Out Worst Song:
So bad. The folkiest folk, mixed with yodeling country. I couldn’t even get through the whole thing. Listen again: no way Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
I actually had to turn this off. One of the handfuls of types of voices I can’t stand-whiny but monotone. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
When I saw this as my first album, I literally said “ahhh fuck”. Not the type of music I would ever choose. The first song was hard to get through (what a creepy track/lyrics), but the rest of the album wasn’t too bad to putter and clean the house to. Dancing Queen is a classic but still not my jam. I didn’t realize that this is their fourth album, and this track was this far into their career!
I didn’t know what to expect going into this one. I had heard of Pixies, but always thought it was some punk band I wouldn’t be interested in. Was very surprised when the first song came on, and I realized quickly how similar to the grunge/rock music I like, this was. You can definitely tell that 90s music was heavily influenced by this stuff, and I’m surprised it wasn’t more “mainstream”. Really enjoyed this album and will likely add it to my vinyl collection down the road.
It’s a classic, you know, Money For Nothing and all. Mark Knopfler is an amazing guitar player, but I found this album was just kind of boring. It’s one you play in the evening, or when you’re having a chill morning. Definitely not something to get excited about though.
Not what I was expecting, but some of it grew on me. Definitely has a Beatles feel to it, and as I read up on the artist, found out that he was very close to the Beatles! It’s a little too pop for me, but I really enjoyed the 3rd song, Early in The Morning, and added it to my favourites list! Also didn’t realize this is the guy that sings “coconut”. That was a shocker when it came out! Apparently this was a fave of my Aunt LuAnn’s. Makes it a little more interesting when you can picture someone you know Jammin to it.
This seems like it was a very experimental album for it’s time (1986). It’s like RunDMC in space with all its synthesizers and techno effects! I was really shocked to hear so many things I recognized from later music, so they were definitely inspirational to up and coming artists in the 90s. (I heard inspiration for LL Cool J, Rage Against the Machine, even Beverly Hills Cop!)
It’s a no from me dawg. Monotonous and sad. Not my scene.
Ok but I’m just not into the tinny sounding punk.
It’s just so chill and folky. I don’t get the hype. Obviously I’ve heard a ton about the Dead, but couldn’t tell you one song I know. I was really hoping to like this, as they have a huge catalog and following, but I don’t see myself ever choosing to listen to it again.
Love this!! Take on Me is a personal fave, so I knew I would be in for a good one with this album. Some of the slower songs are not the greatest, but everything else is the perfect representation of 80s pop music. Perfection!! Fun beats, just the right amount of synth and the voice just makes me feel nostalgic for 80s movies. A feel good album! Listen again: Yes! Purchase for my collection: Yes, especially on vinyl. Favourite Song: Take on Me obviously, but Train of Thought and The Sun Always Shines on TV are close. Worst Song: the slow ones
The music is great, but it all seems to run together. Will for sure put this album on again as background music, but it’s not something that gets me pumped or in a mood. This band has “created” so many guitar legends, so I’m glad to have discovered it. Would I buy this record: Maybe on vinyl, if I found it cheap, but not on my must have list. Best Song: What’d I Say Worst Song: Little Girl 🤮
I can’t. It’s the same monotonous voice for every song and the music sounds like a beginners garage band. I don’t understand the hype. Would I listen again: Nope Best Song: none, I couldn’t even make it through the whole album. Worst Song: London Calling. Can’t stand this song on the radio and can’t stand it on the album. It should have have me a hint to what I was in for…
I mean it was better than The Clash musically, but I just can’t do the punk, whiny, toneless singing. Would I buy this album: No Best Song: didn’t listen enough to pick one Worst Song: didn’t listen enough to pick one
I was so relieved to not have to listen to punk, I didn’t realize how good this album would actually be!! It’s so good! Of course I know George Michael from his hits like Faith and I Want Your Sex, but didn’t know just how great his voice was! I could play this album on repeat for hours. Listen again: absolutely! Purchase for my collection: maybe. I wouldn’t buy brand new, but would definitely purchase from the bargain bin if I saw it! Favourite Song: Father Figure Worst Song: I Want Your Sex (too mainstream and I have to change it when the kiddo is around lol)
Stoked was an understatement when I saw this album pop up! Although it’s not my favourite Foos album, there is something to be said about Dave Grohls musical genius, and the fact that this is ALL him!! All the instruments, all the singing and writing…he is a so important to our generation of music. It only gets better from this album on…. Listen again: Absolutely Purchase for my collection: Maybe, if it was cheap. Favourite Song: For All The Cows, but Alone and Easy Target comes close as an homage to the first Big Shiny Tunes album which was pretty much my intro to mainstream rock. Worst Song: Exhausted- the static sound drives me nuts
I was curious to hear this album when it popped up for the day, as I’ve heard about The Flaming Lips many times, but couldn’t even tell you what type of music they do. Unfortunately it wasn’t my type of music. I can see the experimentation in what they do, but it’s too slow and weird for me. It could make ok background music, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to listen to it. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: couldn’t tell you-they all melded together Worst Song: same answer as above Cool album cover though!
I’ve never heard of Fever Ray, but the cover seemed cool, so I was intrigued! This album is very ethereal, and I can just imagine sitting in the forest, meditating to it. After reading some info on Fever Ray, most reviews describe it as “creepy”, and “dark”, but I didn’t find that. Afterwards, when I actually saw screenshots of music videos, I can see where the creep factor comes from, and am actually eager to listen again after watching the videos and reading the lyrics-I think my view will change hahaha. Very interesting electronic sound, worth listening to again. Listen again: Yes, after digging deeper into the artist Purchase for my collection: Probably not Favourite Song: Keep The Streets Empty For Me Worst Song: I found something interesting about them all-nothing sticks out as the worst. Cool album cover though!
I tried but musical/orchestra/classical music is just not something that gets me going. It’s beautiful music, but I couldn’t sit through the whole album. Listen again: Not in this decade. I’m sure I’ll like this stuff more as I age hahaha Purchase for my collection: No Favourite Song: didn’t listen enough Worst Song: didn’t listen enough Cool album cover though!
Pumped to see this pop up! Obviously a legendary classic album, but I had never actually listened to the whole thing, only a few songs. I was not disappointed! Listen again: Yes, for sure! Purchase for my collection: Yep, especially if I can find an original vinyl! Favourite Song: Strange Brew Worst Song: Mothers Lament (what in the eff???)
This is an album that needs to be listened to on a good stereo, not crappy in ear headphones. I tried listening at work with headphones and it was just so many clicks and beats and electronic sounds, nothing that was exceptionally great. When I listened to it in my car though, it was much better! It needs the bass to enjoy it for sure. Still not something I would listen to on my own though. Listen again: probably not Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Pacific 202 Worst Song: Can’t really remember all the songs, only the one that stood out that I liked.
I can’t. Even though I love folk rock, something about this is just hard to listen to. It’s like the mumble rap version of folk rock hahaha. Whiny voice, no melody. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
I’ve heard the singles, but never actually listened to entire Hole album, and I’m pleasantly surprised! Just the right amount of angsty rock with a hint of punk. I think a random listener would think it all sounds the same, but the more you listen, the better the songs become, and it gets even better if you actually read the lyrics and piece it all together. Some songs gave be big Nirvana vibes, but not sure if that’s just because I’m subconsciously making the Kurt and Courtney connection, or if it’s the sound of the times/scene they were in. Listen again: Yes Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song: Credit in the Straight World Worst Song: Softer Softest
Loved this album!! 60s folk rock at its finest. Unfortunately the whole album wasn’t available on Spotify, so only got to hear about half the songs. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Almost Cut My Hair Worst Song:
To me this just sounds like a college band. Not terrible, but nothing special. Didn’t know there was a female in the band though! Learned something new. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: nothing stood out Worst Song:
I can appreciate this type of music in the right setting, but it’s not something I’d put in to just listen to. The first song is a snoozer, and should have been replaced by the second song as a way to draw listeners in. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: second one? Worst Song: first one
Very chill music that I’m not all that into. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Electronic Renaissance Worst Song: didn’t like a lot of them
First song, first bass line, and I’m in! I’m actually I little shocked I’ve never heard of this, as a bit of an EDM fan. After doing some research, I found that he was popular enough to even be on MTV! Listen again: yes! Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Worst Song:
Beautiful medleys, lyrics and voice, and I can completely understand why it’s on the list, but you have to be in the right mood to listen to it. Listen again: Probably Purchase for my collection: If I found it in a bargain bin Favourite Song: Worst Song:
Started out slow and boring for me, until I read up on the album and decided to actually read the lyrics. Kind of crazy how that can change your whole outlook! The screechy mic feedback effects I can do without. That’s an automatic change the song in my books. Nobody wants to hear that! Listen again: maybe Purchase for my collection: only for collectibility Favourite Song: Run, run, run Worst Song: Heroin (with the mic feedback constantly)
I actually had high hopes for this album but was a little disappointed. From all the Stevie Wonder songs I know, I figured it would be a cheerful, upbeat album. What I found was a slower paced album, mostly love songs but I didn’t listen to all the lyrics. Seemed very melancholy to me though. I did discover that Pastime Paradise was totally used for Gangsters Paradise though, which I did not know! Listen again: probably not Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Worst Song:
I briefly listened to the album once, and it was ok. For such an influential band, there were sone highlights, but I also don’t understand the hype. Listen again: probably Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Psycho Killer (the obvious choice) Worst Song:
Not their best album, but it does get better the more you listen. Classics like Kashmir and Houses of the Holy are always gooders, but found some other songs I didn’t know about and enjoyed. Listen again: yes, it’s the Zep after all! Purchase for my collection: probably, just to have a complete collection one day. Favourite Song: Trampled Under Foot Worst Song
Oh man! How have I missed this band?! I’ve seen the name multiple times, but never took the time to check them out, and I think I would have been drawn to metal sooner if I had! Great album that grabs you from the first song and gets you pumped up throughout the whole album. Listen again: totally Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: first one (Arise) as it drew me in instantly! Worst Song
They say the music you spent your teens listening too, define you. Well call me a gangster then. Hahaha! I can find no faults with this album, 50 was epic! Pound this in your car down the street and feel 16 again. 💰 Listen again: for sure! Purchase for my collection: Already own it of course! Favourite Song: High All The Time Worst Song: Many Men (too repetitive)
I was actually interested to listen to this as I’ve heard so many great things, and am vaguely aware of who Billie Holiday is and how she sounds. I was pretty disappointed to find that all the songs song the same. Lovely voice, but no variety. Listen again: no (maybe individual songs( Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Worst Song
Ugh punk. My initial thought, but as I listened I found it to be alright! I think having more styles blended with the punk sound made it easier for me to listen. The instrumentals were good, and the more I listened, the more I liked it. I think this is as punk as I get haha. Any more disorganization and frenetic playing and screaming and I’m out. Listen again: maybe Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Machine Gun Etiquette-has somewhat of a Motörhead sound to it! Worst Song
Takin me back! I’ve heard many of the tracks on this album, but never listened to it in its entirety. The beats and rhymes are awesome, and I really like the older, muffled sound of classic hip hop. This pounds in the car too!! Unfortunately I’m taking away a full star just because of all the dialog between songs. I don’t want to hear 90 seconds of people talking about killing n****s. Just get to the music! Listen again: Yes Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song: Incarcerated Scarfaces Ice Cream Rainy Dayz Worst Song: anything with talking at the beginning/end/in between tracks
While I can appreciate the ingenuity and creativity of this album, it’s just not my jam. At first I thought it was a decent album to listen to in the background with my kid around, since the beats and different effects are pretty good, but after listening to some questionable lyrics, decided that the only plus factor for me in that regard, didn’t matter much if I didn’t want my kid listening to it. They are artists of their generation, so I’ll give them that! Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Worst Song:
Poetry to music. Not into it. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Worst Song: I
I totally love the basic acoustics and old school cowboy sound of this album. Something about old classic country just soothes me. I didn’t realize it was a concept album until I read into it, and at first thought it was just a super sad and depressing album. But once I knew what Willie was trying to do with the album, I appreciated it so much more. It’s quite short and easy yo listen to. Listen again: Yes Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song:
Wow. I LOVE this album!! As a Fiona fan in my teens, I was pretty excited to see this pop up, and didn’t even know it existed. Her voice is so original and the way she uses words, breaking them down to the tempo, with lots of repeating, is totally entrancing. I’m pretty sure the wiki on this album is also the best I’ve ever read-super random, fun facts, like the credits to her dogs barking on a track, the fact the the whole album was recorded through the GarageBand App, to the details of her Grammy nomination (and how she snubbed it) actually makes the album that much more interesting! I even love her album cover and how she saved the pic for years to use on a cover one day. Fiona Apple is a goddess!!! Listen again: definitely Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: For Her
Nothing about this album was memorable. I found it to be just your standard euro pop. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
A classic. This brings me back to grade 8, hanging out in Coal Harbour and getting into things we shouldn’t hahaha. Of course the known songs like Around the World and Da Funk are crowd pleasers (and remind me of MuchMusic dances!), but so many other songs get me excited! I am taking away one star only due to a few tracks that are way to beat repetitive for me. I need it to progress into new sounds or melody, not just tick tick tick for minutes on end. Great album though! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Best Song: Revolution 909
Classic 80s radio pop vibes. Nothing stood out to me specifically, but it’s a good album to just let play. This music makes me nostalgic and happy! Listen again: probably Purchase for my collection: nah Best Song:
yay! Another Pixies album! I’m grateful for this challenge in that I “discovered” this band! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Best Song:
I’m not sure what I expected from this album, as I’d heard the artists name lots, but didn’t know what type of music it would be. I found it to be very meditative and relaxing, but not something I would choose to put on and listen to. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Best Song: I did like the first song-it’s pretty theatrical.
Great album! It’s like 70s disco rock! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: possibly Favourite Song: Take Your Mama Out Worst Song:
I was definitely not stoked to listen to the BeeGees. Never been a fan. After listening to the album, I’m still not stoked to listen ever again. 😆 Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: didn’t pay enough attention Worst Song:
Wow I was pleasantly surprised with this album. Of course Elvis is a classic, with a voice like no other, but I thought I would be bored but it was totally the opposite! Even though the album is 54 years old, it still sounds awesome and pulls you in. Listen again: Yes Purchase for my collection: I think I may have this already? Will have to double check! Favourite Song: Wearin that loved on look Worst Song:
The album itself was ok, but it’s just not something I’d pick up and listen to. Ok background music though. Listen again: probably not Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Still In Love With You Worst Song:
Probably one of the greatest debut albums I’ve heard so far! I didn’t realize that Sultans of Swing was this early into their career either. This album is so much better than the acclaimed Brothers in Arms. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Water of Love (Cream vibes!)
Way to chill for me. When I saw it was the same group that did The Virgin Suicides, I knew it would be a snoozer hahaha. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: You Make It Easy
I inherited this album on vinyl and haven’t had the chance to listen to it, so it was the perfect opportunity. Lots of great songs if you’re feeling the 60s/70s vibe. Listen again: probably Purchase for my collection: own it Favourite Song: Mrs. Vandebilt
So bad. The folkiest folk, mixed with yodeling country. I couldn’t even get through the whole thing. Listen again: no way Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
If you want to feel like you’re in an 80s movie, this is it. Although I didn’t listen to much 80s music, or watch many movies, it still make me feel nostalgic! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: if I found it for cheap Favourite Song:
YES. This album gets me so pumped!! I didn’t even realize how many bangers were on this album!! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: for sure Favourite Song: Wherever I May Roam
I never understood the hype on Springsteen. I was hoping I’d get it after listening to a full album, but nope. Still not a fan. Listen again: probably not Purchase for my collection: I own it (inherited lol) Favourite Song: cover me
Great funky soul album! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: probably Favourite Song:
This album totally starts off awesome, with the hits, but as the album continues, it fizzles out. Listen again: probably Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song: Like A Prayer
I knew I would like this, as I love all the singles I’ve heard before. And the album did not disappoint! Listen again: yes! Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Heads Will Roll
Just plain sad music. I don’t mind a few Radiohead songs, but this album is too depressing and slow for me. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
A diverse mix of electronic, industrial, and ethnic sounds. Some songs seem very chill and trance like, while others are very fast and hectic, but it all melds together to somehow work. Not sure I would choose to listen to this driving, or in the shower or anything, but it’s alright background music. Listen again: probably not Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
Something about this type of music that just soothes my soul! Just good old classic folk rock with some awesome harder guitar riffs in there. And backing guitar in sone tracks by Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and other legends! This is a great album. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Love The One You’re With
Always chill, nostalgic music. Can’t go wrong with CSN playing in the background of your day to day life! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: probably Favourite Song:
Ethereal, almost melancholic, but with the trip hop beats it’s something you can listen to while chilling, driving, cleaning…all the things! I heard Portishead for first time on Big Shiny Tunes, and liked it, and still like it over 20 years later! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Mysterons
Can I just say I’m an asshole for not liking Prince all these years?? I literally thought it was just crappy glam pop and that every song would sing like that Corvette song or Purple Rain, and I was so wrong!! I didn’t realize just how rock he really is, and the fact he started out playing alllll the music and producing himself as a teenager?! Mind blowing!! This album has a lot of synth in it, which gives the full 80s vibe, but it’s such good background music at home. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song: Computer Blue
Not my favourite album of his, but still awesome nonetheless. I appreciate the real life poetry he’s rippin on this album, but I prefer the harder stuff. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: own it Favourite Song: Old School or Death Around The Corner
Starts as a sort of jungle pop sound, with some chanting singing, which is an interesting way to start, but drew me in! The second song has Pink Floyd vibes, which I loved too. The rest of the album is classic TH, with the echo-y shout singing and fast tempo. Good album overall!
Alright, unpopular opinion here, considering the accolades this band has received…I don’t get it. I remember reading something a long time ago about how they are the highest awarded or selling or something, and I tried to give a few songs a listen and didn’t enjoy it. I thought since a few years have passed, and my musical taste had grown, maybe I’d understand it now. I gave the album two full listens and I’m still lost. I don’t see anything special about any of it, and actually wanted to turn it off multiple times, but figured I HAVE to be missing something. I still don’t get it hahaha. Listen again: nope Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: In the Backseat (only because of a few riffs mid song. The whining is annoying).
How can this be their debut album?!?! Almost every great song they’ve done is in this!! I can’t even imagine where they would have gone in their career if they had survived that plane crash. Awesome classic southern rock, my fave. And no matter how old the song is, or how many times I listen to it, that Free Bird guitar solo gives me goosebumps every time! Listen again: definitely Purchase for my collection:yes Favourite Song: Free Bird
This is an album I can listen to over and over again. It’s fun music, with a good rock background, and something about it feels defiant and youthful, yet doesn’t cater to the young teeny bopper type. I’ve heard a few songs from this album on their own and liked them, and now I need the whole album! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Still Take You Home
A little too funky/disco like for me, but I can understand it’s a concept album. Probably not something I’d choose to listen to again, but got all the vibes when Give Up The Funk came on! Totally brought me back to the Guardians Of the Galaxy ride at Disneyland! Listen again: maybe Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Give Up The Funk
There’s a reason this album is always on “best of” lists. A classic. Listen again: Yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Porch
As a rock fan, I expected more out of this album. I’m sort of surprised this is the first time I’ve actually listened to the album and not just the singles, but I thought it would be “harder”. This is more radio friendly type rock. It’s ok. Listen again: probably not Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Grinder
I’m on an EDM kick right now, so this album came at the perfect time. Starts out with a bang, and hooked me right away. Sone songs are best repetitive, but creative with the effects and sounds (apparently TONS of samples were used in this album). Good flow throughout. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: probably Favourite Song: Stress
Dance type music, but nothing that I found I really liked. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
Classic Beatles. Listen again: maybe Purchase for my collection:own it Favourite Song: While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Not available on Spotify.
I always assumed The Kinks were a punk band, so was a little surprised to hear that they are more Beatles-like. Not something I gravitate to, but it was ok. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
Wow. Absolutely loved this album, especially with that opening guitar solo. So much emotion ripping through that! It’s short, just over 30 minutes, but I can easily listen to it over and over. Great album. Listen again: for sure Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Maggot Brain (that guitar!!!)
There are so many songs out there that cans from the Beatles, that I didn’t realize until I was older. I can usually distinguish the “Beatles” sound, and have never really been drawn to them or their music-until Come Together. I’m still always surprised that it’s their song! I’ve never listened to a full album until now, and I did enjoy it, although it seems that it was unfortunately one of their last albums. I may delve more into their music now. We’ll see…. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: I might own it already? Favourite Song: Come Together
The first song is a poor choice for the opening to the album. It would have been better placed at the end in my opinion. Lots of great songs though, and I’ll always be a fan of the band! Not their best album though. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Tighten Up
I had expectations that this would be more of a dance/electronic album, but found it to be too “pop” and more mellow than I expected. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
Slow, strange, and depressing. I guess I can see where it has its niche, it I don’t understand how it can be on any “greatest” lists. It’s reading, to slow ethereal chanting music. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
I can appreciate the music and the voice, and the importance of the record at the time, but it’s not for me. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
Never hear of this band, so that always intrigues me! The first half of the album gives me INXS vibes, and the second half is the shiny crab from Moana vibes hahaha! It does get better the more I listen though. Listen again: maybe Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Infected
I powered through this album just so I could give it an honest review. It’s terrible. Every song sounds like it’s a foreign cover. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: no
Another dreary album. If someone tried to come out with this, nowadays, I don’t think it would be looked at twice. Out of tune singing, no melody, basically reading to guitar. Another artist that I can appreciate in some way, but do they really deserve multiple albums on this list? I think not. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: no
So many classic songs by this group. It’s a great album if you’re in the mood for nostalgia. Listen again: probably Purchase for my collection: if I found it super cheap Favourite Song: I Heard It Through The Grapevine
One of the greatest bands of all time in my opinion!! Every song is awesome. John Fogarty is a legend and I’m so glad he got all the rights to his music back. Listen again: definitely Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Run Through The Jungle “The song was rhythm guitarist Tom Fogerty's favorite CCR song: "My all-time favorite Creedence tune was 'Run Through the Jungle'. It's like a little movie in itself with all the sound effects. It never changes key, but it holds your interest the whole time. It's like a musician's dream. It never changes key, yet you get the illusion it does."
This has been on my “albums to listen to” list so I’m excited to see it here! After listening, there was really nothing that stood out to me as special. Sounded like I was just listening to 70s rock radio. I was actually a little disappointed! Listen again: probably not Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
I’m a big Janes fan so I knew this would be a good one! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Stop
Nah. Tried to listen but just couldn’t get into it, although The Wolf of Velvet Fortune is a bit intense-I liked that one. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: The Wolf of Velvet Fortune
I never gave the band much of a chance thinking that all the songs would sound like “Light My Fire”, and there were definitely some that did, but there a few songs I did like. Listen again: probably not Purchase for my collection: I think I have it. Favourite Song: Alabama Song
Listen again: maybe Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song: My Brain (Zig Zag) Love me a good guitar instrumental.
Such a depressing album-it’s quite literally the classic sad stereotypical country music. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
So many awesome songs, guitar riffs, and a unique sound. Love me some pumpkins!! Still on my bucket list of bands to see too. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Quiet or Geek USA
I always thought they were a British band so was surprised to read that they’re American! The music is alright-typical late 60s/early 70s radio to me. Listen again: nah Purchase for my collection:no Favourite Song: I Wanna Be Your Dog (thanks to the Forrest Gump soundtrack as a kid haha)
Something that’s just so relaxing and soothing about listening to Elvis, no matter what the song is. Never something I would just choose on my own, but I always enjoy it when it comes on. Listen again: Yes Purchase for my collection: might have it already? Favourite Song:
I enjoy the beats and the hip hop sound, but I just can’t get over the accents. Not sure why it just grinds my brain haha. Can’t do it! Which is unfortunate because the music is good. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
Wow. This album is so, so good!!! I grew up thinking Bjork was some weirdo (and she is!) but appreciate the artistry and new sounds so much more now! This one is going into my rotation.
Not available on Spotify
It’s not his best album, but the more I listened to it this time, the more I appreciated it. You can definitely tell which songs were produced by Kanye! Listen again: probably Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song: U Don’t Know or Renegade
I do love this album, but I can only listen to it once before the bears become repetitive. Therefore I’m only giving it 3 stars, since it’s not repeatable. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: probably not Favourite Song: Serial Thrilla
I like the Pixies (was actually introduced through this challenge), but I really did not enjoy this album. I’ll have to go back to the others to compare and figure out why, but listening to this nearly five times in a row, while doing tasks, it was not the greatest. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
This album gave me all the fun, yet chill island vibes. Instantly boosted my mood and energy! Listen again: maybe, if I stumble across it. Purchase for my collection: probably not Favourite Song: Immegres (first song)
I don’t think I was in the right frame of mind to listen to this, because I do like Tribe but this album just felt repetitive. I’ll give it another shot some time though! Listen again: probably Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song:
3 songs into 69…69!!! Hard no. Not into the singers voice, or love songs, so I’m not committing 172 minutes of my life to get through this album. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
This wasn’t too bad of an album. I let it play in the background while doing housework and wasn’t inclined to turn it off, so it was alright. Typical 80s radio music, but there were a couple songs that reminded me a lot of Billy Talent! Listen again: probably not Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none stick out to me
Voice is beautiful but the album didn’t catch my attention. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none stick out to me
Absolutely never heard of this band, but was pleasantly surprised! Reading the wiki about them, I’m not aline in thinking that they could have, and should have made it bigger than they obviously did. Each song kept me wanting to hear what was next and free me in. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song: Kelly’s Blues (the Cure vibes!)
Great album with typical 60s vibes. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: probably Favourite Song: Jeff’s Boogie or He’s Always There
Wow, not expecting to enjoy that! I’m listened to it repeatedly while making dinner and it set the mood perfectly. Super impressive what they could do with timing and instruments and how the songs really seemed to tell a story. Listen again: probably Purchase for my collection: if I came across it Favourite Song: Blue Rondo Al La Turk
I enjoy the 50s vibe of this music. It’s so happy and carefree and nostalgic. Not something I can listen to all the time, but if I’m in the right mood it’s great. Listen again: maybe Purchase for my collection: yes, if I found an original. Favourite Song: That’ll be the day
Tried to listen but only got in three songs and couldn’t take it anymore. “What do you mean incredible?? This is not incredible!” Says Aleena 😂 Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
I saw British rapper and thought nooooo. But wow, this album is so good!! Way too short, but the tracks are so good it’s not even annoying listening to it replay over and over. She gives me female Q-Tip vibes! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: not as vinyl since it’s so short, but I would pay for her media. Favourite Song: 101 FM
As a fan of the Arctic Monkeys, I was stoked to discover this band! Very theatrical type music, but also that gritty rock vibe you get from AM. New fan here! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: first one
The first song was 20 minutes of clatter. Giving it the second song to redeem itself and then I’m out. Second song was better, but I’m just not feeling the flow or vibe. It all seems just thrown together. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
Just some good ol feel good music. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Higher Ground
Absolutely love this album. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Bad Habit
I’ve never been a fan, I thought all the songs would sound like Brown Sugar and Start Me Up, and I just don’t love the headliners like that. So I’ve never listened to a full album before! After that, I get it now. Sway’s awesome guitar solo at the end, Wild Horses-just classic, and even more songs opened my eyes! Yay, because I’ve inherited numerous Stones albums, so now I can enjoy them hahaha. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: own it Favourite Song: Sway
Very slow to get into, but I did find the more I listened the better it got. Each song is quite different, and I’m not too sure what they were going for here, but I can see it being pretty interesting for it’s time. Listen again: probably not Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: After Hours
What can I even say. One of the best albums of all time!! Listen again: yes!! Purchase for my collection: own it already Favourite Song: Little Dreamer or Eruption
Well right off the bat I recognized the trumpet lines that Beyonce sampled in her Homecoming tour, so that was a great hook for me! I really liked listening to this even though it was quite short. It got me wanting to move! Listen again:yes Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song: Zombie
Knowing what I know of the last few albums from KOL, this sounds nothing like them. I didn’t look into it, but I think they found new producers for the future albums because this album seems very amateur. Also has some full blown Bob Dylan vibes, which is probably why I didn’t really like it. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Wasted
N/a on Spotify
Man I missed the whole Prince train. Completely thought I didn’t like any of it but listening to his full albums makes me appreciate his talent so much! And the amount of songs of his that people are sampling now is crazy. He truly was a legend. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: If I was your girlfriend
I really wanted to love this album because my mom said it’s one of her faves, but the country tones are just too much for me. A few songs are awesome, but then turns to country too much. Listen again: probably, with some song skips Purchase for my collection: I own on vinyl ;) Favourite Song: Hillbilly Highway
Nothing special, just typically folk rock that sounds like it was on the radio in the 60s. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: the night they drove old Dixie
I’ve listened to previous Yes albums and liked them so I knew I’d enjoy this. When I listened on my headphones, it wasn’t the greatest, but when I had it playing on my speaker at home, it was so much better! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: probably Favourite Song: Siberian Khatru
Something about the kitschy, 80s electronica that I love! It always feels like I’m living in an 80s movie when I listen to it. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Policy of Truth
I don’t like the singers voice, so it made it tough to listen to the whole album. Listen again: Purchase for my collection: Favourite Song:
R&B and sensual music isn’t really my thing but I gave it a go. Some songs were ok but nothing I loved. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
Although I listened to the album at work in the background, and didn’t get the chance to dig deep into the songs, or which are which, I definitely vibed with the album and will listen again! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song:
Great album from start to finish, except for the screaming in one of the tracks (maybe Well, well, well?). That was too much. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: if I see it cheap Favourite Song: Hold On
Classic. Every song gets me moving which is when I know I love something! Hard to believe it took me so long to get into metal, but here I am. Listen again: definitely Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: all of them, but I’ll go with Orion.
Wow. Haven’t actually listened to this album in it’s entirety before, and of course I know the popular songs like Praise You, but I’m stoked I listened to this! Awesome album. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: ohhhh hard call, they’re all so good! Probably Kalifornia or Fucking in Heaven
Well, I followed Master of Puppets with this album, so that was a vibe change for sure! Took a few rounds of listening to confirm this in not my type of music. But I gave it a solid go! Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: might have inherited it? Favourite Song: Baby Driver (the most upbeat one)
As much as I enjoy world music, I found every song sounded the same and just blended together. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
We all hate U2, I know. It’s the easy band to hate, but I had never actually listened to this full album before. Starts with the “hits” that we all know, but then the fourth track hits and it’s like a totally different band!! I had to double check my app didn’t skip to a different album! No wonder this album is so acclaimed-it’s great! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Bullet the Blue Sky
Not their best album but it’s ok. Listen again: maybe Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: I Can’t Wait (Silverchair opening vibes)
Totally forgot how amazing this album is! Every song is fire, and love singing along to it all. This album will go down as a classic in the future. A must have. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: need on vinyl! Favourite Song: Back To Black
Another gem discovered! Who would have thought the songs featuring Flava Flav would be my favourite either?! Absolutely love the history of the sampling before it was a thing, and the political yet timeless message of the lyrics. A win! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: 911 is a joke
This was the type of music that youbknowvhotvhatdvin the 80s, but now just plays like background music to your everyday life. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t exciting. Listen again: not intentionally, but it’s not that bad Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Easter Parade (I like the piano)
It’s like listening to a cheap knock off version of Prince. I’m sure he’s very talented, but I don’t hear anything original or why it was so celebrated in the UK on release. Pass. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: didn’t pay attention
If you don’t like Aretha Franklin, there’s something wrong. Just pure classic soul music. Something so comforting about listening to it at home, especially on vinyl. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: own it Favourite Song: Respect! But I Never Loved A Man is a close second.
I can appreciate a concept album, but this is just too slow and depressing for me. The music is actually pretty good, but the long drawn out depressing voice cancels out the music. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
Too punk for me. Some of the songs were tight and not bad, but I’m not into the screaming garage type punk music. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
I’m definitely drawn to the acoustic sound and melodic voice, and it totally gives me City and Color vibes. Nice chill music to play in the background when relaxing. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes, even if just for the cover! Favourite Song: Blue Ridge Mountains
“In 2013, The New Yorker's Bill Wyman dubbed it "patently one of the strongest rock albums ever made", feeling that each song "reverberates powerfully". He described it as "arguably the quintessential example" of indie rock.” What?!?! The reviews of this album confuse me, because I found it very underwhelming. The best parts I could find were the piano parts on some of the songs, but the vocals are boring and amateurish, the songs don’t get me excited at all, and it’s just an overall dull album. Unfortunate as I’ve heard her name forever, never actually dig into it, but now that I’ve heard it, I’m not impressed. Listen again: nope Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Canary (for the piano)
Not something I’d listen to everyday, but it definitely has that chill, soulful feel with a message in every song. Listen again: maybe Purchase for my collection: if I found it in a yard sale or something Favourite Song:
I’ve never listed to this album in it’s entirety, and it’s pretty good! Perfect at home chill music to have going in the background. Some upbeat songs in there too which keeps the album moving. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: possibly Favourite Song: Time To Pretend
This was just a little too over the top spacey for me. I understand it’s a concept album, but there was no melody or anything that drew me to it musically. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Down Through The Night
Giving this one star for the nice, chill beats, but this is such a boring album. And once the vocals start, it somehow becomes even MORE boring. This album would almost be better with just the background beats. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: the opening track
Old music just does something to my soul! I don’t know if it’s the classic crooning voice, or the music itself, but I love listening to this stuff at home. So comforting. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: if I found it cheap Favourite Song: Night Life
I’ve never heard the term “pub rock”, but wiki calls it that, and it totally is!! I don’t find anything special with the album, but it totally feels like something you’d hear at a pub, with a live band. Not terrible. Not noteworthy. Listen again: probably not Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Blame it on Cain
Could hardly make it through the whole thing. Nothing makes sense. No melody. Bad vocals. Weird wanna be psychedelic stuff but nothing works. It’s short but painful. Listen again: never Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
I always find it strange when I “discover” a song more than once, in a short period, after so many years of never hearing it. And that’s the case with Paul Simon and this album! I bought a random mixed CD at the thrift store a couple weeks ago, and one song on it was “The Boy in the Bubble” and I was surprised to like it, and the sound of Paul Simon. The following week, this album was the listen of the day, so I played it and the first song was boy in the bubble! I totally love the African sound of this album, mixed with the pop rock. It’s a feel good album I would play at home or in the car! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: The Boy in the Bubble, but I really like them all.
How is this his debut?!?! Oh man so many good songs, it’s no wonder they’re legends! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: I think I have it on vinyl already Favourite Song: Breakdown. Still one of my all time faves.
Totally perfect album for a chill rainy day at home. I love this nostalgic 80s stuff! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Shout, but they all give me the 80s vibes
Nothing of this album caught my ear. Not even sure I can explain why I didn’t like it, but I didn’t. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
There’s a reason this album is one of the most recognized EVER. epicness!! Still blows me away that it’s their 11th studio album too. My most played vinyl record for sure. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: own it Favourite Song: all of them!
Literal noise that’s recorded. Some portions were ok, but I only made it 4 songs in before turning it off. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
The first song is terrible noise and feedback like sounds and I skipped it two minutes in. Second song isn’t much better, until the sax kicks in and at least gives it a bit of direction and substance. Third song-had to turn it off. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
Great classic, western music that doesn’t get old no matter how “old” it gets. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Big Iron
I can see why this live performance was pretty nuts for its day-you can definitely feel the energy! Listen again: maybe Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: money
I was really excited to listen to a “new” Bjork album when this came up, but didn’t find it as good as her older albums. Slower, more ethereal and less “pop”, it was good for background music, but not something to listen to intently. Listen again: maybe Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
I actually listened to this album multiple times, and it was pretty good! Nothing crazy notable, but I would say they make a good radio friendly band that is easy to like. Good background music around the house. Some songs are pretty good road trip songs too. Listen again: probably Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song: Golden Skans
I actually had to turn this off. One of the handfuls of types of voices I can’t stand-whiny but monotone. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
Good ol Johnny. Such a classic voice. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Cocaine Blues
Definitely a rewind to my youth and listening to this stuff in my living room with my parents. Not something I’d go to but it’s still good stuff! Listen again: I wouldn’t choose it but wouldn’t turn it off if it was on Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: I got you
I listened to this album multiple times while at work, and it did get better the more I listened. I don’t find it to be very psychedelic, but it’s some good 70s rock. Listen again: wouldn’t pick it but don’t mind listening Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
Very ethereal and almost trance like. I dont see myself listening to it again, but it would make for some interesting background music. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
I already have so many songs from this album in my regularly played playlists, so I’m pretty familiar but have never listened to the album in its entirety. Kendrick always has deep and relevant lyrics, and I’m drawn into the beats and bass of most songs, but I’m dropping some stars because there’s just too much narration going on in between songs that I end up having to skip. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song: backseat freestyle
I only knew The Verve from “Bittersweet Symphony”, and now as I get older I realize the singles are usually the worst songs!! (Cue the discovery of U2 as well hahaha). This album rocks! Already listened to it on repeat and as much as I’m not a big Euro rocker, I love every song on this. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: hard to choose
What a great album, and with NO vocals!! Didn’t realize how many of these tunes I know, whether from tv or movies or whatever. Definitely on a mission to find more stuff like this! This is music that speaks to your soul. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Behave Yourself
I love me some Queen, and actually have never listened to a full album of there’s before, so I was excited to listen in it’s entirety. Unfortunately not as great as I had hoped. Of course the hits like Bohemian Rhapsody and You’re My Best Friend are on there, but the weird songs in between are almost too eclectic for me. Definitely ties into the album name though-I can hear and feel the drama and novelty of the songs and how they would be portrayed at an actual opera. Listen again: maybe Purchase for my collection: if I found it super cheap-it’s Queen after all! Favourite Song: Bohemian Rhapsody, so cliche.
Not available on Spotify :(
I’m actually a little surprised this band didn’t make it bigger, at least on the radio. It was ok, probably wouldn’t reach for the album again, but it’s a solid album. Listen again: if I stumbled across it Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: first one
So far 3 songs are basically the same-same melody, same idea of singing about a place, and all the places end with A (Victoria, Australia, Shangri La), so pretty much no originality. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
I totally love the old school hip hop vibes, without the outright profanity, with this album. Too short though! Listen again:yes Purchase for my collection: probably Favourite Song: it’s tricky
This challenge has opened me up to artists I’d never consider, and George Michael is one of them. Another album came up earlier and I loved it! Something about his voice is so relaxing, yet can get you pumped with the right music too. This album gave off a church choir feel, so it wasn’t my jam, but I still somehow managed to listen to it on repeat because of his voice. Good stuff! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song: Freedom (so cliche)
Gave it a solid go with a few rounds and there’s not one single song that I would care about if I never heard it again. Maybe a different singer would help, as I didn’t mind the music, but blocking out the vocals is too hard. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: not one
I saw British punk in the description and thought ohhhhh nooooo. Two things I don’t love haha. But pleasantly surprised! Not to much screaming, and actually melody to most songs. Guitar rips! Listen again: probably Purchase for my collection: if I found it cheap Favourite Song: Moving Away From the Pulsebeat
I went into this album thinking I’d love it because I like a few songs from the band but I didn’t end up loving it. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: Y control
Punk but with better bass. I liked the songs that had a hard bass line, but a lot of the songs were the whiny, repetitive punk voices. Not my fave. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: love like anthrax
I wouldn’t really call this music. It’s more like sounds, and I can see it being used in movies, or as a space or robotic type background noise, but it’s not music. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
Never been a Bob Dylan fan, and was hoping that maybe I just heard the wrong songs, but nope, I’m still not into it. Not enough melody, just poetry to background tunes (but the tunes are good!) Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: It’s Alright, Ma
Alllll the skills obviously, but I just don’t get pumped on this album, no matter how good the drums and guitar are. It’s good background house rock, but I wouldn’t choose it to vibe to. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: probably Favourite Song:
I listened to this at home, on the Bluetooth speaker, and also at work, with ear buds, and there was actually a huge difference in my perception of the album both ways which is interesting. With the speaker at home it was just alright. Nothing spectacular, somewhat melancholy. But when I listed to it at work with earbuds I could hear all the little subtleties in instruments, and of course the beat right in my ear. So much better! Listen again:yes Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song: sixteen saltines
Some songs are super catchy, and some are super corny, but it catches the 80s vibe perfectly! A few songs even sound like something current (I’m thinking TwentyOne pilots or similar). Good album overall. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: nah Favourite Song: My Own Way
Easily one of the best and most listened to albums of my teenage life and beyond. So many memories of highschool shenanigans accompany this album. Listen again: of course Purchase for my collection: own it Favourite Song: hard to pick!!! Only losing one star for so many interludes and talk about dick sucking.
Man to be around when these bands were playing live and were at the height of their success would be amazing! This is a great album, and even better that it’s live! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Black Night, but it’s hard to choose.
I keep coming back to rate this because I keep thinking I don’t love it, yet I can’t stop listening, so it must be good! Each song keeps you guessing and Jack whites voice is so interesting. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song:
Something hits just right with Marvin Gaye in the morning. Sweet, soulful voice, singing with conviction. I like that this album isn’t a super romantic vibe, but more about humanity and doing better together. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: probably Favourite Song: Save the Children
I don’t know what it is about this guy but I love his vibe, whether it’s with the Pixies or doing his solo thing. It’s just good ol background music. Listen again: probably Purchase for my collection: if I came across it cheap Favourite Song:
So glad this was only a 22 minute album because I could hardly handle it. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: nonw
Didn’t this album already come up???
I love the song “Girls & Boys” from some random compilation album my mom had when I was a kid. Song 2 is the only song I know from Blur, and I don’t love it, but was hoping this would be one of those albums I never looked at but ended up being really good. Nope. It’s alright, but too many meh songs to make it a good cohesive album. Why is there a full blown carnival track?? I’ll pass on this one, even with a couple decent songs. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: in the end
Love me some instrumental tunes, but this was too much sax? Every song seemed the same, even after a few listens. Listen again:no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
I like global music, but this was too much. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: all sounded the same
Similar review to the one I did for Big Black, but I definitely liked this album more. There were so many genres explored, and so many songs that reminded me of songs I’ve heard before. From Beach Boys, to Gorillaz, to MGMT, to obviously Sonny and Cher (they came first!). It almost seems like a satire album, but it’s actually good! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: if I found it cheap Favourite Song: Two Tub Man
This was a kick ass punk album! Lots of songs reminded me of another song I had heard in the past, in all sorts of genres. Listen again:yes Purchase for my collection: probably Favourite Song: Fists of Love
Although this album has the hits, I found it too long and a little bit jiring to be honest. Of course theres a handful of good ones, but I probably wouldn’t choose to listen to it if I had the choice. Listen again: I’m sure I will just because it’s Elton John Purchase for my collection: own it Favourite Song: Bennie and The Jets
Wow. Was blown away by this album. I noticed the sampling right away, and when I dig into the album info, found that they created this for fun using thousands of samples! Super cool and it all flows together so well. Every listen you discover something new. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: so many
Having an EDM/dance selection pop up was exciting, but this wasn’t an exciting album. Generic dance beats, which were fine for background music, but it was nothing I could really get in to. Listen again:nah Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: all blended together
The best. Just the best. Every song just slays and never gets old. If it gets me moving, it’s good. Listen again: Absolutely Purchase for my collection: Yes-on my wish list! Favourite Song: Killing In The Name
Not at great as I remember. Super creative and some good catchy beats, but the use of random electronic sounds kills it for me. Gotta run to turn it down!
The Police are one of those bands you don’t really think about, but definitely should be! I swear the album gets better the more I listen to it, and I’ll be adding it to my regular rotation (this album anyways). Looking forward to discovering more through this challenge. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: oh my god
For 1969, this shit rocks! Totally gives post punk vibes and I can see them being super controversial back then. Nice, short, rockin punk album. Not something I’d put on by choice, but it was still good. Listen again: probably not Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song:
I had some high hopes for this album. She has an incredible voice and range but this album was sooooooo boring. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: good ol Nothing Compares To You
Turned it off a few songs in. Piano and guitar are nice, but you’ve is too whiny for my liking. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
I didn’t get more than 4 sounds in but can tell this is not the album for me. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
I was expecting to love this based on the cover and brief notes about it, but found that it was too Beatles-esque for me. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
One of those albums you can play in the background at home, that’s super chill vibes, but won’t put you to sleep. Great beats, ethereal voice, and calming music. Great album! Listen again:yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Did you see the butterflies
Always the greatest! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: own it Favourite Song:
I thought this would be a good one since I’ve heard so much about it being a cult classic. Was totally disappointed. The music was terrible. I might have to watch the actual movie to understand. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none
First sing, after the spoken intro, hit me haaaaaard. There’s just something so timeless about these classic jazz voices! Instantly brings calm. As the album goes on, it does all start to meld together, but this would be great in vinyl, spinning on a rainy day. Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: maybe Favourite Song: Willow Weep For Me
I can’t get past McCartney as a Beatle, but this album for sure made me appreciate him more. It’s a good album to play while chillin at home. A little upbeat, good acoustics, and doesn’t feel “old”. Will add it to my playlists! Listen again: yes Purchase for my collection: yes Favourite Song: Oo You
Too hippy-ish and slow for me. Turned it off about 4 songs in. Listen again: no Purchase for my collection: no Favourite Song: none