Raw Power
The StoogesListen to the Bowie Mix - got halfway through the Iggy Mix and stopped because I was getting a headache lol. Not a terrible album, but definitely not one I’d ever come back too.
Listen to the Bowie Mix - got halfway through the Iggy Mix and stopped because I was getting a headache lol. Not a terrible album, but definitely not one I’d ever come back too.
Last few songs are fairly filler, but overall a really solid album. So many hits on here.
Didn’t really like it. Good album overall, but not my thing atm.
Pretty solid 70’s rock album, some fun songs. Grand Finale is a pretty cool instrumental. Low likelihood of repeat listen.
Good album, some catchy with alot of musical ability. Be a good album to throw on with the parents. Low likelihood of personal relisten.
Good rock album, nothing to memorable for me. Low likelihood of relisten.
Pretty cool album, foreign vibes. Would be a good listen on a summer day.
Excellent old-school pop/rock album. Similar to early Beatles and Pet Sounds. Would definitely listen again on a laid back day.
Can tell this is a trailblazing album for female vocals and rock in general. Nothing catchy, lots of deep lyrics. Could be worth a relisten when feeling like following along with the lyrics.
I’ll ‘probably’ never listen to this again. I say ‘probably’ because there’s always an off-chance I’m kidnapped and my captors put this on repeat to drive me insane within 24 hours.
Solid 80’s electronic. Nothing too up my alley, but was a good listen.
Pretty good old school rock album.
This feels like a 90’s album, but it was released in the 80’s. Good vibes and an enjoyable listen.
Not really my thing, a solid number of the songs could be on a Halloween album and I wouldn’t have noticed.
Never liked Lou Reed - probably because of Lulu, but loved this album. A great story with beautiful rhythms.
Didn’t like Destiny’s Child / Beyoncé before listening to this, still don’t.
Really enjoyable Rock album
Pretty good indie/folk album. Be good to put on around a campfire.
Epic bluegrass / country album. Hearing the talking before each songs take is really cool. There’s really no songs on here that are a miss, everything blends so well. One of the very few 2+ hour albums I had no problem getting through.
Great Clapton album
Wasn’t sure at first with this one, but really was vibing with it by the end. Short and sweet, and love the ‘outlaw’ sound. Lyrics are great as well. Would listen again.
Pretty fantastic.. living in the city and higher ground are amazing listens. Incredible musical ability.
Very traditional country album.. Hoedown music for the most part. Not my thing.
Catchy hooks and an overall solid rock album.
Liked this album, but prefer Americana tbh
Really enjoyed this, got me into exploring the Madchester genre. Close to a 5-star..
Spanish Jazz album, not a massive fan of the beats. Reminded me of elevator music.
Couple songs I knew from rock radio growing up but never knew the artist. Overall a really solid enjoyable listen.
Great guitar work.. didn’t hear anything noteworthy but this could definitely use a relisten to fully appreciate.
Amazing album, brought back a ton of memories from childhood. Remember buying this album when I was 12-ish.
Not bad, not great IMO. Might have to go back and listen to this again with a more mature ear.
Solid hits with Gimme Shelter and you can’t always get what you want. Should do a relisten and lyric watch.
Brilliantly calm jazz album, perfect for a rainy day or when looking to relax. Beautiful vocals and backing band.
What a voice, gone way too soon.
Wasn’t my thing, too slow.
Pretty fun album, romantic song and a fun one with lime in the coconut.
Couple real good songs mixed in with pure trailer trash music lol. At times it guided to 2 stars, but the good songs saved it to 3.
Can’t get into a French rap album unfortunately
Didn’t enjoy
Funky and overall fun album. Great for when you’re in a good fun mood.
Pretty fun album. Might check out other albums of his.
Pretty great walking album, overall very upbeat vibes.
Sounded a lot like the Ramones , quick punk album
My first 5 star. Absolutely fantastic in every way. Love the flute and the guitar.
Trailblazing.. plain and simple.
Fun and enjoyable! Pump it up is a great one.
Great classic rock album, shared with Dad.
Nice album, would be good for a summer BBQ
Great jazz album, would be awesome for winding down.
Fantastic punk rock album, really enjoyed the quick punchy songs.
Pretty cool 60’s rock album, feel like it would be best enjoyed stoned chilling out. Lots of great guitar work. Punchy too at 29 minutes long.
Pretty good hip hop album, liked What’s Golden the most (feel like I’ve heard it somewhere before).
Second 5* given. This album is funky front to back. Loved it.
Might come back to this in a few years with a more mature ear because I think I’m missing something with this. Just wasn’t for me atm.
Not my thing, too goth.
Interesting early hip hop album. Some cool beats.
Anything by Elton is going to get 4 stars. Lots of fun.
Never thought I’d be a fan of Courtney Love, but this was a banger from start to finish. Hard riffs, great vocals. Just a solid album.
Great chill out album, pretty unbelievable it’s a soundtrack.
Liked the first song the most (great wake up dance song). But the rest of the album had a lot of great vibes.
Not bad, couple songs I enjoyed. Rest wasn’t really my thing.
Seminal album that definitely has every merit, but definitely feels oldie.
Amazing grunge album. So easy to listen to from front to back.
One of the best albums of all time. Wasn’t in the habit of listening to albums before starting this, but I’ve listed to this one multiple times before. Easiest 5 star given here.
Folk album, maybe need to listen on headphones
Couple songs I vibed with, but overall not my thing.
Really enjoyed, sounded like The Beatles at times which was interesting. Going to listen to more of The Kinks now.
Great heavy rock album, pleasantly surprised. Really strong instrumental song on the album.
Some good songs, just not really into folk.
Nice old school Sinatra album. Beautiful singing.
Enjoyable rock album, couple singles I’d heard before.
Weird album, but oddly funky. Not bad at all...
Great walking album, nothing crazy memorable but overall an enjoyable listen.
Nice oldies album, relaxing and romantic at the same time. Was a nice listen.
Not bad, not great. Some funky beats, other songs too long.
Not my favourite but can appreciate the talent.
Really great 90’s alt album. Beck has some really fun hits.
Pretty awesome rock album. Definitely worth a relisten.
Not bad old school garage punk album. Recoding leaves something to be desired (as you’d expect) but an enjoyable listen overall.
Nice soulful album, easy listen.
Some crazy good classic rock hits. But didn’t really vibe with the whole thing.
Beautiful singing, nice relaxing album.
Super romantic.
Awesome album I should’ve listened to when it came out.
Not bad, liked Unfinished Symphony. But overall not my vibe, too ‘artsy’.
Really nice listen, loved the use of the sitar. Great complete album.
Not bad, 80's beat with some radio hits i've heard over the years.
Excellent Irish album, be lovely for a good drinking night / patio day.
Pretty solid, deserves a relisten with lyrics.
Solid lounge album, would be great for chill background music that’s well done.
Honestly a bit underwhelming, I've tried to get through this album a few times in the past. There's some really amazing songs, but overall think it's a bit too long without the substance. Clearly an unpopular opinion though considering this albums lore. Not sure I'll enjoy anything more than Rumours.
Solid dancehall album. Be great for times I need Deadmau5 type music in the background.
Kind’ve underwhelmed. I really like the other Kings of Leon early albums so I was expecting to really like this. But overall, Mollys Chambers remains my main top song from this.
Not bad, not great. Wouldn’t listen again.
Not a huge fan of the subject matter, but a pretty good hip hop album.
The epitome of the perfect album. Not much else to say.
Incredibly random that I’ve listened to this multiple times in the last week before this popped up because of a ChatGPT reco.. Amazing album for relaxing, reading or anytime I want a smooth atmosphere.
Heavy, punchy, and straight to the point. Always epic.
Swinging up-beat album all the way through. Weird the whole thing isn’t on streaming services.
Listened to this twice because I really wasn’t vibing with it on speakers. Bit better on headphones but overall I’m just not vibing with Radiohead. Maybe one day.. not my style of rock but the singles aren’t bad.
Never liked this album in high school, insulted it greatly tbh. But I listened to it after year after watching Joker and loved it. Listening to it again on this list and loved it even more. Think I mostly didn’t like how I’d heard so many of the songs repeated on the radio. But in the album as a whole, perfection.
Incredible album. Need to listen to the first iconic album again, but I liked this way better on my first listen. The Gift is an incredible short-story song with punchy guitar behind it. Incredible. Not usually a fan of very long songs (17 min) but the last song keeps the vibe the whole way through.
Nice easy listening lounge jazz album. Not something I’d listen to primarily but a nice listen overall.
Solid rock album, nothing really stood out to me but overall an enjoyable listen.
Always fun to hear an Elvis album. Shame his music is being lost on the younger generation. Definitely heard Eric Cartman singing In the Ghetto though haha
Can’t say I vibed with this at all. Not a 1-star but came very close at times.
Not huge fan of the first song, but the album itself was funky. Not a bad listen.
Didn’t really vibe with it. Not my type of hip hop for the most part.
Not bad but got bored as the album went on. Some songs have very pointed lyrics, others feel like filler. Went from a 4 star to 3. Not really an album I’m eager to listen too again.
Not sure what to think about this one. At times I was really vibing, another times it felt like the songs were going on for too long.
Romantic funky album, not bad but not really my style.
Solid 3/4 Kind’ve lulls at the end but still solid rock overall. Would listen again when in the mood for heavy-safe.
Only a few songs that aren’t exceptional. Kim is still the most fucked up song I’ve ever heard. Surrounded by brilliance, potentially the best hip hop album of all time.
Incredible from start to finish. Hard to believe the era it was created. Can listen to this anytime and enjoy.
This one took me a long time to get through, resulting in a long pause from this project altogether. While it was bad, pretty tiring to get through. Maybe one day I’ll like this kind’ve punk but it just didn’t take.
Old time ‘honky album’. Ray sure does have a stunning voice. At times it lags for me, but Night Life is a great song. And overall an enjoyable relaxing listen. Would rate 3.5 if I could.
Was shocked at how much I liked this album. The mix of rock and electronic was cool, and I really enjoyed the female vocals with it all. Definitely want to explore more of this band.
Really enjoyed it. Have to stop with the hiatuses!!
Not bad, Get Free is a radio hit from the high school years. Other than that though nothing too noteworthy I’d come back too. Not a bad album by any stretch, but not my type of rock I vibe with. Good for a sunny day and some safe rock.
Amazing pop punk riffs , felt like a Fall Out Boy albums at times. Hard to believe this is from 78’. Will definitely listen again.
Incredible album for a cold night. The mix of jazz, funk and slow songs was a delight to listen too. Wasn’t really expecting this out of a Joni Mitchell album, was used to earlier slower songs I had heard from Blue/Clouds. But this was really refreshing.
Weird album. Didn’t really spark anything.
Fantastic album… so many cool grooves throughout. Would definitely play again when feeling like a vibe.
Poetry overall, different styles but mainly folk rock. Funny how the Tidal review calls this pop, as the modern definition is so different. Overall a great listen for a subdued evening. Lots of beautiful acoustic guitar and sad, yet upbeat lyrics.
When I saw this was British rock I sighed because I haven’t been vibing with the last few albums suggested of that genre, but I loved this one. Definitely going to check out more of their material. The industrial elements are evident, which makes this so much more than a British punk album.
Solid piano album, definitely a solid chill/upbeat listen.
This took ages to get through - just not a Beyoncé fan for whatever reason. Some good songs, but nothing that I’d ever really go back too. The concept of a visual album is fun though. Drunk in Love (the version with Kanye too) is the highlight.
One of the weirder / more intricate Jazz albums I’ve ever listened to. Find it a hard one to vibe with, but this probably is because it’s a more advanced album in the genre. Would be a good repeat listen in a few years.
Fantastic summertime album, great flow with some hits. Feel like this is the type of album that’d sound better on vinyl. Def will be great to throw on in the summer over a BBQ.
Felt like a spoken word album to me. Not usually my thing. I should probably sit and just read the lyrics to this one - prob enjoy it more.
Sounded like a later stage Gorillaz album, the same chill vibes without a lot of hooks. Not a bad listen though.
Overall felt like another typical British rock album. Not bad, but nothing I’d necessarily seek out. Australia was the song that stood out.
Started off strong but started to lull as it went along, overall though I’d listen again. Some cool vibes throughout. Was an interesting walking album considering how to flow of the album went on.
Fairly long album with ups and downs. Definitely feels like a goth rock album, yet there’s songs like Lovesong that feel different. Overall a really solid listen, the type of album I use this for. Mega popular with certain groups, yet never came across to listen too.
Great rock listen, no particular song stood out but in general was a great album to work to. Nothing too downbeat, in general some solid vibes.
Listened to the 2020 Mix in the Super Deluxe version and enjoyed it better on headphones. A great poetic album, classic.. Father And Son is my fav song all the record.
Never a bad time listening to some Petty. Couple songs that aren’t my fav on this one, but it all blends together so nicely for an amazing listen. My 5-star is still Full Moon Fever, but this was still a fantastic listen.
Excellent guitar work, but the chanting definitely became a bit much after a while. The first 8 songs that were on the original album were the best. Enjoyed the African vibes throughout.
Epic hard rock album.. never been a massive fan of Black Sabbath but this one I’ll be playing again. Concise, and rocks all the way through. One of those albums that gets overshadowed by later releases but is great.
Haven’t heard much British rock in this project that’s party riffs and a general upbeat style of rock and roll. This is definitely preferred to most of the other British rock albums that have been presented here. Pretty fun listen.
Loved this album, get why The Police are so revered now. Complete, with amazing grooves and punchy singles. Top tier music.
Feeling generous giving this one 4 because I can’t stand how the Beastie Boys sound, however the use of samples on this album is absolutely fantastic. Made me forgot for a good portion how utterly awful the vocals sound.
Feel like Nirvana is defined by the singles that have been massively overplayed on radio / other means. While the albums themselves have become a bit under appreciated over the years. Really enjoy the complete listen of this album, instead of piecemeal singles.
Not a huge fan of this one. Felt very depressing overall and a bit of a slog to get through. I know Joy Division is renowned, but I couldn’t help feeling like the goth kids from South Park listening to this album.
Didn’t think I’d like this album but I was pleasantly surprised. Lots of different sounds, it felt like a lounge album overall but with complexities and a complete sound. I’d put it on again while chilling.
I’m not sure if knowing French would increase the value of this album, or make it more disturbing. Hilarious what type of content they could get away with in 1971. The music and style however is very good. Not something I’d rush to listen to again, but wasn’t unpleasant overall.
One of the classic rock albums of a generation. So easy to put on and just vibe. Witchy Woman will always make me think of Seinfeld. Overall a fantastic rock album, good for anytime listening.
Indeed as the review on Tidal says, this certainly is a challenging listen. My second time listening, and I really enjoy the remastered version. Listening first time I thought the album dragged at the end and sounded a bit flat. Still think it drags, but the remaster sounds better. Enjoyed the journey a lot more the second time around sonically. Hits get the album going and then the journey begins. Mostly hit - some miss. Don’t regret spending the 2 hours listening to it.
Actually enjoyed this one. I had listened to an earlier MBV album as part of this project and apparently hated it. But this one was a weird listen but overall solid noise. Not exactly a genre I’m super into but I definitely vibed with a good portion of it. Not exactly a repeat listen, but glad I was reco’d this.
Was vibing with this a bit, but overall feel it’s one of those artsy albums that gets a lot of praise, but one that’d I’d never think to listen to again. Almost like an Oscar movie which definitely has artistic appeal, but not broad appeal.
Really enjoyed Sour Times and Glory Box, but the rest of the album dragged for me. Not unenjoyable to listen to, but just didn’t catch me. With Glory Box it’s funny to see another older song being rehashed for modern pop with Alessia Cara. Had no idea the beat to her song was a sample.
I’m a sucker for samples, and this album hits really well. Old school hip hop that feels really pure. Definitely a great album to vibe to and simply enjoy. Agree when the reviews say it’s a masterpiece. You rarely hear a hip hop album so well put together, without profanity.
Interesting album, didn’t vibe with it all the way through but it felt like an album with many different genres. From pop, to blues, to lounge. Understand why this was included in the project, as musically it’s a very well written album. Solsbury Hill is a familiar tune considering how many soundtracks it’s been a part of.
Listened to Surfin’ USA by accident before realizing I was supposed to listen to Surf’s Up, but it was a good thing to see the evolution. The overall maturity of the band really comes through when you contrast to the earlier material. Very well done album, but only a few songs really popped out for me. Notably Student Demonstration Time. I have a feeling nothing is going to come close to Pet Sounds for me. But this was a pleasant listen.
I'm supposed to like Prince more than I do. Nothing other than the wonderful long live song "It's Gonna Be a Beautiful Night" took my attention. Wasn't a bad listen because of the talent, but not my style of rock. Very long as a double album. Maybe one day I'll come to appreciate this more than Purple Rain, but not at this time.
While I’m sure this type of music is inspirational for modern pop, I don’t think I’ll ever be into ‘soft rock’ as it is presented here. This might be better for a late night listen, but nothing jumped off the page for me (other than Don’t Wanna Live Inside Myself).
Amazing rock album, so many hits on here that I didn't even realize. Tapers a bit off at the end, but this is a definite relisten album. Overall a solid rock album, that was considered pop-ish when it was released.
Fantastic punk album all the way through. Great riffs, pure anger at the system. Hard to pick a favourite song when they all hit pretty hard. Definitely worth a relisten when looking to vibe with something hard.
Incredible thrash album that I can throw on amongst my favourites in the genre. Solid riffs, cathchy and progressive. Not too short and not too long. Just classic thrash from a band at its peak.
Not what I was expecting! Used to the slower, sadder songs - but there was much more versatility on this album than what I was expecting. Karen Carpenter’s voice is obviously stunning. Not usually a fan of ‘soft rock’ but this is an exception. Great listen for a slow day with beautiful vibes.
One of my fav, if not fav hip hop album. The way this album starts and ends is the reason for my perfect score. Bit of a lag in the middle for me, but I’m sure those songs are favs for other fans. One of the last Kanye albums I’d heard, and honestly should’ve been the first one. Gorgeous/Power/All of the Lights is a crazy sequence, and Lost in the World always gets me hyped. Very easy for me to throw this album on and vibe the whole way through.
Should’ve listened to this album a long time ago. Almost like Nirvana where I’ve heard all the classic hits so many times, but not what surrounded it on the album, and being really impressed. Great sunny day headphone listen with positive chill vibes.
Back to back Bob Marley - maybe if I had gotten this album a bit more isolated I would’ve vibed with it a bit more… not a bad album - but I enjoyed Exodus more. Exodus had more hits to surround the other songs with.
Amazing album, I always get stuck on the long albums in this project - this one being no exception. Loved how many hits there are on here, and the origin sample of Gangsters Paradise (never knew). I really did bounce between 4 and 5 stars here and while I think 4.5 would be appropriate. I’m going to go with 5 because this honestly was a masterpiece. While it’s a bit too long and some songs drag on (Another Star), it overall packs a mean punch. The racial messages are all about harmony amongst all which I also really enjoyed. It felt like an hour and 45 minutes. But at the same time, it stayed enjoyable throughout. That’s a really tough thing to do.
Thought I was going to enjoy this a bit more than I did. Starts off with the foundations of what I love about rock and roll, but devolved a bit mid-way through the end to being a bit preach (especially the bible songs). Not a bad listen though.
Writing this one a bit away from listening, but it felt like a bit of a slog. Poetry for sure, but not something I’d revisit.
An artistically impressive album, but nothing really caught my attention other than the radio hit Sixteen Saltines (which I’m not a huge fan of). It’s a controversial take, but I thoroughly enjoy the White Stripes more than the solo music.
Back from a break! Got served up a bunch of double albums that I never found time for. This was a really enjoyable listen though. Solid alt-rock album, lagged a bit at the end IMO but overall it kept a really good pace. Mostly short-punchy songs. Would definitely listen again.
Couldn’t get all the way through unfortunately. Very hard to listen to a lyric focused album that’s in another language. The vibes were good though in the half of the album I listened. But it just became too much after a while.
Another double album that intimidated me, especially because of the first song being almost 12 minutes. But what a listen, once I got going the vibes were fantastic. So many hits that I’ve heard over the years, and it was nice to hear them in the proper album format. Definitely need to be in a certain mood for this one, but overall a fantastic listen.
Started off strong but really was over it by the latter half of the album. Doesn’t help I can’t understand a word of Cee Lo Green’s lyrics, so I was mostly enjoying the samples/beats which seemed to get less innovative as the album went on. Started as a 3 but devolved into a 2.
Didn’t think I was going to vibe with this one (folk is usually a hard sell), but listening on speakers with the lyrics attached really made this an enjoyable listen. Like the ‘pop’ elements to this album that surrounded some really nice storytelling. Last couple songs got a bit tiring, but overall this was a nice listen. Would throw on again during a calm evening where I want some lyric focused music.
As with the second Beastie Boys album this pleasantly surprised. Never have been a massive fan of the Beastie Boys but this is a classic. From start to finish it’s pure hype. Amazing samples, great lyrics and just plain fun. I can see why the second album was so controversial as it is a pretty massive shift from this.
Not the worst album I’ve ever listened to, but certainly not the best. Apple is out of their minds saying this is the GOAT. If it wasn’t for Zion and Doo Wop this would’ve been an easy 2. Good vibes throughout, but felt too long and I’d be hard pressed to say I’d listen again.
Not a bad album but any means, but just didn’t vibe with it throughout. It’s an early psychedelic rock album - and it didn’t hook me other than Sunny Afternoon.
Fantastic album, simply because this contains Hurt which is the best cover of all time IMO. But the rest of the album is great too. Johnny Cash’s voice sounds so aged, but it has such a grittiness that’s unmistakable. Truly a fitting end to one of country musics and Americana’s greatest stars. Rick Rubin is a king for putting this together so masterfully.
Moving this one up to 4 stars because it has a few songs that are absolutely A+, but the middle of the album is definitely too slow for my taste. It starts and ends so perfectly though. And Money for Nothing is such a banger that it wouldn’t feel right giving this one a 3. Definitely a quality listen for a mood shifting classic rock album.
One of my favourite albums in high school and still continues to be. Not a bad song on the entire album. Seeing it played in its entirely live was perfection and one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to. My first rock concert at 14 was in support of this in 04’, this album essentially got me into concerts. What an easy 5 star.
Such an easy 4 star. A banger from start to finish! Maynard on Know Your Enemy and great memories of the concert in 2022. Not much else to say other than an evergreen banger of a rock album.
Started off OK but devolved into an album that left a bad taste in my mouth because of the racial themes. Never been a fan of this artist and this really didn’t change much. First few songs had good vibes though.
Not a bad grunge album but nothing really popped out or stuck with me as I went through and listened.
Fairly shocking I’ve never listened to this Muse album considering I’ve heard all the new stuff. Definitely one of the best out of the discography. Map of the Problematique was a standout I’ve never heard before, and Knights of Cydonia always brings back good memories/is a banger. Will definitely listen again.
An absolute classic. When My Guitar Gently Weeps I can listen to anytime. Fairly long, and loses momentum at times - but it’s never a bad listen. The only ‘bad’ track is Revolution 9 (damn you Yoko). Not an intro album for any new Beatles listener but one that will satisfy for many years to come.
Recognized Two Weeks from alt radio, which was slightly enjoyable. But just didn’t vibe with the rest of this album. Kept thinking that is what indie/hipster girl music. Got through it but wouldn’t listen to this again.
Enjoyable album, definitely a Van Morrison fan. Great lyrics and catchy tunes throughout.
Another example of how genres change throughout the decades. While I see how this could be considered ‘country’ in a sense because a few songs have some twang - it does not hold up to today’s ‘country’ definition. Overall though a pleasant listen, nothing that stood out incredibly. A very ‘artsy’ album but one that didn’t come off as pretentious.
Beautiful voice, old school country with stories within every song. Not exactly a genre I’m very into but if you’re a traditional country lover this one would be far up on your list. Feel like this kind of music was how the Simpsons character Lurleen Lumpkin was created.
The first album I’ve encountered on here that isn’t on streaming - had to goto YouTube for this one. But it was worth it! I’ve always like Our House because Dad introduced me to it, but never knew what album it came from. Overall a fun upbeat pleasant listen. Hopefully this gets added to streaming at some point so I can listen more often.
Listen to the Bowie Mix - got halfway through the Iggy Mix and stopped because I was getting a headache lol. Not a terrible album, but definitely not one I’d ever come back too.
Solid album with alot of punchy brit-rock female led songs. Drags at times but there's enough here to warrant a 4-star. Connection (radio hit) and 2:1 are the standouts IMO.
Didn’t know what to expect going into this album, but I see why it’s a classic. A superpower of rock/folk music geniuses collaborating on a punchy 30-ish minute album. Great lyrics, great beats. Perfect for a Saturday morning or a sunny summer day. Definitely going to be throwing this on again at some point.
Exceptionally dark yet groovy album. Hard to even describe the vibes the album entails knowing it’s essentially a goodbye from Bowie to his fans. What a life that man lived, and his swan-song album is near perfection.
Brilliant album with deep lyrics and amazing vibes. Amazing for keeping the peace and putting everyone into a great mood. Might be the top album I've listened in this project so far.
TIL Neil Young started his career in this band. Very pleasant listen, psychadelic without being pretentious. Wouldn't mind having a second listen after a bit of the green.
Lots of hits on here, but overall the album felt like a bit of a chore to get through. Can see why this album is one of the greatest according to hip-hop fans though. Maybe I'll come back to this in a few years with a different opinion if I go through a hip-hop phase again.
Great jazz album for a cold day chilling or nighttime relaxation. Has the 60’s vibes and overall Americana which makes classic jazz so great.
Very typical old school country album , but was still an enjoyable listen. Best folk’ are prison folk. Harmonica playing, hearing prisoners being called. All very unique.
Listened to the LP version. This one grew on me as it went along, the epitome of ‘80’s pop’. Felt like I listened to an evolution of this style in the 00’s (reminded me of b44 specifically). Not something I’d gravitate towards because of its rawness but it was a good listen.
Definitely my favourite Smashing Pumpkins album. Lots of hits, lags a bit at the end but not a ton. Should probably throw this one more.
Excellent 50’s jazz album that makes me envision a room full of men in suites and girls in dresses having a great time in a smoke-filled room in Vegas. Full of fun, joy and bounce. Will definitely be listening again.
Bit of a slog to get through. Had to download this because it’s not on any streaming services, and feel like that was more work than needed to listen to this album. Intense, but not fun.
Solid early-90's grunge album, lyrics that are very tight. Funny that Mrs. Robinson wasn't included on the original version, as that's the de facto 'hit' of this album. Will listen again.
Didn't know what to expect with this album, but was more than pleasantly surprised. African vibes with solid electric guitar playing (Hendrix Style). Definitely would put on again for some good vibes.