despite the fact that i consider myself to have inherited a lot of my father’s music taste (who loves this album, by the way) i’ve never really been a huge fan of aerosmith. this was OK. would give it 2.5 stars if i could.
I’ll be honest: I really struggled getting through this album. Screamo is NOT my thing LMAO!! However, that being said, I did go into this album expecting to give it a 1 star review, given that I rate solely based off of personal enjoyment. A few songs surprised me though! In particular, the songs “Dead Memories” and “Snuff” were surprisingly nice. I find I like Slipknot most when the vocalist actually SINGS, though unfortunately those moments are far and in between. Probably will never listen again, but I liked more songs than I thought I would.
I considered giving this album 5 stars just for the song “Frankie Teardrop” alone, but I fear all the erotic moaning and whining within “Girl” made me a tad bit TOO uncomfortable, unfortunately knocking this down to a 4.
Good! Too long.
This is unrelated and I swear this did not affect my rating of this album at all but I just have to say — what a terrible album cover. As for the music itself — I found it to be uninspired, generic, the lyricism being predictable and even cringy at times. It’s worth noting that I discovered one of the songs off this album appeared on the Shrek soundtrack. That makes a lot of sense to me, for some reason.
this was a pleasant and enjoyable listening experience. it was also a pleasant surprise to find that some songs were written by Carole King.
***2.5 stars.
Mr. Brightside is one of the greatest songs of all time. The rest of the album is pretty good too.
i cant believe boygenius invented leonard cohen!
Admittedly, I usually am a bit nervous whenever I get an album where I’ve never even heard of the artist; I have no idea what the genre will be before I listen, much less if I will enjoy it or not. I was very pleasantly surprised by this; despite having had absolutely no idea what to expect, this album surprised me with how good it was. It’s interesting, experimental, and genuinely excellent. How have I never heard of this before?
I listened to this album with headphones and now I have A HEADACHE!!!!!
uhhhhh pretty good! the lyrics to “sick again” are unfortunate though!!!
this was okay!! easy listening. my rating is maybe closer to something like 2.5 stars. easy listening, but maybe a little boring and devoid of anything particularly attention grabbing or anything worth revisiting in the future. there was a kazoo in one song!! that made me smile.
what ever! 2.5. giving a 3 rather than a 2 because i feel like i came into this a little biased — i don’t particularly care for rod stewart.
Listen I enjoy a good old-fashioned instrumental album. But every song felt like it was 100 hours long.
Yay we did it!!! My first ever 1 star review (so far)!! I knew from the very first second of this album, when I was jumpscared by the most horrendous and unnecessary screeching I have ever heard in my life, that me and The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion were going to be enemies. Not one redeemable or enjoyable track.
This was good. I was crocheting while listening to this album, so I can say this is a nice album to just kind of vibe to if you want something playing in the background while working. I do have to agree with some of the more negative reviews on this album, however, when I say that this album is way too long. If this album had been pruned down to be about... a 10 track album, I think I would have rated this higher.
I’m a live album enjoyer, it’s true. I love the intimacy, and the ability to hear people having fun; the artist and audience laugh, crack jokes at some points, and I just think that really adds to its charm.
whatever !
***2.5 stars. Uhhhh this was pretty mid! I'm not a huge fan of his voice, and while the lyrics and production aren't laguhably bad or anything, there's no one track that managed to stick out to me; everything just kinda blended together. Overall a pretty forgettable album, and I can't see myself returning to this in the future.
What can I say!!! I'm a live album enjoyer. The only song that I did not listen to in full on this album is "Space Truckin'" only because, with all due respect, it's TWENTY MINUTES LONG, and I refuse. But the performance both by the band and the vocalist are... unbelieveable. I'm sorry but if you can't enjoy live albums you ARE the weakest link because what is there not to love.
*applauds politely* good crocheting music!
So I've decided that my opinion of this band is probably just that they're OK. I completely forgot that I had already reviewed an album by this band on this website before -- I've listened to Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, and I rated it 4 stars. And yet, despite that above average rating, I remember absolutely nothing from that album. Similarly, with this album, though I am able to recognize that this is probably above average music, with above average songwriting and production and the like, it is simply very forgettable to me. Also -- this is a double album. Albums that have a run-time of over an hour are always a struggle for me to get through. Too long.
Weird! But at the very least it was interesting. While I'm not a huge fan of her voice, the production makes up for it. 2.5.
2.5. This was fine, I guess. Lmao!
it's kinda funny how I got their live album, "Made in Japan" before I got this one; I recognize a lot of the songs from this album from the live one. I still think it's really good!
The entire sound and vibe of this band and album just reminds me so much of "Planet of the Bass" that it almost makes it hard to take them seriously.
3.5. Maybe I'm slightly biased, as I'm a Van Halen enjoyer, and I consider Van Halen to be one of the first bands that got me into classic rock as a genre, but I think this album is pretty solid, even if it's not their best.
Pretty good! Needed more Grace Slick on vocals. Wild to think that this is the same band that later goes on to make what is widely viewed to be one of the worst songs of all time, “We Built This City”
2.5. Here's what I've decided about this album: I like this album fine when they go for a more acoustic sound/slower/more low-key songs. Songs that I thought were fine/overall enjoyable include: Soul and Fire, Happily Divided, and Cliche. I did not like at all the songs included in this album that took a stab at more high-tempo, loud, "rock" sounding music. I love rock music, it's one of my favorite genres. But songs like "Telecosmic Alechemy", "Fantastic Disaster", and "Sister" almost made me consider giving up on this album; they are BAD.
The whole album is pretty solid and enjoyable, though I must admit I was a little disappointed to find out that the entire album does not follow the concept storyline that the first track, "2112", sets up.
2.5. This album had a very interesting and unique sound. While I usually am a huge fan of experimental and unique sounds in music, I unfortunately did not find myself charmed by this album or its sound.
2.5. I can appreciate its unique sound, but I just feel like it's not really my thing.
4.5. Very enjoyable, very fun!
2.5. Nothing about this record sounds revolutionary to me. Sure, the songs are catchy, but a lot of the songs get old after about 2 minutes, especially given how repetitive some of them are.
My rating is somewhere in between a 3.5 and a 4. Good! Too long.
It's not like this is the worst sounding music I've ever heard or anything -- it's OK, I guess. Nothing special. Certainly doesn't deserve a place on this list, but whatever. But being hit in the face with a racial slur within the first track of the album certainly did not leave a good impression. With the utmost sincerity in the world: what the fuck. With that said, I simply cannot give this album any more than a 1 star.
Somewhere in between 2.5 and 3 stars. This album seems to be very hit or miss for me.
4.5. very close to being perfect.
This was fine. Rating probably would've been higher if the songs didn't drag out so long. Also it's always kind of annoying when I get an album that isn't available on streaming.
This was fine, but boring.
2.5. I gotta be honest, I didn't think this was great.
4.5. close to being perfect!