The Cars
The Carscar
I really don't like country
Overall decent album, good instrumentals dragged down by the jarring and unpleasant vocals.
I still don't like country.
Classic East Coast hip-hop, not sure I have much to add.
Pretty lengthy and nothing notable.
One of the hardest albums so far, it couldn't have been over sooner.
I still don't understand the concept of live albums, I'd rather listen to a studio version of it.
It's not my thing, but not terrible to listen to as background noise.
It's good, I'd have given it a 4 but I'm not exactly a fan of how it goes from fast instruments and vocals to slow vocals with almost no background accompaniment.
I had no expectations for this album but I was blown away, it's really, really great.
Run of the mill jazz, but easy to listen to.
There was nothing remarkable about this album, honestly.
The 4 goes to the songs that are very guitar heavy, not a fan of the slower, relaxed ones. Good album.
I don't think there's anything to be said.
I don't like Christmas music.
Pretty good, I'd have given it a 4 in the beginning but it became more and more mellow.
Decent and an easy listen.
As always, I don't have much to add. Decent album, good background noise.
I'd give this shit a 0 if I could.
I'd have given this a 1, but there were worse albums. Also, I'm biased and hate this band.
Pretty good album, positively surprised.
Decent but at the same time it feels like I've listened to it, doesn't feel too original.
Delay, Deny, Defend.
Decent, but doesn't really stand out with anything in particular.
I am running out of creative ways to say "this album is decent, but nothing spectacular".
I don't see why it's so well received, but not bad either. Most songs are forgettable.
I found it hard to enjoy.
I must admit I only knew about 3 or 4 of their songs, thought I'd like this album but not the case.
Surprisingly, I liked it. Some songs missed but overall it's good.
Not country but somehow country.
I'm biased. Fuck this band.
It has a slow start, but it picks up towards the end. Really nice album.
A decent collection of rock songs, it's okay.
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
I guess I really like electronic music, surprisingly.
While I have a bias against this band, there's no denying the influence it had on the metal industry. Without Metallica there wouldn't be bands that put it to shame today. Also fuck Lars Ulrich.
Actually great, I'm surprised I've never heard of them before. Unique sounds, Kerosene is an amazing song.
Reggae is fine, rock is fine, reggae-rock is not fine.
Wild, unconventional, interesting, though a bit too experimental.
I don't know, this really doesn't sound like rock.
I don't think this man has one bad album.
At least it's not country, but I couldn't listen to more than 2 songs.
Average jazz album.
It's a bit different than what I expected, but definitely not bad.
It's a good album, I'd have given it a 4 if there were actual lyrics and not just instrumentals.
I think this was the first time I listened to more than 10 seconds of Smoke On The Water. Standard rock album.
I remember hearing Personal Jesus for the first time when I was like 5 and playing GTA San Andreas. Good times, and I really like this album.
I don't think this is my new favorite band, but the album was alright.
I imagine this is what breakcore was born from, this album sounds like protobreakcore, if you will.
Feels like the average jazz album you'd find on a random cassette at your grandparent's house.
Felt a bit different than any rock album I've listened to previously, but it's still just rock.
I think I like what he did in White Stripes more.
The vocals weren't entirely my thing but overall an okay album.
Words cannot express how much I hate this stupid fucking band.
Nothing special to be honest, but not bad either.
Pretty funky, but cool.
I guess it's okay but this "singer-songwriter" thing solo artists have isn't for me.