Led Zeppelin IV
Led ZeppelinArguably the best album -by possibly the best rock band to ever grace the planet.
Arguably the best album -by possibly the best rock band to ever grace the planet.
Nothing here is overly offensive to the ears -but def nothing to excite me. Perfect for an elevator.
Liked it didn’t love it.
Just a cool album front to back.
I likely haven’t listened to this album since the mid 80’s. Belinda Carlisle can flat out sing. It’s a pretty short album and I was honestly bummed when it was over.
A classic album from that era. Totally drops me into the early 70’s
Meh. He has a good voice but definitely not something I would ever que up.
Quite listenable but there wasn’t a song that made me think wow I should have listened to more Blur back in the 90’s
5. That is all
I’m not really into hip hop as it didn’t hit its stride until I was out of college and I never jumped in. But it was def easy to listen to and the lyrics are solid and relevant..
May be good for who it’s for. But it’s not for me. Just not my vibe.
Had a couple songs that I enjoyed. But his voice hadn't gotten “there” yet, def prefer later works. Also there wasn’t much variety of sound and it was heavy on the biblical references. But at least we eventually got Hallelujah out of it.
They had a few great songs together but I definitely prefer Paul’s work after the split.
Kinda digging this. I probably hadn’t listened to this album front to back in 15 years. F’n loved it. Not there best album in my mind- but still an easy 5
Before I listened to it I was sure it would be a 5. I was 22 when this album came out and not a fan of hair bands. G-n-R took it past the campy hair band level added an edge that made it “more real”. Listening to it yesterday several songs on the album were still pretty damn hair band and I wavered a bit. But in the end, any album with Jungle, Brownstone, Paradise City and Sweet Child of Mine has to be a 5
There were maybe 3 songs that I thought totally sucked. I almost stopped listening after the first song. Dumb lyrics, crappy vocals, simplistic. The rest was ok for me. But def more background than something that I am going to intentionally que up. But the first song was so bad the album gets a 2. Who the hell does that. It’s like putting your slow weak hitting catcher in the lead off spot.
I was a bit surprised and slightly disappointed. That another blur album popped up within a couple weeks of the last. But I did enjoy this one more than the previous. Was the whiskey finer, was I just in a better mood or is the album actually superior. I don’t know but giving this one a 4.
A well produced pleasant listen, but I get zero emotional jolt from this one. Def consider this background music.
Beautiful voice- well composed songs. I don’t recall ever listening to this entire album before - But I will again.
I thought it was a solid album. I didn’t love it -but did enjoy it.
Neil is on my rock and roll Mt Rushmore and Crazy Horse Neil is the best Neil.
Listening to the first song I was sure this would be a 1 or 2 for me. But listening through, I can appreciate it. But not one I’ll likely intentionally listen to again -
If I ever tried to put together a favorite 25 albums of all time list- this would definitely make the cut.
I was a huge REM fanboi in the 80’s and this is the album when they started to turn the corner to a more poppy sound. Their first 4 main albums all get a 5 in my book. This is very good -but just not as good.
I’ll give it a 3 because it is good for what it is. But it’s not for me. This is one of those it’s not you, it’s me kinda things.
When you put out as many albums as Neil -there are going to be some clunkers. This sounds like some guys that are required to kick out an album every 8 months by their label just f’n around the studio. There are some good riffs and nice moments but generally pretty weak.
I have heard of Simply Red and def heard a few of his songs - but hadn’t put the two together. I was thinking he was more like a Howard Jones. I was quite wrong. I didn’t enjoy every song but in whole I thought this was an excellent album. The dude can sing.
Avant Garde 80’s pop. Not really my jam but much better than most 80’s pop.
The amount of incredible music that the Beatles released in the short period between 65-70 is staggering- especially compared to most major acts now that release an album every other year- maybe. Easy 5
Just no. It could serve a purpose as background music at a gym, or a dance club, but I just don’t get it. It may be great to those that like this genre, but I am certain that I will never intentionally listen to it again. I only listened to maybe half of the first album as I would fast forward through portions of “songs” and generallly it was hard to tell I was doing so as it was picking up right where I left off.
An eclectic collection of tunes. Some sound like they could have come straight out of the 60’s. Mixed with songs like Radiate and the huge rocking hits like Call Me and Heart of Glass.
I have heard of Nick Cave but honestly wasn’t familiar with his music. I don’t know why but I always assumed his genre was punk. Quite wrong. I enjoyed this album.
Absolutely love this album. For me- this was their peak. They had mastered their jangly sound but were yet to take it to the polished poppy style which starts to expose itself with Green.
What A Voice.
Simple pop punk. Quite repetitive- but I didn’t hate it.
I am not a jazz aficionado. In fact I’m barely a novice. But I know what I like and I really really liked this.
Tull def had their own sound. I didn’t like everything they did, but they got this one right.
Prior to this album I am certain I have never queued up Massive Attack. And I can’t recall having ever heard of them. Def not the style of music that I listen to. But I did find it quite solid and enjoyable.
Queen was always “a lot”. But this is waaaay too much. I felt like I should be tossing up “jazz hands” as this reminded me more of a rocking show choir performance than the band that would become iconic just a handful of years later.
I know that if I heard this for the first time today -it’s a 3 a best, probably a strong 2. But so many lifetime memories were made with this album playing in the background. It was the high school soundtrack of 1983/84.
Certainly not hardcore. I thought it was a little “ boring”. I didn’t love it but I also didn’t hate it.
Definitely an all time classic pop album. But by the time I was 12 years old I rarely intended to pop. But this album def got the girls on the dance floor in college. So I give it a 4.
Loved it when it came out- Love it now. I think I am going to break out a flannel today.
Awful is the only word to describe it. The album title should have been Suck
Some awesome songs on this album - but also a few that I remember fast forwarding on my cassette player back in the day.
Outside of American Pie the album is a 1.5 - at best. But having one of the best all time singalongs earns it enough to give it a 3.
The fact that I remember when this came out and I know how much it was loved by myself and my peers- probably has something to do with me giving this a 5. But listening to it over the weekend, it is still a really good album. I was singing along to every song and loved it.
Not something that I want to listen to in the car or in the background while at dinner or anytime really -other than maybe during a workout. I don’t hate it - but I don’t like it.
I had to go to YouTube to find it. He may be the Algerian sensation - but I wasn’t feeling it. But I have to admit I was surprised by the Imagine cover. Not necessarily in a good way. Just surprised.
A little bit of punk feel and has some jangly guitars that I dig. But all in all on the south side of mediocre.
It’s a meh from me dawg.
A few of the songs I really enjoyed: Rebellion, Wake up, Crown of love. A few were solid. The rest I didn’t really enjoy at all. It’s a strong 3. But a 3
I remember the first time I heard “Smells Like Teen Spirit” off of Nevermind. I went and bought the cd within the hour- and listened to it on repeat joyous in the knowledge that hair bands were finally going to go away. This album has some good songs- but def isn’t Nevermind.
I loved this album and thought this is going to be an easy 5. But listening through again for the first time in years it didn’t hit quite as hard for me as it once did. The great songs were still great but a little too much filler for a 5
Nothing here is overly offensive to the ears -but def nothing to excite me. Perfect for an elevator.
Solid punkish rock album by a band of which I wasn’t familiar. Simple but I like their sound.
This had the potential to be good. Some nice riffs and rocking grooves -but there was also too much forced angst, drama and urgency with the vocals that didn’t seem even a little authentic.
Folk rock was in its heyday and this album was one of the best of the era.
Solid. Has a couple really catch tunes but also a bit of filler. Like it don’t love it.
I never listen to this genre- so I can’t tell you if it is good or not in that regard. I can say I didn’t care for it nor will I willfully listen to it again. But it didn’t make my ears bleed like a few of these albums did.
Liked it didn’t love it.
Arguably the best album -by possibly the best rock band to ever grace the planet.
If this was an album from a band not affiliated with NY and the Warhol scene- I doubt I would have ever heard of it. And although there are a couple tasty tunes - I don’t feel like I would have missed much.
I loved this album years ago, but hadn’t listened to it in quite a while. I still love it.
Although it was interesting with Spanish and Indian/Turkish influences on some of the songs It’s just not my thing.
A fun enjoyable listen.
Rush isn’t everyone’s “cup of tea”. But they are fantastic musicians and this is a fantastic album
Pretty sure I destroyed a pair of Jensen speakers with this cassette.
A few catchy hooks. And a couple songs I really enjoyed. But doubt I ever front to back this album again.
For me - when this broke it was a whole new sound. And that sound was fantastic.
Like a lot of albums here- this isn’t my thing. Not sad I listened to it -but not likely to ever do so again.
You know within 3 notes when it is Jack White on guitar. Love his sound. This is a very solid rock n roll album.
An incredibly talented original. Love his vibe.
There is a reason I’m not a cure fan.
I didn’t grow up listening to jazz- But I now enjoy jazz. I didn’t grow up listening to electronica - I will never enjoy electronica
I liked a lot about this album. The lyrics, the vibe. My favorite part was the spoken interludes. My least favorite part was that the vocals were all sang in a high register. I would have preferred a little more vocal grit.
Solid first “solo” effort by a fantastic artist that has carved out his own niche.
Brit Cali punk. It works.
Love the Mrs Robinson cover and the title track is very solid. Other than that I feel that it is just “ok”
Musically it’s “fine” nothing special at all, but not offensive. But the vocals made it an unenjoyable listen.
Solid vocals but outside of a classic cover of hallelujah -primarily a background track
I liked this album. The jazz piano/mariachi worked for me. Although I have no idea what was being said lyrically - Spanish sounds happier and more flowing than most other languages.
MTV has done a lot of stupid over the years. But the unplugged series was absolute genius. And this is one of the gems.
Such a wonderful voice and a beautiful album.
Although there are a couple filler songs -overall I think this is an excellent album blending jazz and light rock with exceptional musicianship.
Hip hop isn’t my thing - never was. This had a couple catchy songs and some fun lyrics- But overall it was really repetitive rhythmically.
I have enjoyed this as much or more than any hip-hop/ rap album that I have listened to. Musically it’s more than just a beat- fun lyrically and It actually has a bit of complexity.
Only thing wrong with this album is that it is too short. It’s a beauty.
Very cool album. Nothing groundbreaking musically. Just a storyteller with an inimitable voice.
Moments of mastery - but mixed with a few misses.
Would enjoy this in the background. Musically it was interesting. But the blues are hard to “get into” when you have no clue what is being said lyrically.
Not much here musically. The voices are “ok”. Nothing here that makes me want to listen to it again - But at no point did I feel the need to skip a song. I guess that’s a small victory.
Classic Americana folky rock.
Meh. But I didn’t hate it.
Not his best work - but I’m just a Jack White fanboi
Sunday Bloody Sunday and NY Day are probably my fav 2 U2 songs. There are a couple other solid tunes on here as well - But a couple duds as well.
Great voice.
I wasn’t familiar with Nick Drake before this album- and after listening to it -I’m not sad about that.
A few traditional cuts- but a lot of this was controlled noise and chaos. Sometimes it worked for me and sometimes it didn’t. Depending on the day and mood -this could be a 2-4
This is a super solid album with some exceptional musicianship. As a blues fan this is a 5
Not the best singer/songwriter of all time - but it’s not a mistake to put his name in the conversation of the top 20. Very solid piece of work
Fantastic musicianship, wonderful composition, great vocals. There is a multitude of reasons they are considered one of the very best rock and roll bands of all time.
Over produced and musically it is kind of boring. But I still sing along to over half the album.
This isn’t a Darkside of the Moon 5- But there are some great songs here - and the band doesn’t get enough credit for the unique rhythms and sound. This was a groundbreaking album.
A few solid tunes and a few weak ones. As a whole -much less than most would expect from McCartneys solo debut. But “Maybe I’m Amazed” is a def classic.
A pleasant enough listen. I’ll never queue it up - but it would be great atmosphere/background music for a restaurant or a social gathering.
Very few Coldplay songs make me feel anything. This album had a couple rise above meh level.
Beautiful soul tunes.
Not typically a big fan of Latin pop. But this mixed it up enough that it was somewhat enjoyable.
I was never into this album the way some of my peers were. It’s solid, but I think a lot of the popularity came from the talk box. I always thought Frampton was good -not great until I saw him 6-7 years ago. He was fantastic live.
Solid album, very U2. But nothing that makes me love it.
I am the wrong guy to be rating rap/hip hop. I’ll just say this seems quite adequate for the genre.
An exceptional album. Santana has always had such a signature sound. And this is beautifully done.
Not really my thing. But I can appreciate the music.
Totally dig 3/4 of this album. There is a lot going on -but great underlying guitar work. And I am a fan of horns -although Chicago sometimes takes them further than I would prefer.
Not sure what this is. It sounds like a really really really bad version of the Flaming Lips. I have zero idea how this made the list.
Just a fantastic work. The fact he remembered little of its production makes it more impressive.
It sounds like they had a lot of fun making this album. I didn’t have much fun listening to it.
Just a cool album front to back.
I enjoy the Foo’s. This has a bit different sound - more raw than their later work and not very imaginative for the time. But considering that this was strictly Dave playing all the instruments at the age of 26 - it is really pretty damn impressive.
With the exception of Don’t You Want Me this is absolutely awful.
A bit of filler bit overall a great example of the music of the era.
Growing up half hillbilly this was part of the soundtrack to my youth. This album is littered with some of the absolute classics of the southern rock genre.
NIN is more beat driven “industrial” than I prefer- but this is a damn good album. The anger feels real.
Great voice and storytelling. But it’s just not something I really enjoy.
Nothing great about it- but they rock and I like that.
Pleasant but mellow. Could have used a little more Julio.
Peak Elton. Could have cut a couple of the songs but with a runtime of 1:17 that’s quite forgivable. Overall a fantastic album.
Very few artist could have have pulled this off the way he did. Such a legend - and that haunting voice.
I thought I was going to enjoy this - I mean it sold 4 million copies - But I didn’t. 10 months in the studio one would think they could have come up with something better than this
I totally enjoyed this morphing of Funk and disco. But def prefer the funk.
If I listed my top 25 artist- Bruce may or may not make the list, would truly depend on the day. But I have sang along at the top of my voice -usually buttered up- to most of the songs on this album. There are times it hits just right.
Perfect display of Motown..
I enjoy some Motown - but this was just boring.
I had never heard of The Pharcyde. It’s as if the rhymes were written by 8th grade boys. At times humorous- at times dumb. But always delivered with energy and a fun attitude.
Radiohead has such a unique sound. Unfortunately for me - some of those sounds seem so damn whiny and moody.
What an extraordinary talent. A voice - accompanied by only a piano- has oh so rarely sounded this good.
I am far from a hip hop/ rap aficionado. Not something I ever “just listen to”. I know the Fugees were a very influential group within this genre- But to me it is simply a solid well done album.
There have been more than a few albums on this list that made me wonder -Why…. Add this one to that list.
This sounds like it came straight out of the late 60’s - and was done by a couple upper class kids that had tried acid once and had their parents buy them a studio. There have been many albums here that were significantly worse - so this will squeak buy with 2 stars.
Didn’t enjoy it. The only reason it was even released was that his name was Syd Barrett.
A bit meandering at times. But overall - just wow.
I had no knowledge of Elliott Smith prior to this. I am sure that I had heard of him - but I had no idea of genre or sound. I liked it. Didn’t love it.
Super chill soulful album.
A solid effort with a couple of classics- pure 70’s. Paul Rodgers is a fantastic vocalist.
It had a couple of songs that I liked. But a few that were just awful.
Dude is just smooth.
If you’re into metal this is certainly a heavy weight album. This isn’t something I ever put on if I am kicking back or just looking for some background music. But it def has a place - during a workout or just to put an edge on.
I have heard much worse on this list - so I’ll give it a 2. But no way will I ever listen to this again on purpose. Pretty damn boring. I’m
I am rating this as a Christmas album - and it is the best I have ever heard. Drives me crazy when my wife tunes in to the Christmas channel on XM on Dec 1st. If all the songs were like the ones on this album I would actually enjoy it.
Right after Metallica- I am metaled out for a bit. Again nothing I would casually listen to, but a song or two from this during a workout isn’t a bad thing.
Enjoyable enough top to bottom with a couple of great tunes.
I have never queued up WuTang. So I have only heard a random song here and there. But after listening - I now know why I see all the T-shirt.
Not even a little familiar with this band. But I liked it. Heavy Stones influence, but definitely a touch of the GD in a couple tunes. Pretty simple and straight forward. Singers doesn’t have a great voice but plenty of bluesy, jangly guitars help make up for it.
Listened to half the album. Absolutely not feeling it. Listened to the second half later- And maybe it was my mood - still not good, but I didn’t feel the need to turn it off again. Rounding up to a 2
Adele has such a wonderful voice. She can sing like few others. But this album is repetitive as hell and just boring. With few exceptions all the songs have the same subject matter and sound alike. Probably grading harder than I should -but it’s because it could be so much better.
Birth of the cool isn’t as cool as teenage cool. A little too big band. But you can hear the music starting to move. And it is still a damn good album.
Didn’t enjoy 80% of it, overly dramatic. But it has “You’re My Best Friend” which certainly doesn’t belong with the rest of these songs and “ Bohemian Rhapsody” which while it is in the same vein- is so much better than anything else on the album.
Rocking album. Disjointed at times but always rocking.
Ok we get it- you have guns -like to shoot people- women are all ho’s and F the cops. I was def never the target audience. Not a rap fan but some I can truly appreciate. This isn’t on that list. Rounding up to a 2 - probably because I just listened to the Human League and they make 50 sound almost tolerable.
No question Swift is an unstoppable force, but just like the last album by 50cent - I am not close to her target audience. I won’t go as far as to say it totally sucks, but I will never listen to it again on purpose. One word description -boring.
To many great memories of singing along with a few of the songs on this album to give it anything less than a 4. But a few weak songs keep it from getting a 5.
Nothing to put it over the top. But a very solid album front to back
Theatrical and campy as all hell. I was going to give it a 1. But they did twist a few good lyrics and musically while not my style - at all- was well done.
I would suppose that if I was 23 years old trippin on X and surrounded by barely dressed 23 year old women grooving out at an EDM festival - I would totally dig this. But instead I’m 59 and prefer shrooms and jam bands.
Meh. A lot of noise. A couple cuts may be alright for a workout playlist but I can’t think of another time I would ever want to hear any of this again.
This certainly hits the sweet spot. Great musicianship with incredible guitar work and bluesy rock vocals. The Allman Brothers band is high on my list of best American rock bands and they were truly hitting their stride with this one.
There are reasons Aretha is called the “Queen of Soul” and this is one of them. Beautiful album.
I surprised myself by really enjoying this album.
Of course Frank has a smooth voice - but how damn boring.
I enjoyed the steel guitar work. This album was easy to listen to and if I was in a small town dive bar I think it would fit perfectly. But nothing here makes me want to queue it up again anytime soon.
Haunting voice. More religious imagery than I like- But that’s what he does.
Seems like it wants to be a rock album but never really rocks. Seems like a toned down version of the killers.
Zappa certainly had some great music. This sure in the hell isn’t it.
Well produced but it just seem quite repetitive and electronica just isn’t my thing.
For what it was - I thought this was pretty good. But I’m not totally down with what it was.
This really didn’t age well.
Was reasonably enjoyable overall. A couple songs were quite good. But a few were pretty weak.
Solid album by a band I have never heard of before.
This was a lot weaker than I was anticipating. Didn’t enjoy it at all other than the cover of My Back Pages. Listened to CSNY Four Way Street right after and I can confirm this is a poor effort.
Soul, Harmony with just a touch of funk and lyrics that meant something to the time.
Never been a fan and after listening to this I remember why.
Punked out grunge. I enjoyed this- probably more than I should have. Probably because of all the mopey and techno albums recently
Musically it was ok. Vocally it left a lot to be desired.
I really enjoyed this one.
I have always been drawn to solid guitar work and emotive singing that has some grit. And I can't not consider how influential this album was to the generation of blues influenced rock bands that were just a few years from stepping into the spotlight.
Love the punky vibe. What a groundbreaker.
At times it was truly annoying, but a couple I actually found enjoyable. Rounding up to a 3
Definitely one that I need to be in the mood for. A whole album of this in one sitting is a bit much for me. But in doses I like it more than not.
A few songs they went after it and I thought they were solid. But tried to hard to be avant garde in several songs.
Built some decent beats and then just repeats the hell out of them lyric/vocals are just stupid. Debated between a 1 or a 2 but the beats are generally solid.
Musically not bad. Probably deserves better than a 2. I’m just not a fan of mopey vocals
It’s ok. A few really solid songs and a bunch of meh ones.
Certainly a change of pace for this list. Short rapid fire tunes.
A few really good tunes. But def had some weak links went they tried to go low key psychedelic.
This came out during my college years and was blasted out of every Fraternity house for two years. At the time I don’t think any of us took the time to really listen to the lyrics to understand the meaning of the songs. I liked this album more then, but appreciate it more now.
I was happy to see this one come up. I have always been a CCR fan. No gimmicks just pure rock and roll.