Wild Is The Wind
Nina SimoneBarely feels like an album with how frequently it changes modes (perhaps that turned me off a touch a few months back), but that grew on me immensely this time around. Beautiful work start to finish.
Barely feels like an album with how frequently it changes modes (perhaps that turned me off a touch a few months back), but that grew on me immensely this time around. Beautiful work start to finish.
Warm & wonderful & enveloping...for half the album, then it loses all distinctiveness
Almost listenable, but it is still Pink Floyd at the end of the day
Ran out of tracks much faster than I would've liked it to—immediate favorite
First track is merely very good before immediately churning out a series of tracks that have been looping in my head since listening (and relistening to them several times). This project is starting on a concerningly good foot…
Tapers off a good bit in the back half (a better way to put this is that it changes modes and I prefer the first mode), but pretty damn great all the same. Surely these have to get worse at some point, I’m not used to so much great music in such a short span.
First of these I've listened to before! Very grateful for the incentive to listen again since it didn't stick the first time. I still think this is quite a ways below Innervisions since (almost by definition) it's a bit inconsistent, but found it a lot stronger this time around. Lovely stuff all around.
Not nearly as bad as I thought it’d be! More or less insufferable when Harrison is actually singing, but fortunately, that’s not all that frequently. Two hours is pretty ridiculous though.
Pretty funny that I picked up this project to experience a greater breadth of music and get hit with Adele in the first week. (She’s fine. This is fine.)
Barely feels like an album with how frequently it changes modes (perhaps that turned me off a touch a few months back), but that grew on me immensely this time around. Beautiful work start to finish.
Thought I would be annoyed by this, but actually found it quite pleasant (though it certainly overstayed its welcome)
Kind of annoyed this includes the recent edition of the book because these post-first-edition selections are rough. Not Bad bad, but sounds like nothing after a few tracks.
All over the place by design, but the quality is more inconsistent than I'd like. Still enjoyed it a lot.
Blends into itself very quickly
Love Little Simz! But this is probably her worst.
Lots of fun and exciting sounds but goddamn do I hate this motherfucker's voice
Not his best, but still so great. Could (and did) listen to this for hours.
Not a fan of the guy's voice, but I liked it! Love the Walls of Sound.
Crazy that this thing is even good, much less half as great as it is. Walls of Sound
I’ve always had a consistency issue with Cave, and it would be wrong to label this as consistent, but fuck me if this isn’t what music is made for. First five tracks on Abattoir Blues is as untouchable a run as you’ll find.
Maybe I’m overvaluing this a touch, but it’s just so much fun. “In Heaven” is an all-timer
Pretty surprised to see this on the list, but very happy it is included! A late-career peak from (maybe) the best to do it.
Quite enjoyable, if a touch longer than it should be
Thought I would hate this, but it’s just okay!
Warm & wonderful & enveloping...for half the album, then it loses all distinctiveness
First three tracks are pleasant enough, but the rest is quite grating. Cannot fucking stand the voice of a single person from England.
I had fun! An unusual selection.
Quite surprised that I didn't hate it! I didn't like it, but I didn't hate it! Not really sure what I think of it!
God I hate the British (and will be using this exact review several more times)
Occasionally interesting, frequently not
Bleh. It’s fine
Enjoyed it front to back which is pretty surprising for ostensibly conventional rock. Even the vocals were okay!
Let it play right through again after finishing and will probably let it play a few more times. The Good Stuff
My mode of listening is so sound/sensation-forward that I usually can’t make heads or tails of a song’s lyrics until five or so times through. This is usually more rewarding since I’ve found greater appreciation for mediums in considering their base elements (music is sounds, not words), but it does have its drawbacks—especially so with rock. Since I don’t tend to hear the words on the first go around, rock tends to blend together for me, so there wasn’t another layer of melancholy here as indicated by the entry in the book. It didn’t sound like much of anything, really.
I mean, it's Back To Black by Amy Winehouse
Quite pleasant, if decidedly minor
Another puzzling selection in the post-05 crop
I’ve got a feeling this one is going to linger. So, I like it plenty now, but figure I’ll love it this time next year
Pretty remarkable, found this enrapturing. Not sure why it’s labeled “rock.”
Whole lot of nothing
Need one more listen to call this an out-and-out favorite (only had time for one today), but pretty damn great regardless. Glad one of the post-05 selections has hit
Impossible to truly love a British person’s voice, but quite fun otherwise
Would love to be a hater as I am with the other Radiohead I’ve listened to, but actually had a pretty good time here
Okay, but still has BVD (British Voice Disease)
Assumed this would piss me off and was pleasantly surprised by the contrary! Light and lovely.
I didn't hate it, which is a pleasant surprise in itself
Weak in relative terms (doesn’t hold a candle to Stand!(per the write-up: for obvious reasons)); strong in absolute terms (it’s good!)
Vaguely annoying
Came to the same conclusion I always do - that the back half is considerably weaker, dampening the experience quite a bit. Still, it's The College Dropout by Kanye West.
I cannot imagine how much better a place the world would be if these insufferable cunts never existed
Like the weirdness at the beginning, then it sounds like more of the same. Plus annoying British voice becomes more prominent at that point.
Pretty damn great! So cool to organically discover the origin of the Southland Tales dance song.
Rarely give a shit about country, but fell in love with this immediately
Same as the other I’ve heard from them, pleasant enough, but won’t think about it again
Loved reading the background and the first part had me convinced it was the all-timer the book claimed, but it fizzled out soon afterward. Still good!
Not much of anything
Annoying voice
I've realized that Renaissance being the first Beyoncé album I listened to (in full) massively inflated my opinion of her, and she's just pretty good outside of it (and then there's Cowboy Carter...*shudders*)
Great from front to back. Could listen to several more hours of this.
Very pleasant
I feel like if this was in a movie I loved I would be praising it to no end, but as it stands by itself, this woman’s voice is totally insufferable
So many of these are blending together, not in form or style or anything, just as "pretty good, not sure why it's on here"
I mean, it's alright
Pretty good! Sounds like bad Springsteen for some reason (bad Springsteen is still good music, of course)
Does sound a bit like elevator music, but it’s nice elevator music
I listened to this last night and have already forgotten everything about it
Yes!! Love it!! (Is this related to the Kenneth Anger?)
Apparently I've listened to this before! Groovy [2]
Groovy [3]
Not groovy [4], but good!
Ah,,, groovy [4]. Also, a perfect album.
Have mostly forgotten this and listened to Mothership Connection like three times today, but good! Always fun to stumble upon songs I've heard a billion times in movies.
It’s country, so there’s a pretty set ceiling on how much I like it, but fairly enjoyable all things considered
Sure! Okay!
So much fun!
Yeezy got my pussy reupholstered
Jack off to lyrics by Leonard Cohen
Hell yeah
Was concerned that I loved something by a British band then found out they were Scottish. No wonder I actually like their voices
No shot a rock album is this good. Definitely mislabeled
This sounds like every parody of country, had no idea it actually existed
Basically everything I could possibly ask for from a piece of music. Slightly torn up that this hasn’t been in my life since birth, but it’s here now which is what counts.
Pretty much head-over-heels for "21st Century Schizoid Man," but pretty much don't give a shit about the rest
Don't even remember what this sounds like
It's alright
Fairly enjoyable
Way too damn long and gets progressively worse, but still pretty fun on the whole
Pleasant, if forgettable
Okay, sure
On the line between like and love and after listening to the first few tracks again, I'm leaning love, but I may forget this album entirely in three days. We Shall See
Was prepared to despise this, but found it very listenable
Lana Del Rey seems to get stronger for me with each passing day
Maybe great, but this mostly played in the background so I can't feel all that strongly about it
Starts out bleh and only gets worse
Good I think? But can say I feel all that strongly about it
Not game-changing or anything, but I could listen to this indefinitely pretty much
He's white?
Second half nice and wacky first half boring
What if this just ends up being my favorite band I mean come the fuck on
Wtf how do I like Zeppelin this much
Sure man
Nice enough I suppose
Every bit as nothing as I'd remembered (it did win the Grammy for best album), but "Velvet Elvis" is a jam so there's that
Moving on
As forgettable as I had forgotten
Well it's different!
That's right
Not sure why I haven’t been listening to Oasis constantly for the past several years but we move
I love magnolia (1999)
I do not remember what this sounded like but I'm pretty sure I liked it
Hate when I have to listen to these on YouTube but very good
Why the hell is this in here
Glad to try it again but about the same as last time: nice to listen to, but all sounds the same and goes on forever
Almost listenable, but it is still Pink Floyd at the end of the day
Another odd choice
All it's cracked up to be
Shockingly not terrible
Hell yeah
Pretty fun and not at all annoying which is a massive plus
Absolutely hell yes
Groovy [2]
Entertaining! Why is this hated?
Fairly amusing
Phil Spector I will shit on your rotting corpse
So fucking cool
Toddler music
I suppose the primary deficiency of listening like this is losing change and continuity over time. Anyhow, this is good! But it doesn't hold a candle to the first.
I find it hard to believe that this wasn't just selected entirely at random, but it's pleasant
Can't feel anything about this
Pretty fun
Surprisingly found this fairly enjoyable
Every time I think I'll finally fall head over heels for it, and every time, I'm blindsided by how inconsistent it is
Had a good time with this!
Pleasant, but not at all memorable
Loved it before, bowled over by it now
Nice enough
Had a good time!
Starts fairly strong and gets progressively more nothing
It’s alright!
So much fun!!
Can’t quite decide if I love it, but I sure do like it!
I mean, this is A Love Supreme we're talking about here
Pleasant for precisely two tracks
All in on Zep I fear
Thought about doing a full relisten on principle then gave up after one track. Don't care!
Okay I Get It Now
Pretty top-heavy, but still quite good
Couldn't be assed to go back to the well on this one—whatever
I might like it a teensy bit more, but still doesn't do much of anything for me
Fats Domino!!!!
Good, perhaps even great—pleasantly surprised by this
I could take it or leave it, but gun to my head? I'd leave it
Remarkably not offensive at all
Music is nice, but the voice isn't
R.E.M. is growing on me. At a snail's pace, mind you, but growing nonetheless.
It's fine
Have no idea how anyone could feel anything about this
Not sure how I feel about the fact that I'm now extremely into a song with the chorus "Ain't nothin' like a gang bang / To blow away the blues," but life goes on
Not the worst thing in the world which is a win!
Sure, fine by me
It is becoming apparent that I just don't give a shit about, like, 70% of music, but oh well, the point of living is experiencing new things as far as I can tell, so I'll keep on moving
First one in ages I've really dug, praise god