Lou ReedCreative mix of styles. Definitely ahead of its time.
Creative mix of styles. Definitely ahead of its time.
Pretty sick
If gave me feelings and I do not appreciate it
Loved this album. Huge variety of moods among the tracks. All In Love Is Fair is hauntingly good, I had to stop working and pay attention then it came on. I was legitimately dancomg to Don't Worry 'Bou A Thing. The jazzy chords and melodies add a unique flavor that make the songs stand out from other songs in the same genre. It goes without saying that Stevie is an amazing singer.
This album is angst and nihilism incarnate. Maybe I’m just a normie, but I think music should be pleasant/enjoyable on some level. This was the music equivalent of modern art – it’s there to make you think or make a statement, but nobody would use it for their own enjoyment. The mixing/mastering was weird too. Tons of oversaturated guitar making the vocals totally drowned out (which I’m sure is on purpose). The most unpleasant sounds were the loudest in the mix. Closer and Reptile were interesting and had some fun electronic sounds, But I think I only liked them in comparison to the other stinkers. Hurt is actually a good song, but it can’t redeem that godawful album. By the end of I was annoyed that it was even included in the 1001.
There's some decent song-writing here, but I just couldn't get past his singing. He has such a strange voice. It almost sounds like a joke. I've never heard much Neil Young before; probably because he refuses to put his music on Spotify because Joe Rogan is on there - pretty hilarious reason. Either way, I'm not mad about it because I think other artists in the same genre are much better.
Enjoyable but very slow. I got halfway through and had to take a nap. Norah's voice is orgasmic.
Some of these songs just sounded like basic blues to me. I was impressed that the songs are longer than they felt. A 7 minute song that doesn't over stay its welcome is a rarity. I just don't enjoy Bob's singing. The music itself is good. This album almost would have been better as an instrumental. Haha.
Impressed by the way they combined rock, hip-hop, and jazzy vibes together. I enjoyed almost every song!
Each song is fun for about 30 seconds. Then they're obnoxiously repetitive. I did like the voice clips at the beginning tho.
I was done after the first two minutes of each track. Five Man Army is pretty good, but has 3 filler minutes at the end.
I'm a sucker for good harmonizing. And also for folk music.
So nice of them to let that autistic deaf guy do the singing
So many classic hip hop beats came from this album. Nas is a master of creating intricate rhyme schemes that for effortlessly. The album captures that gritty ethos that can come only from a legit gangbanger, but also contains the true artistry of someone who works hard at the craft.
More experiemental than expected. Not sure I like guitar solos enough for this.
Relaxing as hell, smooth as you like.
I like this album a lot more than expected. Simple songwriting, fun harmonies, something about the production quality itself is enjoyable. His voice comes through clear and bright like it was recorded today. Big in Vegas is an actual slapper.
I don't have much good or bad to say about this album. It's your classic reggae sound, which has its time and place.
This album was pretty basic to me. Nothing was particularly good nor uniquely bad. Something about the mix is too washy for me. Hated the last couple instrumental tracks.
None of the songs were unenjoyable, but the only one that stood out is Superstition.
As far as pop music goes, this album is a 10/10. Great production quality and a shocking number of bangers.
I can't think of any situation where I want to listen to this music. It sounds like it's part of a 2000s James Bond soundtrack. It's not bad, it's just an oddly specific genre. Some of the tracks sounded like they took perfectly good music and added obnoxious electronic sounds to it. The one positive thing I can say is they mixed genres together in a way that is unique.
This one was impossible to get through. Another album that is the musical equivalent of haphazardly splattering paint on a canvas and selling it for millions. I enjoyed the artistic lyrics and rhyme schemes until I tried to read and comprehend the nonsense lyrics. It's the kind of art that people pat themselves on the back for enjoying. Its halfway between the Skyrim soundtrack and a Shakespeare play with monologues that won't end. She has such an oddly accented, lispy way of singing for somebody with a totally normal American speaking voice. She does seem to be an impressive harp player from the videos I saw, but her popularity peaked 8 years ago and seems to have been understandably short lived.
This is my first time listening to Elvis. I liked it a lot but his singing style bothered me after a while. I did enjoy the variety of moods and instruments throughout.
Very groovy. A lot of tracks were missed in my opinion though. Got a bit monotonous.
Loved a lot of this album. Lots of songs were middle of the road, but there are a couple seriously good ones
A few of these songs are catchy, but that's the only positive thing I have to say. Every song is way too long. Prince's voice is over the top melodramatic and just sort of weird. My favorite was Lady Cab Driver until the sexual part ruined it.
There are a couple obvious standout tracks in this album that I really liked. However, the rest of the album was just basic yacht rock to me. Not enjoyable nor unjoyable.
Good old fashioned "yes, yes y'all" rap. Most of the beats are super boring The rhyme schemes aren't clever or interesting. Mama Said Knock You Out is a pretty good one. Lots of energy. I also liked the Farmer one. If a song with a boring beat like that is going to be 5 minutes long, it needs a catchy hook.
Beautiful and haunting. Each song feels meticulously crafted and a chock full of emotion. This is the first album out of the 20 or so ever viewed that I'm actually glad to have discovered. It's interesting that Nick Drake is categorized as folk/rock. Doesn't seem to be anything rock about it except the guitar.
Take Me Out is a certified street banger. That being said, none of the other songs shine as bright. Most got my foot tapping though. Maybe I was just enjoying the respite from artsy fartsy 10min 7 minute long songs on some of these other albums.
This guy is the Insane Clown Posse of artistic, experimental bullshit
Leave it to critics to choose hot garbage made by absolute nobodys. A lot of the songs sound like they're made for kids? I just have no idea what I was supposed to feel listening to that. Uncomfortable. That's how I felt.
This is the type of music that comes to mind when I think of "Rock". All of these songs are decent, but none of them are particularly memorable aside from Breaking The Law. The Old to be Wise song is pretty good too. I think it's funny how the album started out talking about breaking the law and then ends with patriotic praise of the thing that makes the law.
Queen paints with all the colors on the palette. I really liked multiple songs in this album, most of which I'd never heard before. The worst songs on this album are better than the best songs on a lot of renowned rock albums, and it's older than a lot of them too, which is insane. Killer Queen is an absolute slapper.
Every song is decent, but nothing is memorable. I'm sure the composition is genius in some technical ways that I don't understand, but Stevie just wasn't doing it for me this time.
Not my tempo
Felt like a unique combo of punk rock and heavy metal. Something about the singing was off-putting to me. There was also some fun experimentalism to the instrumentation. I think there's plenty other rock that I would listen to before this.
I really like the couple songs off this album, but a lot of the tracks felt like filler. I also didn't like how the vocals are so quiet in the mix, maybe that was just the style of the time.
This is basically peak music right here. Queen basically created their own genre just for themselves. Their sound is so unique in the best way. That's an experimental tracks in there, but none of them really overstayed their welcome.
Fairly basic indie. Hated the unnecessary addition of electronic bleeps and bloops.
Didn't hate most of this. Nothing stood out as something I need to listen to before I die. He sounded like Phil Collins if he was less talented.
This album got my foot tappin'! I'm a sucker for that upbeat type of electronic percussion especially paired with that groovy/funk vibe they got going with the guitar. Also sick bass lines. I have no nostalgic feelings for this style of music, but somehow it all worked for me. It seemed like the band is self-aware of the silly/playful nature of the music. The songs are definitely too long though.
Almost every song of this album is a hit. The only one I didn't like very much is Don't You Remember, because it's a a little cheesy. She's also one of the best singers alive probly. If this doesn't deserve five stars, nothing does.
This band has incredible range. They live up to the hype. Rock, swing, folk, blues, this album has all of it. With such a long album, a handful of the songs feel like throwaways. It's nonetheless impressive that they're able to write and perform in so many different genres. I would give us five stars, but the album as a whole felt disjointed because of the huge shift in style and mood between tracks. There are also some weird ones that not sure why they were included.
Warning: hot take ahead! This kind of punk rock does not translate well to acoustic. The heavy distorted guitars tie together Kurt's raspy, strained vocals and give the music the energy it needs. I think completely restructured their instrumentation of the songs, maybe adding some more piano or strings or something, it would have worked for me. It's like they're trying to highlight Kurt's vocals over any instrument. His vocals are definitely not the highlight of Nirvana's music. Eerything just sounds sad and very slow. It literally sounds like a mediocre band that you might hear playing in the corner of a dive bar. Kurt was somehow able to develop an aura of illustrious musical genius after his death. IMO, if he didn't kill himself, his fame would have faded over the years and he wouldn't be more famous than 3 Doors Down or something. It also helps that he's hunky.
Incredible. Love the harmonies, awesome guitar riffs, easy listening. I've said it on a couple other albums, but this is peak music. Didn't know the Eagles were so good tbh.
Creative? Yes. Technically impressive? Probably. Enjoyable listening? Not really. Most of the tracks sounded like emotional montage music from a 2000s action movie.
Decent punk rock. Not sure what makes it more special than other alternative groups like The Strokes. The vocals bothered me at first but grew on me by the end.
I'm sure there's something genius going on, but it's lost on me
This music just gives me anxiety for some reason. Very talented musicians, but the sound is so frantic that I don't like it much.
Classic stuff. Great quality recording, solid all around. This style has a pretty low ceiling imo.
The obligatory "you've probably never heard of em" album.
There are a couple mildly catchy tracks, otherwise not much going for it. Something about the mix made everything run together.
Policy of Truth isn't bad. The rest felt extremely bland. I recognized Personal Jesus, but this version is significantly worse than the radio hit we are all familiar with.
I'm a sucker for this style of old soul. Reminds me of Sam Cook. And I love Sam Cook. Love this guy's singing style. I saw in his bio that inspired the Rolling Stones singer.
Very funky stuff. Loved the intricate percussion. Also interesting guitar riffs thoughout. Once in a Lifetime is a jam. A lot of the other tracks felt like filler though. Artsy weird stuff that I did not vibe with. As a whole it was meh.
Folksy. I like it.
Absolutely blasts.
Couldn't get past the singing. Most of the songs sound the same. The instrumental songs weren't bad.
Crazy how this album sounds like it came out in the late '90s. Has a seriously original sound that many artists seem to have copied and later years. That said, the album as a whole was a little more experimental than I prefer.
This album fluctuated between basic indie and elevator music. Could not get into it.
Definitely an original sound. Very modern structure with the quiet then loud parts. I enjoyed many tracks on this album. There are a few throw away songs as well, I couldn't stand the ones with the shaky voice at the end.
I'm a big fan of both hip hop and blues, so I thought I would like this more. I did enjoy the first few songs a lot, but the songs all started the sound the same after a while. Cold Beverage is a slapper. They seem sort of like a one trick pony. Loved the style though, cool combination fo genres.
Catchy choruses, high energy, all together fun. None of the tracks felt like filler, and nothing was too experimental. Feels like they focused on making good sound. Loved the harmonies and layered vocals going on. If I discovered this in high school I would have been jamming it a lot.
This album was way more basic than Hotel California. Sort of a normal classic rock sound through most of it. Without Take It Easy, it would only deserve three stars.
Not a soft song in the bunch. Easiest 5 star album yet. Absolutely love the gritty vocals, super original sound, powerful guitar rhythms. This song had me on the edge of my seat to see what was coming next. I'm surprised this album is so old, I expected more like late 90s or 2000s.
I'm super biased on this one. There is a 6-month period when I played this album probably daily in Middle School. But gyat damn this album slaps. I sang along to every song. This time around I realized how complicated drums are, which seems to be a characteristic of alt rock. Every song is unique af from all the others. I could go on and on.
Production quality is horrible on this one. The vocals were also annoying. Each song felt weirdly unstructured.
I guess the blue rock sound was pioneered by these guys. The problem is I'm not a fan of blues rock, probably because so many later bands sound exactly the same as this. It sounds great for a live album, but it just doesn't keep my interest very well. The last song was my favorite because it embraces the sort of background ambient music lane that the genre seems geared toward.
Muddy has a good voice. I just can't get past how similar all the songs sound.
Can't decide how I feel about this. The songs are super long, which can be good or bad depending on the song. The upbeat ones got me goin'. I added a couple to my cooking playlist. But as a whole it was meh.
Having a hard time putting into words why I don't like this album. It sounded kind of like a less interesting Plain White Tees or Relient K. The breathy vocals put me off as well.
I liked the folky vocal harmonies. Pretty easy listening in general. Yacht rock esque.
Mowed the lawn with this album going. 10/10 would recommend. Not a bad song in the bunch. They mastered the classic rock and roll sound while mixing in blues and country in unique and memorable ways. Every song has a life of it's own. This is probably in my top 10 albums that I can listen to straight through.
This album is very much a mixed bag. There are some obvious bangers, but some definite duds as well. The good ones are REALLY good. Hence 4 stars.
Great vocals. they have a simple, clean sound. This album has sleepy Hozier level of energy, which I found doesn't match with the electric guitar riffs and other rock music trappings when they're basically singing ballads.
Super unique blend of pop rock and reggae. Immediately recognizable and wholly creative. The song seemed to drag on and had a weird structure that I couldn't vibe with.
These guys took everything I don't like about rock and blues and put them into one album. The songs are slow and repetitive, and sort of predictable. Riders on the Storm is a decent song.
It's like listening to a rock musical. But a good one.
They do a good job of having a full sound with only a few instruments. Also they do have an original sound, even if it gets bland quickly.
This is definitely what the druggo guy from The Breakfast Club listens to
Unfortunately, cool drum rhythms does not good music make.
Very cool sound. Disjointed at times.
Like heavy metal for the 60s
If anybody else in the whole world was singing this might be a decent album
Very experimental, but a lot of the tracks sounded good/interesting enough to keep me entertained. It's a wholly unique experience. Like watching a indie movie or something. I understand why druggies would like this.
Literally just videogame music. Was probably very cool in the 70s.
No idea why this is included in the 1001, but it's not bad. A little repetitive.
Some of the best ever rock songs are on this album. The last couple songs were misses for me, but I'm sticking with the 5 stars because the good ones are REAL good.
Large variety, catchy stuff. Good stuff as far as pop goes.
Interesting large orchestral sound. Somehow none of the tracks are memorable.
Nice and smooth. Might add this to my rotation on a rainy day.
Great sound for a punk trio. Maps is a great song. The vocals were pretty annoying in some of these songs. I guess she's too punk for me.
A few of the songs dragged for me, mostly bangers. Good Times Bad Times is basically drum porn.
Didn't make it through most of these songs. Very unenjoyable listening.
The "spread like strawberries" song lowkey slapped. For Her had some sick harmonizing. The rest was very hipster-experimental, occasionally in a good way, but mostly in a bad way.
Reveals the true power of ann electric drum track
I was surprised by how much I disliked the tracks that weren't recognizable bangers. But the good songs are REAL good
I only enjoyed one track on this album. I'll let you guess which one. The rest are borderline boring. I do have a urge to wear jeans and a leather jacket now though.
Basically every track is either boring or unlistenable. The guitar riffs are almost cool enough to award 2 stars. Almost. The monotone, off key singing is just unbearable to me. Also, I don't appreciate starting a song with 30 seconds of silence.
Pleasant listening all the way through. It's a pretty sleepy album, but Sparks, Yellow and Trouble are super solid songs imo.
I made the mistake of listening to this while tired and sick WFH. Loved the sound, but I would need to be in a very specific mood for it. Great for background music while cleaning or working.
Coldplay gets a bad rap for being basic soft rock, but I think they have some decent songwriting going on. There's a reason it's such a crowd pleaser. I think this album has enough hits on it to earn it four stars.
Solid rock album. The songs immediately put me in a good mood. There's nothing super unique about it, but all together it's a solid album.
Most of the songs are just unpleasant, angsty noise. This must be how my dad felt listening to my music growing up. I might have liked this album if the production quality wasn't complete garbage.
Basically the Talking Heads meets The Killers. If this came out in 1988 I would be impressed.
Tough to rate this one. All the songs are fairly solid but almost every song is cover of a more talented black artist. Weird they did that for a self titled album. The original songs are basically trash.
The vocals started to bother me toward the back half of the album. There are a couple really good tracks on here, but the stinkers brought it down for me.
Another album full of covers that aren't as good as the originals. It did get my foot tapping though.
Easy 5 stars. Every song is unique, fresh and most are catchy. No artsy bull crap. Straight for the point, enjoyable.
These guys had a fresh spin on the blues rock sound. I like the sort of jam band feel, organize chaos. A couple of the songs were unique enough to stand out, but some of them just did nothing for me at all.
This is a tough one. There are a couple classics in here, but those weren't my favorite tracks. Maybe it's because I've heard them too many times. I also felt uncomfortable with all the horny-ness. A whole song about his amazing dick was pretty off-putting and juvenile. It sounded like somebody who has never had sex wrote that song to prove a point. And then the skit that followed actually grossed me out. The whole braggedocious nature of the album doesn't come across in the popular songs. It just felt over the top as a whole. Oh and the misogyny was excessive as well. With that said, there are some legitimate boppers on here and I enjoy some of his creative lyricism.
Just reminded me of Neil Young, in that the music itself is nice but the vehicles are very distracting and unpleasant. The songs have a interesting structure and the lyrics seem probably artistic and meaningful. Most of that was drowned out by Bob Dylan sounding like a caricature of himself.
I like the part where it sounds like she corners you at a party and starts speaking tongues. There's absolutely no question what decade this album came from. It sounds like the music at a rave in a Sci-Fi movie. Like a classy rave for the elites in society. I really enjoyed the first track but they're all basically the same. I actually really like her voice.
Love it. Not every song is a bangor, but they are all unique and there are lots of good'ns.
I guess we were letting any body get famous in the 90s. This is the sound I expect to hear when my uncle's cover band starts writing originals. Dude sounds like he's singing with his nose plugged. The only redeeming quality is that some of these songs could sound decent if another band covered them.
Bangers all the way through. My one complaint is that there are lots of horny lyrics in here.
Super repetitive. Loved the sax solos though.
Super annoyed by this one. They're clearly great musicians, but they insist on adding a bunch of bullshit noise to sift through before the music starts. So much potential squandered.
Rocked all the way through. Has all the best qualities of rock.
Altogether monotonous. Too much noise happening at the same time in most tracks. Favorite song: Plan 9 Channel 7
Surprised by how much I disliked this album. They basically like the Beatles but crappy. Favorite song was Arthur.
Really showcases how good ol drums and electric guitar can get the job done. I also like the anti-war sentiments throughout. There are some stinkers in the middle of the album, but I don't think they're bad enough to knock it down to four stars.
Pretty crazy this album came out in the '70s. It sounds like it's from the 80s or 90s. I loved what they do with the beachy guitar sounds. The vocals are weird but for the most part endearing. Favorite song was Pull Up
The first two tracks are absolute classics. Most of the other ones got my foot tapping. Full album is imminently listenable.
A few tracks have that daft punk quality where they repetitive yet catchy. But all together their sound just isn't original to me. If this album came out in the 90s I would be more impressed. Also, every song was WAY too long. Maybe it's a European thing.
They clearly have a very talented group of musicians. Somehow all the songs sounded the same? I didn't know Steely Dan was a jazz group basically. The repetitive nature of the ridiculously long songs had a lullaby effect on me. Sort of like elevator music.
Somehow, best guitar riffs don't impress me much. This kind of rock starts to bore me pretty fast. Metallica definitely pioneered the sound, but it's not one I particularly like.
Little funky, little jazzy, altogether nice on the ears. I'm a sucker for those layered vocal harmonies. Some of the songs are freaking long.
Amazing they had the sound in the '60s. Sort of a alt Rock sound that stands out as unique to me. Lots of recognizable songs in this album. stepping stone is a banger. There are also some misses. I don't like the girl in the fourth row song at all.
It's almost like this dude formed his own genre of music. Orchestral folk pop. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Some of it came off like Disney movies soundtrack or something. But I absolutely loved One Of These Things First, it still had the intricate interwoven melodies, but it also had a sort of typical song structure and it also didn't over stay it's welcome. Sunday is also pretty to listen to. Pretty sleepy album altogether though.
Nothing to complain about here. Decently groovy with some good vocals. Nothing stood out as great though.
American Scum is pretty good. That's about it.
Sounds like somebody made this in their bedroom.
These guys have a distinct sound of Rock with spooky organ keys mixed in. It reminds you Halloween or something. Maybe it's the time of year. Mostly songs are slow and sleepy. And the recognizable ones are sort of worn out and immediately bland halfway through the song.
In the 80s this album might be acceptable. And the 2010s it's absolute trash.
A few decent blues songs here, but I can't stand some of the nonsense lyrics and Bob's voice in general.
These guys don't beat around the bush. Straight to the rock. Love the energy. My only complaint is that it's sort of a one-note album.
Another example of where the music is fine but the vocals are unbearable. Like Neil Young.
Little bluesy, little funky. Crazy how modern this album sounds. A lot of it is slow and sleepy for my liking but in general not bad.
Surprised by the production quality on this since it came out of the '70s.
Smooth as you like
Creative and super catchy. Didn't know what to expect with each song which is cool.
I expected to like this more.. there's so many lyrics it's like they didn't give the songs room to breathe. The rhyme schemes and production quality were both way worse than Nas, which I felt like I was constantly comparing them to because of the sound similarity. The voices were kind of muddled with the beat too. The little intros where they're just talking and stuff are pretty cringy. The old movie sound bites also felt forced. The songs were all extremely similar in tempo and tone.
Nice jazzy sound, nice melodies. The vocals were generally off-putting.
Thoroughly enjoyed this all the way through. I love the male female harmonies. This guy is described as the father of country rock, but I didn't see as much Rock influence as folk and country. Maybe my concept of country has rock elements in it.
I love otis's voice and I grooved all the way through the album, but I don't like albums completely full of covers. A lot of the songs he covered are done better by the original artists.
I liked the upbeat African influences. Didn't enjoy the repetitiveness. The goofy lyrics and cadence is charming at first but gets old.
As far as obscure African albums go, this one is probably fine. No idea how to write something like this. I have no concept of how to compare it to others in the same genre. So I'm going to rate based off how much I liked it. Glad I listened while doing chores because listening to this while driving would have been a much work experience.
Kendrick is generally considered the lyrical, insightful rapper of our generation. It upsets me because there's so many other artists making Hip Hop with more meaningful themes and subjects. Some of the songs were so full of nonsensical, abstract lyrics that it was difficult to follow exactly what was being communicated. There was a mix of profound ideas side by side with run of the mill sex drugs and money songs. With that being said, this album definitely deserves five stars. It has so many bangers and the production quality and style are fresh and unique. There was a consistent Jazzy undertone that worked really well with the different beats.
All together solid album. The last three tracks at the end drag it down to four star territory. Nothing exactly innovating going on here.
Chalk full of legendary hip hop beats.
This one is tough to rate. There are two or three songs I really enjoyed, but it seemed like they went for quantity over quality here. Most of the tracks are formulaic and lost my interest pretty quick.
They did some really interesting stuff with electric guitars. Showed the instrument's versatility to the fullest. Sometimes the amount of wild guitar noise was distracting. That one song where he sounded like the AC/DC guy was ewwy. All together not bad. Wouldn't listen again though.
Goth kids in the '80s probably ate this shit up. All the hell, satan, demon talk got old reeeally fast. Every song sounded so similar and repetitive. There were a couple cool guitar solos, but that's it Also the production quality is absolute trash. Maybe that's just the style of the music. I'm sure Venom was genre-defining in the 80s, but this album does not hold up today imo.
Not much there to keep my interest. Again, to do some interesting stuff with guitars. That's the only redeeming quality.
So crazy to me that these guys were making absolute boppers in the 60s
Love the diverse array of instruments and super fun percussion. Some of the songs are longer than they need to be and others are just repetitive. Altogether a fun album.
Randy has a real knack for writing pithy little songs. Some are hits, some are misses. All of them sort of wistful.
Like a lot of The melodies, but I'ddescribe most of the tracks as boring. I also don't like the vocals at all. Mostly just forgettable email alternative to me.
Production quality is so terrible it's impossible to judge the music itself. Sounds like I'm hearing it through a cell phone speaker.
Absolute snoozefest. Basic guitar rhythms + pretentious artsy lyrics. The dude is barely singing.
So damn repetitive. Three or four of the tracks got my foot tapping but I got sick of them halfway through. Second half of the album is absolute trash.
Pretty and relaxing! Also boring. I'd have to be in a very specific mood to listen to this.
Pretty basic indie rock. I didn't like how the vocals were mixed so much louder than the guitars and stuff since the vocals were the worst part. Ian is going to love this one.
I like the songs that were fast-paced and rock-ish. Not a fan of the slower stuff, too much angst for me.
Imagine going to a dire straits concert and sitting through 45 minutes of lullabies to hear Money For Nothing
The good ones are really good in the bad ones are really boring
Generic blues-rock to me. Nothing stands out as especially unique. La Grange blasts tho.
I like that I didn't know what to expect from song to song. I didn't like the goofy vocals and whatever that foreign language was. A lot of those songs started to get repetitive also.
I couldn't stop thinking about how much they're like a shittier version of the Kooks
Queen never fails to be unique and surprising. This isn't my favorite Queen album. The production quality is worse than usual, but still beats the best album by a lot of other bands.
Paul Simon's voice is always recognizable, but his music style is pretty much amorphous. He seems like a true artist who follows the sound wherever it leads him. The one through line is "folk". I really enjoyed the blues songs and obviously loved Julio. Didn't like some of the slower stuff.
Paul has a very unique style but it's not one that I enjoy. It's got too much 80s vibes and slow songs for my taste. But I do appreciate the variety he mixed in here. He writes some pretty guitar melodies.
Critics can sincerely go fuck themselves
I like sampled music, but this stuff is simply too repetitive for me. I need some more structure or somebody rapping verses over the top of it too mix things up. Makes me feel like I'm going crazy. It might be a better listen if I was doing dishes or something.
I feel extremely apathetic toward this album. I wonder if they intentionally bookended the album with their best songs. Idk how every song felt too long even tho they were only like 3 minutes long each.
I like the harmonizing vocal melodies, but they also sounded the same from song to song. They sort of felt like a one-trick pony, each track has the same sort of instrumentation and structure. Maybe if I loved repetitive grungy electric guitars chords I would love this album. Fav song was Rain When I Die.
Okay these guys shred. Catchy choruses, sick guitar solos, vocals that don't suck, and it didn't seem like they were trying to pass off the covers as their own song. Almost every song is a hit. Atomic punk is the only song I didn't like. This is classic rock at its best.
I don't know much about jazz so I'm just going to break the space on how much I enjoyed it. My only real complaint is that some of the improvisation was more frantic than I would have preferred. Miles Davis's parts were always smooth as butter tho.
Most songs are the exact same formula with slight variation. This album could be three songs long and would probably get a better rating without the feeling of redundancy.
Beats are fairly bland and lyrically nothing unique going on. Lots of better hip hop albums from the 90s. The covers were kind of annoying too. My fav track is Family Business.
This is probably as good as the blues gets for me. I like the big band sound and there's plenty of variety even though it all sticks to the blues theme. King's guitar solos are cool as well.
Album started out strong they got worse with each song. Tom Sawyer is a clear standout.
I like the variety and that I couldn't predict what would come next. The vocals are pretty annoying and ruin a lot of the tracks. Interesting mix of 60s rock and elements of blues. Definitely unique. I really like the song I'm Glad. The whole record is in need of a remaster.
Classy and surprisingly relaxing. They're not doing anything mind boggling but the simplicity is refreshing.
I like their sound but nothing stood out as memorable for some reason.
This is exactly the kind of jazz I like. Super chill yet upbeat. Can get your foot tapping or calm you down. The instruments are well balanced and the improvisation is dynamic but not overwhelming.
This is a pretty enjoyable listen. It's difficult to categorize these guys into a genre. Bonnie sounds like it could have been released this year, it's a slapper. Iconic line "I'm turkey hungry, I'm chicken free".
Nice easy listening. I wasn't a big fan of her stream of consciousness lyrics sometimes. I really dig that '70s folk Pop style.
Halfway through the album I realized it's from 1998 and not 1978 or something. I enjoyed the funky songs well enough. The vocals are very front and center I didn't particularly like them. It's hard for me to give a star rating foreign music so I'm just going to go with my gut.
Straight up boring. Maybe if I was depressed and high this would sound okay.
Really only enjoyed the two recognizable songs. The whiney vocals are difficult to get past. The grungy guitars only worked sometimes for me.
Stop Me If is the only song I enjoyed. Weird combination of bouncy rhythm and melodramatic vocals. I did like the way the layered guitars sounded throughout.
These guys straddle perfectly between folksy and rockish. I thoroughly enjoyed the upbeat songs. I did not enjoy the slow songs at all.
The most positive thing I can say is that there are some listenable sections.
Lots of long, drawn out songs. Some were much too sleepy for me. One obvious stand-out. I honestly didn't really like any of the other tracks. Majority were meh, a few are just boring. Ten minutes of silence in the last song sealed it's 3-star fate.
I'm pretty biased because I love this style of hip hop. This album is proof that you don't need anything fancy to make enjoyable music. Just a beat with crispy drums and some smooth lyrics over top. I like artists that start with what sounds good and work backwards to make music out of it.
First song is great, the rest are too spastic for me.
75% of the album is absolute trash. Annoyed I had to listen to this one. There are about 3 tracks I didn't hate.
They got so experimental that they almost made music
Action Bronson definitely stole the guy's voice. I loved a couple songs but hated most of them. RAGU and Be Easy have such solid beats that you can say pretty much anything and it would sound good. That being said, I didn't care for Ghostface's flow in general. It felt like he said a lot without saying much somehow. It's a difficult one to rate for me.
Big band music rocks. Enjoyable all the way through.
I only really enjoyed the two recognizable songs here. But even those are a bit repetitive for me. Nothing glaringly unpleasant, but also nothing that I enjoyed very much.
Schizoid Man blasts so hard that I was able to look past all the super experimental BS in the latter tracks. I Talk isn't bad either. The drums have that awesome tempered 70s sound that I love.
Definitely a product of the year it was produced. Some of the skit tracks are so cringy they made me chuckle. I'm generally not a fan of hip-hop beats without somebody rapping a verse, they tend to get repetitive. A handful of these tracks managed to keep my foot tapping regardless, with simple yet catchy beats that make good background music. Very torn over this album as a whole. Just going with my gut here.
All around solid album. 100% of the songs got my foot tapping and were pretty catchy. Nothing stood out as a definite hit, but this level of consistently good songs in a single album is rare.
Oh this? Yeah it's by Mekons, you probably haven't heard of em.
This is a tough one to rate. Doorbell is a certified banger, along with probably Denial Twist and Instinct Blues. But they also mixed in some balads and funky ones that felt like filler. I really enjoy the simplicity use to make awesome sound.
Literally packed full of iconic tracks. I admit it got a little tiresome listing straight through the album. Also I think I'm getting too old for stereotypical rap lyrics.