Well, it's not my type. Anyway, I fully understand it's value and importance.. Herbie Hancock surely was/is very innovative ;-)
Very nice, it surely help me go through the day at work ;-)
Very good! I understand why this is recommended
Great album ;-)
One of my favorite bands
Does not suit my "type" of listening. But a good album, anyway, always thankful for your suggestions ;-)
Doesn't make my type (but good, anyway) :-)
Fantastic album, great suggestion, thank you very much, so many memories ;-)
A classic
Amazing album, still holds it's originality, power and controversy! This is a 5 star, for sure ;-)
I liked it a lot; very pleasant to listen to, in fact ;-) However, it wasn't the most appropriate choice for listening to at work, it's quite melancholy
I really love PJ Harvey, the tone of her music is so dark and so "fuck off, leave me alone" that I really enjoy listening to her
It's not my thing, so to speak; nevertheless, it's fun and interesting ;-)
Definitely, not their best ;-) But, since I like Portishead, my 3 stars rating
Beautiful... It certainly helped me get through a strange day at work ;-) Seriously, George Harrison had something very special when it came to writing and composing songs, they never lost their beauty and intensity
Doesn't fit my taste, sorry :-(
Well, that turned out to be interesting! I didn't know anything about it (neither the group nor the songs) but I liked it because it's blues... and good blues at that! A 4, no doubt ;-)
Wonderful album ;-)
It's Otis, man! What could ever go wrong with this?!?! I had a calm and lovely day, how about you?
A classic, a pleasant listen ;-) I can't say much more, I didn't usually listen to this kind of music when I was growing up, but now, as an adult in my 50s, we've come to appreciate something truly unique and rich
Listening to this album brought back good old memories of my teenage years, of getting together at a friend's house to listen to this band and others that were so important to us growing up! Back in the days of cassettes, walkmans and pirate radio ;-)
Only rating 3 stars because listening to live albums it's not my kind of thing! About the band and their music, nothing to say: absolute classics ;-)
Had to stop after the 3rd song; all this seemed pretty weird! Than I read some previous reviews and, yes, I had to agreed with those smashing this album! There was a lot more and better music from this year, why this album is on this list became a mistery to me :-(
While I have the utmost respect for Tom Waits and love many of his songs, I had a hard time listening to this album! Maybe the day wasn't the best, but I wasn't helped by the cacophony and experimentalism it contains. So only 3 stars. Sorry, Tom ;-)
Well, it's become a classic, hasn't it?
It is, indeed, a masterpiece ;-)
A masterpiece, truly survived the test of time, it become a classic ;-)
This was a milestone in my/our adolescence: who doesn't remember being stunned by the video, practically a short film by John Landis? And the handful of songs that you could listen to from one end to the other and put the needle back to the beginning and repeat? God, we were so happy and we didn't know it :-)
A very pleasant, original and danceable album. It put me in a happy, relaxed mood and my work definitely went much better ;-) And that's why I consider it very positive - as I've been listening to this list while working, it's very important how much an album helps me (or not!) get through the day :-)
The more I know this band the more I respect them and learn to love it ;-)
I really enjoyed this album, great tunes, Jack White is really a very talented guitar player, one of the very best ;-)
It brings back great memories. Although I find it a bit repetitive in terms of rhythm and melodies. Anyway, the RHCP are a group I always listen to with great pleasure ;-)
Very good album, as usual, coming from "The Boss" ;-)
Wonderful album. I enjoyed it immensely :-)
I think this is an excellent rap/hip-hop album! In fact, along with De La Soul's “3 Feet High and Rising”, they're the only two albums of this genre that I've bought. Every now and then, I revisit them ;-)
No words needed to this; just enjoy it!
The only Boss who never disappoints ;-)
I like Willie Nelson, like him a lot... but yesterday wasn't the right day to listen to such a melancholic and quiet album! Other than that, I would love it :-(
Truly a great classic... It's incredible how well these songs have aged, it's almost like if they're Porto wine or a pure malt. Delicious ;-)
I've always known and heard Black Sabbath, but it's only now, in my 50s, that I've heard a full album of theirs. Anyway, I think music is like books, they come to us and choose us when they think it's most appropriate (and not the other way around, as many people think!). Good album, I liked it... but now, for me, it's much easier to appreciate “heavy” music anyway :-)
I just love it, I find this fusion of styles very interesting and very well done. This project in particular is very, very good... but I also like Bajofondo and a few others who explore the same path! 5 stars, “porque me encanta!”
5 Because it brought back memories of a time when we couldn't get enough of hearing this... Oops, I guess we still can't get enough ;-) It's so, so good <3
Very good, these guys know how to make great songs ;-)
A nice surprise, didn't knew this band, I enjoyed a lot listening to this album ;.-)
I rate the albums I listen to not on the basis of their musical quality (I'm not a musicologist, or an expert, or anything like that!) but on how much I like them and how they make me feel! This one came on a day when I needed something funky and it really made the day better, so my solid 4 It'll go on my 1001albunsgenerator favorites playlist, that's for sure ;-)
I rate these albums based on how much I like them and how good they make me feel (I'm not a musicologist or an expert, so it couldn't be any other way!). This album is definitely not my thing, sorry; I know it's considered by many to be a perfect 5 but, for me, I can't give it more than 1 star :-( Next :-)
A pleasant surprise, I've never heard a complete Nas album, this one left me shaking my shoulders at the rhythm of the songs, hmm, hmmm :-D
Great listening, wonderful memories ;-)
A classic, always a good listening, like in every classic :-)
There are simply artists and songs that are on another level - even a 5 doesn't seem enough to distinguish such works!
It was really refreshing. And, in some ways, pioneering, because it sounded like a lot of what you hear nowadays... Anyway, good songs to spend some time with A solid 3 <3
For someone who practically only knew DMR from “Come on Eileen”, listening to this album was a beautiful and very pleasant surprise. A solid 4 (and maybe I'm being a bit greedy here)
When life was good and we were young, there were groups like this who made albums like this and made us happy to be able to listen to them and share them... Then, I don't know how or why, things changed and the only thing we're left with is nostalgia. And many thanks to this project and its authors for reminding us and allowing us to relive it ;-)
Lovely, a wonderful surprise (I didn't knew this), I greatly enjoyed it, it helped me a lot through the working day ;-)
Just loved it... what's more to say?!?! ;-)
Amazing performance, quite intimate, and an excelent album. Masterpiece ;-)
Easiest 5 so far; amazing record, a masterpiece ;-)
I didn't know anything about this artist or this album. I liked it a lot, a solid 4 from me - my evaluations being as subjective as possible; if an album and/or an artist makes me feel good, then I'm good ;-)
Sorry, not for me, I skipped it after a while! I guess it's a cultural thing, I don't know; for English native speakers I understand the storytelling can be fabulous but for me, meh... let's just say, doesn't make my type ;-)
Always loved The Smiths, this is so, so good. A solid 5 stars from me, it brings such wonderful memories ;-)
Not for me, sorry... I wouldn't think of this as one album to listen before die, as a matter of fact :-/ Also, can't remember a thing from McLaren worth listening :-(
Just discover that "Hot Dog" has verses stolen from NiN "Closer" and also "Take a look around" has underlying "Mission Impossible" theme; I'm really surprised how these guys didn't suffer consequences as, for example, De La Soul, one of my rap favorites band, whicj were one of the most sued bands for sampling :-( Unbelivable! And they went to become nu-metal heros?! Wtf... I can listen to My Way, Rollin and such but on a second listening they're not so great anthems, after all. A 2, just for their effort and fame :-/