The Modern Dance
Pere UbuDiscordant at times, feels like it's going to lose control then finds it right back. Awesome album, undeniable energy and a pace you can't help but want to match.
Discordant at times, feels like it's going to lose control then finds it right back. Awesome album, undeniable energy and a pace you can't help but want to match.
Corny throughout but I think after getting over the stink of dance pop there's something heartfelt and good to jam around to.
Like Gorillaz met daft punk, I'm going to listen to this again for sure
Never heard it before, chill and easy listening with enough complexity to keep it interesting. I can see why people love this record
I can look past juvenile lyricism, violence, crude language if done cleverly. Hopefully as he gets older he can get more creative and lean on innuendo when needed. As a teenager though this is a pretty impressive record- oh wait, he was 27 when this was released?
Great album, love Willie's voice and was not expecting as much blues. Maybe I should listen to more Willie Nelson if that's news to me.
Turns out I know more The Who songs than I thought - didn't know they were around as early as they were, pretty grungy for 1965
Love this album, been a minute since I've listened to it. Thom Yorke's voice is one of a kind
I need to listen to more of their stuff. I like the singer's voice, I just feel the music is a little boring. Memes aside Everybody Hurts is one for the vault.
Not my favorite Beatles album but it's interesting seeing them push around the edges of the genre and start to branch out. Crazy how short their career was and how much they changed in that time
The big songs on this record are fantastic. I'm not much of an Elton John guy though, we'll see though.
Great album, love this one. Didn't realize how much Green Day reminds me of Misfits
Didn't listen through it all the way through admittedly. I do like the sound, but couldn't tell you anything in particular from an individual song
I've heard a couple of these tracks individually, but never the entirety of the album. Didn't know he was Scottish, gets more jazzy than I would have expected.
Wow! Never heard this album, nor this artist or any of their music. Incredible that this came out when it did, instantly added to my library.
Interesting to hear them before they really pinned down the iconic sound. In any case, Freddie Mercury steals it and great instrumentals. I'm sure I'd enjoy other Queen records more, however.
Great album, funny hearing Bob Marley after so many other reggae artists trying to sound like the genuine article.
Lovely singing voice, great instrumentals. This is not an album I would normally listen to, I enjoyed it but I doubt I will ever listed to it again.
Great singing talent, insane range. Songs felt a bit too similar for my taste, considering how many tracks are on the record.
Not terribly interesting, I suppose I might be missing some context but to think of the other albums that came out in that year in the same genre it would have been tough to stand out. Guess I should listen to more Alice Cooper to get it?
They say if you start this album when you walk into a Hooters it syncs up with the meal. This album is probably going to change the way I rate albums going forward. I like a couple of these songs, I can't stand Axl Roses voice, but Slash was one of the first guitarists whose melodies I wanted to copy. I remember finding a couple songs on the album boring, and they remained so even now.
I've heard a good amount of these tracks individually and was unaware of some of the smaller tracks on this album. Really great listen, awesome range of genres for a punk band. Will listen to again.
Wasn't aware of the history of this album. I really like Thom's singing voice and the live instrumentals on the back half of this album are really surprising. Obviously it lives under the shadow of Kid A but I had a great time with it.
The album that kicked off any jazz interest I have. I've listened to it before in its entirety, I'll do it again. Perfect, the right length
My favorite part of this album was when it ended. I'd say this album put me to sleep if he didn't wail through half of it. Boy do I not care for Lenny Kravitz's music.
Not my favorite album by David Bowie but some of the instrumental tracks were very cool on the back half of the album.
Tons of personality and a great listen. I've heard it before, but I went for a walk and it made me want to run.
I let the auto-generated playlist this album generated keep going. It put me in a great mood. Definitely adding this one to the list
Feels like reviewing the 'take me out to the ball game' song sometimes in the album. Green onions obviously towers over the rest of the album but there is so much to be heard in the rest of it. Strange how many melodies you hear in the album but just can't put your finger on - these guys were the start of it. Wouldn't listen to this album every day, but for something as emulated and revered it's pretty fresh and a fun listen.
Not terribly interested in the first couple of tracks, but the album grew on me as it continued. Haven't listened to much Velvet Underground so I'm sure with time I'll be better able to place my thoughts on this as a piece in relation to the band. Standing alone though it was enjoyable, I think the deadpan vocal delivery can be a bit much for an entire album, but he mixed up the rest of the instrumentation as the album progressed that it kept me engaged.
While this album didn't initially hook me I'm super into the instrumentals and guitar pieces in the last two songs. Instrumentals were solid throughout album, singing was pleasant too, just not terribly engaging for me for the most part.
The only song I recognized from this album was 'Son of a preacher man'. Great post-heartbreak album, no matter from which side you're experiencing it from. Those last couple of songs are great, while I likely won't listen to the whole piece again, 'No Easy Way Down' and 'I can't make it Alone' will stick with me.
Too long for my liking, but for a live performance I would have been into this. I'll come back to this album for sure
Cool sound, didn't finish it. Maybe another day! :D
Good album, probably the one by arctic monkeys I've listened to the least. Might have a couple songs on here in rotation, but nothing particularly stands out to me. Interesting how much they kept that general sound.
As much as I'd like to spend time dunking on Imagine, this album makes it clear where John Lennon made his sound pronounced in The Beatles.
Newest album so far I've had to listen to. I don't think I'm the right audience for this because the music just ended up sounding corny to me. From their end there was no lack of energy or passion, and the music fit well to the singing. It just didn't land for me in a way that I imagine the band originally would have liked.
I thought I was going to get tired of the slower minor key singing but the music carried so well with it. I had some specific thoughts about songs on here, so I should definitely start keeping per-song notes going forward if I've got them. I'll listen to this again some day for sure.
I had looked up Chic after looking up a bunch of Nile Rogers after the release of Random Access Memories. Tapping my toes listening to this record, these songs were sooooo long though. Great album, at best incredible, at worst a little repetitive.
It is unfair to them I used to hear Bullet For my Valentine when hearing their name.
Album didn't hold my interest very long, good singing just a little boring
Another "oh hey I've heard this before", some of the sound seems pretty cutting edge for the time.
Not my favorite Bowie still, but the back half of the album I was really into. That piano solo on Aladdin Sane is sincerely atrocious. Like, I get it - sure, but it's so deeply unpleasant to listen to it takes me out of the music.
Good music, not its fault it didn't catch me. Just felt some of the music to be a bit corny.
Much like green onions, how would one adequately rate the album of something so iconic. I'm not huge into blues, the music kept me entertained and interested, but I'm not going to seek out more blues
Love the ambience, will need to listen to this one again. The pairing of the singer and electronic music fits perfectly.
Bigger fan of the instrumentals than the singing.
Dull, not made for me
Like Gorillaz met daft punk, I'm going to listen to this again for sure
Corny throughout but I think after getting over the stink of dance pop there's something heartfelt and good to jam around to.
Insane production on this album, like it was made by ICP. I can see the influence it had on 'storytelling' type albums for west coast rap. It definitely won't win any current political correctness awards, but it's so extreme and violent it's silly.
Good jam album, wouldn't listen to it by itself but it has a place in the larger playlist. Like the Band just fine, pretty low-key album
Guess I'm just not a Leonard Cohen guy. Bleh this album
don't like the singing, this album got me into guitars, specifically Eruption big surprise. Memorable songs that I don't ever choose to listen to
I did enjoy this album throughout, not sure who it all reminds me of but there will definitely be some tracks added to a larger playlist.
Very surprised by this album, I bet it's better than the movie. Very mellow in parts and introspective when I wasn't expecting.
Good album, didn't stick with me.
Terribly boring, every song sounded the same and the only hooks I remember are the ones that were markedly worse/annoying.
Discordant at times, feels like it's going to lose control then finds it right back. Awesome album, undeniable energy and a pace you can't help but want to match.
Nothing can be said about this album that hasn't already been said. I think the back half of this album is perfect, and the first near-to.
Fun album, teeters on corniness before switching genres on you. I don't think I'll listen much more after this, but it's clear these guys have talent and had a blast making this.
Cutting edge sound for what it was. What a way to start the album.
Never heard it before, chill and easy listening with enough complexity to keep it interesting. I can see why people love this record
For it's stupid to laugh and useless to bawl. I don't think I'll find myself in situations where I listen to Irish folk music often, but if I were - this might be the album
I can look past juvenile lyricism, violence, crude language if done cleverly. Hopefully as he gets older he can get more creative and lean on innuendo when needed. As a teenager though this is a pretty impressive record- oh wait, he was 27 when this was released?
Not as punchy as their debut, a little sillier.
Not for me. Not this bands fault Garage-rock revival has been beaten to death twice over. Fan of the music enough, but I am not a fan of the repetitive wailing vocals.
This album still manages to feel fresh and punchy from the iconic beats to the messaging. Insane how an album like this can still sound great and skirt the usual "hippity-hop" corniness of 80s rap, for the most part. As essential as a hip hop record can get.
For me, Gorillaz was always the music that the cooler older kids listened to. By the time I had my own mp3 player Demon Days had been released and I thought all of it sounded like future music. I'm glad I gave this one a listen because it always happened that the hits were the ones that got the most airplay at the mall and on TV, and great songs like "M1 A1" were overshadowed by their more popular counterparts. Still don't prefer it to DD but it has some of my favorite Gorillaz tracks.
One is for the record books. Enjoyed this album like I like the most of their work, just fine and had a good time.
I've never been particularly impressed with Kanye's flow and wordplay, this album is proof his rapping ability is his weakest especially when compared to his features. This album is a great showcase of why he gained his popularity as a producer and why he's been so successful with his projects going forward. Memorable beats, great sample flips and impressive mix of instruments and genres. Also, fuck Kanye West.
Fine, nothing more nothing less
It's like she recorded the same song over and over again.
Super cool sound, can't speak French so my impressions are solely on the beats and backing music.
Great production on record and the flow is undeniable, I'm afraid some stuff on the record has aged not so well.
Perfectly good R&B album, not as convinced by her rapping. I think the topics on the back half of the album are good, and it sonically improves as it goes. Honestly I don't really understand the praise it receives
Fine album, never been terribly interested in Shoegaze music but it's pretty clear these musicians are talented. She has a great voice for this music - the music is just a little too sleepy for me. I was surprised to hear that Money Trees sample
Undeniably great voice, not super thrilled with the backing music - could have been anything.
Short and catchy
I feel removed/ignorant from the importance this album likely had when released. A good groovy album with some pretty recognizable tracks. I don't listen to much disco so it otherwise felt pretty par for the course
Birth of the Cool is right
Unbelievable talent and confidence, when they made Prince they broke the mold
Good ambient music, the vocals weren't my favorite but cool sounds
There are a couple of tracks on this album that have great music, Satellite stands out. I believe the lyrics and singing do a disservice to the rest of it. This album has its moments, too few and far between
Short and punchy, I had no idea Where is my Mind was in their debut album. I'll have to listen to Doolittle again to compare but I think I liked this one more.
About everything you could ask for from a Wu-Tang related project. Same quality hooks, rhymes and beats to be expected from GZA and associated features. Seriously awesome album
I can't deny this album's production and mix of blues/rock/pop to full effect. I don't think I agree this is one of the best albums ever made, but it is indeed very good. It's not this album's fault for the attention it's gotten and the overplaying of its biggest hits. Maybe one day I'll listen to this again, for the time being I'll give it its due credit.
Liked it less than Automatic for the People. Boring album
Enjoyable throughout, wears the 80s on its sleeve - banger after banger.
Like a small can of diet coke, not my first choice but short and sweet
Fantastic range, very long songs but all enjoyable.
Liked this album a lot less than Dummy, I don't gel as well with this one. Instruments clash in unpleasant ways sometimes, can be grating sometimes. Machine Gun was a very cool song.
Very cool sounds
Might be missing some historical context but I really did not care for this album
So far my third favorite Pixies album, alright.
Shimmering big band instrumentals, jazz, R&B vocals mixed into well thought-through verses. The album spends enough time having fun to balance the occasional angry, violent or drunken ramble. I don't know who specifically this album is for, but I think every American adult should listen to it. Not my favorite Kendrick Lamar album, but it is his best.
Enjoyable, pretty straight down the line britpop of the era
Very cool sounds, I think I'm going to have to listen to it again to appreciate the individual tracks. Unfortunately after having listened to it all of the songs melted together in my mind.
Boring, album sounds like it should have been from the late 60s, not 1980
Really enjoyed this. Minimal and the strings were lovely
Took some time for me to get in a groove with it but ends with a bang. Really cool
Admittedly I've never heard much of Q-Tips solo stuff, very pleasantly surprised at the 'modern' sound he got while still keeping pretty true to the boom bap sound
Strange to have a compilation album like this, but I already rock with music like this. Not even sure I listened to the right album tbh
I can believe those who say this is their favorite album, but outside of a couple tracks on this record I'm not as convinced. Just not my thing I guess.
Great singer, not my type of music unfortunately. All of the songs melted together in my mind.
Picked up in the second half of the album
The 4'est 3 I've heard. I really like a couple of songs on this record but Radiohead has better full-album concepts than this that land in the 4 category better.
Boring boring boring, nothing particularly wrong with the performance. Music just feels like it was made for Millennial commercials
Good instrumentals, not a big fan of the singer unfortunately
Really enjoyed those tracks, going to listen to this again.
Intimate grunge, the choice to have the cello and the guitar electric gives it a unique feeling. Cobain really in his element
I don't think the satire and self-awareness of the album overcomes how annoying it is to hear the music. Some melodies are catchy but it's overshadowed by unbearable singing. However purposeful, still unpleasant.
I liked it alright, interesting contrasts between the instruments - seemingly very clean with distortion mixed in. Not a fan of the singer
Ehh, didn't keep my attention
Terribly funky, killer into and outro
I'll listen to this again, I really enjoyed the last song on this album. It took a bit for me to gel with it.
Blues vaporwave - music is fine but as inoffensive as a ham and cheese sandwich. Proof things can be less than the sum of their parts.
Some of these tracks have some fantastic modern country instrumentals, but not enough to get over the spoken word repetitive lyricism. I get it, just not my flavor.
Very pleasant to listen to
Good, as with all other Blues I bet it was better in person
Music was pleasant, I think Joni is a better singer than lyricist and songwriter.
Already didn't care for Acapella, I'm sure I'm missing some context but this album did nothing for me. They sing nice at least.
Cialis rock
Hip hop, we go to the park and shake hands. Go to the park and shoot some hoops, doot doodle oop doot doot doot
Sure, I get it. Super clean production and mixing. I can go one way or the other with Paul Simon, really cool album.
I think there does exist EDM/electronic pop that is profound or has something to say. This wasn't it.
Wow! Can't believe this one passed me by but I loved it front to back. Excellent singing, hooks, instrumentation and production. Seriously a fantastic album.
Not sure if I liked this one, but will listen to again soon cause I just might
The Who live goes harder than I anticipated
Creeped up on me but I was seriously into most of the songs before I realized it.
Honestly such a short and sweet album, very focused - got in, sang a couple good country songs and got out. Really enjoyable, good music, made me wanna dance a couple times.
This album is exhausting, if you're in a bad mood this album is gonna be annoying as hell lol. Aside from that though, I can hear the inspiration and a good amount of those hooks and melodies are pretty good when they peek above the surface. I'm not going to lie - I'm most of the way through the album and can't finish it.
As usual I think his music is fine, and often I find myself realizing I've heard a track or two of his. Other than that, it's not my favorite music in the world.
I really like their slower, more pensive songs on this album. I don't think the lead singer's voice fits as well with the faster/happier tracks. Torn Curtain is a great song. Very solid album, just not my favorite - probably worth a re-listen if it's got me yapping about it.
I wasn't expecting this sound just based on the cover art, still I thought the music was pleasant to listen to - just not usually the genre I would put on around the house nor when out.
I feel as though whatever edge this album may have had upon release has been lost to time. Fine, just corny and outdated
Like if Zap Brannigan made an album. That being said, the flamenco flair to the music was pretty neat.
Super fun album, great hooks and beats. Reminiscent of the types of raps I liked most from artists like Mos Def and Del the Funky Homosapien. I think as time passes, I seek less and less more 'cerebral' 5-dollar vocab word heavy hip hop, but this one was a blast.
I enjoyed most of these songs, obviously Layla casts a long shadow. For good reason, as many times as I've heard it and gotten tired of it it's still some incredible guitar.
Good stuff, I think I like Neil Young more than I thought I did
Incredible debut, a couple songs here and there fade together but as a whole a real statement
I've heard a song or two of hers, just not for me or music I would ever put on casually. Great voice
Some of my favorite Pink Floyd tracks exist on this album, while not my favorite as an entire work it's still a success. Feels disjointed if you're trying to find some common thread throughout the album the same way some of their earlier more condensed stuff does, but this one loops back on a big number of ideas by the end of it. Really awesome, I had never heard it all in one go before.
Great background music, nothing stands out as spectacular but it's very clear these guys know how to play music.
While not my favorite genre or band I can't deny how much this changed the sound of pop/electronic music in the US for a couple of years. Some good earworms in there, I think this album will stay enjoyable and relevant for a while.
I really enjoy the instrumentals to this album, especially Bag Lady and Orange Moon. My issue is that I don't particularly like her voice, I find it a tiny bit grating. I enjoyed this album.
Catchy hooks, I liked it just fine. Some of the slower songs I didn't care much for.
Long ass album. I'd say this album fits smack dab into the category of ones you should listen to before you die, I don't love every song but I love a great deal of them.
Funk is so much fun, reading more about how important Parliament and Funkadelic were is super eye opening to what would otherwise just be a super groovy and fun album to me
Not entirely in love with shoegaze, I like it as background noise so I can't really say that I sit and appreciate it. I liked the composition but that's about as far as my interest goes.
Felt like the most of the songs were reaching some great peak but then it fizzles away. I think the music is fine just forgettable.
Super inventive music, the album feels a bit long.
Again, this album feels like Abbey Road where there isn't much to be said about it that hasn't already been said. Really incredible.
Gorgeous music, a little boring?
Never knew about the rockabilly sound from The Cramps, decent enough just found the singer to be a little annoying
Computer music, kinda dig it?
I really liked that, every song sounds the same but that's fine by me
I really enjoyed a lot of the songs on the album, I've never been much of a Bob Dylan guy. I really like his singing but I think it does take me out of it a little bit, I understand it's stylistic to do the full sentence rhyme scheme but it makes me laugh every time.
Lotta 4s, lotta 2s
Took time for me to get into it. Really unique sounds, not what I was expecting