Talking Heads 77
Talking HeadsI feel like he is 'yipping' all the time. Does that make sense? I don't mind the music but his voice pisses me off after 4 tracks.
I feel like he is 'yipping' all the time. Does that make sense? I don't mind the music but his voice pisses me off after 4 tracks.
Too much 80's cheesy synth. not a fan. Does have "wrap it up" which made me laugh. DNF
I already know I'm not going to like this... Yup, hot garbage, every track sounded the same, took me about 30 seconds to skip through the whole album. People who like this.... I don't like you.
Normally I can only handle 3 Neil Young songs in a row, lets see how this goes. Pretty decent album, managed to last the whole way through without skipping anything. The title track is amazing. Does get a little same-ey towards the end.
Pretty good, enjoyed it but it weirdly felt a little dated? Perhaps the quality of the audio? I also felt like the playing wasn't that tight.
Never heard of this before. I'm excited... Nah, not my cup of tea. Was hoping this was some cool 70's music looking at the album cover but really its just boring, uninspiring mush.
Now we're talking. This album went multi-platinum?!! It was so boring, I had no idea. Just basic 80's rapping over drum beats, no music in there, apart from "walk this way" which we have all heard way too many times.
Love this album... here we go!
Its as if the rolling stones were born in the south of the USA, but not as good.
Never listened to the undertones before. What a weird wobbly voice the main guy has. Might be the worst cover of "under the boardwalk" I've ever heard Lots of teenage angst here. His wobbly voice is really getting on my tits. Teenage Kicks is good but its not even on this album.
Not for me
This is not for me. DNF
What... really. I dont think i will last long listening to this one. Whats a buffalo stance? - I looked it up... "an attitude you have to have in order to get by" "Don't get fresh with me".
Crescent moon! How have I never heard that song before!
Kinda weird but I'm into that.
Eh, its okay. Rock n roll with flute is a hard sell for me.
Just gonna skip this one.
This is awful. I've never purposefully listened to the flaming lips. The guy cannot sing to save his life... there is hope for me yet!
Weird and depressing
Better than i was expecting
Not bad, more folksy than I thought it would be
Nope nope nope. Worst thing I have heard so far. Not for me thaaaaaank you.
I guess the saying "one mans trash is another mans treasure" works both ways.
yes yes yes, so amazing.
We live in such a varied cultural world and the fact that people like this both blows my mind and pleases me at the same time. Its awful dribble tripe, almost tortuous. But if we all liked the same thing this world would be boring. Not as boring as this album though. 0 stars if I could
Good stuff
Very weird. Why is this in a top 1001 albums list?
I wanted to like this more than I did. I love her voice but she puts too much into it sometimes, too much vibrato and accents perhaps? The music is good but the production has weird things happening in almost every song; an off sounding bass kick, tinny/thin high hats that just dont fit, I think i heard bongo's at one point. Perhaps its showing its age and she was showing her age being only 19 when recorded.
This is a must listen to album? Can someone explain to me why?
I was born after 1982 (not much after) so this would not be on my list.
Lots of bongos, could have used more cowbell. Everything is hard panned to one ear or the other, its not great when listening with headphones.
Is this a joke. 15 min album, lanmark album? Nah.
Kinda samey and a little weird. Too much harpsichord
I'm not as into this as other people are. But I still think its good. 3.5/5
Feels very dated. I think garage had its moment 20 years ago but its very boring now.
To me it sounds like they just learnt to play instruments. Enough to make 'music' but not enough to play for other people to hear.
Not good enough to be that repetitive.
Would have given it 5 starts if it didnt have all that weird story telling in between songs.
Much better than I thought it was going to be. She is a little annoying in her weirdness after a while though. 3.5
I dig this album. Gets too weird in places like they tended to do in the 70's though.
A bit too dreamy for me but ok background music.
It’s the Beatles. What more can you say.
No love for this G from me
Sounded like 1950's Disney in Brazil
Never heard of this band before, my life is now worse because of it. Terrible noise. Someone wrote "this is music for guys that yell at their girlfriends in public" and I could not have put it better. I liked the first 4 seconds of the first track and then the guy started "singing". Only downhill from there.
Pretty good. A couple of weird 70's weird sitcom sounding songs though.
A little rough around the edges for me.
Her voice is a little annoying. Kind of sounds like a white lady trying to do black church music that smoked a loooooot of cigarettes
Putting me to sleep
I feel like he is 'yipping' all the time. Does that make sense? I don't mind the music but his voice pisses me off after 4 tracks.
Might be the most boring thing I've listened to so far.
First track was good, reminded me exactly of zero things, then just awful from then onwards.
Its like the band members did their parts in completely different places not knowing what the others were doing, then they just mashed it together.
Generic rock, nothing special. 2.5 rounding down to 2
Not bad. Gets a little too similar to bob Dylan at times.
Really really really boring. Kick skate song was fun though.
Couple of good tracks in there. Started for feel like the smiths a little bit which is a big no thank you.
Hanging on a rope, on a rope, on a rope around my neck so i dont have to listen to anymore of this album.
An album to listen to before you die.... this one... really????!!!
Fairly convinced I'm not going to like this. Sounds like a bunch of hipster church kids formed a band. Someone take that bell away from the kid.
Love it
They don't come much better than this.
There was a skate video back in the day called 'Mouse', it had the best music on it. It opened my eyes to a lot of new music including this. Loved this album ever since discovering it back then.
Was hoping for some electronic music instead i got some very middle of the road, little bit dull, background music.
So good, no notes.
This is fine... I guess. Just not for me. The album cover is how I looked when listening to this.
This did not age well, very boring.
Liked it, didnt love it. 2.8
I can see why some people this this is dreary and his voice is moany but these guys are amazing to me. I dont love their earlier stuff and this is near the beginning but it only gets better from here. Still love it.
Jazz.... it's the notes you don't play. This was over 2 hours long, I dont think I lasted an hour.
Not for me.
I found out today that I dont like Bruce Springsteen. Or is it just this album, i dont know and i dont care to find out.
Not for me.
I already know that this is not for me.
I cant believe detective Tutuola made this album.
So good
I prefer my salsa with chips
I was trying to give this album the benefit of the doubt thinking that it just hasn't aged well but really I think this was bad when it first came out. The first track just sets the tone, "time becomes a loop" just looped... I mean really?! I love electronic music but this is just hot doo doo.
It’s just not for me
I dig this. A lot.
Its just too wacky for me
The first portishead album is probably top albums of all time for me. This wouldn’t hit the top 1000
I love James Brown, a lot. But this is such a weird album of his to pick. Live albums just don't really do it for me. The screaming in the background only takes away from the music.
I feel like I should like this more but there are some pretty bad songs on here.
This music is kind of washing over me, not in a good way, not in a bad way. Its just there. I cant really tell what she is saying. I know Erykah has crazy talent and I love her but just not really on this album. I think R&B just isn't really for me.
Not my cup of tea
Not my cup of tea
This was great!
I love the beastie boys but this isn’t my fave
Love this
Not my vibe
Not my vibe
Love air but this is by far not their best
I think I listened to this album when I was younger a few times but I only remember a few of the tracks. A little to ‘jazzy’ for me at times.
This album feels ahead of its time for 1990. Really dig it. Title track is fantastic!
I want to like The Cure but its all so depressing and Emo.
Just okay background music, nothing special.
Bit different. Nice to hear something not from America or the UK.
I like AC/DC but his voice is so unique and so is their style that to me their songs kinda blend into each other.
4 chords, 2 stars
Weird R&B
Excellent stuff
Imagine you have just graduated art school, all full of piss and vinegar, and you are ready to create. You make this album, then realize none of you can actually play music and perhaps some of you have never even heard music before. Just terrible noise. Worst album so far.
Excellent stuff
When I was 19 my flatmate played this album and my other flatmate said it sounded like a bunch of angry lesbians.
I feel like I should like this album more that I do. Rap rock just doesnt do it for me. Too many guitar stabs and yelling.
I like Van Morrison but a whole album of him shouting with marbles in his mouth... its gets a bit grating.
Another weird one on the list, but i like it.
Sounds like my grandma doing Karaoke with a lisp vaguely trying to remember what fleetwood mac sounded like.
I like this album, a lot, but I for sure have to be in the right mood. Bruce Dickinson does sound quite operatic and it gets a bit much after a while.
This was the second album I ever bought, on cassette! I loved it back then. My tastes have changed a lot since then, I still think this is a very good album, but my opinions have been marred by the people that listen to this album and the amount of times I have had to hear a few of the songs on this album.
Imperial Boredom
Find cool 'preacher like' sample, put it over a cool beat... rinse and repeat. Man found a formula that worked. I liked this album more than I thought I would.
Hot garbage
One of the most overrated bands, right behind The Smiths and REM. No thank you. This album should be called 1 out of 10.
Hillbilly nonsense.
Kind of a weird one to be on the list.
What has 9 arms and sucks.