Ready To Die
The Notorious B.I.G.I could do without the random women moaning in my ear during work hours, but the rapping was great.
I could do without the random women moaning in my ear during work hours, but the rapping was great.
If you're going to make an album that's over an hour long, you need to be a lot more interesting and dynamic than this.
What if Duran Duran were crunchier?
Reminds me of early Beatles, but less over played.
Hokey, but not in a charming way.
Sounds like a parody of Rock n Roll. Being catchy and commercially successful is great, but it doesn't make the music great.
First song was great. The rest were kinda boring
Immaculate vibes
Utterly forgettable. I listened through this album twice and I can't recall a single line or melody.
Reminds me of early Beatles, but less over played.
The only good thing I can say about this album is that it would be very easy to sing in karaoke since the vocal range is so narrow.
Just a solid R&B album. Not much else to say
The songs are good and the musicians are clearly excellent, but live albums are not my thing
Painfully boring. Sounds like Duran Duran at 0.5x speed
Enjoyable. All the songs are about twice as long as they need to be, but that's normal for the time.
Has some excellent moments, but overall is long and meandering. Several times while listening to this album, I forgot I was listening to music
Immaculate vibes
Not really my thing, but I always appreciate when an artist commits to the bit
All their songs sound the same, but luckily I really enjoy that sound
It's fine
It seems like they had fun making this album
This album didn't make me feel anything
It's rare to find an album that is credited with popularizing a genre, that also holds up well to modern examples of the genre
This is reggae. I enjoy reggae
The first song is pretty good. The rest are a bit overwrought.
This album was hit or miss for me. Some songs I couldn't stand, and some will be in my regular rotation for a long time. Overall I'm glad I listened to this album.
I enjoyed the sound. Nothing special though.
Sounds like if Rage Against the Machine got sent to Lake Laogai
I have nothing positive or negative to say about this album.
This album has some great moments, but overall felt disjointed and overstayed its welcome
I enjoyed it, but I can't think of a reason why it belongs on this list over every other 80's pop album.
I admire the dedication to the bit, but the novelty wore off very quickly.
This album goes crazy. Not a single miss.
I feel like I am missing some key element to enjoying this album, like listening to the soundtrack of a musical I haven't seen.
I found myself waiting for this one to be over.
Live music > recorded music. Recorded albums > live albums.
I really wanted to enjoy this album, but I just didn't.
Boring vocals over repetitive instrumentals
This felt like two different albums. Both could be great in their own right, but together they felt somewhat unfocused.
Manages to be mellow without being boring
The singles on this album are really fun and iconic. The rest of the songs are just meh.
It's one of the most influential jazz albums of all time, it's one of the most influential jazz albums of all time, it's one of the most influential jazz albums of all time. ...I don't like it :(
It feels like they had a really good time recording this album, and that vibe is infectious.
It sounds alright, but is utterly forgettable.
This is my 54th album, 23 of which are from the 70's. A Night at the Opera is like a breath of fresh air. It's so unique from anything else I've heard from the era. I don't think I will listen to this album on a regular basis, but I have to give Queen full credit for creativity and novelty. Also for Bohemian Rhapsody.
I'm glad to see some ambient electronic music on this list. It's nothing mind-blowing, but gets extra points for being one of the only experimental albums I've heard that still holds up after 30 years.
Technically solid, but extremely forgettable. I accidentally turned shuffle on halfway through the album and never realized that songs were repeating.
According to Wikipedia, this album was critically acclaimed. I'm not sure why. It's alright, but nothing about it moves me physically or emotionally.
50% iconic and timeless songs, 50% random nonsense
Technically, Hot Rats is very impressive. The audio fidelity is unmatched by anything I've heard from its time. If you told me it was released yesterday, I would believe you. Musically there were some great moments as well, but overall it was tough to listen to. I get that it's experimental, but I don't see what useful findings they made, if any.
I usually don't like live albums, but this is an exception because of its age and because the commentaries between songs provide useful information and context. I usually don't like jazz albums because they tend to be long and meandering. This is certainly long, but it manages to avoid feeling meandering.
If you're going to make an album that's over an hour long, you need to be a lot more interesting and dynamic than this.
They had one cool hook on one of their songs.
Hokey, but not in a charming way.
I can hear this being played on a crackly record in a saloon.
More of the annoying self-indulgent British \"experimental\" pop that plagues this list, although this one is a lot more tolerable than most.
I really liked it, but why are some of the songs on here three times?
I really like the beats. Very unique and intriguing without being grating. Almost sounds like an early predecessor to breakcore. They do a good job of making each track sound unique. I could do without all the bonus tracks, but overall it was very enjoyable. It feels ripe for a vaporwave remix.
There are plenty of good singers with a narrow vocal range, but for some reason Bob Dylan just shouts whenever a note gets too high for him. The result is very jarring and frustrating to sing along with. I liked the harmonica parts though.
11 minutes is too long for a song with the exact same melodic and rhythmic structure throughout.
It's crazy how many iconic songs are on this album. I guess they had to sprinkle in a few lengthy meandering songs to even it out.
It's alright, but pretty much any given Gorillaz album is more dynamic and interesting.
This is one of those albums that was included because it was groundbreaking, rather than because it was successful or long-lived. I didn't particularly enjoy it, but it's a lot more tolerable than most of the \"ahead of its time\" picks I've encountered so far.
Each song is 50% too long and the vocals are subpar, but the beats are just so silly and goofy that I couldn't help but enjoy it.
It's an alright album
I enjoyed it. A nice change of pace from all the brit pop and prog rock on this list.
If we wanted more country on this list I could name a dozen other albums that I would add before this one.
This whole album is just so smooth
Absolutely bangers the whole way through
I don't care for David Bowie, but I cannot tolerate this Walmart version of David Bowie.
I won't judge anyone who enjoys this; I like a lot of weird music too. But if you think this album is anything more than a guilty pleasure, you're as deranged as the people who created it.
Enjoyable the whole way through. You Can Call me Al puts it over the top for me.
If any album deserves to be on this list, it's this one. If not for the music, then at least for its cultural impact. Luckily the music is also outstanding.
I wasn't very impressed by this album until I learned that it was all improvisation. Very cool.
This album deals with a lot of sad and heavy subjects, but manages to still be enjoyable to listen to
It was weird, but in an enjoyable way
Solid jazz
Reminds me of being in the band room in high school before practice started and everyone is just aimlessly noodling
So many iconic songs. I didn't realize they were all by Kendrick Lamar, let alone all on the same album.
The most enjoyable Bowie album so far. At some points I almost forgot I was listening to anything at all
A ton of catchy megahits, but the deep tracks are utterly indistinguishable from each other
Delightfully chill
This is the exact kind of album that should be on this list. I don't think I ever would have discovered it on my own, and I don't think it will be in my permanent rotation, but I'm glad I gave it a try. Holds up pretty well for being nearly 80 years old.
Streetrat vibes
This style of music goes down very easy for me, but I can't say I will remember any of it tomorrow.
It was decent. Some of the songs were really fun. I'm sure it was influential at the time.
I'll probably never listen to this album again, but I'm glad I gave it a try
I had a difficult time finishing this album.
I wasn't a huge fan of this album, but the last track ended with an emcee mentioning some of their contemporaries, and I liked this a lot more than anything those bands were releasing around the same time. Pretty good for being well over half a century old.
They didn't do it best, but they did do it first. I suppose that's worth at least three stars.
An early but hard to listen to example of heavy distortion
A little long-winded, but very skillful and fun to listen to
Pretty good, but way too long
A hour-long album needs to be a lot more creative and a lot less sonically jarring. I've heard and enjoyed a lot of rap from this time period but this album was a mess
Seven Nation Army is awesome. The rest was meh
This album was so bland and uninteresting that I didn't even notice when it ended and Spotify started auto-playing other artists
This is my third Kinks album, and none of them have managed to be interesting
Enchanting and oddly haunting. It feels like a vinyl found in the back of a bombed-out diner, coated in a thick layer of dust but still playable.
It was fine
This album rips but I have no idea how it made it on this list lol
I liked it. You can hear the beginnings of punk rock in their style
This style of music gets tiring, but at least this album is more positive than most
Every song sounds nearly identical to Blitzkrieg Bop. Luckily it's a really catchy sound and the album doesn't overstay its welcome.
Something about Alanis Morissette's slightly unhinged vocal style is very compelling
I really enjoyed the ambient sound of this album. I feel like I could hear the first inklings of the tropes and techniques that are fundamental to later genres like lo-fi and hauntology
Big Blues King
Immaculate vibes
This is my third Pink Floyd album, and I think I finally get it.
Inoffensive but not interesting
If I heard this this album without knowing its name, then was asked to give it a name, I would probably name it Superfly
I really like Nirvana, but I'm not a huge fan of acoustic albums, nor of live albums.
A fun time
What if Duran Duran were crunchier?
This is definitely one of those albums that is on this list primarily because of its influence. I didn't particularly care for it, but Wikipedia says it was really important so I suppose that's worth at least three stars.
We already had Rio when this came out
Nothing mind blowing, but solid pop
Perhaps I was too harsh on Born in the USA...
He is very good at guitar 👍
More like this, please :)
In Rock, indeed
It really feels like they didn't know what modern albums to add to the list so they just closed their eyes and threw darts randomly
People on this website don't usually jive with this kind of music, but I enjoyed it. Cool ethereal vibes
This was so nondescript that when the album ended Spotify auto played like 6 songs from other artists before I realized.
Grunge is one of my favorite genres, but this album just failed to move me in any way
They probably felt really cool and edgy while recording this. The result is a little silly today, but I think the earnestness makes it a better album.
I enjoy the distortion effects but overall this album just kinda passed me by
A good example of early punk. Not particularly interestimg beyond that.
I feel like I don't know enough about this era of music to know if this album is good
Crazy that the opening track on their debut album is Welcome to the Jungle. Overall insipid and puerile lyrics, but dang Slash is so good at guitar
It's nice to get a chill album every now and then.
Weird but I enjoyed the sound
Tina Turner does the same thing as the other popular artists of her time, but not quite as well.
This album is indistinguishable from the one he released in 2016. I like his voice, but it's not terribly creative.
Sounds kinda like White Stripes but with less gusto
There were a lot of good bits in this album, but overall it felt a little disjointed.
I enjoy these kinds of instrumentals, but the lead vocalist is a very bad singer. Not bad as in I don't like his style, but bad as in literally missing notes or falling off of them.
Hokey, but not in a charming way
This is my fourth Bowie album, and I still don't get it.
If I heard this album without knowing anything about it, I would never guess it was Genesis. The guitar solo in Firth of Fifth made me ascend.
Next time someone complains about today's music being too prurient, show them this album.
I prefer when he sings his own songs.
I could do without the random women moaning in my ear during work hours, but the rapping was great.
This album started off strong, but descended very quickly into the typical indie nonsense
Typical indie nonsense, but more tolerable than most
Superstition, and then a bunch of other songs
They probably felt really cool and edgy while recording this, but it's mostly loud and boring.
This album is really nothing special, but I gotta give it an extra star for Wonderwall.
I've always heard how Dolly Parton is a great person, but I never heard much about her music. Turns out her music is great too!
I try to be more lenient with older albums but this was just insufferable
Nothing crazy, but I like it more than most Beatles albums
I strongly disliked this album until the very end, then was surprised at the sudden increase in quality. Then I realized that the album has actually ended and Spotify was playing recommended songs from other artists.
I have a special affection for Muddy Waters because one of his other albums was the first one I ever got from this generator. That being said, I still enjoy his ultra bluesy sound
I liked good kid maad city better. I'm sure I would appreciate this album more if I had time to research the background and listen through it again, but at first impression it was mostly just jarring.
It was decent. Not sure why it was included in this list
Crazy that Leonard Cohen has gotten away with making the same album over and over again for over 40 years. Although I will say this is probably my favorite incarnation of his one album.
How many more Duran Duran knockoffs do we need?
I don't care for David Bowie, but I had hope that maybe old Bowie would be better than young Bowie. I think old Bowie may actually be worse.
Love this era of hip hop. Feels oddly innocent and nostalgic looking back
This album made me realize why the Rolling Stones are considered to be as influential as they are. And I actually enjoyed it!
I would have given this a much lower score, but I think that monologue about George Wallace will stick with me the rest of my life
I have a soft spot for this style of music, and Fleet Foxes in particular
I could have done without all the remixes at the end, but overall this album slaps
I'm shocked at how smooth and jammable this album is for its time and genre. Usually hip hop from this era feels very dated and often jarring. I would have guessed this album was at least a decade younger than it is.
A third Dexys album, none of which are the one with Come on Eileen?? How?
Solid addition to the genre
I thought I would be bored by this but it was surprisingly solid
This would be a great album from the 1970's, but only an okay one from the 2000's
What is it about people with this exact vocal style that makes them want to make overwrought hour-long albums?
He's real good at guitar
It was pretty good. Several hits, but definitely overstays its welcome
It's alright. I enjoy ambient electronica more than the average listener, but this album was a bit too staccato to blend in, but not interesting enough to stand out
I've heard a lot of albums like this one on this website. For some reason this one was much more pleasant than the others
Holds up quite well. I would have been super into this when it came out
Mostly repetitive nonsense and random noise. I love it
Solid and unique sound.
That sure was a lot of sounds
Guitar very very good. Everything else okay I guess
Nothing new here. Typical low effort talk-singing
This is the only DMR album that deserves to be on this list.
Every single song sounded like it could turn into Losing my Religion at any moment
If I had known about this album as a teenager I would have put up record numbers on it
Did a good job of utilizing loops without becoming annoyingly repetitive
Chill and folky
Incredible survey of the genre
I enjoyed this early example of industrial rock
Paul Simon always feels like a soft blanket and a warm cup of tea