MetallicaI liked the parts of this album that didn’t include vocals by Metallica. Probably doesn’t bode well for a review of a Metallica album… Also I will be honest and say I did not listen to all 2+ hours of this
I liked the parts of this album that didn’t include vocals by Metallica. Probably doesn’t bode well for a review of a Metallica album… Also I will be honest and say I did not listen to all 2+ hours of this
I only knew the words to the first song, but the album made me feel very nostalgic for all the Dylan that was played while I was growing up.
I expected this to be unlistenable and it wasn’t. I also appreciated the guitar work. I’ll never listen to this again, but it wasn’t as awful as I thought it would be!
Very lovely. If I still worked in an office and played music on a speaker, this would be added to the rotation. It was enjoyable but not so distracting that I couldn’t work while listening. I recognized Sour Times (probably because Joe has played it at home).
I can appreciate how innovative this must have been in 1978. But I hate it. It sounds like a less shitty version of songs I used to play on my electronic Casio keyboard. I never need to listen to this again.
After getting over my embarrassment at realizing I was familiar with Muse because Supermassive Black Hole is on the Twilight soundtrack, I really enjoyed this album. A couple other tracks were familiar to me and I listened to some songs twice today.
Shout out to Frankie Ocean. Big fan. My favorite of the albums we’ve listened to so far (I know, not a ton…).
I wasn’t familiar with Janelle until Make Me Feel, which I love. This was very enjoyable too. I adore her voice! Especially love Come Alive.
I wonder how many of the mix CDs I’ve ever made include “Last Nite” (hint: it’s a lot). I liked them 20+ years ago and think the album still holds up today.
This is an album I didn’t think I knew but must have been played at home a lot when I was younger, because it was definitely very familiar. Alabama Song wasn’t as familiar and I particularly liked it. I give the first half of the album (through Light My Fire) a 5 and the second half a 3 because it was so boring to me.
As Jackson would say, this was good but not my favorite. I’ll admit I was more distracted while listening today. The tracks were hit and miss for me. I don’t love songs that sound more like spoken word poetry. Loved the last track!
This was not my favorite. I don’t like his voice, I couldn’t make out many of the lyrics, and the music didn’t grab me. I didn’t actively hate it but I never need to listen to this again.
Favorite tracks were Rococo and Wasted Hours. I wasn’t familiar with the most popular songs on the albums (first two tracks). Solid 3.5, enjoyable but not my new favorite.
I’ve love Black Hole Sun for a while. Still love it (played it again after listening to the full album) but the rest of the album didn’t grab me. I didn’t dislike it but it didn’t wow me.
It’s a no for me, dawg. I gave each song the old college try, but to be honest I don’t think I listened to any song in its entirety. And then I put on my Summer of Taylor Faves playlist.
I had no idea what to expect from this album and prejudged it based on Alice Cooper’s looks. I thought it would be super screamy but it was full of catchy melodies and I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. Probably not going in the regular rotation, but a big improvement over yesterday!
I liked having this on in the background while I worked. Pleasant enough, but nothing I need to listen to again. Felt like it should be on the James Bond movie soundtrack.
Another solid 3. Is Cry to Me in a movie? It was familiar to me.
I had no idea what to expect with this and liked it more than I thought I would. Some very catchy tunes!
Another solid 3. Blue Chair was my favorite track. None of the songs were familiar to me.
Not my favorite. Spotify compared them to REM, which I can see, but it seems like they took a screamier approach while REM took a mellower approach. I can also see why one became mega popular and the other became a cult favorite only.
I liked the second half of this album more than the first half. Probably a 3.5 but rounding up to a 4.
I’ve liked Islands for a while now but didn’t know the rest of this album. Enjoyed the chill vibe, would listen to this again while working.
Not my favorite and none of the songs grabbed me. Sounded way too 80s and not in a fun way. I didn’t hate this but I never need to listen to it again.
Not a fan. I found it boring, none of the songs grabbed me. Give me other Bowie!
I thought most of the songs could have been about half as long, but I liked this enough.
This was really fun. I had forgotten about some of these songs and really enjoyed revisiting them. Love the string of curse words in Bad Habit! Might have to add that track to my running playlist.
Really didn’t like the skits. Some songs were catchy but won’t be adding this to the regular rotation. 2.5 rounded down.
You know I loved this. Incredible voice, some jams I forgot about. Big fan!
The first track asks “how much can you take?” My answer: not 154 minutes. I listened to disc 1 all the way through but only the beginning of each track on disc 2 because I’d had enough.
When I saw the words “southern rock opera” I was very skeptical. But found myself bopping along and never wanted to turn this off! Worthy of 3 stars in my book.
I completely forgot about Zero, which I LOVE! I started playing the album while I was cooking breakfast - the track instantly put me in a great mood and I was dancing all over the kitchen to it. I was familiar with Heads Will Roll and think it holds up. I didn’t know the rest of the album but thoroughly enjoyed it. Will definitely be adding Zero to my running playlist and will come back to this album.
One of those fun albums where I didn’t realize I knew a number of the songs. Very enjoyable! Especially love Gotta Get Up.
Did I have a poster of Brandon Boyd in my college dorm room? Yes. Was it because I loved Incubus’s music? Not so much. This was fine. I liked the slower/softer songs and was turned off by the screamier songs. 2.5 rounded up to 3.
This album felt like elevator music, which made me wonder if elevator music in the 2060s will be Beyoncé, Cardi B, SZA, etc. I never wanted to turn this off, but probably won’t listen again.
Way too long. I knew a few songs and those were ok but this was not my jam overall.
I know it wasn’t THAT long ago but I distinctly remember the first time I listened to this album. At the time, Alix Sanchez and I were in a routine of going to the downtown YMCA to work out together early in the mornings. I must have learned during our workout that this album had dropped because I listened to it while walking home and I’m sure I was bopping along just like I was bopping along listening this morning. I love Kendrick! Favorites on this album are King Kunta, Alright, Momma, and i.
OK I absolutely loved this. I listened first thing in the morning and then was thinking about it all day and listened again while I made dinner. I think I love Irish music? I had no idea they were the band who sang Fairytale of New York (and had only heard the Philadelphia Eagles’ Fairytale of Philadelphia version). I’d like to learn the lyrics to be able to sing along! Summer of The Pogues 2024, anyone??
To quote Joe’s review of my new favorite band The Pogues, “meh”
This was fine. Never wanted to turn it off but nothing particularly grabbed me. 2.5 rounded up to 3.
It’s no Pogues but I’m surprised how much I liked this album. Favorite tracks include Taste of Cindy and You Trip Me Up. I wouldn’t have guessed this album was made in the 80s.
This must not have been one of the Steely Dan albums in as regular of rotation growing up because other than the first track, it wasn’t super familiar. Very enjoyable though!
You know I love any track about jigsaw puzzles. I also love Sympathy for the Devil but that seems like less of a hot take.
I read the summary of the artist on Spotify and got nervous when it said the lead singer was inspired by Kraftwerk. Ended up liking it more than expected, found myself dancing/bopping along while listening. Still not my favorite but 2.5 rounded up to 3.
I can’t imagine giving a Beatles album anything but a 5.
Going in I thought this would be a sure 5 because Wild Horses is one of my all time favorite songs. Unfortunately I didn’t love the rest of the album as much, so knocked it down to a 4.
Didn’t know he did the original Jump Jive & Wail, which I love. The rest of the album was enjoyable enough, but can’t see myself ever returning to this. 2.5 rounded up to 3.
We Are Family still slaps but the rest of the album was meh for me.
Went back and forth on whether to rate this a 3 or 4, but landing on 4. I can hear mom singing along to California Dreamin’ - major nostalgia factor here!
This really grew on me as I listened. I didn’t love the first few tracks but thoroughly enjoyed the end of the album.
This was not for me. I listened to at least part of each song but ended up skipping through quite a bit.
As suspected, I did recognize the first track and it just made me want to listen to Kanye’s My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy album, which I did almost twice through on Friday. Loved that first track of this album and liked the rest enough.
This was lovely. Favorite tracks were Son of Sam, In the Lost and Found, and Happiness/The Gondola Man.
This was fine enough. Didn’t love it or hate it. 2.5 rounded up to 3.
Wow. Nobody can accuse this album of having all tracks that sound the same! I LOVED track 1, thought tracks 2 and 3 were meh, then had to skip track 4 because it was so creepy. Really struggling with how to rate this because I have very strong feeling in both directions about various tracks. Guess that makes this a 3?
I wanted to love this more than I did.
Did not realize how many of these songs I knew. Also did not realize how problematic the “Girls” lyrics were…
I thought I would absolutely hate this and I didn’t. Still not my favorite, but much more listenable than I was anticipating. I particularly liked Charlotte the Harlot.
Not my jam. Reminded me of elevator music.
I love She Talks to Angels. The rest of the album was decent. Solid 3 stars.
I was only familiar with Seven Nation Army and Hardest Button to Button (and the original of I Just Don’t Know What to Do with Myself - fun to hear this cover!). Really enjoyed the rest of the album, thought there was great variety and the last track was very fun. It made me want to insert some family names - “I love Nate White like a little brother.” 4.5 stars rounded up to 5 (just slightly below my beloved Pogues and the Beatles!).
The only familiar track was There Is a Light That Never Goes Out (which I’m pretty sure I only know from the 500 Days of Summer soundtrack…). I really like that song and very much enjoyed the rest of the album too. Probably 3.5-3.75 rounded up to 4.
This was fine.
Don’t think I was familiar with any of these songs. In the words of Jackson, this was good but not my favorite. 3.5 rounded down to 3.
I really disliked this. The songs weren’t doing it for me and were way too long. They all sounded the same to me too.
If we call off the wedding, it’s because I am only giving this 3 stars and Joe can’t marry someone who has neutral feelings about his third favorite Radiohead album. This definitely sounds like Radiohead! But the songs all sounded pretty similar to me and none of them particularly grabbed me.
This is the perfect pop album. The only thing that would make this better is if the 1001 albums had the Taylor’s Version of 1989 instead of the original (some bangers in the vault tracks and the Kendrick Lamar version of Bad Blood makes me feel like I could conquer the world). My “solid 5s” for this project so far are The Pogues, The Beatles, and this. I contain multitudes!
I listened to this twice and Mystery Achievement really grabbed me both times. I was familiar with Brass in Pocket but had no idea that was the song title or that it was by the Pretenders. 3.5 rounded up to 4.
I was grooving to this but most of the songs sounded basically the same to me. 3.5 rounded down to 3.
I was listening to this on the plane this morning and there was terrible turbulence and my first thought was “I can’t die while listening to Lupe Fiasco,” so that probably tops it out at about a 3.
I wasn’t familiar with this but enjoyed it quite a bit. Favorite tracks included Cut Your Hair, Gold Soundz, and Range Life.
Didn’t love this.
I liked this but it didn’t blow me away. None of the songs were familiar.
Loved this. Especially Expectations, She’s Losing It, and My Wandering Days Are Over.
Too screamy for me.
This sounded familiar but not sure why (maybe all Kinks music sounds familiar)?
I expected to hate this and I didn’t! It was far less screamy than I thought it would be. I love “Changes” but admittedly didn’t realize the original was by Black Sabbath. Probably won’t be adding the album to the regular rotation, but liked it well enough.
Loved this. I was just a little too young to appreciate Nirvana in their heyday so trying to make up for it now.
I knew a couple of the songs and like those enough. The rest of the album was unremarkable. 2.5 rounded up to 3.
Great lyrics, but I just don’t love reggae.
One time I attended a birthday party for a family friend and an obnoxious 9 year old girl was there. She asked if we wanted to hear a song she wrote, then proceeded to sing “Low” by Flo Rida. In response, Andrea Elyachar’s wife Susan asked if the little girl wanted to hear a song she wrote, then started singing Psycho Killer, with which Andrea, mom, and I enthusiastically joined in. This is my core memory related to this album. I didn’t know any other songs, but enjoyed the album and really love Psycho Killer. 4 stars.
Favorite tracks that I didn’t already know: Cover Me and Darlington County. I really enjoyed this and listened twice through!
Joe has promised not to call off the wedding even though I’m only giving this a 4. #phew I didn’t realize how much I enjoy Karma Police until this listen through. Overall liked this better than In Rainbows but I still think too many of their songs sound the same, which is holding me back from a 5 star rating.
I liked this but didn’t love it.
Loved this. It was so catchy and I found myself dancing along. Best lyrics: “All I do is write rhymes, eat, drink, shit and bone.”
Really enjoyed the first and last tracks. Liked most of the others. Hated track 9 so much I almost turned it off.
Loved this. I feel bad I didn’t know California was on this album (or even by Joni…). Knew River and loved it; still love it. Also liked Carey.
Not for me
All the songs sounded the same to me and I wasn’t into the general vibe. Another no for me.
I liked the songs I already knew (Hells Bells, Back in Black, You Shook Me All Night Long) and wasn’t wowed by anything else.
Loved this. I only knew Perfect Day and Walk on the Wild Side but added 5 more tracks to my 1001 albums faves playlist. I adore Lou Reed’s voice and thought many of the songs were super catchy.
Didn’t hate this but never need to listen to it again
I liked this enough while listening but don’t think I’ll ever revisit it
The best part about this album is that it’s only 32 minutes long.
I liked the parts of this album that didn’t include vocals by Metallica. Probably doesn’t bode well for a review of a Metallica album… Also I will be honest and say I did not listen to all 2+ hours of this
Loved Starfish and Coffee, the rest of the album was meh. 2.5 rounding up to 3, perhaps influenced by how much I’ve disliked the other albums this week.
I knew and loved Under the Bridge. Also added Apache Rose Peacock to my faves playlist. Otherwise this was just meh for me.
I liked this way more than I thought I would, especially The Man Comes Around and Sam Hall.
Liked the second half of the album a lot more than the first. Beside You was SO whiny! Favorite tracks are Madame George and Ballerina.
I liked this more than I expected to. I can’t see myself returning to this album but had I been a teenager when this was popular, I bet I would have been really into it. Felt a little like Blink 182 to me. 2.5 rounding up to 3.
This was very boring and not at all memorable. Rounding up to 2 because it didn’t grate on me.
This was definitely familiar (thanks, Dad!). Favorite tracks are Tangled in Blue; Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts; and Shelter from the Storm. 3.5 rounded up to 4.
Didn’t like this as much as It’s Blitz. Maps is great, none of the rest of the songs were familiar or grabbed me.
I thought I would hate this and I didn’t. The throat singing wasn’t for me, but the rest was fine to good. Favorite track was Who Is It.
Didn’t like this as much as Licensed to Ill and wasn’t familiar with any of the songs. Definitely sounds like the Beastie Boys! I think I would have been really into them if they had been popular when I was a teenager. 2.5 rounding up to 3.
I liked this a lot. Songs were catchy and I ended up listening through the album twice. Favorite tracks were There Goes Norman and I Told You So (also enjoyed their cover of Under the Boardwalk).
I liked this enough while listening but probably won’t return to it.
I like Bad Moon Rising. Other faves were Cross-Tie Walker and Night Time is the Right Time.
Not my fave
I liked this more than I expected to. I thought it was really pretty and the faster songs made me want to dance.
Another “this was fine but not my favorite”
Really enjoyed this! Listened while Darlo and I were taking a walk on Friday morning and found myself bopping along consistently.
I predict this will be our group’s first album where we all rate it 5 stars! I didn’t need to listen to know this would be a 5-star album for me, but I did anyway. Twice. I was right. Nightswimming is my favorite track (and one of my all time favorite songs) but this album is full of great songs. I saved way too many to my “1001 albums faves” playlist. I needed this after a string of mostly “meh/fine” albums!
We’re back to “meh, this was fine”
I like this more than In Rainbows but not as much as OK Computer. I really love Fake Plastic Trees and like Planet Telex and High and Dry quite a bit. 3.5 rounded up to 4.
Not that incredible to me. I liked a couple of the cover songs enough but this album could have been about 1/3 of the length.
Favorite track was (Song for My) Sugar Spun Sister. 3.5 rounded down to 3.
I knew at least the intro to Money for Nothing (did not realize it contained the bad F word) and Walk of Life, which I swear was in a movie or TV show. I like Walk of Life and really liked the title track, but otherwise thought many of the songs dragged on wayyy too long.
LOVED the first track and then the rest of the album kind of fell flat.
It’s a no for me, dawg.
I’ve loved “here comes your man” for a long time and still love it. The rest of the album was not as much of a love. Some tracks were too screamy for me and the others didn’t grab me. I’m sorry, Joe!
I don’t love jazz but this was great. Pretty sure I listened to this during my “Jazz for Non-Music Majors” class I took in college to fulfill my artistic experience requirement.
It was a little weird listening to the title track to this album while walking through Aunt Mary’s neighborhood. Didn’t know any other songs; album was fine.
This was good background music as I tried to sleep on the plane, but probably won’t become part of my regular rotation.
Solid 3
Already knew (and liked) Surrender and I Want You to Want Me. Also added Come On, Come On and Clock Strikes Ten to my favorites list. Enjoyed this album a lot!
Didn’t love this quite as much as the Nirvana MTV Unplugged album, but still quite enjoyable.
Not a fan of this…
I love the title track so much that this album is getting a higher rating, but know it’s only from this one song. The rest of the album fell flat for me.
Fabulous voice, love Respect. None of the rest of the tracks stood out to me but I enjoyed the album. 3.5 rounded up to 4.
I only knew the words to the first song, but the album made me feel very nostalgic for all the Dylan that was played while I was growing up.
I LOVED this! My least favorite tracks were the ones with the female vocalist up front, but they weren’t bad songs. The first track grabbed me instantly!
I liked this way more than I expected to after reading the Wikipedia summary. Double Dutch, Punk It Up, and Jive My Baby were my favorite tracks. 3.5 rounded up to 4
It’s been a good week of albums!
This was longer than I wanted it to be, but I really enjoyed a handful of songs and the rest of the album was pleasant. 3.5 rounded up to 4
This was such a good week of albums! Really enjoyed this and added four tracks to my faves playlist.
I recognize he’s very talented but this just isn’t my favorite genre of music
My favorite tracks were the ones Nirvana covered on their MTV Unplugged album. The rest of the album was fine
This was fine
I was pretty excited when I saw this was today’s album and then I listened and was disappointed. Added a couple of the big hits to my faves list and the rest of the tracks really didn’t do it for me.
This didn’t do it for me
Enjoyed this enough while listening to it but probably won’t ever return to it
I was very torn between rating this a 4 or 5, but decide if I gave American Pie a 4 based only on the title track, this earned a 5 based strongly on Someone Like You (but with a much better supporting track list). I’ll say this is the weakest 5 I’ve given so far, but still think the album is deserving.
That’s a no for me, dawg
I wanted to love this and just didn’t. I like his voice but I felt like he was just barely singing and was almost more chanting/speaking the lyrics.
I hated this. Not quite as much as Kraftwerk though…
At least this was short?
Was thinking this was going to be a 2 star but The Message and The Adventures of Grandmaster Flash brought it up to a weak 3.
I can see why this made the saddest albums list (but I really liked it!). Say Yes was my favorite track.
Better than the first Neil Young album we reviewed but still not my favorite.
Ready for something other than Neil Young…
I didn’t think anything could make me miss Neil Young, but Genesis did it!
This was find. Added Don’t Look at My Shadow to my faves playlist. Probably won’t ever listen to the rest of the album again.
Not even my favorite Beatles album but they’re going to be an automatic 5 star for me in this project! Favorite track is Can’t Buy Me Love with close runners up of If I Fell, Tell Me Why, and Anytime At All.
This was fine
Beatles = 5
I certainly appreciate Jimi’s talent but this was only so-so for me
Added the title track to my faves list. Liked this well enough but probably won’t listen to any other songs again.
Really torn between 3 and 4. Some excellent tracks but I got frustrated by the total length of the album. Rounding up because Hey Ya is such a classic.
Really like Everyday People. Really don’t like the rest of this album.
I think I don’t love Bowie
I’m so sorry, Paul, but this wasn’t my favorite
I had fun listening to this but it seems odd that you get to have an “album” that’s 22 mins long…
I just don’t love blues. Nothing against John!
I enjoyed this quite a bit and listened to it twice. Favorite tracks were David Watts, English Rose, In the Crowd, and Fly.
Some fun throwbacks and some new discoveries
Well I listened to this approximately 6 times in a row on Friday, so I think I’m rounding my 4.5 up to a 5. White Winter Hymnal has been a favorite for years but I wasn’t familiar with the rest of the album. New favorites include Ragged Wood, He Doesn’t Know Why, Your Protector, Blue Ridge Mountain, and Oliver James.
I liked this more than I expected to, but probably won’t listen again
My favorite part of this was that they titled not one but two tracks “Hot Burrito.” The actual music didn’t do it for me.
Not for me
Bangers! Bangers! More bangers!
I’m so glad we’re doing this project because I keep hearing familiar songs and teaching me the title and artist. For example, I totally knew Black Dog but never would have known that’s what the song was called or who performed it. I’m also glad we’re doing this after Joe has been taking guitar lessons for a while and explaining some things to me along the way, because it’s giving me even more appreciation for how talented these artists are. I liked this album a lot more than I expected to and they are SO good at what they do. Not getting a 5 from me because I can’t see this being an album I add to my regular rotation. But a very solid 4!
My Doorbell is one of my favorite White Stripes songs but otherwise I wasn’t familiar with this album. I love the White Stripes’ sound, so hard to imagine anything by them being less than a 4 for me. I liked the first half of the album better than the second half, especially Blue Orchid, Forever for Her, and Little Ghost (in addition to My Doorbell).
Overall mess screamy than I expected. I love Closer. Probably won’t ever listen to the rest of the album again .
Too long. And bad.
This is one of my favorite albums of all time and was probably the most excited I’ve been for an album listen thus far in our project. In my third year of college, something happened to my computer and my iTunes library got wiped. I borrowed this CD and uploaded it to my iTunes and for longer than I’d like to admit, it was the only music on my computer. I’d love to see the iTunes stats for how many times I listened to it… I added all but the last track to my 1001 albums faves playlist (even more than Taylor Swift - I left two tracks from 1989 off!). Easy 5.
I listened twice to see if I’d like it any better the second time. Not really. It all sounded the same to me. I like the Smiths but this was just meh for me.
This was fine to have on as background music but I never need to listen to it again.
I love Tainted Love and dumbly didn’t realize that Where Did Our Love Go was a separate song (I thought it was just an extended version of Tainted Love), so also like that one. And then I hated the rest of the album. Probably 3.5 rounded down to 3 based on how much I love those two songs and how much I hate the rest.
I liked Willie and the Hand Jive and not much else.
I can hear my mom singing Red Rain. Lots of nostalgia here. Probably 3.5 rounded down to 3.
Not a fan
3.5 rounded up to 4. Drew Barrymore was my favorite track, with Doves in the Wind and Anything getting honorable mentions.
I’ll be really honest - I didn’t make it through the whole album. What I listened to was fine. Didn’t leave me wanting more but I didn’t dislike it.
3.5 rounded down to 3. Love her voice and liked the album as a whole but no individual songs grabbed me.
Bangers! Bangers! More bangers!
I like how he looks more than his music
The only thing I liked about this was that the album was very short
Probably 4.5 rounded up to 5
I liked this more than I thought I would based on the description, but probably won’t ever listen again (sorry, Joe!)
Liked this more than I thought I would! Added a couple tracks to my faves playlist (E-pro, girl, earthquake weather, and rental car).
This was fine, not great
Slightly more fine than yesterday’s album
Liked this a lot more than the first Leonard Cohen album we reviewed. 3.5 rounded up to 4.
Does everyone picture Reese Witherspoon driving away in Ryan Phillipe’s sporty convertible at the end of Cruel Intentions when they hear Bittersweet Symphony or is that just me? I like that track enough, the rest of the album didn’t grab me but I didn’t hate it. 2.5 rounded up to 3.
Liked this a lot! Going to give it another listen when I have more time so I can pick my favorite tracks.
This was fine
Did not enjoy this
Too screamy for me (at least it was a very short album!)
I’ve always liked Amy but had never listened to this album in full. Still like her - probably 3.5 rounded up to 4.
I wasn’t a fan of this (for which Joe might divorce me)
I liked this more than I expected to! I find her voice really grating but can appreciate the lyrics and beautiful harp.
Before listening to this, the only NERD song I knew was Lapdance, so that’s what I was expecting from this album. It was way catchier than I expected and to nobody’s surprise, my favorite track was the one with the guys from Good Charlotte. 3.5 rounded up to 3.
I really liked this and listened twice. Added a number of songs to my faves playlist too.
I didn’t know any songs on this album but generally like Queen and enjoyed this. 3.5 rounded up to 4.
I had higher expectations for this and was a little disappointed. Too cartoony for me.
Liked this quite a bit! I wasn’t familiar with this artist but can see why he won a Grammy.
This seemed like an appropriate album to listen to the day before Halloween. That was the best part for me.
This was fine
Didn’t like this quite as much as Kind of Blue. 3.5 rounded down to 3.
I can see why this would have been really popular at this time
At least it was short
Not the banger album I was hoping to get today…
Maybe it’s because it came after a string of sub par albums, but I liked this more than I expected to. 3.5 rounded up to 4.
I had higher expectations for this and it was just fine
3.5 rounded up to 4. I didn’t know any songs off this album but love Look at Miss Ohio from her 2003 album.
I expected this to be unlistenable and it wasn’t. I also appreciated the guitar work. I’ll never listen to this again, but it wasn’t as awful as I thought it would be!
Was this supposed to be a rock opera? It felt like the soundtrack to a bad musical. Hard pass.
Bangers! Bangers! More bangers! This album totally holds up for me.
Solid 3. I immediately recognized Pump It Up as the song that Olivia Rodrigo’s Brutal was allegedly copying, so I’d say there’s at least a bit of merit to that claim.
Easy 5. I bought this album on iTunes when it came out because I loved it so much. The voice of an angel!
Liked this way better than the first Divine Comedy album we listened to. 2.5 rounded up to 3.
Sorry, Dolly. I love you so much but did not love this album.
I didn’t hate this as much as Joe, but I never need to listen to it again
I’m sorry, Tom. I love “Come On Up to the House” but this album was not for me.
I expected to like this more than I did
Once in a Lifetime is great…and I really didn’t like the rest of the album.
I liked this better than the last Talking Heads album, but I just don’t love them (sorry, Dad!)
Jazmine is great. Put It Down and Price Tags are my favorite tracks from this album.
Not for me
This was ok. 2.5 rounded down to 2
American Girl is an all-time fave. I didn’t LOVE the rest of the album but liked it enough to round up to a 4z
I wasn’t familiar with this band or album but really enjoyed it. If I had known about this in my high school punk pop phase, I would have been all over it.
I’ve loved Take Your Mama for many years but had never listened to this full album. Really enjoyed the whole thing, especially Mary and Music is the Victim.
Jazz isn’t my favorite genre, but I enjoyed this
Sorry I didn’t love this more, Dad!
I loved this. I listened twice and by the end had added almost every track to my faves playlist. Instant adds were the title track (part 1) and Do You Realize.
Not my favorite Radiohead album but I like their sound enough for a 3
This is a weird one to rate. I love Christmas music in the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas but not the other 11 months of the year. This was a solid mix of many classics but I’m not adding any to my albums faves playlist because I don’t need Rudolph in June.
I thought I would really despise this and while it wasn’t my favorite, I didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would! 2.5 rounded down to 2
Liked this a lot! Favorite tracks are Luck of Lucien, Can I Kick It, and Ham ‘N’ Eggs. Loved all the sampling!
I liked the bells enough but could have done without the growling
Overall I liked the album quite a bit but the standout track for me is Family Tree (I probably listened to it half a dozen times yesterday)
Didn’t do it for me
I liked this WAY better than the first Kraftwerk album we listened to, especially the last track.
This was fine but could have been way shorter
This was weird and not my favorite (but Relax will always remind me of Zoolander, so that’s a plus!)
I like Don’t You Want Me and not much else. 2.5 rounded up to 3.
Congratulations, Kraftwerk. I found something I like even less than you! This gave me a headache. I listened to a bit of every track but skipped fairly quickly to the next track so I didn’t have to spend so much time listening. Officially my new least favorite album of this project!
I liked this a lot more than I expected to! Clear favorite track is Tuesday’s Gone and second favorite is Things Goin’ On.
Some classic faves on here. 3.5 rounded up to 4.
Pleasant enough but not really my thing
This was terrible
Meh. Maggie May is clearly the best Rod Stewart song and I didn’t think any of these tracks came close, but I didn’t dislike it.
Tricky and Walk This Way are two of my favorite workout songs and I was hoping to discover some new faves but the rest of the album didn’t do it for me.
This felt never ending
I think the universe was smiling down on me when I added Nuthin’ But A G Thang to my 1001 albums favorites playlist and it was the 420th song I’ve added.
I don’t know why but I wasn’t expecting to like this at all and ended up enjoying it much more than expected. 3.5 rounded down to 3.
This was tough. I LOVE Only the Good Die Young. And then there’s the rest of the album. I guess that makes it a 3?
Not for me
Again, not my jam
Finally, an album to break my “meh” review streak! I didn’t know any of these songs but added a bunch to my favorites playlist. Solid 4!