Tragic Songs of Life
The Louvin BrothersKnee I was in for a tough ride after one song. Had to convince myself not to turn it off after three tracks. Accepted my pain for the rest of the album but never want to go through it again.
Knee I was in for a tough ride after one song. Had to convince myself not to turn it off after three tracks. Accepted my pain for the rest of the album but never want to go through it again.
3.5. Starts off with a bang and some great house inspired tunes later on
Fell in love with the song Duncan during this. Quite enjoyed the rest of the album also. 3.5
Bangers. Dodgy interludes.
Mixed bag. Enjoyed FMP, In my Bed, Amy Amy Amy
3.5 - Starts very strong.
Good funk.
Is it his best? I hope not
Fun album.
Surprisingly recognisable.
Sounds good on decent speakers. Still a bit annoying
Some great grooves and catchy tunes.
Good beats, some cool experimental sounds.
Cool samples, good beats and verses
Mix of paces, psychedelic at times
Really enjoyed it. Would be better in the right environment...
Big highlights, A man needs a maid, words. Some less interesting songs
Not overly catchy or interesting. Cosmic Dancer best track
Pleasant background noise. Not that exciting as an album
1.5 stars. Dated songs and dodgy lyrics. One weirdly decent track (paradise).
Cheesy with some catchy riffs.
Fun listen and nice last song. bit repetitive
No perfect tracks but a lot of memorable songs. Bit long and lyrics hit and miss. Smart and funny but difficult to detach from his future personality. 3.5
2.5. good listen but not much to go back to
Ms Dynamite-ee-eeee.... And some other songs
Slow burner but some memorable tracks. Takes some effort to get through the slightly grating voice/harmonica.
3.5. Starts off with a bang and some great house inspired tunes later on
Wasn't expecting much but god some nice little tunes and solid musicianship. 2.5
Full on prog. Takes some patience but has something to latch onto.
Full on dad rock. Listenable for around half the album, then blends in to one tame, amorphous entity.
2.5. first Jazz of this list and enjoyed listening. Needs revisiting to pick up on details of songs
Not for me, bit of a challenge to get through the whole thing. One or two more listenable songs
Classic album, a few overplayed songs but enjoyed some of the songs I knew less.
Sounds like fun at the time, less fun now
4.5. Lovely album and enjoyed every song.
Great album, has some of the big hits and typical R.E.M moodiness
Cool Blues album though nothing hugely grabbed. Good background music
Glad to listen to it from start to finish. A bit too alt-rock but Street Song is very good. 2.5
Chilled and good background music. Didn't get too much out of it though.
Abrasive and bleak. Loved it.
Okay. Struggling with the 60's/70's pop rock and don't find much interesting in the instruments. A cool concept album though
Good background music, can enjoy it despite from time to time
Enjoyed it on first listen through andr really enjoyed a few tracks on repeat listens. Strength of Strings and Lady of the North were highlights
Plenty of familiar tunes on here. Don't think the mood will strike me to replay anytime soon though.
Interesting mix of The Stooges and Talking Heads to my ears at first, then gets a bit annoying and instrumentally didn't grab me
Struggling to find anything redeemable about it. Vocals are particularly painful and even the standout track is weak.
Great album. Some gorgeous sections, memorable hooks and perfect atmosphere.
Mostly good, with a few memorable songs. Probably about half didn't leave much of an impression. Moving in the right direction from The Bends
Could be a good one to go back to. Didn't get too much on the first listen but there's a lot going on, with different vibes coming and going throughout.
Voice was a bit grating and not a lot of moments that stuck out. Probably won't revisit
It's disco... A couple of decent tracks. Yearnin' Learnin' and the title track stood out but I can't keep it up for a whole album!
Lush instrumentation and some nice vocals. So why is it so boring? And that falsetto makes me wince.
Just a bit too 60's. An okay mix of paces but the long album and many short songs lose impact with each song.
A long listen. Speakerboxxx does more for me as an album but The Love Below has some highlights. Overall just a bit bogged down by being too big. 3.5
2.5. Enjoyable background tunes, short songs/album which was pleasant to listen to.
3.5. Different listening experience. Found myself listening multiple times and once the short songs become familiar, it is fun to hear them come and go.
Starts with a good song with multiple changes of pace in 'Misunderstood'. The rest of the album passes in one boring blur.
Some really good tunes and fun prog elements. Was better than I realised.
Not all that bad musically with some good riffs and a few songs that stick, but the mood and aesthetics behind it don't interest me too much.
Good album and pleasant songs to get lost in. A few songs I really liked
Fun, funky album. Some iconic and recognisable hooks. Will go back to it.
Nothing too offensive, other than some iffy lyrics at times. Probably not one I'll revisit anytime soon and not too excited to get a bunch more albums from him. 2.5
Very much an album about love. Could get lost in it for a brief moments but despite it's short run time, it still feels a bit long to listen to the same pace and mood.
Maybe because I wasn't as familiar with it as The Queen is Dead, but there were fewer standout tracks. Still excellent guitar work and the final 3 tracks finish things very strongly.
Had wanted to delve into this one and it delivered. Love the atmosphere, guitar work and vocals. Will keep going back to it, though as often mentioned, being a triple album with the jam sessions at the end dilutes it slightly.
Not surprised to find it didn't click for me. Lyrics and vocals were mundane and outside of a few scattered moments, it just passed me by listen after listen.
Strong album, just have to find the right mood to listen to it. Not for the morning commute!
Already biased towards it but it gets the first 5* after 66 albums. Love the mood, stories and harmonies throughout. Not an album for all moods, but have kept going back to it over the past days.
More enjoyable than the Shaft album. Was able to get lost in the long grooves.
May become one that I looks back on and wonder why I gave it a mid rating. The flow of the vocals don't work for me too well and although it started to grow on me, it is taking a lot of effort.
Enjoyed the electronic elements of the album but couldn't connect with the jazz/latin influence as much.
Second Neil Young album and as with Harvest, I enjoyed it at first but wasn't blown away. There's something intoxicating though and rating it higher because I expect it will continue to grow on me.
First listen was difficult but began to get in the mood for it on repeat listens. Only a few tracks I really liked, but the album as a whole has a cool vibe. 2.5.
A 4 likely to grow to a 5. One listen isn't enough for Lenny C, finding the right mood and having the attention to listen to the lyrics makes things click.
There are songs on it i'd liked prior to getting this album, unfortunately I didn't find much more to enjoy. Gets one star knocked off for 'My Friend Goo' existing.
A good album but passed me by a little bit. Might need to sit and focus on it a bit.
Jazzy and smooth. Couldn't really find anything that stood out though.
Seemed likable during the first few songs, but eventually became grating and the vocals deeply unpleasant at times.
Skipped Bittersweet Symphony because 25 years of overplay is enough to form my opinion on it. The rest of the album switches between mid paced rock and more enjoyable psychedelic jams. Found a few songs worth relistening to, surprisingly.
Creative and challenging musically. Nonsense lyrically, but who cares. Highly enjoyable and will keep it in the rotation.
Feels like multiple artists playing a few songs each, couldn't connect with the album as a whole.
Wanted to give it 5 stars but just falls short. A really good album filled with interesting songs and influences. One that I will go back to regularly.
Thought I might be able to get into it with Sunday Bloody Sunday being a track I knew and enjoyed. Going through the album didn't inspire me, though this was way better than their more modern output.
Came in a similar time to two Bob Marley albums, enjoyed this less than them. Some interest things going on lyrically that make it more interesting than the instrumentation though. 2.5
Not a fan on first listen but with it being so short, managed to get through a few extra listens and found myself bobbing along to it at times. Can't say i'm fully sold on it, but has it's place in history.
A short and fun listen. Wonderful storytelling and vocals on the title track. Easy to listen to and will come back to it every now and again.
Kept listening to it while working and it passes the time nicely but doesn't hook me and allow me to lose myself in the music as I enjoy with other electronic music.
Very good album. Funky and interesting. A few songs in the middle were less enjoyable than others, but overall a positive listen.
I'll put this one down as just not being targeted at me. It is a snapshot of pop music at the time but felt like every song was a bit gimmicky. Don't plan on revisiting.
A cool album. Wasn't super excited for a bunch of Rolling Stones albums coming up, but this is on another level to the soundalikes. Good songwriting and creativity throughout.
Knee I was in for a tough ride after one song. Had to convince myself not to turn it off after three tracks. Accepted my pain for the rest of the album but never want to go through it again.
Good overall but can get a little grating in one sitting. Perhaps a victim of this challenge and didn't get as much attention as it deserved.
Groovy album, some powerful songs in there and more than enough to keep me interested throughout. 3.5
Found myself having it on in the background an not picking up on too many details. Ideal for that vibe but Reggae doesn't grab my attention, which limits my enjoyment.
Enjoyable early 2000's hip hop with a relaxed vibe. Good in the background but no songs stood out particularly.
Decent guitar driven rock, no doubt it was heavy and loud at the time, but didn't get the blood rushing for me.
My second Elvis Costello album and it may already be wearing thin. Nothing on here that makes me want to go back to it and struggling to find a standout track.
Some good tracks, with the standout being Human Behaviour for me. Will always suffer a bit from a slightly abrasive vocal style, so I can only enjoy it in small doses.
It sounds a long way behind what other bands were doing at the same time. Not particularly interesting or enjoyable.
A very good album of mostly covers. A pleasant listen with a few great tracks. 3.5.
More poppy than I expected, not sold on some of the singles but decent music for working.
An album where the lyrics help the immersion into the music. An interesting listen that I may touch back on from time to time.
Low expectations which were slightly exceeded. Not one that will stick with me in the long term, but fun for a listen through.
Very nice voice. Enjoyable listen without being mind-blowing. 2.5
Good album with some great tracks on it.
Some tracks were felt a bit too poppy, others were really enjoyable. 3.5 rounded to 4 just because of Pyramids being a great ttrack.
Not mindblowing, but enjoyable after getting over the vocals being a bit grating.
Simple, sort songs with a lot of energy but I didn't really enjoy it and won't be rushing back.
Third Bowie album so far and it is my least favourite of those three. He is becoming an artist I am less excited to listen the more I listen.
Solid collection of tracks. Flow and beats were easy to listen to. A decent album overall.
Might take another listen but began to appreciate it as it went on. Not the smoothest ride, but quite fun.
A song filled with classic songs and an iconic sound. It won't make it into a regular rotation, but I appreciated it during these listens. 3.5
Maybe listening to 40 minutes in one sitting was too much for my brain, but in small doses, it may be manageable. Reserving final judgement for when I have the guts to give it another go
Maybe it's the overexposure to Elvis Costello but this sounds like him, if he was a bit more punk. Some catchy songs but would rather cut a few tracks and keep it down to around 30 minutes.
Filled with iconic songs, he is a great storyteller. Instrumentally, not a lot stands out to me. 3.5.
Not the most interesting blues sound i've heard. Lacks a bit of grit that I was hoping for.
Pleasant jangly 60's rock. A couple of nice songs but more background than life changing.
Will come back to it and keep listening. Some tracks I really like, others kind of blend in to one. 3.5.
Didn't realise how much I didn't like this until having to listen to it from start to finish. It's a long album and the vocals/lyrics are pretty painful. Has a few moments that save it from a 1*.
Interesting take on the 60's psychedelic rock and hippie scene. Sometimes too satirical to make it enjoyable. Not sure when the right time to listen back to this will be. 2.5
I find the vocals quite annoying and really dislike the take on Under the Boardwalk. 1.5
The first half had me hooked but after Caroline, my interest and enjoyment waned.
Stan Getz a thumbs up from me, maybe it is the Bossa Nova influence, but this is the most enjoyable of the Jazz albums generated so far. 3.5.
Was excited to listen but ended up a bit short of my expectations. A couple of tracks I will go back to, but it might just be that i'm not that into Damon Albarn.
Similar experience to some of the other 60's folk albums, taking a bit of time and patience to enjoy. Got there after a few listens and would happily put this on again. 3.5
Not as high on this as Blood on the Tracks and Blonde on Blonde. Wouldn't mind a decent break before another Dylan album now...
Excellent album with a lot of memorable songs. Interesting lyrics ranging with a big range of moods.
First listen was not impressed, felt like it reminded me too much of other artists and lacked originality. A few more listens and I can appreciate the variety of styles throughout, with the first half of the album growing on me in particular.
A great final album from him. His voice fits perfectly for the mood and lyrics throughout.
An immersive journey. Some songs are stronger than others, but as a full piece of work, near perfect.
I have some negative impressions about him and that affected my enjoyment somewhat. Clearly some good tracks on here, but not something i will actively go back to soon
First listen was on a run and the riffs were a bit slow and didn't fit well. Working and driving were much more suitable for the rhythms. Some songs feel like a collection of riffs with some abrupt transitions but others are very well written.
Soft and sweet, pleasant background, coffee drinking music.
A clear theme to the album, adding a personal touch to the smooth and addictive grooves.
Multiple listens and trying to enjoy but it just passed me by each time. Not offensive by any means, but not inspiring.
Better than expected. After the opening track, most of the album consists of gentle folk tunes which were nice background music for working/coffee drinking.
I had not heard of Joan Armatrading prior to this but really glad to have listened to this. 3.5
Listenable but feels like i'll forget this one pretty quick. 2.5
Quite liked it after a few listens, but not one I was excited to relisten to. Plus my favourite track from the Spotify link is not actually on the album (Cry Baby Cry).
Album 139 and still working on appreciating the Jazz albums. Not hooked on this one.
A fun listen when paying attention to the lyrics. Instrumentation and beats were sometimes overshadowed by his delivery.
Fell in love with the song Duncan during this. Quite enjoyed the rest of the album also. 3.5
Listened a few times but this style of blues rock passes me by and soon didn't get too much out of it.
Not as fond as I expected. Maybe listened to it too passively instead of delving into lyrics
Always enjoy the first half, but never quite had the same affinity for the second half. Still a classic prog rock album for me.
Sorry Kevin. It's just forgettable pop music to me.
Really enjoyed it and listened multiple times. Looking forward to hearing some more Pixies.
Good albums, filled with a mix of hits and less poppy tracks. Will go back to at some point.
Blues rock is not my favourite to listen to and much of this was pleasant but did not leave much of an impression. Let it Grow was an excellent song though.
Has Child in Time, which I really enjoy. Not much else stood out though.
A few songs I really liked and a couple I found less interesting
A quirky and addictive album. İn Every Dream Home a Heartache is a great tune.
Good selection of tracks and enjoy having in on while driving or working.
Some good tracks on the first half but faded. 2.5
Really clicked on the second listen and thoroughly enjoyed it
Short songs with some catchy moments. Nothing memorable for me though. 2.5
After not enjoying the previous Muddy Waters album I had, this was much more what I hope for from Blues. Rough yet sounds great.
Good album but not my favourite of the Bad Seeds. As part of their discography, I'd rate it a 3, but relative to other artists, a 4.
Didn't do much for me. Sits a bit closer to R&B than electronic than I'd like.
I don't love most of the live albums, they tend to rely on energy and atmosphere I just don't quite feel. It's a decent set of songs and you can appreciate the charisma
Starts off with two really good songs. Rest of the album is good but doesn't keep up the quality of those two.
Preferred the set of songs on the other Aretha album I had. Still very nice though.
It's perfectly fine. Some good songs but I don't think I'll ever seek out listening to it as an album
Surprised to find I didn't like the opening track all that much... Too jazzy and wanky. Really liked the next few tracks though.
Great album. Nearly all the songs are iconic.
Not a huge fan of the vocals and mood throughout. Sabotage, Futterman's Rule and Heart Attack Man were standout tracks that elevate to a 3.
Not often that I'll be in the mood for this. No problems with it but not something that makes me eager to go back.
Good album, with some nice songs and some less interesting ones.
First half is packed with classic songs. Slows down then ends with a great tune
Pretty forgettable for me.
Might go back to this or check out his following albums. The songs are good and I like his voice, just looking for an extra depth/connection to them.
Avoided it for a long time due to Dancefloor being overplayed as a teenager. Still prefer the mid-era albums but found some good songs I was less familiar with.
Enjoyed listening to this one multiple times. Sounds stripped back and quite raw at times. 3.5
A good listen. Went back to it many times to try and form my opinion. Despite enjoying it, finding it hard to recall too many tracks beyond the big ones.
Like all albums, they need the right time and moment to work well. Fortunately for me, this suits my mood in the evenings.
Fine for Christmas day, don't think I need a relisten of this.
Seconds half was stronger than the first. Tracks 1-5 are a 2* for me and 4* for the rest. Really nice long version of Grapevine.
Enjoyed the album and found a few standout tracks. Suffers a little from one of the best tracks being everywhere for a couple of months per year, so skipped it on most listens. 3.5
A lot of tracks to digest and it takes a bit of getting used to the voice but it managed to keep me hooked with different moods throughout. Good stuff.
Perfectly fine, a couple of impressive songs but doesn't hit all that deep for me.
Exactly what I expected from a GNR album. Knew around half the songs but the rest of the album doesn't mix it up all that much. I'd be happy to listen again but don't see myself seeking it out too often.
Interesting listen. May put it on in the background sometime when the mood strikes.
Witty lyrics and interesting songs. Not my favourite era of music but managed to find a fair amount to enjoy while listening.
Iconic tracks. Was never that into Metallica during my long haired days but there are some of their songs on their earlier albums I really like. This one doesn't have any standouts for me and can be a bit one-pace for large periods. 2.5
Solid enough for a bunch of catchy pop tunes. Happy to listen to it once. 2.5
Good but not as good as Elephant. 3.5.
Took me by surprise. Grew up hearing all the big tracks from the album over and over on TV music channels and disregarded them. As an album it had great variety keeping me interested throughout.
Didn't resonate with this one too much. Nothing wrong with it but nothing stood out.
Perfectly fine to listen to and i'm perfectly happy to not listen to it again.
A few classic tracks on there. A lot of Simon & Garfunkel and Paul Simon recently, as a whole album this one was not my favourite. 2.5
Really enjoyed the opening track or two, but then got lost in the same mess I didn't really like from Goo. 2.5
Some nice tracks on it and would be happy to stick it on again.
Somehow it rung a bell when seeing the artist and album name pop up... Who knows how many times i'd heard that song without knowing what it was called. The rest of the album is top quality elevator music, not bad but a bit mild.