New Forms
Roni SizeSnoozefest. This album overstayed it's welcome so much, it put a tent up in my living room and left its feet sticking out the flap, muddying up my rug. Being boring is more sinful than being bad.
Snoozefest. This album overstayed it's welcome so much, it put a tent up in my living room and left its feet sticking out the flap, muddying up my rug. Being boring is more sinful than being bad.
All throughout I was thinking "this guy is doing a pretty great Bowie impression" and, lo and behold, the man's fingerprints are all over this album. Therefore it gets top marks. Brill.
No no god no. Put it back in the ark of the covenant and open it again in 30 years. Let the future deal with it. Just get it out of my sight.
Celtic jazz? Spanish guitar?? Christmas ballads!? All cemented together via drinking-fighting Irish belters??? "Be merry, my friends. Be merry". It's bloody hard to be anything else listening to this. Top craic
Well, I never used to like country.. Still don't, but I never used to as well. Not for me thanks.
Chunky. Rough in a clean way (if that makes sense). 90s af.
"It's not comforting, cheery or kind" - no, it's the Smiths. Not my preferred vibes, but I can appreciate a decent album.
Snippet of birdsong almost burst my eardrums. Then Personal Jesus came on and everything was alright. Good album, it grew on me
Rough but clean. 1989s finest, but rap has been power crept since then.
Album is all a bit "one note", albeit a talented "note" at that. Soulful and crisp. A monument of its time.
I'm starting to think I shouldn't be listening to these albums on my commute to and from work. Lenny needs to chill out. Avalanche slaps, but the rest is dire and frankly I'm not in the mood.
The album equivalent of "always keep em guessing". Fun, tongue in cheek, wild. For context, this album directly followed a Leonard Cohen album so the whiplash has left my neck completely snapped in two.
I like the way he pluck and twang. Good stuff.
Pure dad rock. I am not a dad yet, so found it slow. Sinister Purpose is solid tho.
Jaunty, lovely, peppy. When the trumpet pops, it's tingles down my back. Very solid, bit slow.
Covers sound like sitar-aoke (karaoke, geddit) and the albums drags. Shame.
Lovely tone of voice. Skillful and peaceful orchestration. But all the songs sound the same.
Noisy. Ugly. Boring. You could say I'm not a fan.
Difficult to listen to with fresh ears - songs are firmly stuck in the "karaoke slosh" category for me. But the vocal harmonies are gorgeous. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. "Another Song" actually rocks.
So I would listen to curated radio stations named "ePiC mUsIc" which was populated almost entirely by tracks like "Grounds For Divorce". That shit was formative to my young ears. Wish the rest of the album was more like it but its a good listen nonetheless.
YES. MORE. \m/
What the heck. This kicks ass. I thought The Clash were boring.
They said it best in Autopsy - "..why must you bore me to tears?" Aggressively dull.
Hit after hit after hit. Sir Elton at his finest. It is very long, and that Jamaican song is a bit naff, but who cares.
Mr Soul has riz for days. The songs themselves are quite middle-of-the-road but I'd have loved to have been there for this recording.
I like noisy, but it's a bit too under-produced here. Real chunky riffs and jams tho.
Not my favourite of theirs, but, like pizza, even bad pizza is really funking good.
This was my shit as a teen - my edgy bread and butter washed down with razorblade cereal. So listening with fresh ears was... actually, surprisingly easy. This album aged like breast milk left in the sun. It's all the same song dude. I can't believe Jon and Fred D sat back after recording "All in the Family" and went "yep, that's the absolute best we could do! Nailed it dood". Guess this is how reformed Mormons feel.
Simple, catchy, damn good. Side note, my best friend in school, Michael, hated when I'd sing his titular song in his direction.
When it's good, it's excellent - Bring tha Noize, get to Arizona etc. But damn, the discordant wailing sirens in the background of some songs are SUPER annoying. That first track is one hell of a way to start an album. Truly awful.
Such thrash.. Much weedly-weedly-woo. Happiness.
What the hell is this oddly technical prog punk mix and where has it been my entire life???
This feller has an incredibly wobbly voice and some odd lyrics. Pretty good.
This is why I go through with this album-a-day rigamarole. This is an absolute gem I'd have never found otherwise. Very grateful to add this album to my rotation!
Gorgeous. I wish I had the drugs on hand to listen to this album as intended.
Slack-stringed, lethargic guitars + slurred, warbly vocals + post production mixing chunkier than Campbell's = a very strange rockabilly album indeed. Would be a perfect soundtrack to True Detective or similar shows. Certainly grew on me the more I listened.
If my mama and papa were this boring I'd have ran away from home long ago. California Dreaming is solid tho.
It's punk, alright. The band members feel like they're all playing different songs and the energies are all over the place. Also, there's maybe 3 or 4 different mixes of this album for some reason? Just stop trying. Leave it be. It's just fine.
What a bizarre ride from start to finish. Some songs drag, but the energy and eclectic-kitsch personality shines throughout.
Incredibly middle-of-the-road lounge music. Completely inoffensive and.. just fine. Darkness, Darkness slaps pretty hard tho.
He's sexy, he's soulful, Got ballads by the bowlful. He's Marvin fuckin Gaye.
That theme song is a verified 11 outta 10. The rest of the album doesn't need to exist. It's functional background music. I now know where "Santa Claus is Coming to the Ghetto" got their sampling from, however. So that's cool.
Pure chill reggae. Him and Robert (Marley) were the GOATs !
Uh.. how do I go back and lower all my previous ratings? This is Rush's best, and I'm sorry to all other artists but that's just the way it is. Rock on Peart, you legend \m/
Fuck you I won't review how you tell me
Impressively boring. Shouldn't really be on this list. Even "Walk This Way", the best track, has a better version elsewhere.
It's interesting. Informative. Technically profound. A show of skill. But a fun listen it is not. Sorry Ravi.
Only Nick I'd heard before now was the Peaky Blinders theme, and this album has those vibes all over it. Love it.
Monkey neurons activate for each song, but nothing truly stands out. Can't believe there's a song called "Turd on the Run".
Celtic jazz? Spanish guitar?? Christmas ballads!? All cemented together via drinking-fighting Irish belters??? "Be merry, my friends. Be merry". It's bloody hard to be anything else listening to this. Top craic
Groovy. Whenever that bassy voice came in, my knees shuddered, and I'm a married straight dude. Weird cover of "Heard It Through The Grapevine"
If they stopped after this album, the Beatles would've fallen off the face of the earth into obscurity. "With The Beatles" shambled so that "Abbey Road"/"Sergeant Pepper's.." could SPRINT.
Whatta voice. Rich, vibrant. Best thing Fallout 3 did was bring Billie to the ears of a new generation. Album itself is quite same-samey and boring tho.
Wow, a real relic! 1995 encapsulated in one sick album. Nothing quite like bursting out "And I'm here to remiiiind you/of the mess you made when you went away"
All throughout I was thinking "this guy is doing a pretty great Bowie impression" and, lo and behold, the man's fingerprints are all over this album. Therefore it gets top marks. Brill.
Well, I never used to like country.. Still don't, but I never used to as well. Not for me thanks.
This was great. I'd always thought of "Black Hole Sun" Soundgarden and "Spoonman" Soundgarden as being different eras throughout the bands life, so colour me surprised when one came on directly after the other. Chunky without sacrificing melody. And that VOICE.
This album has no chill. It's seemingly always at 11, which is both good and bad. My point being.. have you tried being less manic?
"Fun" is right - this album was a blast! The only criminal activity here, however, was how these lads stole my heart. ..and the copious drug use.
It's the climax of the indie trash Wes Anderson-wannabe movie debut, and the paid-in-exposure actors look across the ocean wistfully. They mutter something pretentious and this album plays in its entirety as they stare into the lens. Credits roll. Boring.
That opening is hot fire. The rest of the album dithers and has its ups and downs. Some peak funk here though - thoroughly enjoyable.
Benefits from multiple listenings. There's no catchy riffs or hooks, but there's a ton of depth and vibes, spanning from light to very heavy.
I don't get it. Their first album was better. I want to like it more, but it's just too dang long.
Fucking mental. Who knew a banjo could sound so damn angry. Too rare to be lost forever, too weird to thrive. Perfect for a list like this.
No no god no. Put it back in the ark of the covenant and open it again in 30 years. Let the future deal with it. Just get it out of my sight.
Thick, chunky riffs, swooping solos, and excellent vibes throughout. I can even forgive the goofy skit and weird messy feedback sections - lotta drugs about those days. Superb.
Download Festival 2011, Thin Lizzy on the main stage. Me on my friends shoulders as they play "Boys are Back in Town" which is kinda funny since that friend hadn't realised by that point they were a woman all along, and have since transitioned. I'm in my festival poncho and jester hat, and get featured on the main screen. We go wild!! It was even shown on the highlights on Kerrang, and that still image took ages for me to screenshot and save. That was my Facebook profile photo for years on end. A core memory. The albums just alright.
Familiar but fresh, with the depth of a swimming pool full of hard liquor. Nothing truly stands out as a "hit", but it was a welcome dark trip.
Fun. Messy. Very varied and lively. I really enjoyed this, but it's too unrefined to be a 5.
It's rough. It's outdone by MANY other 80s albums. It shouldn't be on this list, frankly. AND YET THE DOPAMINE FLOWS ??
Technically lovely, though nothing jumps out. Some of the best background music I could ask for.
That smoky voice! I enjoyed this more than I thought I would.
I'm all for Dolly outside of music. She sounds awesome. This album ain't it tho. Not for me thanks.
Iconic? Maybe. Good? Fuck no. This album sucked.
Otis slaps. This is soulful as hell and I enjoyed every minute.
This is the wrong half of Elvis. Give me sexy rock n roll Elvis, this don't do it for me.
The kind of music cool people listen to. I can't wait to bmget caught tapping my foot singing along to "crack rock crack rock crack rock"
With 40 added years of hindsight and context, I think Grinder is hilarious - Grinderrrrrr, Looking for meat! And y'know, I bet Rob Halford finds it funny as hell too.
I wasn't happy nor was I sad. More just aloof. Listless. Other synonyms.
"your rhynes are cheesy - you found em in a mousetrap" I love the lack of irony with which Cool James raps this line. I love that it isn't even from the song "Cheesy Rat Blues" Things I don't love : this album. And that weird rape line. That's not cool, James.
I've got a hunch these boys are a bit miffed
This rocks. Pure and simple. That damn bass line travels through multiple zip codes!
Really enjoyed this, each track like a hidden treat. Except for that Iron Man cover. Strange that I JUST had Black Sabbath before this album too!
Me: Why can't you just be normal?? Bauhaus: FISHCAKES. FISHCAKES.
Listen to feel like you're in a Breaking Bad cold open. Great background music.
Oh hey its the Great British Bake-off host! Solid hooks and beats. Wears out its welcome fairly quick.
I get it now.
Fight the power and all that. Quite repetitive but fun.
Some tracks feel they could have been released last week. Some tracks need to get their prostate looked at - their age is showing. Strange but fun.
This album was already in my regular playlist. A first, however - after listening, I actually removed some tracks from my listening rotation. There is such a think as too much honky-tonking
His allegations? Acquitted. His hits? Slappers His dregs? Not so good Bad? Good
Guitar absolutely on point. Drums are belter. GOAT remains GOATed. Now excuse me while I kiss this guy
Man, I love the 80s vibes. That's why this is rated so low for me - others have done it waaay better. Doesn't deserve to be on the list frankly.
Laura, pick a damn tempo and stick with it Well produced but EXHAUSTING to listen to
Love how the instrumentalists play very simply, taking a back seat to THAT V O I C E. I had fun
Excellent lounge/elevator music. Very chill and cool.
I'd only heard "Scarborough Fair" so had low expectations going in. First listen was pleasantly surprised. Second listen bored again. Its just fine.
It's 2023. Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer came out last week. "Nukes R bad" has never been a more relevant take. But did you have to make the message so boring?
I'd always imagined Robert D as more boring than this. Turns out this upbeat stuff is quite divisive to the "true fans" but I enjoyed it.
Dang that's a fun album. Drags a bit there in the mid, but some tracks slap hard.
Cool Jojo reference Overrated album.
Fun, decent. Somewhat catchy. Does NOT belong on this list.
The energy of Meatloaf, the piano work of Elton John, and the sax of Michael Bolton. The Boss is boss. I didn't expect to enjoy this so much.
What's the opposite of ASMR? Fingernails and the slide guitar in Because of the Wind are so bad they'd make baby jesus cry. I did enjoy Boxcars tho.
I guess I grew into this album - haven't listened since I was a teen, and found it boring as hell then. Now I think it's pretty sick.
This album whips hard as steel. It's aged wonderfully and I should know, it was released the same year I was.
Weird as hell. Not too great to listen with a hangover. Backwards sitars and actual ayyyyliens chattering in my ear.
Sickly sweet chiptune-karaoke-ass sounds and repetitive melodies and rhythms. It did grow on me, rapist or no.
My teen years are back with a vengeance. I'm surprised how well this holds up, rapist or no.
I do adore Jimi. That said, this one faffs and twaddles on a bit. Still, some of his GOAT belters on this album.
I get it, Robert D is kind of a big deal. I just can't stand his sound.
Please just fuck off
No notes. No jokes or funnies. This album is fucking good.
Right up my alley. Only heard "Alright" before now, but the rest of the album whips hard as nails. Belter.
It keeps it fresh and has aged well for sure. Very pleasant, just what I needed on a Monday.
Very confusing. People are talking about a 37 minute cut, whereas the version I listened to had a 15 minute rendition of "My Generation" alone. I mean, it's fine. Not their best. And it's a live album.
Guess I didn't know The Who half as well as I thought - who's this Beatles wannabe band? And why are they so good? Keith you mad bastard.
It took til the second listen to notice the release year. That's wild that this album is old enough to have hip problems. It sounds a little aged but damn, they rocked it here.
I do not like that man Bob D, singing way too nasally. Harmonica near burst my ears, The rest of it bored me to tears. There's five more albums to come Blow more wind right out yer bum.
Half snoozy, half catchy. Pilgrimage is a fun track.
Dull and discordant. That cover at the end might be the worst thing I've heard in my life.
Some choice lyrics: What's a black beatle anyway, a fuckin roach? // Choke a South Park writer with a fishstick. // You ever have sex with a pharaoh? I put the pussy in a sarcophagus. The man was on top of it all, the GOAT for a moment. Shame really.
Album edits are usually that - edited. This is the same bleary thumping crap that you need drugs to enjoy. Not a good album. I'm amazed and glad DP actually kept it up past this, but what a dogshit start.
Keeps it simple for the most part, which make the deviations and trills stand out - the drums on Brenda #1, for example. Angry, grounded, good shit.
Exodus is excellent. In other news, water is still wet and Snoop smokes trees. All worries lift away during Two Little Birds
Fun fact : the running speed of the player hunter in Monster Hunter Generations follows the exact same tempo as the song "Now I wanna sniff some glue". Good stuff
I get "albums you must listen to before you die" doesn't mean "good albums" but this is just taking the piss. Morbid curiosity held me in for the duration, and I'm never going back.
Whimsical. Kitsch. Wes Anderson set to vinyl. I love it.
Just.. not good
Pushed all the right buttons for me. Rough but cheeky ;)
Thinking backon my life, Jack White has always been there, like some sort of cosmic constant. White Stripes, thru the Raconteurs and now this. Keep on keeping on Jack my boy.
The kind of album that gets me rethinking all my previous 5s. This shit slaps so hard!!
It's covers? And they're lackluster? What a disappointment
Not significant or important or even good enough for this list. Also, without Spotify, impossible to find online. Who cares, Ash?
Album plays like a recipe. There's Oasis, Bowie, Dylan, all here and there. And like a recipe, a good long waffle about shit all. George, dude. Why use lot song when few song do trick?
I'm a big Bowie fan. Or am I ? This album just didn't click like his others. I dunno, I'd think even Dave would say this isn't his best. Not so sure if it even belongs on the list.
Absolutely fine. Some songs start strong then just fall flat. I think this list is wearing me down, because I've certainly heard worse.
Initial impression, the band name reminds me of trig function shit (sohcahtoa). Bad start. First few tracks made me want to punch my own ticket. Abysmal start. It got better (it was hard to get worse) but not by much.
\m/ My face meat did not slough off of my skull. My eyes and ears did not spontaneously bleed black bile. I did not find myself somehow pregnant with Our Holy Lucifers own child. I did have a good time tho.
Fun, bouncy, damn good.
OK, damn, that's a STRONG open. 1983??? I could have sworn this was a late 90s belter. Kickass front to back. Very cool.
My brother in christ, you took extremely mid songs and stuck belt sanders and reverb over the top of them. So much that it hurts to listen with headphones. Utter bullshit. I don't have time for this.
This was just a bad ad for KFC. ..not bad meaning bad, but bad meaning good.
What an utter pile of faff and tosh. Be better Dave, this bored the bleeding pants off me.
I've never enjoyed PE all that much, but as a pale white brit I'm not exactly their target audience. Gotta appreciate those catchy hooks, tho.
Some red hot lines: We are the custard pie appreciation consortium. I bet you're fat and married and you're always home in bed by half past eight. This album is the definition of twee.
Chunky, crunchy, not entirely unpleasant. Sounds more like Nine Inch Nails than Nirvana.
Imagine Arcade Kings of Mumfords sounding ass. Absolute middle of the road fine.
Snoozefest. This album overstayed it's welcome so much, it put a tent up in my living room and left its feet sticking out the flap, muddying up my rug. Being boring is more sinful than being bad.
Oh snap it's that song from that one ad. Chunky funky synth vibes, pretty fun.
Really cool. Like really really cool. But, the Mona Lisa wouldn't benefit from being 15 feet wide. Learn to regulate girl. Edit it down. Still cool tho.
Flat and boring. Just did not gel.
Yooooo Guitar Hero 2 was my favourite in the series, and this brought me back. That one track 3 intro with the drums has me thinking about "Love is a Battlefield", which I can't help but wish I was listening to instead.
See yesterday - Guitar Hero 2 has the BEST soundtrack. Two in a row! This album is a racist uncle on Thanksgiving. It's got some ass holes behind it, but damn, ain't no way I'm giving Free Bird less than a 5 dude.
Damn good album. The electric atmosphere and setting make this album quite unique. what I thought before learning this guy has FOUR prison albums? Damn dude calm down. I wanna know the logistics here. Are there murderers and rapists in this crowd or what? Just embezzlers? Tax avoiders? Strange.
Everyone who likes this liked it first when they were 16. Pure nostalgia bait. I am not one of those people. Sonic youth? Grow up.
Like they told Trent Reznor to re-do Downward Spiral, "but happier?" Also, take this saxophone. You'll know when to use it.
Y'all are tryna make me hate electronic music or something and I do not appreciate it. Put this one back in the 90s.
Oh man, it happened again. I gotta retroactively rate all my 5s a 4 or something, since THIS is what a damn 5 sounds like. Hopefully the first of many Queen albums.
Weird. But not weird enough. Didn't grip me.
If this gonna be that kinda party, I’m gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes. Thank you for bringing this line to my attention.
Randy Newman meets Bruce Springsteen in slow motion, and worse than the sum of their parts. Snoozefest.
A very vague sound of good 70s rock. Never turning this off, but I wouldn't turn it on, strangely.
Sad old man recites poetry. Not how I want to spend my Friday.
2009. Digital Mondays. Bumming fags outside while Mr Brightside or some other tosh gets everyone indoors foaming at the lips. Heads Will Roll comes on but I'm too drunk and spastic to realise I'm already dancing. Another good night. Top track. Rest of the album just sort of is there as well.
It's John Lennons Imagine. Come on. How is this not an instant classic? That's what I thought going in. Can you imagine, the only decent song is the title track, and even that has gone sour in recent years. How? How is this album so.. boring?
This album is very 90s (not a compliment) and incredibly British (also not a compliment), but it pulls it off nonetheless. Lot of fun and catchy shit.
What a mopey sack. Get a life, Morrisons.
Pushed the right buttons, jammed the right jams, and grooved some grooves I did not see coming. Bit clunky but solid.
Fuck man, if this is dad rock, then put a baby in me I guess. No Aja, but still no less worthy of a 5
Uninspired. Uninteresting. Uninstall. Unsubscribed. Unga bunga.
Weird showtune ass album. Kinda like a car crash. Not unhappy to have heard it, but never going back for more.
Things I've learnt: 1. Ice Cube has an A-K 2. It's a good day for genocide 3. Nothing ever changes. 4. Ice Cube has an A-K It was a good day.
Oh. Uh. Phil. You.. you shouldn't have. (after reading up on the man) Jesus fucking Christ, you REALLY shouldn't have, Phil.
Boring and naff. Norfring. Boffing. Barff. I'd rather 127 hours myself than listen again.
Damn they funky. Then I was like damn, they rock. Damn they songs go on forEVER.
That bass line slaps so hard. You know which one I'm talking about. I wish they'd enjoy themselves a bit more. Sad sacks the entire time.
Truly the highest highs and lowest lows - the few songs with Ginger Baker on lead very nearly dropped the album a whole point. Sunshine fucking SPANKS tho.
I slip into a coma somewhere around the fifteenth "listen ladies". They say my eyes stir throughout "Renegades" but they are unable to resuscitate. My rest is fitful, harangued by neon leotards and baggy pants. The light caresses me and I "Go Go Pop" straight into the fourth layer of hell for my sins. Don't let this be you. Skip this shite.
Schizophrenic ass album. Pick a lane. Just kidding. You do you.
Bro I don't need this. Where good songs. No catchy. No cool.
Some utter bops layered between flops. I had a strange time, but LET'S ALL MEET UP IN THE YEAR 2000
Um. I thought Prince was tight and funky? This was just a lackluster mixtape set to porn. Artist formerly known as good, more like
One big hell yeah for heroin, if it makes a voice sound like that. Hot damn. Why'd you let us suck your cock?
This album had two flavours - cheesy hammy slop, and the low effort live stuff they used to play at a restaurant I used to work at. I hated that job. I think I'm hungry.
I thought it was "Groovers in the hut" when I was young. One of my top 10 songs of all time. Rest of the album doesn't quite live up, but it was fun
Staying up late on the music channels (kerrang 363) just for a sniff of titty to this music vid. Good times. Damn good album.
mwa mwa mwa mwa mwaaa mwaaa mwaaa mwaaa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwaaa mwaaa mwaaa mwaaa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwaaa mwaaa mwaaa mwaaa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa thank you And now for our next song hehehoo hoo he hoo he he hoo hoo hoo he he he hoohoohoo hehe he he hoohoo hoo he hoo hehehoo hoo he hoo he he hoo hoo hoo he he he hoohoohoo hehe he he hoohoo hoo he hehehoo hoo he hoo he he hoo hoo hoo he he he hoohoohoo hehe he he hoohoo hoo he hoo Maps really is the diamond in the rough here. But I still kinda liked it.
This dude skirts a fine line between a bop and a migraine sometimes. But fuck me if he ain't cool as a cucumber.
Regina Spektor vibes, 30 years before. And I love RS.
Clearly on this list because booba. Nowhere near as interesting or fun as the cover.
Fantastic background music, some of the absolute best. I wasn't expecting such a variety to be honest.
The instrument is her voice I get it nowww. Seriously loved Play Dead. She makes strange noises that remind me of noises my wife makes. Side note, is Bjork cancelled in China? She's impossible to find on QQ music.
67 was the same year Hendrix had two of his absolute GOAT albums. Disraeli Gears by Cream. The Doors, by (you guessed it) The Doors. SERGEANT FUCKING PEPPERS. leave this shite in the dark ages.
Strangely hammy, weirdly rapey, oddly energetic. Really confused by this one. So middle of the road it goes.
Got better on the second listen. Then worse on the third. Once In A Lifetime is a top 50 all time song, but the rest of the album be so different. And sometimes better.
One year later. New job. New city. New kitten. Same me. Like Dave I've had to reinvent myself a little recently. Maybe I too will get cancelled in my 50s. Who knows. This album is the reason I came back, and I'd do it again. Better than I remember. Rougher, heavier, chunkier than new Foos. Solid album. Cheers lads.
Ahhh that's why I stopped for a year. I remember now. Didn't hate it.
Good grief, why does it sound like he's in pain when he sings. Elegia, on the other hand, slaps HARD as a backdrop to a Metroid game. Their true calling, it seems, was to make music for Nintendo games.
Not your typical* pop princess album! *i assume. I don't listen to anything like this usually.
Led Zep records come in two varieties : A. This album FUCKS B. This is an album for nerds who read Books. Namely, Tolkien. Well, where does this one fall on the FUCKS - BOOKS spectrum? Ask the puddle on my chair
By all accounts I should love it. I do not. Its simultaneously dated and too ahead of its time. A no from me, dog.
Hey, uh more like. boredly drawn boy. They should call him uh.. badly snore boy right amirite Maybe. He. Maybe he could be. Oh fuck it.
Oh man. There's no voice quite like his. Nobody croons like Frankie. Makes the ladies swoon like Frankie. Sinatra the singer is unmatched. The songwriter Sinatra, however, needed a kick in the head. This isn't music for listening. You put this on to meet your in-laws. My panties remain dry. Poor effort.
Damn man, they went rock hard with this one. It's all over the place, in the best possible ways. That funky bass line! The piano licks!? It's the coolest shit. I'm not so hot on the vocals but I couldn't imagine them without em.
Lord release me. This pity party was not expected nor is it welcome. It's a slow burn, but instead of a candle at the end of a wick, it's a noose.
This album touched me in a way I haven't been touched since uncle got ran out of town. This record slaps, kicks, bites and shits on the floor. I'm in love.
We should strive to be better. We ought to leave things better off than how we found them. Rise above, if you will. Instead of the review I was going to write, here's three albums you should be listening to instead : OK Goodbye - The Fox and The Bird. Incredible modern prog metal. Jellyfish - Spilt Milk. Excellent power pop, so fuckin fun. Coheed and Cambria - Good Apollo IV. My single favourite album. "Welcome Home" alone is such a damn belter. Good luck out there. Don't listen to shite just because an app told you to.
Couldn't access the album. Listened to their best of instead. I tell ya, I like my prog like my women. Deeply weird and a touch too long in the back end.
Lemme guess, this is one of MANY Stones albums on this list, because we need to cHarT tHEiR pRogGrEsS or sEe wHeRE tHey CaMe fRoM. Can't we just have the good albums??
Banger after banger after banger. Does get a bit samey by the end however. Documents approved.
Yup. Sure is.
Without looking it up, I'm guessing the "incredible" Jimmy Smith is the guy on sax, although the organist has chops too. (damn Jimmy step it up, saxman gonna take yer chickens) Album looped and I must have listened three or four times before realising it was the same 5 tracks.
I'm here 5 days from Christmas, freezing my tits off on the ride into work, listening to whale and bird song d&b. Thank you Lil Tim Jimkins, for this gift. This is my life now and I accept. Local Total Jellical Bukem you have a new worshipper to the shrine of bum tss
I haven't been this disappointed since Santa Claus. Be me, poking the album, going "dooooo somethinggggg". That's rough bud.
First half fucks. Or, californicates, if you will. Second have left me Edinbored. Creepy lyrics and whiny voice, and I'm Lon-done. "What could be wetter than an English girl and American man ?" lmao ew
Lotta fun! This Roxy knows music
Real talk, the best thing the Fallout games did was introduce old-ass bangers like this to a new generation. I wouldn't have given the album much thought without them. This kind of slaps? It's an album full of skits, sung with rich harmonies and twinkly Spanish guitar. What's not to love?
Oh man I love Anthrax !! Who? But they sound just like... Oh well \m/ all the same
Didn't ask bro
Yes is right.
Good Glam Rock just tickles a part of my brain so right. I should really listen to some after this album.
Be me, pointing at the screen like Leonardo Dicaprio in the meme: I recognise that riff!
Nevermind is the gift that keeps on giving, as Mr Babypenis on the cover consistently attempts litigation based on dreams and fancy, which serves only to recruit more people to the "Have Seen This Dudes Dick" Club. Its enough to make Kurt grin in his rest.
Season one True Detective ass album. Dad rock. No, Uncle rock. The weird uncle and the cool uncle. Immaculate vibes, rough execution.
It rocks, slaps and knocked me dead. No notes. Except.. we all heard Changes right?? Weepy piano ballads??? In MY sabbath?!!? It just ain't Christian.
Britain's finest export. I'd have a pint with Adele, she seems a right laugh. But dayumn does she have pipes.
The crowd goes mild.
Gotta appreciate the variety here, bongos to banjos, organs to harmonica. He even let's a sick turkey sing for him on a few tracks. Very kind of him. Dad rock, except my dad likes Queen more.
Lenny always was a sad and old huh. This has all the charm of Dylan, with none of the nasally voice, so he's good in my books.
Drop your 9 to 5, take some ecstasy and do it for family. Then do it again. What an album. If it's good enough for Will Smith and Daft Punk then it's good enough for me
Feels like three albums in a trenchcoat. The country folk is uninspired, the REM style rock ballads are kinda swingy But when he hits his stride in Strength of Strings and starts spitting about fiery rain and rubies?? I feel it; I feel the cosmos.
"You Haven't Done Nothin" slaps hard. More of this please. That's the Stevie I expected.
You know that bit in Snatch where the pikeys fight back and burn it all down, Brick Top has his world come down around him and Brad Pitt is just standing there all cold and shit. This whole album is that moment, just non stop. Except that bit had Oasis doing the song, which means it was just better.
Masturbatory music at its finest. As good as it is, wankery is still wankery.
Fun Fact: this album is completely unavailable for streaming on any Chinese music apps. I had to use YouTube instead. I would like to think this restriction has nothing to do with the trans symbology of the cover, and is simply because this album is so bloody boring.
Damn man, the vibes are vibrant here. Very nice album front to back. And bonus - I feel so damn worldly having listened to it! In fact, I think I'll go make a black friend after I'm done.
I was a 13 year old lad in Britain when this released, it may as well have been our National Anthem for that decade. That being said, I will try my best to remain impartial when reviewi-JEAAAAALOUSY
Look up "rock" in the dictionary, you know what you'll find? You'll find the definition of the word "rock", which this album fucking is.
That's my shit right there. Moondance (the song) has always been my go-to karaoke song, but who knew that Moondance (the album) had so much more to offer!
Half the album is a bad B Dylan impression, the other half an airy, twangy flurry of strings and wobbly voices. I can't stand Bob Dylan. And the trippy isn't trippy enough. They gotta smoke more of that goo-goo-gajoob shit.
Sounds like they're trying to bridge the gap between grunge and indie rock, and didn't do either particularly well. Here's the funniest thing tho - In the remastered version, they must have remixed it to crank up the whiney voices! What a goof! ...what do you mean that's just how they sound?
Man's came a long way since "Daddy Would You Like Some Sausage". Good for him.
I listened to this album one time and my room now stinks. Thank god I didn't listen to the deluxe version, is all I'll say.
Dios mio. This might be the most interesting and culturally resonant piece of shit I've ever listened to. I begged the bongos (congas??) to stop one minute into a six minute solo. When the guitar arrived I pleaded for the bongos (????) once more. Not enough ayahuasca, 1 star.
This album got me thinking. About my aunt, who recently passed. She would have loved this. She always loved the worst crap from this age. I wish I could still ask her about it. Love ya Kerry xx
Just when you think you have an original thought, the top review proves you very wrong. Didn't think I could be surprised by Beatles of all bands, but "Any Time At All" was a snap-keep for me. It's not Good Beatles, but it's maybe the best Shitty Beatles album, thanks to those lush harmonies. Top of the Slops.
Holy funky soul. And.. R&B?? In my Bowie album??! A side of the man I've never experienced before, and I LOVED it. Sax reminded me of Springsteen's Thunder Road. Now that's a model Young American.
*confused delighted screaming* No Bruce but.. still good?!!
This album shreds, slaps and fucks. Man does it fuck.