Destroy Rock & Roll
MyloAs much as I love electronic, it can never destroy rock & roll. Second half of the album was much better than the first.
As much as I love electronic, it can never destroy rock & roll. Second half of the album was much better than the first.
Probably the worst album I've ever listened to.
Good background music, but got repetitive
I was very close to turning it off in the middle of the album. Hard to hear anything else besides guitar feedback.
There were moments where some rhythms weren't too bad, but they were completely offset by the fact that most of this album is just instruments making noise instead of music.
I’m not really a fan of country music, but I found myself tapping my foot to pretty much every song.
I read on Wikipedia that this album was voted 954th on a separate top 1000 albums list. I'd imagine that's an accurate ranking for this list too.
Some great rock hits on this one
Ashamed to be an NJ native that doesn't like Bruce
Kind of reminded me of a Joni Mitchell album, enjoyed the acoustic style of the album.
At times I enjoyed it, at times I felt like I was on hold waiting to speak with a representative.
Great riffs from top to bottom.
I'd rate it a 6 if I could.
Close to giving it a 3, but felt like nearly every song had too much going on at once.
Love the rock sound, don’t really like the vocals.
Surprised that I hadn't heard of this band previously. Nothing jumped out to me that made them distinctive from other 80's rock bands, but still thought the music was good.
Enjoyed the upbeat sound of this one
Surprised how much I enjoyed this one, her vocals were some of the best I've heard so far.
Early on I thought I was going to enjoy this album a lot more, but I couldn't fully get into it.
Got better and better as the album progressed.
Heartland saved this from a 1 star rating
Stronger than a 3, not completely certain it's a 4, but I'll bump it up considering Dave Grohl recorded the entire album himself
Great hard rock sound throughout
Recognized The Weight. Enjoyed Chest Fever, but everything else was just ok.
Have heard better hip-hop from this list
Very rough listen.
Recognized "Maggie May". The others weren't great.
Enjoyed the hard rock guitar riffs, but some of the rhythms seemed too out there
Great production quality, and some rhythms were catchy, but some songs were not good in the slightest
I'm normally a fan of hip hop, but couldn't get into this one as much.
Surprised that I had heard of a few of these previously. Fun listen.
Take On Me is a classic, the others were ok too
The vocals on this album were great, but none of the songs really grabbed my interest.
Great to hear some rock classics again, along with some new songs that I enjoyed just as much
I could respect the history behind the making of this album, but I wasn't a fan
Pretty disappointed with this one. Tried really hard to like it, but ended up just being ok. The last few songs bumped it up from a 2.
A lot of his best all on one album. Discovered some new ones I enjoyed too.
Reminded me of the Doors at some points, but overall it wasn't great
This one started off absolutely terrible and I was convinced I'd give it a 1, but I was caught off guard when I heard some pretty solid songs thereafter. Average it all out and it gets a 3.
The celtic sound of this album felt like a nice change of pace. Fairytale of New York and The Broad Majestic Shannon bumped this to a 3.
Maybe Dinosaur Sr. would've done a better job.
Felt too minimalistic
Starts off strong with Bittersweet Symphony, the rest had a good rock sound throughout
I've heard and enjoyed the title track previously. Hurt was a such a powerful song, especially in the context of Cash's career coming to a close.
Random ambient noises gave this one a strange sound.
Had a feeling this wouldn't be great, good instrumentals on a few songs saved this from a 1.
The mix of Indian and electronic was an interesting change of pace. Outside of a few tracks, it was consistently good overall.
The name is more than fitting.
This one felt like a step back musically compared to some of her prior albums I've heard from this list.
Slow paced and overall unexciting.
Pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed this one. This list has showed me that I enjoy older country music.
This one takes the title of Worst Album I’ve Ever Listened To.
The fast tempo and heavy metal guitar riffs brought me back to the days of playing Guitar Hero
Enjoyed their electronic synth sound.
Always heard of Nas but hadn't listened to much of his music. His hip hop is really smooth and I recognized some of the rhythms were sampled for other songs.
This list has produced a lot of strange albums that sound bad, but this is the first album I've heard that sounds good.
Great classic rock riffs with quite a few hits.
A little slow for my liking, but I can respect his songwriting and acoustic ability.
Was good at times, but thought I'd enjoy it more.
There's better electronic out there.
Strange at times but fun overall.
The first hip hop album that I didn’t like in the slightest.
A great take on rock/blues with an African ancestral sound
Have heard his name often, and I'm sure I've heard more of his music, but this was just ok.
Recognized Smoke on the Water.
Decent sounding at times, but it was pretty strange and way too long.
Was going to give it a 2 because I just couldn't get into it, then after hearing Late Night it had to drop to a 1.
Kept me engaged right from the start with its euphoric sound.
First Grateful Dead album I've heard. Didn't really grab my attention, but not bad either.
First three tracks were solid and ones I've heard before (So Far Away/Money for Nothing/Walk of Life).
Had Tainted Love, but that was it.
Not a punk fan, but the guitar riffs seemed a little better than usual.
Surprised to have recognized Genesis and Stress. This was a fantastic electronic album that grabbed my attention right from the start.
Recognized Drive, other than that nothing stood out
Surprised how much I enjoyed this one. Great blues rock sound from start to finish.
I was prepared to rate it worse, it felt like the vocals and instrumentals didn't mesh well together. But as the album progressed, it grew on me enough to give it a 3.
Pretty catchy tracks, and the lyrics had some depth to them.
A fun album with a lot of his greatest hits.
Thought I was going to enjoy this one more. While nothing was particularly bad, every song sounded the same to me.
Strange lyrics on some tracks and couldn't get into it from a musical perspective either.
Cult of Personality, but not much other than that.
Weird how it kept repeating "Where time becomes a loop" for the entire first track. After reading on Wikipedia about their reasoning, it makes more sense to me, but still pretty annoying. The other songs were fine, with the Lush tracks as my favorites.
Part of me feels it's unfair to give this one a 1. It didn't necessarily sound bad, but it was so unbelievably boring. Considering I didn't enjoy a single track, I have no other choice.
Good overall, Black Hole Sun is an awesome track.
Some of his best on this one including All Falls Down, Jesus Walks and Through the Wire. This album may be closer to a 3, but I'll bump it up since I enjoy the hits so much and discovered a few new tracks I liked.
Today I learned why they were known as one of the best. I'm not normally a fan of grunge or alt rock, but I enjoyed this album a lot. Especially the first 5 songs or so.
I was expecting their high pitched vocals from Saturday Night Fever, but I was pleasantly surprised with softer rock instead. The first few songs were powerful, but the album weakened as it progressed.
The only interesting thing about this album was the optical illusion on the cover.
Improved marginally as album progressed, but sounded way too raw for my liking.
Liked this one much more than the other album of his from this list.
Enjoyed the beginning more than the end, but I thought it was great overall. Favorite track was Can I Kick It?
Boring and forgettable.
This sounded very 80s. Not really good or bad.
Pretty standard 90s rap, but they did it well.
Was getting Beatles vibes from this one, it felt fairly average.
Have heard much better country from this list. Didn't hate it, but wasn't great either.
Just like If I Should Fall From Grace With God, the celtic sound that The Pogues bring to the list is unlike most of the other genres on this list.
Enjoyed this more as the album progressed, especially It Was A Good Day and Check Yo Self.
Got sick of this very fast, didn't dislike it enough to give it a 1, but it was close.
I enjoyed So Fresh So Clean and Ms. Jackson since I heard them previously, but nothing else got my interest.
Enjoyed the electric guitar, but didn't get a strong feeling one way or the other.
The title track completely carries this album. A few others are ok, but not much else to it.
Side three was my favorite, and all of Stevie Nicks's songs were clearly the best tracks.
I'm not familiar with Captain Beefheart, but hoping to not hear from him again. Maybe General Porkbrain would've done better.
It was fine. Have heard better hip hop from this list, but didn't hate it.
I have a lot to say about this one. I was warned that there was a comically bad album coming, and during the first track, I knew it was this one. By the end of the first track, I was laughing at how absurd and disjointed it sounded. But then the underlying instrumental started getting catchier. And after reading on Wikipedia that this was designed to tell a story, I started paying closer attention as each song progressed. Even though this album is horrible from a musical perspective, it ended up keeping me engaged more than any 1 I've heard on this list. And that has to count for something.
Liked this one more than other Britpop I've heard so far.
Includes some all-time Van Halen hits including Jump, Panama and Hot For Teacher. Thoroughly enjoyed hearing their best and discovering some new ones too.
A little slow paced, but not bad.
Even Flow took me back to playing Guitar Hero as a kid.
This was great background music to listen to while working. Not quite a 4 to me, but a strong 3.
It's nice to finally know who sang Coconut.
Recognized My Sweet Lord and What is Life. The album was a little long to me, although my favorite tracks were the instrumental ones towards the end.
Fun and catchy pop tracks, especially the hits Our Lips Are Sealed and We Got The Beat.
Not very exciting, so much so that I forgot it was playing as I was working on other things.
Fun to hear some Christmas classics that I've listened to for as long as I could remember.
Painful listen, the instrumental being ok in a few songs saves this from a 1, although the horrendous vocals tried their hardest.
Some tracks were catchy, but didn't have strong feelings about the album as a whole.
As much as I love electronic, it can never destroy rock & roll. Second half of the album was much better than the first.
Unexpectedly enjoyed this one. While a few songs were too long and/or uninteresting, the drumming and guitar kept me hooked for most of the album.
After some Wikipedia research, I can understand why this album sounds like an important driver of what is known as punk rock today. But, that doesn't make it good.
Vocals didn't sound great to me, and instrumentals were alright.
Art rock (a genre of this album that I saw on Wikipedia) sounds like an accurate characterization. It reminds me of a painting that is way too abstract than it needs to be.
A good mid-to-high 3, easy 60s rock.
This was terrible. There's much better electronic on this list and elsewhere.
This one started pretty good. Had a melancholic, soft rock sound that I enjoyed. It really slowed down in the second half though.
I'm not sure why I didn't like this as much as I thought I would. It could be because it was a double live album where some songs would drag on longer than they should. There were a few cool guitar riffs, but overall not too exciting.
A lot of instrumental especially in the beginning of the album, but didn't mind at all since I enjoyed its progressive rock sound. The album cover is pretty cool too.
Was looking forward to a complete listen of this album as it's acclaimed by my peers. Overall, the tracks had a nice, smooth R&B sound to them. Recognized Thinkin Bout You and Lost.
Solid from start to finish with a few of their best in between.
Very bri'ish.
It sounded like she wasn't really trying vocally, and there wasn't anything exciting instrumentally.
This is normally not my genre, so I was surprised that I generally liked this one.
Their hit "Don't You Want Me" was a good conclusion to the album, but everything else was just ok.
That first disc was tough to get through, and by itself I would've given it a 1. The second disc was more upbeat with a little less harmonica and more guitar.
Pretty good indie rock. Not completely blown away, but good.
That wasn't pleasant. Their lead singer just isn't good.
Interesting how this was considered an early influence on heavy metal, and you can hear that in the music since it sounds more tame but rhythmically similar to today’s metal.
Started out horribly, but grew on me as it progressed.
This one falls into an interesting category for me. I don't think I needed to hear this before I died, but I still enjoyed this jangle rock album nonetheless. I only recognized the Mrs. Robinson cover, but actually enjoyed the other tracks more.
This was slightly more tolerable than their other album from this list, even though the overwhelming amount of guitar feedback tried to convince me otherwise. The underlying rock rhythms were better this time around.
Nice to learn that Genius of Love was sampled for a few more recent songs.
Good background music for a department store.
Another album that has no business being on this list. This wasn't even the best album recorded in its studio, as the Human League was recording Dare simultaneously. And even Dare was average at best.
No song should ever be 22 minutes long. This album was horrible overall, but the few moments that got my foot tapping saved this from being a 1.
It was ok. Metal bands really know how to shred a guitar, and this band was good at that too. It didn't really hold my attention beyond that.
Didn't know any of the songs besides Mysterious Ways. No complaints, but not much enjoyment either.
This album confirmed that I can't stand Syd Barrett's "music". While there were some ok tracks in the beginning, the second half was utterly horrible. A lot of tracks towards the end felt aimless and lacked any structure. As someone who enjoys Pink Floyd's well-known works, I am disappointed to rate it this low. I even listened to this album twice in case there was anything remotely positive. Unfortunately, there wasn't.
Very enjoyable album! Pleasantly surprised to hear tracks I knew like I Feel the Earth Move and It's Too Late. It put me in a positive mood from the start and never looked back.
When I saw how I rated "Third", I thought I was in for another long listen. Thankfully, I enjoyed this album much more. The comparison that keeps crossing my mind is that it's Lofi but make it 90's and add a vocalist. The drum and bass goes hard too.
Good tracks throughout, but what elevates the album is starting with Gimme Shelter and ending with You Can't Always Get What You Want.
Generic indie album.
Great transition from acoustic on the first side to Crazy Horse joining in on the second. I had heard My My, Hey Hey previously, and that's probably still my favorite track, but solid album overall.
This is another album where I can't understand why it needed to be included on this list. It was not a memorable album. I liked the hard rock sound on a few tracks, but overall it was neither bad nor good.
Just uninteresting to me.
Admittedly, I was fully prepared to trash this album. When an album has a relatively light Wikipedia page, I get a slight bias that it will end up being bad, which I acknowledge is not very fair. However, I genuinely had fun listening to this one. The saxophone elevated nearly every track.
Solid album. They're not one of my favorite rock bands, but still enjoyed overall.
Some good moments, but mostly boring.
Some good tracks, but monotonous overall.
I'd consider myself a fan of Daft Punk, albeit a casual one. However, this album was not great. Around the World brings me back to the days of playing NBA 2K13 on my PlayStation, so that alone gives it another star.
Yet another Morrissey album.
Hard to believe that this album is nearly 10 years old at this point. Had some of his greatest hits, but the other tracks weren't as strong as his previous album.
I couldn't wait for this one to be over. I knew Freak on a Leash already, but couldn't get into any of the other tracks.
Just an awesome album, starting and ending with its best tracks.
I shed a tear every time I have to listen to britpop again.