Either Or
Elliott SmithSuch a good album and I'm finding myself wondering why I've NEVER listened to any of Elliott Smiths music before! This album kept my attention and kept me wanting more! 4.4/5 Best tracks: Say Yes Alameda
Such a good album and I'm finding myself wondering why I've NEVER listened to any of Elliott Smiths music before! This album kept my attention and kept me wanting more! 4.4/5 Best tracks: Say Yes Alameda
Etheral Good song continuity Like -Loser in the End -Funny How Love Is Ogre Battle starts harsh Freddie Mercury's voice is golden
Like - Stir It Up -Kinky Reggae
Not really my style but I can appreciate the music!
Sounds like chicken sex Didnt care much for
Much of the music is harsh when listening on headphones. I'm not a fan of Jarvis Cockers voice, but with that said, I like the track "The Fear"
The ONLY complaint I have about this album is the repetitiveness of the tracks \"Happy Day\" and \"Who Is It\". Otherwise it is a fabulous album!
Not a bad album. A few tracks sounded like someone mixed in some background sounds from a 1980s casio keyboard. And does anyone really need a 12 minute outro song that is just the artist individually thanking every single person, website, and group they know?
Great music for a live album. Not sure any version of My Generation needs to be that long, but the album rocks!
It's a slow sleepy album but her voice is so good
If you're ever looking for an album that would empower you after a breakup, while also making you long for your ex...this is it! Her voice makes me feel ALL the feels
First half sounds similar to 90's U2 and I don't care much for it Best song even though it was long and drawn out was "Drive You Home"
Great group, great album!
If I could give this album a 4.4 I would! There is just one or two songs that were meh. Everything else is good
Theres not a single song on this album that I would want to go back and listen to again
Love their sound!
I liked this album more than I thought I would. Good beats, good sound!
Nope, there is nothing about this album that I like. Most tracks sounded as if someone put a 1980s dot matrix printer (you know the kind, with the paper that was all attached and you had to pull off the perforated hole sides) in a rave club and proceeded to print out War and Peace at different speeds. Nope! Fuck waterboarding a person...you want to torture someone? Make them listen to this entire album
Another album that I have no interest in listening to a second time
Meh. Its okay... another album from the list that I dont see myself going back to listen to
This album is definitely middle of the road for me. I didn't love it but I also didn't hate it. Favorite Track on album- Go to Sleep
Another very repetitive album. Not bad but I probably wouldnt choose to listen to it again
Its dated, but just a meh album
I really like this album!
A few songs get a little screechy and I started feeling some concern for the lead singers vocal chords. Over all a strong album that I would listen to again
This album is solid...every song is great!
Not the album to listen to if you want to feel energized. It's very repetitive...like a long car drive. His voice is a good mix of Don McLean and Jack Johnson
This album goes on a bit of a ride...from chill cocktail hour light jazz vibes, to weird early 80s rap and very dated music. Then it circles back to light jazz and then a track that sounds almost country! And then turns into something I would picture Michael Buble singing if he sang in the early 80s. Concluding with a stereotypical instrumental 80s UK sounding track.
Had to listen to this album twice. It's good! It doesnt blow me away, but I enjoyed listening to it.
Every song on this album is a good song!
This album was better than I expected actually. There were a few U2/Coldplay-esque songs but the rest of it was really good
I'm not saying it's bad by any means, I can appreciate the jazz. This album feels more like a fever dream than an album I would choose to listen to more than once
With the exception of a few songs, this album is great! The strength in her voice gives chills
Not an album I would choose to listen to again
It's a good album but I'm not sure I would listen to a lot of it again
A little all over the place and some songs seemed to go on forever, but its Stevie Wonder!
Just when I start thinking \"okay this track isnt so bad\", it gets terrible. If it wasnt for the track Dry Your Eyes, this would be a 1 star
Such a middle of the road album. Nothing extraordinary
Best tracks: Super Rich Kids Pink Matter
Gets a little screetchy/yelling, but all in all not bad
Beck has such talent...unfortunately this album was just a little too sleepy from start to finish for me. Best Track: Already Dead
This was my first time listening to this album all the way through from start to finish. It's a little twangy, but decent!
I would have rated this album a 4 star if it hadn't been live!
If it wasnt so repetitive, it would get 4 stars. It's a solid 3.5
This album felt like it dragged on for 2 hours, not just 1! Nothing that was stand out amazing
Even with the fact that most of the tracks on this album start sounding VERY repetitive, it is a great album!
Best Songs: Jesus, Etc. Heavy Metal Drummer I'm the Man Who Loves You
Cypress Hill was big during some very important years of my life! This isnt their best album, it's before their biggest hits I believe
Just a fun album
Such a relatable album (with the exception of Shake it off which is probably the most over played T Swift song)
I usually enjoy some chill samba music, but the covers on this album are rough!
This album starts off ok.....and then just becomes annoying af about halfway through
Is my favorite MJ song on this album? Yes. Is this the best MJ album I've listened to? Definitely not
This album screams 80s and bad covers....not my style
I came to read through the reviews as I listened to this album and sure enough there were people who thought the same thing I did...."am I listening to a drunk muppet?" I love the music...I can tolerate his voice on most songs, I just don't think I would choose to come back and visit this album again!
I really enjoy this albun
A little outdated Not something I would listen to often. Songs are also a bit too long
This album was very early 80s pop....not the kind of album I would choose to listen to again. Best song: She is Mine
This album could be the love child of the Violent Femmes and Pink Floyd if it weren't before the VF's time. I really enjoyed listening to it, but my only complaint is that some of the longer songs don't need to be as long as they are!
This album is like a warm hug!
Thoughts during the first 2 songs: I love the music and his voice but the lyrics arent the greatest The rest of the album is great! SOLID 3.5/4
Madonna albums after 1992 are very mediocre in comparison to her earlier albums! I'm not too sure why this album even made the list Another album where I find myself asking, \"why do the songs have to be this long?!?\"
Can someone please wake me up when this album is over? Ok thanks!
I didnt realize going into this album that there were so many songs or big portions of songs with little to no lyrics. It's a very middle of the road album for me!
Jazzy and soulful with an excellent voice and beautiful piano! There's not much I can say negatively about this album, but I just don't see myself going back to listen to it in its entirety again. 3.5/5
Exactly as I would imagine a Rush album to sound. I'm not impressed 2.3/5
Such a good album and I'm finding myself wondering why I've NEVER listened to any of Elliott Smiths music before! This album kept my attention and kept me wanting more! 4.4/5 Best tracks: Say Yes Alameda
A few songs felt too long but all in all a 4 star album!
Such a good album! I could listen to this on repeat for days!
Yes, the fact that EVERY word at the end of a line being sung get drawn out way too long makes me minus ½ a star. But this is a fun listen! Definitely better than What's the Story Morning Glory 3.7/4 Best song: Married with Children
I enjoy this rock. So parts of tracks are a little dated, but otherwise it's a good middle of the road album! Even with the rocked out version of Born to be Wild. High 3/5
I was first introduced to this album but an alcoholic cokehead from the UK. I didnt like it then, I still dont care for it now. Boring
Average and of course the track Green Onions is iconic
I really wanted to like this album. There are some great classic songs that get sampled but this comes across as a mediocre and dated album 2.5/3
So many classics! And a great songwriter!
A song or two felt a little long, but still a damn good album!
This album was a pleasant surprise because I had zero expectations going in. I do think the first half of the album was stronger than the second half, but still a solid 4.6/5
Too much of certain songs on this album could certainly contribute to a migraine headache
Not a single bad track on this album!
Sleepy and dull Not a fan 2/5
Another album in this project where I'm just finding myself wondering.....why??
Good album start to finish 4.2/5
Very early 80s
Best song: Letting Go
Parts of this album got very annoying
Some AMAZING tracks but also some just very meh tracks
Boring af. The same phrases repeated over and over for 5-7 minutes. No thanks
Of course the only track I cared for would be the last one called Shortcomings
Is it bizarre? Yes. Is it disjointed? Yes. Are the random horns a bit much? Yes. Did I start liking it? Yeah kinda! Pachucos Cadaver was the track the bumped this up to a 3
The song writing, the lyrics, it's just all wrapped up nicely with a bow on the top! I can listen to this album start to finish and love every second of it 5/5
There were more songs I liked on this album, than songs I didnt like! 4/5
Has a faint resemblance to REM. It's a very slow, sleepy album
I grew up with my mom playing this album quite often! It's beautiful from start to finish!
It's a decent album. The two of the better known songs "Someday" and "Last Nite" are the best imo 3.5/4
There are some (obviously) strong late 90s vibes to this album. It's a little long, making it drawn out in my opinion 3.4/5
This is my 2nd Talking Heads album to listen to on this list and it is nowhere near as good as the 1st!
Meh...this album makes it hard the be a Smith's fan
There are some really good classic tunes on this album but Turn Your Lights Down Low was my favorite track that I hadn't heard before. Three Little Birds is THE Bob Marley feel good song!
This entire album reminds me of low quality (B) 80s movies. At least the movies are fun to watch. This album is far from fun
An ok album. The cover of I Cant Stand the Rain is fun, but on the flip side the cover of HELP is atrocious!
P.Y.T. best MJ song ever Thia album hasn't aged, there are some strong classics on this one!
Surprisingly I actually enjoyed this album. It was very "Hitchcock" soundtrack sounding. It is an album I would put on in the back ground if I needed some music
I'm struggling to find the reason behind this album being on this list
Decent, but not my favorite Talking Heads album
I'm really stuck between giving this a two or a three. Like, I dont see myself listening to it ever again, and nothing stood out as an excellent track. 2.4/5
Some good songs, some kind of meh
Another album that I was surprised I liked as much as I did!
I want every swanky dinner party in my future to have this album on softly in the background!
Just muted and depressing
What it Takes is one of the best Aerosmith songs! That track and Janies got a Gun are the 2 best tracks
Pleasantly surprised at the amount of piano on this album. Still just a middle of the road album for me though
This sounds like something that I would have been listening to in my early teens! Unfortunately in present terms it's just pretty average.
While I can appreciate this album, it's not one I'll be going back to listen to
Its ok....do we really need all of the answering machine messages?
Little Sister and Crumb by Crumb are my two favorite tracks on this album
So good!
Some cool tunes but not the best Marvin Gaye album
Not my favorite CCR album, but its damn good!
I liked this album a lot more than I thought I would. I was only familiar with novocaine for the soul before.
I tried REALLY hard to appreciate this album....I never got there. It amped my anxiety and just wasnt a fun listening experience!
I actually enjoyed this album slightly more than Hollywood and Vine. His voice can still be grating, but it's an ok 2.5-3 star album
It's a fun, upbeat album but I dont see myself coming back to it again...ever
It has a few decent tracks...would put it somewhere between a 2.5 and a 3
I was surprised at how much I like this album
I'm sure there are jazz lovers who adore this album....I'm also sure I'm NOT a jazz lover 🤷♀️
Such a good album! Theres not a single song that is under 4⭐'s! The album would get a 4.5 if we could rate with half stars on here!
I almost bailed on this album twice. The ONLY reason I didnt give it 1 ⭐ was because while it was horrible, Eminem was the only part of the album that saved my ears from bleeding.
Not a single bad song in this album!❤
Some good tunes but then it felt like a lot of "filler" songs
Of course there are some very odd tracks, and parts of tracks, but this album is still pretty decent! I would listen to most of it again
If it was just music, no lyrics, this album would get 4 ⭐s....unfortunately the "singing' is just not great
Not my favorite Joni Mitchell album, but her voice and lyrics spark joy and hope
I cant give this anything above a very average middle of the road rating
I like the pace of this album, but could do without the screetchy parts
A boring early 80s album
Not the best System of a Down album imo, but it has its moments!
Not impressed and dont think I'd go and listen to any of this album again
Most of the tracks on this album are just meh, but Homemade is probably my favorite
This album feels very bland and generic. It's middle of the road, low average