Bitte Orca
Dirty ProjectorsBitte, no more.
Bitte, no more.
Definitely not boring but definitely not for me
The recording quality is abysmal, if somebody tried to put this out now, I'd be giving it a one. That being said, I can't help but give this a five. It's a cracking album.
It being 2004 is no excuse for being repetitive and generic.
Some of the arrangement was really nice but overall it was repetitive
Definitely not boring but definitely not for me
4 because it's been such an influential album but I don't quite see what the fuss is about. I definitely prefer what came after. Fairly easy to listen to with some nice grooves but felt a bit repetitive in places to me.
Solid funky pop with a few bangers mixed in
Not typically my thing and this is no exception. Nice ambience I suppose
Kicks off with the strongest track but the entire record is smooth and an enjoyable listen.
Great record, one that helped to launch rock n roll into the mainstream. Short and to the point, easy listen. Tutti Frutti was the low point but excellent overall. 🌟🌟🌟🌟
I've made a number of attempts to get into Radiohead over the years and I've never been able to. I remember this coming out, and running it was a cool idea but I don't think I picked it up. I'm not sure why, the match on paper never translated. First few songs on this I found really enjoyable but it did fall off for me after and picked up again, relatively speaking. Four stars.
Back to back Radiohead for me. In Rainbows yesterday. I've tried to like Radiohead for a long time but I've never quite gotten them. I enjoy some of their other albums but this one is three stars for me. Not at all boring but not one I'll revisit over the other 3 on this list.
Enjoyed this one
Ah yeah sure you know yourself.
I'm aware that this influenced bands that I enjoy, but I didn't particularly like this and I didn't find it interesting. 1 because it's a five point scale.
Muddy at his best
Kind of enjoyable but felt very average across the board. Possibly hurt by what I've consumed that has come out after this.
Happiness, more or less.
Two and a half if I had the option. Fine but didn't do anything for me.
Distinctive but very samey, hectic, and a bit shrill in places. Fell short and got a bit off the rails in the middle. Not his best.
A bit lengthy and that really hurts it. This could have been an absolutely cracking 40 minute album.
Generic country. Not terrible, not great. Another one on here that is apparently influential but it's lost on me.
Five star album then, five star album now
Found this a tough listen. Didn't grab me at all, felt very flat, boring and dull. 20+ albums in and this is down the bottom.
3.5 rounded up. Not the QOTSA album I'd choose to have on here but some gems on it and some interesting sounds, textures, and production. Lots of raw energy and a great balance of aggression and catchiness on a lot of the tracks
I spent a lot of time listening to metal as a teen and young adult, and could never get into Judas Priest. Gave this a few goes start to finish and it's still not for me, but I can hear the good in it. Breaking the Law and Living After Midnight are bangers, but it doesn't do it for me. 3 stars.
2 feels harsh, 3 feels too much. Has the makings of something I should enjoy but I can't get into it.
Rounded up a 4.5. Not my favourite of theirs from the first five but the production brings it up and the remaining four are four of the best metal albums of all time.
Was it fine? I suppose. Will I ever choose to listen to it again? Absolutely not.
Second of PJ Harvey's in four days which is too much for my taste.
3.5 rounded up. Not my easiest listen but on part because I milked every ounce of joy from if when it came out and in the years after, and I can't penalise it for that.
Decent. Can see why people would love it but not my cup of tea.
I had the Smiths eight days ago. What are we doing and can we not please. I can't deal with this kind of carry on.
Alright but of its time and sounds a bit dated now.
A lot of this is carried by Superstition. Feels wrong to give a three but if it wasn't for that I reckon it'd be a two.
Third Morrissey album in less than two weeks. Nobody should have to suffer this. Is he doing this? Are we all just getting Morrissey all the time?
The Stones are one of the best rock bands of all time by almost any measure. But not here they're not. Rounded up a 2.5, won't be going back to this one.
Terrible. Felt like each song has ten to twenty or so unique seconds just looped over and over again. Short album but it felt like it took epochs to get through.
Could've been shorter but when it was good it was really, really good.
Great voice but this was monotonous
Another middling one. 2.5, nothing wrong with it per se and maybe fifty years ago this was great but I'm not sure what has it on this list.
4-5, never quite got into them before, just kind of missed them. Had heard a lot of this individually previously, but never in one go. Really good album, things like this are part of why I've been trudging through some of the others on this list.
Well produced but the music is not for me. None of this genre is for me. I appreciate that they kept it to just over 30'.
It being 2004 is no excuse for being repetitive and generic.
I gave this a two last time I got it and while that is maybe harsh, Heroes as a song is not good enough to carry whatever went on in the middle there while the producer was absent.
Lovely blend of folk, blues, soul, and rock throughout this. The sound itself is wonderfully clean throughout, especially for something this old. Another gem I hadn't come across before this.
Some nostalgia points, and some great tracks but a lot of below average too. But when it is good, it is really good.
Bitte, no more.
Imagine isn't good enough to carry the rest of this album, or make me forget that he was a bit of a creep. It's made worse by how good the Beatles were. I've rounded up 2.5.
More pentatonic riffs than you could shake a stick at
Being < 37 minutes saved it from a one.
Thought the first track was fantastic. The rest was a nice listen and I can definitely see why it got some nominations. Dragged a bit in places, though.
The singles on this aren't enough to carry the rest of it.
Rounded up 2.5, pleasant but never really grabbed me.
Not my favourite of hers, but mostly pretty enjoyable. Some of this is on a playlist that my toddler falls asleep to, so it's possible that I've just been overexposed to a lot of it and that's taken it down.
Clean, but very dated and showing its age.
This is fine, but that's all it is. All the best tracks are covers, and having this many covers highlights the shortcomings of the originals. Adding to that it's a bit sloppy sounding in parts I probably wouldn't listen again.
Another one in the pleasant but won't revisit column.
Juicy pentatonic goodness courtesy of Geezer and Tony
Nothing grabbed me on this. All I Wanna Do wasn't enough to bring the rest of it up. Felt a bit lacklustre.
Clint Eastwood will still get stuck in my head even now, and I enjoy 5/4, but the rest is not as good as I remember.
Not sure if the other songs are all measurably worse than Teenage Kicks, and it's just because I've been exposed to that one so much that I think it's a banger. Probably a 3.5
Definitely a stronger first half, and the best song is a cover but it's so good you can't penalise it for that.
The recording quality is abysmal, if somebody tried to put this out now, I'd be giving it a one. That being said, I can't help but give this a five. It's a cracking album.
This rating is sponsored by my childhood nostalgia©
Chock full of bangers with a slice of Buick 6 shaped Americana.
Stone cold two. Thought about an added star for them not liking Morrissey and it being short but couldn't.
I understand that it's hard to follow a career with the Beatles, but c'mon now.
Gem. New to me.
I'd give 4.5 if I could. 5 is too much, 4 is too few. Squeezing 9 and 7 minute songs in and running just over 42' is a feat.
Everything here sounded the same, and the base level wasn't good enough to make it enjoyable. Better than Husker Dü, but not by much. A weak ⭐⭐
I'll ask again. Is Morrissey making this list? This is bonkers.
Some of the arrangement was really nice but overall it was repetitive
I'll be surprised if this is on here at the expense of So, and I'm not sure list needs two Peter Gabriel albums. Solsbury Hill stands out ahead of the rest here. But it was very enjoyable.
Very strong four.
Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe middling and repetitive
Pleasant but boring to me and a bit uninspired and never felt like it got going.
A lot going on here. I really like a lot about this album. London Calling, Rudie Can't Fail, Guns of Brixton all stand out to me. In a tier below I have Wrong 'Em Boyo, Death or Glory. But some of it hasn't aged so well and there's quite a bit they could have cut and strengthened the overall content, but when it is good, it is really, really, really good. Shame about the P-bass on the cover. Great photo but bit of a waste.
Some nice bits in here but it is a soundtrack at the end of the day, and it sounds like one. Cool licks here and there but that's about all I can say.
Pinball Wizard dragging this kicking and screaming to a two star review. Not their best.
Smooth but a bit too long for me.
It's not boring, I'll give it that. Don't fall down did bore into my brain though.
Under 40 minutes and opens with Sympathy for the Devil, but doesn't capitalise on that. Save for Street Fighting Man, the rest is fairly forgettable and I wouldn't listen to it again.
Stick a 12 bar blues in the middle of any album and I'm happy.
This is a four star album if it wasn't three albums long.
This was the first album I got and I gave it a four then, but 110 or so albums later, there's no way it's not at least a 4.5/5 on subterranean homesick blues, Maggie's farm, and outlaw blues alone.
At least it was short
iiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII can't stand it. That's not true, quite enjoy this one.
Probably the best album of all time that features back to back songs called "X Lee"
I've never really gotten into Talking Heads and this album is kind of a microcosm of why.
Great voice, let down a couple of the tracks but when it's on, it is really on.
Great album, but a real seperate the art from the artist situation.
Nice beats, lyrics were forgettable in the context of a list of great albums, and it dragged. Won't revisit.
Now you're pushing it.
Much needed antidote to what I had to listen to immediately before this.
I could live a thousand lives and if I never heard this I don't think I'd be any worse off
Must be pretty cool to record an album and be able to choose between kicking it off with Message In a Bottle of Walking On The Moon.
Gave this a five last time but it's not The Bends, is it?
Not a one but they were pushing it for a while. Actually we'll go one.
Enjoyable but I feel like the crowd interactions could've been cut and I just don't have this much love for jazz in me.
The album that launched the drummer at the wrong gig video. Every song sounds kind of same and the first three are the best of the bunch but it's still great.
Good stuff
Separating the art from the artist, this is enjoyable. 22 minutes? Great. Bad person, though, to put it mildly. I dunno why we couldn't just have Little Richard or something and get a better version of this.
This might be one of the first records I bought. Not sure how much of this rating is nostalgia versus the quality of the album but it's a banger...I think
Not the worst album on here, but not for lack of trying. Music is mostly fine but some of the lyrics are abysmal at best.
I've never listened to an Eagles album start to finish before and as a result it feels a bit dated to me. Hotel California, Life In The Fast Lane are the standouts. Rest of it felt a bit bland.
Fine listen, just not my thing.
New to me and really, really good. Touch long but this is full to the brim of quality funk.
o o f 1 . 5
More than a feeling into peace of mind = 4.5
4 songs, 39 min 25 sec.
Well produced but that's it. Maybe I'm just not cool enough.
Look at the stars, see how they shine for you. Here's a three star review.
Non, s'il vous plaît, et merci.
Gave this a five last time and see no reason to change it this time.
You had to be there. Black Night is a cool riff, but I don't need to hear 3 versions of the entire song that were recorded three nights in a row. This legitimately could've been 4-6 tracks and would be better, or they could have just ploughed through the songs as they were originally recorded.
A new contender for the worst entry on here
Orange Crush is great and the rest isn't. Probably a high 2 but not a 3.
Bought this early in my music journey and never quite got into it until my adult life. RATM-light in some ways but I enjoy it.
Nice concept, good listen at parts, funny here and there. But when he sings it drives me mad. Tough to get through overall.
I've never taken MDMA so the ceiling here was a 2. If you take out the unnecessarily repeated bits I reckon you could knock this out in 15 minutes or less.
Some of this is really, really good....and then some of it isn't.
Keeping it under 45 ✅ ≤ 2 skips ✅
Not his best offering but still pretty good. Get back on Spotify, please.
Dated and not very good but not the worst thing on here.
Had high hopes for this based on the first track and the description but it got off the rails pretty quickly.
I played in a grunge band when I was sixteen, with 3 lads in their late twenties or early thirties. I eventually got booted via email for not having enough confidence, which didn't do much to help my confidence. They were big Soundgarden fans and it put me off grunge. Most of my knowledge of Soundgarden for a long time was the Black Hole Sun video because it was always on Kerrang! This is good though. I miss Chris Cornell.
Marginally better than that Byrds album I had to trudge through, but it's close.
It's not my thing, but it's pretty good at what it's trying to be.
Another one for the "glad I listened to it, but won't be going back to it" pile.
Nothing wrong with it really, but a bit banal. Not one I'll revisit.
Good shtuff
This is substantially worse than the studio albums these songs are on.
It's a shame Love Will Tear Us Apart isn't on either album, because I reckon that is a perfect song. I kind of enjoyed this, but it wasn't quite there for me. 3.5.
3.5. Bit long but some gems on there
Bit long but lots of bangers
Obviously a classic. I prefer Simon's solo stuff, but this is at least a 4.5.
If you have to put Steve Earle on here, why isn't it Copperhead Road?
Personally I could've done without the skits, but some great songs on here.
I got tattoos and a nipple piercing to look like Dave Navarro but I just look like a creep
Wrong side of a 3 by some margin.
3.5 solely for the title track being such a banger.
I this wasn't by a band that I am reasonably well acquainted with, I would have no time for some of it. The good here doesn't outweigh the not so good. Middle of the road, bang on 2.5.
Not ok. Not at all.
They could have boxed this off in 30'. It would still be two stars but I'd have saved some time.
I don't feel great giving the Beatles a four but it's not their best. Ah I'll give it five.
Objectively, this is probably not a five. Having said that, this is subjective, so, YEEHAW.
Ah yeah sure you know yourself.
Pleasantly surprised but not quite to my taste and a tad long
A two star album feat. The Bucket.
I didn't really rate this, I thought a lot of Nick Cave's other stuff was better. Then I went to write this and realised it was Nick Drake, and I'm an idiot
3.5 but I can't put four here, as much as I love down by the river
4.5. Not as good as Back In Black but it's still pretty good.
And that's being generous
Might be the first album I ever bought. Second half isn't quite as strong but there are only maybe two tracks here I don't like that much. High 4.something.
Just not very good, this.
Initially I thought this just sounds like 2011 distilled into 37 minutes but by the time I got to Street Joy, it had reeled me back in. Then it lost me again and suddenly it felt much longer than 37 minutes. It felt like I always had another track to get through.
One of the albums I have a physical copy of. But I don't really like Yes. I tried, but what's keeping this rating up here is Roundabout and the sound Chris Squire is getting out of that Rickenbacker.
Of it's time. Not a tonne wrong with it. Bery up the middle rock n roll that doesn't do much to separate itself from the he pack.
Not sure why this is here but it's fine outside of the context of this list I suppose.
Meep morp
Not even the best album released that week.
If we're talking about the music alone, which I am because I'd have to give this a one otherwise, this is pretty enjoyable.
Opening track is a banger and the early 2000s distilled into a few minutes but the rest is a bit lacklustre.
I actually saw Turbonegro live in 2005, supporting Marilyn Manson and Iron Maiden. I don't remember much of it now, but the album is fine. I didn't listen much to the lyrics which seems to be everybody's gripe.
3.5, I think. I'm still not sure.
Opener is a classic, the rest of it is pretty enjoyable but nothing stood out to me.
Not their best. Just below a 2.5
Four, as it was the first time I was given this.
2.5 - just not my thing.
Wall to wall bangers. This is why I'm doing this.
Hit and miss.
1.5. I don't really like/get blast beats or grindcore in general.
I own a copy of this, and I've seen them live. They're good, but they always went into a group of bands where I enjoy a setlist or their best of but the albums don't quite hit the spot on the whole. Dirk Lance shines a lot on this. 3.75 rounded up to 4.
Better than a 3, not quite a 4.
My opinion may be coloured by the fact that I got to listen to this during a long sunny drive, but I like to think I would have given this a four any day.
I've been waiting for 241 albums to get to this. I know I can listen to it any time, but this has some kind of novelty to it. This is probably my favourite album ever.
Not his best and he isn't the best
This was definitely their peak for me.
Nothing wrong with this other than the length really but nothing to set it apart to me either.
2.5, ish.
Nice bits on here but the songs. are. so. long.
Very pleasant. Not quite a 4.
Enjoyed this one
Couple of nice bits and bobs in here, as 2.5 as it gets
This actually ruined my Monday.
Somehow I didn't know this was a double album. Lots of bangers, still too long.
Probably don't need multiples of this on here. 2.5.
4.5 but I'm definitely rounding this one up.
DJ, please pick up your phone, I'm on the request line. And that request is no more Missy, please. Twice in two weeks is a bit much.
Tough going
Chock full of tunes. Not a perfect 5 but too good for a 4
Teenage me would be proud of this rating. Adult me has mixed feelings. It hasn't aged especially well, and it sounds like a group of young men trying to sound edgy, because it is exactly that. However, in their defence, this was edgy at the time and part of why it had aged is because they laid the foundation
Five stars.
This is everything that a two star album should be; not very good.
Some tunes on here. Rounding up to a four
Two now as it was the first time this came up.
I played YYZ for a practical music exam in school. I'm pretty sure the examiner found it to be pretentious to even bring a bass to one of those and he certainly didn't appreciate Rush. I totally nailed it, though. Four stars. Unlike the review he gave me.
7 tracks, 59'. This won't be easy. I don't feel great about giving this a two, but I am never going to revisit it.
3.5, enjoyed this one
Nothing inherently wrong with this, I just didn't enjoy it very much.
High four, not quite a five
I'd planned on giving this a four, and then I saw the one star review on the top of the list.
The covers keeping this afloat
3 is too low, a 4 is maybe too high but there are some tunes on here.
This is it, unfortunately.
Well it isn't the worst thing he ever did.
Listened to this four times. Didn't expect to see it on here but will take any excuse to listen to it.
I do like Nick Cave but maybe not in this dose. 2.5ish
Billy going hard in the paint here.
He had a great voice but everything on this sounds the same, and I'm not sure if that's intentional or not.
I love Motorhead but there's one track on here that should have never seen the light of day, and that's the best thing you can say about it. I wish I could go back to not knowing it existed.
I wondered why they didn't open the album with Another girl, another planet. It's because there's nothing else of note on here.
I don't feel I can give the Beatles anything less than a four in good conscience. But this did test that theory.
To paraphrase Spinal Tap, none more 2.5. But I'm rounding down.
Tough one this, because on the one hand, it's not very good.
Totally tubular bro. Tediously tubular, even.
I didn't have high expectations, but I had higher expectations.
Mostly average rock on a foundation of funky bass here and there. ~2.5
75 minutes?? Right, so we're capping this at three stars so we'll see how we go. Update: took another off for it not being that good.
A bit lengthy and that really hurts it. This could have been an absolutely cracking 40 minute album.
My day is ruined and it isn't even 6am
7/10 rounded up on the back of Father and Son, and Wild World
Went downhill fast, that.
Tough to make an album this short drag but here we are
They're the epitome of 3*. They have the highest floor and lowest ceiling of anybody on here.
Bit of a mess, and there's a drum solo.
2.5 but rounding it down
I always thought they weren't very good, but I'd never given them a chance. It's good to know I was right.
I've rounded this up because I like The Doors but it loses its way at times.
As a society we need to stop enabling this.
Enjoyed this
Solid pop album but not my favourite of hers
I got David Gray today, and with the server maintenance I seem to now have gotten this. Not the fault of Jack Elliott but I have subtracted a star nonetheless
To anybody that hasn't started: go, save yourself.
Music made by the type of people that appear to have written their own Spotify bio.
Death, taxes, the cast majority of The Rolling Stones being 2.5.
Thought about a 5 here
2.5, just not my thing
If your album is going to be this long, it should be better. 2.5
Charlatans indeed
This is the epitome of the middle of the road for me. Until we got to 5-4, earned itself a two with that one.