The Stone Roses
The Stone RosesFairly middle of the road for me. Almost was even a two. I think it was the last track of the album that was interesting for me, but pst that it was just aight.
Fairly middle of the road for me. Almost was even a two. I think it was the last track of the album that was interesting for me, but pst that it was just aight.
nothing special. going to be honest, i really do like the acoustic guitar on this album. but, i can't really do much more with it. just sounds like someone mumbling their way through. not the worst thing i have heard through here... but wouldnt have it on in rotation again
this album has a very special place in my heart. in my senior year of college, I was able to take a 'History of Jazz' course and it was honestly one of my favorite classes I took in undergrad. I was in that class with some very good friends and one best friend of mine. We used to study for all the exams together and this album always brings that memory back. I know jazz isn't the easiest genre to get into, but this album is truly one of the greats. It's what defined Miles as a pioneer for the genre and brought jazz to a wider audience. It's a real masterpiece - and defines what would become smooth/cool jazz for years to come. All hail Miles Davis
Would want to review more Beatles albums for context, but overall enjoyed it.
First full song was rather rough to get through with the constant screaming in it. At that point, I thought I was in for a really rough ride. However, having this on during work actually turned out to be a bit more of a treat than I expected. I can see how this would definitely be a major hit in the 90’s clubbing scene and would be a good time for certain drug filled experiences. Not my normal cup of tea, but honestly was fine with it.
This album struck me as shades of Rage Against the Machine, especially with their intro track. This album was super easy to listen to, but would bring me back in with every guitar solo that would close out a track. Lyrically, I didn’t absorb too much of the album. However, their “fuck you” attitude is felt through each chord and solo that shreds across the crowd. I can see how this album could be a huge influence for future punk bands in the future and it’s crazy to think this was recorded in 1969, well before some household name punk bands were on the scene.
Track 6 - Aaini Wohi Rehta Hai was pretty tough to listen to. Album has fun rhythms, and always love some music from a different culture, but I think I prefer the “poppy” Bollywood music. The movie soundtrack had some slow jams, love ballads, and a few fun songs, but ultimately I don’t think I would re listen unless I wanted to sit down and actually watch this movie.
Some good ole mountain music. Nothing like driving through the Appalachian Mountains while having this album on. Overall, not something I would normally listen to, but there’s always a setting that this music just makes sense. Except for the Confederacy part… but hey, freedom l, am I right?? Yeehaw
Pretty good. Second to last song was definitely a weird one but nothing to write home about
Sweet album. Al Green is always going to remind me of the Cutspec clan. We all went to Red Rocks together and saw Al Green perform in 2023 and it was a blast. Dude just had such a unique voice that you can feel wrapped in. Great vibes all around.
Pretty killer album. A really good mix of some heavy guitar matched with some killer licks. Added this one to my Spotify collection, it’s a keeper for sure.
Really really enjoyed this one. I knew the Meat Puppets were a huge influence for Nirvana (Cobain specifically) but had never listened to them. I’m really glad I got to listen to this and see how this album in particular affected one of the most influential bands / live albums of all time. I also realized listening to this that I miss instrumental tracks coming in between songs. The showcase of talent is always great to see and a nice break from focusing on lyrics for a first listen.
Wasn’t a huge fan of this one. It reminded me of a sad break up album that just kind of kept going.
Interesting combination of Africana inspired beats and American soft rock. You can call me Al clearly is the front runner on this album, but other than that I found most of the songs were mostly just for the background. Great for playing at a party with a ton of people there, where the music is something to drown out lulls in conversation.
Honestly, not a huge fan. There was like one song that was aight and the rest sounded like two machines fucking.
Pretty funny album that still manages to showcase a ton of skills. I think this album makes a lot more sense after reading the Wikipedia page. That being said, The Who fricken rock and always enjoy listening to them.
This album slaps Sick licks and a dope time
Only was able to listen to half of it due to family being in town over the weekend but I dig this stuff. Definitely going to come back to it
First things first, Orange Crush rocks. Everything else by REM often strikes me as meh. I can’t tell if the lead singer is crying for help or actually trying to sing. I want to like REM, but every time I listen to them I just feel unsatisfied. Not quite sure what it is. I’ll leave their cd out of my car on the next road trip and not really worry about it
Don’t honestly love Cohens voice. A lot of love for the song Hallelujah, but honestly could take or leave this album
Gonna be honest. I heard Connected and thought “oh shit, I’m in for one hell of an album” Unfortunately, it didn’t pan out that way. With the exception of Connected, I think this album is a great “throw it on during a bbq for some funky vibes” and that’s about it. Nothing was quite as strong as the album opener in my opinion, but at the same time I didn’t dislike anything I listened to. Gonna keep this in my back pocket for the next backyard party I host, but it probably won’t be listened to much past that
Not personally a huge fan of the psychedelic rock. Not terrible, just not really my speed truth be told.
Jack White just rocks. Easy as that. Never delved into his solo stuff before, but very familiar with his White Stripes and The Raconteurs. It was cool to hear this album and read about it as well. Definitely keeping it in the mix.
Front to back, this album is incredible. Not much else to say. It’s just incredible.
Had a good time listening to this. The melodies and voices just flow together so well. It was perfect background work music. Not sure how much I would actually listen it other than during a work day or on a solo car trip, but I would definitely use this to springboard into more South African music.
Billie Holiday has such a profound effect on music as a whole, and this album showcases it all. While the instrumentals themselves sounds like you’re being laid down on fresh satin sheets, and Billie’s voice caresses you, the lyrics themselves are a painful reminder that love is not always guaranteed. A beautiful juxtaposition of pain and courage to seek new horizons while longing for one who held you close at one time. Beautiful album.
This was not enjoyable
Sex Pistols fall into that category of “I understand their influence, and why they need to be talked about in regards to music history”, but I’m honestly not a huge fan. A lot of these songs just sound so familiar from one to the next. I think the lyrics are the best part, but John Lyndon’s voice just doesn’t cut it for me.
Enjoyed this album. Mr Blue Sky is the definitive winner for me. Song is just so damn catchy. Not sure I would go into the rest of their catalog, but definitely enjoyed my time listening to them yesterday.
Lyrically hilarious and weird at times. Like the sound and vibe overall. Was kinda on the cusp of a two but the back half of the album pushed it up for me. Also always cool to recognize a sample from older music.
I really really enjoyed this. I always dig a good jazz album. Throw it on in the background and let it take you on a ride.
Certainly enjoyed this. Two very recognizable songs and learned that they were named after a dildo. All in all, an enjoyable experience
Jazz Samba is tight. Great background music. Would definitely have in my workday rotation.
Was not expecting to like this one as much as I did. The man’s vocals are just unparalleled and the whole album rocks from front to back.
Not really my speed. British punk I think has to be a very specific flavor for me to enjoy and this just wasn’t it.
For about half the album, I really thought this was going to crack four stars, but unfortunately it just sounded a bit too similar track to track. Beautiful music and very enjoyable to listen to, but would want to listen to more of them before rating them higher
Actually really enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Cool melodies and really enjoyed the lead singer.
This album was indeed, Superfly. Shit bumped and I really want to see this movie now. Would definitely dip into this again
Fairly middle of the road for me. Almost was even a two. I think it was the last track of the album that was interesting for me, but pst that it was just aight.
Just not really my speed. Probably wouldn’t throw it on rotation again.
Just kinda meh overall. Enjoyed I Don’t Get It, and that’s probably what bumps this up to a 3, but honestly could take it or leave it
Probably my favorite punk album that I’ve listened to. Finally an album for the beers and the bros. Definitely a fun one
Not hugely into it. Could honestly have given it a one but a few tracks on the back end of the album kinda saved it.
A solid album by Madonna, but only one really stood out to me. Nothing Really Matters being that one. Shanti/Ashtangi I thought was a really cool showcase of her singing with an obvious cultural influence. Overall, wouldn’t play this album front to back again but am glad to have listened to more Madonna to better understand her influence past Material Girl, Like A Virgin, and Hung Up
I get it. Frankie Sinatra is one of the greats and has the voice of a god. However, this album doesn’t have any standouts. I actually listened to this on the car with Carly and we both agreed that a lot of the songs sound so similar. For this to be bumped up to a four, I would need at least 1-2 songs to try something different. A different tempo, a different something. Sinatra will always be a great, but I can’t say I would listen to this album front to back with the exception of hosting someone from the older generation.
It’s always interesting to hear a band’s first album, especially one that has changed rock music and been prominent for so long. It’s clear that they were starting to break away from the 60’s and 70’s hard rock lumbering with quick licks and some intense guitar, but they also weren’t quite ‘pedal to the metal’ quite yet. A good start for a journey into Iron Maiden, but ultimately it left me wanting more.
This album sounds very experimental and all over the place. It’s almost seems like Jeff didn’t know what direction he wanted to go in and threw it all on the same album. It’s gonna be a “it’s okay” from me, dawg
Big Nirvana fan over here. But, In Utero is just so fantastic. All bias aside, it’s kinda wild how much depth this album has. Tracks that really showcase Cobain’s progression as a musician and lyricist, and really put his skills to the test. I just dig this album
I was honestly so excited for this album after seeing tainted love was on it. That song rocks so hard and it’s amazing. Sadly, I was not on enough drugs or in my sex dwarf dungeon and the rest of the album just kinda…sucked. Weird lyrics, an off putting avant-garde style electrónica style of music and an album full of songs that just make you go wtf. I’ll stick with tainted love and forget the rest.
This is a really really awesome album. Two killer tracks with ‘Our Lips are Sealed’ and the obvious classic ‘We Got the Bear’. The rest of the songs hold up for such a fun sound. Definitely glad I listened to it.
Soundgarden rocks. Plain and simple. Black Hole Sun and Spoonman are obviously jams. This album actually has a lot more range than I would have given them credit for. Happy to have listened to the whole thing.
Just one of the all time greats. I mean it’s just amazing what they were able to do with their instruments on that album. Totally ahead of their time and trailblazing the new sound for rock n roll.
While I did not have the chance to listen to this album under the influence, this album is stacked. The whole thing flows together so well and really does take you on a journey. This was my first time actually sitting down and listening to it all in one go and it was well worth it.
This album was enjoyable with no real standouts. I almost could give it a two stars, especially coming off of Dark Side of the Moon, but wasn’t bad. I’ll stick with the 3 stars
The music behind Cohen’s voice is lovely. Leonard Cohen’s voice is not lovely. An entire album of that is really difficult.
Some songs I actually didn’t mind. There she goes my beautiful world actually wasn’t too bad and I enjoyed ‘the lyre of Orpheus’ too. But, as the album continued on a lot of the lyrics got weird and there just wasn’t a lot keeping me in it.
Man, kicking off an album with Hotel California, just to follow it with New Kid in Town and Life in the Fast Lane really sets the stage. This whole album just sounds incredible. From start to finish, I was into every song and even let it play through a second time. I think the back half of the album drags a bit, which is why this isn’t a 5 star album but honestly will be listening to it again.
I actually enjoyed this album more than I thought I would. Judging the book by its cover, I was expecting some weird synth-electronica album and got quite the opposite. Some of the longer songs could drag on too much, but overall I had fun with this album and enjoyed the musicianship overall. Despite being an album from the 70’s, it even sounded a bit more modern (90’s -esque). Wouldn’t mind if it was on again.
I was reading about this album on Wikipedia and found out, sadly, Christina Aguilera is not single. My heart is shattered. But in all honesty, this album shows a range and depth to CA that I didn’t know she had. I knew she was in Burlesque, and think I heard one of her sultry songs when that came out, but this album showcases just how good her voice is and how many genres she feels comfortable in. When reading the album Wikipedia, there was a section that said the album was met with positivity, only garnering criticism on the album length. I can’t agree more. A few songs on the back half of the disc one side could have been taken off the core album with saving them for a re-release or extended cut version and I honestly think this album would be a four for me. A competition of songs that don’t necessarily tell a story or seem to be a concept album doesn’t need to be nearly 90 minutes long.
This album was not very enjoyable. I was thinking that I would be more excited for a Brit-pop album but I found this to be pretty lackluster. Wouldn’t have this in my rotation.
lyrically this album just kinda wasn’t great. It struck me as a mix of angst-ey middle schooler and a middle school girl writing in her journal. OIL SPILL. OIL SPILL. it’s a no from me dawg
A pretty cool album. Definitely would listen to them again, but probably wouldn’t have this full album in the cd changer. Be a sloot for the flute, and listen to Jethro Tull
I mean, not much to say except that AC/DC rocks. Hard. I tend to find that some of their songs can sound a bit the same, but I thought this album actually did a great showcase of their different rock licks and musicianship. Would definitely rock out to this again. *There may be potential bias because I did listen to this album as Florida State was being booty blasted by Boston College - Go Canes*
Big jazz homie over here. This album kind of touches on it all. It has that big band sound carrying the melody, while Machito solos his way through it. Would definitely keep this cd on for like hosting folks at the house. I really feel like every song here is its own little journey. Will definitely listen to it again. Very enjoyable.
Depeche Mode is not particularly enjoyable to listen to in my opinion
This album rocked. Absolutely beautiful from start to finish.
Solid album. Superstition, despite being the most popular song on the album, struck me as sounding so different from the rest of the songs. That song has a lot more funk going on than the rest and it’s just an interesting choice. All in all, solid album that I would give another listen to.
Didn’t feel anything special about this album. I kept waiting for a single song that would grab me, but it just never came through. Didn’t sound unpleasant, just wasn’t really for me.
Could have possibly been a three stars if the lead singer actually sang. Overall, not super memorable tracks and just found it meh.
Really fucked with this album. It gave me hints of Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, and some other bands I’m blanking on but I really enjoyed it.
Not the worst thing I’ve listened to, but wasn’t really enjoyable. The screeching on the first track pretty much let me know what I was in for and there wasn’t much to celebrate past that.
I enjoyed this album. I really like listening to it. However, I can’t understand what the hell Thom Yorke is saying half the time. This album sits at a 3 for me, though I do feel bad giving it that ranking.
I mean, what a banger. Mother is a weird song, but everything else I can really jam out to. Synchronicity I, Every Breath You Take, King of Pain, Tea in the Sahara, Murder by Numbers all slap. I love the interesting blended sound of reggae and rock that they have on other songs as well, but really shines on this album.
This album rocked. So many songs that I recognized but never knew who did it. Traveling’ Band, Lookin’ Out My Back Door, and Up Around the Bend were absolute hits for me. Also, doesn’t hurt to have a cover of ‘I Heard it Through the Grapevine’ for good measure alongside a few live tracks. Stellar album.
I enjoyed this album a lot. The beats were sick and her flow was really really good. I just thought a few of the songs went on a bit too long and the album could have dropped a track or two. Overall though, enjoyable
This album was great. Listened to it in a hotel with a soccer game in the background. Shit rocked.
This was a fun album to listen to and will be favorited. Got it downloaded for my flight back to the US and looking forward to listening to it.
This album just didn’t really do it for me. The only song I super enjoyed was Barbarism Begins at Home. Not necessarily a bad album, just didn’t grab me. The two stars feels almost wrong… yet here we are
Pretty meh. Nothing stuck out. Would probably never listen to again.
I feel really bad saying this, but honestly this album just didn’t do it for me. I understand The Kinks have their spot in music history and are super influential, but I just didn’t get into it. Every song kinda sounded the same and well… yeah. Sorry The Kinks, hopefully I like the next one more.
One of the better brit pop albums that I think we've come across. This one didn't sound like one sound all the way through though, which was nice. It was broken up quite well and I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
this album, through and through, is just fucking cool. this is the hip hop you throw on when you want silky smooth lyrics over a beat that just carries them along. this album just oozes fun, confidence, and swagger. the only reason this doesn't get 5 stars in my book is I do feel the beats get a bit stale around the mid-point of the album. Check the Rime, Infamous Date Rape, and a few other songs sound like they use the same drum samples and there isn't much variation on that front. But this album is awesome. Easy 4 stars.
this album is kinda wild. Almost half of the songs off this album were massive radio hits / bangers. That being said... the other songs on the album fell very flat. I loved the songs I recognized, but didn't enjoy the other songs on the album. Definitely wouldn't do a full listen through of this album again, but am glad I listened to it.
Middle of the road album for me. Didn't think it was bad, considering all the brit-rock/pop we've had recently. but past the song Connection (which I thought I recognized from somewhere) nothing else really stuck out. Would have this in rotation again, but its not going to jump out at me.
I really dig this album. I struggled to decide whether this was a 3 or 4. It's silky smooth, and honestly would work well as background music at a party, music to set the intimate mood, or just a vibe for the day. I think what ultimately pushed it to a 3 while the album is so diverse, i think the back half doesn't have as much luster as the front half. definitely want to have this in the rotation going forward, but don't have the heart to give it 4 stars
I was really feeling this album. It was overall really solid and I’ve never really listened to Jeff Beck. I dig his style and sound for sure.
I struggled with this being a two star, but ultimately I chose a three because I actually like the sound of this album. It tends to get a bit repetitive towards the end I think, and the sad lyrics don’t tend to let up… but that’s The Cure for ya. Ultimately I could see myself listening to this again and definitely recognized Lovesong.
This album honestly had be waffling on whether it should be a four or five stars, but that’s because I think I was being too critical. I went back through all my previous rankings and this album just hits so hard compared to other four stars that it has to be a five. Five ICONIC songs on this album out of a total of nine tracks. Three of the remaining four and good to listen to. I have to be honest though I really don’t enjoy ‘The Girl is Mine’. Lyrically I think it’s not great and I think the concept of the song is weird, but that single song can’t unravel this album. 5 stars, amazing album that still holds up.
I came into this album knowing only one song by Dexy's Midnight Runners, and that was 'Come On Eileen'. I wasn't really sure what to expect for this album, but this was on it. That being said, it surprised me in a really good way. This, in my opinion, is a very early ska album. The horns are wild and fun throughout the album and create a unique sound for this time period. I especially liked 'Geno' and loved 'Seven Days Too Long'. I thought it was really cool as well to get a poetry reading in the album. would listen to this again, and would love to explore more of their discography
this album, in my opinion, is where we can look at Kanye's career and point at where his sound really started to change. I guess we could use the word "evolve" here as well, but it's definitely a jumping off point from his previous work. While 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy' (and 808 & Heartbreak) had moved away from his early chipmunk sound bites, Yeezus is a FAR jump away from the Kanye we had known at this point. Experimentation is good. I don't think any person that actively listens to an artist's discography will argue that. I like this album more than I did in 2013. I actually enjoy it a lot more. I used to really only 'Black Skinhead' and 'Blood on the Leaves'. I see myself listening to 'Hold my Liquor', 'On Sight' and 'Bound 2' more now. The sound on this album is definitely more abrasive. Without listening to Dissect, my guess is that Kanye was feeling on top of the world after his comeback with MBDTF. He literally feels like a God and that all of work is untouchable. I think where this album is the most difficult to swallow is the lyrics. After coming off a masterpiece that is MBDTF, for me the lyrics just fall flat. Some songs are better than others. 'Blood on the Leaves' with hints early in the album and a reference to an original Billie Holiday song are fantastic. However, I'm not really going to get past how stupid "Hurry up with my damn croissant" sounds. I think this album is always going to remain a place fans can point to when asked "when did Kanye really start to change". 3 stars. will have this more in the rotation and plan to listen to the Dissect season for it, but I don't consider this one of Kanye's best works
I feel like this album is not meant to be listened to in the course of a single day. I want this on vinyl and want to listen to it over a weekend or even a week while I am in the right mood for it. a huge disservice to get through 3 hours of music in a single day. That being said, it's Ella fricken Fitzgerald. She's OBVIOUSLY amazing, and she's one of the all time greats. It feels a disservice to rank this anything less than a three, even with talking about length of the album. This is meant to be a whole collection of Ella's primo work. 8 months of work and recording went into this, and it deserves to be viewed through a different lens. This may a bit of an odd album to rank, but it stands as greatness in my book. i just wish I had gotten to listen to it under different circumstances.
I can honestly say that I never really listened to Janice Joplin before this album. and WHOA, she rocks yo. Move Over straight up starts by kicking you in the teeth with a killer beat/baseline and the album keeps on rolling. Joplin covers a ton of ground, from slow melodies to folk and rock. Shame that we didn't get more material from her. Highly recommend listening to the Pearl (Legacy) edition and catching her live tracks. She sounds incredible live. Definitely will be listening again.
If you ever played guitar as a kid growing up, you would have heard about the blues and how they are the basis for rock n' roll. Muddy Waters tends to sit at the top of this inspiration list. The dude is a legend and his music is so highly influential. This album was really good. I think it's interesting to lead with one of his live albums, but overall I enjoyed it. It was an easy listen and I think it's interesting to hear these early roots of rock music. Also, is 'Tiger in your Tank' a euphonism for sex? Is his wiener the tiger? Makes a guy wonder.
Good funky album that still slaps today. Would have on rotation at a party, but if track #2 came on… would definitely have some explaining to do
this album is pretty meh. 'Music', the opening track, is the most fun track here. Everything else was pretty forgettable. To me, this album sounds pretty over-produced. its electronic - but it sounds almost like it tried to be risky and wasn't I don't think I would have this in rotation again.
I fucking love this album. It is just so damn good. Honestly, my least favorite song on the album is probably Mr. Brightside, and that's only because it's one of the most popular songs in the world at this point. Shout out to it being England's bar closing / final song of the night. This album oozes charisma and playfulness. It's so unique and just so awesome. This is already in my rotation and I can easily listen to it front to back. Easy 5 stars from me, and this would definitely be on a road trip mix.
I liked this. It seemed like a smaller venue so it was more intimate with the audience. I would go for this again, even if I didn’t know most of the tracks.
nothing special. going to be honest, i really do like the acoustic guitar on this album. but, i can't really do much more with it. just sounds like someone mumbling their way through. not the worst thing i have heard through here... but wouldnt have it on in rotation again
i mean, i dont think this album is deserving of a one. I kinda like some parts of it... but mostly it just isn't my cup of tea. But overall, tracks are too long and not a huge fan of the scratchy guitar solos. It's fine for a few seconds here and there (think Rage Against the Machine), but overall the album just kinda pushes me away. I do really like the track Hand over Fist, but the rest of the album I could probably give a miss as a listen through. Give me segments of it and well, we're good.
Elvis Costello has been someone that I have really wanted to enjoy ever since I played 'Pump It Up' on Rock Band in high school. However... it's just not in the cards for me it seems. Tokyo Storm Warning and Home is Where You Hand Your Head were pretty good, but everything else was just on in the background. I also found I Want You to be... creepy. Sorry Elvis C, but I can't do it.
This was a hard decision between a 1 and 2. Was it as unenjoyable as other 1 stars? probably not. Would I ever listen to it again... probably not. Just an background album with nothing really happening.
Iconic. Hard hitting beats and a continuation of the street culture lyrics that started in NWA. 'Bitches Ain't Shit' and 'Nothin' But a "G" Thang' are the major hits. Not sure if timeless is the correct word... some of the lyrics are certainly outdated. but, they still hit hard. The skits in this, again outdated, are funny through a certain lens and are show a snapshot of the culture. Cultural icon.
The more I listen to The Who - I realize that I do like that but I probably won't put them ahead of a 3 stars. Even this album with Baby O'Riley, Behind Blue Eyes, and Won't Get Fooled Again... the other songs I find are just alright. I like The Who's hits, but other than that I can really take them or leave them. I think a part of my enjoyment comes from learning a lot about them in high school back in my guitar playing days and focusing on Keith Moon's drumming.
I feel very sorry for myself that I didn't listen to any Prince growing up. This shit is funky, fresh, and the best vibe. without knowing much of Prince's discography - this sounds like a great jumping in point. as shown in the wiki detail as well, this is his album that helped him break through and set the stage for what Prince would become. This album is officially in rotation for me. Love it.
I really really enjoyed this. It’s super cool to listen to an album from one of the fathers of Afrobeats. This album is just cool. It’s fun, it’s a jam, it’s a vibe. Easily would throw this back into rotation.
beautiful. haunting. glorious. this album is incredible. front to back - everything about it is just amazing.
Ginger Baker is one of the greatest drummers of all time. This record is sick, and I am so glad that it came to us. I love the fusion of Ginger Baker's frantic drummer and Fela Kuti's vocals. Definitely would listen again.
this is probably the first time i have ever sat down and listened to a full Stones album. That being said, it isn't bad, but it also isn't great. I knew Sympathy For The Devil and Street Fighting Man before coming into this. The album is fun, but for me, it's nothing crazy.
I'll start by saying, I am not super into EMD or electronic music. I've never really been into it, and it's never really been a huge listen for me, even when I lived in Miami. But, that being said, I really, really, really enjoyed this album. I think that, and I'm not sure how I can eloquently put this, Daft Punk's tracks are just fun. It's not about big drops, it's not about the most insane warble you can put somewhere. This album was just such pure jam. I found myself dancing along to it and just had a blast. I even went ahead and listened to 'Human After All' and 'Discovery' after this album for the feels and jams. Give us more Daft Punk!
Not really my jam. No disrespect to these fabulous ladies of country music, but it felt to me like there wasn’t too much variety with the songs. It was an almost like every song just lulled into the next and well… then the album ended. Sorry Dolly, but this just wasn’t my cup of tea.
Didn’t hate, didn’t love. Honestly these tracks were kinda crazy to listen to on my workday commute. I’m surprised I didn’t dislike it as much as other albums but hey, maybe I’m just maturing
this album is all over the place, but not in a great way. I didn't mind most of the tracks... but there weren't a lot that I was bopping to. I think there was one track that I recognized from maybe a movie or something, but the rest just took me on a weird ass journey. It's gonna be a no from me, dawg
Honestly, this album didn't impress me as much as I thought it would. Maybe I went in with too much of an expectation that the album would sound a lot like La Grange (shout out Guitar Hero). But that wasn't the case. I wanted more hard rockin' and serious licks, which this album didn't really produce sadly. I waffled with this being a two, but I think a three works fine. It's not a bad album, but it didn't knock my socks off.
This album was quite unenjoyable. Really didn't like anything about it, and it sounded like Morrissey was just trying to make me sad the whole time. I'll give it a swift pass next time it comes on.
Not the biggest fan of this one. I did like Runaway, but everything else just kinda fell flat. Not a huge fan of the drolling on and on. Miss me with this one.
Tracy Chapman is silky smooth. This album reminded me a lot of the Norah Jones album. I recognized one song, but I let the rest just take me on a journey. The acoustic guitar in this is beautiful as well. Her voice just pairs with it so well. Easy four stars for me
I never have been super into Metallica. However, I did have a brief stint of listening to their bigger hits by the time I was in high school and super into playing guitar. AJFA is solid. Their ability to run with a single melody that weaves in and out of a single song is an absolute masterclass. I know that the genre 'Thrash Metal' might turn people off, but sitting down and just listening to the intricacies of their music shows that they are operating at such a high level. its not loud just to be loud, its not fast just to be fast. these are extremely talent technical musicians who are producing high quality music. Also, listening to 'One' just brought me back to my Guitar Hero 3 days... oh nostalgia you tantalizing drug.
When I listened to Tres Hombres, I admit I felt a bit let down. But this sound is the sound that I was looking for. Just a bunch of dudes who can absolutely rip it and are singing about ladies. That’s rock n roll, man. Stellar album. Super enjoyed it and a very easy listen.
This is music in the loosest sense.
This album, overall, didn't really do much for me. I think what really pulled it down was the vocals honestly. The guitar and pedal sounds were kinda cool, but it didn't feel cohesive with everything else going on. I had some high hopes for the shoegazing genre... but alas here we are. I'm aight with not having this in my cd player.
I don’t think this album is as bad as some we heard this week… but this also isn’t the typical Bee Gees sound that most would expect. I’m all for bands experimenting and changing as their career goes on, but I fail to see how this album, by such an influential disco/pop band makes a list of “must listens”. While ‘How Can You Mend a Broken Heart’ peaked at #1 in the US as a single, the album was a moderate hit peaking at #34. The single and the album as a whole failed to chart in Britain. Confused by this choice and how it makes the list as a whole. I even went to the Wikipedia article scouring for some info to help it make sense. I’m not a major Bee Gees fan my any means, but I have to imagine there is a more influential album of theirs more deserving of a listen.
Fairly middle of the road album in my opinion. I think for my last review (Green), I summed it up perfectly. I want to like R.E.M., but I just think they are kind of whiney and it doesn't do it for me. This album was fine, but I am not going to seek it out on my own.
This album is pure rock and roll. It is just a different animal altogether. In thinking about a star rating for this... I am torn. I think it's easy to give Zeppelin IV an easy five stars because of what it is. That being said, I don't think it's a five star for me. I don't have the emotional attachment to it like other five stars I have given in the past. This possibly fucks with my own rating system, but this album just can't push to five stars for me. I can't explain it.
this album is pretty dope all around. a few specific items i want to point to. - the beats on this album are sick. every track feels fresh and has you grooving along with it. - this album is so strong politically. Politics and hip hop go hand in hand. I appreciate the lyricism of say, Kendrick's 'To Pimp A Butterfly', but Ice Cube does it in such a raw way. I appreciate the use of skits especially on this album, showing additional context to the happenings in 1992 and what Cube was going through as he was releasing music. - lyrics. I think one thing that I suffer from (perhaps a product of my time) is that I can get bored with the rhyming schemes on earlier rap albums. not to say its bad by any means, but growing up in a different era of rap gives me a lot of appreciation for internal rhyming and different structures that come out more in the late 90's and 2000's. obviously we wouldn't have that without Cube and NWA paving the way, but its a personal gripe of mine. All in all, a well produced album that is strong and a great listen. Cube is an ultimate story teller, and this album shows exactly where he shines best.
As far as country albums go, this is very much my style. Feels tried and true with some actual lyrics that have substance past beer, hot girls, and trucks. Would definitely listen to again
I really dig the beats of De La Soul, but this album takes a few weird twists. Interesting listen and I would appreciate to hear more of then
this album has a very special place in my heart. in my senior year of college, I was able to take a 'History of Jazz' course and it was honestly one of my favorite classes I took in undergrad. I was in that class with some very good friends and one best friend of mine. We used to study for all the exams together and this album always brings that memory back. I know jazz isn't the easiest genre to get into, but this album is truly one of the greats. It's what defined Miles as a pioneer for the genre and brought jazz to a wider audience. It's a real masterpiece - and defines what would become smooth/cool jazz for years to come. All hail Miles Davis
I definitely have some bias here, but Nirvana is always going to be up there for me. I listened to a lot of them in high school when I was in a band myself. I've read several books on Kurt Cobain's life. I can trace my love of the Foo Fighters directly from getting to know Nirvana and their journey as a band. Nevermind is an absolute killer album. Smells Like Teen Spirit is clearly the most popular, but it's definitely not my favorite since its so overplayed. In Bloom, Lithium, Come as Your Are, Polly, Breed, and Something In The Way are the front runners for me. I think what I'll always love about this band was that it was just the epitome of counter culture. It was an absolute middle finger to the glam rock of the 80's, where hairspray was almost as important as the latest synth keyboard (I love 80's rock too, but this is context for how Nirvana came to be). Long live this album. It's stellar.
this album was... fine. nothing really major for me coming out of it. it almost reminded me of a comedy album, where you just want to say the raunchiest things to get a rise out of folks. probably wouldn't ever listen to it again. that being said it wasn't horrible, or un-enjoyable to listen to. solid 2 stars
this album is not bad, but it didn't really grab me either. i did like the overall sound, but that is kind of all i have to say about this one. middle of the road for me.
Guys I gotta be honest… Bob Dylan just doesn’t do it for me. I respect the game. I do. The lyrics are quite good and I dig the guitar, but something about his voice I just can’t get behind. I’m open to listen to more, but definitely wouldn’t throw Bob Dylan on in a car ride.
I’ve never sat down and actually listened to a whole Aretha Franklin album, but man I am blown away. Everyone knows Respect and probably some of her Christmas songs, but to sit down and just let her voice carry you is honestly something else. She is truly a generational voice. While the writing is relevant for the time, being that the lyrics are simple, it doesn’t take away how incredible Aretha sounds. My first initial reaction to finishing this album was “man, I really need this on vinyl”. Heck of a voice and what an album.
as far as our weird albums go... this one honestly isn't too bad. it is a lovely sound, and it is quite pleasant to have playing in the background. I happened to listen to this album as I was flying home from Cali and I felt like there was a soundtrack for a portion of my ride. that being said... it's a 2 stars. probably never going to play this album again. it wasn't awful, but giving it a middling 3 stars seems unfair because of other 3 stars that i have ranked.
its gonna be a no from me dawg. some of the songs were just okay... but overall this band was not my jam. i will definitely not be listening to it again.
just, nah. i'm fine with metal, but this wasn't really in my wheelhouse. didn't really enjoy it, but its not awful. definitely wouldn't put on again.
Not being the biggest country, but this old style of country folk album is legit. I like the influence of the different artists featured and it’s a really cool concept to bring the old and new artists together. I also liked the behind the scenes tracks of them just talking and practicing. A really cool view into the recording process.
having never sat down and listened to an album my Willie Nelson before, this was the perfect one to start out with. This was super enjoyable to listen to. I was expecting a much heavier country influence, and a lot more twang in the lyrics... but that wasn't the case at all. I would definitely listen to this one again.
This album is pretty darn awesome. I actually listened to the 'Complete' version, all 2+ hours, and it was very much worth it. This is a fantastic performance, and it's honestly a relic of time. The big sounds, the crowd's reaction, everything about this makes me just want to get up and dance. I pictured myself in a jazz club, just being swept away by all these fantastic musicians. It feels wrong to give this a three, even if a four feels a bit high... but I think the uniqueness of this performance and album pushes it over the edge. It's pretty awesome.
nothing special to me. this kind of reminded me of a bit of Nirvana, a smidge of Radiohead, and some pure 90's sound. I think my favorite track was Sworn and Broken, the slower acoustic song. I think that one really allowed their artistry to show, instead of warping it through a generic psychedelic sound. Wouldn't be mad if more Screaming Trees came up... but this album doesn't really make me want to search through their discography.
this album is amazing, through and through. it's filled with such a range of incredible songs. Kicking off with Movin' Out - an absolute kick to the face and such a stellar song. this album takes us on a journey, weaving us between stories of individuals wanting more, everyday scenes, reflections on love, and why dreaming is important. This album is truly special - in my most humble opinion and will definitely be in my vinyl collection.
While listening to this album, all I could think about was that ‘Oil Spill’ gif from bobs burgers again. I honestly was excited for this album but… it didn’t really pan out that way
I listened to this album on a car ride on Friday and then three times on an international flight over the weekend. Grant, on that flight I was pretty heavy into Stardew Valley on the switch, but this album did nothing for me. It was fine as background music, but honestly I could discern where tracks started or stopped. Pretty unforgettable, but not deserving of a one.
Yo this album rocks super hard. When I was taking guitar lessons as a young lad and in a band, I was constantly told about Muddy Waters and his emphasis on rock and roll. I knew this, but had never taken the time to sit down and listen to him. This album may not be the craziest thing ever composed. But it slaps. It’s good ole home town blues and with good licks and some really technical solos. I super enjoyed this. I was even close to ranking this a five, but I think where this suffers is lyrically. Not that the blues is known for its hard hitting lyrics, but man if this album had songs that didn’t repeat the same thing like 24x in a song, I think this would be a five. This shit rocks, easy four.
Cute little Christmas album, but it’s no Michael Bublé. Easy to throw on during the holiday season and impress the old folks that would recognize all these oldies, but it’s just aight.
honestly... didn't love it. this was a weird one.
this album was pretty fun to listen to. I really enjoyed it because i just dig funk in general. this to me is something easy to throw on in the background and just listen to while doing chores, getting ready for sexy time, or walking down the street. a bit repetitive, and the lyrics aren't anything crazy, but i could listen to this groove for hours.
so, i really wanted to like this album. i feel like normally i try to check any bias at the door, but i was truly excited for this one and waited until i could sit down, fully engage/listen and even have the lyrics up as i listened to the album. and for the life of me... i just didn't get it. i read a bit of the wikipedia page about this album and it still didn't stick. I'm going to give it a three on sound alone (Karma Police, Electioneering being the highlights), but I can't help but feel this just went over my head. I think my next step is to listen to the Dissect season that breaks down this album. If it's worth a season on Dissect, it probably means that I am missing a ton and have a lot to learn about it. Sorry Radiohead, but this gets a three until I learn more.
This album was… odd in my opinion. I kept waiting for each track to like get harder, or crunchier, or do something that would differentiate it from the track before it. I felt like every song, as a singular track, didn’t really change and all the songs kind of felt monotone. You couple together 11 tracks of monotonous sounds and you get a less than stellar album. Coupled with singer that I think is kind of hard to understand - and a weird lyrical choice with a song about a 17 year old girl, I feel pretty happy about giving this album a 2. Sex on Fire is probably the one exception for this album, but it’s not enough to save it
wtf is this. we just calling anything music now?
As far as brit pop goes, this honestly isn't that bad. It was fine for some background music, but I wish I had listened to the lyrics a bit more closely. That would probably bump this up a bit, but for now its gonna sit at a two.
pretty standard CSN album in my opinion. not much really to say about this one
gonna be honest... don't particularly like the talking heads. I find their sound to be a bit odd, like they themselves can't decide what direction to go in. I'll give this one a two, because it didn't really do much for me
this album was kinda wacky, and i think that is the best way to describe it. i did enjoy it by the end, but it was a bit rough getting into. Ave Genghis Khan won me over though and I could give it another listen.
high two, low three. this album just didn't do much for me.
i dont really understand why this is on the top 1001, but it wasn't bad by any means... pretty standard alt pop album of the 90's.
this album, for probably about 20 years or so, has been my favorite RHCP album. back in high school, i was in a band with some buddies and was doing some really deep dives into various bands and artists. For RHCP, I read Anthony Kiedis' book, 'Scar Tissue, listened to their whole discography at the time, and watched the Funky Monks documentary. this album is just special to me. obvious hits include Under the Bridge, Suck My Kiss, Breaking the Girl, and Give it Away, showing their maturation as a band and Kiedis' writing ability, as well as their ability to mesh with John Frusciante. Personal favorites include Apache Rose Peacock, Sir Psycho Sexy, and the ultimate track in my opinion, Funky Monks. These songs blend the funk/rock sound so well and just ooze charisma. this album will probably remain my favorite RHCP album of all time, and it gets an easy 5 stars from me.
this album sounds like the absolute epitome of a drug fever dream in the mid 80's. Half of the songs start out cool or have some promise, and then Kate Bush just rails like the fattest line of cocaine and takes a hard turn and goes in a completely different direction. it was hard to put my finger on where this album was actually going and what was going to happen. 5/5 stars if you wanted to experience drugs in the 80's without a time machine 2/5 stars for actual listening if you didn't experience the 80's drug scene
this album takes me back to riding the bus to school my freshman year when I was listening to a lot of old rock and roll. I specifically remember listening Alabama Song, rolling through the hills of CT on my way school. It brought me back immediately, and was a really nice start to my morning yesterday. That being said, I remember not really liking The Doors when I listened to them on that bus ride; I found them pretty boring actually. I didn't really understand the influence they had or give it enough of a chance I think, because this time I felt way differently. I really enjoyed having this album on and even let it ride into a second time. Easy listening and some pretty great hits that have stood the test of time.
at first glance, i was super excited for this. all girl punk bands have been my jam lately and I was super eager for this. however, it just kinda fell flat for me. i understand that it was supposed to be punky, but the guitars came across as grating and it just didn't really pull me in.
i dig big band jazz, what can I say. this album was super dope to have on in the background and I really enjoyed it.
this album flat out rocks. I think when you describe what the 80's hair band sound is, this album should be one of your first introductions. sweet guitar riffs, pounding drums, and guitar solos that absolutely scream. I was really close to giving this a five, but I think a high four is more realistic. all in all, this album slaps.
the front half of the album i enjoyed, the second half got a just a tad too dreary... while the music is hauntingly beautiful, i dont really see myself coming back to this.
this album was not bad to listen to. i'm not usually a bluegrass rock-y type, but I enjoyed having this on in the background. i'm also not going to knock the length of this album, as it was a remaster/collector's edition
i was quite excited for this one after reading the description, but ultimately it just didn't do much for me. we will fall, taking up a solid quarter of the album, was super odd to even have on the background. I wasn't blown away by one of the 'best guitar songs ever' in 1969, but perhaps that is due to a difference in eras of music that i prefer. I will say it was cool to learn more about Iggy Pop and his beginnings, but that was really it.
it turns out im not really a huge arcade fire fan. listened to this on friday, and all i can recall is the back half of the album was stronger in my opinion. regarding the small blurb that showed up with this album - "Publications like NME and IGN praised the album for its grandiose nature, while Rolling Stone and Uncut opined that it resulted in a distant and overblown sound." I tend to agree with the latter.
this is not my first time listening to this album. Dissect did a season on this (which I believe has been removed since), but I was gearing up for that by listening to this before. this album is smooth like buttah. between the rapping, the lyrics, and the melodies, this album wraps you up in a blanket and gives you a really amazing snapshot into Lauryn Hill's life and her experiences. I feel like if I had read the lyrics all the way through for this album, it could be bumped to a 5 but for now it will rest at a mighty 4.
this album slaps. honestly, i love the beats, the lyrics, and everything about it. to me, this is a quintessential underground hip hop album. its cool, its funky, its fresh, and it so freakin smooth. i honestly dont think I would dip into this one again as much as other five stars, hence the drop to a four but was definitely close to giving this a five.
i really did want to like this album, i even gave it a second listening yesterday. I also really like the lead singer from Arctic Monkeys and the idea of supergroups that happened in the mid 2000's (Them Crooked Vultures is a favorite and if you haven't checked them out, you absolutely should). All that being said... this album couldn't bring me in. It felt like it was too disjointed, like the styles of each song couldn't really figure itself out and ultimately this album just felt flat.
just wasn't my style - the further I got into it, i was really hoping something would jump out but alas... its gonna be a no from me, dawg
i enjoyed listening to this, but rating it today after listening to it on Saturday, I can't quite recall any standouts. Good album by the doors that I would listen to again if it came up in rotation, but probably not going to add it to my spotify library.
i will always dig these funk albums. give me some killer instrumentals and a beat to rock to, and its going to get at least a three from me. This one I don't think stood out to me as much as previous funk albums, but was certainly enjoyable to listen to and I had a good time with it.
I really really enjoyed this. In reading the description of the album before jumping in, the article was described as a "mature" Abba sound. And honestly, I agree with that sentiment. I'll admit I am not the largest Abba fan, but this definitely had a different sound than everything else I know/have heard. This album was still poppy, maybe not dance-floor-esque, but it still stuck to those core elements while heightening the lyrics, themes, and emotions. I really enjoyed this album, even throwing it on again as it finished.
I’m just not gonna get into his style I feel. 13 steps lead down is a saving grace but I probably wouldn’t go back to this album.
I think a part of me wanted to like this more than I actually did. halfway through I was thinking that this album was a strong four, but by the end I just found most of their songs to be repetitive and it dropped it to a three. I could listen to their hits, but a full album of simple/repeated lyrics was a bit tough.
middle of the road brit-pop-punk album for me. I find that this album is super cohesive, but it makes sense when you read that this is their first album.
I was not expecting this album to grab me like it did. I thought it was a real showcase of their lyricism, as Hyacinth House and L'America are particularly haunting. Riders on the Storm is also really great, and one of those songs that you can hear everywhere in television, but I had no idea where it came from. Definitely would have these songs in the rotation.
this one just didn't do much for me. I had it on in the background during work, and at the end I couldn't name a notable song that stuck out to me. not bad, but not memorable in my humble opinion
pretty cool that this is considered the first rock opera. this reminded me a lot of Sgt. Peppers, which actually came out the year before. a lot of kudos to the first rock opera ever, and can definitely see why that would make the list. that being said, I liked the back half of the album a lot more than the first. I think after 'Well of Destiny', I enjoyed how the album progressed. The first part really had me on the fence if I was going to like this album or not, especially Balloon Burning (that song was absolutely grating to me). shout out to the section of 'Old Man Going' to 'Mr. Evasion'. Probably wouldn't throw this one on again, but definitely cool to listen to the roots of a rock opera and understand where it started.
now this is some punk. short blasts of ideas that basically give a middle finger to things that are messed up. its pure. its raw. its full of some really awesome segments and then the occasional musical interlude that reminds you that these guys have some real chops. pretty stellar album. I think the double album here drops it to a four for me, but overall i really dig it.
ooooo this was tough. on the surface, I was like, this is an easy five stars. I love listening to Rumours. It's an album that I will throw on myself constantly and enjoy listening to. but analyzing it... I think that the last four tracks are weaker than how the album starts out. They aren't bad, but they don't have the same punch as 'Second Hand News', 'Don't Stop' or 'Go Your Own Way'. I was thinking about giving this album a four stars due to the final almost 1/3 of the album, but even this morning writing this review I can't in good conscious give this album anything less than a five. I went and listened to those four songs again, and actually super enjoyed this this morning in their own right. in short, I waffled on the score for no reason. this album is amazing. long live Rumours.
not bad, not great. not really my cup of tea, but I will say for an early 90's electronic album, its chillin. I know a lot of the stuff that came out around that time was super heavy, industrial sounding. this wasn't quite that, and it was a fine listen.
prior to listening to this album, I really only knew School's Out (the song) from Guitar Hero. It was cool to listen to this album. When reading the description, Alice Cooper was described as 'Shock Rock', and maybe that would have been true in 1972, with his crazy make up and probably weird presence, but it doesn't hold up in 2025. I thought the Gutter Cat track was an interesting take on West Side Story, but didn't really understand how it fits in with the rest of the album. Is it supposed to be about a kid that drops out of school and joins a life of crime? another listen may be necessary, but for now this will sit at a 3.
It's not great, in my opinion. I think with this album I discovered that I really just don't like his voice... which kinda makes an entire album really unpleasant to listen to. please no more morrissey
this album wasn't really my cup of tea. I respect the artistry and the voice, but I wouldn't really put this on again for another listen. I could see a time and place to whip out Joan Baez, but I'm not really the guy for it. I don't usually bring time up as a component of what makes a good album, but this one was a bit long and it ended up feeling like a slog to get through. no disrespect, but it just ain't my jam
this album straight up rocks. More Than a Feeling kicks it off, Peace of Mind starts rocking hard, and then Foreplay/Long Time, Rock and Roll Band and Smokin' are absolute face melters. I think the last three songs don't stack up as heavy as the front half of the album, but it doesn't feel fair to drop the score by comparing them. this album rocks, plain and simple
This album didn’t grab me like I thought it would. Perhaps this was an album that I would actually need to sit down with the lyrics and review or do some more research into, but I thought that it was fine to listen to for a plane ride. Hopefully I could revisit in the future and better understand
the first song had be like "okay, this actually might be a Smiths album that I enjoy and can vibe with" that definitely ended after the first song.
this was a weird one. I knew the first track, but could not for the life of me tell you where I have heard it before. Past that, I found this album pretty underwhelming. I think I would give it more points if it came out in the 90's and, to me, felt like it had more of an impact on the music scene. But the fact that it came out in 2009 and just kinda sounds like Lo-Fi study beats... it doesn't leave much for me. It's by no means bad so it doesn't get a 1 star - but I can't go much higher than a 2
in my opinion, this is a standard country album. kudos to Dusty for being a woman in the industry during that time, but this album didn't really blow me away. wouldn't seek it out again, but glad I was able to give it a listen.
so, a bit of background... i really really enjoy the Beastie Boys. I think their whole story is so interesting and fun, and they have some absolute killer tracks. From Licensed to Ill, which is just 3 boys messing around and talking about beer and girls, to making their way to a jazz/funk/rock-esque/hip hop record is quite the journey. I can definitely understand if this album isn't someones cup of tea. its a bit all over the place - and most folks have probably only heard Sabotage (which is killer). But, this album has some serious depth if you allow yourself to just enjoy the ride. After listening to this, I actually went back into a deep dive on the boys and re-listened to Paul's Boutique, which was their sophomore record and first delve into some heavier beats. its pretty cool to see the journey that they were on, even though most folks don't consider them to really be in the hip hop sphere. I really enjoyed this album, and really hope that we get more of them in the future.
in the wikipedia excerpt, it talks about this album being a form of 'dad-rock'. I didn't really get that sense, it struck me as a more indie-esque album than like old school rock n roll. overall, pleasant to listen to, but wouldn't seek it out again.
i mean... truth be told this wasn't the worst album that we've had on here. i mean sure - is jumping into a 2+ hour live album from a band that I know nothing about the best way to get introduced... probably not. but as I listened to this album, I thought about if I was at a show with some friends, perhaps partaking in the devils lettuce, that this could be more fun to listen to. as with this album/band, I figure its more about the experience and vibe rather than the recordings themselves. i think I would feel the same way about a Phish live recording - though ultimately I think their sound is more approachable. not the worst thing i've heard... but definitely a slog to get through on a random wednesday.
i actually enjoyed this one a bit more than I thought I would. when I first queued it up, I thought "oh boy we got a slog to get through today", but Krause's unique vocal style actually stuck with me. She sounded really beautiful, and it was enjoyable to listen to. I do try to listen to music in other languages sometimes. My usual go to's are Spanish and Japanese, German usually doesn't make the cut. I thought it was really cool to hear some German songs mixed in with these English versions. I probably wouldn't seek this album out again to listen to... but I am very glad that it came our way.