Paul's Boutique
Beastie BoysAbsolute classic. I love this album from start to finish.
Absolute classic. I love this album from start to finish.
Stone cold classic - love the cramps
Overkill is better but for a live album this is a face melter :)
Not my favourite Primal Scream album. But some good tracks
Absolute classic one of the reasons I got into rock music
Something different but enjoyable
Really good, enjoyed it - hadn’t heard this one either but Steely Dan are a great band
Class :)
Not rocking my world, first song reminded me why I didn’t and still don’t like them. Good at what they do but just not for me
Not really my cup of tea, interesting but didn’t grab me
Absolute classic :) eno for the win
Nope - first track and off - there are far better hip hop and rap artists out there
Actuallly enjoyed this - didn’t grip me by any means but enjoyable listen
Not for me - one or two tracks were okayish, but the rest was dull dull dull
Phenomenal album, one of my favourite REM have done. A true classic
Pretty decent - enjoyable
Phenomenal album
One of my favourite albums of all time - absolute classic
Good album :) solid
Really not for me
Exceptional album - ignoring the hype only one or two flat songs on here there rest is banging
Not a good album, very dull and pedestrian - there are far far better bands from the land of oz
Unusual and actually pretty enjoyable. Wouldn’t play it on rotation but interesting enough to warrant a full listen
Hated it when it came out, still hate it not my cup of tea at all
I like this album, is it a classic - can’t say but some really good banging tunes on it
Yes - one of the reasons I got into music and this album does not disappoint :) rattled through it twice :)
Classic Cure, not my favourite but a couple of excellent stand out tracks. Solid 3
Solid album - good tunes made it all the way through :)
Absolute genius :) Ian Mackaye is one of my idols and this was a perfect perfect record
Yeah not for me - 1 star
Good :) I enjoyed it few songs outstayed their welcome but overall a welcome listen :)
Phenomenal album, it’s truly one of the greats
It’s okay - not my cup of tea but I can see why people like it
It’s good - not the best from Mr Davis - a bit all over the place in parts but he was an exceptional player.
Total classic :) from start to finish - this is a classic album
Good album enjoyable listen :)
Utter nonsense - worked in a record shop when this came out and heard it on heavy rotation - still have PTSD listening to it
Was okay not my cup of tea, listened right through - background music
Not my cuppa tea but interesting and I did enjoy most songs on the album
Genius - no other word for it
I’m a Zappa fan but even this was a bit out there for me 😵💫😵💫
An absolute classic still remember queuing outside tower records at midnight to buy it. They’ve descended into farce now but this was Metallica at their prime
Seminal album, some really good, good music on this. Some parts can get a bit drawn out though. But still a very accomplished album
Not bad - great voice and some good tunes sadly like a lot of this music at the time it was released - a bit pedestrian and middle of the road
Yes - marmite band - I do like this album but there are still some filler songs on it
Now here’s an album :) absolute genius
Decent - enjoyable listen
Some good tracks, some not so good, total legend though :)
Enjoyed this immensely
Yes yes coherent Bob :) some cracking tunes on this one
Not my thing - I’m sure the kids love it but I never got the whole grime thing - it’s gets two stars because he’s producing music…
Not my thing but interesting at least :) enjoyed it
Liked this, a lot credence are a bit of a marmite band but I’ve always liked them
A stone cold classic :) really shook the music world up
Excellent album - love me some Neil
Didn’t enjoy this one - much better albums by these two out there
Not my cup of tea
Stone cold classic
Classic - amazing album
Astounding - no other word for it
Sublime - classic - what more needs to be said
One of the big man’s best!
Not the best Davis album but still interesting enough ;)
Fan of one of the original hip hop originators
Stone cold classic - love the cramps
Absolute classic
Enjoyed this - was never a massive fan but can remember the monkees on the TV. Decent album with some really good tunes
Was good not my cup of tea but musically I can appreciate it
Yes yes yes kinda inaccessible and takes a few listens to unlock the majesty of this album! An absolute corker
Banger of an album - one of my fave hip hop acts
I’m a fan - this when it came out blew my mind a bit there are some fillers on here but it’s a solid album
Most interesting beatle, this was a bit of a challenge but there’s no denying the man could write a tune
Always struggled - Jack Whites solo stuff always resonated with me more - not a terrible album though
Not terrible but didn’t set my world on fire
Good solid album, on a rope obviously the most recognisable tune - but the rest of the album does stand up
A good solid album was never a massive fan but still enjoyable
Everyone loves a bit of…..wait think about that statement - Mr Nelson offering up same sort of thing he always does
Yes yes yes - prime time Genesis before they went all weird and Mike Rutherford sold his soul!
Absolute class :) still stands the test of time and Paul Dianno is a class frontman!
Class just before they got stupid! Which was a great shame
Should be given to everyone as heavy metal 101 - in fact the first four albums are basically untouchable!
Solid album, some meh moments but altogether not bad at all
Classic - not as good as murder ballads but one of the big man’s finest :)
Good album but dreary in parts. Enjoyable all the same
Not my kinda thing
Yep! Still holds up. Classic that’s all there is to say
A band that I’m not that into - marmite I think and there’s a couple of songs I’d rather nail my nuts to my head than listen to again
It’s Maiden, it’s Bruce’s first album and it’s epic and amazing - nuff said
Always been a fan this is a good album. Very prog tastic :)
Cheesy as hell but a total bona fide classic and the man had the pipes to back it up! 5 all the way
Nahhhhhhh - no thanks
Challenging and a bit out there…. Probably needs a good few listens to ascend from what the hell is this to actually this is genius
Mehhhhhh - just really middle of the road dirgy - no thank you
Torn as I think there are some great tracks on here but they are a real marmite band and there’s a lot of shite too - I’ll go in the middle shame you couldn’t give 2 1/2
Yassssssssss and yasssssssssss and yasssssssssss that is all
Middle of the road fare
My early metal memories in one perfect banger of an album 666 stars or 5 cause that option ain’t avail
Boom there’s yer dinner - absolute classic
Brother Wayne - kick out the jams motherf**ker!!!!!!! Classic classic
Yep fan of this not an album I’d given a lot of time but it’s pretty awesome
Yep I like this - not a total classic classic but listenable and some classic tunes on there
Yes yes man was a genius! And this is a classic album
This is a classic it only gets 4 as it’s a live album and it’s sometimes a bit off the mark
Yep this was good - better than I thought it would be
Delightfully mental and wacky. Shine on you crazy diamond
Not my thing - but not terrible
A classic - genius songwriting and tremendous singer
Fantastic - enough said
Funktastic - never been the biggest fan though solid album
It’s okay I guess ? Not really my thing
Overplayed and just horrible earworms now not even sure I liked it in its heyday
Good band but all of their good songs could be pushed to one album - this is mostly dull as ditchwater
Yeah! Middle of the road. Medieval music for Richie Blackmore 😂😂😂
Goooooooood really goooood
Good album - not the best by S&G but an enjoyable listen
Good album :) very very cool
Far out man! Bit OTT for me but some really enjoyable moments and they can play!
Classic :) mon the Anderson :)
Not bad - gets a bit samey after a while but a few great tracks here
Stone cold classic
I’m sure if you like this sort of thing it’s great - not for me though
Yeah i liked this a lot :) converted
Decent - some really good tunes and some dull as can be. Middle of the road
Now here’s a test - I’m not a Beatles fan, but they are undeniably good on this record - a lot of dross but some absolute gems amongst them. Like a wise man said - a single album would have been better
Sick of some of the tracks having heard them too many times. But in the time and for what it is - good good album
A decent listen actually I was impressed
In my top 5 albums, I still get goosebumps when those opening bars kick in - and Jeremy still gets me right in the feels. As close to perfection as you can get
Apex twin, responsible for many head melting moments. All good and the videos still creep me out in a good way.
Mixed feelings - if I hadn’t heard some of the songs a million and one times I’d feel better about it :)
Was excited to listen to this - largely mehhhhhh though - will forever be chef from South Park lol
Bit of a dry dirgy album - wouldn’t re visit
A solid 4 some songs outstay the welcome a bit - but Baba O Reilly! Nuff said
Not bad - shades of McCartney - enjoyed it though
Yes. I love this album. Nuff said
Yep! Love this :) Scott Walker - genius
It was good - bit out of the ordinary heard it too many times though it’s starting to be one of those songs and albums that grates
Just heard it too many times, always preferred Billy Joel if I’m honest :) controversial
Would rather staple my balls to my head than listen to this pish, why isn’t 0 an option ?
Love this album, like Scott says it needs a sound system to do it justice. Killer album and remember watching the live show years ago on council telly :)
I like a bit of Bob, this is just very odd juxtaposition - accounts into electric - and bobs voice is not the best on this recording…..
Good album, earlier stuff was always a bit weird for me - this is where they came into their own
Love me some JAMC - this is a classic.
Music wise I want to give it more - just don’t want to perpetuate the horror
Absolute classic. I love this album from start to finish.
Some of the best metal riffs ever - a bona fire classic from big Dave and the boys
I like it :) not the best D Jr album but still good
Always had a hard time with the shamen - some good stuff on here but falls flat I feel
Yes yes yes yes yes
Enjoyable :) I liked this more than I thought I would
Good but not my cup o tea
Still a fantastic voice live. This still holds up Ironic is annoying but the rest is still good
It’s okay - just okay - early career was so much better
Just bland - some interesting Melody but that’s just about it
Nahhhhhh not my thing at all
Was okay - couple of banging tracks
Some classic songs on here and he was a legend :)
Bit twee and not my cup of tea
Belter and light years ahead of Oasis - think we all know who won the britpop battle really ;)
Decent - enjoyable but maybe get a bit samey after a couple of spins
Love a bit of a-ha really underrated group I think didn’t quite get the success they deserved
Musical equivalent of beige - moving on
Was never a massive elvis fan - some absolute classic tunes on here and it was the birth of rock and roll :)
Utter genius - Robert Fripp is god!!! This album is absolute genius
Was it as good as Lies ? Some might disagree :) but still a belter of an album
Not the best stones album but some excellent tunes on here
Genius :) just unhinged genius - love love love
It’s good, I’ve never been the worlds biggest soft cell fan, so it’s just middle of the road for me I’m afraid
Another genius album. Prince rules - nuff said
Awesome album - goes to 4 for the bass being turned way down!!!! Justice for Jason
Good :) amazing voice
Mehhhhhhh not my thing
Mehhhhhhh twee twee twee
Love John Lydon but this is tough to listen to
Liked it - my love of 90s and 2000 hip hop supports this album :)
Middle of the road for me was never a massive fan but still groovin
Not one of the purple ones best - mediocre
Always prefer Gish but this was a very good album 1979 being a stand out track :)
Big Cyndi :) gaun yersel’ decent listen :)
Not bad - think it came out in a period when I didn’t get it - not the worst thing so far
Hmmmm not the best - mediocre
Heard it too many times but the songs are class they do take you back
Genius - nuff said
Decent album
Stonker of an album
Yeah this was unexpectedly good
Love it - total crossover done right :) brilliant
Yes :) pleasant surprise - really enjoyed this and never heard before
Fan of his playing but this albums is a bit stop/start - a 3 because of the sterling guitar work
Yes yes yes :) genius
Can’t give -10 the musical equivalent of beige - sad sad stuff
Used to be a massive fan - this isn’t one of his best but still enjoyable
Enjoyed bits of it - but some of it left me feeling blehhhhh
Enjoyed it some good tracks :)
If it ain’t Fiona apple then I don’t give a good godamn! Love it
Was okay, some really good bits, and some Mehhhhhhhh bits was never the biggest fan
3 because I’m a van Morrison fan - this isn’t his best but interesting enough to prompt a second listen
Never got it - Lauren Hills solo stuff is far superior - and if I hear killing me softly - one more time!!!!!
It’s Iggy :) man could shit in some vinyl and I would still be genius :) early stuff but still awesome :)
Dull dull dull - like a gummy dog trying to slurp apple sauce! They were better on the drugs to be fair
Really enjoyed this :) it was refreshing and a bit out there
5 all the way - although some of the members might be a bit sketchy now - music still stands up
Never heard of them - bloody good stuff though :)
Pish - pish pish
Not for me - I get why it’s popular just felt flat
Yep enjoyed this one
Not my cup of tea
Never a fan - some of these songs have been played by people far better than Paedo Jerry !
Love me a bit of Cohen :)
Prog tastic :) loved it :)
Decent - loved the tunes :)
Genius :) love it love it love it
Overkill is better but for a live album this is a face melter :)
Bit different ;) liked it it was a bit left field but decent
Can’t give 0 but atrocious album and human
Love this album - definitely a good collection of songs :) Gloria being a stand out
5 all day every day - praise Jimi
Have to admit she was a really interesting person and yeah this album first time listening to it right through. Very cool
Have to admit I enjoyed it - wasn’t sure I would - dragged a bit towards the end but decent stuff
Makes me Sad when I listen to it, a musical genius and visionary even in the milk and cocaine period - timeless
Nope never was a fan - they’re just not my cup of tea I’ll give it 2 because I appreciate the musicianship
Dug it - it’s not bad at all - but many bands did it better
Can’t beat a bit of George :)
Not their best by a long shot - still enjoyable though! Song 2 is still a kick ass tune
Good at what he did I guess, the hype and the legend don’t weigh up though would be 2.5 but no half points
Before she went batshit crazy some absolute stonkers on this one
Good opening salvo - bit played out but still some classic tunes none the less
Genius - nuff said
Not the album I would have chosen - good but not their best
Can’t deny it - it’s a true stomper
Middle of the road - nothing that really grabbed me
Not my cup of tea
A decent wee collection of songs - but some right shockers in here
Enjoyed it - gets a bit meh towards the end but overall good stuff
Bit of a marmite record this - I liked bits of it but overall left me feeling a bit alienated
Good memories of working in our price back in the day - love this album as it was a constant rotation on the shop cd player
Genius :) love it
Oh dear :(
Loved at the drive in and love the mars volta :) brilliant stuff
One of my all time favourite albums - never get tired of it
Again decent but not my taste in Jazz - but decent playing and tunes
Love it - great album - brings back childhood memories.
The original and best accept no substitiutes - only gets 4 as it’s not Paul’s Boutique
Love me a bit of Coltrane. This was good not quite 4 or 5 though
Not terrible recognised a few songs but not my cuppa tea