Kind Of Blue
Miles DavisBeautifully played… but I hate jazz
Beautifully played… but I hate jazz
Dated in the worst possible way. Couldn’t wait for it to end.
Christ on a stick, this is dull… Looking through the other reviews, I’m really surprised at the amount of 4s and 5s. I guess some people are easily pleased
There’s no words. Unimaginably bad.
There’s just something very sickly about this group. They have some decent songs, none of this album, but mostly they have a similar feeling to the smell of grandmas sofa. Just old and lacking in any dynamism. Avoid.
Some old classic Springsteen on here. Not my favourite cup of tea but it works. Working class multi millionaire sings about how down to Earth he is. It’s just fine. Much nicer listen for the casual ear than Nebraska.
I remember when we asked my long hairs form teacher at school in early 90s what his favourite band was and he said The Jesus & Mary Chain and while we had heard the name, we knew nothing of the music itself and kinda dismissed it as some hippy crap. It is a sound that would be much more prevalent a little later into the 90s. Maybe ahead of their time!? At points it reminds me of something by The Vaccines…. Stand out tracks for me.. Down On me & April Skies
Difficult one to pin down. The songs are a bit weird. A little disturbing at times. But George is a great singer and Kissing A Fool is one of my favourite songs. I’ve liked that one since 87… or whatever year it was that it was a single. Despite the collection of hits though, it is hard to like the collective. It’s kinda forgettable.
Good album. A decent lofi experience with some rockin’ tunes. But the lack of bass gives me the wiggins sometimes.
All sounds a little generic for the time. There’s no great leaps forward here for 1967. It’s ok. A little slow in places. Waterloo Sunset being the obvious highlight. This should really be 2.5 stars. Not quite making a 3.
A few singles on here that I already knew. They remind me a lot of the 90s, when I was a youngster. Never been a huge fan of U2 but this album is alright. The singles stand out the most the other album tracks kinda passed me by…
An alright collection of blues/rock that did get a bit samey half way through. I would imagine that if you knew the songs well, they would be great to sing along to in the shower.
I really like Talking Heads. The overall feeling I get from all TH stuff is ‘batshit crazy’ but this album feels like a bit of a journey. From the upbeat openings to flipping it in the end and being pretty downbeat. Enjoyed this a lot.
Incredible opening song and great voice. Not hugely my cup of tea though. Another album that starts up here and ends up in a kinda bleak place. Still alright.
Decent rocking blues album. When you see how long some of the tracks are you do fear the worst… but it’s actually quite engaging. If a little samey in places
Good album.
Beautifully played… but I hate jazz
For something coming out of the 80s, this is such a breath of fresh air. This is a band that I was aware of but was not familiar with their music. You can hear the influence they must have had on future bands in every song. Loved every moment. Cannot wait to hear more of their stuff now…
Nice bunch of songs. Couldn’t really get into Paul Simons ‘vibe’ enough to say I loved it but it’s fun.
Kind of interesting, in a old sort of way. His voice was pretty annoying but I can see it having it’s place.
This should be my type of thing but it just felt kinda dated and generic. I don’t know, I feel that maybe if I’d listened to this on another day, when I was in the right mood, I would’ve enjoyed it more… BUT, I wasn’t.
There are times when all this is ok. It’s kinda typical of rap at the time and nothing really stands out that much. There are also times when it’s excruciatingly painful to get through and I chose to watch the time run down on the track… ‘Another 30 seconds still!?? Waaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!’
What an interesting album. I quite liked a lot of it… kind retro and cool. He does have a good voice that appeals to my ears. Although he sometimes strays a little close to Morrisset-like morose-ness. Which is something that nobody deserves. It’s alright.
Surprised to see this was from 1963… in my head, I picture this being released much later in the 60s. Not something I would ever deliberately listen to again.
I fell in love with this album in 2002. I’d just stopped smoking and come out of a long term relationship and this album gave me some comfort. Silky smooth and beautiful. Sometimes I wonder if it’s just lack of familiarity with other albums that turn me off them!? If I’d had 20 years to listen to something, would I like it more!? Who knows… this grabbed me from the start though
Fun. She has quite an expressive voice at times, a little screechy at other times. But the songs are enjoyable enough
Gloriously OTT but I really enjoyed it. It makes me sad a little when I come across an album that has been out there all of my life and I’ve only just discovered it. But I guess, at least I have found it now. I’m going to give this a 4… but I will listen again and in time I can see this being a 5…
There were tiny moment where I thought I heard something that resembled music as I understand it… it came close once or twice. But mostly this is just a wall of noises. An audio Jackson Pollock. Avoid.
There’s some really nice tracks on here. It’s kind of ok. I was listening to Embryonic Journey and trying to think where I’d heard it before. Then it came to me that it was used in the final episode of Friends. Trivia.
It was just ok. Nothing extraordinary here. Move along.
Had to listen in 4 parts because I was so bored. Failed to grip me I’m afraid.
This is a little gem. Maybe slightly dated but you can definitely hear the influence this band must have had on the bands that were to follow it later in the 90s. A decent effort
I read some reviews on here of this before I listened and saw a lot of negativity but having listened to it now, I feel it’s not as bad as some were making out. Yes, it’s a bit boring but done in a thoughtful way. I didn’t love it but neither did it make me want to remove my ears. It was alright.
Not my thing but obviously a very talented man. It made pretty good background music while I worked
I remember being this CD back in the 90s, expecting big things. Big popular songs aside, this is a disappointing album. Full of angst against the world. Chip on your shoulder stuff a lot of the time. I felt nothing. Next.
Not 100% sure if what to make of this. Didn’t like his voice especially. It was very much an experimental late 70s sound. I don’t think I’d listen to it again.
Whiney and nasal. Some high points but a lot of mediocre points too
A good solid offering. Deceptively simple tunes delivered with skill. Didn’t have a clue what was going on but it was all pretty catchy
Dated in the worst possible way. Couldn’t wait for it to end.
I feel like my ears have been assaulted.
I want to say this was alright but I really can’t. It was pretty dull. I guess they tried hard.
Loud and fun. Plus really short punchy songs! 12 songs in 28 minutes! If you don’t like song, it’s almost over by the time you’ve realised! Great stuff!
Superb album. Full of singalongable tunes. I will probably put this into some kind of regular rotation
It’s not an exciting album. It’s almost in a coma it’s so downbeat. But it works, somehow. I always appreciate something that is sonically interesting and this album certainly is alluring in that sense.
It’s ok. Nothing wrong with it, it just doesn’t butter my muffin. I think there are other albums from this genre that do this better
Some wonderful voices and harmonies here. A really great listen.
I remember discovering my dads Beatles vinyl back in about 1991 and this album was always a strange curiosity to me. It was really pretty different to everything else. A combination and great tunes (Gently Weeps, Blackbird) and oddities (Piggies, Honey Pie). I was put off by some and instantly loved others. Time has made appreciate it all collectively. A decent album but not anywhere near their best. I’d like to give it 3.5 but I’ll round it up to 4 because… well, because it’s The Beatles White Album.
I like Blur. Musically, they are better than Oasis but they do lack something. This album is kinda 30% belters, 70% filler. The fillers are presented very well and the effort is appreciated. Their best of album from about 2000 is wall to wall banger. Listen to that instead.
There’s nothing wrong with this collection of songs. They’re all perfectly fine and inoffensive. But I can’t say that my world has been rocked and I will probably never listen to any of it again…
Good lord, it’s all very 80s. I’m not sure Bonnie had many (any?) UK hits but she’s not someone i was hugely familiar with from the time… it’s ok
This album has been in my life since 1995 and I have such great memories with it. I love every track. It’s probably the only Foo Fighters album that I do love actually.
Really not good. Pretty generic and uninspiring.
Nice bunch of songs. Can’t beat a bit of 70s blues rock. Love the guitar tones.
I quite enjoyed this stripped back simplicity of this. At least on the surface. There were some fairly catchy little numbers. I would listen again, I think.
Simply perfect. Upbeat and fun as much as reflective and filled with sadness. This is an album that has one sing that reminds me of the week my dad passed away and another that was the first dance at my wedding. So it feels like a personal thing. But it’s a timeless classic from start to finish.
Ok but really odd. Feels like the evil twin of a different 60s band… like the evil version of The Monkees… See what I did there… Monks. Monkees.
This felt much more fun and open than the other The Doors album I listened to. The one with Light My Fire on. That was a bit bleak but this one was ok
It’s the Kermit The Frog guy! This is ok. A bit meh. I liked Farmer John, which I understand is a cover. Decent songs, some nice rock guitar sounds… worth a 3… probably
As others have suggested, the French versions might be more palatable. Really not my thing but it’s very well produced. Essentially a double album, it runs for far too long. Can’t give it more than a 2…
I really enjoyed the vibe on this one. Before starting any of this I felt the 70s were just a musical void. All punk and ABBA but I have been proved wrong. The 70s are one of my favourite decades for music now
The harmonies on this are really nice and tight but after half a dozen tracks it becomes somehow grating. Decent enough songs but it annoyed me a little. 2 seems too stingy, 3 too generous. It’s a 2.5.
From the era of blissfully short songs, this is really catchy stuff.
This feels a lot more accessible than the one with the banana. It was ok, chilled out and decent. Still probably would listen again though…
There’s just something very sickly about this group. They have some decent songs, none of this album, but mostly they have a similar feeling to the smell of grandmas sofa. Just old and lacking in any dynamism. Avoid.
I have become more and more convinced that I may be judging some albums more harshly based on my mood at the time of listening. I absolutely loved Pink Moon and was excited about listening to this but it’s mostly left me cold so far (about half way through). I’m hoping I can find the beauty…. Edit: It was ok. Worth a 3, I think
This was ok
Weird but not uncatchy in places
For a long time I hadn’t heard any Joy Division but I suspected they might be a bit depressing. And they totally are. But maybe that’s the point. I couldn’t get excited about any of this though. It almost becomes ok in a couple of tracks but then returns to subdued bleakness.
It’s not bad considering how crazy it is
This was pretty good. I’m sure they must’ve done better stuff though…?
Pretty dated. But still had some quality bits. Body Count was a good track. It was an album full of busy but in the best kind of way.
Great voice and fun tracks. Not my favourite but good.
Dull and seemed to go on forever.
I knew little about Grateful Dead. In my head they were an 80s gothic shoot off from heavy metal. So I was pleasantly surprised by this. Lovely writing and harmonies. Quite enjoyed it.
Ok, allowing for the talent it must have taken to create these tracks, I really really didn’t like it. Fancied cutting off my ears by track 3 but somehow persevered and got to the end. There is contained within both some of the most forgettable music I’ve ever heard along with a couple of tracks that I wish I could forget. Not for me.
Kinda surreal. Didn’t hate it.
At first, I was reminded of being in my early 20s and the carefree existence I enjoyed back then. Then I started to remember how pretentious this band were.
Good bits here and there. But far too long for it’s own good.
I have some appreciation for punk as a social movement, I think would rather listen to this than punk. Just a personal preference thing. Good album.
Just sat back and enjoyed this with a cold beer. It was pretty good.
A beautifully put together collection of songs. This just got better and better as the album went on. I have been a fan of their other stuff that I’ve heard. Such a unique style.
Not very good. Light years behind his next album. It felt lazy to me.
A sunny and bright dance in the 1960s. I can see why it was popular back then. Entertaining but not the best thing I’ve heard.
Depressing, but essential listening. I feel like it’s one of those albums that if you were around then, it means something to you. Even if it’s just a funny clip from The Royale Family.
It is dirty isn’t it? But great, powerful dirtiness. I liked that, it was good. Shame I didn’t discover that at the time, would have really appealed to teenaged me.
Super-nostalgic. The songs released as singles are fantastic, even it’s more due to familiarity. There are some tracks that fall a bit flat. Harket’s voice is pretty big throughout though.
Long tracks. Was it a pretentious part of the era that people would make songs that are far too long for their own good!? Nice enough tunes though. I remember hearing snippets of ‘Lullaby’ on MTV, perhaps building up to an EMA show and just being blown away by the soundscape of the track and the visuals of the video. For that alone, I have to give this a 4…
It’s all a bit samey isn’t it? It’s very well done but it doesn’t excite me that much… there are better covers of Wild Horses out there than this original.
This is some stuff that I really got into the early 90s. So I’m going to be biased.
Theoretically this should be something that’s right up my alley… but there’s just little bits that annoy me… I like the rock but I’m put off by the hippy. Stairway is a dull song.
The more I listened to this the worse and more repetitive it becomes. No idea what he’s jibbering on about.
This is garbage. How any can listen to this I do not know. Yes, I listened to the whole thing and apart from feeling like I need a shower I feel ok. But who knows how much look term damage this has done to my brain!?
Silly and dated.
Not really for me
Dark and moody. Love it.
I was really not in the mood for this when it started. I felt a 1 star coming on. But it grew on me and earned itself a 3. Well done chaps.
Full of bangers. Well, 80% bangers, which is better than most.
Has a good tempo and a solid vibe. Actually sounds more dated than 1987 somehow. Not a criticism.
I like it. It’s pretty smooth. Only the title track is really worth returning to though. It’s a fairly easy 2 for me…
Yeah, I liked it but at the same time I failed to be blown away. It was just kinda ok.
It was ok. A little samey, a little dull in parts.
This is ok. Not my cup of tea but I like music that is sonically interesting and Missy has always been that.
Surprisingly enjoyed this. It capture the imagination of my ears.
It gets good and slips into not so good. Never bad, as such. Just very unspecial. I like the sound musically. But there’s just something about it that isn’t right. I want to give it a 2.5, right down the middle
Creepy as hell and overly long. But at the same time strangely engrossing. I’m not a fan of long songs which means it’s odd for me to say that Washer, as the longest song, had an effect on me. Actually pretty good…
Fun but all over the place
Sounds kinda lo-fi but I like it. A trying album. Lots of cool influences going on too
It’s good for a few tracks at first, then there’s a lull, then it picks up a little at the end. Manages to squeeze in fun and depression. 2.5
I remember when I first exposed to Jah Wobble. It was on tv, a clip from Glastonbury in the early 90s. Probably about the time of this album. It struck me as weird hippy shit. Maybe, I figured, if you were in a field on mushrooms, it might sound alright…
Don’t know what to say about this one. It’s ok. Instantly forgettable though.
Jazz is a fucking mess isn’t it!? I don’t have a clue how to go about this. I’m sure it’s all very good to those who ‘get it’ but I’m not about about to gush about something just because I feel like I ought to… at times this borders on unlistenable. I don’t understand it and I don’t like it.
It’s really over the top but I can’t help but like it…
Very odd but likeable. A much needed palette cleanser after John Coltrane.
Very 80s
Wow, this even makes their later albums seem like music for a kiddies birthday party. Never have I felt so depressed.
Usually a 21 track album would have been running for the hills but this was such a fast and fun hit that I enjoyed every minute. Can’t decide between 4 and 5 stars… I have a feeling this will grow on me more, so I’ll 5 it…
Toe tapping fun. Made me want to learn how to dance a little bit. But not enough to make me get off my arse.
I did listen to this some 20 years ago and I wasn’t impressed. Today I am about 2% more impressed. This deserves a solid 2.
I’ve only just finished the first track but I feel confident enough in my opinion to leave a review. This is garbage. Absolutely trash. The ‘band’ must’ve been laughing at what people would listen to and what idiocy they could get away with and people would still lap it up. Can I leave zero stars? This doesn’t deserve any more than that
Solid offering but rarely strays from just being ‘alright’
They have a very distinctive sounds don’t they!? This is ok. Simply ok. I think they did better songs later on but they’re all kinda similar
Torn. On the one hand these songs are harmless. On the other, it’s really quite dull in places. I can’t give this more than a 2
There’s so much good rock music from the 70s. I knew it existed but never really listened to it. But it’s great.
Really very odd but strangely entertaining. At least dates to be different
I don’t know what to say. I wasn’t following the story lyrically, so it all seemed quite generic country. It was fine.
Not my thing again but this album starts off strong. So interesting the listen to, sonically interesting. You can tell the fella has talent. But half way through it starts to feel a little samey.
Kinda beautiful
Getting through this was one of the worst listening experiences I have had. Too long, too dull. How this was ever a hit album, I have no idea
Can’t stand Kanye. He’s a prick but the music is ok. I do wish it was shorter though
This is easy listening at its peak isn’t it
Love this. Great song writing and great energy.
Wow, that’s dull
He’s just a bit odd, isn’t he? David Bowie. I have my favourite songs of his but none are on this album. It’s just kind of ok. 2.5 stars, I reckon.
Kinda cool. I liked the vibe.
Very unusual. Genuinely don’t know what to make of this. Catchy in some places, weird in others.
This guys voice gives me the creeps
Thoroughly enjoyed this burst of proper music after the other nightmarish stuff I’ve had to listen to lately.
The Devine Comedy and then this!? This app wants me to suffer this week doesn’t it!? This was… a taste that someone might have. At least it didn’t have that creepy singer on it that TDC had.
Classic old school Chilis. Never a huge fan but there are some good tunes on here that remind me of my youth.
This surprised me. The last Frank album I listened to was horrifically dull but this had my foot tapping throughout. Good stuff
I had no idea Supertramp we’re so middle of the road. For some reason I thought they were ‘edgier’. It’s all ok. Not stunning but ok.
Can’t bring myself to like The Doors. It should be something that I like but there’s just something off about it…
This was the first CD I ever bough, back in the early 90s. Most of this is great, just a couple of tracks that I would usually skip.
Just odd. Pretty much every track sounded the same. Pretty dated. Apart from that Battlestar one, which really was an oddity. Not my thing really.
It’s a challenge for Western ears to get around some of the time signatures here. But it was an interesting listen. Enjoyed the little intro bits before each track
Very creative
Genuinely loved the vibe going on here. This felt like a giant of an album.
Barely listenable. Had some ok ideas but was generally pretty grating.
Really quite good. I’m undecided between 4 and 5 for this. I suspect I’ll come down on a 4…
Quirky and odd but still very catchy. A great example of British music in the 1960s
Not as good as the twisted fantasy one. That one had a vibe, this one seems a bit more rambling…
Oddly effective for this type of thing
Christ on a stick, this is dull… Looking through the other reviews, I’m really surprised at the amount of 4s and 5s. I guess some people are easily pleased
A classic
Sometimes uplifting and sometimes pensive. A decent effort. Really strong opener and closer and then a bunch of ok stuff in the middle
Really not my kind of thing but I can’t help get caught up in Kates vocalisation. She’s an intriguing artist, I’ll give her that
Pretty awful
Putting aside that it’s a classic in the rap/hip hop genre, it’s very very dated. Not something I would play again. But points for effort and that…
Wow, that’s super American. Middle of the road country. But it’s all perfectly fine. Worth a 3 of anyone’s money.
After the first track i wasn’t sure I would like this. But it captured my imagination and heart as it went on. Very nice piece of work
It’s rare that you find an album where the tone and delivery of every track is as annoying as this one… I thought I was going crazy, I felt like my ears were engaging in civil war with my brain… wtf is this disjointed cacophony!?
Nice collection of songs with some good humour. It would have been amazing to have seen it live. Although not as a prisoner, I suppose
I knew within 20 seconds of this starting that I was going to hate it. And so it came to pass.
A beautiful collection of songs. Really enjoyed it.
Oh this isn’t good
I enjoyed this but didn’t love it.
Standard Springsteen stuff
Some nice short little songs on here. I like the 60s sound but I really an album that doesn’t outstay it’s welcome
A double album of OTT pretentiousness. And I thought Dark Side.. was eye rollingly self indulgent
From a classic era. Not overly familiar with it myself but I enjoyed it.
A repetitive mind spinner. And I get it, as dance music, that’s kind of it’s job. Especially if you’re on drugs at the time. Might be a better listen if I had been on an E, to be honest
Surprisingly quite good. Full of poppy attitude and really representing the late 90s perfectly. Loads of hits.
Absolute classic. This might be my favourite Beatles album.
Not something I loved but it was a breath of fresh air after Daft Punk.
Far from great, but has a few decent tracks. All My Loving is amazing. But there’s a few good toe tappers.
Surprised me how good this was musically. Everyone knows about Jimi and his guitar but this whole band is pretty good
That was quite a ride. Some really nice tunes with uplifting changes. Really liked some of it. Some other bits felt a bit generic. I’m going I be generous and give it a 4. It feels like Christmas. It’s no. It’s August.
It was ok
Odd one. Has some really great tunes but also some of the most annoying ones. I’ve never liked Comfortably Numb as a song anyway but this cover is absolutely atrocious. And Filthy/Gorgeous is annoying as hell. I’m going to give it 3 because of those few genuinely decent tracks.
Why do the most boring artists get the longest albums!?
A couple of hit singles at the start, which do take me back to when I was a younger fella. But on the whole this is dated, saccharine sweet pop music.
A little samey and predictable but good solid blues rock anyway
Really don’t like disco. But I am a fan of a funky baseline. Has its ups and downs, I think 2 stars is fair…
Ooh, this really does straddle a fine line between annoying and genius. I think I’m leaning more towards genius. It’s caught me on a good day.
Surprised me. Creative and different.
Was that just one long track!? Made me feel anxious.
Very samey.. but I guess that’s the blues. A decent solid offering
Ok but fairly uninspiring blues
I found this a little dull and generic. Sorry Marvin.
Not her best. Missing some of the rawness that was …Bolt Cutters
I can’t imagine finding this in 1988. I would’ve loved it a few years later but in 1988 I was still listening to pop and chart music. It feels out of time in 1988. Pretty good though
Not sure what I was meant to think of that. Some lovely guitar work though
Such great memories associated with this one personally. It’s a landmark album really.
Wow, not good
Pretty catchy but too violent in a lot of ways
Good but nothing too standout
Honestly, I just finished listening and I’ve forgotten it already…. What was it about again?
Some great guitar work. Never really got in with Claptons voice though for some reason. Plus, I really don’t think anything should follow that Layla outro…
They seemed to try really hard to be as annoying as possible. A difficult listen.
Really good. There’s something about Gene that I really like. Really enjoy his vibe.
Honestly, not convinced
Ok but generic
As great as a singer as George was, not even that voice can save this album from dull and uninspiring songs
Completely generic modern pop. Mercifully, all the tracks were a ‘short’ 3-4 minutes. Helped it go by quicker.
Didn’t like this band when I was younger. It was all a bit weird. But I thought I might have more appreciation as an older man. I was wrong. It’s still just as weird as ever. A bit of a dirge to be honest.
Wasn’t sure at first but I really felt this took me on some kind of journey… Feel somewhat reflective and a little sad now. Great music though for the most part
Not really my thing but it had some good bits. I like Blur but sometimes this can leave me a little cold
Nice listen. I remember hearing Q-Tip back in the late 80s along with De La Soul and loving the vibe. He’s not changed that much but still sounds up to date somehow…? Good.
Really truly awful
A tiny bit angrier than I usually like my rap but it’s still pretty good. Some good rhymes, some good beats.
I know the riff to Whole Lotta Love, obviously, but I can’t say I’ve ever heard the whole song. I was fearing the worst when it came to that self indulgent midsection of the song but the rest of the album was pretty good…
So dated it’s bordering on unlistenable… this is the sort of thing that should never see the light of day outside of musical museums. I get it, it’s historically an important album but I would be surprised if this didn’t already sound pretty dated by 1992… maybe even before
This was my kind of thing back in the early 90s and I had some friends who were really into it… but I never really got to grips with AiC. Don’t know what it was, it just never really clicked with me. This album offers some tasty riffs here and there but little else to me in 2023… plus I’m not a fan of his voice…
There’s quite a lot of mediocre rap on this list isn’t there…
I always loved the stuff Talking Heads released as single but their deep cuts are pretty quirky. Good fun but I’m not sure I would like to live there
Got to admit, I expected more. Like Taylor Swift, I expected something a little more standout but it all felt slightly generic. I guess it’s not really aimed at people pushing 50…
A little twee… but nice collection of songs. He’s a decent songwriter
There was a time when I would have considered this to be heavy metal and not my kind of thing, I was into chart pop. Of course, I hadn’t at that time heard what Metallica or Slayer were putting out. This… just isn’t very good is it? Be honest… take away your nostalgia and rose tints,people, this is indescribably poor…
Well, that was all a bit angsty… ok
Some good bits but it’s all a bit odd
There’s some good stuff here. Love this era of hiphop. This is just lacking some of the immediate charms of a ‘3 Feet High & Rising’. It’s good though.
It made a nice change at first… but became pretty tiresome after a while
Ok but not as listenable as II
Very retro. Ok selection of songs but don’t have any great nostalgia for them
Well, isn’t this just wall to wall great pop songs… After listening it was my obvious to me why he got the name King of Pop. It sort of feels wrong to give this anything less than a 5… but I will
It’s going to upset some people but I really don’t get it… it’s just ok, nothing special
I remember in the mid 90s, as a student, you were expected to like dirge like this but it just never appealed to me
A breath of fresh air after Portishead. 3.5 I reckon.
Jazz… ugh
How are there 3 Kraftwerk albums on this list!? Dreadful… it is sonically interesting though, in a hypnotic way
Almost perfect. Great 80s metal
Feels sonically muddy. Like it’s trying to be deeper than it actually is.
Wow… bleak
Another bleak one. What is it with these miserable albums?
A very odd mix. From anyone else, this would be a mess but Prince just had something didn’t he!? I’m going to confidently give this 3 stars
Really enjoyed this one. Could really feel the emotion throughout.
Really good but something is stopping me giving it a 4… don’t know what. 3.5 I reckon…
At times a little rambling and freeform… sometimes this can make everything seem a little too loose but mostly it sounds like a work of some genius. Great stuff.
Good selection of songs. A couple of hits. Nice but not overwhelmingly so…
Weirdly, I quite liked that. I’m usually against long songs but this small collection spoke to me
Wow… that was a lot
I found this quite sad
Started well and ended well. Dropped a little in the middle. But good stuff nonetheless.
Really hard to know what to think of that. It was ok. Worth a 3 until that last track, which was really really tedious. So down to 2 it goes.
Great Xmas tunes
Full of great tunes. Really like Ash
Good. A bit of a drain here and there.
Not really for me…
Very whiney voice. Avoid.
I thought the guy on the cover looked like someone who might have came second in Pop Idol but the music here is great. Only complaint is that maybe this collection is little too long
These songs, whilst they’re fine, are all at least a minute too long. Everything feels a little overblown and self indulgent to me
Great album
Equal amounts dated and enjoyable. A good vibe going on here and there
Very samey but it sounds like fun was had
Generic and predictable
Really excellent piece of work from the 90s. Iconic, ironically.
Weird collection but it’s ok
Great album. I bought this back in the day and listened to it non-stop. Gets a bit weird and skippable in the 2nd half but I’m not going to let that stop me from giving this one a high five
What a mess
From the opening this grabbed me and had me enthralled throughout. A great gem of an album. Made the year I was born. It’s always weird to think a great album has been around for the entirety of my existence and I’d never heard it before. Until now.
Saccharin. We get it, Mariah, you’ve got a great voice with an amazing range but could you just wind it in a little?
I did quite enjoy this… the vocal sounded like it was quite low in the mix sometimes. But it was alright
There’s something very 80s about all this. Springsteenesque in parts. It’s ok, nothing I would choose to listen to in my own time but it’s alright background music while I’m working
Kind of catchy here and there
Not quite as good as I expected it to be
I remember back in 2000, Limp Bizkit was only enjoyed by morons. I see some things never change. Absolute trash.
This was ok
Wow… that was a ride…
It’s ok. Not my style but ok
Quite split on this one. On the one side I really like the creativity and uniqueness of the sound but on the other it’s really depressing in parts… I’m thinking 3
The super well known songs on this album have the double effect of raising the score as well as making the album seem better than it is. Take a step back and look at its whole and it’s not that great
Good. I enjoyed.
This has great 1966 energy. You can’t help but like it.
Wow, this was a special type of boring
I don’t know… maybe I just don’t get it
Very enjoyable. Much better than I was expecting.
Well, this one just crept up and seduced me didn’t it!?
Songs a bit long but ok
Some good songs and some not so good songs
Really enjoyed that. Took me by surprise a little…
Seems kinda timeless. Very familiar with this one and it’s almost as perfect as it can get… I cannot give it less than 5
Dripping with late 60s flavour. I wasn’t expecting to like this, the Bee Gees are mostly famous for their work in the 70s, much more upbeat and poppy. But this surprised me. Actually pretty good song writers and boy can they hear a melody…
I listened to this album for the first time in July 2022, before I had discovered this app. I had been making my way through the albums in my own way and this was one that stopped me in my tracks. Every track is a belter. Solid through and through. It makes me sad that I lived for 46 years without this in my life. At least I have it there now.
This is bad. Absolutely nothing redeeming about this whatsoever. Every track is far too long and tedious. You know when a beat or a vocal line is repeated so often it becomes grating? And you start to questions your life choices and your sanity? This is where this album lives
Really interesting. Some nice things going on in here.
Wouldn’t sound out of place in that weird hippy period of the mid/late 60s, only with better production. I wouldn’t listen to it again but it was…ok
3 based on I’ll be your mirror and Sunday morning. The rest is pretty average.
Just not very good
Nice voice. Good listen.
Um…. Ok
I hate this sort of music, been dreading having to listen to this. Having just finished it I mostly feel relieved it’s over. Wasn’t good 24 years ago and time has not been kind. Honestly, if there wasn’t silence between each track, this could’ve been one long track of despair. The only track that was remotely tolerable was the 2nd from last one because at least we didn’t have to put up with the nauseating vocal affectations
I notice this one is no longer on the list, as per the 2021 edition… makes sense as this is really not very good
Just ok… wish I could say more
Took me half the album to get my head around what I was listening to but I liked it by the end
Beautiful words in places but very depressing
Solid old stuff. Makes you wonder what the world of music was really like in 1960!? Must’ve been pretty bland overall
I didn’t hate every minute. But neither to I particularly enjoy any of it. Forgettable.
This is ok. Not my usual but it had a vibe
That’s pretty in your face, sonically. It was interesting
Can’t handle ABBA. They make me angry. But others like it, so I might give it a 2… no I can’t bring myself to do it. 1 it is then.
Listening to some of the albums from the 70s has really changed my mind of the decade generally. But this one has set it back considerably. I hate glam rock. There’s very little redeeming here.
Started off not knowing wtf I was listening to but it got better… not amazing, just better
Enjoyed that
Pretty good. Some nice tunes
As someone else had said, I thought these were an emo band and was dreading listening to it. After listening I wish they had been an emo band. It felt a bit like listening to music through a wall of feedback. There MIGHT be a tune there, I can’t tell because of all the noise.
Nice songs. I quite like this guys songs.
A really odd listen. I’m just not into its weirdness.
She has an incredible voice but these songs all feel a little samey. I am quite uninspired by these.
I don’t know what to say. Not terrible songs but just a bit depressing
I’m sorry, he sounds like Kermit still…
Weird. But strangely satisfying.
A lot of this hurt my ears
The blurb in the book for this entry was written by a journo called Bruno Macdonald. Now suspect that the guys in this band are Bruno’s mates and he just wanted to get them in there for a laugh. I can hear no justifiable reason for this album to be on this list. It’s not that it’s bad, it just doesn’t stand out in any way.
Good. Weird.
Perfectly fine music but hardly ground breaking
Just ok. I don’t think I was in the right mood for this. On another day I might’ve given it a higher score.
Don’t know why I put off listening to this for 20 years, it’s actually pretty good
Decent but a little generic
So whiney
I don’t know what to say…
I feel like I should hate this but it’s ever so well written and put together. Can’t help but enjoy, on some weird level
Wow, that is a long one. That’s what she said!! I got through it all though. It was tiring but not because of the music and her voice. It was all good.
Ok. Quirky and solid. Sonically interesting at times, which is something I like.
Perfectly fine and nice but didn’t rock my world. Seems mean to give it 2 and too generous to give it 3. I think I’ll stick with 2. It was fairly forgettable
It’s all just kind of odd and discordant. Maybe that’s the point? Either way, not my vibe
Dated and doesn’t have the charm of something like De La Soul. Doesn’t speak to me personally.
Not that great
Odd. I have a weird relationship with Bowie. Love some songs but must are too strange for me. This has some good stuff, some pretty average stuff
Can easily see this as being a future favourite… surprised me
An interesting listen. A difficult one. I liked it but I don’t feel like I could ever listen to it again…
Not at all repetitive and monotonous. Struggling to think of bigger waste of an hour in recent memory…
Had one or two interesting moments but was ultimately all surface and little core
Was hoping I might like this and on the one hand, sometimes the vibe was quite fresh and catchy, all too often it strayed into annoying.
Insanely listenable
Really not for me
No thank you. Too much blandery.
Breath of fresh air… but then after Elvis Costello, anything would seem good ;-) A decent album.
There’s no words. Unimaginably bad.
Decent collection of songs but missing out on a top score
Just not my thing
Laid back. Almost too laid back.
Two absolute pieces of crap in a row. Who decided this album should be on the list!? Absolute waste of time. Time that I will never get back
I just can’t get into The Stones. I’ve tried and it’s all just very forgettable
Really odd. But dares to be different. Ok in places and genius in others. I’ll be generous with the score
Didn’t excite at all really… probably doesn’t deserve a 1 but doesn’t quite reach the heights of 2… oh go on then, I’ll be nice
I don’t know… there’s some nostalgia for when I was 14 here but the music is… just not very good
Don’t like glam but that had some driving sounds. It was alright
Occasionally comes slide to being ‘ok’ but fails to really stretch itself out of mediocre. A solid sound for 1990 though.
Was kinda fun but definitely far too long
What is it with all the trash im getting at the moment!??
This one was pretty good, I think
One of the people who put this list together has a brother and this is his band… that is the only explanation for such forgettable shite being on the list