Soft MachineI'm so tired
I'm so tired
You can never be quite sure if it's overly serious, just regularly serious or actually making fun of everyone and everything. However, you can dance. It's about death, but it's catchy.
Repetitiveness in these songs definitely has a lot of charm and makes them super catchy and fun, but over 40 minutes of that somehow feels like too much. Tiring.
Simply brilliant. And the best proof of that brilliance is when you listen to the whole album on a loop around 5 times and it's still as exciting and bizzare. The range of sounds that fit in these songs is amazing: it's circus, it's blues, some random noise, it's all world's strangeness cramped together.
Yes, it's okay, I really don't see what the fuss is about
I was so glad when it was over
Some tracks are quite brilliant, others rather boring and "Words" is the one to listen on repeat. I'll be coming back to Doves.
I suppose it's okay, but I'm really starting to lose my patience for American men with harmonica.
The only thing that I actually liked was the contrast of music and lyrics in 'Shit, Damn, Motherfucker'. Everything else was undisturbing at best.
Sounds like all of he 80. pop trends mashed together. Which is great and horrible both at once.
Oh, this is fun
4/5 for the album, 6/5 for Why Does It Always Rain On Me. Nothing is quite as mesemrising as this one song, but I'm still happy to get to know the band a little.
I don't know how I'm supposed to rate this. Overall the album was much better than I expected. I enjoyed some of the songs, but I also skipped several others because they were unbearable.
There're vibes of a low-budget horror movie, it's wonderfully kitchy, super catchy and every song is just pure fun. I'm in love.
I kind of regret listening to this at work instead of in the evening as a background for reading, so I think I'll need to come back to Sigur Ros to appreciate it even more. This is the good type of boring. And bonus points for not being in English. We need more non-english music to be noticed internationally.
Repetitiveness in these songs definitely has a lot of charm and makes them super catchy and fun, but over 40 minutes of that somehow feels like too much. Tiring.
It's all fine until Sting starts singing
On one hand this exactly the type of music I like, but on the other vocals were rather unpleasant for the most of time. Not really fitting to this dreamy, mystical atmosphere.
I was expecting a full album of Bowie's Modern Love so this was rather dissapointing
I'm not saying that the vocalist can sing, but his bad singing fits nicely with guitars. Also it's good to know who is the guy that beabadoobee wishes to be.
Listening to this album feels like an Event. It can't just be some background music. Sure, you can play it way too loud late at night at house party, but that'll make you conflicted if you really want to scream over the music to talk to other people or just listen. I consider that an Event too.
Maybe I picked a wrong strategy with this one. I have several double albums in my physical collection and I rarely listen to both cds at once. So why should I do that to Mellon Collie? Just because it was generated as my daily album on 1001 albums? While I genuinely enjoyed the music, at the beginning of the second part I already had quite enough. The division is there for a reason. Also I love the cover. I've only ever seen it in miniature before and now I can see that it really looks great.
At first I thought it's obvious that Joy Division is a 5-star band, but I'd never really listened to Closer as a whole. It turns out it's not really a 5-star album, even though it has Heart and Soul. Very good, but not quite as good as I expected.
It's so much more interesting than Simon and Garfunkel, I did not expect that
Sometimes I felt attacked by reggae. I liked the album as a whole, but I'm afraid what I'll remember best will be these moments of confusion
I'm pretty used to Norah Jones playing in the background thanks to my parents' Norah Jones phase, but I was unpleasantly surprised how dull this music is when I actually tried to listen to it.
A song or two were quite nice, but all in all I was better off unaware that this kind of music exsists
After absolutely amazing opening 'Airlane' everything else is bound to be a little disappointing - but what a beautiful disappointment it was! Dark, uneasy and totally captivating.
Not my favourite from Belle & Sebastian, but I still can't give it any less than 5 stars. What other band sounds so upbeat and so melancholic at the same time?
I would have loved it in 2013
I love this variery of instruments, unobvious melodies and unreal atmosphere. Maybe one day I'll try to learn something about Illinois through this music too.
I came to appreciate Björk as an artist several times already, but I never quite got to embrace her music. Maybe now I'll actually start listening to her. I absolutely love these shimmering, jingling sounds, but sometimes songs get dull anyway. It's not enough for 5, but I really enjoyed the whole album.
Definitely not a fan of the voice. It isn't that big issue in more dynamic songs, but ballads with guitar and vocals only are hard to listen to.
I like all these songs separately, but listening to them together is a bit too much. Or actually too little, because they're all similar and without much action - except for 'A Forest' which really stands out.
Somehow it's better than the best of Janis Joplin collection album I used to have as a teenager
Were these songs any different from each other? I don't know much about hip-hop but this just sounds very generic.
This album is just banger after banger. Ending is maybe a little bit less crazy and energetic but still very fun.
It wasn't really that bad, but it felt like it lasted forever and in the end I was just sooo tired. Every song was way too long and not even one of them managed to catch my interest.
Can't believe I needed to wait 80 albums for some good, proper metal
I was expecting something really bad based on the cover, but it was actually listenable. Mostly. Funny how little you need when you're ready for the worst - just some actual instruments and a little bit of a melody.
I've heard 'I only want to be with you' about thousand times, only with different instruments, different voice and in different language (quite flimsily translated as I realise now), so it was a nice surprise to come across this familiar melody. Beside that, the album is just a pleasant collection of love songs. Nothing too spectacular, but enjoyable.
There were some nice moments, but overall it's just... not bad.
I really like the layered guitar sound and distant, dreamy vocals. Unfortunately, the album is uneven and sometimes it sounds like powered-up Dylan (that's not a compliment). It's not the most important thing, but the cover is great. It's very fitting to the music and the title.
More of this, please. It has this complexity that doesn't appear too often in popular music, but it's still easy to listen.
Albums like this are the reason I listen to this list
Sure, it can play in the background, I don't mind
Her voice is impressive, the music not so much
I've never really heard anything like this before. Full on eclectic, fascinating and you can never know what comes next. It's a mix of everything, but somehow it still makes sense as a whole.
IMPORTANT: do not listen during daytime. This is evening/late night music ONLY. I could probably rate it higher, but I did make that mistake and put it on at work. However 'Honey' is wonderful at all times.
Instant obsession
Deeply unsettling
I don't know. I mostly liked the instrumental layer, but vocals and spoken intermissions were simply annoying. While in the beginning I could just concentrate on nicer parts, by the end the irritation definitely took over. 2,5/5
Is the rating even up to discussion?
I'd really like to rate it 5, because there are some 5 star songs, but inbetween them there are some others that are not quite so brilliant. I wouldn't say they're bad, but simply forgettable
I listened to this on Friday, now it's Monday and I don't really remember anything about it
This album is so uneven, but now I think it's probably part of its charm. My obvious favourite is 'We will not be lovers', which is hypnotising and has been following me for a week
I suppose it's nice
It's surprisingly dark and noisy and that's a compliment. It was supposed to be 4 but the more I listen the more I like it
Nice to listen, but very forgettable
There was a time when I was listening to Manic Street Preachers - namely 2014, after they released Futurology. But this isn't how I remember my Manic Street Preachers phase - The Holy Bible feels pretty forgetable.
I love Nick Cave but there is a reason to why I mostly listen to his later music
I wanted to write something a little mean, but then I remembered that Back to Black is actually a lot more interesting
You can never be quite sure if it's overly serious, just regularly serious or actually making fun of everyone and everything. However, you can dance. It's about death, but it's catchy.
I regret every minute
This is way too long for a band called Minutemen
First couple songs were fantastic! But then - meh.
This weirdness and otherness hits hard, even dressed up as clownery. Or maybe that's the reason why it is so good. (Finally with album #130 I got to listen to a cd from my collection, yay!)
Not gonna lie, they got me with the cover art and band name already
I gather it's pretty meaningful music, but I just can't stand listening to it
I'd really like to like it, because there are some pretty interesting ideas (including the name "Haunted Dancehall"), but the truth is that it's mostly boring
Simply brilliant. And the best proof of that brilliance is when you listen to the whole album on a loop around 5 times and it's still as exciting and bizzare. The range of sounds that fit in these songs is amazing: it's circus, it's blues, some random noise, it's all world's strangeness cramped together.
Nothing particularly exciting
Some songs were listenable and some were not
Vocals are too agressive for my taste, but the guitars? Amazing!
What's even the point of writing a comment here? It couldn't be more obvious how brilliant and impactful this album is.
Enter Sandman might be one of the best album openings ever but apart from that - and maybe Unforgiven - this album is not very exciting.
So far every 49th album is Bruce Spingsteen. If this keeps up we'll get 20 Spingsteen albums on this list - which could be funny if it wasn't for the fact that he's already released even more than that
I don't think I needed to hear it
It can only be 5, despite the fact that I'm still traumatised by that one time my English teacher decided to make the class listen to Yellow Submarine 20 times during 45 minutes.
Yes, it's okay, I really don't see what the fuss is about
This is witchcraft. I just can't sit still when this plays
"riotous gospel rock" sounds about right
I might not have listened to the lyrics too closely, but it really seemed like every second word was 'motherfucker'.
Not a single interesting song and the voice is pretty irritating
I liked it, but ending was pretty boring. Pity that now I don't remember much beside the boring ending, but that says a lot too
I'm so tired
Time to Pretend is pretty annoying so the rest of the album was really pleasant surprise
What can I say, synthpop is just very aesthetically pleasing
Not the finest thing punk has to offer
When it comes to Sex Pistols it's so easy to get trapped in stereotypical thinking about punk, how it's simple, noisy, unsophistocated and there's no much skill and more shouting than singing really. A little time passes and you forget that Sex Pistols is just good music and in its own merit too, not only because it was so revolutionary and influencial. I'm glad I refreshed my memory.
I liked it at first and then it didn't. "Wild is the Wind" in particular I REALLY didn't like, which is pretty ironic given that it's also one of my favourite songs in some other version. But it's fine, there wouldn't be a cover without the original, so thank you Nina Simone.
I like guitars a lot, but vocals are just as irritating as I remembered
I really liked AB/7A. I would probably be more understanding of everything else if I encountered it in an art gallery as sound art or something. Not that I would actually sit 40 minutes in a gallery to listen.
I have to admit: the title, the horses, the script and name Bill made me expect another album with whiny vocals and much too much harmonica. Instead I got something atmospheric, a little dark and wonderful wonderful cellos.
I couldn't grasp why this music is so appealing to me, but then I saw how some critic described it as "collision between Soft Cell and Tom Waits" and I suppose I just couldn't not be mesmerised
Energetic and fun
I don't see myself coming back to this, but I had a lot of fun listening
I'm impressed how they left no impression whatsoever
I'm afraid I'm simply not the kind of person who can appreciate 16 minutes of a drum solo
Nothing too special except for the voice
It's not bad, but I'm slightly annoyed by how overrated it is.
Big 'no' for this amount of trumpet
I liked it most when he didn't sing
So that's a Christmas music album. It's properly christmasy and doesn't make my ears bleed, so it's good. I can probably listen to it once a year.
It won't make me like rap, but it was the most interesting rap album so far. I even didn't feel like skipping every second song.
I don't understand why I ever stopped listening to Radiohead. This is brilliant. Peak melancholy.
I definitely feel a bit nostalgic and happy to remind myself how powerful some of these songs are. But also they are all dragged out
So it really is one hit wonder. Pity.
It sounds just as it looks
I'm not super impressed or enchanted but it's pleasant and easy to listen and I've already listened to it three times since yesterday and I'm going to listen to it more so 5 stars are probably fair
Excellent and totally unpredictable. The array of sounds and inspirations from different musical traditions is insane and I'm here for it. I was just thinking all the time - what else can they to to surprise me?
That's an unusual surprise to discover that the two most famous songs from the album are actually the least interesting ones
Not so great when compared to other albums by The Beatles, but still pretty great in the context of other 1000 albums.
There are some good moments but they have no interest in being on one album with the rest of it. Not stylistically, not esthetically, not in any way.
I think nothing of it
I don't like using word 'beautiful' in recs because what does it even mean? But I don't know how else describe this album, every single song was simply beautiful and I loved it from first to last second.
I usually love new wave weirdness but this was just annoying
Just the cover had me going 'oh no', but the music was even worse than I expected. And it all sounds the same.
Is it cliche or just classic?
Tragic indeed
It is just. So nice.
very Radiohead
I could maybe be 5/5 if I didn't know that Oasis got better later
One album of average length is just how much of AC/DC I can take before I get bored. And this one is just a smash
I don't entirely understand how it made it to this list but I'm very happy about it. Every single song is so good.
There are days when I really enjoy long instrumental post rock tracks. It wasn't today though. It was just okay with moments of great and moments of boring noise.
Perfect mix of noise and softness
They got me with the album cover. They got me with the album name. I was excited already but the music didn't get me.
So grim and dramatic but so catchy and so danceable. It shouldn't make sense but the result is the most captivating music.
I didn't know I missed PJ Harvey
It's pretty great but my expectations for The White Stripes are bigger
Not exactly pleasant but it had me hooked
I can't say I liked it very much, but it's still worth listening to
-1 for the title. I really don't need music to make me think about sausage boiling water. Disgusting.
Not terrible, I just really don't care
It's only the dreamiest music ever
Metallica should have kept the orchestra
Pictures of You alone is worth 6 stars and other songs are almost as good too
'Indie rock' can't quite describe grandiose of this music
First CD was painful to listen and so awfully boring, just ooohs, yeeeahs, woooahs and other types of whining with some beat in the background. Second CD? - now, that sounds like an actual music. I don't understand why they are combined into one album.
It's one sound for 32 minutes. It does not spark joy
Why are all rap albums so long? Maybe my rate would be different if this lasted haft its time
One song that I knew before might've inflated my expectations
It's like Elton John but bad
It's easy to be disappointed when you expect a full album as great as Bohemian Rhapsody. Some tracks here are... just not it.
I'm sorry, all the jazz sounds the same for me, how am I supposed to rate it?
I didn't hate it, but still not enough for a 3
Boring with maybe two interesting moments (one of them being Siouxie and The Banshees' cover which is not actually part of this album)
Nice to listen to but pretty forgettable
Once I made a mistake and took 'The Queen is Dead' CD to a car. Songs about dying in a crash make terrible driving sountrack, I do not recommend.
I forgot about this band. Rediscovering them now was truely lovely
It felt like a nice background music at first, but then got boring
It's not bad, it's just too long
Far from my favourite kind of music, but actually listenable
Cool. They sound like every other 70's band
Every song feels like some kind of disturbing fairytale
I really wanted it to be 4, but it just isn't, no matter now influential
Only some parts really hurt my ears, so overall it's good for a hip hop album. And there are instruments!
I had enough after first 30 seconds. What the hell is this, why do people listen to it at all?
Pretty great, both music and the cover
Tubular bells are one of my favourite instruments so of course I'm a little bit obsessed with album named after them
It's all fun and catchy but then Never Say Goodbye happens. It sounds like a schlager dressed as a rock ballad and it's so disastrously bad that I kinda want to lower the mark to 3/5
Mesmerising. I'm very impressed by all the little melodies that come together and somehow are both chaotic and harmonious
I don't like it, but it doesn't bother me, so I suppose it's okay
I thought that the first part wasn't great, because it felt like listening to some generic radio station with popular music, which was actually okay compared to what came next. The ballads. Atrocious.
Freedom! is just so iconic but most of this album is too sentimental for my taste and... uh, boring.
The first track made me expect another average, forgettable album but I turned out to love almost everything that came after. Almost.
Of course I knew some ELO songs earlier but listening to the whole album is a whole another experience. Every single song made me say 'wow, this one is great!' so in the end there's none that stands out, because all of them are so extra.
Yes, thank you for making celtic punk a thing but after listening to Flogging Molly and alike bands, this mostly feels frustratingly slow.
What a blast!
Nothing groundbreaking but I had a lot of fun listening
My main takeaway from this album is that I will love any genre if it has enough vibraphone or glockenspiel
It's so unremarkable that I'm honestly a little angry that someone thought it's worth recommending, let alone putting on a list of 1001 important albums
As a person that only knows Deep Purple's biggest hits, I don't enjoy a two hour long album full of dragged out songs. The solos are probably impressive, but I'm here to listen to the music, not to be impressed by technical skills
Not sure if it's really that good or it's just the nostalgia talking
Now that's some good punk. Energetic, making something out of nothing and somehow melodic
Can I rate it 6/5, just this once?
I never actually listened to the whole album before. It's definitely easier to listen than Loveless but because of that, also way less intense. There are some absolutely brilliant tracks though, and just knowing where mbv went from there make me appreciate Isn't Anything A LOT.
I dutifully listened to the whole album but I don't feel like I heard anything
So the first song was a blast! The rest was... uh, just what I expected to hear from Ray Charles, which is not really my thing.
I don't understand. This album is so inconsistent that I don't know what to make of it. It has some truly painful songs that made me feel like I was stuck in a smooth jazz hell (You're The Best Thing was absolutely THE WORST), some okay instrumentals, Council Meetin' that I absolutely loved and two funk songs just thrown in the middle. The funk was refreshing but I'm very confused and not in fun 'wow, that was a wild ride!'-way.
The title sums it up well. Nothing shocking, nothing amazing, just perfectly fine. I liked it, I probably won't listen to it anymore.
This is chocolate ice cream kind of album. I can't say I don't like chocolate ice cream - it's sweet and creamy, what's not to like - but I will never understand people for who chocolate ice cream is the basic, most obvious choice. Can't say anything bad about it, but still, it's not something I pick for myself