Jan 04 2024
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Birth Of The Cool
Miles Davis
Probably the best Jazz album I have listened to
Jan 05 2024
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Sound of Silver
LCD Soundsystem
Jan 08 2024
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Pink Moon
Nick Drake
If Jack Johnson was slower and sadder.
Jan 09 2024
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The inspiration behind bands like Nirvana, Radiohead, and Weezer. Like many forms of art, they may have been the first to do it, but they are not the best to do it.
Jan 10 2024
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Fever To Tell
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
I was expecting an electronic dance album only knowing their song "Heads Will Roll" (and all of it's remixes). It feels more punk inspired than anything else.
I started out slow with this album, but it really grew on me by Black Tongue. I came around on it, and a few songs will be added to the rotation. Maps is definitely the standout song!
P.S. Yeah Yeah Yeahs is a great name for this band as they love repeating words in their songs.
Jan 11 2024
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Stevie Wonder
This is a tough one for me because I can appreciate the genius Stevie Wonder, but I don't think I will ever go out of my way to listen to him. I would say this is good album, but it's not for me.
A few things to note though:
-Higher Ground is originally by Stevie Wonder not RHCP
-The arrest scene in Living for the City was wild!
-This feels like an important African American album especially in the early 70's
-I will never be able to hear Don't You Worry Bout A Thing without thinking about the arrest in Living for the City again.
Jan 12 2024
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Siamese Dream
The Smashing Pumpkins
A very unique sound. You always know when you're listening to Smashing Pumpkins. I feel like I should like them more, but every song sounds kinda the same. I don't know if that's a plus or a minus. There are three songs that I have heard before (Cherub Rock, Today, and Disarm) but I didn't realize they were all different songs. I thought Smashing Pumpkins was a one hit wonder.
One of the longer albums we've heard so far. Over an hour long.
Jan 15 2024
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Taylor Swift
Tay...lor... Yeah!
Banger after banger. When a single album has this many hits how can you not give it 5 stars.
Jan 16 2024
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Fleetwood Mac
I don't know if a half hungover 2-hour drive home after a bachelor party is the best way to review an album, but this might have been the best album for this environment. No major standout songs. No real highs or lows. A steady enjoyable sound. That being said, when I want to listen to Fleetwood Mac I won't be coming here.
Jan 17 2024
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Bone Machine
Tom Waits
This album feels like a Key and Peele sketch.
Tom Waits (played by Peele) walks into the recording studio and talks to the recording manager (played by Key)
Manager: Come on it. Were glad to have you here. The band is all warmed up and were ready to go.
Tom Waits (speaking in a normal voice): Sounds great. Let's get started.
Tom begins singing like he's being tortured during the Spanish Inquisition and is quickly interrupted by the manager.
Manager: Ok..... that was great, but why don't we try it again with your normal voice.
Tom (normal voice): Not a problem. I love the feedback. Lets try again.
Tom sings in a high falsetto this time.
Manager: Stop! Let's try that again. Remember, we're paying the piano and saxophone player by the hour here.
Tom (normal voice): I completely understand.
Tom turns around and fires half the band leaving only the drums.
Manager sighs and looks down.
Tom begins singing like McGruff the Crime Dog on crack.
Manager: Fuck it. We recorded the band warming up earlier. We can just fill in the rest of the album with that and some background chatter.
Jan 18 2024
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Halcyon Digest
Deerhunter has been part of my Alternative Chill playlist for years now, however, this is my first time actually listening to a full album. What a perfect album to have on in the background while working in the office. I didn't realize I was halfway through until I looked down to see the song name for Desire Lines. Very easy to listen to. I would love to have this on vinyl to put on in the background at home.
Jan 19 2024
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Liege And Lief
Fairport Convention
I never knew British Folk was a genre. I guess it makes sense that this album is what started it.
This was a welcome divergence to most of the albums in this list. I wouldn't normally go out of my way to listen to folk music, but I might have to start. A beautiful voice that's easy to fall into followed by a folk sound that's not quite Appalachian Mountains and not quite Celtic either. It's a great blend between the two to make it's own genre.
For an album that's 55 years old, it sounds like it could come out today.
Jan 22 2024
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Bayou Country
Creedence Clearwater Revival
In a world with 3.5 hour long movies, 4 hour long concerts, and every new film idea being dragged out into 10 episode tv series, it's nice to have an album only 35 minutes long. What's to say about CCR? You know all their hits, and some of them are on here. The ones you don't know are 8 minutes of pure swamp doggin'.
Put a pot of water with spices on the stove and play this album. When "Bootleg" starts, put red potatoes and sausage in the boiling water. Add corn at "Good Golly Miss Molly". Put the crawfish in when "Keep On Chooglin'" begins, and enjoy a good ole fashion Low Country Boil once the album ends!
Jan 23 2024
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We Are Family
Sister Sledge
A cool funky album throughout. Not typically my genre. I was going to give it 3 stars, but I caught myself singing "We are Family" all day.
Jan 24 2024
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The Sensual World
Kate Bush
I am a huge Kate Bush fan! That is as long as she is singing a song that has recently regained popularity for being a major plot point in a prestige TV show that is heavily nostalgic for the 80's. Outside of that, I'm not really a Kate Bush fan.
Jan 25 2024
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Beautiful Freak
Sad/melancholy lyrics with an upbeat chorus is a winning formula for me. This album made me feel like world is shit, but I guess I'll keep on doing my thing.
Standout songs:
Novacaine for the soul
Susan's house
Rags to rags
My beloved monster (THE SONG FROM SHREK!!)
This is an interesting band to be signed to DreamWorks label. I guess it makes sense. DreamWorks isn't going to have a safe pop band to play in their Disney family friendly fairy tale. They're going to have an ugly sad ogre of a band that you eventually fall in love with by the end.
Jan 26 2024
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Lust For Life
Iggy Pop
Another album that I should enjoy more than I do. I know that Iggy Pop is a major influence for the Punk movement, but does that mean I have to like him? Do I have to like Doom to enjoy Call of Duty? Do I have to like newspaper comic strips to enjoy cartoons? Do I have to like 2001: A Space Odyssey to like Interstellar?
That being said, it's not like the album was difficult to listen to. I just probably won't be coming back to it.
Jan 29 2024
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Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Wu-Tang Clan
Do you know when someone introduces themselves to you and you forget their name immediately? That's how I felt at the beginning of every song. They intro who's rapping every song and I forgot who's who by the end of it.
I enjoyed this album more than I thought I would. I think this would be a fun show to see in person. The biggest surprise to me was finding out that my wife listened to Wu-Tang Clan!
Jan 30 2024
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The Black Keys
I enjoy the Black Keys sound. It has a produced/manufactured roughness to it. A bit of buzz and distortion, but in a purposeful way. The first half of the album was stronger for me. I was getting a bit tired of it by the end, but I think "These Days" was a great way to finish it off.
I'm curios to see if their album El Camino is on this list. I think that would be more up my ally. A shorter album with more upbeat radio hits.
Jan 31 2024
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Deja Vu
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Did you know that there's a deluxe edition of this album that is over 3 hours long?
Crosby: Alright guys. The album is sounding great, but we still need to come up with a band name. I was thinking "Crosby and the Crew".
Stills: Really?! Cause I was thinking something along the line of "Stills and Salty Sailors"
Nash: I'm not going to be a sailor. How about "Nash and the Nomads"?
Young: We could go by "Neil and his Young Boys"..........
Nash: Screw it. We can just go by all of our names. Who's going to be the lead singer?
Stills: Why don't we all sing the whole song at the same time?
Crosby: I wrote a song about getting a haircut. Do you guys want to sing it with me?!
Stills: On second thought, why don't you solo that one buddy.
This has been a NPR production of "Deja vu". If you enjoyed what you just heard, stick around for an additional 2.5 hours of alternate version of the same songs.
Feb 01 2024
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Off The Wall
Michael Jackson
This album is not the end of Michael's career. It's not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
You can tell he is beginning to transitioning into the pop super star that he is with this album. There's still a lot of Motown funk inspiration, but he is starting to find what will become his signature sound. "Don't stop til you get enough" and "Rock With You" are iconic off of this album.
For most artist, this album would be a peak for them. Multiple number one hits and 9X platinum. For Michael Jackson though, it feels far from his peak. This might be unfair to say, but I expect every song on his albums to be a hit single (looking at you Thriller).
Feb 02 2024
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Planet Rock: The Album
Afrika Bambaataa
"I love 80s rap!" - a sentence I've never heard before.
The 80s beats are fun, but the rapping feels like it's in its infancy. Kinda like an educational rap teaching you about all the state capitals. I'll leave this album in the influential category rather than timeless classic.
Feb 05 2024
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I'm not sure why R.E.M. is as popular as they are. I guess they work for some folks, but I was mostly bored listening to this album.
Feb 06 2024
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Time Out
The Dave Brubeck Quartet
What a pleasant album. I had one of the best commutes to work listening to this. I'm starting to enjoy more jazz albums. I don't know if my music tastes are changing, or if I'm listening to actually good jazz now. It could also be that I just recently watched Whiplash. Definitely a couple of riffs I recognize in here. Blue Rondo A La Turk is playing during the football scene in Wedding Crashers.
Feb 07 2024
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Disraeli Gears
This is one of the cleanest recordings I've ever heard. I can understand every word spoken and every note played. That doesn't necessarily mean I like it though. Outside of the few songs with electric guitar licks by Clapton, the cords and melodies are pretty bland.
The standout song "Sunshine of Your Love" has probably had the largest negative impact on the mental wellbeing of every Guitar Center/music store employee that's had to listen to it played by amateur musicians looking at guitars. Maybe only outclassed by "Smoke on the Water".
Feb 08 2024
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Murder Ballads
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
I'm surprised this album doesn't have a parental warning on it. I'm guessing it's because they didn't think any kids would want to listen to it.
I like the idea of this album. A series of ballads connected together with a theme. However, every balled sounds the same with most of the choruses just saying the made up name of a person.
This was a slog to get through.
Feb 09 2024
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It's Blitz!
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
I'm glad we got this album "It's a Blitz! (2009)" so soon after listening to "Fever to Tell (2003)". You can really tell the change in sounds that the band went through. In 2003 they felt kinda punk rock. This album feels more synthy party music (at least for the first half). I would love to know if this was a conscious decision by the band, or if this was just a natural flow with the rest of music in the time.
Feb 12 2024
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Nilsson Schmilsson
Harry Nilsson
Some sleeper hits on here. Easy to listen to and enjoyable, but I probably won't be going back to this album.
Feb 13 2024
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Sheer Heart Attack
The only song I knew on here was "Killer Queen". That alone should put it above average. The other songs definitely have that Queen feeling but not the recognition. They have such a distinct sound that you can always pick them out. I'm sure if I listened to this album a bunch I would start to get into the rest of it, but for now "Killer Queen" still steals the show
Feb 14 2024
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The Poet
Bobby Womack
This album got me pregnant.
Feb 15 2024
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Every Picture Tells A Story
Rod Stewart
I have been listening to "Every Picture Tells a Story" since I was a kid, so I "Maggie May" be biased in this review. I'm hoping that once everyone listens to this album they will "Find a Reason to Believe" it's as good as I do. It "Seems Like a Long Time" since my dad first played this for me, and although those days have gone with the "Mandolin Wind", this album has stuck around. I really love Rod Stewarts voice. It has an "Amazing Grace" to it's roughness. Like looking at the Mona Lisa through a dirty screen door. "That's All Right" if it's not your thing. This review is dragging on and "I know I'm Losing You", so I'll wrap it up. All I have to say is that "Tomorrow Is a Long Time" for me to have to wait to give this 5 stars.
Feb 16 2024
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Fetch The Bolt Cutters
Fiona Apple
I can see how "Fetch the Bolt Cutters" would resonate with everyone locked down during the COVID-19 pandemic. I don't think it really holds up outside of that mindset though. I usually enjoy an experimental album, and maybe this belongs on the list for when it came out, but I don't think this is revolutionizing anything now.
Feb 19 2024
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After The Gold Rush
Neil Young
A pretty in offensive album. Listened to it while unpacking after a long trip, so I didn't give it my full attention. Nothing really notable about it other than I didn't realize Neal Young sang in an almost falsetto so often. I just hope Neil Young remembers a southern man don't need him around anyhow.
Feb 20 2024
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Appetite For Destruction
Guns N' Roses
I think an argument could be made that this is the greatest pure Rock album of all time. Half of this debut album is on their greatest hits, and the songs that aren't hold up just as well. They're just not as overplayed. That's probably the only complaint with this album. Welcome to the Jungle, Paradise City, and Sweet child of mine are just so overplayed. You are pretty much guaranteed to hear at least two of these songs at any event where music is being played over a loudspeaker. I don't think you can really take away from the album because of that though. If anything, it shows how much of an impact this album has on our society.
Feb 21 2024
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The Good, The Bad & The Queen
The Good, The Bad & The Queen
I don't know how to describe this album. It's alternative, electronic, folky, synthy, emo, a little bit of pop, and a lot of bass. I've never heard an album with such soft spoken lyrics have so much bass. My car speakers were rattling.
This album has me all over the place. I'm between giving it 2 stars or 4 stars. 3 stars isn't right. It's anything but average. I just don't know if anything means good or bad. For now I'll give it the Queen.
Feb 22 2024
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3 + 3
The Isley Brothers
Did anyone else know "That Lady" has a sick guitar solo in it?
Half of the songs on this album are covers, but The Isley Brothers make them their own. They don't do what a lot of bands do with covers which is making them sound exactly like the original. It's only half way through the songs that you realize wait a minute I know this.
The original songs on here are great. I would probably have given this album 5 stars if they were a couple fewer covers and some more original hits.
Feb 23 2024
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Paris 1919
John Cale
The shortest album we've listened to so far at only 30 minutes.
I really like his voice. This was an easy one to listen to. Just as you start getting into it, it's over.
Feb 26 2024
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The Joshua Tree
I feel like U2 should be rated higher, but for as much as I've tried, I can't really get into them. I like "I still haven't found what I'm looking for" and "with or without you", but that might be because I've heard them so much. I really couldn't tell you anything else about the album.
Feb 27 2024
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Sufjan Stevens
Ok, hear me out.... I think this checks all the boxes of a perfect album for me.
It has an overall theme and sticks to it. The songs are varied and unique without feeling out of place. The lyrics can be funny while still tackling serious subject matter. I don't know who else could make a song both fun and haunting about John Wayne Gacy. It's well composed with clean audio and a voice that's beautiful and easy to understand. It even has a "big song"! It may not be a radio hit, but "Chicago" is used in Little Miss Sunshine, The Bear (S1E7 opening), and sampled by Chiddy Bang. This is the definition of an album working as a whole rather than a collection of individual songs. I didn't think an album like this could do it for me, but I think this is very deserving of 5 stars.
Feb 28 2024
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Bat Out Of Hell
Meat Loaf
This is a major nostalgia album for me. My mom used to play this all the time, and I've been listening to it for as long as I can remember.
This album is full of fun piano rock ballads performed with so much energy. Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman make for an awesome duo. If you've ever listened to a Meat Loaf album after those two broke up, you'll know that the sound by Meat Loaf and song writing by Steinman are both crucial to their success.
"Bat Out of Hell", "Two out of Three Ain't Bad", and "Paradise By the Dashboard Light" are all iconic. I can see how some people might get bored by the repetitive nature of a 9 minute long song, but that's also part of their epicness.
This album is epic, iconic, but a little repetitive. That's ok though, because two out of three ain't bad.
Feb 29 2024
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Go Girl Crazy
The Dictators
I can see why this album is on the list. It feels way ahead of it's time. I think this could have come out during the early 90's punk scene and fit right in. Majorly influential, but not something I'll be going back to.
Mar 01 2024
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"Wouldn't ya like a girl who has a nice sense of humor? That can kick it? Make you laugh? Then on the other side in the bedroom whip that thang on?". Yes ma'am. I do like that kind of girl.
A fun change of pace. Not my typical genre, but I still enjoyed. Who doesn't like "Waterfalls"?!
Mar 04 2024
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David Bowie
I like heroes. By heroes, I mean the song. By the song, I mean the Wallflowers cover of the song. By the Wallflowers cover of the song, I mean the movie The Replacement. What I'm saying is I like the movie The Replacement.
Mar 05 2024
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Highway 61 Revisited
Bob Dylan
The electrician walks into his kitchen
looking at an ostrich baby wishin
he could take his unicycle fishin;
but mother Mary is carrying her baby
with a cigarette that says debt
its ashes falling into the pool
that was built by the school
with a sign that says "only for the politician"
See, I can do it too.
You can just stop after the first song with this one.
Mar 06 2024
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I Am a Bird Now
Antony and the Johnsons
Vibrato: The Musical
This is a really bold album to release in 2005. A time when being part of the LGBTQ community could get you ostracized. They don't hide anything in their lyrics. "For today I am a boy" straight up tells what they want. I enjoyed a few songs on here. "Fist Full of Love" was great, but as an overall album it's not my favorite.
Mar 07 2024
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Vol. 4
Black Sabbath
I kind of thought that a Black Sabbath album would be a little more memorable. Most of the songs blend together. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but nothing really stands out. The only song that stands out to me is "Changes", and that's because it's the intro song in the Big Mouth.
Mar 08 2024
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She's So Unusual
Cyndi Lauper
This feels like the sound track to Weird Barbie's life. A couple of major hits on here and the rest aren't bad either.
Mar 11 2024
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Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
The Smashing Pumpkins
I really enjoyed this album. It's more than just the album with 1979 on it. There's a good variation in songs and they work well together, but it did it really need to be 2 hours long?
Obviously I love the big hits, but I really love the punk sound of XYU. There is a lot of variation in this album
Mar 12 2024
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From Elvis In Memphis
Elvis Presley
It's interesting to think that if "The King of Rock and Roll" debut today he would probably be considered a country/western singer.
There are some major classics on here. "In the Ghetto" and "Suspicious Minds" are both all timers! The rest of it doesn't really do much for me though.
This feels like an album from the 50's that was released in 1969. Most of the influential albums on this list feel ahead of their time. This is the first one that feels behind the times.
Mar 13 2024
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The Last Broadcast
Me: Can we get Coldplay?
Mom: No. We have Coldplay at home.
Coldplay at home: Doves
You know how in the song Wonderwall when they get to the part where they sing "and after aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllll", and you think to yourself that this is an unpleasant note to be held for this long? That happens a lot on this album.
Mar 14 2024
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3 Years, 5 Months And 2 Days In The Life Of...
Arrested Development
I enjoyed this more than I thought I would! Not a top album for me or anything like that, but I came in expecting some boring early 90's hip hop and was presently surprised by this album. The beats are cool, and the rapping is not bad. I was expecting to give this a 1 or 2 stars, but I think it's a solid 3 stars.
Mar 15 2024
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Like Water For Chocolate
A common (ha) thread that I noticed about myself with hip hop albums is that I really like the beats, but couldn't care less about the rapping. When that's such an integral part of an album like this, it puts it at a disadvantage for my rating. I guess I need to start paying more attention to lyrics. I did hear the hard f words though.
Mar 18 2024
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On The Beach
Neil Young
I started listening this album on a rainy Friday afternoon. It didn't quite feel like the right atmosphere for it. I wasn't vibing with it, so I stopped and started again the next day on a bright Saturday morning.... I still didn't really like it.
Mar 19 2024
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When I started collecting vinyl records, my father-in-law gave me all of his old ones. A majority of them were Yes albums. I thought I would give them a listen and maybe it would be a band that we could bond over. I didn't enjoy Yes then, and I don't enjoy Yes now. Not really sure what he sees in them, but I just don't get it. Cool album art though.
Mar 20 2024
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Bad Company
Bad Company
I wonder how many artists can say that their greatest hit is their self title song off their self titled album? Bad Company: Bad Company - Bad Company
Not every album needs to be deep and meaningful. Sometimes "I want you to stay, I want you today, I'm ready for love, baby I'm ready for love" is all you need to say. This was a solid rock album start to finish. It's not going to change anyone's life, but I'm sure most people would enjoy it.
Mar 21 2024
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Band On The Run
Paul McCartney and Wings
This was a fun one to listen to. These songs for the most part are not structured in a way I'm not used to. There's no traditional 2 choruses, a bridge, and then final chorus layout here. Listening to the first half of "Band On The Run" (the song), I thought to myself "Do I know this song?", and then halfway through it changed into the radio hit I'm familiar with. These songs all evolve and change as they go on. It makes for a very interesting listen.
The beginning is really strong. The first song sets the theme for the rest of the album, and "Jet" is a blast. the next few songs are solid, but I was getting a little bored around "Mamunia" and "No Words". The ending was great! "Picasso's Last Words" referencing "Jet", and "Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five" going back into "Band On The Run" make for a perfect mirror. I wonder if I listen more closely to the middle songs would they also mirror each other?
Mar 22 2024
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If you like Rush then you're going to love this album! If you don't like Rush then you can go ahead and pass on this one. I'm going to pass on this one
Mar 25 2024
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The Downward Spiral
Nine Inch Nails
This is how you put together an album that goes against the mainstream without being so absurd that it's impossible to listen to (Looking at you Tom Waits). It's a hard industrial rock album that has both crass offensive lyrics as well as a deep meaning behind them. It's very easy to see how this can connect with people who feel so far removed from pop radio.
I'm not sure why "Closer" became the standout song on this album. It doesn't feel that much different from anything else on here. I think "March of the Pigs" is the best representation of this album (and probably my favorite song on it). It's hard, fast and dark, but then the middle and ending hit you with a light piano and beautifully sung chorus. I think it perfectly represents the grittiness of songs like "Closer" and the beauty of songs like "Hurt" .
Mar 26 2024
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Fleet Foxes
Fleet Foxes
I'm glad this came up. I've seen this album cover a bunch and have heard of Fleet Foxes, but never listened to them. When I saw folk band from 2008 I got excited, but to be honest I was a little let down. Nothing really jumped out at me. I never got into a groove or a vibe. It felt like decent background music. Which isn't a bad thing. Maybe I should have been in a different environment for this album, but for now I don't think I need to worry about Fleet Foxes.
Mar 27 2024
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k.d. lang
What a beautiful voice! The mix of instruments throughout the album is brilliant. I could easily see how this could be someone's favorite artist. That being said, I'd be lying if I said I was going to listen to more of k.d. lang. She's a beautiful musician. Just not for me
Mar 28 2024
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White Light
Gene Clark
Not sure why this is on the list. It doesn't feel innovative or inspiring. Wikipedia is saying that this was not well received in the the US, but did great in the Netherlands. I guess that means we'll be seeing a Drake Bell album on here do to his success in Mexico?
Nothing wrong with the album. Just boring.
I take back my previous statement. There is something wrong with this album. It's too long.
Mar 29 2024
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Fiona Apple
This is decent debut album. Song variety and a big radio hit, but why does she insist on trying to sing in her lower vocal range? Especially with the 90's female OOOOOoooooOoOOooooOOOOoOOOo vocals. It's not for me, but I can see why some people would like it.
If this was my first time hearing Fiona Apple I would probably rate it higher, but I know that the praise this album received ultimately lead to "Fetch the Bolt Cutters". I don't want to risk that again.
Apr 01 2024
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Joan Armatrading
Joan Armatrading
I started playing this album around 9am on Friday morning. By 10am I was violently ill. I proceeded to expell everything inside of me utilizing both forms of egress for the next 24 hours. Sunday morning I began to feel like myself again. What I'm trying to say is that I don't remember much of this album. Just the feeling of a tile floor on my face all weekend.
Apr 02 2024
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Rust Never Sleeps
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Neil Young feels like Bob Dylan with a G.E.D.
Apr 03 2024
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Happy Trails
Quicksilver Messenger Service
When you think about the original final format of this album came in, it begins to make a lot more sense. The Who, When, Where, How, Which, and Who Do You Love are really just one 25 minute long song on side A. Although the rest of the songs on side B are named more uniquely, they really just blend right into each other. The whole album feels like two big cohesive songs. This is another example of an album that works better as a whole than any individual song song by itself.
Apr 04 2024
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Def Leppard
I accidentally started out listening to the wrong Album. Rather than listen to Pyromania, I listened to the first half of Hysteria (the one with Pour Some Sugar On Me on it). After listening to hit after hit, I was really disappointed that I had to shift from Hysteria to this album.
I came in not expecting much, but began to realize that I knew more off of Pyromania than I thought. "Photograph" is an all time classic (second best song titled Photograph right behind Nickelback). "To Late to Love", and "Rock of Ages" are both great. Overall a solid album.
Apr 05 2024
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Rid Of Me
PJ Harvey
Nick Cave's - Murder Ballads and Tom Waits' - Bone Machine couldn't stop my streak of listening to every song off every album and neither can PJ Harvey.
Apr 08 2024
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My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Kanye West
I don't really have much history with Kanye. I didn't listen to him when this album came out, and I only know his radio hits. That being said, I think this album has seeped into my subconscious from my friends playing it so much. I knew way more songs on here than I thought I did, and the ones I didn't know were still great. You can see how someone can compare themselves to Jesus when they put out music as good as this.
Also, only Kanye West could be someone who features Kanye West on a Kanye West song (So Appalled).
Apr 09 2024
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The Velvet Underground
The Velvet Underground
A lovely album to have a heroin overdose to.
Apr 10 2024
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Van Halen
Van Halen
A 35 minute album will 5 radio hits! Talk about getting in, fucking shit up, and getting out. This album doesn't linger around. Every song is around 3 minutes long with awesome guitar riffs and great vocals. This is half of Van Halen's greatest hits, and the other songs are no slouch themselves.
Apr 11 2024
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British Steel
Judas Priest
I don't think the term "Grinder. Looking for meat" means today what it meant in the '80s.
I've always heard that Judas priest as the Fisher-Price's my first metal band. If that's the case, I think I'm ready to move up to a first grade metal band level. This album is really approachable and a great stepping stone into the genre. I'm going to be saying "breaking the law, breaking the law" for the rest of the day now.
Apr 12 2024
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Here, My Dear
Marvin Gaye
Taylor Swift has nothing on Marvin Gaye. You wrote a song about you ex-boyfriend? That's cute. How about writing an entire album about your ex-wife?!
This is classic Marvin Gaye sound all the way through with an emotional meaning behind the whole album. Really beautiful, but I wish it was a little shorter. A good album, but it makes me sad because I know I will never be serenaded by Mr. Gaye like Anna was.
Apr 15 2024
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What's Going On
Marvin Gaye
The songs all flow into each other on this album, and not in a bad way. It's not just one really long song split up into sections. It's a really cohesive album from start to finish. It's almost hard to see how some of these songs became standout hits when the album works so well together as a whole. It's short, It's strong, hard not to love this one.
Apr 16 2024
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Rage Against The Machine
Rage Against The Machine
An album for when you wake up in the morning and want to scream fuck you to the world! This is also the only album that I've ever had YouTube Music pop up an additional window stating viewer discretion is advised and required you to press confirm. Just another machine that I need to rage against!
They love to repeat phrases at the end of every song:
Bombtrack - "Burn, burn, yes, you're gonna burn" 16 times
Killing in the Name - "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me" 16 times
Take the Power Back - "No more lies" 8 times
Settle for Nothing - "If we don't take action now, we settle for nothing later" 8 times (with slight variation)
Bullet in the Head - "A bullet in ya head" 15 times
Know Your Enemy - "All of which are American dreams" 8 times
Wake Up - "Wake Up!" 8 times
Fistful of Steel - (It doesn't really happen in this one)
Township Rebellion - "Why stand on a silent platform? Fight the war, fuck the norm" 4 times
Freedom - "Freedom yeah" 7 times
Awesome album especially for when it came out! Not perfect, or something I would listen to everyday, but there will definitely be times when I need to put this on.
Apr 17 2024
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Vauxhall And I
This was a major departure from our previous album Rage Against the Machine, and I think that really threw me off with this listen. It felt slow and boring. Something that would be played in the background of a movie with people talking over it. Not much really to say about it. Just like it's Wikipedia article.
Apr 18 2024
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Odessey And Oracle
The Zombies
An album of it's time. This feels like the "quintessential" 60's summer of love sound. Easy melodies with clear vocals singing songs about love.
....and then there's "Butcher's Tale". Who would have thought that an album about love and good feels would need a shake up song about the horrors of WWI?
Decent album, but will probably not listen to it again other than "Time of the Season" on my parents radio playlist.
Apr 19 2024
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London Calling
The Clash
I started listening to the 1001 list for albums like this one. I've seen this album everywhere, but never went out of my way to actually listen to it.
With the songs being so different and changing throughout the album, it's easy to see why it's on the list. I'm sure so many bands can list this as a major influence for them. I never got bored listing. Every song felt like it had a different set of instruments and singing style. Hell, I never expected to hear a reggae song on here right before one of the biggest pop songs of all time. I'm sure that a lot of my favorite bands and songs wouldn't be what they are without The Clash.
Apr 22 2024
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Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath
I thought this album was just fine until I looked at the release year. HOLY SHIT!!! 3 years after the summer of love and the same year The Beatles released Let It Be, Black Sabbath introduced the world to doom metal. Shortly after that in the same year as this debut album they put out one of the most iconic albums of all time with Paranoid. Black Sabbath was on a different level from the rest of the world at this time. I was thinking giving it a 3 at first, but I might bump it up to a 4 because of it's influence.
Apr 23 2024
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The College Dropout
Kanye West
How does someone get so many different people featured on their debut album? That's not a rhetorical question. Someone please explain that to me. ....nevermind, I finished listening to "Last Call". I understand now.
There is some really cool foreshadowing in this album. "School Spirit" has the line 'I'ma get on this TV mama, I'ma, I'ma break ish down', which is now better known in his song "Good Life". "The New Workout Plan" introduces the auto tune lines for J-Cole's "Work Out", and what will further evolve with the auto tune in Graduate.
This is a great foundation that Kanye was able to build on and evolve throughout the years. The dude came out swinging, and if it wasn't for his more recent fall from grace and mental freak-outs, he would definitely be more in the conversation for greatest of all time.
Apr 24 2024
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Grizzly Bear
I now know the name of the band that sings that one song.
Apr 25 2024
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New Forms
Roni Size
This album wasn't necessarily a struggle to get through. More so it just blended into my subconscious while it played in the background. This is a new genre that I only heard about when someone asked if there was a D&B album on the 1001 list. I thought the nature of the genre would lead to a bunch of artists sampling songs off of here, but that really wasn't the case (at least from what I could find). I think it's best use is how it was first shown to me as the Toonami background music while Anime clips played over it.
Apr 26 2024
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Rhythm Nation 1814
Janet Jackson
Don't worry everyone. Janet Jackson has solved: racism, world hunger, illiteracy, drug use, gang violence, and poverty.
Honestly, I can't really make fun of someone for trying to use their success to try and make the world a better place. It may be a little naive of her to think that an album can change the world, but she's still going to try one boob at a time.
I didn't dislike this album at all. I would be lying if I said that I would listen to it again, but it's not bad. A perfect 3 for me.
Apr 29 2024
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Raising Hell
This album was way more fun than it deserves to be. It should be so dated and cheesy that it's painful to listen to, but the formula just works. "Walk This Way" should be in the conversation whenever we bring up great covers. This was definitely my one year olds favorite album.
Apr 30 2024
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Back At The Chicken Shack
Jimmy Smith
Picture this.....
You wake up Monday morning after a 3 day cocaine bender with the phone ringing. You answer it and it's the famous movie producer on the other line. He reminds you that the movie score you promised him is due today. In a panic and with your head pounding, you tell him it's done and you'll have it to him this afternoon. You reach for your music collection, while barely holding in your hungover nausea, and find this album. You think to yourself "yeah, this could work as background music in any movie". 8 months go by and you have been blacklisted by Hollywood. You now live under an overpass next to the freeway known only as the man who scored 'Schindler's List 2' with 'Back at the Chicken Shack'. 4 out of 5 stars
May 01 2024
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Daydream Nation
Sonic Youth
This is another album that in theory I should love, but I just didn't connect with. Nothing jumped out for me. Songs were long and meandering with no real payoff. I felt mostly bored with this one.
May 02 2024
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All Hope Is Gone
Yeah it's gonna be a Slip no for me, dawg.
May 03 2024
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Virgin Suicides
I was not expecting to see a movie soundtrack on this list. It's a beautiful soundtrack, but without the context of the movie it all feels out of place. My guess is that the author of 1001 really liked this movie and the soundtrack brings back those feelings.
May 06 2024
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Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
Arctic Monkeys
I always thought that I was not an Arctic Monkeys fan because I was so annoyed with "Do I Want to Know" on the radio all the time... I really liked this album! I liked it so much that I listened to it back to back. After listening to this album twice, I decided to listen to their biggest album AM..... which I hated. I don't know why I dislike Arctic Monkeys, but I like this album so much. Maybe it's because I didn't know any of the songs on here, or maybe I'm just a sucker for debut albums. On a 10 point scale I would rank this as a 9. I'm going to round up here and make it a 5 out of 5.
May 07 2024
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Jagged Little Pill
Alanis Morissette
This feels like the favorite album of a girl you'd date the summer after high school.
You were young, naive, and innocent. She pushed your boundaries, gave you new experiences, and showed you a part of life you never knew. It felt like she had everything figured out. Like nothing could get in her way or throw her off, but in reality she was just as young and naive as you were. You knew the relationship would never last, but that summer changed your life.
You're now happily married with a loving wife and three kids. Your middle child is going off to college and life couldn't be better, but you keep catching yourself thinking back to that girl with the Jagged Little Pill CD and some of the best two months of your life.
May 08 2024
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Strange Cargo III
William Orbit
This feels like background music for a '90s heist movie montage where the tech guy is sneaking into the mainframe to hack all the cameras as a setup to the final heist at the end of the movie.
May 09 2024
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Music From The Penguin Cafe
Penguin Cafe Orchestra
I would have preferred listing to an actual orchestra. I liked the last minute of "Zopf: Giles Farnaby's Dream". That's about it.
May 10 2024
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Fred Neil
Fred Neil
I branded 2 dozen steer and smoked a pack of Marlboro Red while listening to this album.
May 13 2024
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Alice In Chains
I can see why people like Alice In Chains, but they're not really for me. I'm giving them a three because I do like "Rooster".
May 14 2024
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Diamond Life
How do you pronounce her name? Is it (Say-dee), or (Say-duh)? Is it just (Sad)?
Easy to listen to and I knew a few songs.
May 15 2024
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Post Orgasmic Chill
Skunk Anansie
After reading the description for this album and listening to the first song, I thought it was going to be way more metal and heavy than it was. This was a relatively easy listen with plenty of song variation to keep it interesting. My expectations were low coming in which I think helps. There was also some random snippets of Drum and Bass throughout the album which I thought was interesting.
May 16 2024
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Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1
George Michael
Who can listen to "Freedom! '90" and not sing along at the top of your lungs Freedom, Freedom, Freedom!!!? Outside of that song, the first half of the album didn't really do much for me. The second half on the other hand I really enjoyed. This was going to be a 3 for me until I heard the rendition of "You Can't Always Get What You Want" at the end of "Waiting for That Day". That bumped it to a 4.
May 17 2024
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The World is a Ghetto
Do you think bands plan on making 10+ minute long songs, or is it a situation where they need to fill time? "Alright everyone that's a wrap. Good work. Wait a minute... we've only got 23 minutes here. Think you guys can just sort of jam out for another 20 minutes?"
I was vibing with this album at the start, but it started to lose me with the long songs.
May 20 2024
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My Generation
The Who
I really like The Who, but half of this album feels like they're just trying to be The Beatles. It feels like they start to find their voice around "My Generation". I still enjoyed this album, but less than most debut albums for me.
May 21 2024
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Lady Soul
Aretha Franklin
A bunch of hits on here and the rest is great! You can't go wrong with Aretha. One of the best voices of all time with variety of songs with meaning behind them. Even if you don't like this genre of music, you can't deny its brilliance.
I'm embarrassed to admit that I thought "People Get Ready" was by Rod Stewart, but apparently it's not by Aretha Franklin either. It's originally by the The Impressions.
I'm surprised that the anti-trans far right movement hasn't co-opted "You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman". Get a blond white woman singing that with a country twang, and you have a new confederacy national anthem.
May 22 2024
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Red Hot Chili Peppers
5 songs off this album are on the RHCP greatest hits collection. 4 of them are within the first 6 songs. Talk about a strong start and a very front loaded album.
I like to think that they recorded these songs in order. By the time they got to "Californication" they were on top of the world thinking they could do no wrong. Just keep writing songs because it's hit after hit. Then they started to quickly run out of steam and wrote songs about liking dirt.
If they cut out five songs from the back half of this album (Emit Remmus, I Like Dirt, Savior, Purple Stain, and Right On Time), it would be perfect for me! The lackluster finish brings this down to a 4 though.
May 23 2024
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A Seat at the Table
It's fine.
May 24 2024
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This Year's Model
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
I hated his voice.... then I loved it.... then I hated it again. I think it works well with the upbeat pop songs, but I really don't like it with the slower songs.
May 27 2024
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There are some big hit on here and I feel like I need to give it a 4, but if I'm honest with myself it's a 3.
May 28 2024
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The Fat Of The Land
The Prodigy
I listened to this album in the car with Britta, John, and Kristin. This review is a compilation of all of our ratings
May 29 2024
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Einstürzende Neubauten
This album is a car crash. I don't mean that figuratively.... It sounds like a literal car crash.
The quiet dissonant tone of a vehicle approaching quickly followed by metal scraping against concrete only to be interrupted by the screams of a German man slowly dying in a burning fire. The jaws of life and angle grinders attempting to crack open the burnt carcass of a steel smoldering wreck not being enough to quit the screams of the man inside. A brief 30 second pause of silence as the rescue crew believes that the man has passed away. The silence is interrupted by the rhythmic sound of broken bone beating against steel as the man gives one last fight to break free of his iron coffin. The sound slowly fades away, and the drilling and cutting begins again to remove the corpse from the tangled wreckage.
May 30 2024
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Fun House
The Stooges
I enjoyed "1970", but most of the songs on here are needlessly long, and that's saying something for a 35 minute album. Another album that is hugely influential for a genre that I love, but I enjoy the iteration on it rather than the album itself.
May 31 2024
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Paul McCartney
What a breath of fresh air! Very easy to listen to, and I wish there was more of it. A solid album with one of the most iconic songs ever on it.
Jun 03 2024
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Pet Sounds
The Beach Boys
Iconic songs, and easy listening. Easily a solid 4.
Jun 04 2024
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The Velvet Underground & Nico
The Velvet Underground
I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I didn't really like the first Velvet Underground album we listened to on this list, but I liked this one much more. Glad I finally gave such an iconic album the full listen to, and if I see this vinyl in the wild I'll probably pick it up. 9/10 if we were on that scale.
Jun 05 2024
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Stephen Stills
I enjoyed this album more than any of the other albums that have been part of the Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young super groups. Still not something that I would go out of my way to listen to, but by no means did I dislike it.
The names in this band feel like a group of space marines being introduced to a rookie.
"Welcome to the team new guy. Come over here and let me introduce you to the squad. We've got Dallas, Chris, Al, Joe, Paul, and this.... this here's Fuzzy."
Jun 06 2024
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Joanna Newsom
Not my cup of tea.
This feels like a mash up of the worst aspects from the following:
Lyrics by Bob Dylan look-a-like competition runner up
Music by the local renaissance fair court jester
Vocals by the theater kid who only ever wanted to do Shakespeare plays
Cover Art by "Just tell me everything you want and I'll squeeze it in somewhere"
Audience by "You just don't get it. This is genius."
Jun 07 2024
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Before And After Science
Brian Eno
I enjoyed the music, but I can't get over the vocals. The echo or whatever it is over his voice is just too off putting for me.
Jun 10 2024
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Channel Orange
Frank Ocean
I thought I was going to like this more than I did. I didn't recognize any of the songs. It was good, but a little slow. Frank Ocean has an amazing voice, but that's about it for me on this album.
Jun 11 2024
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A Hard Day's Night
13 songs in 30 minutes! This is the opposite of most albums on this list.
There are obviously a couple songs on hear that everyone in the world knows. They're not The Beatles best songs, but they're memorable for a reason. The rest of the album all kind of sounds the same, and every song is about the same subject matter. It's not a bad thing. Just maybe a little stale. I almost feel obligated to rate it higher because it's The Beatles, but then there's the equal obligatory modern take the The Beatles are overrated. If I could, I would probably give this a 3.5/5.
Jun 12 2024
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Music For The Jilted Generation
The Prodigy
Every time I listen to The Prodigy I feel like I should be wearing a black trench coat with combat boots and sunglasses at night; kicking in a door to a vampire night club in the middle of a blood orgy. Wesley Snipes throws me a fully auto crossbow in slow motion as I combate roll across the room to catch it. Time resumes normal speed when all of the black leather clad vampires turn to me. "What a pain in the neck" I say before squeezing the trigger and begining the electronica fueled slaughter of the blood sucker monsters.
After 3 minutes of that feeling, I'm just sitting around listening to mediocre beats for another 1h and 12min. Wondering was that actually cool, or really lame in hindsight.
Jun 13 2024
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Kick Out The Jams (Live)
Another album and band that I have seen everywhere but never listened to. I liked this much more than most of the other early influential punk records. I'll definitely try and listen to more of their stuff.
Jun 14 2024
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Rahul Dev Burman
Was not expecting
Cha Cha Cha
Another soundtrack
Cha Cha Cha
Kinda liked it
Cha Cha Cha
Do I need to
Cha Cha Cha
See this movie?
Cha Cha Cha
Can you guess
Cha Cha Cha
My favorite song?
Cha Cha Cha
Jun 17 2024
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The Band
The Band
Solid album, but no standout hits. Could easily have it on in the background anytime.
Jun 18 2024
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Peter Gabriel
QUICK REVIEW...... excellent review.
Classic 80s easy listening. This is what I picture when radio stations are labeled as Adult Hits. I didn't dislike it, but I won't remember it.
Jun 19 2024
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Let's Stay Together
Al Green
One of the most iconic openings to any album! Great first song and it stays consistent throughout. I only recognized "Let's Stay Together", but the rest of the songs were solid.
Jun 20 2024
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Wild Wood
Paul Weller
An album that I need to be in the right setting for to enjoy. Being forced to listen to this for as long as it is would probably get boring quickly for me. Lucky though, I had a 2 hour car ride with time to kill and was really vibing with this. I couldn't tell you a single song, but the whole album had me feeling good on a bright morning drive to the beach.
Jun 21 2024
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Meat Puppets II
Meat Puppets
I got really nervous with a band name like Meat Puppets. I came in expecting some hardcore metal, but was surprised with what was delivered. Good song variation, some solid jam vibes, and a few standout songs.
These are some of the worst vocals I've heard and I love it! You see it a lot in punk music "I may have no talent, but I'm still going to try and jam as hard as those hair bands of the 70's". Just because they're tone deaf doesn't mean they can't learn the guitar and that they don't have something to say.
I liked this way more than I was expecting, but I can also absolutely see why someone would give this a 1 star. I can see this being an obscure band that I bond with someone over randomly in the future.
Jun 24 2024
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Strangeways, Here We Come
The Smiths
I listened to this album on Friday, and I'm writing this review on Sunday. I couldn't tell you a single thing about the album. Inoffensive, but unremarkable.
Jun 25 2024
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Paul Simon
I really enjoyed this! "Call Me Al" has been a staple of many playlists of mine, but I'm glad to say the rest of the album fits right along with it. I can clearly understand the vocals, but I still couldn't tell you a single meaning to a song. The melodies are light and fun and sometimes that's enough.
Jun 26 2024
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Metal Box
Public Image Ltd.
I want to start off by saying that I love the drummer and bass player! That's where my praises end. This whole album feels like the guitarist, vocalist, and producer are just adding random sounds on top of what would be a solid bass/drum beat. Hey, guess what! That's exactly what they did. According to Wikipedia, "Albatross" was completely adlibbed and recorded in one go and you can tell. I wish that we could get an entire album with just the bass and drums. We got a taste of that with "Socialist", but even then they couldn't help themselves by putting random beeps and tones on top of everything. If I was a record label in this time, I would steal Jah Wobble and David Humphrey, pair them with a strong lead man who can play four cords on a guitar, and own the 80's.
This would be a 1 star album for me, but the drum and bass brings it up to a 2.
Jun 27 2024
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The Who Sell Out
The Who
I've always thought that I was a big The Who fan, but the more they come up on this list I've come to realize that I'm just a fan of their top 5 hits or so. Every album seems to have one big standout hit ("I Can See For Miles" on this one) that I really enjoy but then struggle to get through the rest of it. Just give me a greatest hits compilation that cuts out all of the fluff.
Jun 28 2024
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The Cult
A pretty solid rock album. Nothing to write home about, but I did enjoy it.
Not a fan of the Born to be Wild cover if I'm honest.
Jul 01 2024
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Home Is Where The Music Is
Hugh Masekela
Like many jazz albums, the time, place, and mind space make a big difference. Sunday morning while getting the house ready when everyone else is still asleep 4/5. Sunday evening as background music while trying to watch the X Games 2/5.
Jul 02 2024
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I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I don't know why R.E.M. is so popular. I've tried to like them for a long time, but they've never broken through for me. This is probably my favorite of their albums so far, but I still don't love it.
Jul 03 2024
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Songs Of Love And Hate
Leonard Cohen
As someone who doesn't pay attention to lyrics, I feel like I'm really missing out here. The music is pretty slow and sad. It doesn't feel complicated or interesting, but I'm sure that the lyrics are deep and meaningful. Unfortunately, the melodies don't do anything for me.
Jul 04 2024
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Stereo MC's
I think I liked this more than it deserves. I was really vibing with it! The beats were cool and the vocals were decent. My only complaint is it's length. Some of the songs had about 3 minutes of looped beats with nothing else. Outside of that, I really enjoyed it.
Jul 05 2024
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The Teardrop Explodes
Had it playing in the background during a conversation. It did it's job and was a surprisingly good fit.
Jul 08 2024
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Jack White
A solid rock album. Feels pretty timeless for something that came out in 2012.
Jul 09 2024
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(What's The Story) Morning Glory
Obviously everyone knows that the iconic song from this album has become a meme to be made fun of. Maybe it's because of it's slightly off drawn out notes, or maybe it was just over played. Regardless of the jokes, that song is always great every time I hear it. I was at a We The Kings concert recently and in the middle of their set they played an unexpected acoustic version of it. After the initial laugh and groan by the crowd everyone slowly started to sing along. Halfway through you couldn't even hear the band anymore. Just everyone singing the lyrics at the top of their lungs. The crowd even sang the chorus one more time on their own without the band. It's fun to make fun of, but deep down everyone loves it. "Don't Look Back in Anger" and "Champagne Supernova" are also songs that I've know forever but never new they were part of this album. The rest is solid and there's not really anything I have to complain about.
Anyway, here's Wonderwall!
Jul 10 2024
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Shaka Zulu
Ladysmith Black Mambazo
A very cool changeup with this one! I really liked it. I went back and relistened to a few songs that stood out. I couldn't do an entire genre of it, but it's a great mix up from the plethora of British Rock on this list.
Jul 11 2024
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Lady In Satin
Billie Holiday
I love Billie's voice. It's somehow sweet and gravely at the same time. I love her vibrato, and I even like the ASMR sounds right before she starts singing. That being said, I'm not crazy about the songs. They're all very similar with a meandering drum and bass line. The only variations that I can think of is the trumpet in "But Beautiful". This would be a 2 if it was based on songs alone, but Billie brings it up to a 3.
Jul 12 2024
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They Were Wrong, So We Drowned
This would be the result if that High School Musical 2 scene where they play pots and pans in the kitchen took place at a school for witches.
Jul 15 2024
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Never Mind The Bollocks, Here’s The Sex Pistols
Sex Pistols
I really liked this! I can definitely see the influence that the Sex Pistols had. It seems like most of the punk bands that I listen to can point to this as their biggest influence. I'm going to have to check out more of their albums.
Jul 16 2024
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Out Of The Blue
Electric Light Orchestra
Love me some ELO! Not only are the hits on here some of the biggest in the world, but the rest of the album is really solid. A consistent sound throughout without feeling too repetitive. I would give this an easy 5 stars if it wasn't for the length. 1h 10min is too long for any album. Cut it down to 50 minutes (or better yet 45) and it would be perfect. In this case I'm going with a 4.
Jul 17 2024
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Lou Reed
I've known this cover art for a long time, because "Walk on the Wild Side" is on my 'Parents Radio' playlist. This is the first time I've listened to the whole album though. I love it! Every song has me invested in the lyrics even with the talk singing style. The lyrics feel very progressive. Even the colored girls line seems to fit in appropriately rather than coming off as racist terminology.
The album is short, catchy, deep, and meaningful. I was expecting a one hit wonder song, but was surprised with a really great album.
Jul 18 2024
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Water From An Ancient Well
Abdullah Ibrahim
I normally enjoy the jazz albums on this list, but this one didn't really capture me. Maybe I was just in a weird mood, or maybe there's not enough depth in this album. Either way, it wasn't bad or offensive. Just jazz
Jul 19 2024
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Can't Buy A Thrill
Steely Dan
I had no idea that "Do It Again", "Dirty Work", and "Reelin' In The Years" were all by the same band, much less off the same album! The rest of the album is just as good. Just not as well know.
Jul 22 2024
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Jazz Samba
Stan Getz
A review by my wife Kristin.
"I actually really like this. I'm not joking. It sounds like perfect hotel lobby music. There are no words to distract me. I can put it on and just do all of my work around the house. 5 stars!"
Jul 23 2024
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Here's Little Richard
Little Richard
It's quick, fun, and very influential. I've never listened to a Little Richard album before, but I have heard a few songs. Once you hear one, you've pretty much heard them all. Absolutely iconic, but probably won't put it on again.
Jul 24 2024
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This Nation’s Saving Grace
The Fall
I like a lot of Punk genres. I don't think I like Post Punk.
Jul 25 2024
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Teen Dream
Beach House
I liked the dream pop vibe of this album. It's something that's right up my ally, but I feel like there are better versions of it. It got a little repetitive towards the end, but overall very enjoyable.
Jul 26 2024
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Deloused in the Comatorium
The Mars Volta
I.... I don't know how to rate this one. It's either 2 or 4 stars. Definitely not a 3. It's anything but average. I found myself enjoying the first half of it, but then had to stop to take care of some things. I really had to work myself up to start it again and was dreading it a bit, but once I started it again, I really enjoyed it. Listening to this album felt like going to the gym. I dreaded everything leading up to it, but once it was over I felt great and thought about going back again.
Jul 29 2024
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Curtis Mayfield
I really had fun with this album! Awesome vibes, and I had to go back and listen to "Pusherman" again. I'll definitely think about this one again.
Jul 30 2024
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The Stone Roses
The Stone Roses
I didn't dislike it, but it didn't grab me either. Kinda forgettable.
Jul 31 2024
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Grant Lee Buffalo
A whole lot of meh...
Aug 01 2024
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The Trinity Session
Cowboy Junkies
Not bad. I can cross Canadian Alternative Country off the list now. I had a decent time listening to this album, but I probably won't be coming back.
Aug 02 2024
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Black Flag
Hugely influential album in the skate community! Every Gen X skater I've ever met has a Black Flag tattoo (probably because they're cheap to do). "Rise Above" and "TV Party" have been on my Skate playlist for a long time.
I would say that this is by far the best example of a Punk album. A group of guys playing load and fast about any topic they want. Can't sing? Who cares. Poor recording equipment? Whatever. No one will book us a big venue? We only want to play in shitholes anyway. A true "fuck you I'm going to do what I want" attitude that seeps further into you the louder you turn the music up. Fuck you, fuck society, and fuck me! Let's get hammered and go skate.
Aug 05 2024
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An interesting album. Not much that I can really compare it to. I appreciate it's place on this list, but I wasn't crazy about it.
Aug 06 2024
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Very middle of the road. You can play the Pretenders on any radio station and not offend anyone. "Brass In Pocket" is a fun jam, but the rest is pretty forgettable. This is the easiest 3 I could give.
Aug 07 2024
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Ray Of Light
I was really excited for this album after listening to the title track "Ray of Light". A dance club beat with Madonna belting it out at the top of her lungs! What's not to love? But then the rest of the album fell a little flat for me. The club beats stayed, but Madonna's singing was slow and low on every other song. Her singing never really matched the music for me. I was hoping for up beat, but instead got slow and dramatic.
Aug 08 2024
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Francis Albert Sinatra & Antonio Carlos Jobim
Frank Sinatra
Every song on this album sounds the same.... and I think that works in its favor. This feels like music that should be playing in the background of a very fancy restaurant. The only thing missing from the recording is the sound of clinking dishware, quiet conversations, and every song being followed by a polite golf clap. I've always been a fan of Frank Sinatra's voice and the blend with bossa nova is a fun mix.
Aug 09 2024
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Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Definitely not my genre, but I really liked it! It's not metal for the sake of metal. Songs are thought out and are more than just a series of choruses linking guitar solos. I'm not one to listen to lyrics, but I appreciate that fact that they bring melody and depth to the songs rather than just being screamed. A very mature and well put together album especially for a debut. I can see why Iron Maiden is so big.
Aug 12 2024
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Jeff Buckley
I waited all weekend to write this review which was a mistake. I remember liking it but not enough to remember it. Outside of Hallelujah I couldn't tell you anything about the album. That being said, Hallelujah I such a powerful song that it makes the listen worth it alone. I don't know if it's Jeff Buckley or just the song itself that makes it so great. Either way, I'm glad to see it get it's recognition.
Aug 13 2024
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In Utero
I think I have Nirvana Stockholm Syndrome. I don't know if I like them or not. I've been told they're the greatest band of the 90's for my entire life and I have to like them. Am I singing along to "Heart Shaped Box" and "All Apologies" because I like them so much, or have the lyrics just been driven into my head over the years? Their influence is obviously huge, and they established the sound of the 90's. I just wish there was less influence over how I should feel about them to make my own determination, but I feel like I can't give them less than a 4.
Aug 14 2024
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Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret
Soft Cell
I am not a fan of this album. I really struggled to get through it. There's no real aspect of these songs that I like. The synth beats are too weird for me. I don't like the talk singing. This feels like the most put together album that I would give a 1 to.
But.... "Tainted Love" is too freaking good to ignore. That opening beat is iconic. Everyone in the world hears that bump bump I can say I know that song. A radio hit since it came out and I'm sure I could hear it over the radio on my drive home today.
There are some albums that have a song good enough to warrant listening to the entire album. I wouldn't consider this to be one of them. "Tainted Love" brings this from a 1 to a 2.
Aug 15 2024
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Beauty And The Beat
The Go-Go's
What a fun album! This is one of the rare cases where an album ends and I was disappointed there wasn't more. I thought this was going to be a one hit wonder with "We Got The Beat", but the rest was just as enjoyable. Perfect for what it is.
Aug 16 2024
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Awesome album! I've always known "Black Hole Sun" but I've never listened to more Soundgarden. Great album that reminded me of high school weightlifting. It is too long though.
Aug 19 2024
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Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin
Love me some Zeppelin! I don't think I've heard someone call them this before, but I think they're just a jam band. A hard rock cruise through some awesome songs. There aren't really any peaks or valleys. Just a long plateau. I'm more familiar with Led Zeppelin II, so this was awesome to listen to for the first time.
Aug 20 2024
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The Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd
The Dark Side Of The Moon is the best produced album of all time.
I have written two papers on this album and can talk endlessly about its tragic backstory with Syd Barrett or the deep meaning of it's lyrics, but I want to focus instead on the production of this album. Specifically it's composition and layout.
This album is truly a masterpiece as a whole, and should be listened to as a completed package rather than individual tracks. Every song perfectly builds on the next. They bleed together so seamlessly you don't know when one ends and the next begins. 10 songs split perfectly in half with 5 on side A and 5 on side B. It's organized absolutely perfectly and hasn't been topped since.
The intro song "Speak To Me" is a perfect set up. It starts out with a few seconds of silence to get you to think "Is my volume turned up?", and once you start to turn it up you begin to hear the heart beat of the album. The song takes you through a quick journey of what's to come with ticking clocks, cash registers, melodic wailing of a strange women, and the laughter of a mad man. It all builds into a crescendo until it stops and the next song tells you to....
"Breathe" and relax. That was only a taste of what's to come. You can take it easy and sit back in your chair. This album has only just started, so take a deep breath and gather yourself before we need to get...
"On The Run". A bridge between songs that on a normal album would only be 30 seconds long. Pink Floyd was able to make a bridge that keeps you engaged, but more importantly sets the pace for the next song. This track is much more than a waste of...
"Time". It was intended to lull you into a rhythm that is purposely interrupted by alarm clocks and ringing bells. Wake up, because this song is a big one! Played on the radio all over the world and the second most recognizable track on the album. There's not much that needs to be said about the heights this song has reached. It has climbed all the way to...
"The Great Gig In The Sky". Where we float high above everyone around us and bask in the openness. There are no words that need to be said when you're looking out at the vast emptiness. Just the emotions to be felt from deep within. So much can be pulled from Clare Torry's vocals. It's a beautiful song, but it won't be played on the radio and let's be honest, we need to make some...
(This is where side one ends on the vinyl. It's a perfect fade away and an intended break in the album to allow you to flip the record and let the next song to come in hard without sounding out of place.)
"Money". The big single from the album. Is it ironic that this is the most profitable song off the album? Or that it's criticism of wealth and capitalism has made the band millions? Is Pink Floyd still able to relate to the common man, or has their success put them on the other side of...
"Us And Them"? Should there even be an us and them? After all we are only ordinary men. Can't we all sit back and enjoy some beautiful saxophone? It's important to remember that we shouldn't be putting everyone into categories and fighting. Anyone can be...
"Any Color You Like". Another 3 minute long bridge song, but in reality it's the backbone of the back half of this album. Side B blends perfectly together because of this song. It links everything so that it could be enjoyed as a whole even if you had...
"Brain Damage". My favorite track off this album. It's a beautiful song with deeper meaning than just the struggle with mental illness. It's a song dedicated to Syd Barrett that hits so hard they made an entire album referencing back to him with Wish You Were Here. It's a reminder that this band has a past history, and it shouldn't be forgotten. It is a shame though because The Dark Side Of The Moon put everything Pink Floyd did before it in an...
"Eclipse". And there we have it. We've come back around with another song encompassing everything that has come before. A perfect summary of the album with a fade out back into the heart beat we heard at the start. Not only does every song play perfectly into each other, but the album plays back into itself. You can loop it right back to the beginning and not lose a beat.
Now take all of that perfectly composed genius and wrap it up in the most iconic album art ever. Every aspect of the album is so perfectly put together that I believe it is the best produced album of all time.
Aug 21 2024
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Crossing the Red Sea With the Adverts
The Adverts
I liked it! I'm surprised I haven't heard of The Adverts before. This album didn't blow me away. I probably won't listen to it again, but I appreciate listening to it at least once. I'm glad I'm getting so much punk history.
Aug 22 2024
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You Want It Darker
Leonard Cohen
Hot damn! I was not prepared for this album. A man on his death bed saying "You think this is bad? Let's see if we can get darker." The back half gets a little repetitive, but "You Want It Darker" is such an awesome song that the rest of the album doesn't even matter.
Aug 23 2024
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Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Nope. Still not a Nick Cave fan.
I enjoyed two songs off this album. "There She Goes, My Beautiful World" and "Nature Boy". But for every one of those we get a "Fable of the Brown Ape". I liked 2 out of 17 songs or 11.7% of this album. I guess that puts this in the 1 star range.
Aug 26 2024
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Hotel California
How can a band release their greatest hits album and then 9 months later dropped one of the most iconic records of all time?
"Hotel California" and "Life in the Fast Lane" are all timers, but the rest of the album left me a little wanting. This feels like a 3.5 album for me, but those two songs alone bring it up to a 4.
Aug 27 2024
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Marquee Moon
There's nothing really wrong with this album, but it does commit the biggest sin for me. It's boring. I would recommend someone listens to Kollaps by Einstürzende Neubauten over this. With Kollaps, you can at least trauma bond with someone who's also listened to it. With Marquee Moon, you can say "yeah, I've heard it" and move on.
Aug 28 2024
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Back to Basics
Christina Aguilera
I don't hate it. I actually kinda like it! Christina Aguilera has an amazing voice. To be honest, it's been so long since I've heard one of her songs I forgot what she sounded like. I really like the sound of this album. The R&B pop blend works really well, and I like the throwback sounds of the second half. The length on the other hand does not work. Just split it into two albums! There's a clear distinction between the first and second half. 1h and 20min is just too much. Especially when this was made during the popularity of my least favorite music trend. The early 2000's female lead singing OooOOoOOOooOoOOo yeahhhHHhhhHHHhhhhhHHH.
Aug 29 2024
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Cupid & Psyche 85
Scritti Politti
I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. The voice. Why that voice?! If you run this album just a hair slower it could be the background music for a horror movie about a carnival run by murderous children. The music itself isn't bad. I just can't get over that voice.
Aug 30 2024
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Let England Shake
PJ Harvey
Still not a PJ Harvey fan.
Sep 02 2024
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Jethro Tull
Sep 03 2024
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Highway to Hell
I listened to this album while wrangling a toddler at the airport, and I think it matched the energy of the situation perfectly. Came in strong thinking hell yeah I got this. After the title song I faded in and out of the album with distractions. Every time I came back in, I thought yep this is AC/DC. Not their best album, but one of their best songs.
Sep 04 2024
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I don't know why but the first thing that came to mind for me is that this feels like it would be in a James Bond movie where he is on a mission in the Caribbean. He would be walking around the streets in a white linen shirt as a local festival is taking place. Exotic dancers in elegant costumes dance past him as he sees the villain in the distance. He tries to get closer only for a nearby dancer to take off their mask and hit him with a blow dart knocking him unconscious.
Over all I really liked it, and will keep it in mind when I'm looking to put something on in the background.
Sep 05 2024
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Depeche Mode
I thought I liked Depeche Mode. Turns out that I don't.
Sep 06 2024
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Vento De Maio
Elis Regina
This has been my least favorite jazz album we've had on the list. I typically like jazz samba, but this one didn't really offer anything. The vocals being in another language doesn't help, but it doesn't really hurt either. The whole album just fell a little flat.
Sep 09 2024
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Talking Book
Stevie Wonder
14 albums before you release your biggest hit! Superstitious almost feels out of place with how big it is, but the rest of the album is great too. It just grabs your attention every time you here it. Even if you are grooving along to the rest of the album.
Sep 10 2024
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Heaven Or Las Vegas
Cocteau Twins
Really enjoyable. This feels like it could come out today with no problem. I was really jamming with the first half of the album, but the back half fell off a bit for me. This is almost a 4 star album, but I think it's going to stay as a 3.
Sep 11 2024
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This is a 1 star album...... but I...... I kinda like it. I like the narrator singing style (even if it's too low for me to understand what's being said). I like the ominous melancholy tone throughout the album. The songs are long, but I couldn't hit skip halfway through because I wanted to see how they would change. This album probably had a big influence on the modern Midwest Emo scene that's been picking up over the years. Overall, I won't be going back to listen to this album again, but I will be thinking about it for some time to come.
Sep 12 2024
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The Holy Bible
Manic Street Preachers
I really like the sound of Manic Street Preachers. An hour of it is a bit much, but for the most part I enjoyed this album. I'm terrible at listening to lyrics, so I'll take everyone's word that they're deep and meaningful. If this album was 15 minutes shorter I might give it a 4, but it's probably going to fall to a 3 with the length.
Sep 13 2024
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Architecture And Morality
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
Solid album. Definitely has that 80s sound. It wasn't difficult to listen to, but I probably won't be going back to it.
Sep 16 2024
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The Bends
If I'm honest with myself, I didn't give this album the listen it deserves. I was very distracted while listening to this on Friday and didn't write a review until Monday. I liked the overall sound of this album, but I couldn't tell you a single song.
Sep 17 2024
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The Police
Ugh... I want to give this a 3.5. I don't think this album is deserving of a 4. I wasn't crazy about its sound, and most of the songs I wanted to skip. There were a couple that I did enjoy. "King of Pain" and "Wrapped Around Your Finger". The big standout though is obviously "Every Breath You Take". It's a standout both in its popularity and its sound. It almost feels out of place. Is it enough to bump it to a 4? I guess we'll see tomorrow morning.
Sep 18 2024
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Cosmo's Factory
Creedence Clearwater Revival
Fuck dude, this might be it. Starts out with a 7-minute jam to remind you of that CCR sound and then it's followed by hit after hit after hit. It feels like these guys were nailing out songs one day and then said "Hey, maybe we shouldn't make an album." There are so many iconic songs throughout this album. Most of theses songs were probably the background music for some of your favorite movie scenes. The peak of a band with a unique sound that should have been a one-hit wonder doing it again and again and again.
Sep 19 2024
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A Little Deeper
Ms. Dynamite
I liked this more than I was expecting. It felt like the dirtiest clean rapping you can do. Fuck drugs, I have a shit ton of self confidence, if you think you can get me you must be out of your fucking mind. I'm glad I listened to it, but I would still put this around a 2.5. We'll see where I fall
Sep 20 2024
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Crowded House
There goes God with his sexy pants and his sausage dog.
Not bad, but a little boring. I would have preferred if they leaned into their accents more. Instead, it just sounds like generic soft rock.
I'm still here.
I won't go away.
Sep 23 2024
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Come Away With Me
Norah Jones
A perfect album for a rainy morning listen. I had forgotten about Norah Jones, so this was a pleasant reminder that I need to keep her in the rotation.
Sep 24 2024
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Meat Is Murder
The Smiths
I hope you enjoy The Smiths sound, because it does not change at all on this album. Every song is very similar. If that's what you're into then you have a winner here. I was not crazy about it and was really just waiting for this album to end.
Sep 25 2024
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Alien Lanes
Guided By Voices
I can appreciate why this album is on the list. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there whose favorite Brit pop rock band didn't make the list and are upset that this one did. This is different, unique, and a little strange. I'm not saying I necessarily like it, but I like that it is here.
Sep 26 2024
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Something Else By The Kinks
The Kinks
I like The Kinks (really just the song Lola), but man did this album feel dated. Maybe it had to do with the mono recordings. Every song was a bit boring and safe. It dragged a lot for me. I was hoping something fun would come along but I was just met with blah.
Sep 27 2024
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All Mod Cons
The Jam
Not a bad album. I liked "English Rose", but I probably won't ever think about The Jam ever again.
The lines
"I fumble for change, and pull out the Queen
smiling, beguiling
I put in the money and pull out a plum"
from the song Down In The Tube Station At Midnight is one of the most British things I've ever heard.
Sep 30 2024
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The Low End Theory
A Tribe Called Quest
Awesome album! I had a really good time with it. I didn't recognize any of the songs, but I feel like I knew some beats.
Oct 01 2024
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Oracular Spectacular
I wasn't expecting this on here. I love this album! The first half is definitely stronger than the back half. If it kept up after Kids it could have been perfect record. When listening to the vinyl, I rarely flip it to side B. Side A is so strong though! A 9 out of 10 for me, but I can't say it's a perfect 5 stars.
Oct 02 2024
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I could see myself really liking these guys if I discovered them earlier. This album feels like it could really connect with me if I had to listen to it on repeat from a CD. As of now, my music library is too big to really fit Elastica in anywhere.
Oct 03 2024
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Maxwell's Urban Hang Suite
I thought I was going to love this album after the opening song "The Urban Theme", but fell off pretty quickly once the singing started. I thought we were about to experience an awesome funky acoustic track that I could put on in the background while cleaning the house. The vocals lost me though. They sound like a Michael Jackson knockoff singing slow love songs. I wish I could get the tracks without the vocals.
Oct 04 2024
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Jeff Beck
Is this a Jeff Beck or a Rod Stewart album? I've always been a fan of Stewart's voice, so this is like discovering brand new songs of his. Becks guitar is great, but I probably won't be coming back to this.
Oct 07 2024
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The Cure
Yo, I can fucks with some Cure! Prior to this, I really only knew "Friday I'm in love". This album is right up my alley. It's is a little long, but I really enjoyed it. It hit me in the right time and place.
Oct 08 2024
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Michael Jackson
How is this not 5 stars? It's the best selling album of all time (20 million more than second place). It has seven top ten singles on it. It is objectively the most successful album ever created. The length is good, the hits are great, and it's impact is unheard of! Even if you don't like Michael Jackson, you can't deny that this is one of the greatest albums ever made.
On a side note, I can still remember where I was the first time I watched the Thriller music video. We were on a middle school field trip to the aquarium and we stopped at a restaurant for dinner. They were playing music videos on all the tv's that night, and one of the servers could do the entire dance. When Thriller came on, the whole restaurant stopped what they were doing to watch this guy perform the entire song and dance perfectly. It's a core memory that has stuck with me for 20 years.
Oct 09 2024
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Searching For The Young Soul Rebels
Dexys Midnight Runners
I love the horns on this album! This is like an early British ska band. That was a real big fan of 7 days is too long and Tell me when my light turns green. I wasn't crazy about the slow songs, but I like this album way more than I was expecting.
Oct 10 2024
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Kanye West
I'm a little behind on my Christian literature, but if I'm not mistaken, you're not supposed to refer to yourself as a god while talking to Jesus.
I don't really like any of the songs, but they were intriguing enough to keep me engaged. The styles change so much throughout a song that it keeps you on your toes. It's a very interesting experimental album, but I'm not going to listen to it again.
Oct 11 2024
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The Gershwin Songbook
Ella Fitzgerald
I want to give a round of applause to everyone who listened to the entire album. I don't know you, and you don't know me, but we both went through the same experience together.
I don't know how you call this an album. For some bands, it's an entire discography. 3h 15m is just too long. That being said, I really enjoyed it. Ella Fitzgerald's voice is amazing, and I will always love a big band! Every song sounds the same, but I'm not necessarily upset with that. It's a beautiful sound that you can come in and out of.
I listened to this on a road trip with my toddler in the back seat. She is terrible at sleeping in the car. I am pleased to say that Ella Fitzgerald's sultry voice lulled her to sleep for a 2 hour nap, and I will forever be in her debt.
Oct 14 2024
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Janis Joplin
I've never listened to Janice Joplin before. I've know her name forever, but never experienced her work. This album is kicks ass! I thought people just loved her for her voice and lyrics, but the music itself is just as good. Awesome album that I wish I would have known about sooner.
I never knew "Mercedes Benz" was a Joplin song. I thought it came off some comedy album that everyone covered. It's always fun to start piecing together all these songs that I've heard over the years.
Oct 15 2024
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At Newport 1960
Muddy Waters
I'm not really a blues guy. I can appreciate the influence Muddy Waters has, but it's really not for me.
Oct 16 2024
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Sly & The Family Stone
I like a few songs from Sly and the family Stone, so I was hoping this album would introduce me to some more. Unfortunately, that's not the case. I still like "I Want to Take You Higher" and "Everyday People", but I really didn't like the rest of the album. This will be a weird one to score.
Oct 17 2024
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Oof... this album really is a product of it's time. It's so stuck in time that I wouldn't even say it's a 00's album. It's specifically the year 2000. When people say they don't like Madonna, this is the era they're referring to.
I've always heard that Madonna is the only artist to release a chart-topping record every decade since her start. I'm now realizing she only accomplished this by pandering to the audience of the time. She just chases whatever the trend is.
The only song I kinda liked was "Don't Tell Me", but even that feels like a rip-off of Green Day's "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)". Specifically the guitar cutting in and out.
Oct 18 2024
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Hot Fuss
The Killers
You want white people to dance at a wedding? Boy do I have a song for you.
Did you know that "Mr. Brightside" has spent 260 weeks on the UK Top Singles Chart over the a past 13 years?! This album would be on this list for that song alone, but this band/album is anything but a one hit wonder. "Smile Like You Mean It", "Somebody Told Me", and "All These Things That I've Done" are all awesome singles in their own right. The rest of the album is just a cherry on top.
Unfortunately, the layout of this album suffers from the iTunes effect (I'm guessing). When iTunes started, you could sample listen to 15 seconds of the first 3 songs of an album before you bought it. Bands started to frontload their albums with their best songs to try and sell the whole thing. I'm guessing that's what happened here. I think this album would have benefited if the big hits were a little more spread out. The back half isn't bad, but it needs a little spice added to it.
I hate this rating system, because I want to give this a 9/10.
Oct 21 2024
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Live At Leeds
The Who
It was alright I guess. I'm realizing now that there are about 6 or 7 The Who songs that I like, and I like the studio version more. Just give me a greatest hits compilation.
Oct 22 2024
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Five Leaves Left
Nick Drake
There's an alternate timeline where Spencer is dying in a Myrtle Beach condo closet after smoking K2, and rather than John Mayer saving him, it's Nick Drake.
I want to play this album as my toddlers bedtime lullaby's. I honestly couldn't tell you any of the lyrics, but the music and his voice are so soft and sweet, I could listen to it all day long.
Oct 23 2024
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Yank Crime
Drive Like Jehu
The thing I like about punk songs is that they are fast, loud, and short. This album is missing one of those crucial elements. Can you guess what it is?
Every song on here is twice as long as it needs to be. "Do You Compute" has a 1:45 intro with the same 6 notes played over and over again. "Super Unison" opens with 30 seconds of a tinnitus inducing ringing. I don't necessarily dislike these elements, but they go on for way too long.
Oct 24 2024
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Blood And Chocolate
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
I don't dislike Elvis Costello, but I'm never going to put him on. I liked the first album we listened to of his more (This Years Model).
Oct 25 2024
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Jean-Michel Jarre
I want to wait until sundown, smoke a fat J, get into my buddies old Lexus SUV, turn off all of the interior lights, and "spaceship" across the country while listening to this album.
Oct 28 2024
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The Chronic
Dr. Dre
I can respect the influence this album had on rap, but it's not really for me. There were a couple songs I recognized and few others I thought were good. I listened to this on Friday, and didn't think about it once over the weekend.
Oct 29 2024
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Who's Next
The Who
The Who albums have a lot of peaks and valley's. Every album has one or two of their best hits and the rest of it can usually be forgotten. This album is very similar, but the three songs "Baba O' Reily", "Behind Blue Eyes", and "Won't Get Fooled Again" are some of The Who's Highest Peaks. The other songs don't matter at all, but those three alone are enough for a 4.
When people think of The Who, they're thinking about this album.
Oct 30 2024
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Prior to this listen, I only knew Prince for his songs "Purple Rain" and "1999". I didn't quite realize how much of a nasty little freak (in all the right ways) he was. The lyrics to "Let's Pretend We're Married" are absolutely wild!
This album and it's songs are too long. That would normally be enough for me to take it down a star, but I had too much fun with this to go anything less than a 4.
Oct 31 2024
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Femi Kuti
Femi Kuti
A really cool album that I will probably never listen to again. The music style is awesome and the lyrics are really impactful. I don't have anything negative to say about it (besides it's length), but it's not really my genre and I'm not going to seek it out.
Nov 01 2024
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American IV: The Man Comes Around
Johnny Cash
This album should not be as good as it is. A 70 year old man singing song covers on his deathbed. All signs point to this being an absolute train wreck, but damn it if this isn't a masterpiece!
Every cover has Johnny Cash's signature twist on it. He doesn't fall into the trap of just putting out an identical song to the original. This is how you cover songs (both your own and other artists) and make them your own.
This album will make you cry with the "Hurt" only a man looking back on his life can, and then make you cry again with hope that one day "We'll Meet Again". An absolutely perfect send off for one of the greatest artists of all time. We salute you Mr. Cash.
Nov 04 2024
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Fela Kuti
Dave Matthews has nothing on this jam band! I'm pretty sure that's going to be the longest drum solo I will ever hear in my life.
Nov 05 2024
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Beggars Banquet
The Rolling Stones
One hell of a start with "Sympathy for The Devil"! The rest of the album is pretty forgettable though. By no means did I dislike it, but it's not a lasting album for me outside of the first song.
Nov 06 2024
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Daft Punk
I don't know if this album works as a whole. I think it is best enjoyed once it's been chopped, sampled, and remixed. It almost feels like this is a demo reel for other bands to pick beats and mixes to make songs out of. Really cool to see early Daft Punk, but not crazy about the entire album.
Nov 07 2024
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Dolly Parton
We play both kinds of music here, Country and Western!
Nov 08 2024
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Dig Your Own Hole
The Chemical Brothers
I really liked this album... for the first 25 minutes. I guess it's easy to stretch out songs like this when you're just constantly looping everything.
I got distracted and stopped listening after writing that first part. I picked up the second half of the album while working on a spreadsheet. That's what you need to do to enjoy this album! Breaking it up really helped, and half focusing on something else is the way to go. Couldn't do it all at once, but still enjoyable.
Nov 11 2024
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The first half of this album was all over the place, but it did have its high moments. It's the back half of this album that really got me. It began to sort of all flow together and I didn't realize that I'd listened to 30 minutes of it so quickly. It put me in a good Zen mode while I was sweeping. Definitely some standout songs but generally have it on as a background album
Nov 12 2024
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Tres Hombres
ZZ Top
I'm not the biggest ZZ Top fan, but you have to respect the ripping guitar throughout this album. I felt cool just walking around with this playing.
Nov 13 2024
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You Are The Quarry
Fuck you Morrissey. We've got Obama.
If I was in Morrissey's gang, I would also want to be the first one to die.
This album would be found on r/im14andthisisdeep.
Nov 14 2024
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High Violet
The National
I really liked the feel and sound of this album. It's upbeat tempos with the singers low voice make it feel sad without being depressing. Like there's still a bit of hope to keep going towards. It falls right in that 2010's alternative sound that I love.
Nov 15 2024
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Tracy Chapman
Tracy Chapman
This was a tough one to come into because I felt obligated to give it a high score especially with the recent resurgence in "Fast Car". I'm glad to say that I really enjoyed it!
Chapman has an awesome voice and is tackling some seriously deep subject matter with racism, unjust responsibilities, and domestic abuse. This is why I love debut albums like this because they come from real world experiences and a place of relatability, unlike later albums once an artist is successful.
I'm not going to say this album is perfect. It trails off a bit on the back half, but it's short enough that this isn't really an issue. This is another album that would be a 9/10 if we were on that scale.
Nov 18 2024
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...And Justice For All
If I'm going to listen to metal, I want it to be Metallica. I'm still not crazy about the genre, but it wasn't hard to listen to. The songs mostly sounded the same. I guess that's good if you like Metallica, but it got pretty repetitive for me. Music like this just reminds me of a highschool weight room.
Nov 19 2024
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ZZ Top
The first half of this album rocks! I knew I liked "Gimme All Your Lovin" and "Sharp Dressed Man", but I didn't realize that I knew "Legs" as well. Those first 6 songs are really solid. After "Legs" the album falls off pretty hard though. Definitely can't be a 5 star with the back half of the album, but I'll gladly give it a 4.
Nov 20 2024
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Millions Now Living Will Never Die
This album is great if you're a movie producer about to make a Sci-Fi space movie and you can't afford Hans Zimmer. Just purchase the rights to "Djed" and chop it up as background music for the entire film.
I should really like this album more than I do. I like the sound of it, but the structure is just all over the place. It meanders and winds with no direction. A third of the way through "Glass Museum" the song just stops so the guitarist (at least what it sounds like) can tune his guitar. Next time I hope they actually write their songs before getting in the studio and start randomly playing.
Nov 21 2024
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Isn't Anything
My Bloody Valentine
I'm not sure how this album is great or influential. It just drones on and on. I would much rather listen to MGK's My Bloody Valentine.
Nov 22 2024
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Bee Gees
If I'm listening to the Bee Gees I want to be listen to Disco! I recognized "How Can You Mend A Broken Heart" and I think it's a solid song. The rest of the album was pretty boring though, and not in the let's put it on as background music kinda boring either. Overall it's not bad, but I was a little let down by it.
Nov 25 2024
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My dad used to play a lot of R.E.M. songs on his guitar when I was growing up. I never realized all those songs were from the same band. I loved them so much when my dad played them, but I really don't like the actual version. I guess I like R.E.M.'s song writing, but hate their sound.
Nov 26 2024
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Led Zeppelin IV
Led Zeppelin
"Black Dog"
"Rock and Roll"
"Stairway to Heaven"
"When the Levee Breaks"
Each of these songs would have made this a successful album on their own. Having all four on one record has cemented this as one of the greatest rock albums of all time. The hits are well spaced out, and the lesser songs don't bring it down. I was teetering on a 4 or 5, but the album length of 42 minutes falls right in that perfect duration earning it at least one bonus star.
Nov 27 2024
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The Predator
Ice Cube
Nov 28 2024
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Guitar Town
Steve Earle
Some solid knee slappin, boot stompin, tobacco spittin county! If this album was an hour long, I would probably give it a 2. I didn't really get tired of it with it only being 35 minutes though. An albums length can really add or subtract a star for me.
Nov 29 2024
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3 Feet High and Rising
De La Soul
I liked this a lot more than I thought I would. I'm always skeptical of 80s rap, but this was really enjoyable. It wasn't too corny and I really liked the beats. It probably would have been a 4 if it wasn't so long.
Dec 02 2024
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Kind Of Blue
Miles Davis
This album came at the perfect time. I had all of my wife's extended family over at my house and I was able to put this on as background music for everyone. I definitely prefer piano heavy jazz music over a horn, but this was really enjoyable. Right place at the right time with the right album.
Dec 03 2024
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Listening to this album for the first time in 2024 is a lot like finally watching that YouTube video your friend has always been talking about. You know all of the words because they've been said to you over and over again. By the time you watch the video you're not sure if you actually like it or if you've just heard "Snape, Snape, Severus Snape" so many time that you just recognize it.
I'll don't think I'll ever be able to truly review this album based on my impressions alone. I still enjoyed it, but I'm not sure if that's just because I recognize most of the songs being played everywhere I go. I wish I could experience this for the first time in 1991.
Also, who was like "Just throw the naked baby in the pool and I'll take a photo as our cover art"?
Dec 04 2024
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New Boots And Panties
Ian Dury
I like all the parts where he isn't singing. Can I get an instrumental version of this album?
Dec 05 2024
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I Want To See The Bright Lights Tonight
Richard Thompson
I don't know if its a good sign when the Wikipedia articles main takeaway from the album is that it was not commercially successful, nor was it critically successful either.
This would be a 3 star album for me if it was only Linda singing. I'm sorry Richard, but you bring this down to 2 stars.
Dec 06 2024
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Bringing It All Back Home
Bob Dylan
I can count one one hand the number of Bob Dylan songs that I like, however, there are dozens of songs that I like that were written by Bob Dylan. I almost always prefer a cover of a Dylan song rather than the original.
This album was pretty mild for me. "Mr. Tambourine Man" is a classic, but I'm not really crazy about it. I'm excited for other Bob Dylan albums, but this one doesn't nail it.
Dec 09 2024
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I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
Aretha Franklin
Solid album all around. "Respect" is probably in the top 10 songs of all time. I have nothing really negative to say about this album. If a couple more songs were more recognizable I probably would have given a 5.
Dec 10 2024
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Ágætis Byrjun
Sigur Rós
Do not listen to while driving or operating heavy machinery!!!
I was listening to this album for the first time on a rainy morning drive to work. I did not realize the danger that I had put myself into. As the ambient Icelandic sounds of Agaetis Byrjun washed over me, I began to zone out. My thoughts drifted in the rain. I was becoming one with the world around me. It was only once my subconscious fought through the wall of dreamy synth and foreign words that I realize I had been slowly drifting into the other lane and was about to collide with another car. I quickly snapped back to attention and corrected my mistake, but I didn't dare change the music. The only thing keeping me from the reality of another week of work were these mesmerizing songs.
They have come to me, these songs. They shall be an heirloom of my kingdom. All those who follow in my bloodline shall be bound to their fate for I will risk no hurt to these songs. They are.... precious to me, though I buy them with great pain.
Dec 11 2024
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Yeah...... no.
Dec 12 2024
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KE*A*H** (Psalm 69)
My thought process while listening to this album:
Yep, I still don't like industrial metal.
Maybe I can tolerate it for a song or two, but 45 minutes is way too much.
You know what, I kinda like some of these songs.
Hell yeah, turn the music up and let's fucking go!
Ok, I'm starting to cool down on a few of these songs. Let's see if it picks back up.
Yeah, 45 minutes is too long to listen to metal. Maybe I can tolerate another song or two.
Yep, I still don't like industrial metal.
High 2, low 3.
Dec 13 2024
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Will The Circle Be Unbroken
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
I need a fire burnin, a homemade smoker cookin, and a jug with three X's on it to properly enjoy this album.
Dec 16 2024
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Willie Nelson
Matt 1.0 first introduced this album to me. It was on in the background while we were having a conversation. The conversation was constantly interrupted as I stopped part way into a song to ask "wait, is this?..." and Matt would respond with a "Yep!".
This is a perfect way to do an album of cover songs. Willie really makes each of these his own. It's not perfect, but you can't help to love recognizing a song 40 seconds in. Right before the first chorus is about to start. A great album, and I'm glad I know about it.
Dec 17 2024
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Ellington at Newport
Duke Ellington
I've had a chance to listen to a bunch of Jazz on this list. I've learned over that time that I prefer a smaller group focusing on piano rather that a full band. I've also learned that I prefer a crisp clear recording rather than a live show for Jazz.
Obviously Duke Ellington is one of the greatest of all time, but I was mostly bored with this album. A lot of the focus felt like it was on the horns, and some of the other instruments were washed out in the recording. I guess it's cool that I can now pick different Jazz styles that I like, but Mr. Ellington's is not for me.
Dec 18 2024
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Screaming Trees
I liked this! I'm not sure why it's on this list, but I liked it. This feels like an album that a kid would find at a flee market, listen to over and over, fall in love with, and then have no one to talk about it with.
Dec 19 2024
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The Stranger
Billy Joel
When I first got into record collecting everyone my parents age was always eager to give me their old records and talk about the ones they loved. My father-in-law had a large collection at one point, but it had slowly dwindled down to just a handful by the time he was giving them to me. In that small handful was The Stranger by Billy Joel. He told me about how much he loved it, and how he always made his daughters listen to it. He was one of eight kids in a large Italian family, and this record just spoke to him. Obviously I knew Billy Joel's big hits, and some of them were on here, but I had never listened to a full album before. I was amazed at how great it was! I loved every bit of it, and recognized more than I thought I would. I knew it was a great album, but I hadn't even experienced the best part yet.
We hosted Easter at our house a couple of months after he gave me that record. My wife's family tradition is always making homemade sauce, meatballs, and cavatelli pasta on Easter. Knowing how much this record ment to him, I put it on for my father-in-law while everyone was cooking. I will forever have the core memory in my head of seeing my wife, her dad, and both of her sisters making homemade pasta and singing along to this album. Two generations, a parent and a child, bonding over recipes that had been passed down from their relatives. Listen to songs that they will be pass down to theirs. It was a beautiful moment to witness and learn that something as small as a song can help pass on memories and emotions that span generations. Their family slowly sees less of each other as time goes on, but they always know that they will be together on Easter making pasta and singing "Only The Good Die Young".
I can't wait to listen to this album and make homemade pasta with my daughter.
Dec 20 2024
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I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got
Sinead O'Connor
I've heard the name Sinead O'Connor, but I've never listened to her music before. Some of the songs on here are really strong, and others are really unpleasant to listen to (I Am Stretched on Your Grave).
Why does "Nothing Compares 2 U" have so many listens?! Did I miss something? Almost a half a billion listens on YouTube Music. Was it in a movie or something?
Dec 23 2024
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Lost In The Dream
The War On Drugs
I've actually heard of this band prior to starting the list. I was studying at the library in college when I first heard "Red Eyes". I was listening to a random local radio station based out of Portland Oregon on the iHeartRadio website when it came on.
I liked it at the time, but never really followed up with the band. They're sound is right up my alley especially at the time. Perfect music to listen to while studying. I'm glad I did a full album, and I'll keep them in the rotation.
The War On Drugs has the most mid 2010's sound, and I discovered them in the most mid 2010's way.
Dec 24 2024
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Hard Again
Muddy Waters
I started off listening to this album. Not enjoying it at all. Found it pretty boring and repetitive. I was thinking of giving it a 2, however, by the time I got to "cross-eyed cat" I was really jamming along with it. I started out at 2. I ended at a 4. I guess I'll split the difference with the 3.
Dec 25 2024
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Call of the Valley
Shivkumar Sharma
I mean i guess it's a good representation of Indian music. Not really my thing. Also, it was really hard to find this album as it's shown in the list.
Dec 26 2024
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A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector
Various Artists
Darlene Love is doing some heavy lifting on this album! I thought this album would be a bunch of Christmas songs sung by people I don't know. I didn't realize that Darlene Love, and The Ronettes sing my preferred versions of a bunch of Christmas songs. Some major big hitters on here and the other songs are perfectly fine.
Well done on the album generator for giving this out on Christmas day.
Dec 27 2024
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Peggy Suicide
Julian Cope
I hate his voice, I hate the lyrics, and I the length of this album. That being said, I love the actual music. Get a new lead singer and a producer to cut some songs down and you would have a 4 star album.
Dec 30 2024
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Mothership Connection
Funk yeah. You better be prepared to listen to the Funk, the the whole Funk, and nothing but the Funk.
Dec 31 2024
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OK Computer
Radiohead is a major blind spot in my musical knowledge. I've always heard that OK Computer is one of the best albums of all time, and I've been looking forward to listening to it since this list started.
After a finally giving it a full listen, I think this might be one of the most overrated albums of all time. That's not to say it's bad, I just don't think it's as good as everyone says. Thom York's voice has a monotone droning to it that i guess defines the albums sound, but for me just puts an annoying blanket across the entire album. There are some big songs on here, but none of them are fun. The whole album has a melancholy sound which isn't bad. It's just hard to get exited for it.
I don't know. Maybe I just need to give it another listen, but right now I'm thinking a high 3 low 4.
Jan 01 2025
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Only By The Night
Kings of Leon
I love the Kings of Leon sound. "Use Somebody" was a top 25 song for me at one point. "Use Somebody" and "Sex on Fire" are undisputed highlights of this album, and if you like those you will probably like the rest of the album. There's not a whole lot of variation, so if you don't like those, you probably won't like this album.
Jan 02 2025
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This album is not unpleasant to listen to. It's just super boring. I don't know how to rate this because it's not as bad or offensive as some other 1 star albums (looking at you Kollaps), but if someone were to put this on I would just ask "Why?".
Jan 03 2025
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Apple Venus Volume 1
Another album that isn't bad, but isn't memorable. I'm starting to wonder if these middle of the road albums should be rated as a 3 like I have been, or a 2 because they are so mediocre.
Jan 06 2025
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Crosby, Stills & Nash
Crosby, Stills & Nash
I guess this is my favorite album of the many Crosby, Stills, Nash, and friends that we've had so far. I'm still not crazy about it though. I feel like I should like them more, but I just can't get into their sound. I can't put my finger on it.
Jan 07 2025
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Remain In Light
Talking Heads
I absolutely love the song "Once In a Lifetime". It's been in my rotation for some time now, and I was excited to listen to more talking heads. I was hoping this would be an entire album of the same, but I was disappointed. I spent the first half waiting for "Once In a Lifetime" to come on, and I spent the second half wishing I was listing to it again rather than everything else. Maybe it's my bias, but the rest of the album was a bit disappointing for me.
Jan 08 2025
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Os Mutantes
Os Mutantes
Yo, I can fucks with this!
This album could have easily been another 'It's so out there that we have to put it on the list' kind of album, but's it's actually pretty good. I really liked the first few songs, and I went back and listened to "Panis Et Circenses" three times. The back half kinda drags, and it loses it's unique appeal after 30 minutes though. At the start of the album I was thinking 4 stars, but I think it drops to a 3 by the end. Maybe it gets a bonus star for being unique. We'll see in the morning.
Jan 09 2025
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The Yes Album
Remember that sweet review about my father-in-law and the Billy Joel album he gave me? Well he also gave me a bunch of Yes albums... I don't like Yes, and I have no sentimental memories that revolve around any of their albums.
Jan 10 2025
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Aimee Mann
A really solid album. Perfect to have on in the background while working. It's nothing to write home about, but I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
Jan 13 2025
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Carole King
Wow! I was not expecting that! A really powerful album that somehow feels big and intimate at the same time. It's produced beautifully. The limited use of backing instruments and vocals makes you finding yourself slipping back and forth from feeling like you're in a massive auditorium to sitting right next to Carole King at the piano. Her voice is powerful, but also feels warming and cozy. I feel like I'm sitting in the same room as a woman, her piano, and her cat.
I've heard a bunch of these songs before, but I never knew they were all by the same person, much less on the same album. "I Felt The Earth Move" feels like one of those songs that has always existed, and it's not even the biggest song on here. Awesome album that I'll be keeping an eye out to grab on vinyl.
Shout out to Gilmore Girls!
Jan 14 2025
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Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Red Hot Chili Peppers
I really like RHCP and a bunch of songs on this album, but 1h 14m is too much Peppers. They must love writing music, because a bunch of their albums are over an hour long. This is a perfect Greatest Hits band for me. They have some amazing songs across a bunch of albums, but I can't listen to them for that long. Really cool album that I just wish was shorter.
Side note, I really don't like "Suck My Kiss".
Jan 15 2025
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Hounds Of Love
Kate Bush
I mean, how cool is it that a song can peak almost 40 years after it was released. It's awesome that a "Running Up That Hill" being a key aspect in Stranger Things revitalized it higher than it ever was. It's even cooler that she made it through her own label and receives 100% of the royalties.
Other than that fun song and fact, this album does nothing for me.
Jan 16 2025
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The Doors
The Doors
I've been a fan of The Doors ever since I first did a 720 Christ Air over the New Orleans cemetery in Tony Hawk's Underground 2 while "Break On Through" blasted in the background.
I'm a big fan of the organ that plays throughout. It really gives them a unique sound. "Break On Through" and "Light My Fire" are staples in my music inventory but the rest of the album is just ok. The Doors are another greatest hits band for me.
High 3, low 4 for me.
Jan 17 2025
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Dig Me Out
This is a tough one. Every song has a glimpse of greatness, but overall I didn't really like any of it. The vocals are definitely the biggest drawback for me.
Jan 20 2025
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The Atomic Mr Basie
Count Basie & His Orchestra
I love a good big band. It's such a classic sound that you can't really get nowadays. I can't tell you how this band differs from others, but I still enjoyed it regardless.
Jan 21 2025
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Van Halen
I love these Van Halen albums! They each have 2 songs that you know by heart, 1 or 2 songs that you kinda know, and 5 to 8 decent songs that match the tone of the big ones. Half an hour to get in, throw down, and get out.
I've never been able to commit to buying a Van Halen album, because I don't know which is my favorite. I still can't choose. I guess they're another greatest hits band for me.
Jan 22 2025
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American Gothic
David Ackles
On my drive home today I thought hey I should listen to the album of the day. It wasn't until I started playing it that I realized wait a second, I already listened to this on my drive-in. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this album is pretty forgettable.
Jan 23 2025
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Fisherman's Blues
The Waterboys
I had a good time with this one. I would be lying if I said I was ever going to put it on again, so I can't really go above a 3 based on my own scale. It was a fun mix up from what we usually get on this list.
Jan 24 2025
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The Stooges
The Stooges
I like The Stooges music, but Iggy Pop's vocals do nothing for me. I often found myself jamming along to the start of a song, and then immediately falling out of it when he started singing. Also, a lot of slow and quite songs for a proto-punk album.
Jan 27 2025
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Neon Bible
Arcade Fire
Fuck it. I listened to this album driving home at midnight while stoned. I couldn't think of a better environment for this album. 5 stars
Jan 28 2025
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The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
Lauryn Hill
This is an album that I have seen in every top album list. The cover art is in the background anytime people are talking about greatest records of all time. I'm glad I finally listened to it, and I can see what the hype it was all about. It's a really great piece of art with meaning and depth to it. I like how the song genres vary and blend back and forth between hip-hop and reggae.
This is a tough one because I do think it deserves a five, but it's not really a genre I typically enjoy. I'm going to go with a 4 but I reserve my one time a year edit right to bump it up to a 5 later.
Jan 29 2025
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Done By The Forces Of Nature
Jungle Brothers
Not bad! I like the beats, but there's something about 80's rap that I just find funny. It's such a big contrast to the hard 90's rap that's coming. It's super smooth and easy to get into a groove, but also feels kinda corny at times. Still an enjoyable album throughout.
Jan 30 2025
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The Age Of The Understatement
The Last Shadow Puppets
I mean.... this is just another Arctic Monkeys album right? I'm not upset about that. Just making sure I'm not going crazy.
Jan 31 2025
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New Gold Dream (81/82/83/84)
Simple Minds
Want to know what the 80s sounded like? Here you go.
I did really like this. Super easy to listen to with that fun 80s sound. Not super memorable though. A nice 3.
Feb 03 2025
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Morrison Hotel
The Doors
This album probably would have been a 2 if it wasn't for "Roadhouse Blues", but that song alone is worth a star.
Feb 04 2025
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One Nation Under A Groove
For an album as funky as this is, I thought it would be more fun. I never really found myself enjoying it. I probably wasn't in the best setting for it, but I expected more. Especially after listening to a few other funk albums on this list.
I was going to make most of my review using a bunch of innuendos and curse words replaced with the word "funk", but this album already beat me to it.
Feb 05 2025
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The Visitors
I was super excited for an ABBA album, but I don't think there's a single "fun" song on here. I guess it makes sense when you learn about all of the drama happening behind the scenes, but I go to Fleetwood Mac for that, not ABBA. The music is good, but the entire time I was wishing I was listening to another one of their albums.
I feel almost bad leaving a review like this. It's like talking to your friend who is going through depression and telling them "You know, you're more fun to be around when you're not so sad all the time."
Feb 06 2025
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Brutal Youth
Elvis Costello
56 minutes is entirely too long to have to listen to Elvis Costello's voice.
Feb 07 2025
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Back In Black
Back when I reviewed Guns N' Roses' Appetite for Destruction I said that an argument could be made for it being the greatest pure rock and roll album of all time. The reason I said that an argument could be made rather than just saying it was the greatest is because I knew that Back In Black was waiting in the background.
So many songs on here are overplayed but for some reason that doesn't bother me with this record. I still love every time I hear "Hells Bells", "Shoot to Thrill", "Back In Black", "You Shook Me All Night Long", and "Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution". 5 songs out of 10 that are still played on the radio everyday since this album was released. This album is half of their greatest hits.
Like I don't know what to say other than this album fucking rocks! I'm sure people are going to criticize it for being simple and sounding like every other AC/DC album/song, and all I can think is that those people just don't like having fun. Not all music needs to be deep, meaningful, or technically impressive to play. Sometimes you just need to rock out to power cords and screaming at the top of your lungs!
Now excuse me while I go watch Iron Man 2.
Feb 10 2025
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I Should Coco
Huh... I always thought the "We are young. We are free song" was way older than this. Now I know where it came from.
Feb 11 2025
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L.A. Woman
The Doors
Not bad, but it's a lot slower than the last album we listened to by The Doors. I really like "Riders on the Storm", but by the time we got to it as the last song on the album, I was checked out and over how drawn out and slow everything else had been up to that point.
Feb 12 2025
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Crooked Rain Crooked Rain
I don't know half of the albums on this list half as well as I should; and I like less than half of the albums on this list half as well as they deserve.
This album is the opposite of the later half of that statement. I don't think this album should get that much love. It's fairly mediocre and probably could be replaced on this list..... but I kinda like it. Undeservedly so, I really like it. I can't put my finger on why though. Every song has a voice crack or a note played off beat that reminds you "hey, you shouldn't like this". Maybe it's just the mix up in the list that brings some fresh air. Either way, I favorited a few songs, and I'll probably come back to it again.
Feb 13 2025
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S.F. Sorrow
The Pretty Things
L ................................................ R
Holy ................................................ shit.
Do ................................................ not
try ................................................ to
listen ................................................ to
this ................................................ album
with ................................................ only
one ................................................ headphone
on. ................................................ You
will ................................................ only
hear ................................................ half
the ................................................ album.
Feb 14 2025
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Double Nickels On The Dime
Hello my name's Johnny Knoxville, and this is the "1001 Albums List".
I often times praise albums for being a cohesive tight package that encompasses a theme or style that all works together. I'm going to praise this album for doing the exact opposite.
This feels like less of a produced album, and more like a collection of songs from random jam sessions. I guess it really encompasses the punk scene in that aspect. They're not going to conform to what is mainstream or safe. Who says an album can't be a collection of random 1 minute long songs? They're not even going to conform to traditional punk. Who says that you have to play fast, loud, and have screaming vocals to be considered punk?
The album is way longer than what I would normally enjoy, but the brevity and variation in the songs makes it go by fast. I wasn't expecting to enjoy this as much as I did. I might consider getting it on vinyl especially after finding out that full version of the album is only available on vinyl.
Feb 17 2025
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Fleetwood Mac
There are some albums that you always hear about being the greatest of all time. It's always at the top of lists and never has a negative review. It's been hyped up your whole life. You think to yourself that surely it can't be that good. Then you give it a listen.
The big radio hits are 5/5.
The instrumentation is 5/5.
The lyrics are 5/5.
The backstory of how the album is made is 5/5.
This album by itself is damn near perfect, and then you get the cherry on top of all the drama happening behind the scenes. You can get lost into everything about this record. This album really does live up to the hype.
Feb 18 2025
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Blue Lines
Massive Attack
Ehh... it was whatever.
"Daydreaming" has some of those most English phrases I've heard in awhile. Other that that, it was pretty forgettable.
Feb 19 2025
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School's Out
Alice Cooper
Not bad, but I'm not going to take anything away from this album besides the title song. "School's Out" is an awesome song that has seated itself properly in history. The rest of the songs are varied enough that I could see why someone would really like this album, but it's pretty mediocre for me.
Feb 20 2025
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Your Arsenal
My expectations were pretty low coming into this album, so I liked the music more than I thought I would. The problem is that I just can't get past Morrissey himself. Not even looking him up outside of his music. He just sounds so pretentious in his lyrics.
Feb 21 2025
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Joan Baez
Joan Baez
Damn, that woman sure can pick a guitar! Her voice isn't too shabby either. This was a really fun collection of folk songs. I got chills listening to "House of the Rising Sun". I kept looking up who sings the original version of a bunch of these song, and most seem to be traditional folk songs that were recorded in the 30s but were around even before then.
Feb 24 2025
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Is it impressive or sad that the bands greatest song is the first one off of their first album? Is it more impressive or sad that the bands second greatest song is the second one off their first album? Is it even more impressive or sad that the bands third greatest song is the third one off their first album? Talk about peaking early.
This album, especially the first half, is awesome! The last few songs maintain that Boston sound, but don't hit nearly as high. This is the definition of a 4.5/5 album for me.
Shout out to that time we were stoned at the Mission Valley movie theater and this album was playing before the movie over the speakers. Matt quizzed Turk on who the band is three times in a row after each consecutive song and he got it wrong every time.
Feb 25 2025
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Power In Numbers
Jurassic 5
This album feels like it was out of place for 2002. In the same year that Nelly released "Hot In Herre" and Eminem released "Lose Yourself", we get a hip hop group that feels like their from the late 80's/early 90's. It's almost as if they took zero influence from the previous decade of rap and just made what they wanted.
It was pretty good. It's definitely not my genre, but I would be lying if I didn't say that I felt really cool when I was listening to this while walking the halls at work.
Feb 26 2025
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Apocalypse Dudes
Damn dude, I had a blast with this album! I liked it way more than it probably deserves. My enjoyment greatly benefited from the fact that I don't care about lyrics at all. Just fast punk with catchy guitar riffs. I added a few songs to my "Skate" playlist, and I could easily just put this whole album on anytime I go to the skatepark.
Nobody is wilder than the Warzone Tones, but the truth is, we love albums and we would never hurt one. Please, don't try anything you see on this list at home.
Feb 27 2025
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The Queen Is Dead
The Smiths
That's it. I can officially say that I do not like The Smiths or Morrissey. I think the order in which we listened to the Morrissey albums and The Smiths really hurt any chance I had to appreciate them. I definitely came into this review with a chip on my shoulder. I really can't stand his voice. He wasn't as pretentious in this album but I still didn't enjoy any song.
Objectively, this album is better than a 2/5, but this is my review so screw it. I won't fight anyone that says its a good album, but I will clench my fist like the Arthur meme.
Feb 28 2025
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The xx
This was a nice little album. Every song felt like it would be played at the end of a movie where the main character is doing one last voice over before credits. I was a little worried for my subwoofer. That bass was intense for how chill the album is.
Mar 03 2025
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Dusty In Memphis
Dusty Springfield
Oh boy. Here we are again on Monday morning trying to remember the album from Friday. I do remember liking her voice, and "Son of a Preacher Man" is an all time classic. A pleasant listen with a big hit puts it around a 3.5 for me.
Mar 04 2025
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Ill Communication
Beastie Boys
"Alright team, the studio for our new blockbuster movie needs us to finish the soundtrack for the film. We need to come up with a song for when our ragtag group of friends, who are rebelling against the system, come walking out one at a time in slow-motion wearing their new outfits."
"Hey boss, I think I got exactly what you need right here."
"You son of a bitch that's perfect! Now all we need is a song for when they get in a vehicle at night and begin driving to the city for the final confrontation...."
This album had a lot more variation than I thought it would. The Beastie Boys sound is so distinct with their big hits, but there was so much more going on here. Funky instrumentals, distorted and fast punk, smooth hip-hop, it's all here. It needed it too with the album being an hour long. Not as many hits on here as I was hoping for, but still a good listen.
Mar 05 2025
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Who Killed...... The Zutons?
The Zutons
A solid album that was pleasant to listen to. Not a whole lot to say about it though. I'm not entirely sure why it's on this list. Maybe if it came out in the 70's or was more influential, but for 2004, it feels like standard dad rock.
Mar 06 2025
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Space Ritual
Damn it! I was hoping that I would hate this so I could skip through some songs, but I'm a sucker for some psychedelic rock. I found the whole album really enjoyable. Songs flow into each other and the lyrics are few and far between. It's super easy to lose yourself in the music. I was jamming all day to this two hour monster. That's not an exaggeration either. I started at 7:30am and finished at 5:15pm.
I would never recommend this album to anyone, however, I can see the perfect situation of having this record on while getting stoned in a basement with a buddy. We're about 30 minutes in and he leans over to me and asks "Who is this?". I get to respond while blowing out a bong rip with "It's Hawkwind bro".
If I had one recommendation for this album, it would be shrooms.
Mar 07 2025
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Tank Battles
Dagmar Krause
Huh, a lot of these lyrics seem a little too relevant living in 2025 America.
"When I saw your arm raised high son, in a Hitler salute, I didn't know all those arms son would wither at the root."
"When you told me our country was about to come into it's own, I didn't know all it would come to was ashes and blood".
"The [money's] gone 10,000 times into foreign pockets. The board of management has fixed the return and is ready to give you yours. You get the soup and they get the [money]. The authoritarians, don't accept their lies my friends. They owe you more than they give you. Take what is yours, but don't take their lies".
"They care for the pregnant women when they need a class to work".
2/5 for the music. 4/5 for the lyrics and subject matter.
Mar 10 2025
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The Rolling Stones
I like The Stones. I like "Paint It Black". I like "Under My Thumb". Not much else I have to say about this album.
Mar 11 2025
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James Brown Live At The Apollo
James Brown
The following questions and comments are for the song "Lost Someone":
I wonder what the sheet music looks like for this song. Is it just 4 bars with a x73 behind it?
I think the band needs a safe word. Are they just looking around at each other going "Do we end on this one? Nope, guess we're going around again."?
Is that how James Brown actually feels, or is this all scripted? Is he just going for it, or does he have a set of index cards with phrases he's going to say on them?
Halfway through, did someone tell James Brown that he wasn't actually singing into the mic?
I think the audience should receive a lead vocals credit on this recording.
The drummer is definitely a power bottom. James Brown is clearly in charge, but 2 hard bass drum kicks put the song to an end.
Do you think James Brown knows this album is really only 20 minutes long and is just padding for time?