The Madcap Laughs
Syd BarrettMental illness is no joke. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Mental illness is no joke. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
I can see why this album is important. It feels like the beginning of something special. Captures 90s culture well.
As I get older, I appreciate Radiohead more. A lot of their songs still make me sleepy though. When it came out, I had no idea how political this album was. The blending of electronic and rock is really interesting. I can see how this influenced a whole wave of alt rock.
I never really fully understood James Brown until I listen to this live album. I get it now. He was a true showman.
This album perfectly captures living under Bush era politics and the beginnings of alt-rock. Peter Buck has such a unique sound that guitarists are still trying to replicate. I never noticed the punk and proto-punk influences before on the band's sound, but I should have. A solid album from start to finish.
It's clearly inspired by the Blues, but it's somehow lacking true emotion and feeling. Kind of like if AI generated Blues. Has 2 great songs, though. Overall, it's fine.
Getting this out of the way- Elvis was a horrible person who made money from "borrowing" from black musicians. That being said, Elvis introduced folks to music they wouldn't have been exposed to otherwise. This is a solid album and the beginning of something huge.
1977 and using no guitars. Cool to see the beginnings of new wave and synth pop. A little monotonous for me- decent background music.
Some of these lyrics didn't age well. That being said, this album is brilliant. Their punk roots are evident. Their sound is iconic. This was my first time listening to this album and I wish I did it sooner.
Muse has secretly been one of my favorite bands since I first heard "Muscle Museum" in high school in my quest to find bands with good bass lines. This album was a continuation of the group's evolution away from a Radiohead clone, leaning heavily into political and dystopian themes and experimenting with more prog rock, post punk, and new wave influences. To me, it doesn't touch "Absolution," but few albums do. Exceptionally solid from start to finish.
English punk from this era has a very distinctive sound. Personally I'm more a fan of US punk and how it feels more assertive. Surprised this band doesn't get spoken about as much--solid album.
This reminds me of the soundtrack to Two Point Hospital. Until the parade song. And then the kid song. What the heck are those???? This album went downhill from decent background music to unbearable noise quickly. No kids should ever sing on non-kids music.
This is the album I think of when I think of Blur, but not because of Song 2. I really enjoy the more serious/intense and less playful energy on this album than on their earlier releases. Beetlebum is an iconic song and a great start to the album. I can't not play along to the guitar riff in my head when the chorus kicks in. The last two songs are a little slow, though, and lead me to take off one star.
This album would be great to listen to on drugs. I see the psychedelic pop and neo-psychedelia influences. I forgot how many great songs were on this album.
Björk makes me feel what folks who didn't study contemporary art feel when looking at it- I have no idea what this is, I don't think I like it, but I feel like I think it's important and there are clearly lots of people who get it, so I will just smile and move on. Decent background music. I think I need drugs to get it, though. Update: the more I listen to this the more I think I like it. I think I'm getting it.
The beats and music are great. Most of the lyrics are narcissistic. Essentially it's my favorite part of 80s hip hop meeting my least favorite part of 90s rap. 4 stars for beats, 2 for lyrics, averaging to a 3.
This is a solid post-punk album. It doesn't particularly stand out to me from others in both good and bad ways.
The actual music is fine. Don't get me started on Maxwell's lyrics...
This is an iconic indie rock album that brings me back to high school when it first came out. Not every song is great, but the album paints a beautiful picture of 2000 NYC, like an impressionist painting. Also there's a syphilis reference.
This is decent background music. I'd like to listen to some of his source material over this album, I think.
This album brings me back to college- they played on our campus when I was a freshman. No one cared, though. I'm surprised by how much I like this album! Nice beats and lyrics--I'll have to check out more of their music.
This music sounds really familiar. If you isolate the individual drumbeats from the first song and arrange them in a circle, it unlocks a cheat mode that allows you to pass through solid surfaces at will. This album has a BPM of 125, the same as the heartbeat of a cat at rest. It serves as the inspiration for the iconic Belgian techno anthem \"Pump Up the Jam\" by Technotronic. Other musical acts whose names begin with 'T' include The Cure, The Isley Brothers, and The Velvet Underground.
One of the best live albums I've listened to. 5 stars for the music, 1 star for Jerry Lee Lewis as a person, averaging to 3.
The brilliance of this album is overshadowed by the gigantic hit she had.
This is like the GoBots's version of Bruce Springsteen.
It's fine.
Nice bass lines. I do like Public Image Ltd. I am getting tired of listening to albums by white dudes inspired by the culture of POC instead of music by those folks.
It's debatable if the Ramones were the first punk band. What isn't is how good this record is.
Boston's debut album kicks off with More Than a Feeling. What a way to kick off a career. Entire album is solid from start to finish. It's just great 70s rock without all the excessive and unnecessary bits.
This sounds like every decent 80s band...
I like it, but I wish it sounded more different than arctic monkeys.
I like it, but I wish it sounded more different than arctic monkeys.
This is incredible. On one hand, it sounds like blues-inspired African music. But then the blues was inspired from African music. So far, this is my favorite new discovery from this list. I've never heard anything quite like this, and I want to hear more! (And maybe figure out what they're saying...)
They lyrics are so poetic and complement the music perfectly. This was my intro to Pulp and I think I need to listen to more.
I thought the different time signatures were really neat. I think the music was interesting, but I wish it didn't include the lecture beforehand. Maybe as separate tracks?
I'm such a sucker for walking bass lines. This reminds me of home, specifically Cardy's.
This album is everything I hate about the 80s. Over-inflated ego of the lyrist. Bass replaced with synth. False depth. It's bad.
Music is great. Lyrics are clearly by a 19 year old. Doesn't remotely touch Back to Black, but most things don't.
I've always associated The National with music to fall asleep to. This should be something... It's interesting how the lyrics are written around the music, I feel like it gives their sound a different vibe from other bands. I think I might be liking this?
One time I listened to Idina Menzel perform random songs in a park. This album is like if that performance and Astrud Gilberto's Beach Samba had a baby. A very boring baby. I would love to know how exactly this album came to be. Who decided this was a good idea? This album is getting worse the deeper I get. I give up, I will not be listening to the final 4 minutes of the last song.
This album is fine, but glam rock is not for me. I cannot get into the over the top and excessiveness of the genre.
It's a Mingus album.
The beats are pretty interesting. This album is unlistenable because of the lyrics. Can Kanye rap about anything aside from how great he is?
Thus begins the Jason Newsted era of Metallica. I miss Cliff Burton. The production on this album is awful, and I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing I can't hear the bass. Even if the bass wasn't mixed low, it literally just follows the guitar anyway. There is some solid guitar work here and it's not the worst I've heard Lars sound, though the drums and guitar sound a bit compressed.
This is the 90s alt rock version of a glass of warm milk.
I will admit, the album art for Iron Maiden always had me thinking a certain way about their music. Previously, Run to the Hills is the only song I knew. And boy howdy was I surprised by this album. The technical skill these guys have is very impressive.
Some duds on here
I feel like I'm listening to post-punk music, but this came out before punk! These songs are a little too long for me, though.
It's fine, though this is not the Neil Young I think of when I want to listen to Neil Young.
This is what I hoped the Astrud Gilberto on this list album sounded like.
Music is fine, but the genre is not for me.
Hauntingly beautiful.
It was hard to separate out this album from how most of its songs are very overplayed nowadays. The songs are very strong in songwriting ability and I remember and can see why the album was as big as it was. The album does seem to drag a little at the end.
Yes, the band and the music is pretentious. Still solid, though.
I listened to this album twice and had two different experiences. Using headphones made me appreciate how intricate the music is. I was really missing lower octave notes, though.
This album didn't make me feel one way or the other. Which, maybe I should rethink my rating scale because music should bring out emotions, even if that emotion is hatred.
Hauntingly beautiful. Not a fan of it reminding me when I was a depressed 14 year old (lmao compared to currently a depressed 38 year old).
While this isn't the strongest White Stripes album, it's super solid. I love their sound and influence of blues and garage rock.
I'm pleasantly surprised! I'm not into this genre, but this was a fairly decent example, though it feels like it's soooooo long. Standout track- Around the World.
4 stars for the album. 1 star for Morrissey's personality
I really hate how much I am enjoying this album. I still hate Kanye as a person and overall his later music. Ah, this last song is the Kanye I know and hate...
I had no idea how intricate their music is.
Have I just been bamboozled into listening to Rod Stewart?
The lyrics are interesting. The synth/keyboards kills it for me.
Is every Lynyrd Skynyrd song like 18 minutes long? Or do they all just feel this way? 3 stars, -1 star for racism.
Herbie Hancock is always someone I wanted to listen to but just never did. This is an interesting album but I found the bass lines lacking on some songs. Really cool fusion of funk and jazz.
It's weird this is the Foo Fighters album they picked for this list as they have better albums in my opinion. The other day I was talking to an internet buddy about why I don't like the Foo Fighters a ton (they sound like a generic rock band) and he made a good point- they sound like that because their sound has been copied so much it's now generic. Anyway, decent album, not their best. Band has been ruined for me because of their support of some crackpot theories and organizations about AIDS.
Wow, does this album sound different than their first. I'm pleasantly surprised!
Just because you can make something doesn't mean you should. The music was cool but the whole album felt like it was lacking substance. Maybe it's because I feel like soundtracks should compliment and help drive the story instead of telling the story.
Jazz double albums are very long. I'm not generally a fan of live recordings, but this was a great example of one. Sax solos were epic.
The badass album cover actually live sup to the music. Wow wow wow!
my bloody valentine is a band I always confuse with My Chemical Romance. I am aware the two bands are nothing alike. I'm not really into shoegaze, but I could appreciate the guitar work on this album.
If the people who wrote the music and performed the music were given credit for it, I would rate this album much higher. I'm getting tired of all of these British records stealing music from people of color.
For some reason I always thought Belle & Sebastian were a male/female singer songwriter duo where the male looked like, or may have been, Sebastian Bach. Boy was I pleasantly surprised to be wrong! I wish I got into this band earlier.
This was a great album. A very long, great album.
Brilliant Corners is one of the most incredible jazz songs I've ever heard.
This might be one of the best rap albums I've ever heard.
I am really enjoying their sound. They've clearly influenced many other artists I like.
All alt rock from this era came from this album. Some of my favorite Pixies songs on here.
The first 6 songs are pretty great. And then you realize how stupid the lyrics and vocals are of every RHCP song.
I can see the massive influence this album had on a lot of the music i listened to in high school.
Kind of cool to see lyrics like this coming from a woman. She's no Dolly, though.
I love his voice. Instrumentals are awesome. Songs are way too long- punk music has killed my ability to listen to a song longer than 5 minutes.
I feel like everyone around me loves Bowie. No matter how hard I try, I just can't get into his music. The excessiveness of glam rock just isn't for me.
I understand why this album is on here, but this genre isn't for me.
I enjoyed this album more once I got past the grit of his voice.
"Why isn't everyone trying to sound like U2? It's not a very cool thing to do Why would you want to sound like U2? Just press record and play it straight through"
This album is pure genius. Trent is a master of weaving musical textures together as well as playing with the dynamics of loud vs quiet. A powerhouse of a concept album.
This album feels like the beginning of soul. Relevance to this list: 5/5 Personal Enjoyment: 3/5
The "live" aspect didn't really enhance this record much.
I know this was an important album. I really enjoyed the beats and the sound of Snoop's voice. But boy howdy these lyrics... Relevance to this list: 4/5 Personal Enjoyment 2/5
I think I like the idea of Pixies more than I like their music.
This might be one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard. It stands strong on its own as a concept album as well. I'm blown away. ::shakes fist at that other \"soundtrack without a movie\" album::
Not what I was expecting.
Goes to show you shouldn't judge an album by its cover. I'm surprised I really liked this!
I feel like they were just trying way too hard to create a sound and vibe. I rarely say this, but the drums are killing this album for me.
One of my favorite albums of all time.
WOW. I think exposing me to more jazz with this project led me to appreciate this album more. The blending of hip hop and jazz is perfection. Lyrics are insightful and reflect NYC life of the 80s/early 90s.
This album reminded me of background music id hear at a grocery store. Perfectly inoffensive and unremarkable.
When this album first started I wasn't feeling it but by the 4th song it really grew on me. By Tennessee I was a fan.
This really brings me back to college, walking around campus with my iPod. Relevance to this list: 5/5 Personal enjoyment: 4/5
I'm In Love With My Car is a horrible song. I can appreciate and recognize Queen's greatness, however, the music just isn't for me. Too excessive and glitzy. Relevance to this list: 5 Personal enjoyment: 3
The music is fine but nothing special. They weren't the first to have this sound. Personal Enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 2/5
Given my love for punk and 80s alt it's remarkable I've never heard of this band before. Where have they been all my life? Kind of cool the drums don't really use cymbals. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
There were moments I enjoyed very much. There were also moments that put me to sleep. Overall I liked it more than I thought I would.
Interesting to see how early this album was released given its sound.
I love me some CCR.
Chris Cornell's voice is so iconic. Album felt a little long, though.
What did PJ Harvey do to Nick Cave?
I think listening to all of those jazz albums helped me appreciate this album more. While I appreciate the importance of album, it's not for me.
I thought the sound of this was pretty neat.
This album seemed to drag on.
My introduction to Common was when he was hosting a furniture making competition show. I enjoyed this album equally as much as I did that show.
I really hope this album wasn't included over Zen Arcade. I feel like that album is much more important and influential than this one. Relevance for this list: 3/5 Personal enjoyment: 4/5
I think I can listen to Q-Tip rap all day. (That's not true, I can't listen to that much rap. But I'm really enjoying his catalogue and blending of hip-hop, jazz, and soul.)
This is actually one of my least favorite Beatles albums, though Yellow Submarine takes that cake. I feel like it runs a little long and there are some fillers like Revolution 9. I really dislike Why Don't We Do It In The Road? Relevance for this list: 5/5 Personal enjoyment: 4/5
Where has Joan Armatrading been all my life? Relevance to this list: 5 Personal enjoyment: 5
I really enjoyed this album. I'm learning I have a soft spot in my heart for English folk singers. Relevance to this list: 3/5 Personal enjoyment: 4/5
This is one of my all time absolute favorite albums and was one of my introductions to what punk music could be. The bass lines are incredible. There isn't really one bad song on this album. Relevance to this list: 5/5 Personal enjoyment: 5/5
I really enjoy Bob Mould's music, but I'm not sure if this many albums by him needs to be on this list especially with how similar they all sound... Relevance to this list: 2/5 Personal enjoyment: 4/5
I can understand putting one album by The Smiths on here. This would not be the album I would pick. Also, obligatory fuck Morrissey. Relevance to this list: 1/1 Personal enjoyment: 2/1
This album was transformational for Metallica, moving away from thrash metal and into mainstream success. I listened to this CD so much in high school. Relevance to this list: 5/5 Personal enjoyment: 5/5
Not my favorite R.E.M. album, but still a damn good one. Relevance to this list: 5/5 Personal enjoyment: 4/5
"White Reggae" should not be a thing. Relevance to this list: 3/5 Personal enjoyment: 2/5
When does post-hardcore begin? Right fucking here! Another important album for the history of punk involving Ian MacKaye. Relevance to this list: 5/5 Personal enjoyment: 4/5
This album was an experience. Relevance to this list: 5/5 Personal enjoyment: 5/5
Interesting concept. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This felt pretty boring and unremarkable. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
If you don't listen to the lyrics, the instrumentation and melodies are interesting and his voice is unique. These lyrics are horrible, though. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
What can I say?
Johnny Rotten is underrated as an artist. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
This album sounds different than the rest of their later work, but the foundation is there. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I feel guilty that I liked this album as much as I did. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This album felt long, and I didn't even listen to the expanded edition. I feel like I like Blur's music, but I can only listen to one or two songs at a time before I get bored and they all ...blur together (see what I did there?) Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I really struggled with how to rate this album. There's what I heard about it growing up, there's the lyrics themselves, and then there's the concept of the character Slim Shady. Eminem is clearly a very gifted musician--the beats and flow were great. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Started off good but felt a little long for me. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I actually liked this a lot better than I thought I would. I'm not into the genre, but it was good music to listen to while working. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I have somehow never listened to this album from start to finish, even though I own the concert on DVD which is still unopened. What a performance. What else can I say? Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
This was a fun album and it was probably influential to some bands like Teenage Bottle Rocket. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
The Prodigy might make some of the only electronic music I can listen to. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This was one of my favorite albums in high school. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Not my favorite Hendrix album. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Do people actually listen to this outside of an elevator? Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 2/5
I was looking for more penguins. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 2/5
Wow. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Meh Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This isn't as good or iconic as his album at Folsom, but not much is. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Well this was a pleasant surprise. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I just don't like acapella. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list 3/5
Another album you can judge by its cover. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 1/5
I feel like I was wanting and expecting more out of the first Prince album I listened to. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't a standout. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
This is less offensive than the rest of his catalog. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
KL is a good producer. He is a shit lyricist and is full of himself. The lyrics are just trying too hard. Personal Enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This album feels like the 90s. Personal enjoyment 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
I just can't get into Prog Rock. Personal enjoyment 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This is truly one of the greatest albums ever written. I have so many thoughts about how good this album is I can't think of a coherent sentence to write. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I feel like this album is what Kendrick Lamar has been trying to make. Personal enjoyment 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Nostalgia for this album did not make it more enjoyable. Personal enjoyment 2/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
No matter how hard I try, I just can't get into Radiohead. Personal enjoyment 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I'm glad The Police stopped recording music after this album. Fuck the police. ACAB. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Are the lyrics great? No, not at all. Is this album a perfect example of fun, mindless metal? You betcha. Should they never have recorded "Jailbait"? Absolutely. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Aside from Bittersweet Symphony this album was pretty unremarkable and unmemorable. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would! Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 2/5
This is one of the greatest albums of all time. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Such an influential album for punk and post punk. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Initially I was excited by the prospect of this album- electronic music in 1974? But then I hit play. It reminded me of a boring video game soundtrack. Personal enjoyment: 1/5 Relevance to this list: 2/5
This is the closest I will get to liking a U2 album. Bono is still an ass and The Edge's guitar riffs still suck, though. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Wow. Classic after classic. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I really enjoyed this even though I have no idea what any of the lyrics were. Personal Enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This album sounded like the 90s. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Tracy Chapman is a national icon. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
There are few things better than seeing live blues. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
This wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 2/5
This brings me back to high school. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I was really impressed by the musicianship. This album wasn't what I thought it would be at all. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
So the music and melodies are great. And Paint It Black is a classic. I want to say the lyrics didn't age well but they weren't well received when first released. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Some of the most iconic songs of the 90s are on this album. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I really liked this at first, though it doesn't feel like anything special. The album felt a little long and I got bored towards the end. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 2/5
I liked the first half of the album better than the second. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I forgot they did music without Young. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I didn't hate this, but I wouldn't listen to it again. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
I am finding words to describe how wonderful this album is. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I always want to like Guided By Voices more than I actually do. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
This seemed a little long. I always feel bad that Bernie Taupin never gets recognized for his contributions... Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Adele has a beautiful, soulful voice. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Is this objectively good music? No. Did this album change the course of music history? Actually, yes. When this album came out it was groundbreaking. Korn helped create nu metal and helped define the genre with this album. Also some songs on here are bangers lol. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I have nothing good to say about this album. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 2/5
I have yet to find a good 20 minute song. And that's because they don't exist.
This album changed the history of music and high school me's life. Hey Joe's lyrics have always made me uncomfortable though. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
This was a great album, but man was it long. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Now THIS is music! Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This was a more accessible album by The Velvet Underground. I enjoyed it! Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This is my favorite Elvis Costello album to date. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This was fun. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I could listen to Ella FItzgerald sing a telephone book. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Hypnotic. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
The first time I was introduced to Talking Heads was by one Mr. Bigmouth Bass. This is a much better version. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This album has one of the best starting and concluding songs written. The rest of the music is fine. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
What am I listening to? I say this as a fan of New Wave and Post-Punk. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 2/5
This brought me back to high school. Personal Enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
This was a big deal when it was released. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
So I liked this album more than I thought I would. And now I know who to blame for the introduction of keyboards into popular music. Personal Enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Maybe it says something about the current state of my mental health, but I really enjoyed this album and am going to listen to more by this artist. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Inoffensively boring. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 2/5
I actually kind of liked this. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
I'm trying to imagine hearing this in 1978. I wonder if DEVO heard them. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I think the Yeah Yeah Yeahs have a 3 perfect album trilogy and this is the final piece. Zero is a perfect song. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
It's fine. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This is probably the best U2 album I've heard. I even enjoyed one song! Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
I felt like a lot of the songs blended together a bit because they all sounded so similar. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
The bass is a real standout on this album. I immediately looked up what else he recorded on and saw he died 11 days after this album was recorded. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I'm surprised at how much I really enjoyed this album. It reminds me of an edited (for the better) Cure. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This is the kind of hip hop I'm here for. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I wasn't expecting to enjoy this as much as I did. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Words cannot describe how much I hate this band. Personal enjoyment: 1/5 Relevance to this list: 2/5
This album reminded me a lot of Ours. I wish the world got to hear more from Jeff Buckley especially as he matured into his sound. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I am really surprised by how much I enjoyed this album. It was like Devo on ecstasy. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I'm not into electronic music but this was not horrible. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
I really enjoyed this album. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I love CCR and this album has some of their best songs. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Cool idea. I would have liked it better if it was 1/3 of the length. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I want to like this album because I have friends that like The Knife. It's just not for me. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
I think this is an important example of a fake live album that everyone needs to listen to--dubbed studio recordings, recordings taken from various concerts, etc. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Stevie Wonder is THE MAN. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I think I like Public Enemy? Wha? Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I can see the artistry of this album, but I just can't get into it. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Well, this was surprising. I really dug this album. It reminded me of Death from Above 1979. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 2/5
I didn't really enjoy this but it does deserve to be here. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I always want to like this album more than I do. It just doesn't speak to me like their other work. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
This sounds exactly like how it is supposed to. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Punk's roots start here. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I think this is one of the better examples of this genre. The songs sounded distinct and I appreciated none of them were 20 minutes long. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I wanted to write a lot, but I'm lazy so I won't. This album has a ridiculous 7 song tear of greatness. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
It was really cool to hear all of the different musical influences for this album! What a surprise. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I feel like I should dislike this album, but it's full of bangers. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I was hoping for a little more rage. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Where was this album when I was in high school? Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Iconic. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Mental illness is no joke. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
This album could have been made a decade later--it feels ahead of its time. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Beck is one of the rare artists who defies a genre and defines his own music. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I love the blues roots here. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
This album felt like when I was in college and I didn't have time to study for a test but I showed up and did my best to wing it. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 2/5
A perfect album that delves into mental illness. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
For an instrumental album, I was surprised at how engaging it was. The band meshes and plays well together. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
A classic. It's like looking at an impressionist painting. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
I've never heard of these folks before. I'm not sure how groundbreaking the music is, but it was pretty enjoyable. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Where has this band been all of my life? And so early for punk!!! Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
This band was huge when I was in college, so I had to be lukewarm on them. As I'm older, I really appreciate how they layer sound. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This album made me realize electronic music is like the successor to Disco. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I want to be able to play bass like this. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
The blending of genres and lyricism on this album are top notch. Could do without the skits. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I saw this band live, once. This album was better than that performance. It's fine. That being said, I have no idea why I needed to listen to this album before I died. It's not horrible, but I can't figure out what makes it that important to hear. The other albums on this list that I didn't like, at least those (so far) have had some level of historical significance. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 1/5
This was fine. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
This felt really ahead of it's time. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
It was fine. I think I would have enjoyed this album much more if there were no keyboards. I find keyboards kills most music for me. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Genre and groundbreaking. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
Goldfrapp always brings me back to college Anthropology classes. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
No song should be 20 minutes long. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I guess I'm in my dad rock phase. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
When I was in grad school I saw the musical Fela. I wish I listened to some of the music beforehand (or since). The sound is intoxicating. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I can't imagine what it must have been like to hear this album for the first time in 1970. And it still is great. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I LOL'd when I got this album on Christmas day. I might be in the minority who thinks Holy Wood is MM's best album. Very solid effort with an interesting concept. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I thought the sampling was very interesting, but the vocals blurred together after a few songs. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
When I first saw this album I thought "oh, more black music stolen by white men." Which this kind of felt like but also was enjoyable. Personal Enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
I can see how this was very influential for new wave and electronica. Reminded me a bit of Devo. Probably one of the best debut albums I've listened to recently. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I enjoyed this more than I thought I would, which isn't saying much. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
This is a solid album from start to finish and may be one of the best debut albums I've heard. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
This album would have been much better if the keyboard were replaced with a guitar or sax. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
When I first saw this album I said to myself "UGHHHHHHHHH. AIR AGAIN? NOT EVEN A SOUNDTRACK?" but it was beautiful and was perfect (knowing the movie). The drums were were a standout. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
I thought there were some interesting pieces in here but it wasn't super memorable. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Iggy is one of the GOATs. It was interesting to hear how different each of the mixes were. Without The Stooges, most of the music I listen to wouldn't exist. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
This is probably my favorite Bowie album to date. Thanks, Iggy! Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I haven't heard of Mudhoney before, and I need to hear more. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
I am normally not one for covers, but these were kind of better than the original. I love the sound of a 12 string guitar, too. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
I can't listen to this album and not think of taking Music in the History of Art and listening to several songs on here. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
This album made me utter something I never thought I would say. "I would prefer to listen to another Blur album." Beyond mediocre, not sure why this was on the list at all. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 1/5
I love the sound of the drums here. Great discovery. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
In my opinion, a live album has to be really special to deserve a place on this list. This album was not. Drums were neat, though. Personal enjoyment: 2/5 Relevance to this list: 4/5
Sufjan Stevens is a different person than Cat Stevens. Because I didn't know that, this album was very surprising (in a good way). Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
I feel completely transported into the world Bruce created in this album. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I didn't really enjoy this album, because I don't enjoy the genre, but I can understand and appreciate why it was on the list. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
This is probably the best Bowie album I'm going to hear. This made me realize that I just don't emotionally connect with Bowie as an artist. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
Neo Soul at its finest. Iconic. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I feel like I need to listen to this more to fully get it. Personal enjoyment: 3/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
One of the greats. Personal enjoyment: 5/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5
I have a soft spot in my heart for English folk singers. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 3/5
While I don't think two albums by Pere Ubu is needed for this list, I did very much enjoy this. I have been told I have pretty horrible taste in music, however. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 2/5
Joni Mitchell's blending of jazz and folk is genius. Personal enjoyment: 4/5 Relevance to this list: 5/5