Björkmy first björk outside of her iconic 90s trilogy of albums. stunning.
my first björk outside of her iconic 90s trilogy of albums. stunning.
this album is like a best friend to me
What a history I have with Coldplay… Years later and I still remember the lyrics. Fitting first album in my 1001 album journey.
Funny that this was my album for today since I’ve been digging into Blondie’s discography lately. I’ve listened to Parallel Lines a few times, and while it gets better each time, I wish I liked some of the songs more. On the whole, I do enjoy listening to it, though I personally prefer their debut. I love Picture This and Hanging On The Telephone a lottt. Sunday Girl and Pretty Baby are also favorites. Giving it a 4, but 3.5/5 is more accurate to how I feel.
Classic. What else is there to say?
I had heard a few of Nick Drake’s songs previously and really liked them, but after listening to Pink Moon in full, I think his music works better for me if I hear an individual song in the wild or on a playlist. Sorry if that’s sacrilegious… it’s just not a favorite genre of mine, but certainly one I can appreciate on the surface.
I can finally say I’ve listened to OK Computer. Nice 👍 4.5/5
I like it in the sense that it’s nice to have on in background but not really something I’d actively listen to.
wow what a surprise! i had no idea this album was on the list. TLSP is required listening for any Arctic Monkeys fan in my opinion. it’s clear that this group gave Alex permission to try new things, and he was able to bring that into AM (see the orchestration on The Car). while i think this album has some of their best songs, i prefer their 2016 follow-up.
my god the reviews for this album on here are abysmal… y’all have obviously never drank scotch whiskey all night long and died behind the wheel 🙄
the only song that really caught my attention was the closer, Speedway. the rest just blended together.
for me, folk is one of those genres that’s nice to have on, but not something I reach for nor a genre that particularly moves me… hopefully I’ll find an album in this journey that changes that. I unfortunately don’t think it’s this one.
[rating is of the 1956 version]
sounds like a parody of itself
i’m usually listening to paul via the jam or style council so it’s nice to hear his voice in a different setting. he sounds so soulful on this project, no doubt thanks to the blues influence found on this album. i’ll definitely check out more of his solo stuff. 3.5/5
i was verrrry excited to see this one today. an absolute classic by one of my favorite bands.
3.5 while i do appreciate this album stylistically, i wish i connected to it more. maybe with more listens i will, but i don’t see my self coming back to it all that often
3.5 good vibes all around
When I first got into Pink Floyd, I think (?) I listened to this or at least I listened to the popular songs. I really love Lucifer Sam, and Astronomy Domine is pretty good… in fact, the first few songs are quite nice, but I’m indifferent to the rest of the album. The best for the band was definitely to come. LOVE the album artwork though. One of my favorite of their many iconic covers.
probably goes hard at the club
probably would have rated this a 3 if i didn’t have the misfortune of hearing steven tyler sing about his big ten inch “record” also, funny that i should get this album today since i watched the new run dmc docuseries last night. Walk This Way doesn’t sound them same without them.
either you get it or you don’t
3.5 i’ve never liked this one as much as other people seem to… but boy it’s got some classics!
super happy to finally have gotten a hip hop album! i actually listened to this in full for the first time last month (though i had listened to parts of it before). a bit of a grower for me, i liked it more today than i did then. overall, really great beats and timeless production. Life’s a Bitch is my fave song :)
3.5 enjoyed it! definitely more r&b than i was expecting, but missy and timbaland make a great duo
yeah this is good shit
brandon flowers doesn’t sing, he YELLS. really love the first five songs. the rest is okay. i think this would have changed me brain chemistry had i heard it in high school. 3.5
honestly banger after banger
Reconciling my feelings on Kanye has been difficult lately considering how much I love his first six albums. I didn’t listen to MBDTF today, but I’ve listened enough over the years to know where I stand. Not my favorite of his, but undeniably a powerhouse album. I still remember feeling really moved by his 2010 VMA performance of Runaway despite only being 13 at the time. Lost In The World, Monster, Gorgeous, Devil In A New Dress, All Of The Lights… so many classics.
not his best but still a great Costello record. the first six songs in particular are stand outs for me, and Almost Blue is one of my favorite songs of his.
my first björk outside of her iconic 90s trilogy of albums. stunning.
super easy listen, got better each time
pretty average but neil finn has a lovely voice
loved it
one of the greatest voices of all time
bohemian rhapsody and you’re my best friend are certified classics. i also really loved death on two legs (it rips) and love of my life. everything else was okay, didn’t love it but didn’t dislike it either.
i actually listened to this for the first time a few weeks ago after getting Missy’s debut Supa Dupa Fly. very fun to listen to.
go to any dying American mall and this is what will be playing in Express
music to dance to, not listen to 2.5
i’m a dan fan forever
not bad but i don’t suspect i’ll listen to this album or even think about it again
i’m more of a mid-to-late period beatles gal myself, but this probably my favorite early beatles album. 3.5
incredibly moving. so sad that he was taken so early, he clearly had a great gift. 4.5
better than i was expecting! 3.5
woohoo!!! my favorite stevie record <3 it also has my favorite stevie song, Maybe Your Baby. just classic all around.
excited to listen to more of their discography
better than i expected, but i probably won’t come back to it that often 3.5
despite being often discussed as one of their worst, i’ve always had a soft spot for With The Beatles. it’s got a few of my favorite early originals like Hold Me Tight, Don’t Bother Me, and It Won’t Be Long while also having some of their better covers like All I’ve Got To Do and Please Mr. Postman. sure it’s got some stinkers but nothing too bad imo. overall a fun listen for me. 3.5
wish it were a tad bit shorter but still an enjoyable listen 3.5
this has been on my ‘to listen’ list for quite some time - glad i finally got around to it! Kick In The Eye was the only song i was familiar with beforehand, but the rest of the album similarly has great bass and fun post-punk energy. definitely need to dig more into their discography.
i always have a tough time picking a favorite Bowie record, but this is definitely in the running. so great all the way through. the Stones cover is clearly the weakest song, but i don’t think it’s too bad. everything else is fantastic, especially Drive-In Saturday which is one of my absolute favorite songs of his.
some really cool songs on this thing 3.5
for a short album, this sure did feel long. it’s definitely got some classic songs though.
i can appreciate this on the surface but it’s not for me
not my thing but i didn’t dislike it either
the first (and only) solo beatles album i heard when i was first getting into the group around 11 years ago. now that i’ve heard more of their offerings outside of the group, i don’t rate this one as highly, but man it’s got some great songs. Let Me Roll It is fantastic.
i’ve heard such good things about this album for so long that i automatically thought i was going to really dig it. and while i thought it was pretty good, i didn’t connect with it the way i thought i would. very unexpectedly acoustic? i was surprised by that but i guess that’s my fault lol. actually reminded me a lot of tame impala. certainly ahead of it’s time. i preferred when the album leaned more into the electronic rock stuff, like part 2 of the title track. super cool instrumental. honestly i’m not sure about my rating… feeling more of a 3.5
Everything punk should be: raucous, energetic, and presented with a message. It has the added bonus of killer saxophone and a fearless front-woman in Poly Styrene. So glad I finally listened to this one. 4.5
producer pharrell > frontman pharrell
didn’t think i was going to like this at all, but color me surprised!
closer to a 3.5 for me, but I think with more listens, I’ll warm up to this one
classic! still very lyrically relevant. also one of the hardest album covers ever. 4.5
really liked it! definitely need to listen to Back To Black now.
this fucks!!!!! 4.5
Oasis but less catchy 3.5
I’m probably biased because Arctic Monkeys are in my top 3 favorite bands ever, but I think this is very easily one of the best debuts of the 2000s.
sorry :(
top 3 kanye album for me 4.5
most of the songs sounded a little same-y, but it was an enjoyable listen nonetheless 3.5
not even ten years old, and it’s already a classic.
i really like Method Man in the context of Wu-Tang, but this didn’t really do it for me. 2.5
one of those rare times i wish an album was longer. not because i just loved it so much that i needed more, but because it felt like there wasn’t enough here. that being said, what is here i enjoyed. BB King is mostly known for this guitar work, but i don’t think i realized what a great voice he had. and i loved the audience’s energy. i had no idea the girlies went crazy for BB…. good for him! 3.5
i’ve been meaning to listen to this for a while now after i heard Show Girl a few years ago. because of that, i was expecting to like this more... while i did enjoy it on a basic level and would listen again, it can be pretty dull lol 3.5
bad but not even in a fun way. deserves the rating for the title alone.
i was looking forward to this because i already knew about the concept, but it just fell flat for me.
better than i was expecting
i didn’t think i was familiar with this band/album at all until Hard To Handle came on. enjoyed this one!
XTC is one of my favorite bands, so i’ve listened to this one before, but i liked the album a lot more on this listen. really wish it was on streaming, but happy to own it on CD. 3.5
long but pretty awesome ngl
probably really good if you’re into folk
try not to say “they sang this on glee” challenge failed
makes a really good case against british rap
i’m not a country gal (though i did grow up in the south), but this was an enjoyable listen
i have beastie fever, and baby it’s incurable!!!!!!!
enjoyed it
better than i remember
i just don’t care
I really wasn’t too keen on Pink Moon upon first listen a few months ago, so I’m super surprised by how much a love Bryter Layter. The sound on this one is so full and lush, with lots of instrumentation including strings and sax (huge win for me). Just all around really beautiful. 4.5
what an album. what a group! 1979 was such a great year for music.
fantastic. hasn’t aged a day. 4.5
remain in light part two
no ❤️
nearly makes my top 3 beatles albums. What Goes On and Run For Your Life are the stinkers but everything else is kind of perfect. 4.5 but no halfsies here so rounding to a 5
my favorite costello ❤️❤️❤️
i can definitely appreciate it, but phew it was a tougher listen than i was anticipating. the vocals were a little too much for me.
bland and not musically interesting but Beautiful Day went double platinum on my iPod touch when i was 13.
the clash are such an important band to me. they were the first punk and first political band i ever got into. they opened up the door for me in terms of punk music, and i genuinely learned a lot about the history of late 70s uk and just punk in general by getting into them. London Calling is their masterpiece of course, but their self-titled is easily my second fave. there are a few songs on here that i think are just fine, but most are the fucking best. Police & Thieves, I’m So Bored, Career Opportunities, the list goes on. classic. i’m saving my 5 for London Calling, but this gets a 4.5 in my book.
bloated as helllll why is there an 11 minute long track in the middle of this 😭
man i’ve been on a journey with this album over the last three and a half years… MFTM was the first depeche mode album i ever listened to in full. looking back, i’m not sure why i listened to this one first (my guess is because i loved Strangelove so much), but i really wasn’t into it much upon first listen. as i got more into depeche, i would come back to this and enjoy it more with each subsequent relisten. nowadays i’d say it’s one of my favorite albums of theirs.
woah! this was awesome. fun listen.
damn! i knew nearly every song on here but had never listened to the album in full. all killer, no filler. 4.5
very nice
inoffensive but terribly boring
i feel like i should love this album, but it just doesn’t hit for me ☹️ i’ve listened to it probably three or so times over the years, but i always feel like there’s something missing… Someday is a fantastic song though.
enjoyed the first half but i think it ended up getting a little stale 3.5
i always thought Modern Life Is Rubbish was my favorite Blur album, but idk this one has been hitting lately edit: the generator has this new edit feature which is great because the Parklife cd was recently in my car for a month straight on loop... five stars babey!
one of the albums of all time sorry
damn classic 4.5
i’ve been meaning to relisten to this album for a while now… forgot how good it is. the title track is easily one of my favorite bowie songs (and one of his very best). 4.5 but rounding up since i enjoyed this one so much
woah! enjoyed it
pretty good! 3.5
dude rock (derogatory)
not bad but not for me
cool 👍 3.5
i’m not sure what it is, but something always stops me from fully enjoying this album…☹️ really love Thief of Baghdad and Ha Ha I’m Drowning though
glad the generator finally pushed me to listen to this album after years of it being on my “to listen” list. really enjoyed it! and Cranes in the Sky is easily one of the best songs of the 2010s, argue with a wall.
i love Miss Me Blind DOWNNN 80s pop they could never make me hate you
ahead of its time sure, but also not very good lol
i laughed, i cringed, i got angry, i felt confused, i judged my dad’s taste in music, i laughed again and then it was over. one star ❤️
cool album 3.5
love this album sooo much. not quite as good as The Queen Is Dead, but it’s close.
why did i kind of like this lol
tough one to rate… really enjoyed the production, plus a lot of the songs are catchy, but i just can’t rate it higher due to the lyrics. dunking on women and gay people for laughs and shock value was the best he could do i guess.
no thank you
major classic. it’s hard to believe so many great songs are on one album. 4.5
i think i prefer Frank, but this is undeniably great too. such a shame we lost her so soon.
probably closer to a 3.5 for me. killer sax.
had so much fun with this! close to a 4.5 i think.
i relistened to this album in full yesterday while sitting on my balcony in the Texas summer heat, and honestly it was a perfect way to listen. funny that it’s my album of the day today. De La Soul is Dead in my number one De La album, but 3 Feet High is classic. great vibes and so influential! glad i got into the group last year. i love their music so much 🥹
not interested in listening again, but i thought it would be much worse considering the reviews on here.
The Ocean is beautiful 3.5
3.5 ish?
i just got into Dinosaur Jr this year! love their stuff
I don’t think I’ll come back to it much but i enjoyed it 👍 3.5
didn’t love it, didn’t hate it 2.5
this album is like a best friend to me
very lively and colorful! fun listen.
always nice to be reminded how good this album is. one of the best post punk albums for sure. Monitor is so awesome.
i listened to this for the first time a couple years ago, and i still feel the exact same about it… there are few songs that i really like but overall, i’m not crazy about it. definitely ahead of it’s time though. probably around a 3.5
i love it when i get an album i’ve never heard of and it turns out to be a fun listen!
i got this album ON Beyoncé’s birthday??? what an amazing coincidence. anyways, there is me before i listened to this album as a teen and there’s after. it truly opened my eyes to feminism, female sexuality and more. my friends and i used to quote the opening skit of Haunted all the time, and we used to have dance parties listening to Drunk In Love and Partition. i think that Lemonade or Renaissance might be better albums, but self-titled will always have a special place in my heart. 4.5
bob dylan lite
i don’t think me and aerosmith really get along
best opening and closing tracks to an album? perhaps
i wish i liked this album more
i liked it, but i also wasn’t paying attention to the lyrics so… 3.5
why did i get a tim buckley album two days in a row like what are the odds of that….
all hail eno
i should definitely like this more, i mean Aja is one of my favorite albums…. maybe i’m not in the right mood today 3.5
despite being the most praised Coldplay album, i’ve never been a super big fan of this one. it’s got some great songs, but overall it doesn’t really hit for me. it’s always nice to go back to bands i listened to as a teen though :) 3.5
pretty fucking awesome
my first QOTSA album! i wasn’t really sure what to expect, but i enjoyed it quite a bit. i definitely need to listen to Songs For The Deaf now. 3.5
kind of all blended into one song but it was a damn good song
i couldn’t even finish it </3
underrated bowie
really wished i liked this! the instrumentals were nice, but i don’t think i care for her voice that much. it reminds me of björk’s voice, who i love, so i’m not sure why i don’t connect with joanna’s? maybe in time i’d warm up to this, but i don’t see myself returning to it any time soon.
it was fine at first, but as it neared the end i just wanted it to be over lol
talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it
ooh interesting! i think my score could go up with further listens 3.5
there’s only so much anthony kiedis i can take… 2.5
i can’t believe she was 21 when she released this, she should’ve been at the club 3.5
well…. it’s certainly an album
surprisingly didn’t mind this. i enjoyed the instrumental tracks the most. reminds me of home. definitely wish it were shorter though.
oooh… quite good 3.5
not my vibe, but not bad
one of the best ever <3 i have so much love for this album.
okay.. instrumentals weren’t bad, but the vocals are not my thing.
wait do i like the rolling stones? 3.5
meh, it was fine
not as good as Melt :(
hold up…. i actually really liked this
i need a few more listens before i make my mind up on this one 3.5-ish
always love some zeppelin
one of those albums i know is good, but not something i’d come back to very much 3.5
quite enjoyed this one 3.5
pretty voice
not my favorite REM but it certainly has some bangers on it 3.5
one of my favorite albums of the 80s. the bass is a big standout for me. and glittering prize… ❤️
this album is a firm 4.5 for me, but i’m rounding up to a 5 because a 4 just feels wrong
generic at times but better than i was expecting! 3.5
this seems to be the general consensus, but the best songs are the ones sung by grace slick. everything else is good... just not as good lol
i think i need some more time with this one 3.5
pure 80s cheese
enjoyed this one! 3.5
i really wish i liked this album more. i’ve tried listening to it a few times before this, but it just doesn’t really speak to me. i still hold Trent Reznor in high regard though, so i give it a 3. also because Closer fucking rules.
love this album. the back half in particular is great.
i just can’t seem to get into this kind of jazz 2.5
i’m a little more ambivalent towards this album than i had hoped going into it. probably more of a 3.5 but i could see it going up with more listens.
i’ve never said anything bad about jazz, jazz is my friend 4.5
good but didn’t hit me like i wanted it to
fine for what it is, but not something i’d listen to in my free time
i was feeling a little iffy about this album at first, but the more i listened, the more i liked it
as i’ve listened to more of Joni’s discography, i’ve realized that I prefer some of her other albums to this one (Hejira, Court and Spark), but Blue is still such a classic. A Case of You makes me cry every time.
i prefer their debut. Peter Piper rules though.
my first bob marley album! it was a super easy listen. 3.5
2.5 it was fine
who says cocaine never did any good?
quite good!
straight vibesss 3.5
I Saw The Light and Hello It’s Me are two of my favorite songs ever. nice to finally listen to the full album, even though it’s too long for my taste. around a 3.5 i think, but i did enjoy it
i mean… ok
don’t care much for live albums. at least this one went by fast.
been meaning to listen to this album for a while. thanks, generator!! loved it
she’s a genius
no better way to spend a sunny friday morning ☀️
i like R.E.M…. but i can’t ever seem to love them 3.5
each time i goooo to bed iiii pray like areeeetha franklin 🕺
hm… i like this album less than i remember. Low is definitely the highlight of the Berlin Trilogy for me.
dancing queen is one of the best songs ever 3.5