Da Capo
LoveCan not fathom why this record is considered for this list. Nothing stood out and then the never ending final song sunk whatever meager positive feelings and goodwill the record had managed to generate.
Can not fathom why this record is considered for this list. Nothing stood out and then the never ending final song sunk whatever meager positive feelings and goodwill the record had managed to generate.
I really liked the sound and the lyrics were quirky. Never heard them before so I'll probably give them another listen.
My first Sisters of Mercy album and I quite liked it.
Her voice is amazing, not my preferred musical style, but she is good.
Her voice is so pure and amazing, but the music and lyrics on this record are not good.
I listened to this album twice. Despite the apparent popularity of Nick Drake this is the first time that I remember hearing his music. I found his lyrics to be poetic and as such they deserved to be in the forefront of the beautiful but sparse instrumentation. "One of These Things First" and "Northern Sky" stood out for me on this record, however "One of these Things First" resonated the most with me. It spoke to my own regrets with the decisions that got me to where I am and the decisions that have kept me from where I thought I wanted to be.
I have always enjoyed Otis Reddings music and while he sounded as good as always on this recording I did not find the collection of these particular songs to be particularly compelling.
Always enjoyed The Clash, but it's been a long time since I have listened to this record. Doing so brought back fond memories of me and my friends listening to it.
This is the first time that I have ever listened to this album. Green's voice is as effortless and full as always, however nothing really grabbed me from this record.
When I was a teenager, listening to The Police could not be escaped. They dominated commercial radio, MTV, high school dances, house parties, and mix-tapes. As such, I have had a long moratorium on their music due to the ability to appreciate the band had been burnt out of me. Forty years later I enjoyed listening to this album again very much.
A collection of covers that are arranged well and performed in Willie's unique style. Unfortunately, with a few exceptions I have never really been into that unique style. I am not sure why this one is considered an essential listen.
I thought I was a post punk fan, I suppose I still am, but I'm not a fan of this record. Some of the bass lines are interesting, but get monotonous very quickly. I could not get into this record and it goes on for a really long time.
While I never considered myself a fan of Deep Purple I do not dislike them. Highway Star and Smoke on the Water are the tracks I recognize the most from this album. It is music.
Wow, instant Portishead fan. I learned today that I have been a fan of trip hop for a while, I just did not know that was what this style of music is called. I had not heard this record before and found all the tracks to be delightful.
Queen is simply amazing.
Tom Waits has never really been in my sphere of interest and as this record started I was pretty sure that was going to continue to be the case. Halfway through I was beginning to feel there is something to be found in the off-beat poetry of his lyrics. The instrumentation and vocalizations are quirky and unusual. "Shore Leave", "Frank's Wild Years", and "Soldier's Things" stood out to me.
Solid early album by System of a Down.
Pixies how I love you. Infectious and fun.
Not really for me, but it sounded well put together.
What a great album! I am not sure how I missed this record back in the day, but I would have worn this one out if I had it in my collection.
The sound and music of The Strokes has always been a favorite of mine.
One of the best live albums I have heard. The crowd wanted to hear Whipping Post and they got their wish, twenty-three minutes of it.
Another band I missed from the late 70s. It really shows that I was too dependent on what the radio played in those days. I really enjoyed the music and lyrics.
The Band has always been one of my favorites and this record showcases their transition from Bob Dylan's Band to The Band.
Not really my thing, but it is well put together.
Elvis Costello has seemingly always been around. His music is okay, it can be listened to. It always felt that I was "supposed" to like him based on the recommendations from the experts and others, but I never really cared for his music.
Obviously very popular given the number of streams. There are some interesting turns of phrases, but not my thing at all.
A couple of truly classic songs makes this album.
This was a fun album!
Opening song was annoying. My understanding of the blues may not be complete, but I did not really hear anything other than a couple of bars in one song that sounded anything like a blues riff.
Love this album. Blondie has always been a favorite.
Costello wanting to sound like Dylan. This is the second Elvis Costello record that I have listened to in this list and it is only marginally better than the first one.
I generally enjoy Metal, but I have never really enjoyed Slayer. Hearing this record in its entirety did nothing to change that.
I have enjoyed listening to Arcade Fire over the years, my sons actually introduced them to me. I have thought that if I had been the same age as my sons when they first listened, Arcade Fire would probably be one of my top bands.
Not my thing.
The older I get the more I appreciate Dylan.
Fiona's voice is great and the songs are good, but there is not enough here to make me want to listen to this record again.
I never really got into this group. There were a couple of decent songs.
An amazing voice backed by an incredible band.
I saw Roxy Music and thought, "Excellent, I like Roxy Music." Unfortunately, I did not like this album. Nothing grabbed me at all.
First offering that I actually have in my record collection. One of the best, it was great then and it's great now.
I did not know this band until now and I would have really enjoyed hearing this kind of music on the radio back in the day.
I enjoyed this record and I was a little surprised by that. Several songs resonated with me.
One of my favorites. I can not count the number of times that I have listened to this record over the years.
Not bad, can definitely hear their influence in other acts.
Several really good Elvis songs on this record. He was a great singer, but he was too many years before my time for me to see him as the king of rock and roll.
I really enjoyed this record. I was unaware of their existence before this listen.
Not bad.
Whenever I listen to Bjork I always feel like I am just on the cusp of enjoying her music, but unfortunately this record did not put me over the edge.
It's the Violent Femmes. One of my favorite bands going back a long time.
I have heard many of these Christmas songs over the years and I was unaware that the ones that I have heard were all on the same record.
Interesting combination of genres.
I did not care for her music when it came out back when, but I listened to this entire record anyway since previously I have been pleasantly surprised with previous entries in this list that I found I now enjoy or do not dislike. However, nothing has changed. I do not like her music. It definitely had an impact and she was, I guess still is, insanely popular, but there's nothing here for me.
California Stars was nice. It was okay overall. Woody made the decision years ago not to record these songs.
It does have "I Can See For Miles" on it, but nothing else resonated.
When I think about Judas Priest, this is the record I remember. Lyrics that can be understood with the music that is Judas Priest.
I knew a couple of these songs.
I didn't hate it.
I remember listening to this one on cassette in my friend's car. Always enjoyed Gary Numan.
To listen to this one I broke out my vinyl copy and listened to the entire thing as it was intended on my old turntable. One of the first 45rpm records I ever owned was "Another Brick in the Wall Part II" which we played over and over again.
I did not enjoy this record at all.
I kind of liked the other Miles Davis record that I listened to in this list, but I simply do not get this recording.
My favorite Neil Young record
It sounded very nice.
What a great record.
Enough with Elvis Costello. There is no way he deserves three albums (so far) on this list. I really hope this is the last one. Once again, while it can be listened to, it is not innovative or compelling in anyway.
I could have gone without hearing this one. It wasn't bad but there was something off-putting about it
I have always had a on again off again like for Bruce Springsteen's music, however this is a record that I have always enjoyed.
Everyone knew how to play, but this kind of music rarely seems to move me.
I've enjoyed The Fall over the years but I have never listen to an entire album by them before. It was okay.
This is one of my favorite Eagles albums.
The Beatles are not particularly important to me personally, however the influence and the popularity of the Beatles can not be denied. This record has some really great songs on it. Like most double albums there is a fair amount of filler. I seem to gravitate to the quirky tracks. My favorite song is "Rocky Raccoon" which is due to it being a song that my friends and I would often break into singing together. Somewhere in the world is a cassette tape that has several acapella arrangements of us having a great time taking it on. The making of that tape is one of my favorite teenage memories.
Sounded good.
I do not get why live albums that have songs from a number of other albums by the same artist are even on this list.
Great album.
Not my thing, but it does sound well put together.
'nuff said
I really enjoyed this record. The music was great and the lyrics were passionate.
Her voice is really good, but none of these songs grabbed me in any real way.
I thought I would need to listen to the album again to get a better feel for the lyrics and music, but then decided not to.
Oddly enough the PSB record that most people complained about back in the day was my favorite.. It has been quite a while since I listened to it.
I think I can see how this record would be popular, but for me it is a bit bland and non-descript. I listened to it and did not dislike any part of it, but it was not something I would consider to be necessary to listen to.
I have always enjoyed his music, it's catchy.
Can not fathom why this record is considered for this list. Nothing stood out and then the never ending final song sunk whatever meager positive feelings and goodwill the record had managed to generate.
An easy listen. This is the type of live album that I do enjoy, the sounds of the audience made the experience better.
I really liked the sound and the lyrics were quirky. Never heard them before so I'll probably give them another listen.
Marvin Gaye's voice alone carry's this record.
Yeah, not good.
I have listened to this record many times. I had a six CD player that I would play while working on my hobbies and this was one of the records that stayed in the player for a long time.
Good record.
The Go-Go's are just fun to listen to.
I'm not sure why, but I liked this one.
Great record, not great person.
I listened to this record at a friend's house in the late 1970s. He went on and on how great it was, but I really did not enjoy it that much at the time. I think I enjoyed it even less now. N.I.B. is the only song that I can say that I like. I understand why this record is on the list, but it's not my thing.
I won this CD from a local radio station back when it first came out. I played it numerous times right after I got it, but had completely forgotten about it until it showed up in this list. It was good to listen to it again.
Depeche Mode will always have a spot in my heart to live. Listening to this record I was instantly transported to my angsty teens and early twenties.
Radiohead is hit or miss for me. Sometimes they strike me as brilliant and sometimes much less so. I had not listened to this record before today. There are elements that I enjoyed but as a whole it was just okay.
Not bad.
The music was pretty good, but nothing in the lyrics really got me going.
I do like Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, but this is a two hour compilation of other people's music with guest artists. How is this even considered a must listen?
Two songs make this record and the rest are not that different from each other.
Prine can turn a phrase but on this one his vocal style was getting a bit monotonous.
I had never heard of Harry Nilsson before, but I did enjoy this record.
Two great songs, two good songs, rest are meh.
This is the T. Rex that I remember. Fun quirky songs.
Never really got Fatboy Slim. Just too blasted repetitive. Praise You is alright. An entire album of this is just not enjoyable. I don't see why this is on the list.
I couldn't decide if I liked it or not.
"Blowin' in the wind" and "A Hard Rain's a gonna fall" a legitimately great songs. There's way too much harmonica on this record. I do like Dylan as a songwriter. I like him as a performer in small doses, listening to an entire album of him, well, the vocal style and aggressive harmonica does get tedious.
"Does anyone Really Know What Time It is?" and "Beginnings" are the only two that I remember hearing from this album. The rest was not my thing.
Not my jam, but the influence of Run-D.M.C. can not be denied.
Like the other record by Winehouse, her voice is amazing, but the retro sounding songs with modern language are not interesting to me. It just does not sound genuine.
Marley's music is just good.
Nothing here for me.
It's a collection of tracks, but not something I needed to hear before I died.
This record was interesting and I enjoyed it.
This one was hit and miss for me. Even with the understanding this record influenced many others, I am struggling to grasp its significance.
I have read that Patti Smith inspired many, but this one was a bit of a slog.
One of my favorite records by one of my favorite groups. I think I have owned this recording in 8-track, cassette, LP, and CD. I do have a reel-to-reel player, maybe I should track down a copy in that format.
David Bowie is one of my favorites, Heroes is one my all time favorite songs. I had forgotten about most of the other songs on this record. It was nice and nostalgic to listen to them again.
I'm not sure why I like Yes, but I do.
This is the second Metallica record, I liked the first better than this one. The couple of songs that I know on this one are okay, but I lack the critical gene that allows me to discern much difference between their other less well known songs.
Amazing music.
Yes! Finally!
Love this album. I may pull out my LP copy and listen to it again tomorrow.
It has "Everybody's Talkin'", that's something.
First time listening to Massive Attack and I'll be adding it to my rotation. I guess one good thing about this list having the appearance of being very UK centric is I get to hear bands that were rarely on the radio in the US.
I found most of Sonic Youth not all that easy to listen to. A friend was a rabid fan and this is the record from his collection that I enjoyed the most. Today, I found that I liked it quite a bit.
Catchy and popular with many.
It was good.
I like her lyrics and her voice well enough, it was enjoyable.
The music was great.
I like it.
The album I think about when I think about CSN.
Very enjoyable! This record has a great feel and sound. It's going into the rotation.
I should like Joy Division, but this record did not resonate with me.
I love Peter Gabriel's music and this one is really good.
Song 2 gets you 2. The rest was not remarkable.
I just don't get this music. I am sure the experts are correct and it is as great as they say, but it really does not move me in any way.
I do like his lyrics, though his voice does tend to grind on me after an entire LP.
The listless talky singing and meandering incidental music overwhelmed the enjoyment of the occasional interesting lyrics.
Really good record
One of the best albums. I have listened to this record many times over the years.
Another great album.
It could have been good, but something was a little off.
I know I'm supposed to like everything that Radiohead puts out, but this one doesn't do it for me. It's okay in spots.
The first two songs were pretty good. The rest did not grab me.
Eric Clapton is a good guitarist, but not a good person. How does a record that is almost all cover songs become a record that has to be listened to?
One of my favorite albums of all time. I love both sides of this album. I pulled my LP copy out to listen to this classic again.
Two really good songs, his lyrics are good.
I liked this record more than I thought I would.
I am not a huge fan of The Rolling Stones, but this is one record that I really do enjoy.
I still really do not get most of Dylan.
Nothing clicked.
That's over.
Another one that I pulled out my copy on LP to listen to.
That was fun!
That was really good. I haven't heard them before.
Of all the Dylan albums on this list so far, this is the best. Less harmonica is more.
I liked it more than I thought I would. I think this guy has influenced a few people.
It was okay.
I do like
I am finding that I do like Neil Young kinda.
Never got Pantera.
I only knew a couple of songs by Fiona Apple, but I enjoyed this record. There is something about her voice and the lyrics. I'll give this one another listen in the future.
One of my favorite albums of all time.
Her voice is so pure and amazing, but the music and lyrics on this record are not good.
This is a fun interesting album, I'm was not familiar with Guided by Voices until this record. I am going to check them out for the other records.
I had forgotten about "Hometown Blues" for whatever reason it was one of my favorites in the late 70s. A friend had the album and I would play that track when I could. Not a bad debut album and "Breakdown", "American Girl", and (to me) "Hometown Blues" are great songs.
Did not enjoy.
I remember first hearing these songs when my father played this record on his reel to reel tape player. Though my main musical tastes have ranged far from Western since then, I love these songs and the smooth vocals from Marty Robbins.
I had a buddy in the service that played this record almost on repeat and I would get a little irritated at hearing it so many times. The reality is that this is a good record and hearing it again I was nostalgic, I need to give my friend a call.
Liked it, thought it sounded pretty good.
It had flashes of something entertaining, but not enough.
Always smooth and always great.
I can now say that I have listened to a Black Flag album.
I knew this day was going to come, but despite the valid arguments that The Doors are over rated as a band, I really do like them and this is a good record to put on and listen to.
Just did not hit anywhere for me.
This record was on repeat in the mid 80s, this record and their second were a big part of my late teens and early twenties.
The themes and lyrics are not for me. The production is very good, but I can't get past the content. He's obviously been very influential and has a legion of fans, I'm just not one of them.
I had heard a couple of these before. She has a great voice. I liked it more than I thought I was going to.
I'm a little bothered by how much I identified with some the rather depressing lyrics.
Great album by the Pixies
It sounded like a great party
What I like about punk. If I had heard this back then it would have been my favorite,
I don't get it.
I am not sure why, but I like Bjork and this record.
I'd listen to it again minus the two noise tracks.
I remember in the early 80's a friend was a huge fan of Earth,Wind & Fire, we would hang out in his room reading comic books while listening to this record and others. I can only feel better after listening to any album by Earth, Wind & Fire.
Someone once asked me why I like Dire Straits and my answer was that in my opinion all the parts, the vocals, the rhythm, the lead, the melody and the lyrics just all seem to work together. The most mundane premise for a song becomes vibrant and interesting in their hand. I broke out the vinyl to listen to this one.
One of my favorite records of all time. I listened to it on my original vinyl for this. One of the first CDs I ever bought was this record. It still love listening to this record.
Not my thing, but it was listenable.
I don't dislike Anthrax, I don't like Anthrax. All the songs sound pretty much the same to me.
My favorite Dead Kennedys release. Probably my favorite punk album in general.
I mean it's Stevie Wonder. His voice is so easy-going and authentic, I enjoyed this entire album.
Where has this record been? I knew several of the songs, but the record as a whole is simply wonderful. the entire thing is not on my streaming service so I had to track down each individual song, but it was worth it.
London Calling, Guns of Brixton, and Train in Vain are three of my favorite songs. I loved hearing this entire record, I didn't realize that so many of my favorite The Clash songs were on the same record.
I never heard The Soft Boys before but man I really liked this record
I kind of wanted to not like it, but it was okay
I love this record. Johnny's voice is not what it was, but I love his passion.
I knew the one song, the others were not bad.
I do enjoy finding artists that are new to me that I was unaware of before. This was an enjoyable listen.
This really was a gem.
A couple of great songs. This is a good record.
Enjoyable, I really liked the bass on this one. Gary Gilmore's Eyes is the highlight for me.
It was okay, not really my thing. There were a couple turns of phrase that I liked and "Let Me Entertain You" was my favorite, especially the line "I'm a burning effigy of everything I used to be".
Hadn't heard all of these, but I liked it okay.
Not sure why it's on the list
I do really like her voice. I still don't understand why an album of mostly cover songs makes this list.
I don't get it
Love it
I missed The Rolling Stones bandwagon a long time ago and it is too late to jump on it now. It's good enough music and I like the hits well enough.
Amazing album. I had forgotten just how many great songs were on this record.
I enjoyed the music and energy. I need to work on my Spanish.
I like the instrumentation and the lyrics were interesting.
Not my thing really, but it sounded okay
My first Sisters of Mercy album and I quite liked it.
Not my thing.
At first I thought it was going to enjoy it as parody and began to feel like this was not a parody I then realized it wasn't. He meant every word.
Just a great album to listen to from start to finish.
I have come to despise the harmonica due to listening to these Dylan records. I should just admit that I'm not smart enough to truly appreciate what he's doing. I read what others say about his work and I don't get it, so it is probably not him, it's me. I hope I'm done with the Dylan records on this list.
This is one of those that I like most of the songs, but I this may have been only the second or third time I listened to the entire thing all the way through. I like it, but sometimes there is too much of a good thing in a short period of time.
It's David Bowie
There's nothing here for me and based on the total listens on streaming, I can't imagine why this record is on this list.
I was introduced to Arcade Fire by my sons. They are okay.
I keep hoping I'll find a rap album that I enjoy out of this. The production was well done, Nas' voice was fine, just not my thing.
That was just bad. Really really bad.
I remember getting this album back in the day because I thought I liked 10cc, I checked it out of the library and returned it the next day.
I really like this record.
It sounded fine, just nothing jumped out at me.
Something about it seemed off. It had some good riffs from time to time.
Still in search of the rap album I enjoy. There was promise a couple of times, but it didn't really grab me.
Other than the two inescapable songs on this record it was not particularly remarkable.
Another Neil Young record? I understand that it's important to Neil, but I don't think it's a must listen.
Not real.
I've tried to get into Radiohead and I like some of their music, but this record misses the mark by a wide margin for me.
It seems well produced.
I never this record in it's entirety before. It was pretty good.
I'm not really into pop music, but I get the popularity of Taylor Swift. These were catchy, fun tunes with a singer you can understand.
I kind of liked it.
I liked this one.
Not great but not bad
Sinatra's voice and phrasing is incredible.
I had a hard time getting through this one.
I like a few Randy Newman songs, but this is the first time I have listened to 12 Randy Newman songs in a row. It is a pretty big ask. Fortunately most of the songs clock in at less than three minutes.
The Cure is great. I love this album and remember it fondly back in the day, I searched my record collection and could not find it so I must have lent it out and never got it back.
I thought I liked Kings of Leon, but I guess I never heard this record before.
The bass lines were pretty good.
This would be fine when you are at a bar and they have it going on. I do not believe I needed to hear this before I died.
What a great album. Just good music.
I could not get into this one.
Somehow I missed this one from back in the day. I really enjoyed it
One of my favorites.
Just a great record. I do enjoy these songs.
It was okay.
The first half was not too bad, the second half got hold quick.
It was okay.
No, not necessary to listen to.
I found Psychobilly later in life and enjoy it live, but this was not as enjoyable.
Call it a guilty pleasure, but I do enjoy Oasis
A great solid record by Fleetwood Mac.
I had not heard this album in its entirety before. I think it has some really great songs on it.
I wanted to like it more than I did. I do like Talking Heads, but other than a couple of songs I already knew nothing else really grabbed me.
This one brought back memories of being in the Navy chipping paint in a fan room listening this Beastie Boys cassette out of a boom box.
Not my thing.
It was quirky and I didn't dislike it.
The Cure remains one of my favorite bands.
I like it.
I really like their sound
This album has a few of his best known songs, but the entire thing plays well all the way through, which is unusual for a double album.
The Police were ubiquitous and this is a good one.
I liked it, but it's not something I could listen to an entire album regularly.
The songs I knew were classic, but the others were pretty good too.
As a concept the album works. The lyrics are ugly in places, but then so are breakup in toxic relationships.
Not sure why a album full of other people's work is considered to be necessary. It had moments, but overall it was not that enjoyable.
It's Frank and he's smooth, but something was off with the effort as a whole.
This was another album that was common through out. The music is great and the lyrics are decipherable.
A great record.
It was okay.
I lack the gene to appreciate this style of music.
Second album like this in a row. I just don't get it. I'm glad so many people do enjoy it and have given it high ratings. Maybe one day I will figure out how to enjoy this kind of music. I feel like I'm missing out somehow given all the high praise in the reviews.
I think I see what he was trying to do with this one, but no thanks.
It was okay, the most remarkable thing for me was that it was from 1975 and the production is so good.
Duran Duran was ubiquitous in my teenage years. I had heard the hits from this record many times on the radio and remember seeing the videos. I enjoyed hearing the entire record for the first time.
Taken as a whole this record works.
Always fun and enjoyable.
I used to be a fan. I stopped being a fan a long time ago. They arrived to a show that I had tickets to, declared the venue unsuitable, and left without performing. They had gotten too big for our venue. No-show Crowes. I listened to the record to honor my commitment to the list, but did not enjoy it as much as I thought I remembered liking them.
Did not enjoy
This is just not it.
Tiny Dancer and Levon are two great songs. The rest are kind average to poor.
Her voice is amazing. The album itself is not remarkable other than her incredible take on the Otis Redding classic Respect.
I thought the first song was interesting, but the album went down hill rapidly after that. Not necessary to listen to.
Sounds fine, but I still don't get this genre.
I kind of liked it.
I wish I could enjoy this genre. I feel like I am missing out.
I think I'm supposed to like it, but I didn't.
Good grief, this is my fourth Elvis Costello record. While there have been singles of his that I liked, the previous three albums were not enjoyable. This one is okay. I hope there are no more Elvis Costello records in this list. Four is enough.
Nick Drake was my first artist in this list and I really enjoyed that record. This one is good as well. Something about his lyrics and simple melodies really appeal to me.
Very enjoyable.
This was a slog to get through. This record is all over the place and I do not know what they were going for other than trying to make a Beatles-ish record. I could have gone the rest of my life without wading through this and I would have been just fine.
Nothing stood out.
I've heard this album numerous times over the years, but it has been a while. It was nostalgic, but it has not aged particularly well. That being said, it's a good album.
I really enjoyed this record.
I've always liked this record.
I could not wait for the first half to be over. Too much fucking harmonica! I get he is a cultural icon, but I can not comprehend why. The second half, it was tolerable, even though according to the mythological tale that has grown up around that entire event, it was the hated portion. I sincerely hope that I am done with Bob Dylan on this list. I just do not get it.
Just no
I sounded like something I would like in time, but I'm not going to go back to it any time soon.
I first encountered Kraftwerk when they were introduced to me by a friend in the early 80s. This is the second album by them on this list and I enjoyed both. I spent hours listening to Kraftwerk on my friend's reel-to-reel while reading comic books in his room.
I think I should like Beck more than I do, but there's something wears on me when listening to an entire album.
I still don't get it. Maybe one day I will, but I was bored, bored, bored by this.
It sounded okay, the lyrics were quirky, but I probably will not go back and I did not really need to hear it.
This one was more enjoyable in listening to it this time than I remember it being back in the day.
Fourteen year old me probably would have loved it, but I did not hear it then. Still, not too bad.
Her voice is amazing, not my preferred musical style, but she is good.
It was a good listen, just what I needed after a difficult day.
The one big hit obviously, but some of the rest of the songs were interesting diversions.
Not necessary to listen to ever.
I have learned to check how many tracks were on the original release of the record to make sure I do not have to listen to more tracks than I have to.
I am not sure what I was expecting, but it was not great.
I weirdly liked it
I listened to this one over and over again back in the day.
Eileen is the only song I know from this record, though I had never heard the a cappella stinger on it though. Another entry that it is wise to check the original release and only listen to the tracks listed there.
I was around nine years old when this record came out and I remember the insane popularity of this record. I never really warmed up to them, but one could not get away from them no matter how hard one tried.
Just a great record
There's nothing there
I'm beginning to regret this endeavor. This is garbage, total and complete. The album cover is objectionable and the sounds that issued from the speakers in my headphones were appalling. I regret giving this extra plays on Spotify.
I think i get why this was important and it sounds great for a live album, however most of these songs are not his. This is not an original album, it's a collection of covers.
I don't get why it's rated so high. Maybe without his vocals I would like it more.
Your criticisms are probably warranted, but I sure like their music.
At least it was original
I like the music, I like the quirky lyrics,
Too out there for me.
I will never understand the appeal of Grateful Dead as a band. They have a couple of songs that I do not mind listening to, but for the most part I would rather not listen to their music. Enjoy your jams Deadheads, I'm not saying no one should listen to this and I'm happy you find joy in something, but it's not for me.
Enough with the Bjork already.