The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter
The Incredible String BandMumford and Sons meets Belle & Sebastian, a sitar player, Nico, an 18th century sailor & Bob Dylan. I don't need to listen to again but not unlistenable. Actually went on a bit.
Mumford and Sons meets Belle & Sebastian, a sitar player, Nico, an 18th century sailor & Bob Dylan. I don't need to listen to again but not unlistenable. Actually went on a bit.
FUNkier than expected
Biased cos own it
Could listen to again. Not that Google speaker will let me listen to anything other than the instrumental version.
Funky jamz. Goes on a bit though.
Ones I didn't know were pretty slow. Still d i s c o. How do so many reviewers not like disco?!
More de la soul esque hip hop. Should listen to the lyrics it seems. As usual.
I feel like this was always in my Q magazine albums to listen to. Long time getting round to it. Pleasant. Flutey. Where Hazy Jane beer is named from?! Thought I didn't like the end but turns out it was auto playing something else that I didn't like
Babity fun, but went on a bit. Better than modern 'afrobeat'
Not as good as previous SW offering
About a bajillion times more listenable than FA's bolt cutter one
Have it, so am biased
Not sure I've actually listened to The Jam before 😮 oh hi Taxman. Can see where Bloc Party got their inspiration from.
They take themselves seriously, don't they?
90s nostalgia bias
Thought I was going to have heard all these already when it started. The ones I hadn't weren't memorable. Did not know about the controversial version of MFN!
Parp! Toot!
All in a minor key
Country music. I have no idea what distinguishes one country album / artist from another
Much more melodic than the music the guy at the back of the bus was playing yesterday.
I've come back to this to fill in gaps to find a very much recognise that cover and have obviously already 'done' this one. Presumably it made no impact. Therefore don't know if it should be 2 or 3.
Still not sure I get the fuss about the song purple rain, but funky album, feel like I knew most of the tracks already. Always meant to listen to more Prince.
Would be nostalgic if I had listened to it in my youth.
Jolly background
Considered chaos
Should probably listen again properly
FUNkier than expected
Babbidy babbidy
Can confidently say I never need listen to this again
Didn't like Suede in the 90s, still don't like them in the 20s
Less chaotic than the other Talking Heads album. I didn't know they were from the 70s.
Violin pop
Reading the other reviews suggests I should get something out of listening to the lyrics but I'm not capable. Also not capable on commenting on the apparently superior production. The tunes are fine.
Good apart from the slow ones & the one with the Casio voice affect
Quite nice. Inoccuous.
A pleasant surprise in that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but still pretty bloody awful.
Yeah fine
Electro pop goodness, what's not to like? Would have perhaps been super into it when came out, if I had been aware of it. That said, wouldn't say it's stand out above other electro of the era like Daft Punk or Timo Maas
Biased cos own it
Tooty flooty
Somewhat repetitive but better than the last LCD Soundsystem album i bought for £3 in Fopp. I miss Fopp.
I wanted to like it more cos Beach Boys & 'Til I Die but nothing else grabbed me that much.
One day I'm going to 'get' David Bowie but this isn't the album to do it. Fine. Why are there only 4 reviews? 🤔
Tears for Fears is a funny name isn't it
See i know this is supposedly amazing, but there's no denying it's depressing. Much prefer their bleepy bloopy. 4 for familiarity.
Boring actually. Every song sounds the same.
Yet another that maybe I would 'get' if I listened to the lyrics
I wanted to like it but not for me
Could listen to again
He likes girls. He could sell water to a well. He's the sinatra of his day. Funky sample use.
Glam rock
Weird how familiar that album cover is considering I've never listened to it. I thought maybe I'd never listened to it because I didn't like them but I guess it was more just the restrictive price of cds and means of music sharing in 1996. And the fact that I wasn't indie enough. No beef with sfa.
Bit disappointing actually, bit too slow to feel like disco bangers. Still funky though.
Defo dubious lyrically, but can't deny the funky samples.
Quite liked that.
Quite noisy
Max said sounded like hotel bar music and I'm inclined to agree. But maybe context is everything and I should listen to it when not in a hotel bar.
Quite liked some of the wafty moments. Otherwise a bit noisy
Seems to be divisive, but not awful, there's a lot worse on this list. The 'singing' style reminds of a current band or 2 that I forget the name of.
I thought I had this album in the past but must have been a different Richard Hawley one. I prefer the other one. Rip Coles.
Sad the album tracks weren't called 'macaroni cheese' and 'Kettering town hall'
A pleasant listen
Had heard the band name but that was it and don't think I was expecting melodic indie. Apparently I like bands / albums with 'teen' in them.
Definitely expecting more whimsy from such a named band
Made no impression
Just REM
He's a hustler
Peaks at the title (first) track for me. A bit lounge musicky
Always avoided because I assumed it would be noise but turns out it is literally what it says on the cover & very much my genre of bleepy bloopy. Also, turns out he's my boss boss boss boss boss' brother - tenuous celebrity connection?!
Familiarity bias
Another band heard of but never knew what they were about. Turns out partly French.
Thought I'd be nostalgia biased but no actually. And his voice really isn't that great. Still really like Oh Yoko though, what a ditty.
Humpty Dumpty was a big fat egg. Shouty. Funky. Samples.
Not for me
Never really liked the verve, still don't. Obvious parallels with other moany overblown music of the same era.
Seems i should have listened to lyrics. Not as avant garde as I thought it might be
Fun cock rock
Turns out I like dolly and country. Prefer the jingle jangles to the ballads but I got played a lot extra so not sure what's on album
Very rnb. Cover is so familiar even though I never owned it.
I think he thinks he's a freak? The Linkin / System side of me doesn't find this as bad as I thought I would. The singing not exactly melodic but the riffs are OK. The lyrics not the most savoury but enjoy 'warm as a mitten' in a sexual context.
Drugs much? Wouldn't listen to again
Average. Would it get any kudos if it wasn't an ex beatle?
What the the fuck is this shit? Made a bad mood a million times worse.
Would like to listen again. Had some definite bops.
Wall to wall bangers 🤘
Boom chicca waah
Pleasantly there
Did everyone get this album today?!?!?
Even reading the lyrics I didn't get what was going on. Smoking spliff, hos, the usual. Don't get the hype but enjoy the beat.
Cosy. Would listen to again in front of open fire. Found the cover pleasantly evocative
Dawson's Creek vibez
Was willing to give a 3 at first but somewhat boring
More bland lounge music. These guys would be nothing without Todd Terry.
Dug out a mini disc for this, therefore familiarity bias. The riffs save it over 'singing' or lyrics
For max
It's fine. I guess you had to be there.
Fine. No real impact.
I was OBSESSED with the song Kids, even went to see them live and have CD. I think the singles are the hits though. They look annoying on the cover.
Finally, after umpteen Beastie Boys and Talking Heads, my first Beatles! Familiarity bias. Even Yellow Submarine.
Made no impression
If I didn't already like SOAD I would doubtless declare this to be noise. But I do so I didn't.
I think this was preferable to the previous Aerosmith albums
Only so much bluegrass I can take
Was mad into this when I first discovered it (2005?). Not a duff track.
Got the cassette out. Not sure why I've got it as never liked it much. I guess I didn't know until I had it.
Familiarity bias. I hope Aerial is on the list, 'washing macheeeen...'
I felt cool
Vinyl on the radiogram. It is good, isn't it.
Would probably listen again which I guess makes it a 4?
Wobble board.
No impact
Enjoyed the inane rhyming.
Made no impression
I like their greatest hits but his voice is a bit annoying here
Pleasant surprise. Was expecting whining and against but melodic and enjoyable.
I'd forgotten I'd got this on cd. My bro gave it a couple of Christmas ago and actually I think I thought it was the greatest hits... Which I guess says it all. I was underwhelmed then, but this time was a good listen.
Would listen again.
Crumbs & butter
I've never got the Beyoncé hype. The hype makes me give this rating. Agree with the other reviews about product not person.
Not as whacky or obnoxious as I expected, quite holiday vibez actually. The original round the outside, round the outside!
I seem to like this. I think because it's of the 2010s type of indie that I liked then - Editors, Bloc Party et al. Waiting for buses in the dark.
Sounds like a good gig!
Classic authentico 70s punk
I shouldn't like this, it's quite noisy & shouty and yet there must be enough underlying melody to get away with it. The lyrics would probably make the difference between 2 & 3, however I can't discern them.
Sounded like The Kinks
Fine. Maybe I missed something. Reggae not my fave though.
Atonal anguish, I'm just not cool enough to enjoy this
Familiarity bias. Could have sworn Numb was on this album.
Partial all to all Bee Gees genres
Pleasant enough rnb. Not sure specifically why on list?
Generic 70s punk
Turns out it's a musical?!
Like a greatest hits. It remains my life goal to shout Debaser at karaoke.
90s hip hop is vastly superior to modern
Like De La Soul but not as good
Ridiculously epic. I never realised what this album was (as in with an orchestra). It's long though.
I know she's good. It must doesn't grab me, I don't need to listen to again.
Backgroundy, loungy, pleasant enough. The music that auto played after soothed me into a nap.
Slinky jazz soul rnb which just got me 6 points on popmaster
The tunes are jolly, but is he flat?
Familiarity bias. Much use of this as falling asleep music in my youth. Still great. Remember still the worst track, the Beach Boys sample just doesn't work for me.
One of those 90s album covers that is super familiar even though I never owned it. Turns out it's packed with familiar singles too. Surely his voice is cultural appropriation? I'm not sure specifically why this is on the list.
It's fine. Don't really get the hype. But you can caaaall meeee Hel!
I'd rather put this on repeat than listen to other Christmas music, and often have. I guess I'll overlook the crazed murderer bit...?
I enjoy the apparent musical contradiction of Cohen plus synth. Beware the Jazz Police!
Good plinky plonky background music. Always been aware of this album, don't know why I've never listened to it, I definitely listened to similar and certainly recognise a couple of tracks.
Had on in background, seemed good for that, although a little avant garde wailing too.
First song swampy, then a bit forgettable but fine
It's not the worst of the avant garde this experience has offered, mainly noise and not all atonal or shouty. But it's still a 1.
Fine. Expect I should have listened to the lyrics.
Hurr Hurr 'willy'. I've definitely listened to this plenty in the past, I think probably because boys liked it. I guess it would be a 3.5 because I prefer it to other 3 rated albums but I'm not sure it's a 4. Does go on a bit too.
Well my heart sunk at yet another PJ, the artist I have most tried to like but failed too. She was the chosen autoplay artist after Throbbing Gristle, afterall. And yet - for whatever reason - I'm OK with this one. Did some lyric reading, that didn't shed any further light though. Maybe I should revisit the other ones...
Undeniably frenzied rock 'n' roll performed by an undeniable bad egg.
Like a greatest hits but went on a bit
A new ABBA album for me! Features some of their best, but also The Day Before You Came. Usual mixture of bops and slower ones and I never like their slower ones so much.
Not as bad as I thought it would be. Boring rather than annoying.
Every bit as silly as I hoped it would be
I want to like Prince more than I do. He's fine but I felt like I was missing something. Picked up towards the end.
I always thought I wasn't really into Gorillaz and I was right. Best song: rock the house
That totally suited my Saturday afternoon post park run potter. Can't find fault with it, should I give it a 5...??
Bloooz bizniz
God, those opening chords. And to think I bought the piano music thinking I could do it justice 😆 could have done an LP listen but gets terrifyingly stuck on Cecilia
Hmmm, so Kate Bush bias made me start at 4 but actually it sounded quite similar (and similar to Hounds of Love) with no stand out tracks, apart from the last one
Just nothing of note
Sad no rhythm stick
Quite pleasant. For some reason I always thought they were heavy. The name sounds heavy?
Plinkety plonk. Not really for me.
Yes, disco bops. Less keen on the slower ones, but big ups Bernard.
80s nothingness maybe sung in a made up language
More avant garde atonal nonsense. Hints of tune.
Pleasant enough. A bit lobbyesque but better lobby than EBTG
Babbity toot toot! Accessible jazzzzz
Smooth groooooves from Al
Just Morrissey
If this is a wonderful rainbow then i evidently like my rainbows less full of wonder. Should be a 1 really but not quite as awful as those
Pleasant enough to listen to. Less pleasant to read about them!
Wish I'd listened in French first, however in think the underwhelm was done. Wanted to like it more given the hype, but it was just fine.
Didn't really listen, seemed ok
I actually thought it was quite 'nice' at first. It was a pleasure then was not a pleasure. I actually don't hate her voice though it's a bit silly. Interesting that the album does not sound how she wanted, wonder what it should sound like... Went on a bit. Had a headache by the end. May have been unrelated.
Much piano. Much familiar actually, didn't realise
It was sounding quite repetitive to start, but enjoyable enough
Quite backgroundy. Jazz flute. Was going to say 90s beatz, but it would be more accurate to say 80s beatz...
Shouty and repetitive but I quite liked it. Must have been in the right mood
Thought would be more avant garde but wasn't. Still unremarkable.
That was bloody great. I jumped, jived and wailed. What fun. An unexpected 5!
Everything I expected from a band and album named thus. I expect the lyrics are hilarious if I could pick them out. Not unenjoyable silly thrash thrash.
Yep, that was definitely Love. 60s flute aplenty. Last track went on a bit.
Much more rock than I was expecting
Rock n roll blues country
That's country.
Hmmm. So am familiar with this album, so all a bit meh at first, but by the end I was raving to all the forgotten album tracks. Actual lol at the one where it sounds like it says I am a druggy druggy druggy.
This is what this is all about. Zero knowledge or expectation, end up really enjoying some moody 80s synth stuff.
Where jaunty country esque with tuneless, flat singing. Noisy. Reminds me of Bright Eyes a bit.
Bit shouty, like I thought Hole were going to be like when I had one of their albums before but found them quite melodic them
I ought to like this, but I never had it at the time and am still not wowed, although always enjoyed them live
Familiarity bias. I think I put one or two of these on mix tapes for a boyfriend. Or maybe 2 🙊
As expected 80s cock synth rock
When I eventually found the right version of the album, that was super fun. Cherish & Express Yourself are pop bangers (I feel I've heard Like a Prayer slightly too many times). The songs I didn't know were mostly funky, last one batshit and the ballads pitched dispersed right.
Familiarity bias although I'm not sure I've ever listened to this much as piece of work just apparently know all the words. Docking a point for creepy possessive lyrics in the last 2 tracks though.
Varied jazz, chill, folk noise. Max says 4. I say 3.5 but that's not an option. Not super memorable, but not unenjoyable
I really like the bleepy bloop synths and bops Bernard's voice 😖 otherwise might have been a 4
Big funky lonnnng songs
Mumford and Sons meets Belle & Sebastian, a sitar player, Nico, an 18th century sailor & Bob Dylan. I don't need to listen to again but not unlistenable. Actually went on a bit.
I was totally obsessed with Last Nite and listened to this album a lot. Last Nite remains the stand out track. After that, tracks sound more distinct, but before all merged into one, odd considering I listened to it a lot. I guess not my jam anymore!
Was kind of fun, but I don't like the waily singing
Classic funky 90s hip hop with I assume offensive lyrics. Some recognisable samples. finally allowed swears on the speaker.
Dark, moody, surprising? I didn't hate it. I can somewhat tell what he's saying although mostly sounds like the usual arrogant bullshit although was that a 'rapolic priest'?! 😂 Mind blown that it's the original of Sigma's 'Nobody to Love'
Gotta say I don't know why I needed to listen to this before I die. Innoffensive and nice so can't give 2. But yeah. Nothing.
Bit too punk for me. Shouty. Glimpse of 90s - 00s punk inspo
So. It's good, I'm even on with the sidewinder sleeps tonight these days. Was going to default to a 3 tho but then realised I was maybe going to do that with Dinosaur Junior and those 2 albums definitely not in the same league... It is also a lot better than the other REM albums I've had on here, so I guess 4.
Exactly what I would expect from reggae/ Bob Marley
Think I only got the main track. Alright.
I want to like it more than I do because I want to be cool. Gloria is a banger. The rest is fine.
Exactly how I would expect Elvis to sound. Good bluesy, funky and a bit sexy. Enjoyed how much like Pharaoh's backing singers the backing singers sounded. Bab showaddy wah!
Enjoyed for a first listen. I wonder if the chat would be annoying on repeated listens. Liked the story telling
There's a familiarity bias to Hurt & I Hung My Head. Some adaptations felt twee, others rousing. Would I listen again? Probably
Just Dire Straits. Sultans of swing a banger but did I need to listen to before my certain demise?
Pleasant. Reminds of death cab for cutey, bright eyes, Jason mraz... Can't quite put my finger on the exact artist I'm thinking off, but stuff my ex listened to in 2005-06
Barry's lucky I got past track 1 which made feel like I was in a modern art museum looking at an art installation of a traffic cone. It got better, if you like cop themes, but, sorry Barry, my dinner was ready so I turned you off for Gogglebox.
Sounded like Bob doing an impression of himself. Can't imagine it was a riot to be there?
Nah. Noisy, grimey, not for me. I like a melody. I'm sure the lyrics were profound if I listened.
Plinkety plonkety nice background
60s. Psychedelic. I didn't notice the punk.
Unremarkable. Bit disappointing
Kind of preferred to other BM albums. Don't know why through
First the speaker tried to play me 'Hey Shearer' by Newcastle United. Eventually listened on my phone, would like to listen again properly, think I liked it. Lots of motels.
Female punk. Short. Fine.
Fine background music
Noisy. Not for me. Hints of tunes amongst the shouting redeemed from a 1.
Bit disappointing. No impact.
Very Ash. Or should that be that Ash are very Dinosaur Junior? 🤔 Didn't sound 80s. Fine until the screaming at the end
Blondie esque punk
80s niceness
I don't think I listened to it all but what I heard was fine.
Had on in the background. Sounded perfectly innocuous quiet folk that I would probably like and maybe merits another listen
Nice, in exactly the way I would expect Paul Simon to be. I like that I can actually hear the lyrics & story.
I don't know why this album cover and title is so familiar. The music certainly isn't. It's fine.
How I would expect a Slade album to sound
I'm going to do it, it's a 5. Familiarity bias. But god, this album on a Sunday morning. Don't really know why, I just like the heartbreak, the storytelling and the chance to go full Bob on the singalong. Definitely his best .
Initially thought it was better than my last Sonic Youth (which I don't think I liked), then it went on a bit. Quite Undertones-esque for a bit
Ok, am I finally getting Zeppelin? On their first album? Opening really grabbed me, then went off the boil a bit with You Shook Me (no ACDC is it). Back on with Your Time Is Gonna Come. No to the solo track. Yes to Communication Breakdown. Ah more blues, apparently I don't like the bluesy ones. Ugh and that the last track wangs on. It's getting 4 only because it's better than the other Zeppelins.
Bjork less abrasive here than on solo work and enjoyed the random bits spoken with a heavy Icelandic accent
I didn't hate that, which is odd because early 00s when Kid Rock was all the boys I knew would play at 'parties', I did not like at all. Definitely dumb but in no way the worst thing I've listened to in this journey. As ever, the lyrics are probably objectionable if I could pick them out.
Never listened to this before. Know the hits. 8 wasn't a Blur girl and I'm still not.
It was alright. Quite rnb with a bit about pussy
Very 60s babbity with added seaside organ
So my usual problem with this genre, the guitars are good and riffy, it's not devoid of melody but the 'singing', ugh. Didn't hate as much as I thought I would, but wasn't sad when the internet stopped it. Can't follow the the lyrics, I expect they aren't to my taste. Went on a bit too.
I actually quite like this, but I'm not sure of its significance to end up on this list.
Prefer The Presidents' song
Alright. Did get a bit noisy
I'll be the judge of whether you are sensational, Alex, and the answer, in short, is you're not. Although it is true that there is nothing like a gang bang.
60s drug plinkety wafts
Bank holiday bongo brilliance. Really enjoyed that. There's no reason to not give it a 5, but there is also no reason to give it a 5.
Bit noisy at first and then half way through it grabbed me
Kind of Christmassy? Medieval folk harmonies? Wrote that before looking at the track names - they suggest that is there vibe they were going for. Bit twee. Not one of my favourite debut albums of all time!
So much guitar blues
No real impact
You cannot deny the energy of this album. Great guitar riffs and certainly more melody than other punk from this era. Familiarity bias, sure (excuse to listen to the LP (not original), but deducting a point for some samieness
Bit waily. Liked the Helter Skelter cover
Probably the only jazz album I could name, but not my favourite from this list. Obviously I'm too much of a musical heathen to know why it's supposed to be good, one just enjoyed others more 🤷♀️
Well I didn't really think I liked ska, but this was a bop. Whether that was familiarity bias because of the songs i knew, or if I'm just more familiar with this style from drum n bass. Dandy Warhols used as a sample?
Oh more Sonic Youth 🙄 keeps making me think of Chronic Youth, early 2000s Raging Speedhorn. When it was in the background it was fine, but I kept listening when it was noisy 😠
There's definite bangers on here. I would listen again, and I'm sure I've listened before (familiarity bias). Just not quite sure it's a 5. I might just be being contrary because I know it's highly acclaimed
Unremarkable background fine
Can tell that they're heading towards A Night At The Opera with some of the multi layering, songs about cars & other ridiculousness. Stone Cold Crazy 🤘
I was apparently not into indie anymore by 2002. A bit of the drone of Embrace and Elbow. Recognised a couple of tracks. Fine but not sure what sets it apart.
Well I was not expecting to enjoy that, for some reason I thought JP were super heavy, but turns out it's classic operatic rock with melody and riffs and just really fun. Never knew they were Breaking the Law 🤦
Your usual 90s funky hip hop, better than today's.
I didn't realise Jim's voice was so, um, erratic? Into the Riders on the Storm croon, less on some of the more screechy. Good blues and good 60s though.
90s hip hop with socio-economic political lyrics. Good to hear from an unknown to me artist.
Wafty background fine
Like Nick Cave does a musical? I quite enjoyed the drama of it and the storytelling, although, as ever, didn't listen enough to the words but I know he swapped the milk for booze.
Just Metallica
I kind of liked it. Melodious enough with dark tales within when I tuned in. Second to last song went on tho.
Unremarkable background 80s
I like Joni Mitchell. Less motels in this one.
Pleasant enough 80s indie
More bias and not because I got it for free when released (I didn't, probably bought for £3 from Fopp). Wafty bleepy Radiohead is much preferred to 90s angst. Forgot how much I loved House of Cards. Feel bad for not giving I Am A Bird Now 5 so I'll 5 this.
Familiarity bias here. So I feel like the melodies are catchy and simple and effective, but I've listened to this album loads in the past so 🤷 the vibrato should annoy me, I don't know why it doesn't. But I think that still makes it a 4 rather than 5.
Just 3 songs, very prod! 😆
Pleasant folky background. Maybe I need to re listen to work out its genius.
Big wafty drug fest. Was enjoying it then got a bit bored.
Got autoplayed more guitars and shouting once it finished so I didn't actually know when the album ended
That was pleasant enough. Couple of the more country ones grabbed my attention a bit but don't know name
Not sure I've ever heard any non Phil Collins Genesis. Very Prog but not unenjoyable
Original vinyl listen! Would listen again, so guess that ought to be a 4. More of a 3.5. But enjoyable easy 70s pop listening.
Some lovely anthemic moments and some noisy wanging on
Was every song instrumental? I think they all sounded definitely like The Cure. The type of the cure I like, so I should definitely listen again
I enjoy the overblown-ness. What's the word? Theatricalness? Pomp. But I find his voice a bit flat. Flat with a vibrato. But flat. Or just irritating. If not for the voice would listen again.
I still don't get Bowie. Best tracks: Starman, Ziggy Stardust and Suffragette City. The rest made no impression. It's like Star Wars, Bacon and Beyoncé. Like everyone else is watching, eating and listening to something different to me.
Just Morrissey whining on. I know I'm supposed to spot something amazing in the guitars, but yeah, just Morrissey.
Well I feel old, I thought FKA twigs was still 'new', not 10 years old! Recognise one year which I never knew was called Two Weeks. I guess this is artpop or avante garde? She clearly has a good voice, under the high pitched breathiness, but the lack of melody is not for me.
Was entertained that there was an 'I Like Riding on My Bike' song then realised I was far into the bonus tracks so don't know what was actually the album. It all sounded how I would expect Madness to sound. Jaunty fun.
Knowing this is one that's rated bottom I feel obliged to give it a 3 because this is not Throbbing Gristle! Very much of its time repetitive garage beats, that goes on too long, and I never did like garage, but for some reason I've always liked the song Sincere and Crazy Love was a nostalgic bonus.
Another one that I thought were a 'modern' band but turn out to be heading in for 20 years old 🙈 never knew that song I recognised was called Golden Skans. What is a Golden Skan? Other than that just 2000s indie.
I was getting into that, then saw there was a whole other disc, but that seemed quick, so who knows if I was listening to the right thing... Anyway, actually caught my attention and made me listen.
Don't worry he won't rape you, he just wants a tuna melt. That's a new euphemism on me. Actual lol at whole song seemingly relating lady bits somehow to cereal 🥣 Hopscotch reference lol. 6 Minutes of Pleasure - so the ladies love cool James but James loves them a bit too much if 6 minutes is it. People only like him for his money. What a pout 👄
Bit whacky. His voice is silly.
Predictably nice. All the other songs from the greatest hits that aren't on BOTW. Hello lamppost.
I tried and it was fine for a bit then it got a bit repetitive
Intense ott 80s sounding rock
Damon Albarn seems like a good enough bloke, he's on my living room wall, afterall. But I just don't love his voice. Don't think I'm cool enough to get this, like all of his stuff
I was fully prepared to not like this as they wang on about the band all the time in The Time Traveller's Wife, and goodness I hated that book. But would listen again
N this n that with some of them funky beats you don't get anymore
If this process has taught me anything it's that I like country. Would listen again.
I just don't think I'm ever going to get Bowie, but there were some funky moments in the middle plus Golden Years
I couldn't work out if that's was actual 60s or pretend 60s, which was weird. Jolly 60s vibez
I seem to be struggling to get a whole album to play. What I can get is frantic.
Mournful background music which reminded me of Jeff Buckley and Bright Eyes
Yeah Shaft soundtrack
Not really my thing but in the right mood I reckon it'd be bang on
I really enjoyed that, but maybe just because 90s. Funky. Who knew they were more than just Groove is in the Heart?
I was like ooh one I've been meaning to listen to! And maybe that expectation led to underwhelm. All the better for Emmylou, but didn't enjoy as much as some other country albums. Also didn't enjoy reading about his death.
I was like, I recognise both this album name and band but 1999? Q magazine? Then AISHA, I'M VIIIBRATING! that made a compilation tape back in the day. Unremarkable otherwise.
I'm not sure we got played the actual album but it was definitely Little Richard. Was he a proven bad man? Is it ok to enjoy this? Very rocknroll. Hard to not bop to.
I think it was a fine. I lost my temper (unrelated) whilst it was on so probably this isn't a fair review 🙃
Just 80s.
They're definitely recognisable. I don't think that's a compliment. Thank God no Love Shack though, that would have made it a definite 2. As it is I think it scrapes a 3
Doesn't sound live apart from some chat. And that's a good thing. Got the extended not the original, of course, so more chat than probably intended.
Plinky plonky electro background
I wouldn't have thought full on country was the natural progression from psychedelic but hey. Very country. Which normally I like but I just had a country album so no novelty
That was a bop with hits
Liked that. Not cool to say but David Gray and Damien Rice vibes with added country. Also *insert joke about Bryan Adams here*
Just generic listenable rock from the past. Not unpleasant but not standout either
Your standard 90s rap with shooting skits etc I assume lyrics are Not OK but beat funky
Bjork meets Kate Bush and does folk. Didn't hate it.
Charming. Very O Brother Where Art Thou. Couldn't discern the words to know if they truly were tragic. Oh then they killed a girl who was meant to be their wife
Cheesy but I can see why the 80s mums liked them, he does have a good voice and they have good tunes
Super cheesy 80s
Shabooby. Not sure what Sarah I was expecting, but for some reason I was expecting folk. I guess Sarah is not a very jazz name.
Oh no, another that I thought was modern but is 20 years old! 😮 Defo 2000s indie vibes though
Started very 70s then went wafty. No specific impact
Got the CD out! Never listened to it much. The Love Below a more enjoyable listen for me. But there's also a reason I've never listened to it much
Impeccable pop filled with all the hits. I can't fault it.
Oh I did listen to this one. Can't remember.
I am not one of those people who is predisposed to think everything Radiohead did / does is great - I'm defo not that keen on OK Computer - but this album is just perfect. Definitely less gloomy and more classic rock, I think. Although I am wondering if I came to it at an impressionable age when I was still inclined to LOVE something and put on repeat (recall mini disc listening) and therefore familiarity bias.
Perfectly listenable punk
All in a minor key. Brooding rock.
Started off with me finding his voice a bit ott, ended up with me enjoying the tunes. 3.5?
Plinkety plonkety twangy niceness
It's definitely a lot noisy (initially I said a bit but I had to skip Heroin & now my tinnitus is going) & a lot arty. I bet this lot were insufferable. But I don't mind the more chilled melodic ones. I had to stop before the end because tinnitus was being induced again
can you step off the mic a bit? the same old 3 chord songs with a bit more hoarsness and franticness
Pleasant enough. Neil Young esque
Woody from Toy Story singing 'You Can Leave Your Hat On' was not on my bingo card.
Unremarkable. I'll never get over the fact my ex had never heard the song Hotel California. Should have broken up on the spot.
Into my arms 5. Floored me. Don't know why, I've heard it before somewhere, no idea where. Worried that the throat chat on Black Hair was going to turn all murdery like the last Nick Cave I got. This is my 4th I think?? Anyway, I liked it.
Wafty 60s, could listen again.
I thought it was surprisingly funky (not sure who I was getting confused with) then all the reviews mentioned the lyrics so I gave them a read. Someone needs a good wank, don't they, Tim?
Track 1 banger. Track 4 Moscow Moscow vibes! Mad where is my mind. Obvs Paper Planes. Rest was ok.
For some reason I quite liked this film. The soundtrack compliments it
Very babbity. Ends up being tuneless babbity.
Normally I like country, but this was pretty boring. Should have read it was a storytelling concept album first so I could follow
90s indie. Bit whiny at times, raw at others.
I wonder what he drew on the carpet. Haven't I had sound and vision on a different album already? Like an 80s soundtrack. Ahead of it's time then I guess. Can appreciate potential for influencing.
My first Paul Weller & probably exactly how I expected it to sound. Pleasant enough. Made me want to listen to Ocean Colour Scene.
Good vibes but sanctimonious. Some abrupt endings, was Max accidentally skipping whilst out for a run?. Why was the triangle so prevalent?
I thought the speaker had switched to playing Lou Reed at one point. Perfect Sunday in front of the fire music, just chill and nice
I've never listened to this album, despite it being very on my radar and popular with friends. White man rnb wasn't my thing and it still isn't. Interesting that it's been bumped from my copy of The Book. I got bored and put some drum and bass on
Everything I expect from The Smiths
Everything sounded like a bad version of the Surfin' Bird
It was fine, quite jolly. Unsure of its significance though.
Quite liked the riffs n rock. Voice a bit annoying.
Rock with some lazy rhyming
Nice enough background
I'm glad I didn't go to this birthday party. Only a 2 by virtue of not being as atonal as some of the other albums.
Industrial angst.
At first I was really enjoying that, was thinking '4', then it went on a bit, so 3.5. never actually listened to Doves before, different to what I was expecting
Perfect Sunday morning vibes
First five tracks rocked. Even 7 Nation Army which is erm, a little over chanted...? I liked Meg singing. Didn't finish but would listen to again
Unexpected Richard Whiteley sample
Apparently I prefer Jack with Meg
Not expecting Jumping Jack Flash. Was expecting the following twingy twangy
Turned out not to be a cover of the Beatles' album.
Can't hold us down, what a bop, even if she did basically black up in the video. First thoughts were wow she really does have quite a voice, but after a bit it's quite a lot of warble and ballads. I didn't get Beautiful or Dirrrrrty so something went wrong there. Another one that seems to have been since bumped from the book
Familiarity bias but also impeccable pop
I can appreciate not for everyone and I'm too basic to get the 'poetry' but I like the mellow. Would be good on a Sunday morning. Lol at the final wail though
YouTube music really didn't want to play me this. Maybe I can't pronounce the title. Constant Craving reminds me of Atlantic 252. Why did I ever listen to that station?? Pretty mellow apart from that one really.
Well I wasn't in the mood for that. Skipped the first 3 tracks, track 4 better but then was glad to go back to work. There were some hints of good riffs but I've listened to Bollocks & I don't think I need anymore of Lydon's slightly out of tune whatever noise he makes. I was mostly thinking 'oh shut up'. So I made it shut up.
I didn't realise half these songs weren't on Nevermind. Bit drony in places. Don't think got played all of it.
For some reason I thought Chicago was dad rock so I was pleasantly surprised that it was late 60s funky. Started as a definite 4, went on a bit & became a bit self indulgent so teetered... But sure, I'll go 4
Nice. Pleasant.
Well, I had completely forgotten I ever had this album, but from the opening bars, a huge weird realisation remembering. I think it was on the other other side of my tape-to-tape copy of The Fat of the Land, therefore has been listened to A LOT. and therefore familiarity bias. I think a friend put it there as a bonus as I don't remember particularly liking Supergrass, but I did love Richard lll.
Much babbity. Not my favourite jazz at all but 2 seems a bit harsh
Made me laugh out loud more than once. Silly voice.
Sixties silliness
Track 1 and 2, 5 stars. Papa doesn't need to be 11 minutes long. After that bit mellow, but still enjoyable.
Very Nice. I'm can't be sure I've not heard it before, or were there just a lot of singles? I used to love Driftwood & Fran Healy actually. Go on then, a 4.
Bops. Repetitive but bops.
Argh every time I thought about not giving it a 5 there was a key change or sound or something that got me right in the solar plexus. It's total familiarity bias. Going for 4 just so my stats report me as less of a Radiohead super fan because I'm Really Not!
Ok finally going in on Thriller. Yes to opening bars. Lol at the girl is mine. School memories. Beat it was always one of my faves. Billie Jean has never been one of my faves Had to bop to PYT Nah to the following ballad Oh and that's the last track? It is good but deducting for my personal opinion of Billie Jean, the balladry oh and because he is surely cancelled these days??
Quite liked the bleepy blooby intro then realised I wasn't really listening after that. Singing a bit flat in a New Order esque way.
Little sandwich? At first I was like, sigh, my bajillionth Elvis Costello album but actually was listenable pop
Preferable to the last Doors album, for sure.
Classic Neil Young.
Had a lot of greatest hits on. Including the ones that go on too long
I really like Lana Del Rey although I don't know why, the chilled vibes? So yeah I really liked this but don't know what marks it out beyond other chilled out vibes. She goes a bit Joan Baez in places. Hey, there's a reference I couldn't make it it wasn't for this project!
Was on the for a solid 3, then A Day in the Life swung it. Not sure even in my top 5 Beatles albums. Good tunes but Within Without you, George, not your finest work, you let the side down.
I have an abiding memory of Faith No More doing a slightly terrifying shout 'It's Your Letters' theme on TGI Friday, so always assumed they were somewhat inaccessible. Not so, classic anthemic 80s cock rock, some familiar, some funky nu metal vibes. Singer bit whiny though.
What an opening. Enjoyed more than other Zeppelin
Like an insane, pompous, prog opera. Some tracks that actually felt like songs as it went on and none of the sonics were unpleasant.
First side better than the last Stooges album I had. Second side had to stop. 2.5?
Yep, sounded like Arcade Fire
Don't know who Bill is but enjoyed that enough
Is this a musical soundtrack? Is he as good a singer as he thinks he is? Found it a bit annoying.
God that was boring. Kept waiting for it to start.
Have never listened to before. Quite liked it. Soulful. Catchy. Still not bothered about seeing her live though.
Patti Smith vibes. Can hear where Razorlight got their sound.
Quite liked that. Punky yet melodic and not too whiny
A riot. Wanna go to Ireland. Wonder if this was supposed to be the Paddy's day album and I'm out of sync? Expecting to not tolerate Shane's voice, but somehow I did.
Not sure 20 minute long drum solos translate when you're not there. Some good rock wails
I like Rod's voice in this context, more rock, less cheese? Stay with me is such a banger.
Not at all sure what to expect from the name having never heard of the guy, but yes, this is a bit of me
Not sure if I listened to the album. Can very much see where Amy Winehouse got her inspo
Chilled country vibes
More prog. Wasn't awful but not what I was in the mood for
Babbity prog shite. Skipped track 2. Skipped track 3. Met by silence, relieved when I thought I'd lost track 4. Left it playing but left the room.
Track 1. Accessible, quite modern sounding. Track 2. Silly voice. Track 3. Oh no the voice is still here. Track 4. Got funky. And no singing 👍🏻 Track 5. Intro! Oh no the singing is back. Track 6. More melodic singing? Track 7. Long, repetitive. Track 8. Can't remember. Enjoyed most of the music, just not into the singing all the time.
Track 1. Fine. Track 2. Lock stock. Track 3. No, fuck off, velvet underground drug shite Track 4. 2manydjs. And also 2minutes2long. Track 5. 2 chords. Track 6. Dirge. Track 7. Guitars. Track 8. And thank god that was short. Some good riffage but that's about it. Suspect being high would make it more palatable?
Not unpleasant dad rock. Really quite liked it. Not that prog?
Max music
Ambient prog noise
Familiarity bias, I love this album, it's just a lovely vibe. For those saying no standout song, I guess A&E was the song that got me into the album. I will always listen to this album when I want mellow.
Pleasant enough background
Music for holiday, not for prepping a radiator to be painted. Not sure why any better than other holiday music?
Fine. Eminem.
How young black girls taste has not aged well. Indulgent bluesy ramblings.
Familiarity bias. Not a duff track, I just don't LOVE enough to be a 5. 4.5?
CD revisiting! I loved Hate To Say I Told You So and in those days buying the album was how to get the song (was it? What happened to taping off the radio). Short and frantic. I remember they were fun at Leeds Festival 2002. Bumped from the book.
Hey kids, drugs are bad, but they sure make funky records. Loved the funk yodelling.
Absolutely fucking epic
Classic case of thinking it wasn't as bad as I was expecting then realising the speaker was playing stuff just 'like' Napalm Death. So double the grindcore for me. Still, there was melody, in so much as it wasn't atonal, riffs & brief. I actually listened again to decide if 1 or 2 because on first listen this was no way as bad as Throbbing Gristle or Butthole Surfers. And lol to the 1 second long song. My ears are ringing but it's not in the same bracket as the other 1 ⭐s. Wonder what the lyrics are...
Really surprised I'm not familiar with the album title or cover when am obviously aware of Cornershop growing up in the 90s. Quite a lot of instrumental. Pleasant background easy to work to music.
Bit background dirge like but ok?
Here's one I've always seen towards the top of albums you should listen to lists and try never have. It was nice background. I like his voice. I no longer like Brown Eyed Girl (not on this album) which is ironic as my friend just gave me the 45. I've started sitting skip at the speaker when it comes on.
Dirge. Never did see what the fuss was about and album doesn't even have That One Song.
A bit whacky 60s
Does every track sound the same?
Perfectly adequately background music
Always found to be a bit overrated (I think I bought a previous album to try and be cool), but enjoyed the 80s synths of track one so felt optimistic. Then some tracks were boring and some were funky basically
Good classic funky hip hop
Good 60s
Is the first song father and son? Is the second song Tame Impala? Very sexist, I assumed Yoshimi was male, based on absolutely nothing Bit more tame Impala mixed with bill Withers. The Supernaturals?? Oh the do you realise song! I realise Flaming lips predate tame impala. Liked it
I like it. Just kind of nice and naive compared to their later stuff. Maybe familiarity bias though.
Enjoyable 60s nonsense
Exactly how I expected a billy Bragg album to sound. Cor blimey guvnor, unions. Wasn't expecting the Huggies pull ups advert though. Mummy wow I'm a big girl now. Quite liked it though. Definitely has a style.
Perfectly pleasant but before I die?. nah
Imagine if it didn't open with that track. Hmmm well I suppose 16 is legal but how old were you Iggy? Much Bowie sound. So I'm dying at age 22 and I get told everything is going to be ok tonight? More accessible than The Stooges, for sure. Almost mainstream sound. Is the cover photo meant to be a cheesy yearbook photo?
80s pop. Did I need to listen before expiring?
Fine. Genuinely couldn't tell at times whether it was from the 60s or 90s
Surf club memories
I was looking forward to the Pet Shop Boys thinking it would be some nice Sunday morning bleepy bloops but it was actually Really Boring