Napalm DeathNo, no, no. 1
No, no, no. 1
Not my jam, never was. I’ll give it a two because I love his back up singer. She’s great!
I used to love rush. i’ve always loved Tom Sawyer and still do. But, the music is a bit too hard now for these 63-year-old ears. But their music is amazing.
I like parts of it but I just wasn’t in the mood for it. Although I really did love maggot brain. A good stoner song.
It's OK. I like some of this other stuff better.
Not my jam.
Love it! I could listen to a couple of the songs on this album all day long.
Lots of great songs. Some I don’t like.
Nice vibe. Not really my jam. Which is understandable given that I’m a 63-year-old white woman. Didn’t care for the skits. But I do like the vibe. Back Like That was my favorite.
Nope. Not for me. Don’t like the voices. Don’t care for the music.
It’s a good album. It’s too hard for me at this time in my life but I appreciate it. My favorite song, which I absolutely love, is still in love with you.
I like it. Great musicianship. A little too frenetic for the morning but would be great for when I’m cleaning the house or cooking.
I absolutely love his ballads. His upbeat stuff is a little bit much for me in the morning. But I like him! That is until Karen told me some things about him. Hopefully he truly has rehabbed and reformed. There’s no doubt but that he’s talented.
I like the vibe. Can’t deny the beat. The words. It’s a world I don’t know, of course, as a 63-year-old white woman. I don’t know how they write like that. It is raw and real and creative. It’s not the best music for me to get my connections puzzle done early in the morning. 😂 It started to wear on me after a while. Probably would be better to listen when I’m doing something like cleaning the house or cooking.
I tried to like it. And there were moments that I really did. But ultimately, it annoyed me. Definitely not for me first thing in the morning.
I’ve always loved Erika Badu. Such a great vibe. Definitely nice morning music. Not a whole lot to her words but overall good. I listen to every minute of this long album. I totally enjoyed it.
I enjoyed it very much. Great music.
Damn good music. Nothing more to say.
I don’t love it, but I love it! Just need to be with a bunch of friends partying.
Not my jam. Never was. Always too hard for me, even when younger.
I was excited when I saw this album pop up, but it just didn’t do it for me. Sure it’s a perfectly fine album but just didn’t work for me this morning.
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this album! I’ve never heard any of the music of The Flaming Lips before, as far as I know. I like it! The music is excellent.
Overall, I don’t care for it. Never have cared for much of Bon Jovi. I’ve never liked heavy metal, even in my younger days. I do enjoy wanted Dead or Alive, but that’s about it.
I did not enjoy this album nearly as much as I thought I would. I just got annoying after a while. That said, I’m sure I would’ve enjoyed it more had it been later in the day and I was cleaning or cooking or something like that. It’s a fine album just not my jam this morning.
Now we’re talking. I love Led Zeppelin! This is not my favorite album of theirs but it’s damn good. Good vibes this morning.
Love it! Great vibe!
I’m just not a hard rocker. Never was. I’m a smooth, easy rocker. The screaming just isn’t for me. I did not like it. Not at all.
More than OK! I loved it.
Yes! A wonderful classic album. Always enjoy it. A great way to start my day.
It took me a while to settle into it. I felt a bit irritated on and off but I finally found it. The groove was great throughout. I think my only issue with it is that I was listening to it too early in the day. Overall I like it. Good album.
Finally! A melancholy album! 😂 I enjoyed it. Perfect beginning to the day. His guitar playing is exceptional. His voice is smooth and rich. admittedly, I didn’t pay much attention to the words this first go round. It was a tad sappy at times but I didn’t mind too much.
I like REM but this album doesn’t do it for me today. I’m getting old. I did enjoy hairshirt
It’s growing on me and I’m glad I listened to it. I probably won’t listen again but I’m glad I gave it a shot. Worth it.
Sarah Vaughan! Love, love, love it. Rich, velvety, artistic, masterful, soulful Sarah. One of the greatest.
Awful, whiny shit. No. Admittedly, I did not make it through the whole album. I just could not do it.
The music is interesting. I don’t like her voice and how she’s using it at all. In the final analysis, that left me finding the album irritating more than anything. If I could lift her voice out and just hear the music, I might have a very different reaction.
Really enjoyed the beat and music. Need to listen again when I can dance.
I like the music OK. I don’t care for his voice. My younger self can appreciate the album. My older self is over it!
Finally! An album to love!
Post punk. Never was a punk fan. Post punk isn’t any better. Can’t do it.
I’m too old. Just can’t do it anymore. That said, I can appreciate parts of this album.
I like it very much.
Santana! I love them! Not my very favorite album of theirs which is why I’m only giving them four stars but they are amazing.
It was pretty enjoyable. Didn’t blow me away. But fine.
I enjoyed it.
Loved it! Except for the last song. I’ll still give it a four star.
Not my jam. The only songs I enjoyed somewhat were Time, Sofa, and Time to go. Pretty good but did not enjoy the rest of the album.
Not my jam. I simply don’t like this kind of music. Really I just don’t like this kind of singing but the music was OK at times. I didn’t enjoy it though overall. 2
Good stuff.
Great music. The year I was born.
I didn’t think I was going to like it at first but I ended up enjoying it pretty much
It was fine.
I enjoyed it very much for the most part, especially the last song. 3
I enjoyed parts of it more than I thought I would. Overall, not my jam particularly. 3
I love classic rock and there are songs of ZZ Top that I enjoy. Overall, not my favorite album but several enjoyable moments. Yes, I’m getting pickier and pickier in my old age.
I love Adele. Great album and I love watching her mature.
god no. Hated it. 1
Love, love it.
I didn’t love it but it did grew on me. I like their later stuff better. 3
No. Not for me.
Fun. Can’t help but move. 3
Love it. 4
Yes. Love it. 4
I enjoyed it. 4
Couldn’t find this particular album but I did find some of his other music. I like. Interesting.
Always love Steely Dan
Good stuff
Not for me.
I was never an Elvis fan but I appreciate his brilliance. 2
Good music.
I enjoyed it. I’ll give it a four.
Not my jam but I’ll give it a two only for a couple songs that were tolerable.
I don’t like British indie rock. I just can’t find my way with it. 2
Never was a fan of his music but I certainly appreciate his genius. 2
I tend to not care for Irish Indie rock. Definitely not morning coffee music. 1
Gotta love James Brown! And he’s from my hometown. I’m here for it. 4
I really enjoyed it.
Oh, yeah! Gotta love zeppelin.
Gotta love. Led Zeppelin!
Didn’t care for it period
Can’t go wrong with Elton John.
No. No. No. 1
It has become clear that I don’t particularly care for British alternative rock. That said, this album grew on me. The music is really good overall. I don’t care for the vocals. 3
I loved this album when I was in college. If this were my first time hearing it, I doubt I would give it four stars, but I will for old times sake. It’s a really good album! I enjoyed hearing it again.
Loved it! Haven’t thought of this album in forever. I really enjoyed it.
Damn good! I thoroughly enjoyed it. I almost gave it a five but I reserve fives for the very very few special ones that light up my heart in a way that no others do. This came close. I would definitely give it a 4.5 if I could.
There is something about it I like but I don’t care for her voice. Actually, I don’t mind her voice at all but I don’t like it with this kind of music. I think I might enjoy her voice in a different genre. I’m torn. I do really enjoy parts of the music though. And it did grow on me quite a bit.
Really good!
Not my jam but I can appreciate it for its time. It’s fun. Just not for me.
I hate punk but this post punk is pretty damn good. I especially enjoyed the bass. I quite liked the vibe. This album surprised me. 3
I love Adele. A class act! 4
I really like Stevie Wonder. I think this is a very good album. For some reason though, it just didn’t particularly move me today. It probably would have on another day.
A classic. A great album. 3
A nice easy vibe. Easy listening in the background. Didn’t particularly inspire me. Didn’t interfere. 3
Not my jam but There were parts that I enjoyed. I think it’s probably pretty good album it’s just not for me. 2
I like the music. I don’t like his voice. 3
Loved it! Masterful. Just what I needed this morning. 5
I love the music. I don’t care for his voice. His voice is probably perfect for this music but it just doesn’t work for my ear. Actually, it’s not necessarily so much his voice as the way he uses it. I don’t like the screaming. I think it’s a great album. All my reviews are based on how I respond to it, completely subjective. For that reason, I give it three stars.
No. No. No.
A classic that definitely makes me think of my teenage years. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I couldn’t find my way with it. I couldn’t make it make sense. I could feel into bits of it but as a whole, it didn’t work for me. 2
Just fine. 3
I enjoyed it.
I woke up way too early and I’m away from my Soundsystem on vacation so I put this album on. I put it on low so it’s not to disturb the other guest. I found it to be very soothing and I fell right back asleep!
I love them! Takes me right back to my college days.
Love it! Takes me back.
I thought I would like it but I did not. Not at
Took a minute it but I ended up kind of liking it. Depending on the day I would give it a two or three.
I torn. Part side truly enjoyed but other parts were too frenetic for me. You definitely have to be in the mood for it. I’d give it a two or three.
Good. 3
Not for me.
Excellent. 5
Good. Nostalgic. 4
Fun. 3
Not my jam but there were several enjoyable moments.
I love these women. 4
Fun and nostalgic.
Not my jam but some enjoyable moments.
I’m just not a punk or post punk fan, but I have to say this album surprised me. I enjoyed it much more than I expected. 3
I enjoyed it. 3
I thoroughly enjoyed parts of it and didn’t enjoy other parts at all. 3
I was excited to see his name and to listen but I just didn’t do it for me
Perfect morning to listen to this after a difficult day yesterday. Deep, stirring, rich, sad. I enjoyed it. 4
No. 1
I like it. I really enjoyed the music. The talking, not so much. 3
Not my jam. 2
Another one that doesn’t do it for me. I appreciate the person who put together this website but I question who originally put together the thousand and one best albums to listen to. I sure would like a different list. I’m disappointed for more often not, and I have such a wide appreciation for music. 2
Not my thing but there were some enjoyable moments
Enjoyable. 3
It grew on me. 3
It surprised me! Absolutely loved it! 5
I love Gillian Welch and David Rawlings! great album. 5
I thought I wouldn’t enjoy it but it really grew on me. 3
I do not like punk rock. At all. 1
I thoroughly enjoyed it. 4
I give his guitar work is great. I like the quality of his voice over all but I don’t like his vibrato. I’m picky, yes. I love the feel of the album overall. 4
I’m a fan of Bruce Springsteen but I’ve never been a fan of his music. That said, I did enjoy listening to this album. 3
Not my jam. But there were a couple of songs that I enjoyed well enough. 2
Don’t care for it. 2
I love her. I respect her. I love how she’s evolved over the years.
I enjoyed it. 3.5
I appreciate and respect Patti Smith but this album does not appeal to me at all.
Thoroughly enjoyed it. Nostalgic. 4.5
I really enjoyed this! 4
Really good.
Nice beat. Whiny. 2
Underneath all the screaming there were some good riffs but no. 1.5.
I really enjoyed it.
great chill music. Really enjoyed it.
I like R.E.M. 3.5
I might really enjoy this if I had a good buzz and was surrounded by a ton of people dancing our asses off. But just to listen to it is grating after a while. 2
Not for me.
Yes, Stevie Wonder! Great album! 4
I don’t know. I’m torn. On the one hand, I find it rather grating, on the other hand, I like it. 2.5
loved it.
I like staying for sure but I’ve never absolutely loved a lot of his music. There were parts I really did enjoy and other parts not so much.
I really enjoyed it! 4
I don’t care for it. 1
I really enjoyed it. 4
No. 1
Just not a fan of his music
I don’t care for it. 1
A little old-school for me. I was four years old when this album came out. My family was listening to classical music in the home for the most part. I just wasn’t exposed to it. But the more I listen to it the more I enjoy it. 3
Love it! 4
I don’t like punk. 1
Loved it.
There were moments for me but overall no. 2
I enjoyed it. 3.5
I did not think I would enjoy it at all but I really did. I did not care for the speaking parts and it got more annoying and irritating as it went on. 3
I didn’t think I’d like it but I really enjoyed it over all. 3.5
I enjoyed it. 3.5
It’s good and I enjoyed it. It does get a bit monotonous after a while.
It for me. 1
Overall, I enjoyed it. 3.5
Loved it. 4
I tried, I really did. I didn’t like it but then I would have moments of surprise where I felt like I was getting it. For that reason, I give it a two.
This is the second Radiohead album given here. I had never listened to them before. I really like them overall. Pleasantly surprised! 3.5
Their parts I can appreciate but overall, no. 2
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this album! 3.5
Not my jam but some moments I could almost enjoy.
I really really enjoyed it. 3.5
I really thought I was going to like this but was very disappointed. It did not land for me. I’ll give it at two just for moments. 2
I really enjoyed it. I feel like giving it a four today.
I just knew I was going to hate this as I do not like heavy metal at all, or so I thought. The music on this album is amazing. I don’t care for the singing, but the music is great. 3
Awful. 1
Really good. 4
Boring. 1
I’ve never enjoyed The Beach Boys. Too pop for me, but I appreciate Brian Wilson’s genius. 2
I love it. 5
Loved it! 4
I enjoyed this more than I expected. 3
Enjoyed it quite a bit.
not my favorite but OK. Somewhere between a two and a three.
god no. 1
I loved it except for the spoken parts. 3
So good. 4
I really enjoyed it. 4
I enjoyed it. 3
I enjoyed it.
Great album. 4
I love it!
Not for me. 1
Some good stuff.
Great. 5
Hypnotic. I like it. 3
Not my jam. 2
I don’t care for it. 1
I tried but just couldn’t get there. 2
It took me a minute but I ended up enjoying it.3
Loved it! Nostalgic. I was 16 years old when this album came out. Damn! 4
Groovy. 3
I love, love Annie Lennox! This album is not my favorite; I prefer her solo albums. 3
Great. 4
Not my jam but I do appreciate David Bowie. 2
Loved it!
I really enjoyed it. My only caveat is that his voice is a bit too nasally for me which became a tad grating. But it’s a beautiful album. 4
No. 1
Good stuff right there.
Yes! I love this album. 5
He’s a genius. 4
I was hopeful but it just didn’t quite do it for me. 2
It took me a minute but I ended up really enjoying it. I almost gave it a four but I’m going to stick with a three since I’m so picky.
good stuff. 4
It was ok. 3
No, no, no. 1
No thanks thanks!
Loved it.
I love them. Nostalgic.
This album surprised me. I enjoyed it. I didn’t expect to.
Not for me.
I really enjoyed it overall. Some songs I would’ve given a five and some a three or even a two but I think it deserves a rating of four.
Not my favorite but good.
Love it. 4
Love it!
Torn. Parts I enjoyed and parts I didn’t. May have enjoyed it more on a different day.
Didn’t do it for me
I liked it.
Can’t do it.
Can’t do it.
Great. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Enjoyed it.
Loved it! 5
Not my jam but I can appreciate their skills. 2
I could appreciate some of the instrumental riffs, but no. I hated the singing
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Great background music. 4
Not for me. 1
I don’t like it. 1
Loved it.
I tried. Heavy metal blues? That’s what it felt like. Ultimately I just couldn’t get there.
I could get around some of the music and found it enjoyable to some extent but his voice grates on me. 2
There’s something I like about it but I just couldn’t quite get there. 2
I’m a fan of David Bowie but I’ve never really been a fan of his music. That said, I have enjoyed this album today overall. 3
Fun. Nostalgic. For that reason I give it a four.
I love some of Pink Floyd’s work but this one did not do it for me at all. 2
I enjoyed the groove and there were parts I didn’t enjoy. I’ll give it a three just for the hell of it.
Fun. Nostalgic. But a little too old-school for me.
I love him.
It’s OK.
OK. Repetitive. Nice background beat.
I just can’t though I can appreciate their brilliance. It’s just a genre I can’t do. 1
I just never could quite get there with David Bowie. But I do appreciate him and there were some songs I thoroughly enjoyed. 2.5
Fun and nostalgic.
Some songs would be a five and others I didn’t really enjoy it all. But yeah, he’s a legend.
I couldn’t find the entire album but I really did like him. So I can’t really give a fair review. That said I’ll leave at three
Not my jam. I can appreciate some parts of the music. Can’t stand the voices. 2
No can do. 1
I love Joan Baez. I’m smiling throughout this album. That said, her voice has never been my favorite. Her vibrato is a little too fast for me. But this album came out in my birth year so for that reason, and for the nostalgia, and for my love of her, I will give it a 4.
Loved it
There were some really good moments but ultimately, it’s not my jam. 2
Great album. I love him. 4
Nope. 1
I’m just not a metal fan. There are parts of this that I can see some appeal. But I just can’t quite get there. I hate the voice but some of the music has some redeeming qualities and for that reason I will try to give it a 2.
Some of it I loved, some of it I didn’t. Overall, it gave me a pretty good feeling. 3
I do not like punk, so I expected not to like this, but damn, it’s a damn good album! I’d like to give it a 3.5, but given how surprised I am, I’m going to bump it up to a 4!
I am shocked. I thought I would hate it. I enjoyed it thoroughly. The music is fantastic. The rap doesn’t thrill me. I found an instrumental album by the Beastie Boys and I probably listened to it three times yesterday. Yeah, I’m amazed. I had written them off for sure
Not so much.2
Wasn’t in the mood. Never been a fan of his music
It took me a minute but, damn, it’s a good album. 4
I tried. 2
Parts of it I absolutely loved and others not so much. Overall though I enjoyed it.
I enjoyed it. I probably put it at around 3.5, but for the hell of it I’ll give it a 4.
Nope. Just can’t do it. I tried. 1
Nope. 1
I may have enjoyed it another time but not today.
I enjoyed it overall. 3.5
I like him better with his group but there were some songs on there I loved.
I enjoyed it. I’d probably give it a 3.5
Not so much. 2
Good album. Love her.
It’s OK for background music. 3
Prince! 4
Very different.
Had potential, but no. 2
I loved parts of it and couldn’t stand other parts of it. There was more I didn’t like then did like. I’d probably give it a 2.5
Thoroughly enjoyed it. 4
Not for me
I just can’t do that heavy metal stuff and screaming stuff. No thanks.
I love him but this is definitely not my favorite album of his. Just because it’s him, I will give it a three.
I’ll give him a four but it’s more like a 3.5 for me.
I would give it a four but I don’t like his vibrato and some other things but overall I found it enjoyable.
Nope. Not for me. 1
I thoroughly enjoyed it 4
I thoroughly enjoyed the vibe. Full disclosure, I did not listen to the words. But I’m on my second lesson now and I dig it. 4
Not for me. 1
Classic. 4
Not my jam, never was. I’ll give it a two because I love his back up singer. She’s great!
Not my favorite of theirs. 3
I didn’t hate them but not my jam. 2
Enjoyed it!
Not for me today.
I tried. I can find a little bit of fun in it, but it’s just not my jam. 1
Didn’t do it for me.
I could appreciate some of the music but nah, not for me. 1
I don’t care for new wave. 1
I’ll give it a three.
2.5 but I’ll give it a 3
She just doesn’t do it for me. I tried. 2
Gotta love him.
No 1
Nostalgic. 3
The only thing I liked about this album was the name of it. 😂 1
I was very excited when I saw this album pop up as I love Nick Cave, but this album disappointed. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but it just doesn’t work for me. 2
Gotta love her. Nostalgic. I like Joni better but this was a great album.
I listened to it probably three times. I enjoyed it more and more. I was at a three to begin with but I think I will take a leap and give it a four!
Not my jam
Don’t like. 1
I enjoyed it.
Never was my kind of music
I’m giving it a three, not because I love the album but because I love her story and I love her comeback.
I enjoyed it. Nostalgic and rockin’ music.
I’ve never been a big Madonna fan. I did enjoy this album though
I enjoyed it.
No. Just no. 1
No. I never could do heavy metal. If they didn’t scream like that, I think I could enjoy some of the music. There’s some good driving music, but overall it’s just not for me. But I can’t stand the vocals. I would probably give it a 1.5 if I could because there is some good driving music.
Almost a four
Probably 2.5 but I’ll give it a three.
I would probably give it a 3.5 but I can’t give it a four. There were parts of it that were outstanding. A very different and interesting album.
I couldn’t find the exact album but I love her
This is not my kind of music at all but there really is a lot to appreciate about this album. Personally I would give it a two. But I think I’ll give it a three because it really is a good album.
I enjoyed it. I’ve probably given it a 3.5. I would say it’s closer to four than three so there you go
I did not like this. 1
I liked it