Highway 61 Revisited
Bob Dylan...and you say, "What does this mean?" and he screams back, "You're a cow! Give me some milk or else go home" The meaning of these songs are mostly beyond me but the words are always beautiful.
...and you say, "What does this mean?" and he screams back, "You're a cow! Give me some milk or else go home" The meaning of these songs are mostly beyond me but the words are always beautiful.
Nice surprise. Very diverse and has some original sounds.
Exceptionally boring
Lovely album
See previous Costello reviews.
Als je hem aanzet en iets gaat doen is het alleen maar soms heel kut, meestal best oké en heel soms best vet
Her voice is nice and the production is cool but gets a bit dull on an active listen. Doesn't really have many outstanding moments. Works nice as background music and I can imagine this is an album you could get more into when getting to know it better.
Love the sound and general weirdness of it. For a 5 star rating it would've needed a few more outstanding songs like Psycho Killer.
Like the general REM sound and its cool to hear their debut. For me this album stays a bit flat and on the background.
The production is cool and the instrumentals are tight but it s just too poppy for me a
The first song was very promising. High energy mix of Deep Purple and the Eagles. After that the acoustic guitar part got me out of it and I didn't manage to really get back into the album. Was waiting for it to be over through the entire listen.
Decent listen. Default Lana album I guess?
Has some of my favourite Radiohead songs and is just great as an album. It stays interesting throughout the entire album with a huge variety in sounds.
It has a few classics but as an album it doesn't hold keep my attention the whole way through. 3.5/5
Pleasant surprise. Feels like the Cure on steroids. Not exactly my genre but a nice listen nonetheless
The band die great but the vocals of Buckley made me want to turn the album of many times. Felt like a parody at times. Lyrically it also felt very one dimensional. At least he gave us Jeff!
Liked it, didn't love it
Love it, only downside is that it tends to move to the background of your attention real fast
It has some cool stuff but sometimes a bit too challenging. Feels like an acquired taste I couldn't acquire in a day
Didn't stand out to me. Streets of Laredo had me listen to Johnny Cash for the first time in a while which was nice :)
On the first listen I thought the car radio was broken and had to skip. On the earbuds it was okay I gues but I remember very little of it
Autumn is starting to kick in, I'm a bit cold and a bit hungover. This album does a great job amplifying these feelings. It's decent but not outstanding
Fun refresher
Lot's of Fender Rhodes is always a win
First couple of songs are absolute bangers. Kinda loses its edge after that
Love this album. Especially the layering in both the instrumentals and the vocals create an amazing sound!
Good energy. Sometimes a bit too fuzzy
Not that good
Feels like their practice album. The general FF sound is there but without the strong riffs on the later albums. Still a nice background album
Not much too say about this one, just didn't like it all that much :)
One of those albums I knew to be iconic but never got to. Nice to finally give it a listen and I really liked it. The melancholic voice of Nico really adds to the whole thing with Lou Reed just completing the 'coolness' of the whole affair
Nile Rodgers!
Has some nice vibes
Bit over the place at times but great energy and original ideas. The flow of individual songs is good, flow of the album a bit off sometimes
Beautifull storytelling and mood building. Not my favourite Dylan but it's up there.
A bit too smooth
Dont know how I missed these guys until now. Great sound!
It's a cool album and it brings some nostalgic feelings
Britpop at its finest
At first I thought I liked it but then it became a bit of a chore to finish the album.
Never listened to this one before. It feels like a nice template for a Bowie album. No huge highs, no huge lows, just the nice Bowie sound :)
Made my day!
Realy not was I was expecting based on my knowledge of Genesis. Didnt enjoy it too much
Has cool Parys. Feel like it could get better on another listen, which I didn't have time for today. Will revisit this album
Hype energy, get's you nicely riled up as I guess they intended. Too much 'over the place' to enjoy a full album listen but has many cool parts
Expected a boring wait between hits but it was actually quite a steady album.
Always been a fan of the old White Stripes songs but never really got to this album specifically. It captures the sound nicely but I feel like they fledged the concept out a bit better/further on the next albums
Nice vibe, didn't leave a huge impression.
Can appreciate the influence these guys had but musically it feels to much like an early draft too really enjoy a full listen. Also I really want hiphop to use more real drums so I'm a bit mad at these 808 pioneers :')
Not as terrible as expected, still pretty terrible
Fan of QOTSA but I never actually got to their pre-"songs for the deaf" albums. It's cool, a raw interpretation of their sound. Personally prefer the later albums which are a bit less raw.
Wasn't a chore but don't think I'll listen to it again.
Like the breakbeat/triphop stuff some of it's a bit to 'uneasy' for a casual listen during work. Might work better for a late night booze infused listen. The spotify radio that came on after this was perfect
Not sure about this one. Had some high hopes after the first song but the album went into way too many directions for my taste.
Harmonies harmonies harmonies. Can't find much wrong with this album so it's definetly a high 4! Saving the precious five stars but this comes close
A bit better than the last Yes album we had (the Yes Album). That one started decent and went south, this one starts terrible and becomes decent. Still not my cup o' tea though.
Classic. Can't You Hear Me Knocking has always been a personal favourite!
Cool album but a bit hard on the ear after a while. I prefer the somewhat more 'friendly' Tom Waits music
Nice surprise. Never know what to expect with these kind of albums but I enjoyed the drum & bass. Made for a nice workday.
Enjoy the overall vibe, the improvisation and the mad drums. I typically prefer a bit more of an underlying structure.
Sounds decent but seems very overrated. Top review gave me a chuckle
Huge nostalgia. Prime indie rock for me
This album is right there at the start of my concious musical discovery. Still great today. Has the early raw energy of the band and at the same time sets a mood like only Alex Turner can in songs like Riot Van.
Better than the last Enon album we got. Has some talking heads vibes at times. At the same time I really had to force myself to actively listen to this as it tends to slide of to the background real fast
Nice. Feels a lot better than the last MBV album we had, less 'white noise'.
Pet Shop Boys always get me in a good mood. Did conclude that they are mostly a 'greatest hits' band for me.
Never really go into this one, I get why now. All the elements and sounds are there and many of these songs get remixed into perfection later in their carreer on Alive. But at this stage.. hard to enjoy, bar a few exceptions
Pleasant surprise. Kept me interested throughout most of the album for a couple of listens :)
It's a decent listen. They set a nice mood but its a tad overdramatic at times. The lyrics are also a bit hit and miss. Good, not great
Great guitar tone, some absolute classics and an overal nice 60s vibe
That was a fun experience :)
Great Motown album
It definetly has its moments but it fluctuates a bit much.
Like it! It's quite straightforward and took a couple of listens to land. Nice punk vibes. Definetly mad about stuff now, not sure what yet.
Very much a product of its time, but it aged well. I like most of the songs. The skits could have been left out, I feel like the message was clear without them explaining.
Opens really strong and has some great songs. Just a few too many dull moments for it too be 4 stars. Great listen though!
A bit bland..
Not a fan. Can't feel any heart in the music and lacks cohesion. Feels like 90 minutes of trying to sound badass
The overal melancholy is appealing but it's just to noisy
Upbeat joyous album. Nothing groundshaking but a nice listen
Elvis Costello has a great overal sound. Not many songs stand out too much but as a whole it was a really enjoyable album
Amazing album
Musically I really like it. It succeeds in setting the jazz club vibe but sometimes the audience is a bit too present.
Wonderful! Had to spin it a few times for the songs to land, I'm not used to Abba beyond the hits. Much less upbeat and much more melancholy than what I'm used to from them. Works like a charm
Lots of love for this album. It's not something you can listen to at any moment, it requires a certain mood. When that mood is there it's absolute gold. The Andre 3000 verse it the cherry on top
Decent album but kinda kept forgetting that I was listening to it.
Tight, clean, energetic. Nice album :)
Amazing gritty sound. Lacks a bit of 'breathing room'. Pretty much two songs that aren't driven by the heavily distorted bass sound. D.A.N.C.E. is an absolute banger but I'm unsure if it belongs on this album. Still very cool though, could've gone 5 stars with a bit more room.
Has some outstanding tracks but as an album it doesn't do much for me
As good as you can go with a christmas album
Iconic. The mood, the storytelling, the recurring musical themes and the great music makes it an all time classic
Very soothing
Great album. Shows of his genius quite well :)
Cool sound, very 80s. Went on for a bit too long
Nice album, gets that jazz face going. Love the bass part on In a Silent way. Drags on a bit long for my taste
Classic album. Captures that old school sound verry well. Nas has a great flow
Lyrically and musically very uninspiring. Could've gotten 2 stars if it would've ended a few songs sooner.
I'm not well versed with the genre enough to say if it's actually generic but it feels generic too me. The sample sources were a fun surprise tough!
Decent listen. Probably won't remember much of this in a day.
Just doesn't do it for me. Lyrically it doesn't reach me and musically I find it fairly bland.
Very typical grunge album. Always feels like just a single emotion exists with this music which makes it a bit flat but it's nice for a few songs.
It has some okay bits but it's mainly angry white men screaming
Great album
A bit whiney at times but still a decent listen. Gets a bonus point for reminding me of the great 'Only You Know' rendition by the Arctic Monkeys
It has plenty of good songs but it's way too long and lacks any form of cohesion. Does not feel like an album too me
Bit of an odd one. Very decent background album
Has the nice old school vibe but I'm not the biggest fan of Ice Cubes flow
I used to be a big fan of the modern British Indie rock. Has elements from that that I really enjoy. The singer kinda ruins it for me with his moany falsetto
Did not know this. Has a cool vibe. Spellbound was my favourite but was also a bit of an odd one out. 3.5
Has some cool elements but as an entire album it felt like a bit of a chore.
While it's moer palettable then 'Greetings from LA' the gist of it is the same. It has some decent sounds but also a lot of whiney annoying parts.
It took Johnny Cash an entire life and meeting Rick Rubin to find his best form. The result is stunning. The voice, the production, the harmonies, the songs that are picked. Absolute masterpiece
Has a nice vibe. Nothing extraordinairy
Probably my favourite Dylan album
Love B.B. King but those albums always sound exactly the same.
Nice sound but nothing special.
Opens up very funky but it kinda dips later on. Overal a decent album but won't listen to it as a whole again.
The hits are great and Andre 3000 has an amazing style and flow. As an album it was a bit much tough. A bit too long, a bit too much energy, a bit too incosistent I guess
Love it!
Had heard the opener a few times before which is also the highlight. The rest is okay but does not stand out.
Cool album, has nice energy. Can be a bit intense at times.
Way better than the last Wilco album we had. Much more coherent. Jesus Etc. is a very good song, the rest is not too memorable.
Better than expected. Well produced, nice vibes. Can't identify with the all the teen heartbreak themes though
Love the two songs I allready knew (Movin' on Up and Loaded). The rest is decent but not too memorable
Really like this! Very genuine and heartfelt. Right up my alley
Nice surprise. I had heard of Sade but never got into it. Well written, very smooth songs.
I can appreciate the existence of the Beastie Boys but an entire album is a bit much
One of my favourite rappers. This is one of his better albums. Has a few lows but overal an amazing piece of work
Amazing album
More fun then expected!
Not my thing
Wasn't familiar with the existence of this album. Came as a really nice surprise. Exactly what I hope to get from a Simon & Garfunkel record. Bit short but that's probably why it doesn't have any dull moments.
Just a very decent album with some nice highlights
Was probably very influential/groundbreaking at the time but it's not for me...
Very mediocre
Could have gone without the skits but has some great flows
Classic. Nice album to return to every once in a while
Autobahn is fun for a while, not for 22 minutes. Not much else on this album
Way too experimental for me but has some nice moment every once in a while
Very forgetable. Gets an extra star for Life's A Gas
Nice album! Never had a proper introduction to Duran Duran. Solid all the way through. 3.5/5
Nice surprise. Very diverse and has some original sounds.
Find it hard to form an opinion on this. But I think I kinda like it?
I like it. The overly Britishness of Blur just appeals to me I guess.
I liked it but it also didn't leave an impression lasting more than a day. Onto the 3 star pile it goes!
Very nice album. Feels like textbook reggae but in a good way.
Did not know about these guys. Could have easily carried on that way
Great album, especially Lilac Wine and Corpus Christi Carol hit home for me
Took me a few listens to appreciate it. Sounds a bit like the Style Council, kinda nice
I can appreciate Ryan Adams. Nothing all too special but a very decent folk album
Fun but not mind blowing
It has some interesting bits but overall its way too noisy and way too long.
I guess this would be about the message and not the musical ideas. If that's the case it would've helped the cause to make the lyrics audible.
Something very soothing about these old, friendly records. Nothing groundbreaking is happening (at least not from our 2023 point of view) but it's just very comfortable to listen too. Like and old comfy sweater. Great stuff.
Great iconic album which overflows with energy. Feels a bit more like a long live/jam session than an album tough.
Not my cup of tea. Bit too noisy
Very simple in both song and execution but they somehow manage to transfer the energy and excitement making it a great album in my book.
Pretty cool
Very 80s, very melancholy, very relaxing. A tad much of the same but a nice album nonetheless
Pleasanlty surprised. Tacky album cover lowered my expectations quite a bit but the guy has a pretty nice flow.
Early Beatles, still relatively simple pop songs but allready great in execution.
Feels like a bit of a filler Springsteen album
Terrible fever dream
Very soulful
Has some high hopes for this because of what I know of Bobby Somack. All the ingredients are there but for some reason it doesn't do it for me. Can't lay a finger on why.
Instrumentally it has some cool stuff but the vocals just sound kinda meh.
Nice. Very 80s, not extremely memorable but still solid. Could listen to this again sometime.
Meh. So angry..
I like Deep Purple and I like what they do here. But as an album it's just way too much. Had a hard time getting through it.
Ken Leeeeee! Tulibu dibu douchuuuuuuu!
I guess punk is about the message so I read along with some of the lyrics. No substance was found there. Musically it's also very lazy. Punk can be great but can also be an easy excuse for bad musicians too record bad music.
Doesn't quite resonate with me
Starts of strong but becomes a bit dull after a while
Great album, really shows the brilliance of Queen. Tough every song shows the creativity there are some bits which are a bit harder to enjoy (looking at you prophets song)
Great album, extremely soulful!
Astounding show of musicianship. Production wise it's absolutely flawless. As an album I've heard more enjoyable Steely Dan stuff.
Think it sounds pretty good but extremely forgetable
Was more interesting than imagined. Thougth it would be more hard rock. Actually some quite decent songs.
Very hard to rate as it's 2 complete albums and it's so so long. All in all I don't think it works as an album for me due to it's length but it does have many great moments
As I've said on the last Sonic Youth album: Not my cup of tea. Bit too noisy
One of my all time favourites. One of those albums which I have to listen to as an album. Broad, wide open instrumentation, vulnerable voice, great melodies. Amazin album.
Great folk album!
Extreme calmness. I like it. Can get a tad bit repetetive on an active listen but a great album nonetheless.
Nice. Was not very familiar with the guy. Good stage performance, some nice hits :)
Definitly a vibe. Makes me want to punch stuff in a good way. Can have this on in the background for hours when focussed on something else. Bit much for an active listen.
Lot less angry then the last Hole album. Liked this more.
"The Beat" is a favorite of mine. For the rest of the album... I guess it's good but it doesn't quite stick
Get's me nostalgic to a time I've never experienced.
High octane rock & roll. Simple yet effective.
Its ok
See previous Costello reviews.
Not sure where to categorize this in my head. It's ok I guess
On the one hand I really like the dreamy atmosphere van Morrison creates. Very unique sound. As a an album it becomes a bit boring
Very well balanced. The somewhat toned down May songs on side I are a nice counterbalance to the extravagant Freddie songs on side II. Makes for a great total package.
Has some cool songs but it's way too incosistent
Was not familiar with this album. The uptempo beats combined with Cohens timbre create an amazing eery distopian vibe. I'm ready to take Berlin.
A whole album of Beastie Boys is still a bit much but I enjoyed this one a lot more than Pauls Boutique
Very unique band with a very unique sound. They set a great mood with very little. Also a bit of a nostalgia hit :)
I like it! Didn't know this. Early Arcade Fire vibes
Starts a bit slow but amazing once you get into it. Songs like Helicopter and Revival are the type of songs I can get addicted to.
Very volatile
Always tought I hated Janis Joplin. Enjoyed it a lot more than i thought. One album is enough though.
Surprisingly enjoyable!
I don't get it.
Great on paper. Average in reality
Such low energy. Not in a good way. Usually into folk rock
Janis Joplin is a bit of a loose canon which can become a bit much for me on here solo records. I feel like the band is keeping her at aim making this a much more pleasant experience
She is amazing. Very enjoyable album. She has some better records tough.
I like the general vibe but it's a bit too much for me as an album. As I'm typing this I realise I've listened to a lot of the songs twice (take1/take2) without realising this which might contribute to the fact it felt a bit montenous at times :')
So much soul
Could be worse but a bit boring. "No Peace For The Wicked" could have been a Velvet Underground track
The singular hit on here was fun. The rest is very forgetable
American Recordings alpha-0.0.1
Pixies are just not for me but Where Is My Mind is a banger
Requires a certain mood, took me a while to get through
Very pleasant
Not their most outstanding
If you would split this into 3 or 4 records I would probably rate each of them 5 stars. The sheer length of it makes the full album feel like a bit of a chore
Good allround but lacks some outstanding songs.
Great piece of art
I'll never get bored of Supertramp.
I love it. Quirky, dreamy. Feels like a modern classic.
Very solid album/performance
It does not spark annoyance, it doesn't spark much joy either.
Very palletable. Not outstanding outside of the hits.
Starts great, becomes a bit boring afterwards.
The songs I like from the offspring, I like because they came to me when I was 13. Most of these songs didn't not and I'm not 13 anymore.
Looking at the length I was expecting some boring parts but there were none. Every song is musically great and exciting. "As" has to be one of the greatest love songs ever written. It's a bit lengthy for a full active listen but I guess an album that could be split up into two 5 star albums deserves a 5 star rating!
Haunting, alienating, melancholy. Beautiful soundscapes wich keep you awake with complex rythms
Depeche mode has found a unique and amazing dark sound and mood but on this album they dont manage to keep it interesting enough for me to be blown away by it
Has some good songs, reminds me of Rufus Wainwright at times. Becomes boring a bit too soon tough, the small fun interlude at the end is not enough counterweight.
I like the general concept of the Talking Heads but the albums and songs do all seem to blend into one. The kind of band where a greatest hits album is probably enough
Has some nice flows here and there but won't listen to this again.
Lovely album. Really pulls you into a mood
A decent listen but a bit too 'run of the mill' 90s brit pop.
Makes me want to listen on repeat
"Into My Arms" and "People Ain't No Good" have been longtime favourites of mine which gave me high hopes for the full album which I had never listened to. Unfortunately it failed to grab me like those two songs for the rest of the album and it became a bit on the boring side.
Surprisingly interesting! high 3.
Great album, amazing production. I have been conditioned to expect a Chic album to be filled to the brim with hits which is not that true for this one.
A great album and an absolute classic. These are those guys from TikTok right?
Among my favourite Beatles albums, just like most other Beatles albums.
It has it's moments but it's just too much noodling
It's so sophisticated. Doesn't grab you by the balls and makes you want to constantly listen to it but it is very pleasant and very impressive.
Certified dad music. Solid but all a bit too much on the safe side
Great sound but can become a bit of a drag after a while
They keep it simple but they make it work
Lesser known Radiohead album for me. Love that I'm getting to know it. Eerie vibes, great blend of electronic music and instruments. A nice slow burner.
Exactly what you'd imagine an Eels record to sound like I guess. Nice.
Nice, very 70s.
Sounds like a rock coverband on a local festival
Had some high hopes for this but turned out pretty mediocre. Friend of the Devil is an alltime favourite though!
Sparks joy
Takes you to a different world. It has you believe you can overcome a life you've never experienced in the first place.
Starts out nice with Genesis Hall but becomes dull after a while. Very narrow in range
Weird one to be on the list. Feels very much like it's a 2010 album instead of a 2018 one. Might've been a fan had it existed and come to my attention at that time. For now it's just decent
Listened to this two times now but it fails to leave any impression. I have no clue what the album sounds like
Iconic <3
Love Cohens voice on this combined with the dark ambience. The title track is absolutely stunning.
Very high 4. Amazing album but in the grand scheme of Beatles there is stuff which is better as an album.
Becomes too much of a concept with too little palletable music
Best way to enjoy Nirvana
Decent but forgetable
Amazing energy
I like the mood it sets and it has some very cool parts. All in all it's just a tad too long.
Gets on my nerves and feels a bit edgy
Feels very one dimensional
Nothing seems to stand out on this but it has a very soothing effect.
Liked it. Orion was a nice surprise
Love this. Have grown a great appreciation for African/western blends like this Nice surprise to have it in the list
Does the same for me as all other Steely Dan stuff
I like ghostface as a rapper, raekwon a bit less. Has some cool flows but as an album it doesn't do it for me
Lovely album
Teenage Riot is a cool song, after that it's mainly a lot of noise again as we've come to expect from Sonic Youth
Amazing piece of soul
Very interesting album. Bit weird at times but I like the energy and emotions involved
Air <3
Very Indie, right up my alley!
Absolute landmark.
Does some interesting stuff but gets a bit annoying after a while.
One of those artists of I'm very familiar with some songs but I could not put a face to. That didn't change today but it was a nice listen nonetheless
I thought I knew this album very well, turns out there is a middle part I'd completely missed until today. It's exactly that middle part which degrades it to 4 stars for me. Still a great album!
Has some great songs but fails to impress me as an album
Defintely among my favourite bands. This album has some great songs but also a lot of dull moments.
Nice intimate Americana
I would not consider this pornography
Interesting album. Has good energy and some great bits musically. Also a bit all over the place
Lots of fun. Definitly has some lesser moments but mostly sparks joy
Love this with all my heart. Thanks Will Butler for ruining Arcade Fire
Has some absolute classics. Has some absolute shit.
First impression was not good but comming back to it later (after a few beers, I must confess) I did find some really fun parts!
Having done one full playthrough and several attempts to listen to it again to form a proper review without the album making any lasting impression I must draw my conclusions..
Covers many great songs. Sometimes awesome in execution, sometimes a bit draggy
Definitly has some fun parts. Gone Daddy Gone is a cool throwback to the Gnarls Barkley cover.
Great album
One the one hand it's terrible One the other hand.. ROLLING ROLLING ROLLING
Neil Young albums are always great background music. Never outstanding but always sets a good mood.
Nice. A very refreshing authentic sound. Hearing Thom Yorkes voice is always a nice surprise
Palletable at best.
Refreshing but not great
Pretty okay :) Like the 90s vibe
A lot better than the previous Public Enemy album. A lot less shouting, a lot more grooves
I like it! No nonsense
Had to deduct a star for Skidmarks on my Heart
That's pretty dope!
DJ Premier is a legend and delivers great beats in this. Guru has a cool flow but gets a bit boring after a while.
Oke of their best
Great voice but a bit bland at times
The packaging was terrible enough to make the contents seem fairly decent!
Nice surprise. Had never heard of this
Like the vibe
Baba O Riley pulls you straight into it. Manages to keep a good level for a while but completly drops the ball on Getting In Tune and Going Mobile. Redeems itself on the last two tunes. Great album, could have been a bit better
Amazing record. Expected to like it. Loved it.
My speakers smell like leather now..
Best Steely Dan record
Key album
What can you say?
It calmed me to the point I almost fell asleep
Sometimes has a bit of a Velvet Underground vibe. It's nice background music but that's pretty much it.
Easy to listen to, easy to forget.
Has some amazing stuff but is also very lengthy causing the attention to slip at times
Definetly one of the better Talking Heads records!
It might not be bad.. but it's definetly not good.
On a music festival with the sun out and 5 beers down this could be great. Sitting behind my desk with a cup of tea not so much.
Nice vibe. Cool explosive drums with the singing drifting over hauntingly.
Amazing album. Do tend to fall asleep around "Why Worry?"
It has interesting elements but it's a bit a manic for me
More diverse than i'd expected
Has some really cool parts but also has a few too many boring tracks to really appreciate it as an album.
Cool haircut.
As always with R.E.M. it manages to be boring and interesting at the same time
Gets annoying quite quickly
It didn't anoy me at any moment. Don't recall much more. Can imagine this can grow on you.
Nice listen, nothing exceptional
Very versatile, at times very funky
Palettable but very mediocre
Nice, calm, indie folkish
I love blends of west african music with western pop music and for that I can appreciate this. However, this being (to my ears) purely African music kept it a bit boring for me. Was nice background music for reading a book but won't listen to this again.
Decent but a bit boring
Love this album, had it in the standard rotation for years. Great music to dream off to. I do often tend to zone out as the album progresses.
Nice album!
It's a nice sound and it's good songwriting but it doesn't quite connect with me for some reason.
Such soul, much lovely.
One of my all time favourites. Love every aspect of this album and it greatly increases my Alex Turner man crush
...and you say, "What does this mean?" and he screams back, "You're a cow! Give me some milk or else go home" The meaning of these songs are mostly beyond me but the words are always beautiful.
Not my jam
Good music, not breathtaking.
So many memories <3
Had never listened to these guys past Free Bird. Don't feel like I missed out on anything. But then again.. Freebird!
Very meh
Has it's moments but overall it's just a tad dull.
Not the most challenging album but I like the vibe of it. Just some friendly on the ear background jazz
Feel like it's good music but it doesn't quite speak to me.
I'm not sure if it's ethical to keep a woman on the edge of orgasm for the recording of an entire album but now we know what it sounds like.
Exceptionally boring
I appreciate the cult status but Nick Drake never really did it for me. Perhaps it's a bit too eerie for me
What did people do at wedding parties before 1977?
Cool but not mindblowing
For the folks who want to get in touch with their spiritual selves but also want to jamn out to light my fire. Could have been worse.
What you see is what you get
Made it! Yay for Ella. Nay for 3 hour albums.
Doesn’t do it for me
I've definetly given stuff which was harder to listen to 2 stars but being a complete douche also has to count for something
Has some amazing songs, has some trash songs
Solid record!
Tribe is a vibe
I liked the part about sex
Terribly mediocre
Amazing singer. Couple of bangers I'd put on a playlist but I don't think I'll revisit it as a full album.
All these comment about it being a shame that Kanye is crazy now. As if he's ever not been crazy. Luckily he's also crazy good.
Nice and peaceful album. Has a surprising amount of depth to it
Decent but not memorable
Groovy as F*
Very nice
There is something so musical about the brazialian language <3
Bit borring
It has a nice vibe to it but I highly doubt I'll ever return to this album
Fine I guess, but why make it 27 songs?
Beautiful voice, beautiful guitar, beautiful songs
Pretty fun album!
Great album
I like here voice and style. Has some great songs. A bit experimental at times
Love 'Ever changing moods'. Rest is nice but expected a bit more based on the songs I knew
Might be my favourite Radiohead album. Love the 'from the basement' session they did on it
Given the right setting it's an amazing album
Pretty nice actually
They have a great sound but they don't quite manage to keep it interesting for an entire album. Still an amazing group with some awesome bangers!
Not my cup o Yeezy
Mostly boring
Nice vibes. Some cool piano parts. Not bad!
Has some great songs but as far as Stevie goes not the best. High 3
Sounds like they don't like it either
Lovely songs. Close to You is an absolute masterpiece
Did not spark any emotions, got me very bored
Groovy but not something I'd return to
Classic, great album
Very weird but somehow also quite nice
Surprising, has some cool sounds. At time feels very modern for it's age.
Hehe bobba
No way I'm going to listen to the French versio
Pretty nice surprise
The Cure has some great songs but this album is mostly very forgetable
Nice energy!
Way better than expected. Nice flow, lot's of fun
Great album
It's amazing and perfect but also gets boring very quick.
Would be great at a festival or concert but at home it just doesn't hit quite right
fuck this
Sometimes it is decent for a bit
Nice surprise. Had a good time listening to this
I will forget about this album very soon
Sounds a lot like Cream. Not sure who came first. Decent listen but nothing to special. Perhaps it has some historic value..
Very boring
Too edgy
It's AC/DC, you know what te expect and that's what you get. Solid album
Pretty cool. The band meets Steely Dan or something?
Solid album
Like the vibe
Decent background music and there is definetly a good album in there somewhere. There was just no reason to make it this long
Had some nice parts
Very mediocre noise
Pretty disappointing
Bit of a letdown.
Ali Express Motorhead
Some 'generic punk' vibes, but it has nice energy
It was a long weekend ago, but I remember considering this quite a nice vibe!
Opening track is decent, the rest is a lot of nosie
Nice and chill. Very little hype.
Fried Ice Cream is a reality!
Had some nice moments
Amazing band, great album.
insert "Cat Head Bobbing" gif
Bit generic, but not too big of a chore to listen to
Does not quite do it for me
exceptionally white music
too much distracting shit
Could have gone without this
Great album!
Bit of a boring smiths album
Not something I'd seek out but very palletable
Not dissapointed
Great band, great album. Has a few weak songs costing it that fifth star
Beatles cover was nice
Pretty fun but just a bit too much of the same for four stars
Nice instrumentals, not a fan of the vocals
"New York, I Love You..." is a gem! Rest is decent
Run of the mill Neil Young album. Decent
Weird as fuck but actually quite fun at times
Weird one. A lot of the songs are familiar and are decent songs when you hear them individually. Listening to a full album tough, instills a deep hate for this woman in me.
Had never heard of this, has some Tapestry vibes at times. Pretty cool, might come back to this.
Not bad, not memorable
Very pleasant background music
Great album, fills my heart with nostalgia. Had a few 'meh' moments keeping it from 5 stars
Better than expected. Nice vibe but also fairly forgettable
Some cool stuff but as a whole it's kinda meh
Gets some stars for everybody wants to rule the world but pretty disappointing for the most part
Bit too messy for me
Awesome flow
I love wat Thundercat does and how he expresses himself. A full album of the guy is just beyond what I can handle.
Very much a 3 star album
Did some head bopping. Don't mind it being over.
Didn't tickle my fancy
Bit boring
Was going to give 4 stars but I couldn't find the flaws. Front to back bangers!
He's a gem
Decent at times but they had no business making it this long
Not bad
Chore to get through
Nice sound
Didn't bother me in the background. Will never go back to this
Acceptable background music. Won't go back to this
Great vibe
Historic gig but I much prefer Cash when he was old and broken
Not bad, sounds familiar
Bit boring innit?
Would not recommend
Expected worse
Maggot Brain is amazing
Got into something resembling a flow at some point but overall it wasn't the best experience
Neil Young rarely dissapoints!
Pretty okay
Had some okay moments.
Blast from the past, and a welcome one!
I like it but she had no business adding a second disc
Fine, not very memorable
Pretty cool energy! Nice surprise
Sure I guess
Expected worse
Bit like the previous Fatboy Slim album but whitout the hits to keep you interested
Damn that's a burst of energy! Really dig it!
"Drop The Pressure" and "In My Arms" are definetly a blast from the past. Rest was allright but a tad boring
Not too bad
Very relaxing
Nice. Not amazing
Burst of nostalgia
Love it! Unique vibe
Has its moments
Mostly annoying
I'm all for some more bluegrass but damn this was long.
One of the greatest indie rock albums of all time
At one point it became very good. Turned out that was when spotify went into autoplay
Good stuff!
Once again, a Costello album which sounds like any other Costello album
Not my favourite Talking Heads album
Had not listened to Belle & Sebastian in a while. They're always nice, nothing exceptional about this album in particular
Fun album.
Chill album
Has a cool attitude. Bit much at times
Decent Queen album
Decent but not great
Has some cool stuff. Bit boring at times
Halfway through I wondered what I was listening to as I thought i'd put on Captain Beefheart and I was getting normal music. Nothing like Trout Mask Replica
Forgot about it before I finished listening
Pretty cool!
Has some nice hits but also so many anoying parts..
From another planet
Lou Reed is cool, but his album can get a tad boring..
That was... something?
Not bad, not that interesting
Amazing album!
Pretty chill
Not as bad as expected
Has its moments.
Great highlights and decent fillers
Nice vibe
That's a lot of shit for one album
"I Wanna Be Your Dog" is awesome. Rest is pretty meh
Bit boring
Pretty fun!
Underrated band. Album has some great tracks
Has some cool stuff. English chansons?
Sure, not bad. Also not great
Think 'The Conference' killed a part of me
Had been a long time visiting this album. Still a great piece of music!
Nice 70s album
Not bad for a Beastie Boys album
It's a nice mood
It's a vibe. Not one I can listen to for hours but its not bad either.
Listened to it, forgot most of it instantly
Left zero impression
Not terrible
Nice nice
Not bad, not memorable
Great attitude!
Ok I guess
Ok background music. Bit long. Left little impressions
Extraordinarily boring
Down By The River <3
Pretty solid album, nice wintery vibes. Was also kinda done with it towards the end
This is nice :)
Listened twice, remembered 0 times
I don't know what it is with this album. I've tried listening 3 or 4 times. Everytime I forgot I was doing it and remembered near nothing of the experience. I think I like this but I can't seem to listen to it and actually process what I'm listening to
Not bad!
Was hoping for more. Still an extra star for Waterfalls!
This was pretty nice!
I expected this to be better :(
Bit to grungy for my taste? Still decent
Great record!
Opens on a burst of energy and manages to stay there fairly good. Great 80s album
I'd have a beer at the Penguin cafe!
My enthousiasm is of the mild variety
Pretty nice punk album
Nice raw energy
Not bad, not monumental
A solid 3! I tend to think very lowly of bands with names and album covers like this. It will still never be my thing but I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised
Very Micheal. I Like the sound but it feels like much of the same
Mildly annoyed, glad it's over
Great piece of work
Expected worse from Mr Buckley
Love the first half. From Warszawa till the end I care a little less for it. Still solid as a whole!
Unexpected Nirvana :o Nothing out of this world but a nice collection of classic folk songs