AdeleWell written and produced album but other than the hits the songs are rather forgettable. Great voice and easy to listen to.
Well written and produced album but other than the hits the songs are rather forgettable. Great voice and easy to listen to.
I listen to ambient almost everyday. So when I Review this differently than other albums. It's not about how catchy or how well it is composed it is, it's about the feeling you get from listening. I personally feel the tranquility of standing at an empty airport. The juxtaposition of imagining a usually busy place being empty often gives me an odd sense of calm. I understand why people don't enjoy it or don't know how to review an album that have very little change, it can seem boring and repetitive but that is kind of the point. I can feel how influential this album been in the development of ambient but i am skeptical on having it on this list. Still a pleasant experience.
Constant dissonance, depressive soft spoken and sometimes drifting out of key. Minor differences between songs. If you enjoy that, this is for you. But this was not for me.
Grew up listening to the hives so a little biased.
Revolutionary and sometimes ahead of the times. But the beats and rhymes can be a bit to similar and gets repetetive through a whole album.
As someone who rarely listened to Coldplay, felt it was quite forgettable. Not bad but didn't make a big impact on me. Best song was: Everything's not lost and shiver. 3/5
A biased 4, this music just brings me a big smile!
Never listened to Kanye before. Really Good beats and i enjoy melodic line of the rhymes. lyrical content i mostly ignored, didn't really interessted me.
This is a really great album! And it's a great introduction to jazz if you're new to it. both experimenting with time signatures while keeping the easy listening Cool Jazz vibe. A really Iconic Jazz album
This album is really ahead of it's time. I can hear so many 90-00 indie/Alternative bands that are influenced by this album. I can se why this is an icon and important album. For me personally i didn't feel i got into it otherwise this would have been a 4 or 5.
A good 12 bar blues is never wrong. But it gets a bit repetitive.
For me personally, this is the best album.
Isn't exactly my style but it was a really good listen. Good beats and interesting instrumentation.
Nice beats to have in the background
Not the best Trash album i have heard but it's not bad. not a big fan of the vocals, it sounds like Metallica meets suicidal tendencies.
Biased to this because im not a madonna fan but the 90s electro beat is really nice so it made me rate it higher
This album is for me personally a five. Listened to it allot when i was younger so almost all songs on this album is a banger for me. So a biased five.
If i would rate the album based by songs it would be a 4 but rating the whole album as an experience is a 5
Not a fan of live albums but the quality was better than most live albums i heard.
Only heard 2 songs before but I enjoyed this album (exeption for the 2 last songs)
Sounds like someone recorded a band jamming for 40 min and then released it. Sometimes there are songs others are just random ideas. Nothing really resonated with me and the recording/mix quality was not the best.
What are the odds of getting this album the day after the Queens passing... It was an okey album, i already liked the hits and didn't really find any new favourites.
Felt like it got repetetive fast and i didn't enjoy him going out of his vocal range.
I like Pink Floyd but i have a hard time with avant garde psychadelica.
I think Linkin Park is a great band and i really liked the majority of the album. If i had listened to this album when i grew up i would probably given it a 5 but with one listen through of the album i give it a 4.
Constant dissonance, depressive soft spoken and sometimes drifting out of key. Minor differences between songs. If you enjoy that, this is for you. But this was not for me.
Never been a big Radiohead listener but i'm gonna listen to this album again!
Grew up listening to the hives so a little biased.
I like orchestration and i like Metallica but i feel that the orchestration was a bit to experimental for the songs.
i listen to some modern music (mostly after 2013) and i feel as singles its okay to hear at a club but as an album it get stale. i'm also not personally a fan of these types of vocals.
Not bad but Way way to long of an album.
you can hear bits of loveless but it wasn't there yet, both production and Writing wise.
I grew up during the 00s and even then i hated the sound of 00s pop so this is a very personal rating. music wise it is regular pop nothing extremely good or bad. i had to skip the first 3 songs which are the most famous one's because i involuntary heard em to many times growing up.
My favourit song/album that tell a story is Rush's 2112 because it feels like i'm watching a 2h sci fi film in 20 min. This feelt like a 3+ hour slow art drama film and im doing the equivalent of falling asleep halfway through.
Im not a big country fan but since i played Fallout NV i've developed a kind of nostalgic feeling for 40-50s country. It was pleasant to have in the background when working.
I like Queen but am not a giant fan and have only heard the last song. It really is the second part that is the real deal and really shows how good of a songwriter Freddie was. Even if it still is a weak album, it is a cool concept album experience and both May and Mercury have their unique sound but the second part really shines a light on how much Mercurys writing impacted the signature Queen sound. I want to give it 4 but it lacks as an album so consider this a 3.5.
Had been a three if it wasn't too long
Yeah... this is the worst yet. Often why i dismiss "Art" music is because the goal is not new or inovative ways of making music (bebop was a great example of experimentation that worked and still was accessable to some) This is wierd for the sake of being wierd. It is made to have people defending it by saying "you just don't understand the complexity" or someting like this. But no it's not complex, it's just wierd random shit made for a specific range of people. It kinda reminds me of primus so if you want good experimental music in this vein but actually good, listen to them!
It's interesting to se that this either get a 1 or a 5 in the comments. When it comes to long songs i allways compare them with 2112 by rush which i think is the best 20 min song because of it's structure as a story. I feel like autobahn lacks a narrative which makes it sound like a 22 min long improvisation. But i guess that it's supposed to simulate the relative monotoni of driving on the autobahn. As a listener of electronic music i can se the impact Kraftwerk had on the development of electronic music but this is a bit too noodly for me
I gave kind of blue a 5, it is my favorite jazz album of all time! I feel like this one is like a long lazy jam session with no direction. It's not bad it just don't feel like an album.
Doing this generator has made me realise that i don't enjoy Costellos music. I had heard a couple of songs which were okey. But when you have to listen to more songs his voice becomes whiney really fast and the music becomes very bland, very fast. It's not bad, it's just not that interesting
Better than i expected. 3.5
Majority of the album is not available on spotify or on youtube and i did not feel like trying to find more after 3 songs. The music seemed bland
Like a lot of bands around the 60s who were "complex" they tend to rely on people defending it with "you just don't understand" I listen to jazz where they in the heat of the moment can go in to frantic passionated solos. But often they can defend that by playing more calmly and focused on other parts. If you like the style but want more musicallity i would just go with Zappa
His voice Sounds like a poor imitation of radiohead. Other than that a very forgetable album but not horrible.
The problem with putting disco onto an album is that it can sound repetetive, which is perfect for the dance floor! But can be a bit boring as an album. Solid tracks and some iconic track though!
This music is what i allways put in the category "wierd for the sake of being wierd". It's the music someone tells you "you just don't get it" Which moves the focus from the music to the being the person "who gets it". Like movies have cult followings for being bad but somehow "deep". Not really for me
Too whiney for my taste
Better than i had expected. A bit to much falsetto but the guitar riffs are really nice!
Well written and produced album but other than the hits the songs are rather forgettable. Great voice and easy to listen to.
Was thinking this would be unlistenable due to the rating but it's very bland pop rock. Nothing eye catching but not unlisenable.
Interesting twist. Feels like country mixed with indie from time to time. Nothing really stands out to me but it's nice to have playing in the background
This is very personal taste but do not like the rap style. It sounds whiney and she often go out of key or bend on places that feels wierd. The beats are bland and sometimes annoying. Not an album for me.
Always loved Billie Holidays unique voice and im also a sucker for lush orchestrations. But i can understand why alot of people don't like it (saw a comment about no original songs... it's jazz. every one plays standards). I personally get bored with modern female singers who just copy the bland "pretty voice". This is a nice album though nothing really stands out to me. But it's really nice to have in the background
Better than I expected. really nice guitar riffs but i'm not a fan of the quality of the vocals, feels weird that all instruments except the vocals are really nice mixed (I know it's a part of the genre so it's more a personal thing)
I was gonna give this a 2 because i'm not a huge fan of Toms voice. But i think this album really accomplishes to make you feel like you are sitting at that bar. So I rate the experience of the album more than the songs.
Like a lot of art/experimental pop, it just feels like a pop band that didn't make it and just starts being wierd for wierds sake. It's listenable.
"The friend who claims he can sing who had enough cash to hire an orchestra - The album". Sounds very dull and boring.
They should have listen to their own lyrics because this album is long and boring. I listen to a couple of songs but no way am i listening to 3 hours. The book of love is an okey track but other than that this feels just like a boring joke about having 69 songs. Writing songs is not that hard, writing good ones are
Not my type of music. Beyonces voice has become the template for female singers and it sounds nice but has no uniquness and sounds very bland in the long run. This came out when i was listening to more mainstream music so i was really surprised that i never heard any of the songs. I like the production more than the songs itself.
I consider falsetto a technique sparingly as a dramatic effect because it is not a pretty sound... Kate Bush just hangs on it. I cringe every time she goes into scream mode and not in the modern slang sense. actual closed eyes, contorted face cringe in the traditional sense. If you exclude the annoying hi-pitched screams the rest of the album is your classic "weird for the sake of being weird" art pop. The most bearable song was night of the swallow but you can almost hear her shaking from holding back screaming in your ear at the chorus.
Better than i expected. Nice voice and a lot of variations between songs. Not exactly my style but it was pleasant to listen to.
I listen to ambient almost everyday. So when I Review this differently than other albums. It's not about how catchy or how well it is composed it is, it's about the feeling you get from listening. I personally feel the tranquility of standing at an empty airport. The juxtaposition of imagining a usually busy place being empty often gives me an odd sense of calm. I understand why people don't enjoy it or don't know how to review an album that have very little change, it can seem boring and repetitive but that is kind of the point. I can feel how influential this album been in the development of ambient but i am skeptical on having it on this list. Still a pleasant experience.
This is the second album i got from Nick Drake and i can say im not a fan of his voice. It feels like he's to afraid to sing so he whisper-sings it. It might be somewhat unique and some may like it but for me it gets old fast because it feels like he's struggling reach notes he want.(it is very obvious in the track fly) when i find my self singing along with songs i sound the same when i hit my vocal limitation. I still think he deserves credit for singing even with a limited vocal range. I wish i could find the courage to do the same.
This is from what i hear and read an influencial album. I had heard cars before and thought it was nice and catchy but a whole album of the same synth patches and exact same voice really made the album boring and monotone. It is not unlistenable but if you heard cars it is the peak of the album and the rest feels like an extension of that song
Reading about the group and the things around it were more interesting than the music it self. typical 90s electronica/rave music. it is made for clubs and it don't really stand out to me.
Didn't know Rock Lobster was 7 min... I feel like allot of the songs are way too long. They are really catchy the first 2-3 min. But i hear how the female vocals has inspired other bands, both the good and the bad (not a fan of screaming and shouting female vocals)
I've had heard Thundercat due to his insane bass skills and heard some songs on this album and thought i would give this album around a 3-4 but i absolutely loved the album. It mixes 70s and 80s Funk/soul with a modern touch and a lot of tasty bass lines. I love how he uses allot of more complex harmony ideas from fusion but still keeping it accessible. Also the blend of hip-hop and a bit of nerd humor makes this album is really a interesting touch. the downsides can be the lack of variations in his vocal style, i think this album had benefited with even more featuring artists. a lot of tracks has a tendency to be more in the background (which I'm fine with!) Overall loved it!
The best part of the album was the runtime of 15 min. Like all hardcore punk it don't appeal to me. It's probably more fun to play than listen. The chords feel uninspired, vocals are just shouts and the drums are just all over the place so the title of the album fits the style. I can handle and enjoy growling in death metal but the shouting and screaming in hardcore punk is just annoying to me.
Seperating artist from the art on this one. Because people has told me that his music was revolutionary. For me it was not that special, mostly forgetable. Beats were okey but there are better beatmakers who use similar teckniques. As for him, he need to be hospitalized. Immediatelly. I don't know why people around him don't ask for his hospitalisation because he's clearly not functioning and he has had serious mental related breakdowns from what i read. It feels like they keep him untreated for cheap news headlines.
I didn't listen to slayer much when i was young but a friend took me to 2 concerts. Im still not a huge fan but i enjoy their riffs and the fast pace. I still think the solos are the worst part (i grew up as a solo guitarist). I don't think i have listened to a album the whole way through but i realise that most songs kinda sounds the same on this album. Still enjoyed it might be a bit biased though. As for the imagery and lyrics really shows they knew that it is easier to gain listeners through shock, mysticism and controversy. It is and still is an effective market strategy and they knew it. But i get why people are put off to it but it's the same as a horror movie in a sense.
It might be because i grew up during the 00s and didn't like pop music that much. This to me peak late 90s - early 00s boring pop. Not bad, just middle of the road in all aspect which you probably would hear in a 00s movie. The vocals are going out of tune but not too much. Just enough to give that certain vibe of punk rock but the music is not hard enough to be Punk. Sometimes accompanied by the cheesy 90s drum machine drumbeat and phase guitar that become overplayed by mid 00s. It really feels nostalgic to me, but boring. I enjoyed the less famous tracks than those i heard on the radio 1 billion times growing up.
When I saw the name i thought that this was an immediate 1 but the beat makers and producers saves this one, mute Björk and this could actually be a nice Electronica album. So i would go listen to Bonobo instead which beats are similar. I guess i went in with the expectation of your average "Art Pop" artist and was expecting more harsh random noises, annoying vocal techniques and leaning heavy on "you just don't understand art". but i guess they toned it down a bit. the worst tracks seems to be the most popular on spotify "Pagan Poetry" The instrumental version of this album would might have been a 3-4
Gorgeous voice, forgettable album. You can hear that her voice had an impact on future female singers. As someone who liked Billie Holiday's voice I really enjoy the similarities but in a modern style. The most boring part is the more generic R&B style of most songs. The more Jazzy songs resonates with me more. Still a pleasant album but nothing i will remember.
It's the "Hey, come and listen to the album your uncle recorded in a real studio with the money he won at that poker game last month" album.
When i saw Led Zeppelin i thought "Yeah! this is gonna be some great Classic Rock!" And it was like Immigrant song kick in the door, screaming the iconic "Aha ahhh Ah" …and then it kinda trailed off. Like they started to mingle with people leaving the door kicked in on the floor. This was the opposite experience to other albums on this where they felt like the were gonna be bad but were good/okey. Really forgettable except for Immigrant song.
Very generic 60s music. Not really that memorable to me. Almost the same type of voice, guitar and brass in every song.
I got to give it to him, he really made a carrier of sounding totally bored and uninterested. Not unlistenable, just got bored by his monotone voice.
More listenable than the last 2 PJ Harvey albums from this list. Why 3?? Before i started this i had never heard of her. The sound is influenced by other bands from the 90s which makes me more inclined to change to those bands instead.
Not bad but not anything amazing. the whole album kinda sits in the background.
I love when people experiment with combing genres. It was a cool mix between trip hop and tango, nice to have in the background but i don't know if i will listen to it again. But i wouldn't mind it being played.
A majority enjoys lyrics the most. I am not part of that majority and that's why this becomes kinda repetetive for me. I also don't enjoy the harmonica that sounds like a child who just found one laying around and starting blowing. I like a bit of Bob Dylan, this was more than a bit.
I have a very nostalgic feeling about knights of Cydonia which was a part of a very bizarre 1 year loop where the music video was a part of my morning routine before going to school. same 3 music videos followed by the same episode of a series every morning for a year... Im am not a Muse fan so except for the hits i had not listened to the album but i enjoyed it! The vocals can get a bit anoying from time to time.
Started of strong felt like a solid 4... then the singer started schrieking and was a instant -3. Band and music is a 4 But due to the horrible vocals i have to say no. Hope they moved on and made something great without him.
My first thought was that this feel like a generic 2010 album and then i saw that was 2003. maybe i'm not not that in touch with hip hop production but it feels ahead of it times. I barely register lyrics so i judge more on the melodic flow of the rap combined with the beat. I actually like the timbre British rap has. one thing that kinda sticks out to me is, if you wanna appear tough why stutter and rap like you are a middle schooler in a argument. Enjoyed it more than i expected but maybe it is because i'm more used to american hip hop and this feels fresh because i'm not that exposed to UK grime and Drill.
I like the Beatles and love a lot of their songs... but i am not a die hard fan that thinks that everything is amazing. because Beatles is not only a musical phenomenon but also a cultural it is often under a heavy bias in from my point of view. For me the album starts of with a great introduction, some hits then fades into a mix between pop songs and easy listening psychedelic songs and before you know it you end with a day in the life (which i mostly remember the "i heard the news.." parts). Its a great album but i feel that i only remember the beginning and the end and maybe some bits and pieces in the middle. But hey, that's just my take as a regular listener and a non Beatles fan. it is still a nice album with some great tunes and a significant importance to music history
Realised that David Bowie was involved in this album. Probably a reason why it is good. Never liked Lou Reeds voice but the music carries the voice.
In this list there are som amazing inderstandebal album and also som horrible but significant. But what i find most in this list are albums like these... not great, not really bad. Bland and sometimes boring. This is another one of those album and im only halfway through... so i guess here is another 2/5
As someone who are more interested in music and melodies than lyrics this is a pretty boring album. i feel the music get's the backseat for the singing (or sometimes more dialogue than singing). if the focus is the lyrics, why not write a book or a poem.
To summarise this album: bongo solos and shouting in spanish. My first thought was "do they allways need one person who sings of key?" But then i realise that it's probably a cultural acceptance of that note interval. But as a non spanish speaking person it sounds flat.
Revolutionary and sometimes ahead of the times. But the beats and rhymes can be a bit to similar and gets repetetive through a whole album.
The description says he is a storytelling musician and i can feel a bit of blues influence which is a story driven music style... Unfortually i don't understand a word that's being sung so i can only review the music which is really nice to have in the background. It really transports you to another place.
Nice to have in the background! Some solos from Monk can be a bit spicy for me but not too crazy. I think this type of jazz probably is enjoyed best live but it is really nice to have in the background also.
Like other Björk albums, mute Björk and you have a decent album. I feel that Björk's whole appeal is the "Experimental" tag that comes with it. her voice is flat, boring and over dramatic. It's that friend/colleague who insist that they can sing and you can't really disagree because she went to art school and you don't wanna sound like someone who don't "get it". -2/5 Production wise 3/5 .it has cool electronic touches and beautiful orchestrations. The part in 'Atom Dance' where she don't sing has some cool beats and most of the orchestrations are lush and beautifully composed.
Think this is the worst one i got yet. Standard "Wanna be deep", "wierd for the sake of being wierd". Skipped most due to the singers inability to sing.
1001 album generator has really introduced me to a new genre: "You know your uncle made an album back in the days"-Folk is it a bad album, not really... is it a good album, not really... i really don't see why this should be included on this list. after 600, this list feels more like here are 1001 random albums
As someone who dabble in beat making, this is more interesting than more rap focused albums for me. I have listened to some of the tracks before and the sampling is on point. Some tracks are more uppfront and others are floating away in the background but i get why allot of people don't find it interesting.
First thought this was from the 90s or 00s, but then saw it was from 83. So i can se that this has had an influence or was ahead of its time. Did i like it.. meh. Gone daddys gone was alright but this album was not really for me.
It is what it is. it's not revolutionary but i like Springsteen. some have song i feel have weaker lyrics like 'empty sky'.
I am not a hip hop listener but i like snoop and i think it's because he know what the average listener like, catchyness. The lyrical content is like every other rap album but the flow is more laidback and songs like "Gin and juice" are easy to get stuck in your head. I really like the beats, allot of nice sampling and the now classic hip hop synths. Overall a solid album beat and flow wise and i listened through it witout any skipping
Very forgetable. His voice fades into the background. Not unlistenable but not for me.
Had heard "Fire and rain" before and liked it. Nice to have in the background but nothing really stands out.
When people say they don't like jazz i'm guessing this is what they think of. I remember listening to this Album in high school but i seem to have forgotten how avant-garde and free jazzy this was. I like Jazz and I like some of Coltranes music (Like Giant steps). But this is a bit too much for me especially pt.I. Pt.II get more comprehensible and Pt.III gets more easy to listen to at some points. When i heard Giant steps it felt like Coltrane took a motif and then just calmly and controlled just flew away technically. even the pianist couldn't keep up with it at times. This feels more uncontrolled and sporadic and the piano feels like the most collected. Almost like they switched roles after Giant steps. This was way to much free jazz for me
It is what it is, Chill electronic lounge music. I'm more into lounge jazz when it comes to lounge music. But this is okey to have in the background
There have been many albums on this list where i have been thinking "Why is this on here" but this one is on the opposite side. I would understand that people would think the same thing about this album and if I didn't listen to this type of music daily i would have asked why this was on here too and give it a 1. Personally I am fascinated with the sound of Hauntology(yes, this is a whole genre. Consisting of mixing nostalgic/haunting recordings and music to give an eerie feeling). I love the back and forth between calm ambient to almost unpleasant. But this album is what it is. it's ambient. Though i have heard Roygbiv since my highschool days, most of the album blends together.
I enjoy to have this type of music in the background. unfortunately it don't stand out very much in terms of variation (maybe that's why it works very well in the background)
Guess this is what the song 'mans not hot' parodies
What i realized going through this list is how much is based on Nostalgia to an album. Had i heard this album in high school i would probably give this a 4-5. But to me it mostly sound like Slayer with a different singer. It's not bad by any means i like Slayer but nothing really stood out to me. But as i said it's probably due to no prior listening of Sepultura more than 'Roots Bloody Roots'
"Kind of blue" is a masterpiece! ...but this album is way to free-jazz for me. It becomes more easier to take in halfway through. But for me to listen to it i have to just let the music flow and not try to keep up with the solos. I feel like this has strayed from technical to "wierd for wierd's sake". Mostly chromatic noodeling gatekept by music critics.
Very easy listening 90s pop/rock. it got some hits and is listenable but nothing special to me personally. i got curious why they stopped and found out that the guitarist often works as a producer/song writer and often work with max martin which was interesting.
Very bland British 80s background music. Not bad, nothing special.
Beautiful voice and nice to have in the background. for me it was nothing groundbreaking.
Prior to this i had not heard the whole album. But listening to it i realize how very well crafted of a Pop album it is. It is catchy and even though all tracks not are hits for me, they still flow well. This feels like a crash course in pop writing. Personal favorites: She's always a woman, Vienna, only the good die young
I would not consider my self a Progressive rock listener but i have listened to a couple of albums during my high school days. This is what i would classify as almost crossover prog(introduction albums, i'm no expert). If you are looking to start listening to progressive rock i would recommend this album, probably not as the very first though. It blends allot of reoccurring themes with solos and experimentation, which make it accessible yet challenging. The songs are longer than pop songs but are not offputtingly long. Strong opening with Roundabout which i think that most people will enjoy if they are into rock music. the middle is a collection of experimental songs and segments. Ending with a nod to Art and Garfunkels song in the end But if you are not interested in getting in to prog rock you probably won't enjoy this album and that is understandable too. Personal favorites: Roundabout, Heart of the sunrise, Mood of the day, America
Not a huge fan of Bob Dylan. Mostly because the music get a backseat for the lyrical content (Which is what allot of people think is the strong point and i can respect that). His voice can become a bit boring in the long run but the album is not listenable but it does not speak to me who often are more interested in melody and harmony more than lyrics.
Oh boy, i don't mind 90s rap and hip hop but after 5-6 albums they start becoming extremely repetitive. As someone who listen to the beats more than the raps i feel like this is more on the side of poetry than music. Because every beat is more or less just background music often utilizing dissonance to evoke a scary or unsettling beat. Very little variation in both pitch in the rap and the beats makes it extremely repetitive for me. It feels like everybody had the same checklist of things that had to be included: - Self hype and go tripping to ad nauseam - Gang related small skits with one voice sounding like he just woke up - 80% of songs need to be about gang violence. - skits and intros with random "Hard" conversations I know that it is a part of the genre and the songs are not bad. but you get reeeeeeally tired of the same formula after a couple of albums.
When i saw this album i was sure it would be a direct 1/5. But it is surprisingly okey. It is still what you expect from a psychadelic album but the songs are way more listenable than other albums i've heard. The voice gets a bit annoying but not unbearable. If it had been less expirmental i would have been a 3 for me.
Well produced Soul-,Funk-, Rock. It's nice, it flows, is it the best album with most hits? no. Most songs are great and easy to listen to but most i forgot during the day. The most catchy one that i remember was Mr. Cab driver. An okey rock album to have in the background.
Cozy but mostly forgettable.
A reason i'm not a big 60s fan is because there often are a lot of silly musical ideas used. The hits are still good but a lot of songs sound like musicals or kids songs which is not really my cup of tea. Not bad, just not my style
Cozy but gets kinda repetitive after awhile
Not the worst punk i've heard but not the best either. Allot of "Scream" punk but you hear a bit of the type of skate punk i tend to like if i want to listen to punk. Not my cup of tea.
very bland modern music. She has the standard good female voice, which to me has kinda lost it's appeal. when everybody is copying the same voice i can't really hear the difference between singers. The music and production is sparse. Well mixed but when you have just 2-3 elements it is probably not that hard. Modern music really don't do well with album in my opinion. Not bad but it just feel like any other modern RnB +Soul + Hip-hop album. It's not my type of music so maybe i just don't understand it.
You can't argue the immense cultural legacy that was Nirvana. A lot of hits... but also allot of mediocre "hardcore punk"-ish grunge. This is a much weaker album compared to Nevermind. The hits are nice but i didn't find anything really new i liked when listening to the whole album. okey listen but to much hardcore punk for me. to much screaming in some parts and simple boring guitar riffs. Best are the hits that stand out from the rest in quality.
Damn the year 2013... I didn't listen to chvrches but the Eric Prydz remix of Tether was in my playlists. This type of music makes me nostalgic for when i started going to EDM festivals. This is why rating albums like this is hard. Allot of it depends on a small part critical review and a lot of nostalgia or bias. While i don't think this is revolutionary it reminds me of how electronic music were made in an era I was a part of.
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida is the only one i knew before. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida is the only one i know now. one hit wonder album. rest is not bad but forgettable
The only vinyl i own (it hangs on my wall). For me this is one of those rare album where i like all songs. so this one i very biased for me
This is like the third album i heard (this one being more acceptable than the others) This feels like if that eccentric colleague who say that they are a great singer and when you hear it you internally go "for the love of god make her stop" got a music carrier. sometimes you hear her voice clear to then jump to a shrieking dissonant note,then to a monotone and finally to a random screaming note. I don't get Björk. it feels like it's one of those artist that live of the "You just aren't an art critic, like me"-people. To me this just sounds like "Weird for Weird's sake". Instrumentations are okey to pretty decent just drop the vocals and it would be fine.
Okey laid back country. Not bad but nothing i will remember
As with many records made for dancing, they work better in a DJ set than in an album. I like fat boy slim and listen to his sets from time to time but as an album it blured into the background except for the hits.
Both as a regular listener and as a song writer this album is amazing. both complex harmonically and catchy at the same time without discourage either group. It is a bit long though and it can be repetitive at some points. Allot of hits but also some less memorable tracks. If I had listened to this album when i grew up it would probably be a 5 but from one listen i rank it a 4.
When i started 1001 i didn't mind his music, last album i lost all interest in his music and now to quote a song in the album "This is hell". This is now my third album and realice that there are 3 more... I get that his music has had an impact on music in some sense but not 6 albums worth. This is kind of insulting to other musicians (even if other artist don't have 6 albums of perfect albums it is still better than this guys personal top 6 Elvis Costello albums you apparently "Must" hear) if you look at the listens on Spotify i bet they come from 1001 generator listens. So yeah, the album is probably a 2 in terms of uniqueness and musicality. If all you go on is lyrical content which seems to be the selling point of some of the most, i personally don't care.
Just heard "just like honey" before. But this album was using too much of the garage sound. The over use of feedback and fuzz made me jump songs.
I liked roots bloody roots since before but the rest of the album is pretty good too. Like that they mix in some interesting rhythms.
"You know, your uncle made an album with his friends" "..okey, the one who always drinks to much at family gatherings?" -The album Reminds me of modest mouse but bad. I don't listen to punk that much, but allot feels out of scope for punk and feels more like avant garde at some points. The voices are terrible but it might be the point to make the instruments seem like Mozart in comparison. If you like it, it is fine. For me personally i don't see any significant, revolutionary or important with this album. Sometimes it feels like 1001 is comprised of allot of albums from the authors personal collection, what was a good album in some magazine and the albums everbody should know. i'm starting to think that there really aren't 1001 albums you NEED to hear (closer to 200-500)
Started out strong but got pretty tired of the voice and the lenght of each song
Personlly on the first listen it would be a 4. But when you think albums you MUST hear this is one of them. The album cover, the style, the music, the impact. The songs are very well crafted and played(prince being both a great stage precence and guitarist) which makes me appriciate the album more, even though some songs are more impactfull and memorable than others. For me personally purple rain is one of those masterpiece songs there are only a couple of (i am also a sucker for dramatic outro solo sections)
Only heard 'born under a bad sign' in a commercial. But it is a cozy background album but nothing special.
Really like the sampling and beats. I like the more laidback hip hop, it gets less repetetive than the gangster thing though the laidback stuff still hits the themes as any other laidback hip hop(from the hood,love family, God, bad habits, still hard but gentle, protect his daughter) It's a nice album, nothing groundbreaking but nice
It's okey. Pale blue eyes is a classic but the rest is mostly record filling. Some avantgarde wierd and some just forgetable
The instrumentation is actually pretty decent. Its the "vocals" that are the problem So in my own head canon im gonna belive that a drunk man broke into the studio and held them at gun point and rambled over the whole recording. I personally don't like hardcore punk...
Had only heard Epic but this album was way better than i imagined. You get a bit tired of his vocie after a couple of track though... but it has some interesting variety between tracks.
This album ticks off so many boxes It's iconic and a landmark for the decade It's historically significant It's full of hits It's influencial to generations For me personally i was inspired to learn the guitar when hearing Hendrix. Is it perfect, No. But it is one of those albums you would expect on this list and i would probably say it is in the top 10.
Nothing noticeable to me. Good, easy listening 60s rock. not many tracks stick out
It's Stevie Wonder, so it is as expected. Well written soul/pop/funk. But it is not his best. Allot of songs blend into the background for me but i wouldn't mind re-listening this album.
one thing i notice about dance music when doing this list is that it is not really album compatible. i like DnB but this feels more like i should have listen to in a dim lounge and having a drink. Dance music is often very loopy especially earlier electronic dance music (but also some disco). It's not bad and nice to have in the background but it don't really grabs you and acts more as good Mood music (actually wished there were a bar near me with this kind of vibe)
Not bad but nothing that stick except for the underated song turn you inside out (might have been featured in a game and be the reason i like it a bit extra, haha)
I've heard worse but it's not really that great... from what i read it's value lies in it's satire of hippie culture, which i guess is historically significant in a way... but the music really don't contribute that much so i wouldn't categorize it as musically important. I still like Frank Zappa and there are allot of good and experimental music by him like "Black Pages", "Apostrophe" and "Peaches in Regalia". Experimental music don't have to consist of only of ideas that only appeal to a small audience. The best experimental artists are the ones that invite regular listeners to expand their horizon's in my opinion.
had heard "Eple" and "she's so" in the background before but never really listened to Röyksopp before. I really enjoyed the sound. If you like late 90s electronica and trip hop then you will probably enjoy this or allready be aware of it. an unexpected track i hadn't heard was poor leno which i really enjoyed. As for personal enjoyment this really was a great album. It is probably just background music for most people and might be a bit niche to be in the must listen category but i feel this is better than most I've gotten recently on this list.
Starting of really strong and if you are used to rock you'll recognize the first track. but the second track was still good and i was surprised that the album was better than i expected from the first album i got. the whole album has a angry 90s-00s teenager (movie) vibe. but it get repetitive after a couple of songs, especially her very special way of singing.
Catchy, good beats and i saw this album everywhere growing up so it has a big cultural impact for sure. Whats up with the "you can find me in ___". Is this a where is waldo concept album? but as with 90% of hip hop the lyrical content is the same. violent and self-aggrandizing. so after a couple of albums i just tune it out "yeah,yeah your the realest gangsta like the 90 other guys before you" but in the end it's nice and catchy hip pop.
Well crafted but nothing stood out to me. maybe because of the language barrier. But it's really nice to have in the background and i really like the nylon stringed guitar.
Electronic Dance music generally make for bad albums because they are made for a clubs or bars. I could vibe to this in a small dimly lit cocktail bar but as an album this is just background music. Goldie as an artist has had a impact on the Dance scene of the 90s but that necessarily don't mean that the album made the same impact as the artist. Not bad but not a must listen by any means
I make electronic dance music in my spare time and what i often find hard is to make it hypnotic without being boring or random. This album kind of trigger me because the structuring feel very random, the sequencers often hit allot of dissonance. It really reminds me of what i did in the beginning but i guess this is the start and it was more about experimentation and trying new things. Most reviews are either people who don't get it or people who are stuck in nostalgia for a bygone era. I get the cultural impact on the rave culture and i could defiantly listen to "Halcyon and on and on". but is it a must listen, i wouldn't say that
I'm gonna do 2 reviews of this, one personal and one more critical but the personal will be what i will put down. I grew up on classic rock, highway to hell is one of the first songs i learned on guitar. So yeah... this will be a personal 5. A no-brainer and this 1001 list really shows that personal attachment is how people usually grade these albums. So onto the more detached and critical review! The cultural impact: if you say classic rock AC/DC is probably the first band that comes to mind. Most people have at least heard highway to hell and seen the logo whether they want or not. So it deserves a spot here i would say. Music wise i will say it lacks in variety and when they stray to much from high pulsed rock n roll they kind of fall flat (i feel night prowler and love hungry man are not the greatest on here). But when they do what they do best, it's great and catchy. It don't really challenge you musically more than having impressive solos. So it's main driving point is energy and easy listening. My detached score would probably be between 3 or 4 so say 3.5. it has a important place and reached allot of people but it don't challenge listeners which can be good in a sense, but i think bands like Pink Floyd is challenging while still inviting.
I like this, really surprised. but i find irish music soothing and the singer has a pretty easy and calm singing voice. Will i remember it next week, no. if i had listen to this growing up i would probably remember a couple of songs here (bang on the ear was definitely one that was very catchy) A very well crafted album but a bit too long.
I am a fan of Jamie xx's production and this album has allot of sampling and producing in his vein which i guess is due to the success of "In Colour". It's not as great as In Colour and aren't as memorable. But it is still a great album and well produced.
A very bland and forgettable album. Not bad just nothing i will remember.
Better than the other circusy album with him i got. his voice get kinda annoying. The album kinda feels like 4D experience of sitting in a small bar. it kinda feels like his spit is reaching you through the earphones and you can feel the smell of his cologne with the hint of his previous meal. You can almost imagine the regular sleeping on the bar and couple random cast of people coming and going... so yeah, that's kind of a unique experience. I like the music and i'm kinda used to the voice so not that bad at least for just 45 min.
Not bad but not that much variation and the instrumentation is veeeery repetitive . I'm guessing the focus is on the lyrics which is great… but i don't understand a word so this album flies over my head.
ELO holds a sentimental value to me, i bought this album for my mom as a present as a child. The combination of slow pop-rock, string orchestras and vocal harmonies really hits me strong. it's easy listening music, for some it might be a bit boring. But the album also has some of their big hits like Mr. Blue Sky
Not bad, nothing special. late 90s background music.
Excentric, experimental and more made for Tom than anybody else which is fine but as a listener it don't invite the listener. You can challenge your listener but some tracks are almost alienating the listener(at least for me). some tracks are standard bar songs which are okey others are people banging on pots and pans while Tom sounds like a goblin. What also hit me is the awful sound quality, atleast the other albums where mixed. sounds like Tom is standing in the corner of some songs. Probably the worst of the 3 i had on this list (yeah... if i think unbiased i don't think no artist has 3 must listen albums)
Sounds like an off-brand Iggy pop and like it could be in the soundtrack of a skateboard game. Not horrible but as with allot of other entries in this list it seems very scraping the bottom of the barrel when finding "Must listen" albums. Good but really forgettable
15 min track… i guess that was the one you put on when you desperately needed to take a dump during a DJ set. i guess it's just a pre mix. maybe they should just have made the whole album 1 mixed track instead. I like Electronic dance music but the problem is that it is dance music. This is made for a club not for a listen at home. Very few albums are good to put on at home (some Daft punk and Apex twin albums probably work)
Three iconic tracks and my favorites by the prodigy! Haven't heard the rest of the album before but they are still good to vibe to but the hits carry this album for me.
Nice punk but it really comes and goes fast. Great songs but not really memorable and very little diversity.
Well i grew up on Van Halens music so this is a biased score. not as good as their first album but allot of hits and a great sound overall. not to long album either so it don't get to repetitive in the sound.
Does he deserve to have 6 very bland and unmemorable albums on this list? how much did he pay the curator?? Everything sounds the same, nothing memorable, whiney and very static. Had this been my first album it would have gotten 2-3 but this list has given me a reason not to like Costello music at all so it will be a 1. I think he deserves maximum of one album because prior to this list i thought he was a one hit wonder and i still don't tolerate more than "watching the detectives"(and tolerate is even a stretch there) They reeeeeally need to update this list and make it less biased because Costello has not a huge cultural impact (most people will probably not know him), his music is far from interesting or unique and it's so similar and bland that i don't remember any tracks just his awful whiny voice
Not my type of music, Decade (Grew up in the 00s and didn't like the music then) or genre. But credits due where it is. He has a great voice and an impressive vocal range. some tracks reminds me of Stevie Wonder in tone. But it is very 00s and would be better if the cut the last half because it get very bland fast after the hits,
I kinda get it, music is hard to write and sometimes you just want to scream and bang on things. My personal least enjoyed genre is hardcore punk and this is like the metal equivalent to it. Nothing interesting here, probably inspired better bands but this just extremely easy riffs over blast beats in 1 min succession's.
He has a good vocal range but it's not my cup of tea. Not bad and clearly a influence to later generations but not for me.
She has a great voice but my main problem is that every female singer sounds the same. Because I didn't even realise the album was over and it was on radio for 5 more songs... I did enjoyed the first tracks with travis scott and kendrick lamar. Not bad, but just one in a crowd of singers.
Really enjoyed this album. personally really easy listened indie rock.
With all the gangster rap on this list this is a fresh breath of air. Nice beats and sampling. the more comic ones feel more interesting than the serious to me. but what takes of a star is the length of the tracks, most overstay their welcome. Lyrical content is nothing to speak of, generic hip hop shit so i don't really listen to it. mostly grade it on the flow of the rhyme more than the content. Would have been 3 if the tracks were shorter
Great Album, never listened to it the whole way through. Kinda wish I had listened to it when I was young because the best are the ones you already know and allot of the other tracks are really good but don't really stands out. If I had, I'd probably knew all tracks by heart. Great Skate Punk/ Pop Punk, revolutionary for both 90s culture (From what I feel) and really kicked off the genre. Really well deserved place for a list of must-hear albums.
If the vocals/talking wasn't so cringe inducing i would have rated it higher. It really got the feeling of rebelling teen band where no one really is a great singer but the guitar quality is decent. Kool thing is the only song i recognized and it's a Okey track so that's kool.
Bongo rock by Incredible Bongo Band from the 70s, I guess I was not surprised how it sounded. It is a unexpected gold mine of breakbeat samples and that's probably what is most famous for. not much to say about it. nice groove, Bongos, sounds like the soundtrack to a 70s movie, Bongos, a bit too long, Bongos and of course a lot of Bongos.
i like some songs by Cohen but it's not very variation in his music. This time he monologues over 80s pop. because i wouldn't call it singing. i had heard "I'm your man" before and it was okej. Jazz police was surprisingly catchy and a fresh breeze. not that memorable or interesting to me
I find this more interesting and a bit meditative than great. as someone who likes to learn about music It's fun to dive into other cultures different musical systems like micro tonal music. as a 1001 album it feels like there are probably more accessible albums to choose. so this is not for people who don't like non-western harmony I won't claim I'm that it was eyeopening for me but as he said in the beginning "don't expect anything". If you want to give it a chance just don't focus on the music and just let it wash over you like a sound bed. maybe you like it, maybe you don't. personally it was interesting and i did enjoy some of it but wouldn't re-listen to it.
Video games introduced me to jazz and swing music, which led to me learning about the history of jazz and even though i hadn't heard the album i was well aware of the festival. It is part of music history and jazz history. in a time where jazz were shifting allot. A well earned spot on the list It is a bit long but it's enjoyable and pretty easy listened.
It's like a way way worse the police copycat band with allot more vocal experimental outburst and worse instrumentation. And way more Jamaican impersonations than needed
nothing special but the last 6 albums I got where all 1-2 , so this feels like a masterpiece compared to them.