Red Headed Stranger
Willie Nelsonfirst listen cool man sings stories at a campfire
first listen cool man sings stories at a campfire
first listen pretty good britpop record
listened to again this is one of my favorite records of all time and MIGHT be my favorite radiohead
first listen extremely lovely
first listen not used to hearing banjo from an irish band
first listen such a smooth voice, great backing band
first listen love chicago blues
just listened through two days ago great folk/soft rock pop album
listened to again great lead up to some of the most iconic albums of all time
first listen sounds like an electric crowd
first listen great motown sound
listened to again nice and chill, cool sonic exploration
first listen fun little pub tunes
first listen kinda sleepy, definitely not his best work
listened to many times his best album, imo
first listen very sleepy, did not hold my interest
first listen the Beatles of the 90s?
first listen the guitar tone is timeless and very cool
listened to again one of a kind
listened to again some great prog
first listen it's refreshing to listen to guitar-based 80s music
first listen some roarin blues recorded in Chicago
first listen well loved in terms of techno but i find it boring personally
first listen reminds me so much of Daft Punk
first listen it's impossible to hate these grooves
first listen this sort of folk is the soul of the usa
listened to before not my absolute favorite
first listen crazy raw energy
first listen decent southern blues rock
listened to before Queen's best work
first listen kinda just alright britpop
listened to again so warm and lovely
first listen quirky psychedelic folk/pop
first listen timeless blues
first listen bouncy indie rock
listened to before an absolute classic
first listen very 80s, kinda sleepy
first listen timeless sound, gonna listen to whole discography
first listen pretty boring
listened to again still brash, still unapologetic
first listen man she sounds so much like Michael
first listen cool and groovy, timbaland beats are timeless
first listen jangly indie rock
first listen one of the most influential artists of the 50s
listened to again still kinda boring
first listen great sound, ultimately a little sleepy
listened to again a masterpiece from a legend. what a way to go out.
first listen what a bucket of bouncy fun, much like tribe called quest
listened to again warm and fuzzy indie jams
listened to again it's...purple rain
first listen bouncy but doesn't have a lot of spark
first listen great stuff, but very short album originally missed this album somehow, I've listened to it now just before #415 Van Halen self titled
first listen a wonderful journey
first listen groovy
listened to again jazzy grooves, i love it
first listen lovely fingerpicking
first listen fiercely groovy and funky
first listen i originally missed this complication of his early work, killer stuff
first listen great music, little chill for me
listened to again has some great tracks but a lot of filler
first listen such a vibe, love hearing the various African influences on jazz culture and i wish i was alive in the 70s
first listen definitely a variety of sounds, but is so short and not much stood out to me
first listen a good cultural exchange
first listen wow this is a real treat, never listened to tejano
first listen full of 80's bops
first listen super ho hum, i really don't think new wave is my thing
first listen definitely unique
first listen definitely \"braggadocious\"
listened before didn't love it
first listen some great songs but the rest is kinda filler
first listen very harsh industrial sound and i didn't not like it
first listen great sounds, still a little sleepy for me
listened before not their strongest start but still good
listened to again truly a wonderful journey, silky smooth
listened to again it's a good album
listened to again probably one of the funkiest debuts of all time
first listen the flavour of country music that i enjoy perfectly
listened to before appreciate the cultural moment but still not a new wave guy
first listen a great 60s folk ride
listened to again something so real and raw about these performances
first listen the less popular cousin of the Ramones
first listen great horn work, great mix of styles, but ultimately kinda meh
first listen great vibes and atmosphere, but not enough variety for me
first listen classic crooner soul
first listen well this was a real fun ride, love accordion
first listen i liked the bass tone
first listen pretty forgettable
listened to again man this is an absolute classic and a must listen
first listen there's something otherworldly about this band, like aliens on acid imitating human music
first listen great songwriter vibes
first listen the live version of Teen Town is 12 BPM faster and way cool
listened to again there's something about the synths on this album that i really like
first listen I love Hindustani classical music but this is just boring
listened to again thoughtful and funky, just what you expect from Stevie
first listen didn't expect to like this, but the synths are so cool
first listen real nice sounds, definitely some 70s voicings, the chords kept me interested
first listen not quite my tempo
listened to again what an AMAZING record
listened to before great work
first listen there are too many bangers on this to not love it
first listen boring in places but the tones kept me interested
first listen lovely work
first listen now THIS is country
listened to again masterful and thoughtful
listened to again it's good
listened to before a heavy classic
first listen kinda boring and same-y
first listen pretty sleepy
listened to again face melting funky
first listen Riot Grrrl 90s punk vibes
first listen very forgettable
listened to again i really like paul simon
listened to again there's some classics here, but the gratuitous content takes away from the music for me
first listen blisteringly cool
listened to again the gods of rock are at it
listened to again big sound that takes it's time
listened to before didn't love it
first listen a lovely album
first listen quirky and energetic
listened to again a quintessential album
listened to again
first listen issss a bop
first listen fascinating listen given the context, an interesting jumbled mess
listened to again such a classic
first listen rock adjacent hiphop
first listen great songwriting
first listen blistering guitar
first listen some great hardcore blues
first listen a GOAT record
listened to again there's just something about the twang of the guitar licks on these 70s style psychedelic soul albums
first listen nice textures but very repetitive
first listen good, but didn't hold my attention
first listen quirky and chambery, but also boring?
first listen some great stuff here
first listen kinda sleepy
first listen fuzzy classics
first listen easy listening 70's stadium rock
first listen I don't think there's a bad song on this record
first listen steaming classic
first listen almost fell asleep
listened to again possibly one of the greatest albums ever made
listened to again it's great
first listen interesting, weird, sexual, and a bit too long
first listen very funky but also drags on
first listen very forgettable
first listen funky and dancy
listened to again a bona fide classic
first listen very cool very 60s
first listen there's some really nice bits and some really boring bits
first listen i just can't connect with this band
first listen this album is a ray of sunshine
first listen classic 90s
first listen boring
listened to again it's just so good and still before their biggest albums
listened to again nearly every song on this record was and still is an instant hit
first listen lots to explore just in this record, looking forward to exploring more of their extensive discography
first listen stereotypical background music rock and roll
first listen a lovely escapade
listened to again such a legendary album
first listen great singer, i feel like there's U2 and Thom Yorke influence here, but ultimately songs not terribly interesting
first listen NOT my thing
first listen it's fun
listened to again delightfully warm and comfortable
first listen sleeeeeepy
listened to again strong start from ye
listened to before it's...good
first listen great sound
listened to again good album
listened to before an R&B classic
listened to before didn't love it
first listen meh
first listen lovely MPB
listened to before truly a great poet and songwriter
listened to before truly a timeless and raw soul singer
first listen i actually pictured breakdancing
first listen fun but short and definitely a debut
first listen refreshing listen, but not a very diverse album
first listen super boring
listened to again one of the greatest records of all time
listened to again fantastic exploration of love lost
listened to again possibly Harrison's greatest work
listened to again interesting and artistic songwriting and compositions
listened to again the chillest most accessible IDM I know
listened to before it's a great album
first listen great vibes
listened to again lo fi grunge
first listen pretty boring
first listen not a style of music i'm drawn to...but the harmonies and revolutionary chord changes keep me interested
listened to again one of his greatest bodies of work
listened to again raw and unfiltered 90s rock
first listen it's a fine album
listened to again not a very interesting album but some of the most groundbreaking guitar work of the past 4 decades
listened to again an 80's bonafide classic
first listen average 70's rock, remarkably short
first listen decent live soul, i though he only did funk smh
listened to again held in high regard by many, but if i'm being honest Tom Sawyer and YYZ are the only songs i really love on this one
listened to again better than i originally remember, but still kinda ho-hum for me
listened to again one of my favorite Dylan albums from an aging songwriter facing his own mortality
listened to again kinda ho-hum
first listen it's good
first listen fantastic and timeless, definitely makes me want to ride a horse in new mexico
listened to again definitely some classics
first listen it's alright
first listen like the energy, but it's all the same
first listen great prog rock
listened to again good rainy road trip music if you want to zone out for a bit
first listen some good songs, but man i can't get on board with Neil's voice
first listen little long for my taste, but ultimately good and a lot of different stuff
first listen classic stuff
listened to again still one of my favorite Zappa records
first listen feels like a time box of hippie culture
first listen this is light and fun
listened to again their least liked album, but still great imo
first listen a fuzzy blues journey
first listen it's good
first listen kinda boring at times, but a vibe, and the bonus tracks were better than the ones on the OG record
listened to again a classic
listened to again better than i remembered but still not that interesting to me
listened to before not terribly interesting to me
first listen decent but not much stood out to me
first listen pretty great
listened to again such a great record, proggy but also pop
first listen kinda sleepy, not the worst 80s record i've heard
first listen Tainted Love is fire but the rest sounds soooo similar
first listen unique voice, but not much stood out to me
first listen sounds like the background music in a seedy 1987 london flat
first listen rough mixing but definitely an assortment of styles
listened to again a load of meh
first listen pretty forgettable
first listen great blues guitar
listened to before great album
first listen like the energy but didn't interest me
first listen timeless and nostalgic to me
first listen some good stuff
first listen bright poppy sound, kinda all the same though
first listen a real tour de force
listened to before it's decent
first listen meh
first listen typical 80s artsy fartsy
listened to again still really great
listened to again real weird but not quite catchy enough to shine
first listen absolutely beautiful and a shame they only became known because of Paul Simon
first listen funky fresh
first listen rock and roll with garage energy
first listen bold, tribal, and a celebration of Blackness
listened to again still very underrated as a later album
first listen love the tribal stuff, the nu metal is kinda mid tho
listened to again truly revolutionary and while from the 70's somehow always sounds futuristic to me
listened to again a jazz pop classic
first listen crispy 80s pop
listened to again i don't really like U2 but i love listening to the guitar FX revolution that is the Edge
listened to again better than i remembered, slick production
first listen it's alright
first listen definitely raw and loud
listened to again still feels like 80s spirit and creativity for a 60s album
first listen it's pretty good
first listen immaculate production, fun and bouncy, an absolute classic and echoes everything great about Tribe
listened to again no such thing as a bad Bowie album
listened to again a triumph
listened to again another great bowie album
listened to again the origins of punk
first listen great stuff
first listen not for me
first listen sounds like the entire Oceans trilogy soundtracks
listened to again an angry, depressed, high octane classic
first listen boring 50's rock n roll
first listen exactly my kind of 80s album
listened to again it's just so good
first listen fantastic funk
first listen hard hitter but still not super interesting to me
first listen pretty good r&b
listened to again on second listen i liked it a lot more
first listen kinda a mixed bag, some great sounds, but the mono doesn't help
heard recently, listened to again incredible production, really fresh
first listen fantastic 90s alt rock
first listen amazing big band
first listen a bonafide american folk classic
first listen whatever this genre is, i like it
first listen a grindy 90s vibe
first listen really cool sound but the vocalization choices kinda kill it for me
first listen not quite my tempo
first listen every Ella album is an instant classic
first listen meh
first listen the string work is nice but really not my style
first listen great sound tho the violin sounds like there's a wool blanket between the instrument and the microphone
listened to again one of the greatest albums of all time
first listen there's something about this i really like
first listen probably not his strongest record
first listen fascinating to see Barrett's mind captured at this time, not the strongest collection of work however
first listen timeless
first listen smoooooooth
listened to again great record despite the out of tune guitar
first listen i know this came out in 96 but something about it sounds so classic 00s indie movie, maybe it's the shrek song
listened to again a trippy prog masterpiece
first listen meh
first listen meh
listened to again this album is quite possibly the Star Wars of popular music, in that it fundamentally changed everything that came after it
first listen incredibly funky bongo infused jam band
listened to again it really does hold up
first listen something absolutely classic about this
first listen its...a live dylan album
first listen super boilerplate soul record
listened to again possibly the greatest live record of all time
first listen immensely boring
listened to again very strange and exploratory
first listen it's just so beautiful
first listen like the guitar tone but it's kinda messy
listened to again pop sensibility and artistic expression
first listen ughhhhhhh
first listen pretty good album
first listen man not my style...BUT the guitar and bass tones are so insanely dirty for 1977
first listen fun little swedish twee pop journey
first listen now this is punk
first listen great artistic pop record
first listen great stuff but gets slow at times
first listen a meandering folk journey
first listen this is an incredible record
first listen this album is just great
first listen not your average funk album
first listen truly wonderful
first listen something so american heartland about this
first listen timeless classic
listened to again just as boring as the first time i heard it
first listen i like it but still a little too country for me
first listen it's not very good imo
listened to again bonafide classic and rock royalty
listened to again an 80s classic
listened to again a meandering, art house, masterful pop record
first listen great album super interesting, last track was way too long
first listen it's cool but definitely too long
listened to again i liked this way more than the first time i heard it for some reason
first listen how can you not love dolly parton
first listen quirky little folksy thing
listened to again not my favorite genre of metal, but i still respect the hell outta their legacy and this album is an uncontested classic
first listen fearless commentary
first listen classic swing
listened to again it's impossible to not love jack white, i credit him and annie clark for making the guitar cool again
first listen a delightful symphonic prog journey
first listen really really cool
first listen a real mix of western and italian film music influences here, the brass and strings are nice and bright
listened to again this album is like a chicago hot dog
first listen a beautiful piano singer album
first listen extremely lovely
first listen that's a funk fest
first listen dirty, misogynistic, and the coolest Dre production ever
first listen decent afro fusion jazz
first listen a singer-poet who sounds like steven wright
first listen more misses than hits, some great sample work
first listen pretty generic southern hard rock
listened to again good start but not the strongest for these boys
first listen this is a fascinating vibe of sounds that reminds me of a lot of modern indie pop
first listen solid album, the production is a little lackluster
first listen great britpop
first listen love the energy but starts to sound all the same
listened to again boring at times, lovely at times, overall a solid album
first listen timeless voice
first listen this album is not very good
listened to again one of the most rocking debuts ever
first listen boooorrrrrriiiinnnnng
listened to again strong indie rock record
first listen bouncy romp, kinda forgettable idk
first listen so boring
first listen a really weak collection of marginally interesting late 80s club hits
first listen definitely the worst steely dan record
listened to again masterful production, features, and bars
first listen a bouncy fun one
first listen pretty good britpop record
first listen i had no idea the bee gees did something other than falsetto disco
listened to again truly great live jam album
listened to again great sampling work and energy
first listen a good album
listened to again weird and wonderful
first listen there's some winners and a lot of miss in this album
first listen an okay record
first listen great and consistent hard rock
first listen not sure i love his voice, but this is a good album
listened to again still really really great
listened to again invention of the rhodes keyboard and keybass i feel like
first listen a little slow for me
listened to again one of the greats
first listen there's something about this i like
listened to again top 10 pop records
first listen absolute classic, and i know it's very millennial of me, but this album just reminds me of Iron Man all over again
first listen consistently mediocre
first listen super boring
first listen it's a nice folk album, although very short
first listen not a bad album, albeit a little long
listened to again this is the quintessential Marley album
first listen ho hum
first listen this is pretty inconsistent but has some super classic tracks though
first listen great stuff man
first listen super great
first listen meh
first listen objectively i would have to say this is slow, but that's the point...i found this really relaxing and liked it
first listen great bars, little too long
first listen super solid record
first listen man, just like Folsom this is a blisteringly real performance and historical event
listened to again somehow a polarizing album, yet it is a fantastic rock opera and i don't get the hate
first listen i think this is actually quite good
first listen it's a little too broadway for me
listened to again every time i listen to this it gets better and better also i recently got to listen to this in atmos and it's nice
listened to again one of my favorite records
first listen a vibe
first listen decent
first listen some classics here
first listen definitely rockin but a bit too much cheese
first listen kinda boring and weird, sounds like a bad Bowie album (which he doesn't have)
first listen i love this kind of stuff, loved the Oceans trilogy soundtracks
first listen cool stuff
first listen pretty good
first listen not used to hearing banjo from an irish band
first listen great fun
listened to again the album isn't incredible overall, but there's so many memorable hits tho
first listen underwhelming
first listen it's good
listened to again pretty good debut album
listened to again good one, very introspective
first listen good stuff (2012 double album is a bit long)
first listen liked it
first listen what a blistering force of energy
first listen a few decent tracks but the rest is pretty forgettable
first listen its really hard to place this style of this album, i'm not sure what it wants to be
first listen a lovely album
listened to again it's a great album but the production is lacking i still feel
listened to again this is one of my favorite records of all time and MIGHT be my favorite radiohead
first listen such a real and raw sound
first listen the production is cool, but try as i might, i just can't get into new wave
listened to again still a great Wings record
first listen i had no idea this was a pop punk rock opera and it's great
listened to again great album
listened to again what a poet
listened to again still not my speed
first listen bouncy affair, fun too
first listen i get this significance of this post 9/11, but this is such a lackluster album
listened to again an american postwar classic
first listen i like it actually but the production is a bit dated
first listen yawn
first listen good album
first listen decent
first listen yawn
first listen a wonderful taste of Spain
first listen this is a bop (pun intended)
first listen i didn't expect to like this but actually the guitar was very nice
first listen i dig it
listened to again actually pretty great
listened to again it's indie fun man
first listen some really interesting textures / sounds but overall not a super interesting album
first listen a sweltering 15 minutes of energy
first listen sometimes it's rock and sometimes it's hip hop and the whole time it's mid
first listen an alright album
first listen very interesting vibe
first listen great record
first listen great singer, terrible band
first listen really lovely
first listen super weird, but like not in the way i enjoy
first listen an alright album not his strongest
first listen this is nice
first listen some fun tracks but kinda an inconsistent album
first listen pretty boring
first listen
first listen good album, i think i'd rate it higher if i was 5 years older and grew up on it
first listen this is the first new wave album i've liked, the synths are so raw
listened to again very cool
first listen some fun sounds but overall slooooow
first listen fresh sound i like it
first listen i have never heard anything like this and i listened to the whole album while assembling cheap utility shelves
first listen decent album
first listen reeeeaaaaallllllyyyyyy long
first listen good album
first listen god i love the 60s and 70s
listened to again the gravel blues king
first listen some great prog rock
first listen this is a really great album
listened to again one of their most slept on albums
first listen pretty forgettable
first listen interesting textures and sound but kinda same-y
first listen a fun little artsy thing
first listen
listened to again new year, same Coltrane brilliance
first listen this is sick, innit?
listened to again despite misgivings on my own 2012 era hipster playlists, i must admit this is a good album and the guitar tone is immaculate
first listen feels super indie for a psych record
first listen brilliant synths. if every 80s sax solo was replaced with a synth solo that sounded like this record, the world would be a better place
listened to again great album
first listen i like it
first listen interesting stuff, bit too dave matthews for me
first listen nuanced with a lot of quiet lovely moments
first listen a wonderfully vibrant and sometimes silly piano singer record
listened to again top 10 album for me
first listen this is a great record what happened to country
listened to again fun quirky thing
listened to again not his strongest album
first listen i don't like the beat style as much but it's good
first listen i actually really enjoyed this but it lacks diversity and is long
first listen not as interesting as it could be
first listen it's not very good imo
listened to again this is probably my favorite folk rock record, it just screams \"renn faire\"
listened to again still a great album
listened to again effortlessly cool, darkly cinematic
listened to again very artistic and modern for a 1971 album
listened to again still don't love the band, but this album is pretty good tho
first listen classic heavy metal man, tho to my modern ears its kinda dad rock now
first listen perhaps style over substance, but the style is good and it's interesting to hear post hardcore from the birth of the grunge era
first listen good bars, even better production by DJ Premier
first listen i don't the music is very good, also i didn't connect with the lyrics and especially the vocal style
listened to again love the sounds explored but not enough cohesiveness to the overall sound to make it interesting
first listen i found this extremely interesting, but not cohesive enough to rate highly
first listen i didn't think the music was very strong but the vocalist is so interesting it carried it for me
first listen this was delightful and slightly peaking in the mastering which gave it a crunchy tube mic feel not unlike an iphone recording a drumline brass section
first listen a bonafide classic
listened to again hard not to love this guy and his funny little sentimental songs but then again i grew up on toy story
first listen a lovely shoegaze record
listened to again like you fell asleep on a couch with a waterfront view
first listen pure honey
first listen a pleasant affair with various folky styles
first listen its good
first listen super fun for 1979
first listen i can recognize the american heritage of this album but still it somehow still isn't my cup of tea
listened to again great debut
first listen kinda boring
first listen i like it
listened to again slam poetry type beat
listened to again its a good album
first listen effortlessly timeless
first listen its a vibe
first listen it's good but short and doesn't break the mold which may be unfair because it is the mold?
first listen such a great 90s vibe, fun guitar tone
first listen so so good, i listened with the springtime windows open fresh out of a shower
listened to again such a magical experience with so much stereo experimentation
first listen i was excited to analyze more not-falsetto Bee Gees...this album is kinda ho hum and needed more variety i think
listened to again vastly artistic and still hard to listen to sometimes due to asynchronous composition techniques
first listen wow this is great and also he looks like kristen stewart
first listen funky rock, but definitely style over substance
listened to again one of the greatest jazz records of all time
listened to again still a really strong record
first listen cool beats but sorta underwhelming
first listen good sound, little too consistent
listened to again great album
first listen pretty underwhelming
first listen definitely white trash to the's not the worst thing i've heard but i wouldn't describe it as good
first listen great trad country album, feels like a bygone era now
listened to again dreamy and somehow americana
first listen folksy artsy and nice but not too much caught my attention
first listen solid and some thought provoking conversations on black culture
first listen good one, need to listen again
first listen her voice is unique and great, but the music on this one wasn't super strong
first listen this is so interesting and artistic and warrants another listen
first listen not that diverse in production but i found it meditative and nice
first listen such a vibe
first listen this is great
first listen definitely a confusing album, kinda all over?
first listen lots of 80s stereotypes, didn't quite catch my fancy
first listen feels like one of their weaker albums
first listen it's really good
first listen production is weak and the lyrics are kinda square
first listen really cool vibes
first listen lovely record, some moments sounded really modern
first listen classic 90s thrash metal
first listen this is very nice but doesn't have any standout tracks to me
first listen this is truly original and like nothing i've heard before
first listen very unique style, didn't quite catch my fancy
first listen the amount of legendary musicians / producers on this record is astounding
first listen great live who album
first listen cool man sings stories at a campfire
listened to again still slaps
first listen i mean, i don't love all of it but it is an american cornerstone album
first listen great vocals and the production is mostly good, but the first disc of double LP kinda all sounds the same and the second disc is wildly all over?
first listen imma be honest, i don't think this has aged well
first listen i can't relate to the contents of this album BUT as someone who values authenticity i appreciate the brashness and Cube's beats and bars are timeless
first listen nothing too crazy,
first listen didn't expect to like this based on the genres but the compositional work and guitar work was cool
first listen so good
first listen ugh
listened to again i mean, these dudes invented P-funk
first listen it's so classic but gets repetitive
first listen nice sound at times but pretty forgettable
listened to again still a banger
first listen i liked the guitar tone
first listen if i wasn't driving while listening to this i could have fallen asleep to it easily
listened to again it's alright
listened to again still kinda meh
listened to again definitely varied and interesting but not Zappa's best work
first listen part of me recognizes this feels trashy and as a genre hasn't aged well, and part of me remembers fondly other bands i was into in the 00s in the nu/alt metal scene
listened to again still great
listened to again still an absolute masterpiece
first listen good sounds, but some poor recording sync? in one song, the upright bass is clearly misaligned from the rest of the band
listened to again still a chamberful canvas of textures and colors
listened to again honestly i slept on this last time i listened to it, it's super solid
first listen kinda a mess
first listen a whole vibe
first listen sounds like someone sold their soul to the devil and didn't even get the ability to record a good album out of the deal
first listen couple of dope tracks, but not enough substance overall
first listen fire production
first listen i like the music but still am not sold on his vocal style
first listen so much character and culture to both the content and quality of these recordings
first listen there is something so underground about this, like a basement club for skater kids but its in the UK
first listen african rhythms are my favorite
first listen very interesting
first listen definitely fun and funky, a little forgettable
first listen it's fuzzy all right, and its fun. but the recording quality is toughhhhh
first listen i am a sucker for jazz oriented pop
first listen it's rockin but i ain't knockin
first listen i like the vibe but it needs more variety or excitement?
first listen actually and relentlessly boring
first listen laidback album, it's nice but still doesn't capture my attention
listened to again what a crooner
listened to again such a great artistic album
listened to again bumped 1/2 star, actually pretty great tho it's all over
first listen oh, Bowie's on this?
first listen every song on this record is cinematic, but somehow overall it's not interesting enough
first listen kinda all over tbh
first listen i liked the accent
first listen super smooth bedroom vibes
listened to again very artful and the instrumental stuff is so texturally fascinating
first listen this is really wonderful
first listen extremely mid
first listen fire production
first listen some cool raw guitar texture but songs fall flat for me
first listen it's got soul but like a lot of 80s releases, not enough production
first listen meh
listened to again a wonderful artistic jazzy journey
first listen i didn't expect to like this but i really do
first listen this is an acid trip
first listen a grandiose album, although short
first listen i was spaced out most of this album but my recollection was it was classic 1970 acid jazz fusion and super experimental
first listen i find zero joy in the music of this band. i strongly disliked having to listen to another album from this band.
listened to again a really diverse and fantastic art record
first listen this was pretty rad
first listen pretty great blues rock feat. janis joplin
first listen i didn't much like this album and i especially didn't like this mix
first listen pretty forgettable
listened to again man these compositions and chord shapes are elite for such a poppy band
listened to again the side of 80s music that just doesn't hold my attention
first listen this was pretty good
listened to again this has more in common with King Crimson than anything the 80s band did
first listen very quirky and unpredictable
first listen they're fun but seem like they're in the shadow of some much better and more noteworthy bands in the same genre
first listen synth vibes
first listen some good some bad
listened to again funky fresh despite being 35 years old
first listen honestly better than expected
first listen it's alright
first listen it's glam, all right
listened to again an absolute classic
first listen i liked this one, wish there were more in this list from this era
first listen very interesting
first listen cool stuff
listened to again a psychedelic journey
first listen sick production, wish i knew french
first listen very interesting and not super cohesive
first listen the production is excellent and the lyrics are alright, so for me it averages out
listened to again great album
first listen a proggy, synth led dream sequence that lasts an hour and four minutes
listened to again a bonefide classic
first listen somehow feels English and medieval
first listen the mothergroove
first listen good jams and good fretwork
listened to again psychedelic journey
first listen it's impossible to not compare every early 90s Seattle grunge band to Nirvana
first listen just freakin timeless
listened to again iconic
first listen kinda a mixed bag
first listen it's definitely groovy
first listen love the talking drums
first listen i can hear the smoky haze in the room as i listen to this
listened to again guitar tone is immaculate but i still struggle to find anything interesting about this band
first listen some good vibes but a bunch of the songs were dumb
first listen really solid with some standout tracks that are legitimately cool
first listen classic sound but not enough variety or interesting vocals
listened to again like a warm hug
first listen it's good
first listen really really liked this and am going to explore them further
first listen some great energy but they're still not that inventive in their songwriting
first listen some classic 80s synth
listened to again continues to be one of the great records
first listen I didn't find much to like here
first listen this is the kind of country i can get behind
first listen i don't love it, but i guess it's a solid record
first listen i liked the grindy bass
listened to again i recognize it's a classic but i still struggle to like it
first listen it's a bit of a ride, little weird
first listen HOW have i never heard this...super about all of Allman's slide work here
first listen this one was super strange, but also not that interesting
first listen very strange and forgettable
first listen i like it but flying burrito brothers is best
first listen its really bad. like yoko ono bad.
first listen was lovely
listened to before it's a classic
first listen lot of nice variety, strong songwriter
first listen this album is too long but there's some real good stuff
first listen dark and macabre but not as interesting as other songwriters in this genre
first listen chi town classic
listened to again it's great, but not his best
listened to again it's got some interesting content but feels REALLY long, this could have been reduced to a 40 min album
first listen very forgettable smooth jazz
first listen it's definitely groovy
first listen it's a great album mixed great
first listen didn't do much for me
first listen there's something very authentic about the roughness of these recordings
first listen lot of variety and it's surprising how many moments here feel like genuine americana
first listen it good
first listen it's definitely artistic but didn't hold my attention a whole lot
listened to again one of the greatest albums ever conceived and recorded
first listen some famous singles and an all around solid album
first listen this sounds like 4 different soundtracks to the same pulpy movie but it is NOT cohesive
listened to again it's interesting but a bit too rambling for me
first listen it was alright
first listen an earnest endeavor
first listen good music broken up by too much spoken word and a terrible mix in both mono and stereo
listened to again it's great in places but too long and terribly inconsistent
listened to again it's full of human mess and grime but there's beauty that shines through
first listen i understand the historical significance here, but i'd happily take interesting synth music like Tomita over this any day
first listen pretty meh
first listen silky smooth
first listen its great
listened to again it's just so lovely
first listen a super classic american sound for me
first listen lots of jamming and not as much songwriting
listened to again i've decided this is a perfect album
listened to again another banger
first listen it's alright
first listen so many bonafide classics on this
first listen this is really a cool blend of traditional and modern
listened to again definitely oddball, somewhat interesting, not enough for me
first listen good but inconsistent and the organ was a bit too hot and also some of those early 70s detuned synth patches need to die in a fire
first listen historically significant but not very interesting
listened to again bonafide classic and probably the source of many children
first listen it's not a bad start but pretty forgettable for me
first listen this was super interesting and also super unpleasant
listened to again fascinating
first listen great production
first listen such a snapshot of the times
listened to again this is poetry at its finest
first listen Serj is crazy and i love it
first listen the Moog and accordion really threw me off i like it
first listen definitely cool to explore from a historical perspective, very of the times, little too long for me
first listen loved the variety but didn't think any of the songs were a terribly strong composition
first listen super forgettable
listened to again love the chamber strings
first listen forgettable
first listen feels very cinematic, but not a lot of consistency throughout
first listen groovy and cool
first listen very cool, very thoughful
listened to before it's okay but to me sounds like dad rock now
listened to again some interesting tones and textures but such boring songwriting
first listen i just can't get into this stuff
listened to again it's not the worst but i don't think it's great
first listen pretty great
first listen very cool
first listen so many recognizable and classic songs
first listen loved the jangle, baroque, and strings but don't like the post-punk
listened to again the OGs, what a crew
listened to again there's a beauty to the simplicity of this record