The World is a Ghetto
WarI enjoyed this album quite a bit. It's not really in a style I normally listen to, but I may seek out more like this in the future. The Cisco Kid is a banger. I also liked the longer songs. 4/5
I enjoyed this album quite a bit. It's not really in a style I normally listen to, but I may seek out more like this in the future. The Cisco Kid is a banger. I also liked the longer songs. 4/5
I thought this was pretty meh. Not offensive, but it was like listening to neo-Elton John euro fanfic. 2/5
Started strong, but I lost interest pretty quick. Freedom! 90 fucks, but the rest I could take it or leave it. 2/5
Really actually enjoyed this one. I have no idea what things make me like a rap album vs not liking one. 3.75/5
Great great album. Was surprised how much I liked it. This is the 2nd really big discovery where I hadn't heard of the artist before and it was 5/5. Stoked!
Was not all that taken with this album on first listen. There were the singles I was already familiar with and they were still good. Near the end, I was warming to it, so I relistened and realized that most of my negativity were around "Your Latest Trick" and "Why Worry", which were both snoozefests. I like the end of the album quite a bit. If it were all like that, I'd give it a 4. As it is with the snoozefests, I'll give it a 3.
The first half was only passable by me. It wasn't offensive, but I was definitely bored. I dislike Dylan's vocal style with his upward inflections. I was ready to just slog through it, but did the research quickly and saw the back half is electric so I waited for that. I found the electric half much more enjoyable, as I'm way more taken with interesting guitars and drums and such than the lyrical content. The electric saved it from being a 1-2 star listen.
This was different from my expectations 1. Less vocal harmonies overall than I would expect from S&G. 2. More orchestration as well, and variation in orchestration across songs. 3. Bridge over Troubled Water is just a decent song. I liked the rest of the album more. 4. Cecilia is a banger. 5. Why Don't You Write Me is also a banger, and I was surprised to see it the least-listened-to song on the album (according to Spotify). It reminded me of late Beatles output. Very good album. I'd give it a 3.7/5 if I could.
Already loved this album. 5/5 I don't know if I can be objective about it. 1. I love all the songs, even the "weird" ones. Little Room, Aluminum, Expecting (less weird, but still) are all great. 2. I think I prefer the back half of the album overall, but that's because those songs are underappreciated. Favorite Songs: Same Boy You've Always Known Offend in Every Way Now Mary This Protector Hotel Yorba Finding It Hard To Be a Gentleman
1. Don't know why doesn't do anything for me, probably because I've heard it a million times (like everyone). 2. Seven Years had some cool slide guitar after I thought it was going to continue doing the arpegiated guitar forever. I liked that. 3. Cold Cold Heart's slight bass swing is pretty cool, and I like this song. 4. Feelin' the Same Way was pretty boring. 5. Haven't heard a song that really stood out since Cold Cold Heart 6. I've Got To See You Again is a cool song. Little bit of a gypsy swing thing going on. 7. Last few songs are pretty. Good way to close out the album. 3/5
I know I've listened to this before, but I didn't remember it very well. Listening with fresh 2022 ears, I found a lot to like. The singles still hold up pretty well, although I probably could never hear Walk again and be ok. This Love is still good. I was most surprised by Fucking Hostile and Rise. Those are straight bangers and I enjoyed them a lot. It fell off a bit near the end, but not by a lot. I was still enjoying it. Too bad Anselmo is a shithead. 4/5
Great album. Not much to say otherwise though. Classis and will stay classic.
Weird album. I liked it, but it was also pretty same-y. There was some weird things with desyncing between instruments in like, Madame George. That was off-putting a bit, as it just seemed clumsy and didn't add to the music. Also, Slim Slow Slider just fucking ends. It has a little weird freakout and then quick fade. What a weird way to end an album. 3/5
never listened to this. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Highlights: Just One Fix Corrosion Scare Crow (I knew this one from Inter Arma cover) 4/5
really enjoyed it, surprisingly. I was mostly passively listening, but didn't get bored and any time I really tuned in it was all good. 4/5
Was a fun jaunt. The singles were as good as I remembered, and the songs I didn't know were mostly as good as the singles. 4/5
5/5 I will say it's a little front-loaded, and I don't think that Blame Game needs to be 7 minutes just to hear Chris Rock talk about Yeezy teaching women how to sex good. Hell of a Life sampling 21st Century Schizoid Man is real good too. It's all really good. Like really really good.
Pretty decent album. Some songs were great but some were sort of a slog. I liked it more than I thought I did, but I like their later stuff that has more going on instrumentally.
Somber album, but very pretty. I thought I'd get bored and I may have if I listened in one sitting, but over a couple sittings, I quite liked it.
not bad but sort of boring
liked it a lot more than the live bootleg we heard. That being said, I think only half the songs were all that good. Another thing I noticed was that the longest songs were also the ones with the least going on. What's that about, Bob? 3/5
Great album. I listened to jimi in middle school and sorta burnt myself out on him then, but I guess 30 years is long enough to come back.
I really really liked this album. Some of my favorites: If You Need Me Won't You Give Him (One More Chance) Hard, Ain't It Hard I liked the production a lot. I don't listen to basically anything pre mid-60s, and I like how the guitar was panned all the way to one channel with other instruments sometimes solitary in a channel and sometimes mixed stereo. It felt like the guitar was next to me and not "around me" like I'm used to. I listened through it twice and want to listen again. 5/5
Huh. So I assumed I was not going to like this, because the bits of individual Carpenters songs I've heard have done nothing for me. However... I find myself liking this over the full listen. I guess hearing them in the context of the album is a different and better thing. Beginning of We've Only Just Begun - reminds me of Carole King, but then the chorus goes in a brighter direction, which is sorta cheesy, but I don't hate. I prefer the non-chorus portions of the song, but overall I like it. Love is Surrender - just ok, but not bad. I like the organ and background more than the singing in this one. Sorta a Charlie Brown vibe. Maybe It's You - nice melancholy song. Sorta reminds me of Beach Boys - Pet Sounds. I like when the woman sings on her own, more than the vocal harmonies, I think. She has a nice lilt. Reason to Believe - reminds me of a chill country song. It again has a Carole King quality that's sorta nice, but overall this song is just ok. Help - this song is a banger and a surprise. I like it. (They Long to Be) Close To You - everyone's heard this song. It's basically a meme at this point. I did find myself enjoying it more than I expected. The twinkly keys in the background reminded me of something from like Willy Wonka. It's a chill song. It also has lots of just the woman singing (I should find out her name. Karen). Baby It's You - Just ok one. Not much to say. I don't like "sha la la la la oooh" portions in songs though. I'll Never Fall in Love Again - More Carole King vibes. Like, quite a bit. I like this song for that reason. More of just Karen singing, except a few overdubs. Crescent Noon - more of a jazzy number. I like it. Not in the instruments so much, but in the singing. Again, sort of a melancholy, moody song, which is my style. Mr Guder - weird song, which makes me like it. It has the "ba da da da" stuff, but in a weird way and I dig it. I Kept On Loving You - Ken(?)-led song. That's my least favorite part about it, but the rest has that Belle and Sebastian quality I noticed. The instrumentation is quite nice. Another Song - more Carole King feel. I am realizing these guys preceded Carole King in general, so probably I should be saying it the other way around. I like Karen's singing a lot by this point. The instrumentation is really nice on this song too. I like the harpsichord and the drumming, especially. Weird song to end on, and apparently it's the least-listened song on the album, according to Spotify numbers. Overall: I'm realizing that a lot of the background sounds that I'm liking are similarly represented in Belle and Sebastian's happier music. I think without that touchpoint, I might find this more cheesy than I did. Didn't expect to like this, but I did. 4/5
I listened through this twice and there are nice songs and some that are not so great for me. I think overall, it was a good listen, but not necessarily something I'd come back to. Sorry, Nina. 3/5
There's some good stuff on here, but I had heard how great this album is and I wasn't so impressed. It at times reminded me of Modest Mouse or Pixies, but not as good. The singles are solid, and some of the others were pretty good as well. I just don't see myself coming back to it. It wasn't offensive, it just didn't hold my attention. 3/5
I thought this was ok, but it really wasn't catching me. I don't have much to say except I don't think I'd choose to listen to it again on my own. 3/5
I don't have much to say about this album. It was just ok. I wouldn't be able to identify it in a line-up with other classic rock of the era. I did like the song title "Blues Deluxe" though. Like, "you guys are blues lite. we're blues deluxe". 3/5
Wasn't in love with it on the first listen, but I liked it more on the 2nd listen. I don't really have any touchpoint for this style of music. I enjoyed it, but probably not enough to revisit. 3.5/5
Great great album. Was surprised how much I liked it. This is the 2nd really big discovery where I hadn't heard of the artist before and it was 5/5. Stoked!
Initially, I was pretty taken with this. First few songs were great. I found myself gettin bored by the end, however :( A lot of the singles stand on their own, but I'm not in love with it as an album. It tended to be a bit same-y. 3/5
Good album. Brought me back to middle school. There's enough catchy little ditties here to make this a 4/5
Wasn't bad, wasn't great. I sorta don't remember much about it already. 3/5
weird album, but enjoyable enough. I would almost definitely never choose to listen to this again, however. I respect it for what it is, and it was neat to hear the source of Renegades of Funk from RATM covers album.
Great album 5/5
Really liked this album. Mother is weird and like Birthday Party. I actually thought the singles stood out as not fitting with the rest
Pretty good album. I actually liked a lot of the songs I hadn't heard before. Sorta sounded like Radiohead-lite. Enjoyable. 3.5/5
this is not good at all. I sorta like Mysterious Ways, but that's the *only* saving grace on here. I dislike this quite a bit. 2/5
Liked this just fine. Enjoyable but not amazing.
Catchy and fun. Very easy listening. I enjoyed it for what it is, but I don't think I'll be coming back to it.
Didn't know this one, but knew the artist. I like it quite a bit. Listened through twice. Very good post-punk. Would listen again.
Good album. Of course I knew Gary Numan, but never listened to a full album. Observer sounds *very* similar to Cars. Funny that they're only 2 tracks apart. The thing that's stopping this from being a 5 is that some songs are same-y. 4/5
Liked this quite a lot. The thing stopping this from being a 5/5 is just that the vocals are over-repeated without enough other variation to keep it from being grating. Some songs are better than others in this regard. It doesn't bother me much over a single listen, but I know it'd stop me from playing the album on repeat, and thus 4/5 instead of 5/5
I didn't think much of this at all. It was ok. I did like 9-9 though. It sorta reminded me of Gang of Four or something like that w/ the scrape-y guitarwork.
Great album. I think on a single listen, I'd give this a 4. However, I suspect it'd grow on me with a few more listens even more, so I'm going to give it a 5/5.
Just meh. I don't get this style of dub. Not offensive, but would never seek it out.
Pretty good, but also pretty same-y. I liked it but probably don't need to hear it again. Reminds me of the background parts of Igorrr sort of, when he's being all french-y.
Haven't listened to this in forever. I really really enjoyed the relisten though. 5/5
Not bad. Actually quite liked the sound. Similar to Bowie. Why it's a 3/5 is because there's not enough variation from song to song. Any one single is probably a 5/5, but overall it's like hearing it on repeat.
I enjoyed this, but not a ton. I like the Stones, but they can be pretty same-y. Overall, I'd say it's a 3.75/5, so I'll round up.
4/5 very enjoyable listen. I listened through twice and this is definitely not my sort of standard listening. However, I found it engaging and never got bored.
Initially thought this was going to be a 4/5, but as the songs progressed, I liked it less and less. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't especially good either. 3/5
Not bad but not amazing, by any means. I wouldn't have necessarily even have called this a punk album if I hadn't looked up a bit of context on the album.
3/5. Some was nice, but overall I didn't really care for it. Sorta reminds me of more boring version of things like The Shins.
Very nice album. I'd heard it before, but not in a long time.
I liked this, but didn't love it. I feel like it sorta grew on me over two listens, however, and think I'd like it more on future listens. It reminds me Breeders or something to that effect. 3.75/5. rounding up to 4/5
Really liked this, and was not familiar at all. I didn't know this level of complexity existed in electronic music in 1976. Very very cool. 5/5
I really liked this album, surprisingly. The lyrics were good, the music was good, and it sorta reminded me of Jim Croce (I don't have a lot of context for this type of music, so forgive my bad comparisons). 4/5
I liked this and there's a few great songs but by the end of the 2nd listen I knew it wouldn't stick with me.
Good album. Would listen again
Not bad but not amazing. The screaming was done too much imo for the music.
This album was way better than I remembered. Back in the day, I disliked this album for not being as good as Life is Peachy and for, I dunno, the rap influence or whatever. It's actually really fun in general though.
Eh. I got bored of this pretty quick. Every song sounds basically the same. It's like ACDC.
Just as good as it was when I was 13 and first heard it. I love this album. 5/5
This was so meh I almost died. There's nothing about this that is engaging, except "Hard to Handle" has a bit of nostalgia. It works better as a single than in the context of the album though. I was so bored listening to this... 2/5
Wasn't bad as I was expecting. Some songs were even maybe good? The faster-paced songs were pretty good, like Rats in the Cellar. Get the Lead Out was also decent. Lick and a Promise was also decent. Overall, I'd rather be listening to another band like Led Zeppelin though. 3/5
I didn't care for this at all. initially, I thought it was maybe going to be something like Belle and Sebastian, but it just was nothing in the end. 2/5
I thought this was going to be passable, but didn't have high hopes. I thought I knew what Megadeth sounded like and I didn't think I liked it. Turns out I was wrong and this is a great album! I listened to it all the way through like 4 times in a row. I don't really care for Mustaine's vocals, but they're easy enough to get over. The rest is excellent. 5/5
Not bad. I didn't know about Janis stuff before solo work. I enjoyed it OK, but wasn't blown away by any means.
I had heard this before and it didn't really click, but I enjoyed it more this time. I'd say it is a little long for no good reason, and it would be better if it were like 40 minutes instead of 70.
I liked this one more than Brothers in Arms, although I couldn't tell you exactly why. It's a decent album but not amazing.
Liked this, and wanna return to it and understand the concepts better.
Good album. Reminds me of Kanye stuff from the same period, except more uplifting.
I like this alright. There's some good singles, but the other songs don't do much for me. I am between a 3 and a 4, so I guess I'll put as 3.5 and round up 3.5/5
Pretty good! I listened through twice. It was hard to stay focused on, but the singles were quite good. The other songs were pretty forgettable. I think overall I wouldn't revisit this again, but I enjoyed it enough. 3.49/5
I like this album. It reminded me of Esperanza Spalding, somewhat, but less jazzy and more country. It was good and I'd listen to it again. 4/5
Not bad, but it didn't have any sticking power with me. I listened to it twice and I can't remember any songs other than Knights of Cydonia. I do remember there's a few that have Queen vibes and that's pretty cool. Overall, it's just not for me though.
Very good album. I'd heard parts of it before, but never sat down with the whole thing. Very neat that it's the first album only made of samples. Some of the songs go on a bit too long for my tastes, which is what is keeping this from being a 5/5. But It's still great. 4/5
This really shouldn't be something I like, but her voice is so good, and it interacts with the backing instrumentation so well. I like this quite a bit. 4/5
Pretty decent album. Not amazed, though.
I kinda liked this? but also, I'm sure I don't ever need to hear it again. 3/5
Found this very boring and wasn't into it at all. I don't get the appeal. 2/5
Here's a band I've heard of many times, but never listened to. I think I tried to listen to the follow-up, but don't remember it at all. This album was quite good though, and I'd listen to it more. 3.75/5
This one grew on me over the listen. I liked it enough to listen through a 2nd time. 4/5
Good album. I liked the banter. I've never cared much for Johnny Cash but this is decent. 3/5
Liked this. Didn't love it. TRANS EUROPE EXPRESS TRANS EUROPE EXPRESS TRANS EUROPE EXPRESS I liked some of the songs more than others though. Highlights: Hall of mirrors Showroom Dummies Franz Schubert 3/5
Thought I would hate this because I remember hating it in 2004. Instead, it's a mix of good songs and bad ballads. Overall it's a meh. Good attempt though. 3/5
I didn't really care for this. It was a real snooze. Sometimes sounded like boring pixies.
Liked this more than I expected. I think it's because of the goofiness. The lyrics were funny and engaging. 3.75/5
Good album. Reminded me of something like Gang of Four.
Already loved this album. Haven't listened to it in a long time though. It really holds up.
Just OK. I am surprised by how meh this is, as I really like loveless.
Was a good listen. I've listened before. It a little too repeaty for me, but it's still really good. 3.75/5
Wasn't bad, but also not that great (for me). I don't know why I don't connect with this sort of music very much. It wasn't very engaging. 3/5
I generally don't care for most rap, but I enjoyed this album quite a bit. I would listen to this again for sure.
Pretty meh. It was totally inoffensive though. I did like You Better Run though. 2.75/5
Not bad, but also sorta same-y across the album. I liked the bass, but the sax was the same a lot, and same with the vocals and such. I don't see myself returning to this one. 3/5
This album kicks ass
Solid album. I liked it more than expected. However, most songs sound pretty similar to me. 3/5
I liked parts of this, but overall it was sorta a slog to get through. I definitely didn't hate it, but it didn't catch me, that's for sure. 2.75/5
Great album, if a little long and slow. His voice is beautiful though. 4/5
Great album that I've never listened to, but of course I've heard probably every song on the radio. Not sure I knew all these songs were Boston. Good shit 5/5
Decent, but not great.
Pretty boring, honestly. I don't understand why this was so popular. People compare them to the Beatles, but this is by no means as good as Beatles, nor as catchy. That being said, it wasn't *bad*, so I'll give it a 2.5.
Just ok. L.A. Woman song was dope though.
Heard this album before, but it was better than I remembered. Chill album, without a ton of what I would call hooks, but still very pleasant and enjoyable. 4/5
I liked this, but it was definitely overlong. I think I would have given this a 4 if it were shorter, but as it is, I'll give it a 3.5. 3.5/5
Not much to say. It was nice, but didn't hold me. 3/5
I remember listening to this a long time ago and it being good, but not great. I was wrong and it is great. I was feeling a 5 initially, but now I'm more like a 4. I think it's a bit overlong, but otherwise it is really freaking good. 4/5
Liked it, but didn't love it. Some songs were very good though. I liked Anger a lot, and Is That Enough? 3/5
Liked this more than any of the other Bob Dylan albums we've listened to. That being said, I still probably wouldn't throw this on ever. 2.75/5
I didn't think much of this. It was just ok. Pretty same-y overall. Promised you a miracle was decent though. It had a cool synth line.
Liked it alright, but nothing amazing. I just generally am bored by blues.
Liked this more than I expected, but still don't feel any need to come back to it. It's a lot like Depeche Mode to my ears. I wonder if they aren't very similar if you ignore lyrics, which I generally do ignore. 3/5
Liked this better than most REM I've heard, but still it was just ok.
I'm fairly certain I've never heard of this. I would never have guessed this was the dude from The Jam. I liked it ok, but it's not really a style I can get into. Americana just isn't my jam. That's a pun. 3/5
Fucking banger. I've loved this album since I was about 12 though...
I want to get this, since it's like the #1 jazz record. It didn't really capture me though. I listened through twice and it was very nice, but I was not amazed. I feel like this is a personal failing. That being said, I can't just rate it high because I'm supposed to. 3.49/5
This is 80 minutes, and it is a lot of jamming. I got pretty bored. 3/5
Liked this more than I expected. I was surprised when I learned it was from 1971. It sounded a lot newer to my ear than that. 4/5
Pretty weird album. Some songs were really cool, but overall it was just weird. 3.49/5
Was fine. I liked this more than the pre-Janis band album we listened to though. 3.25/5
Good album. I've heard it before, but I still like it a lot. 4/5
Good album I've never heard before. Some songs did drag on though. Still fun. 3.5/5
Eh, this was fine but not my style at all. It was way too repeaty. 2/5
Liked this, actually. Was surprised that I liked it. I didn't love it, but it was good. 3.25/5
This just wasn't for me. I didn't find it offensive, but it was boring and repetitive. Any small part is nice enough, but it didn't do anything for me constructed into a song structure. 2/5
Fun album. I think if I heard this in the 70s, I'd probably like it more. 3/5
Decent but overlong and sorta boring. 2.75/5
Really didn't care for this at all. It's interesting, but I don't know why I'd ever revisit it. There's no rhythm to it, and I can't get down to something with that is devoid of rhythm. 1.5/5
Liked this more than I expected. The songs are repeaty, but each song is different from the other. Also, the songs aren't over-long so the repeaty-ness doesn't bother me like it would in other places. The songs didn't overstay their welcome. That being said, the overall album was a bit over-long. I could have done with 1/3 of the songs being cut. 3.5/5
I didn't much care for this. I guess I'm not very funky. Sad. 2.5/5
Quite a good album. I listened through it twice and both times were a bop. 3.75/5
Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. AC/DC is a band where any one song is good, but the songs are similar enough to each other that I'm burnt out by a full album. That did happen on this album, but it wasn't so bad. 3/5
Wasn't bad, wasn't great. I do hear the early punk aspect though. I just don't think it had much sticking power. 3/5
Very nice and pleasant. I quite enjoyed it. Pretty and listenable. Sorta reminds me of something like Nico. 3.75/5
Quite good album. Reminds me of something like T. Rex but with more punk feel. 3.75/5
Very good album. I listened through it twice. Dunno what it is exactly that I like, but it's well put together, front to back. 4/5
Not bad but also pretty forgettable 2.75/5
I liked this. Definitely not my kind of normal listening, but I enjoyed it and would listen again. I liked the jazzy numbers most. 3.5/5
Love this album. It's just banger after banger. Not sure if I'd heard the 2009 remaster, but I love the mix, with different instruments per ear, and vocals in the middle. 5/5
Good album, but long. I still enjoyed it, as I generally enjoy Nick Cave. 3.75/5
This has some good bangers, like Old Man. Overall, I enjoyed it and would return to it. 3.5/5
Good album, but I wasn't surprised by that after the previous S&G albums. 3.75/5
Liked this more than I expected to. Lots of catchy songs on here. 3.5/5
Another one I liked more than I expected to. I don't know if I'd listen to this on the regular, but it's quite catchy. 3.25/5
Wasn't bad, but didn't do much for me either. There were parts that I liked, but overall it was a bit slow and long. 2.75/5
Pretty good jazz album. I liked it but it didn't hold my attention. 3/5
I liked this one more than Astral Weeks. It didn't sound quite like the same song over and over. I don't know if I'd come back to it still. 3.25/5
Very enjoyable album. I've always liked Tom Petty though. 4/5
Another surprising album. I liked this one quite a bit. It wasn't perfect, but I really enjoyed it. 4.5/5
Kinda liked this. I'm not sure what about it, but it was enjoyable. I wouldn't return to it though. 3.25/5
Good album, but I was already familiar. The first track is a bit long/meandering, and it takes a little to settle in, but then I'm very much into it. 4/5
Not bad, sorta all over the place though. I was surprised by the variety of sound across the thing. Most songs were forgettable though. 3.25/5
Liked this more than I expected. Her voice is so nice, that the rest doesn't seem to matter so much. 3.75/5
Liked this album, but didn't love it. Gotta appreciate what it did though. 3.75/5
Nothing about this really stuck out to me. I'm disappointed. I thought I'd like it more. 3/5
Great album. Already loved it. 5/5
Pretty good! I did think it was a little samey. 3/5
Eh. It was fine, but didn't do anything for me. I didn't hate it, but I'd never choose to listen again. 2.25/5
Great album. I had listened through parts of it before, but never the whole thing. I did feel at times like it's hard to differentiate one song from another, but the overall sound is unique and enjoyable. 4/5
Good album that I don't think I'd heard before. Not many songs I was that familiar with. I enjoyed it though, for sure. 3.75/5
Man, the number of times I found myself bored listening to this was just, way too many times. 2/5
This album was very good. It has a bit of the Pearl Jam - Ten sound, but with a lot of other things going on. I listened through twice and if it were 1996 it would be in my regular rotation. 4/5
I didn't care for this at all. I just can't get on-board with such repetitive backgrounds. Lyrics aren't something I focus on in music, so this could have been clever as all hell and it'd be right over my head. 2/5
At first I didn't really care for this, but it ended up being fairly catchy. I liked it alright, but I wasn't in love with it. 3.5/5
Loved this album. Just very pretty and I liked the guitarwork a lot too. 4.25/5
Pretty boring. I had heard this before and wasn't taken with it then and not taken with it now. That being said, I wouldn't turn it off if it were on in the background. 2.75/5
Pretty good album. I've always had an issue w/ the standard basslines in country music like this, up/down/up/down, stairstep. It just gets super repetitive. However, there are some really cool basslines in some of these songs, and I like what all the other instruments do as well. 3.75/5
Enjoyed this more than most early hip-hop. Maybe it's because of the rock aspects. I wish I enjoyed this sort of thing more, but it gets really repetitive. The focus is on the lyrics/vocals, and that is just not my focus in music. 3.25/5
I found this to be quite boring. Each song sounded like the other and I didn't get it. I assumed maybe it was a concept album because of that, but I looked into it and it isn't. Was sad that I didn't like this more. 2.5/5
Liked this more than I like most Rolling Stones. Actually was pretty good. 3.75/5
I'd heard this before and I know some people love it. I didn't, but I didn't hate it either. My wife did, however. I thought it was decent, but nothing special. 3/5
This one was pretty boring for me, sadly. I maybe don't have the background to know why this is important. 2.5/5
This was pretty interesting. I liked it, and it reminded me of Cate Le Bon just a little. 3.5/5
Very interesting album. It reminded me of Beatles in that britpop way, but it was way more listenable than, say, Oasis. There was a lot of neat ideas. Overall though, I just don't care much for britpop. 3.49/5
Like this. I listened through it twice and both times were good. 3.75/5
Weird album. I was taken aback that it wasn't pop punk, which is what my brain thought Travis was... It was good, but not great. I think I wouldn't enjoy it on return listens, but it was fine background music. 3/5
This was really just the most boring album I've listened to. So generic it may as well not exist. 1/5
Liked the front half of the album, but it didn't really do much for me overall. I liked that it has interesting instrumentation, which is usually where rap loses me. 3.49/5
Great album, but I already knew that. I'd listened to this album a lot last year. 4.5/5
I didn't know this one, but I liked it. It got a little over-long near the end and same-y, but there's plenty to like here. Reminded me of something like Wire. 4/5
Never cared much for this band, and at the beginning my biases were confirmed. Each song was pretty similar to the other. That changed somewhat near the tail of the album, with the longer songs being more interesting. I liked this a little more than I expected. 3.49/5
More good Van Halen. Not as good as debut album, but still a lot of fun. 4/5
Liked it more than I thought I would, but still nothing amazing. I wouldn't return to it, but I'll likely continue to sing along to the singles. 3/5
Love this album. Already loved it, and still love it. Bowie is a god. 5/5
Really enjoyed this one 4/5
Not bad, but nothing amazing. I enjoyed some songs more than others, but I probably wouldn't revisit it. 3.25/5
I've heard most of these songs before, but all together I really liked the album. 4/5
This was ok, but sorta boring overall. Not as boring as the most boring shoegaze, but not exciting. 3/5
Really liked this. It was really playful and I just enjoyed the whole thing. 4/5
Liked this one. I didn't realize some of the songs were theirs, but I knew them already. 3.5/5
Pretty boring, overall. I don't think I'd revisit this. Some songs are good, but the ones that aren't are really boring. 2.49/5
Decent album. I liked it more than I expected. Sorta like folkier Dinosaur Jr. The songs were overall too long though, and meandering. I also didn't care too much for Neil's vocals. 3/5
This album owns. I didn't know it, but yeah, I really dig it. Now I know where Vampire Weekend got a lot of their sound. 4.5/5
Blues-y thing that I didn't care much for. "Get on Top" was pretty good though, with its funky guitars. The last part of the song especially gets funky and I liked that song. Overall, it was pretty boring though. 2.5/5
Really enjoyed this one. I associate songs like "She's Always A Woman" to Billy Joel, but he's got a lot of variety on the album. 4/5
It was ok, but nothing really hooked me. I didn't dislike it in any way, but I don't have any reason to come back to it. 2.75/5
Pretty familiar with this album already. It has a lot of great stuff on it. 4/5
I remember when this album came out, and I was not into it because I liked Fever to Tell a lot. Coming back to it, it was better than I remembered, but it's still a pale comparison, imo. 3.49/5
Thought the beats and rapping were OK, but couldn't deal with the blatant homophobia. Too bad. 1/5
Not bad. Not great either. Why is this 72 minutes long? Some great things on here surrounded in duds. 3/5
This was fun, but I've never really connected w/ Prince for some reason. I didn't dislike it, but I can tell it's not something I'd go back to much. 3/5
I hated this album. Hate hate hated it. 1/5
Really fun album. I would return to this and enjoy it. 4/5
Decent, but nothing amazing. I was a little bored, and could tell I wouldn't revisit. 2.75/5
Liked this more than expected, but still, I don't see myself coming back to this either. 3.25/5
Very decent pop album. I don't really care for pop, but if I was going to listen to pop, I'd listen to something like this. 3.75/5
Decent album, but I wasn't super taken with it. It's nice, but I like Rid of Me more. 3.5/5
Really liked this, and didn't know it already. 4.5/5
Liked parts of this quite a bit, but overall a little same-y. 3.49/5
More boring than the other Run-DMC. 2.75/5
Good album. I like Iggy and had listened to this album before though. 4/5
Wasn't quite sure about it on first listen, but there was enough there that I thought I'd give it a second spin. Enjoyed it much more the 2nd time through. There's a few slower parts, but overall pretty fun album and I'd come back to it. 3.75/5
I think I just don't care for britpop. This was a big nothingburger for me. 2.5/5
Best Bob Dylan I've heard so far. I would even go so far as to say I liked this alright. 3.49/5
I wasn't super taken with this. It feels disingenuous that they switch their lyrics to social issues all of a sudden. "Student Demonstration Time" was very tryhard, imo 3/5
I liked this quite a bit more than Aja. It was good to great. I would listen again. Especially My Old School. 4/5
I didn't really like this. The songs felt too long and I kept looking thinking it was 5 minutes but it was like 3 minutes. Also, I don't really wanna listen to fake people fucking or getting head. Boring, overall. 2.49/5
Weird album, but actually it grew on me over the listen, so I listened again and liked it more. Weird shit, but in a good way. 3.75/5
Really liked this, and was surprised I've never heard it. Must have been a bit mind-blowing in 1984. This seems way ahead of it's time. 4/5
Liked this initially, but it got too same-y through the listen. Some neat things here, and cool to hear early dance music, but overall I wouldn't listen to it again. 2.75/5
Great album. Love how different it is from the Stooges. I'm sure you have Bowie to thank, partially, for that. And Eno, right? 4/5
Great album. I have listened to it quite a bit before, but not for at least a few years. 4/5
Ok album. I'm not really into this genre, but it was nice for what it was. 3/5
Thought I'd dislike this quite a bit, and I ended up sorta liking it. I'm not sure I'd come back to it, but it was decent. 3.25/5
Interesting album, and decent. Definitely heard lots of Bowie in there, and overall I enjoyed it. 3.5/5
I liked this. It's just nice to hear x-mas music I haven't heard a million times before, and I'm pretty sure I hadn't heard a bunch of these renditions. 3.5/5
Liked this, but wouldn't go so far as saying loved it. All the songs are fun, but most overstay their welcome. I like all the rhythmic things happening, but it's hella repeaty over the songtime. 3.5/5
This album was cool, and I'd like to listen to it more. 4/5
Not sure I've ever sat down and listened to a King Crimson album before. There was a lot to like here, but it was pretty spaced-out. 3.5/5
I generally don't care for early hiphop (89 isn't that early, but it's not that..late either). I liked this more than most, though. I would choose to listen to this again. 3.75/5
Boring. I don't get reggae. 2/5
Very pretty album. I enjoyed it but didn't love it, however. I'd definitely listen again, as it was so pretty. 3.75/5
Liked this one quite a bit. There were a few times where it was too repeat-y, but they were short enough sections that it didn't hamper it overall. 4/5
I liked this some amount. I'd definitely listen to it again, but I wasn't super taken with it. Just under the borderline 3.49/5
I really hated this. Post-britpop/hyper-britpop, and I don't care for britpop. It's super bad. 1/5
Nice album. I liked it but not as much as Graceland. It's more minimal, and that can be nice, but I liked the instrumentation on Graceland quite a bit more. 3.75/5
I tried, but I just couldn't get into this. I think I'm allergic to most 90s rap :( 2/5
This was passable, but I'm sure I wouldn't find myself listening to this ever again. Iron Man cover was kinda fun though. 3/5
Decent-ish new wave stuff. I found it to be pretty same-y over the play, so it was just ok. 3/5
Great album, and I really enjoyed the whole thing. 4.25/5
Very good album and I liked it a lot. Reminded me more of Carole King and I like the jazziness added to the sound. 4.25/5
Just ok. Didn't do much for me, honestly. I wouldn't choose to listen again. 2.49/5
Really dug this, except the last song. 4/5
Liked this, but not quite as much as I thought I would. It's solid though. 3.5/5
Eh, it was decent. I didn't know all these songs were Peter Frampton, so I learned something there. 3/5
Liked this more than I thought I would, but still, reggae isn't my thing. 3/5
This ruled. 4.5/5
Pretty fun, but not my favorite Yes by any means 3.75
Liked it more over the listen, surprisingly. Little empty-sounding outside of her voice, which isn't really my thing though. 3/5
I enjoyed this, but it was a bit long in places. 3.49/5
Liked this, but not a ton. I probably wouldn't revisit. 3.25/5
I've listened before, and it didn't do anything for me those times either. 2.49/5
I liked this more than expected. It sounded like Reverend Horton Heat singing things that weren't rockabilly. 3.5/5
Good shit, although I like Next Year's Model a bit more. 4/5
This is good. I'll bet it was super new-sounding in 1992. Now I've heard a lot like it, but in 1992, there's probably nothing like this. 4/5
Eh, I've never really cared for this. Maybe it would have been amazing in the 70's, but it doesn't do much for me now. feeling a 2.5/5 on this, but I'll bump to 3/5 because I know it's important.
I wanted to dislike this, but actually it's pretty good. I know if I listened to it 1-2 more times through I'd like it less though. 3.49/5
Another good Joni Mitchell album. 4/5
Fuck yeah
weird album. I didn't care for the huge first track, but the other songs were decent, and even good in places. Gonna average this out to a 3/5, I think
Really not my kind of music, but I definitely enjoyed myself. Not sure if I would revisit, but it was fun. 3.5/5
Haven't listened to this album in forever. It was great. I don't quite connect with it to make it a 5/5, but it's close. 4.5/5
Quite fun album, and I don't think I'd heard it before 3.75/5
Snorefest for me. I just don't get it. All the songs sound the same, and the sound is not great. 1.5/5
Good album. I know the singles, but hadn't heard the album. I liked it. 3.75/5
Hadn't listened to this in like 2 decades. I like it better than I expected. 3.75/5
Liked this a lot more than I expected to. Was a fun listen and I didn't get bored. 3.75/5
I liked this alright. Weird instrumentation/playing on the guitars pretty often, but I thought it was good. 3.49/5
Pretty decent electronic. Definitely sounds like the 90s now though. 3.5/5
Reminds me of playing Tony Hawk, and it was pretty fun. I thought it'd get same-y, but it didn't quite. I'd listen again. 3.5/5
Eh. Didn't do anything for me. Sorta boring. 2/5
Eh, not really for me. The skits on these albums always put me way off too.
Sounded like Flaming Lips. Pretty good and I'd probably listen to it again. 3.5/5
Hell yeah. I know I listened to this when it was new, but I forgot how good it was. I wasn't quite as taken with it as Return to Cookie Mountain, but putting 15 years between listens, it is a very good album. 4.5/5
I couldn't get into this at all. It just seemed a little unhinged and would need lots of edits to become something I'd be interested in listening to. 2/5
Pretty good album. Reminded me of The Cure in places, but overall I wasn't super taken with this. I could tell it'd grow on me a bit though. 3.5/5
I wasn't into this, unfortunately. It was too slow, and I don't like Billie's warble. 1.5/5
Pretty good album, only brought down by the last song. Without last song 4/5 With last song 3.5/5
Weird to hear the pop version of Radiohead after listening to OK Computer and after so much. Still, not bad and some highlights. 3.5/5
Another nice Nick Drake album. I liked this one quite a bit. 4/5
Was decent, but wasn't super taken with it. I wouldn't turn it off if it were put on. 3/5
Fun album! I quite enjoyed it, although it was a bit overlong. Otherwise, some tracks were really killer. 3.75/5
Pretty good album. I enjoyed it well enough. I'd listen again. I know I've heard like half of these as singles, but the other half were just as enjoyable. 3.5/5
Not bad but not great either. I like certain songs a lot, but there also feels like a lot of filler on there, and there's no reason for it to be a double album. 3.5/5
This album would have been decent, but the goddamn electric jug was so distracting from the decent music underneath it. 1.5/5
Better than expected, but a huge step down from Live Through This. The songs I hadn't heard were good, but I still don't like the singles. 3/5
Fun album. It's funny how songs were never more than like 2.5 minutes back then. Just powering through these little ditties. I like it. 3.75/5
Never listened to this, but apparently I knew the singles from the radio. Really enjoyed it though, and I'm not that surprised. I was super into Bat Out of Hell 2 when I was a kid. 4/5
Decent album. I'm still not taken in too far with Depeche Mode, but I think I liked this more than Violator? 3.5/5
Liked this album. Was nice and I'd listen to it again. I don't have a ton more to say beyond that. 3.75/5
Very good album. Really stoked about it. 4/5
Decent album with great singles. 3.5/5
Ok album, but nothing amazing for me. I think I just don't care for this sort of thing. 3/5
I loved this album as a high schooler, but it's just ok now. Few songs are still great, but there's too many tracks on this and the payoff isn't good enough on most. 3.25/5
I liked this one. The songs were a bit too long, but otherwise I enjoyed it quite a bit. 3.75/5
Was really surprised by this one. I really liked it, and will be revisiting it. It reminded me of something like Bowie, but with sillier/darker lyrics. 4.5/5
Really good album. Was surprised after L.A. Woman being so meh (for me). 4/5
Weird damn album. I liked it alright though. It was like a mix of Jacques Brel + Tom Waits with more lounge. 3/5
Really actually enjoyed this one. I have no idea what things make me like a rap album vs not liking one. 3.75/5
It's Dead Kennedys. That being said, this isn't my favorite album by them. I like later ones more. 4/5
Better than expected. I like that the songs are short and sweet. Actually enjoyed this pretty well. 3.75/5
No way not to rate this 5/5. Classic album that I love entirely.
Not bad, ABBA. Not bad. Liked it more than expected. It wasn't just cheap pop music. 3.5/5
Good for its genre. I just don't seem to get a lot from this genre, sadly 3/5
all the non-instrumentals are really good, but it's definitely brought down for me by the instrumentals, which are a big nothing-burger for me. 3/5
Not bad, with a few exceptions. I liked Quiet on the Set quite a bit, and found myself bobbing around in my seat as the album went on. I actually think this is a bit of a grower and I'd revisit. 3.5/5
Nah. Dancing in the Dark is fun though. 1.5/5
I love some Belle & Sebastian. This isn't my favorite, but it's much better than the newer stuff that I can't get into at all. 4/5
This is the one CHVRCHES album I like. And like it I do. 4/5
This was ok. The spotify link actually takes you to a remake or something from 2012, and I liked that more. This was still decent though. 3/5
Rips. We all know it rips. Will always rip. 5/5
I don't think I've ever listened through this album in full. I am finding that my take on S&G was skewed by what was popularized. I assumed this album would just be acoustic guitar and harmonizing, but there's lots going on on this album and I'm here for all of it. 4.5/5
I didn't care for this album much at all, unfortunately. Just boring, however nice her voice is. 1.5/5
This was interesting. I think I sorta like the sound of any one song, but the problem is that all the songs sound the same to me. So any one song would be like a 3.5/5 or so, but overall the sameyness brings it down to a 2.5/5. 2.5/5
Thought this was interesting. Surprised I'd never heard it before. Sorta reminded me of something like Frogstomp, but bit more diverse. Weird that it's labelled as Brit-pop. I mostly dislike that. 3.5/5
Everyone in the world knows like 2/3 of these songs by being alive. However, I did quite enjoy listening to them in order, along with a few songs I had never heard. It was a good time, surprisingly. 4/5
Really enjoyed this one. Each song had its own feel, probably because each song was a different writer. Looking into it, one was even by Joni Mitchell. 4/5
I liked this but didn't love it. It felt a little over-long, and the songs ended up being too similar. Wish I liked it more. 3.5/5
Very good album. I remember listening to this a long time ago and being a bit disappointed that it wasn't more wild like my assumptions said it would be. Knowing what I was getting into, it was a very fun listen and I'd definitely listen to it more. 4/5
Haven't listened to this in a long time. It was a fun listen, and I sang along to pretty much the whole thing. I was never super into AIC, but this is their best album as far as I've heard. 4/5
I listened to this a few days ago, and already don't remember anything about it, except that it was ok. 3/5
Funny running into this one so close to CSNY. I enjoyed this album quite a bit and again had my preconceptions about what these artists sound like exploded a bit. I had assumed they were all on the softer side like Teach Your Children (which is still a banger), but there's more variation here than expected. 4/5
I wanted to like this one, and in parts I did, but the misogyny in it was pretty heavy. I was surprised at the end where it just became a punk song though. That song was good. It was sorta a mish-mash of things, but not in a good way (for me). 2.5/5
Pretty great. I'm not sure what to say about it, but I like it a lot. It's not 5/5, but it's really close. I think Five Years is a pretty slow start, feels sorta like it should be the last song. A few of the songs aren't quite as catchy as the all-out bangers like Moonage Daydream or Suffragette City. 4.5/5
I enjoyed this album quite a bit. It's not really in a style I normally listen to, but I may seek out more like this in the future. The Cisco Kid is a banger. I also liked the longer songs. 4/5
I enjoyed this one. Pretty fun and bouncy. 3.5/5
Wasn't for me. Big "The Boss" vibes, which isn't my thing. 2/5
Not bad. This seems like The Smiths but with less good guitars. It's overall more varied though, so it has that going for it. 3.5/5
Thought this was ok, but nothing special. 2.5/5
This went by really quick, but I noticed I kept bobbing my head and dancing around a bit while listening, so I must have liked it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 3.5/5
I definitely have listened to this a few times. There's a few songs that I'm not crazy about, but the bangers are straight bangers. Golden Years + Stay both rule 4/5
This was ok. I didn't really have any strong feelings either way. If this was on, I wouldn't change it, but there's nothing here making me want to relisten either. 3/5
super mid album. I would have given it a 3, but it's 21 songs for no good reason. 2.5/5
I thought this was just... fine. It was not bad and not good. 2.5/5
This one was a bit sad. It was background music, and I wanted Isaac Hayes signing more. 2.5/5
I really liked this one. It was enjoyable all the way through. 4/5
I haven't listened to this in a few years. It is still fucking great. It's not quite perfect, but it's really fucking good and I should put it on more often. 4.5/5
This was really fun. I liked it and would listen to it again. 4/5
The best Who album so far (Tommy and Sell Out did not impress). That being said, I'm still not super taken with their sound. It probably fucking ruled in 1965 though. For that reason, I will boost it slightly. 3.5/5
Weird album, but I liked it alright. Looked into the dude, and he was in Public Image Ltd. And the first song has Sinead O'Connor. More enjoyable than most dub-ish things for me. 3.25/5
Not bad, but not great either. I don't know what else to say about it. It probably sounded pretty unique in 1982 though. It's catchy, but I don't see myself coming back to it. 3/5
Recently listened to this for a different list. I liked it, but nothing stood out too much for me. 3.5/5
Was great when I was in 4th grade. Still just as great. 5/5
Actually really enjoyed this album. I haven't cared for the other Brian Eno albums I've heard, but this one is good. Probably David Byrne's fault. 4/5
Just boring. So boring for me. 1/5
Another decent Aerosmith album. Color me surprised. I enjoyed this one pretty well. It's got enough variety to keep me interested. I still don't like Aerosmith overall, but I was happy not to hate this. 3.25/5
Album rules. Only (small) thing is I could do without ever hearing Yellow Submarine again. 4.75/5
Very good album. Reminded me of something like Steely Dan + Frank Zappa. I had never heard of it, and liked the whole thing. 4.25/5
So, this is fine. It's just ok. I read about this album and it beat Nevermind as best album of 1991 in Spin magazine. Wtf. That makes me wanna rate it lower. 2.49/5
Never cared much for Garbage. I did warm up to this a bit, but still I don't care. 3/5
Good album. I'd listened to it a lot a long time ago, and it's still good. I don't love it though. It gets a little long in the tooth. 3.5/5
Decent album, but too long. I don't really understand the background of this album though. Just high-quality cuban music in a tradition style, recorded in 1997? Liked it ok though. 3/5
Still great. I dunno what to say. Nothing else sounds like this, and it's so smooth and so good. 4.5/5
I liked this more than any other Tim Buckley. Still, it was just ok for me. 2.75/5
Great album. I feel like the singing holds it back a little, which is a weird thing for me to say. But the Nirvana takes on unplugged that are more melodic are just definitively better versions. The guitars and instrumentation are fire though. 3.75/5
Good album, but lingers in the blues-y stuff a bit too much for me. Good debut for sure though. I just prefer later albums more. 3.49/5
Fun album. I'd listened before, and I like it but I'm not super taken with it. I'd listen to it again, but if I didn't, I wouldn't be too upset. 3.49/5
I liked this more than most things like this. This screams 90s to me. Mostly I don't remember any of it, but the energy was good. I did really like the song Life is Sweet though. I'll bump it by .25 just for that song. 3.5/5
Big fan of this album in general. I was already familiar with it and I've gone back and forth on it a bit. Overall, the quality is really there and I'm there with it. However, the title track is too long and I get bored with it. Similar with the last song. Those tracks being shorter would put it in 4.5 territory, but as it is, it's like a 3.75. 3.75/5
This is an especially mid album. I didn't hear anything I didn't like, but I didn't really care either way. Sounds like a hippy album and that's it. 2.5/5
Love the singles, but overall I didn't think much of it. The filler felt like filler for real. 3/5
Don't know how to rate this lower than 5/5. It's so good all the way through. 5/5
This was fine. I didn't realize this style of cock rock existed in 1972 though. Sounds like proto-AC/DC or something. 2.5/5
This was decent. I liked it more than I expected to. The singles are still terrible, but maybe that's just because of oversaturation. Who knows. 2.75/5
Was sorta taken aback how much I liked this. It's really good, and not a genre I generally like. It has that sorta Irish folksong thing, but also sounds like Joni Mitchell or similar. I love the singing, and the instrumentation. 4.25/5
This started great and the only thing is that it overstayed its welcome. 1h 15m is too much flugel for one person. 2.5/5
I enjoyed this, and was a bit taken aback by the stylistic differences from song to song. These CSNY guys really know their stuff. However, I was not super taken overall. All the songs were good, not great (except Love the One You're With) 3.75/5
Decent album. I don't have a ton to say about it though. I'd listen to it again, but I'm not super stoked about it. 3.25/5
Hard album to rate. I've listened to this one quite a few times and really enjoyed it. Dude fucking sucks as a person, but does that really affect the quality of the music? I dunno. The bangers on here still bang, so I'm gonna rate it thusly. 4/5
Fun album. I'd listened to it, but I think I liked it more this time than a decade ago. Trash is especially good. Personality Crisis is also very good. 3.5/5
I listened to this for another list in the last year and rated it a 3.5. Considered just re-rating it the same, but didn't wanna miss the chance to listen to Nude again, so I listened through the whole thing again. This album never fully clicked for me, after loving Kid A, Amnesiac, and Hail to the Thief. However, today it is clicking. I really enjoyed it and even though it has a cleaner sheen than the previous albums, I'm feeling it. Nude is great (duh), but so is House of Cards, 15 Step, Bodysnatchers. The songs that click less with me are still good. 4/5
Found myself pretty bored while listening to this. I wish I liked it more. I guess I don't get it. 2.5/5
I remember when this album came out and my friends were pretty into it. I was never super taken with it. Coming back to it 20+ years later, it has some good stuff but I mostly feel the same. There's a polish to this that I don't care for, and I find that off-putting. 2.75/5
This album wasn't bad. I liked it alright, but some songs were pretty forgettable. Overall, I don't see any reason to come back to this, but it's decent enough. 2.5/5
So, I don't know what it is about this album. It's sorta experimental on the surface, but feels very manufactured underneath. It has things I like, but they don't feel authentic to me. I wanna like this, but I just can't. 2.49/5
This album is classic for me. It's like Daft Punk, but way more engaging for me because there are tweaks on each bar every time it's repeated. It's enough that I don't get bored. Also, none of the songs are too long, which is a real bonus. Other than their live albums, none of the rest of Justice ever clicked like this one does, but this one clicks like a motherf*cker. 5/5
Very good album. I was obsessed w/ Favourite Worst Nightmare, and this doesn't quite reach those heights, but it's not super far off. 4/5
Decent album. I liked this more than most solo Neil Young. He is good, and my appreciation of him has grown, but I'm still just a moderate fan. 3.25/5
This is just ok. I know it's important, but I wouldn't choose to turn this on, myself. It's sad, because new Napalm Death albums really rule. The last decade or so is just banger after banger. 2.5/5
Weird ass album. I didn't hate it, but for the most it didn't click with me. I don't get it, I guess. 2.49/5
Love this album. It's not my favorite Bjork album, but she didn't miss in the 90s. Love Venus as a Boy, and The Anchor Song. I kinda don't care for Violently Happy though. 4/5
I'm familiar with this album. Never loved it, but it's pretty good. I'm a big fan of some of the middle cuts that I don't think were ever singles(?), like The Right Profile, and Lost in the Supermarket. Wish it were a little shorter overall, but I enjoyed this listen. 3.5/5
Pretty good album. I'd heard it a few times before. Coldplay always seems like Radiohead-lite (pretty sure this is a super cold take). I liked it fine, but hard to be excited about. 3.25/5
Very solid live album. I really enjoyed it, actually. These songs would be great to see live, especially in 1972. 4/5
Super great album. Doesn't quite reach the heights of Nevermind for me, but it's very close. 4.5/5
Very good one. I had listened to this fairly recently for the /mu/ list. 4/5
Nice enough album. Goes a bit harder than I expected w/ the guitar percussion. I enjoyed it fine, but don't really see myself coming back to it. 3/5
Eh. It was fine. Most of the songs sounded the same to me though. I don't think I'd come back to this one either. 2.49/5
Was fine. I still mostly don't care for the who, I guess. 3/5
Wasn't bad. I even enjoyed most of it. 3.49/5
Not bad, CCR. I didn't know the non-radio-hit songs, but I quite enjoyed the whole thing. I will say Heard it Through the Grape Vine didn't need to be 11 minutes though. 3.75/5
Good album. I'm not sure it stands as tall as the classics, but it could grow on me. I also hear the beginnings of Black Star in there and I'm into it. 3.75/5
Really enjoyed this one. The song are just.. good. I could see myself listening to this pretty regularly. I think I'd like to stumble upon most of these songs on random, and less in the context of a full album though. Still, good album. 3.8/5
P good shit. I never heard this before. I feel like this is good on the face of it, but also I'd like it more on repeated listens, so it gets a 3.5/5 from me, with room to grow.
I liked this alright. It had its ups and downs though. I think overall I didn't love this, so I think it's 3.25/5
Great album. 4/5
As good as reggae gets for me. That being said, reggae isn't my thing 3.49/5
Enjoyed this one. It was fun and I'd listen to it again. I am not clear why 50-60s country is so much better. 3.75/5
Pretty good, but I like the other one better. This felt a little overlong by the end for me. 3.25/5
Didn't know this one at all. Very like Carole King or similar. It's pretty enjoyable and I like her voice. The backing stuff sometimes was a little too quiet for me though. 3.25/5
Really good album. Of course I've heard it before, but it was nice to revisit. 4/5
Was fine, but not the sort of thing I'd ever turn on. I didn't dislike it or anything. It was... Fine. 2.5/5
While this was a good time, it's not really something I think I'd come back to often. I liked it alright, and of course Ace of Spades is a banger, but the rest was only "good". 3.25/5
Not bad. I wish the songs were not as long, though. They sorta go on and on. I would have liked 8 songs with half the length over these 4 songs. I also really like when Fela is singing. I wish he'd get to that bit sooner in the songs. 3/5
Not bad, Rod Stewart. That being said, nothing too amazing here. I still enjoyed it though. 3.25/5
This album is good. I enjoyed the looseness of it and the rawness. I think this is one where having the background on it is important. Without it, it would have been like a 3/5, but with it, I feel more like a 3.75/5 3.75/5
This album is very fun. I feel like Wings is a joke for some reason, but I really enjoyed it. 4/5
I liked this more than You're Living All Over Me. 3.75/5
I love this album and I've loved it for like 20 years. 5/5
This was quite good! I enjoyed it and never heard of them before. 3.75/5
Not bad. Definitely better than I expected. There was a lot of diversity between the songs. It did seem to peter off in the back half though. Overall, I wouldn't ask my daughter to turn this off if she turned it on. 3.25/5
Really liked this one. I liked the back half more (the not live songs), but the whole thing is good. Standouts: Pocahontas Powderfinger Sedan Delivery Ride My Llama Hey Hey My My 3.85/5
Good shit. I listened to this for another list, but decided to listen again. I feel about the same. 3.5/5
Very similar to how I felt about 21. It's very nice singing that trumps everything else. It is a good listen, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. However, I think it's an occasional listen. I think I'd fall off on this on repeated listens otherwise. 3.5/5
Pretty good stuff. Chill, but good. 3.5/5
Listened to this for another list recently. Really good. 4/5
Decent album, but I'm less taken with this one compared to most stooges stuff. It seems less energetic to me. 3.25/5
Didn't really care for this one. It was fine, but I'd never turn this on. 2.25/5
This was nothing much. I think for late 70s new wave though, it's decent. Also, the basslines generally slapped. Overall, that puts it solidly mid. 3/5
Fun album, and I enjoyed it. This is the sort of thing where like, I was vibing the whole time, but never would think to turn it back on later. I don't know why that is. 3.5/5
Never listened to a Swift album before. It was better than expected, but overall still not my thing. I respect it though. 2.75/5
Richard is good, but a lot of the songs feel the same at this time, so I sorta got bored over the run. Sorry, Richard. 2.75/5
Enjoyed this one. It reminded me of something like Sheryl Crow, but obviously she's been around the block and it's her own thing 3.5/5
Loved this album since it was new It still holds up, in my estimation. Best Flaming Lips album. 4.5/5
This was something. I don't know what it was, but it wasn't very engaging for me. I'm having to skim it again this morning to remember what it sounded like yesterday. 2/5
Somehow I ignored Black Sabbath albums for most of my life, probably assuming it'd sound too "old" or something. However, this album is just very good. I really enjoyed it. 4/5
This album rules. I kept being surprised about what I was hearing and recognizing sounds that I love from The Knife, but I guess Kate Bush was making the same sounds (with a different aesthetic) like 20-30 years earlier. I think it's a bit of a grower, but even on first listen, I know I'd enjoy it more on subsequent listens. 4.25/5
This was fine. I didn't think much of it, but I'd still take this over any modern country. 2.5/5
Liked this since it was new. Was really into this band for a minute in 2004-2005. 4/5
Very good album. I don't think I've ever sat down and listened to a full Pretenders album. Liked the variety on here. 4/5
Man, how is it 2023 and I've just gotten around to listening to a Damned record for this first time? This album is very good and I'm dumb for not listening to it before now. BTW, the first song is covered by Melt Banana and I knew it from that. If Melt Banana covers your band, I should take note... 4/5
Honestly, pretty meh on this album. I'm sure it made a big impact, but it's not a fun listen for me in 2023. Maybe I'd like it more if I hadn't heard the singles a million times. I dunno. 2.5/5
I didn't think much of this. It was fine but didn't stick with me. I liked that it wasn't over-long. 2.49/5
Great album, but I was already a fan. I love the guitarwork, the weird time signature changes, dude's wacky voice, and all the melodic vocal layering. I think I prefer Swing Lo Magellan, but only slightly. 4.25/5
Was surprised by this. I just assumed I'd be into it, but it was a bit of a chore. There's little bits of interesting things here, but I think it was too tied to the concept and there's too much fluff to make it a fun listen. 2/5
Good album. I liked it and it's very much like Minutemen, which is not surprising. I prefer Double Nickels on the Dime though. 3.5/5
Best Bob Dylan I've heard. That being said, that doesn't mean a lot to me. There were some songs that were actually catchy, and I'd want to listen to if Dylan wasn't signing. 3.25/5
This was decent to good. It was nothing amazing, but I'll bet it did its job well of introducing western audiences to Indian music. 2.75/5
Mostly thought this was just ok, but with a few good songs mixed in. I really liked "This is the House", specifically. 2.5/5
I think I just don't care much for REM. It's a slog, with the occasional good song. 2.49/5
Very good album. Made me think of things like Tom Waits but played more straight. 4/5
Really like this album. There are parts that are over long and meandering, however when it hits it really hits. I still prefer Arular because it is tighter, but the experimentation on this in general succeeds. 3.9/5
This album is very not good. I actually really dislike it. I tried going in with an open mind, and it's just nothing. I don't know why it exists. I can't believe this was as popular as it was. 1.49/5
Was already quite familiar with this one. I've always liked it, but never quite loved it. I think I would like it more if just Ian sang. However, I was really feeling it this time, so maybe I'm over some hump? 4/5
I love Birthday Party 4.25/5
This just isn't for me. I didn't care for it. It wasn't offensive though, so it's just a big meh. 2/5
Haven't listened to this in a long time, but sung along to every song, so I guess that means something. 5/5
This is not very good for me. I hadn't heard this before, but it feels very "of it's time". I thought it was boring. 2/5
This album sucks and I hate it. I really don't get it, and the vocals are so annoying. That's a lot coming from me. 1/5
I thought this was pretty meh. Not offensive, but it was like listening to neo-Elton John euro fanfic. 2/5
Just ok. It's over-long and sorta boring for me. This style died out in the 90s for good reason, imo (or maybe it didn't, and I just don't know much about this style). Anyways, 2/5
Another Kate Bush banger. This one sounds a lot like Tori Amos, except with fucking screaming and other weird things I like. 4/5
Good album. 3.5/5
This album is super cool. I really like it and never heard of it. I wanna look into more Robert Wyatt now. 4.25/5
Boring album. Didn't care for it at all. 1.5/5
Weirdly good album. I didn't love it, but it was a fun listen. 3.5/5
Sucks. Just boring white-dude blues rock. I don't get it. Allman bro work on this is decent though, saving it from being a 1/5 2/5
3/5. I listened to this for another list and it has no notes, but I gave it 3/5 then and I'll just stick with that.
Thought this was my first Taylor Swift, but apparently we already listened to a different album (1989). This is about the same for me. The album was a little overlong, but decent enough. 3/5
Never listened to this back in the day, and I was better off for it. Just drivel, through and through. The singles have some decent riffs at times though. 1.5/5
I don't get this album at all. It's trying to be a lot of things, or pulling from lots of sources, but doesn't do any one thing well. I hear little bits of all the 90s bands that came before them, but I'd rather just listen to any of those bands. Super mid. 2.25/5
Better than I expected. Pretty fun album, and that bass be slappin' 3.5/5
I think I prefer my Zappa with the silly lyrics. These all feel like extended jams and maybe I'd grow to like this more on subsequent listens, but the lack of focus sorta had me not focusing. 3/5
I'd definitely listened to this before, but perhaps my exposure to more weird music made this a lot more palatable than it was to me previously. That being said, there's a few tracks on here that are less songs and more experiments, which is cool in its own right, but I mostly am interested in songs. The songs are bangers though. 3.49/5
Eh. This didn't do anything for me. It wasn't bad but it wasn't interesting either. Too long, too. 2.25/5
I liked this less than I thought. I don't super like PJ's voice, but the background stuff was always good. 3.75/5
Was ready for this to be lame, but it was very good. I didn't know it would kick as much as it does. 3.75/5
I liked this. Didn't love it, but it was good for sure. 3.49/5
Very repetitive, but somehow still enjoyed it. I won't probably spend a lot of time with it, but I didn't dislike it. It was fun, in a way. 3/5
I sorta am over this band after the 90s reunion tour, but I guess it's been 25 years so maybe I'm ok with it now. I can't get Mick Fleetwood's oh face out of my head while he drums though. 3/5
This didn't do anything for me. Pretty boring, and I guess I didn't get it. 1.49/5
I really thought I hated Bruce Springsteen, but I was surprised by this album. I guess when it's just him and an acoustic guitar, I'm into it. I don't really *love* any "guy and acoustic guitar" thing, but I like this about as much as I can like that. 3.5/5
Heard this a few times before, so was ready for it I've actually grown to enjoy this after 3-4 listens. I'm not in love with it, but it is good. 3.5/5
Knew this one already. I like it, but the songs sorta tend to blur together. I think I like it a little less than I remembered liking it overall. Didn't totally hold up for me, but still good. 3/5
Better than expected. I am often taken aback by interesting country music. I don't love it still, but I like it. 3.25/5
Sucks. No notes. Ok, one note. It sorta sounds like the overdramaticness of Nightmare Before Christmas. 1.49/5
Thought this was just ok. 2.5/5
This just really isn't my speed. It's so boring for me. There's nothing for me to focus on, and it just seems to go on and on. The basslines can be good, but by the end of the song I'm far past ready to hear something else. 1.25/5
Banger after banger. Love this album. Changed the world. 5/5
Didn't think much of this overall. It wasn't bad, but wasn't especially good either. It reminded me of like Velvet Underground mixed with... The Cramps?, at least tonally. The vocals were sorta boring. Just not a lot here to hold my interest. Still, if this was on, I wouldn't be upset. 2.75/5
AC/DC is boring. They suffer for the "any one song sounds good, but they're all the same" problem. 1.5/5
Pretty good. Reminded me of Mdou Moctar. I maybe wouldn't revisit this though. Songs are too long. 3/5
Not bad, but I've also heard half these songs a million times. The ones I didn't know were fine. 3/5
Was ready not to like this, but actually was quite good. I like this way more than Purple Rain. 3.75/5
The first half of this album is really good, and the second half is just ok. Overall, I'm not sure I'd revisit it, but it was pretty cool. 3.25/5
Didn't care too much for this. It was just ok. 2.5/5
Yawn Lennon I can't remember anything except the single. The rest was sorta country-folk-y? Boring. 2/5
Never heard this Tom Waits. I tend to like the later stuff, but this is pretty good. Sad somber Tom Waits is good. Non-sad Tom Waits with piano is a little boring. 3.25/5
Not for me. It was pretty boring and it seems like it doesn't have actual lyrics and instead it's just repeated phrases sung in fancy ways, which could be cool, but the background is too boring to hold my attention. 1.49/5
Was ready for this to be lame, but I actually liked it decently. 80s folk is a strange thing, but I'm into it a bit. 3.49/5
I thought this was fine, but I can't really differentiate it much from its peers. Nothing really stood out. That being said, it was good enough. 2.5/5
Listened to this for the /mu/ list a while back. It was fine, and definitely better than the first album. 3/5
The Eagles just aren't very good. This one does have a handful of decent singles though, so that's something. The rest... nah 2/5
Least good Aerosmith so far. I was surprised to sorta like the other two earlier albums, but this doesn't do it for me. Of course I know all the singles, having been born in the early 80s, and probably I even sang along with them, begrudgingly. That doesn't mean it's good though. Oh, also, I was surprised how many \"80s sounds\" there were in Janie's Got a Gun. Just never noticed that before. Also, their ballads are hella corny sounding on here. I did like the little Dulcimer Stomp interlude though. 2/5
Great album. I don't think I've ever listened to it. I listened through twice and enjoyed myself both times. Tomorrow's Dream Supernaut Snowblind Under the Sun / Every Day Comes and Goes all bangers 4/5
Never thought I'd listen to this album, and now I have. It wasn't for me, and it wasn't particularly good. She has a good singing voice, but overall it is dull and uninteresting for me. Toxic is a banger though. I like that song. 1/5
This really isn't my speed, unfortunately. Not really sure what else to say except I don't care for this genre much, and I especially don't care for this period within the genre. It wasn't terrible though. 1.5/5
Just didn't like this album. It sounded like worse versions of bands I like and don't like. 1/5
Didn't think I needed a 25-minute interpretation of Bo Diddley's \"Who Do You Love?\" and I was right. 1.5/5
Liked this one quite a bit. I was ready not to because Brian Eno can often be pretty boring and most of what we hear of his is more ambient. But yeah, this is good. 4/5
Decent one. Liked it about as well as the last Fairport Convention 3.49/5
I don't think they make a bad album. They're all good/great. They don't wow me though. Just solid. 3.75/5
Decent little album. I wasn't super impressed with it, but I liked it. Anything punkish is probably gonna get decent marks from me though. I don't see myself turning this on again intentionally, but I'd bob along to it on the radio. 3.25/5
This album is great. My wife listened to this a lot in high school so I knew quite a bit of it, but still, it's very good. 4/5
Love this album. Loved it before, still love it. I especially love A Little Rain (for Clyde), but all the songs are great. 4.5/5
This just is uninteresting for me. It's like AC/DC with punk, but not in any way that is good. It's also corny. 1.5/5
Was ready to not like this after Hysteria, but this is the better album by far, even though it's very glam metal-ish. Decent album despite me not liking butt rock in general. 3.25/5
I enjoyed this. Reminded me of Mdou Moctar, but I know I have that backwards. I don't tend to enjoy the blues anymore, as it feels super played out, but I do enjoy this. 3.49/5
Better than most 90s British rock, but I hate most 90s British rock. I still wouldn't choose to listen to this again. 2.5/5
Very good album. Didn't know Robert Wyatt before this, but he's 2/2 for bangers. 4.49/5
More Kate Bush that rules 4/5
Great album. Listened to it for the /mu/ list already. 4/5
I'm not super into "cinematic" music, but this was decent. I liked "It's Business as Usual" quite a bit though. When the music is darker, I'm more into it. 3/5
Better than the other kd lang album, but still not really for me. 2.5/5
Thought this was ok, but didn't really do a lot for me, honestly. It was nice enough background music. 2.75/5
Liked this more than I thought I would. Looking into the album and learning it's like a single narrative through it, I'm into that. 3.5/5
Skipped this album when it was new, and during the listen-through decided it was better than I expected, but then it just went on too long. It was probably a 3-3.5 for a bit of the album, but it's too damn long, so it's a 2.5. Wes Borland has good riffs, but the individual songs are too long, and there are too many songs. 2.5/5
Thought this was just ok. I wish I liked it more. "I Ain't Got Nothin'" was good though. 2.75/5
Didn't care for this. It would have been a 2.5, but the outro makes it a 2.0. 12 minutes of the same 10 second loop is a way to fill the rest of a CD, I suppose. Don't waste my time. 2/5
Neat album, and I like what it's trying to do. However, I don't super see myself listening to it again. Maybe though. 3.25/5
This reminded me of a more boring Foetus. I didn't care too much about it. 2.49/5
Fun album, and short. Probably as crazy as a punk rock concert as far as relative energy compared to the mainstream at the time. I heard he was basically insane. 3.5/5
Fun album. Really didn't expect the first song to be so different from the Smiths. I enjoyed it though. 3.5/5
Didn't like this at all
Love this album. It has so many good songs, and I feel like it's underappreciated, sandwiched between Kid A/Amnesiac and In Rainbows, but yeah, I love this one. There, There is great, Sit Down Stand Up is fucking great, man, all of it is great. 4.5/5
This album fucking sucks and I hate it. I can't deal with blue-eyed soul. It just is so bad. 1/5
Pretty good album. Still have no real understanding of when I'll like a hiphop thing or I won't. I enjoyed this one though. 3.5/5
Overlong, and it took 5 songs before Stevie Nicks shows up. I was willing to give this the benefit of a doubt but this is the album after Rumours. It's a major step down imo. 3/5
This was too long, both as an album and each individual song. I don't know why you'd think you need 6 minutes per song, people! Victim of the CD age? 2/5
Dunno how I never listened to this, but it rules. It's up there with Minor Threat and Bad Brains. Mad that I missed out on this at that time when it would have been more impactful on me. Great album. 4.5/5 (with room to grow)
Hard to have any real feeling about. It just exists. Wasn't bad or good, just ephemeral. I think that can't be a positive though, so.. 2/5
Good album. I like this one more than the shirt one. It's odd that Love Will Tear Us Apart isn't on either one. 3.5 5
Decent Morrissey is better than good "other band" much of the time. I didn't know this album, but enjoyed it. 3.75/5
Definitely was underwhelmed with this one. I read that this was #5 album on albums of all-time in NME in 2013. I don't get it. I guess I'm not british enough. 2/5
Was a sleeper. I didn't really hear anything I especially liked, and a lot of it just sorta passed me by. I thought it was alright though. 2.49/5
Decent album. Didn't leave a big impact though. I'd listen to it again 3/5
I wasn't into this one. I guess I don't really get Prince. I liked 1999, but everything else has sorta bounced off me. Slow, repeat-y, and I don't get locked into his grooves. 2/5
yet another Steely Dan album that didn't do much for me. It's not bad, by any means, but also I don't get it. 2.5/5
Man, I just don't care about this. It's not bad, but it's pretty boring. 2/5
This one was boring. Dunno. Sorry Mr Cool J. 2/5
Fun album. It's not a genre I really know at all, but I enjoyed it. I'm gonna say 3/5 though because I know I won't be coming back to it.
Good album. I already knew it, and used to like it more than I do now. The singer needs to reign things in just a bit, I think. 3.5/5
Fun album. I do think I'd prefer a shorter version w/ shorter versions of the songs or less songs overall though. Still, I enjoyed it quite a bit. 3.75/5
Love this album. Basically all the original Pixies albums are 5/5 though. They're all 4+. 5/5
Eh. Not bad for country. Not great either though. 2/5
I enjoyed this one quite a bit. I could see it growing on me. It was a *little* long, but still, I had a good time with it. 3.75/5
I've never loved this album, but actually I was feeling it on this listen. I still prefer a few other Beatles albums more, but this is a solid selection. 3.8/5
This was ok, but overall sorta boring. I kept hearing things that reminded me of other bands, but nothing I could *quite* put my finger on. Overall, it was too slow. 2.49/5
I liked this one, even though it's not a style I spend any time with. I could see myself listening to it again. There was a song that reminded me of Daytona USA on the Sega Saturn. 3/5
This album is good. It's I think the earliest album of his I've heard that has this sort of sound, and I like the transitional aspect of it, i.e. it's a bit more minimalist. All in all, it's Tom Waits so it's gonna be good. 4/5
Rad album. Missy is the best. 4.25/5
Good album. Dude is pretty thirsty though. The 10 minute song doesn't need to be 10 minutes either. 3.5/5
Not at all what I expected. I assumed it'd be some butt rock stuff, but this was actually catchy and groovin'. I enjoyed this one a lot. 4/5
I had listened to this fairly recently and didn't care for it. However, on this listen, I actually was pretty into it. Dunno how that works, but yeah, decent to good. 3.5/5
Here's one that is just ok. It was trip hop-adjacent but not enough thst I liked it very much. There's better versions of this. Too milquetoast, not brave enough. 2.25/5
Good shit. I had listened to this a few times before as well. I enjoy it quite a bit. 4/5
Really didn't care for this one. Seems too aligned with blue eyed soul and brit pop-ish. I don't care at all for either. 1.49.5
I've listened to this one before and yeah, I just don't care for it. It's not interesting now. Maybe it was in 1969, I dunno. 2/5
Good album brought down by excessive length. I like a lot of the songs individually, but it's too damn long. 2.75/5
Seems like I should be complaining about the length of this one, as I just did for Genesis - Lamb Lies Down, but the songs on here are more varied so I didn't feel the length as much. I like this album a lot. 4/5
This album is so good. It was a complete surprise to me when I heard it 20 years ago and liked it so much. It of course still holds up. 4.75/5
For someone who doesn't tend to like ska, this fucks. I enjoyed it a lot. I guess you get a lot of credit when you're an innovator. 4/5
Better than expected. Turns out I like some Bruce Springsteen. I'm not in love with this, but it's solid. 3.49/5
This one didn't do much for me, which is sad because I really liked the other Roxy Music we heard. It wasn't bad, by any means, but just a bit boring. 2.49/5
I didn't care for this one, although I'll give it some credit for doing something interesting. It's an alternative take on a sound I don't generally care for, and I probably prefer this take, but still, no. 1.5/5
Solid Dylan album? What is this? Seems like every Dylan album, I say "this was the best one I've heard." I'm wondering if maybe it's not just Stockholm Syndrome setting in. Anyways... 3.49/5
I listened to this for another list, and didn't really care for it. I gave it 2/5 for that one. It's sorta boring and I can't get entranced with it or anything. There's just not enough going on. I like it a *little* bit more on 2nd listen, so I'm willing to give this... 2.5/5
Pavement is good. It sorta passes me by, but I enjoy it nonetheless. I don't really see what would have me revisiting this, but I have no qualms giving it a mid-3. 3.49/5
I liked this quite a bit. It's got a lot going on and I like the dynamics from song to song. 4/5
Really enjoyed this one. It reminds me a lot of Ramones, but slowed down. I like the sassy attitude shit a lot too. They are a good time. 4/5
I liked this album since it was released. It used to be a 5/5, but I think it's come down a bit because Ye is a fucking tool and I can't totally separate the art from the artist. Some of the tongue-in-cheek lines are probably not tongue-in-cheek and that makes it hit different. 4/5
Another Bad Brains banger. I do think their adding in metal and funk is cool, although I appreciate their straight hardcore (and occasional reggae) version too. 3.75/5
Initially didn't think much of this but it grew on me by the end. Dunno why, but it kept reminding me of Deerhoof. 3.25/5
Lots of good singles here, but brought down by it's runtime. Especially the instrumental last few songs were unnecessary. 2.5/5
Really enjoyed this listen. I listened to it before, but was feeling it a lot this time. Not amazing, but very solid. Could see it creeping up the ratings over time. 3.75/5
This album is good. I enjoyed it and I didn't know we had some of the Tom Waits sound back then. Cool shit. 3.75/5
Good album. I like this more than Supreme Clientele by a mile. 3.5/5
This just isn't my genre, but I did think it was good for the genre. There were bits I actually liked a lot. The singing vaguely reminded me of something like Calvin Johnson. I don't especially dig the baritone vocal style. 3/5
Thought this was alright. Gangbang was a hoot. I mostly didn't care for his vocal delivery, but sometimes it really worked. 3/5
Decent album in a genre I never listen to. I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't really be able to differentiate this against anything else in the genre. It's fun for a listen, but I wouldn't revisit. 2.75/5
Boring, except I liked one song alright: "Paradise (Not for Me)" sorta had some triphop vibes, and I enjoyed that. Wish it were more of that. The rest is either bad or entirely forgettable. 1.5/5
Decent album. I listened to Faust - I before and I liked this more than that. 3/5
Fun album. I did find it a bit long though. 3.5/5
Few good songs, but overall I don't care much about this. 3/5
I wasn't feeling this one nearly as much as Superfly. It was ok, but also not all that memorable. 2.5/5
Didn't do anything for me, unfortunately 2/5
I was ready to hate this, but actually wasn't as bad as expected. I still have no interest in turning this on, but if it were on I wouldn't be bothered. 2.5/5
Never heard of this, but really liked it. I'd be into listening to more of these guys. Too bad the main dude died at 47 :( 4/5
Great album. It's not my favorite Radiohead, but it's top tier for sure. 4.25/5
Was ready to hate this, based on the 80s sophisti-pop genre tag. Front half, I actually didn't mind much. I wasn't really feeling it, but I didn't hate it. However, the back half is really bad, starting at The Gospel or whatever. So yeah, I was right, overall 1.5/5
Sounds like Oasis. Just as boring. I don't like this at all. I would be stoked if there were no more britpop, sophisti-pop, or blue-eyed soul left on the list, but I don't think the odds are with me on this. 1.49/5
Fun album that I enjoyed more than expected. I still don't see myself revisiting this, but if it was on, I'd be happy enough. 3/5
Liked this. I heard this band was bad, but this album is quite good. I listened to a bit of their other albums and it seems this is the only one that's for me though. 3.75/5
Eh. It was fine. I've heard it before, and it still doesn't do a lot for me. I don't care much for his singing, and his lyrics are weird. Some of the compositions are cool though. 2.75/5
I enjoy this, but probably not as much as I should. It's solid, but I just can't fall in love with it. 3.49/5
Good/great album. A friend recommended this a few times but I never got around to it. I regret this. 3.75/5
I liked this for a bit, but the songs all sound pretty similar. I do like the harmonizing, but it's not enough to keep me engaged. 2/5
I liked this. I didn't know the couple singles were The Band, but I knew them already. I wasn't in love, but it's a solid album. 3.49/5
Like this a lot more than most older jazz. It's pretty great.
Beck is good. This is fun. That being said, it's not all that memorable for me. I did enjoy it, but he has better stuff. 3.5/5
Elvis Costello is good. I am a big fan of the first two albums. This loses a bit of its edge, and I think it's worse off for it, but it's still pretty great. 3.75/5
Love this album. It does take a bit of a dive in the last little bit though. Overall, I can listen to 80% of this album on repeat. 4.5/5
I liked this a lot more than the other T. Rex. This one is more varied and I feel like the songs have individual personality where The Slider sounded like the same good song, multiple times. 3.75/5
Very much not for me. Seems like a precursor to things like Everlast or Uncle Cracker. Nope. 1.25/5
Assumed I wouldn't like this, but it's decent. I enjoyed the lyrics I picked up. Rare case of maybe ok situation to use the n-word? It does its job. 3.25/5
Good album. Listened to it already for /mu/ list but it's a good time. I like how he can make albums in so many different styles and they tend to be at least good, if not great. 3.5/5
Reggae just isn't my thing. I think as far as reggae goes, this is great. That being said, great reggae tops out at 3/5 for me. 3/5
I listened to this already and gave it a 2 then. I figured it was worth another listen, and sadly, it's still a 2. It isn't bad, but I don't understand what it's going for or why it exists. 2/5
This album sucks. I'm sorry, but it's boring and I don't care for it at all. I never get what this sort of album is going for. I guess it's like listening to a movie soundtrack for a movie that doesn't exist? I dunno, but it's too repeaty and this mfer is 72 minutes long. 1/5
Like this album a lot. You'd think it'd be a slog, but not so much. I really enjoyed it. 4/5
Damn, dude. That's so much. I got through it though, and Ella is lovely. I might rate any individual one higher, but 3h 15m of music is too much. 3/5
I listened to this album back in my early 20s and liked it alright then. I remember the songs being decent despite Darby's terrible vocals. It's less that his tone is bad (it is, but it's punk so whatever), but that he seems to lag the music. Anyways, I guess I care less about that now, because I enjoyed it. 3.75/5
Was a fun album. I enjoyed it. It has some variance across the tracks and I like that. 3.5/5
This is so ambient. It's SO AMBIENT. 1/5
Started strong, but I lost interest pretty quick. Freedom! 90 fucks, but the rest I could take it or leave it. 2/5
Not terrible, but also nothing I'm all that interested in. I did find it interesting that Linda Perry produced and co-wrote the whole second disk. However, it's too long. The singles are pretty bangin, but it isn't enough to save this for me. 2.49/5
Was initially feeling this, but then it feel off pretty hard for me. I'm not sure why exactly, but I wasn't jiving with it. 2.75/5
I was worried this would be bad, but actually it was good! I like the short length of the songs and it sorta reminds me of Dinosaur Jr, but I think I like this more. 3.75/5
Enjoyed this one. Thought it had a lot of strong songs. 3.5/5
Weird mix of songs I liked and some just-ok songs. I was surprised that I only knew Song 2. I assumed they had at least one other popular single on that album, but maybe not? Anyways, Song 2 is great but can't buttress the rest of the album. 3/5
Fun album I listened to for the /mu/ list already. I like this. 3.5/5
Sleepy. I don't understand why people like this one a lot. It's...fine at best. 2.49/5
Fun album. I enjoyed it, but it also didn't do anything super interesting. I didn't mind it though 3/5
Hadn't listened to this one for a bit. I really like it, except the skits are dumb, and it's too long. Those drag down what could have been pretty much perfect. 4.25/5
I really thought I wasn't gonna like this, after Funeral did nothing for me, and Reflektor not really doing much for me either. However, I really like this album. I don't know why, but it gets me in a way the others didn't. It honestly has me wanting to recheck out those other albums, and the others I haven't heard. 4/5
Man, banger album. I like this whole thing. It's just great. 4.49/5
Fun album. I of course knew Cult of Personality, but there's plenty of other fun things on here. There's also a few songs I thought were just ok. Overall though, I had a good time with this one. 3.5/5
Decent album. I just don't care much for this period of rap. There's good parts but unfortunately it doesn't fully click. 3/5
Interesting album. I thought it was a bit overlong, and it's brave to start with a 14 minute song (after an intro song). I looked up the album and the background is really interesting. I don't think I would have known there's like 4 covers on there. The songs that hit hit pretty good, but I'm not sure I'd revisit. I do think the production is neat though. Lots going on. 3.25/5
Decent enough album with fun production. The backing stuff did pull me in, although I didn't really follow the lyrics. I don't think it was enough that I'm wanting to listen again though. 3.33/5
I don't get these guys. I just don't see the appeal. I find it boring. 2/5
Initially wasn't as taken with this as Kid A. It never quite caught up, but it's still fucking great. 4.5/5
Was hoping that I'd like this, but I don't. I'm not sure why. I find it boring even though I feel like I shouldn't. I think it's something about the vocals or the structure. 2.5/5
Love this album. Probably overall my favorite Bjork album, even if it's a little samey. It just shimmers. 5/5
Eh. It started ok, but I got real tired of it by the end. I remember Babylon, and it's catchy but also not a song I'd ever intentionally turn on. Later, I kept thinking "oh, this is like Jewel, but sung by a guy". That's not positive or negative. Just not for me. 2/5
Solid album that never fully clicked for me in the past. I think there's still some tracks that I'm not in love with, but there's also about half the tracks that are bangers. 3.5/5
Was surprised to find I enjoyed this one. Only thing wrong is that it's 2 hours long. 3.49/5
I just don't care about this band. A couple songs are good, but mostly I find myself bored. 2/5
I didn't care much for the last xx album (s/t), and this one I feel much the same. That being said, I do like this one more. This is passable, and even enjoyable. 3/5
This album rules. I was surprised to see that we already listened to a later Undertones album earlier, and have no recollection of it. Apparently I thought it was decent but nothing special. This one rules though. 4.5/5
Really enjoyed this, surprisingly. It's not really my genre, but it's pretty great all the way through. 4/5
Very good album. I just assumed i didn't like Megadeth, but they have a few real banger albums. I like Rust in Peace better, but this isn't far off. 4/5
I was concerned this was gonna be like some Brian Setzer shit, but actually this kinda rules. It reminds me of something like Gun Club or The Cramps. Punk blues is good. 3.75/5
Public Enemy rules. I've liked all that I've heard. I really didn't expect myself to be someone who would like this, as I don't like a lot of gangsta rap stuff that comes right after this, but yeah, these are all bangers. 4/5
Not bad. I think overall, there is better Fats Domino. After this album was over, Spotify started playing other Fats singles, and I liked them more than what I just heard. So, good artist, ok album. 3/5
Another Massive Attack album I don't get. I think most triphop isn't for me. Nothing specifically is bad, and I liked a few of the tracks more than others, but overall as a package, I'm not interested. 2/5
This one sorta passed me by. I didn't engage too much with it, so nothing stuck out. I am often surprised by Kinks output not sounding like I think they should sound, but that's a "me" problem. 3/5
Didn't care for this one. It was long, and I'm not sure why the songs are so long? I was getting lost. 2/5
Was really concerned this one would be bad, but actually it was really pretty solid. The production was good and the songs were individually good as well. It works as an album, and I was pretty into it. Nice surprise. 3.66/5
This was ok, but a bit on the sleepy side for me. It didn't catch me in any strong way, but also it wasn't bad. 2.75/5
Fun album. I wish I liked it a bit more, and maybe I would on repeated listens, but as it is, it's only "very good" 3.5/5
Fun album. I didn't know this sort of album really existed back in the 50s (instrument-only rock/r&b, mostly covers, with some originals). 3.75/5
Best Bjork album since Vespertine. Sounds like a mix of Vespertine + Homogenic, but does occasionally lose the plot for me, similar to Volta. This same album, going a little bit harder, and a little shorter would be in 4.5 territory. 3.75/5
Whoa, this album is weird. There's like some girl power shit, some "girl, put some clothes on" shit, and some "god fucking rules" shit. The singing is tight, but this is way more Girls5eva than I expected. 2/5
Decent album, but I am not nearly as taken with this as I am with Remain in Light. 3/5
This album fucking rules. I knew it already, but really it grows in my ratings every time I listen. 4.5/5
Decent album. I thought I wouldn't like this, but it's better than expected. I noticed that later in the album there's 1-2 tracks that have minimal backing percussion, and I definitely prefer those. 3.49/5
Was worried this would be ambient Eno, but it's more like Talking Heads, which I enjoy. Overall though, it wasn't super memorable to me. I'd give it another listen though. 3.25/5
The use of repeated samples on this makes me wanna commit homicide 1/5
Really enjoyed this album. I've heard it, but the US version, long ago. I'm sad that Clash City Rockers isn't on this one, but it's very good. I love Police and Thieves a bunch. 4/5
Wasn't very good. I am sad now. Nothing really bad about it, but it was pretty boring. 2/5
Just ok. Listened to this already for another list. 2.5/5
Decent album but honestly sorta forgettable. The songs are generally too long on here and don't hold my attention. Still, it's Iggy and I do like Iggy. 3/5
Started strong, dipped in the middle, but then I liked it again by the end. Interesting history too. 3.49/5
Didn't care for this at all. I get the appeal back in the 60s, but jazz rock is pretty bad. 1.5/5
Good album, but I don't love it like I'm supposed to. I enjoy it and I think I do like it a bit more on each listen. Still, it's not something I find myself coming back to often. 3.25/5
I wish all britpop was Supergrass. This album is very good. 4.25/5
Fun punk album. I checked out some of their othrt work and it was all good. 3.75/5
Never really enjoyed this band although I always thought I ought to. They seem like they're the most punk aligned of the big 3, and yet it's never clicked much. I did enjoy this listen though. The vocals are somehow not what I want them to be. 3.49/5
This album is weird. It has a few banger tracks and a lot of sleepy tracks. If there were more tracks like Crystal or OK, I'd be pretty into it. Alas... 3/5
I didn't care for this one, but it's a lot better than the other Fatboy Slim (You've Come A Long Way, Baby). I think it's because this one doesn't abuse vocal samples in the same way. 2/5
Listened to this for another list and really didn't get it. It's not good. 1/5
I found this sleepier than Aha Shake Heartbreak, but it's still ok. There's a few songs I liked but overall, this one was a lot less for me. I don't really see any reason to revisit it. 2.75/5
I have a bit of a soft spot for Bon Jovi, and I don't know why. I like his singles quite a bit. This album was nothing amazing, but it's fun enough. I liked it. 3.49/5
Honestly don't remember this, after having just listened to it. 2.5/5
There's a 4/5 in here, but it's too long. 3/5
This is kinda fun. I like the cover songs more than the originals though. Still, not really something I see myself coming back to. 3/5
Fun album I listened to for another list. I like this one. 3.5/5
Thought I heard this one before. Was pretty disappointed with it as I assumed I'd like it for some reason. It was nothing special and I was bored with it. 2/5
Really weird to hear Bjork with more people. The guy singer sorta reminded me of B-52s. I liked this though. A few of the songs were strange in a good way. One of them made me think of The Slits. 4/5
Snorefest. I saw these guys open for Radiohead in 2001 and I didn't like them then either. There were a few moments where I thought I was gonna like them, but overall they were a disappointment. 2.25/5
Decent album. I tend to not be very into the Stones, but I did enjoy this. 3.5/5
Great album. Listened to it for another list. 4/5
Didn't care for this one. I listened to this for another list. 2/5
One of the best. I love this album since 2001. 5/5
No, just no. I didn't like this at all. Maybe *maybe* I would have liked this more in the context of a musical or something, but this is a nothingburger for me. It's sad, because the collaborators are all people I like (except the Divine Comedy guys. fuck those guys) 1/5
Better than most reggae, but still reggae. :( 2.75/5
Learned that I never listened to this whole thing before. It's good! I'm not surprised though. I really like Midnite Vultures and a few other of his albums. 4/5
Honestly really didn't like this. It felt so try-hard, and rip-off and unauthentic. I was surprised because I remembered liking The Cult alright. I went back to their previous album and it was immediately better. I think Rick Rubin fucked these guys up. 1.49/5
Enjoyed this ok, but it's one of those "good, but not my genre" type of albums. I don't see myself returning to it, but it's fun for what it is. 3/5
I liked this ok, but the singer's drawl gets a bit tiring over the listen. I thought it was interesting to hear some like very 80s sounds on some songs, followed by some very 90s sounds on the next. Not bad, but seemed a little derivative by 93. 2.75/5
Liked this quite a bit. It's sorta impressive how much Phil Collins sounds like Peter Gabriel. This is a cool album for 1977. Of course I knew Salsbury Hill, but I don't think I knew the rest. I enjoyed this although it slowed down a bit near the end. 3.5/5
Mostly ok, but a bit long. I hadn't heard anything other than Groove is in the Heart. I didn't mind it, but it's also not really my thing. 2.5/5
This was great. I like Tracy Chapman a lot. 4/5
Decent album. I like The Zombies. Saw them live with Beach Boys and I liked them a hell of a lot more than Beach Boys. 3.25/5
Man, it's been forever since I listened to this. It's good, but I wish they had stayed as a thrash band. The non-singles are better than I remember, but the singles are super played out. I can't really say it's bad because I heard it too much though. 3.5/5
Eh, didn't think much of this. It was just ok. 2.5/5
I like Jaco and there's parts of this I like, but overall I found myself not too engaged in it. I think I'd warm up to it on repeated listens though. 3/5
Didn't care much for this one. Too sleepy shoegaze for me. 2.49/5
Any one song is like 3.5+ range, but 2+ hours of it is just too much. 2/5
Already listened to this one for another list. I like it but not my favorite Neil. I prefer a few years down the line from this. 3/5
So weird how boring this is compared to their follow-up. I felt like all the songs sounded pretty much the same. It wasn't bad but it wasn't especially good either. 2.5/5
See Smiths. Give high review. But for real, this doesn't have any singles I know, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. 4/5
This album sorta passed me by. I liked it ok, but also I don't really understand why this is on the list because it seems like Animal Collective or MGMT, but 7 years too late. 2.75/5
Wasn't jiving with this, until I was. The 2nd half of the album (starting at Sex Dwarf) was a lot more my speed. It slowed down a bit near the end, but Sex Dwarf through Bedsitter was really good. 3/5
Man, I'm glad we didn't stick with this version of Tom Waits. I found this to be a chore. It has a certain style to it, but it's just not a style I care for. 1.5/5
Liked this more than Scott 2. I would say I like this ok. 3.25/5
I remember liking this album alright when it was new, but it hasn't held up in general. There's some fun tracks like Get On Top, but all the lyrics are way more sleazy than I remembered. My wife gives this a 1/5. I'm a little more forgiving. 2/5
Not as good as Billion Dollar Babies, but still really enjoyed it. 3.75/5
Didn't get this one, unfortunately. It was a bit of a struggle to get through. 1.25/5
Decent album. Not really my genre. I do respect it though. 3/5
I was familiar with There She Goes, of course, but the rest was new. I read that this is considered proto-britpop. I concur, and thusly mark it with a low score. But for real, this is not great for me. I don't like jangle stuff in general, and I don't think late 80s/early 90s was when anyone should be calling back to the period they were. 2/5
Liked this one. I had heard of this band but never really listened. They should be bigger! 3.75/5
Unfortunately didn't do much for me. I didn't care for it, and already am forgetting what specifically I didn't care for. 2.25/5
Long album, but good. I enjoyed it and would listen to it again (perhaps in smaller bites). 3.5/5
Pretty good stuff. Not really my gendre, but she's good. I was grooving. 3.49/5
Listened to this for another list. It's very very good. 4/5
Best Elvis I've heard. Some was weird, but some was really good. 3.5/5
Great album. I listened to it a lot when it was new. I had a limewire version of it though, so there's actually a few songs here I've never heard! Damn early pirating... 4.49/5
Decent album. better than most 90s electronic for me. Still not really my thing, but still good for the genre/time. 3/5
Liked this alright. I expected more electronic and less folk, but I liked what I got. 3.25/5
Great album. I listened to it for another list. 4/5
Thought this was very good. I think I might warm to it more over more listens too. 3.75/5
Has some bangers but overall too long and meandering. 3/5
Maybe the most I've liked this album on this listen. The last 4 songs used to kill it for me, but I didn't hate them this time. 3.75/5
Boring one. Listened for another list. 1.5/5
Thought this was interesting, but overall not really my thing. The background was more interesting that the actual album. 2/5
This sorta just passed me by, unfortunately. I don't really remember anything about it. 2/5
The more I listen to this album, the more I like it. It used to be a 3, then a 3.5. I think it's a solid 4 now. 4/5
This was more Cure-like than I was ready for, but I did quite enjoy it and I'd relisten to it and probably grow to like it even more. 3.5/5
Listened to this a lot when I was 20, and I have a strong fondness for it after being obsessed with the Pixies. It's not as strong as good Pixies albums, but I keep it about the same tier as Trompe Le Monde. 3.75/5
Haven't heard this since I was a kid. This was like the first CD I bought myself. Still lots of fun but a bit long and my tastes have changed. Still, was a good time. 3.5/5
Not my thing. More stuff in the britpop category. 2.49/5
I think I listened to this while busy and didn't remember it at all. Relistened and liked it quite a bit. Country isn't really my thing but thus has a lot of variety and is fun. 3.5/5
Decent album, but not my thing. Still, it's Stevie Wonder. 3/5
Super boring 1/5
Really didn't care for this. Not my thing. Too slow. 1/5
Listened to this when it was new. Liked it then, like it more now. The back half is really good. 3.75/5
Just ok, but better than most early hip hop for me. Some doesn't come off as hip hop at all though. 3/5
Liked this less than I expected. I never really put together how much they were aping the Beatles. Still, a couple bangers on this. Just samey overall. 3/5
Liked this one. It's got a lot of interesting parts. Sounds like unhinged Bowie or sometimes Talking Heads. 3.5/5
Took a bit to warm up to this one. The singles are great but the rest is sorta subdued and the beats aren't my thing. New Jack Swing, maybe? Overall it's a bit of a Rollercoaster but also too long. 2.75/5
Pretty fun album. I really liked the stereo mix. It's interesting to see someone who is great at conga drums as a band leader. I don't understand how you compose for bongos or congas. It seems so free form. 3.25/5
Liked this one OK. I don't really get the genre mix here but that is OK. Gram Parsons seems really interesting, the more I learn about him. Also, what is Hot Burrito #2 about? It sounds like Jesus is his girlfriend or something? 3/5
Decent but I don't see myself revisiting it. It's OK. Everyday people is good though. 2.75/5
There's parts of this I like that sorta remind me of Flaming Lips or something. But overall it feels like it's trying to ply on nostalgia and I'm not a big fan of that. Ultimately forgettable. 2.49/5
Love this era of Beatles. This and Revolver is some of my favorite. Great album. 4.75/5
This was the first CD I ever owned. That being said, it's been like 30 years since I've listened to it. It is a decent album and more varied than I remember. I do think some of why I like it is nostalgia, but I did enjoy it for whatever reason. 3.49/5
Weird album but I liked it more than Meet the Residents. I definitely found myself thinking "this must be what Butthole Surfers were listening to". 3/5
This is weird, but some of it is pretty approachable (maybe not for other people, but I'm pretty flexible). It alternates between zany in a great way and zany in a dunno what is going on way. This might grow on me over more listens, honestly. 3.33/5
Liked this more than I expected. It's got a maximalist thing that I liked. It doesn't translate to all songs, but overall, it's a pretty fun album. 3.49/5
Good album! Reminds me of TV on the Radio and Bloc Party had a baby or something. 3.5/5
Really enjoyed the first half of this album. By the end it was starting to get pretty samey. Reminds me of Joanna Newsom but a guy, and that guy sounds similar to Thom Yorke, but the baroque pop isn't as interesting as radiohead. Still, quite liked a lot of it. 3.5/5
Decent album but I don't think I know the vocabulary of soul music. It gets sorta samey because of that. I think it's interesting how the instruments are used. Sometimes the drums can be rather busy, sometimes not. You have horns, but they are just these accent stabs, repeating simple motifs. I'm not sure I get it. 2.66/5
Another good CCR album. They didn't make any bad ones afaik. This one was on the "only good" side though. I'm not sure if it's because the singles are so well-known and the non-singles were too bluesy, or what. I think it's something like that. Still, it's CCR and therefore good. 3.25/5
Album rules. No misses. 4.5/5
Great album I've heard many times. They are unfuckwithable here. 4.5/5
Wanted to like this more than I did. I kinda find it annoying. I much prefer Bikini Kill stuff. 2.5/5
This album rules and I am mad I hadn't heard it till last year. I love the mix of like indie, punk, older rock, etc. It's just very good. 4.5/5
Eh, this was only fine. I didn't care much for it. Just not my sort of sounds. 2/5
Better sounds than yesterday (Stereo MCs) but songs are really long. I like this better, but not by a lot. 2.49/5
Banger album. Like it a lot. I listened to it previously, but was very ready to listen again. 4/5
Not my genre but good anyways. I had a good time with it. 3/5
Too long but otherwise a good live album. They clearly had a good stage presence. 3.25/5
Nah. This ain't it. I didn't care for this much at all. 1.5/5
I was dreading this but it was better than expected. I think the samba saves it for me. It still is by no means something I'm choosing to listen to, but it's a lot better than it could have been. 2.5/5
I don't care for reggae, but if I'm gonna listen to reggae, I want it to be Bob Marley. This one is I think better than the other. This is something that is ok. 3/5
Wasn't my thing. Sorta interesting but overall I wouldn't listen again. 2.49/5
Great alhum. Hadn't heard it before but of course this sounds like Bowie. This is more straightforward though. Still really enjoyed it. 4/5
Better than expected but my expectations were low. Still, some of these songs were decent. 2.75/5
I didn't really care for this. It sorta sounds like a mix of Arctic Monkeys and The Strokes, which I would like, but I don't like this. There's one punky song near the end and I did like that one, however. Wish they brought more of that and less of the rest. 2/5
I've been hit or miss on Husker Du. I think this is more hit than miss though. I liked this a good amount. 3.5/5
More Wainwright bangers. I think I liked this slightly less than Want One, but still really good. 3.5/5
Was really surprised by this one. I like it a lot. I listened to it like 8-9 times already. 4.25/5
What a weird album, and not at all what I expected. I like the Caveman part. I think maybe earliest use of harsh vocals I've heard? 3.5/5
Didn't care much for this. I'm not sure why this is so well-regarded. It's too repetitive and the songs aren't like, dynamic enough? 2/5
Loved Metallica as a kid but became disillusioned after Reload, so I never listened to this. I didn't hate it, but I'm not really regretting that decision. It's just mid. The orchestra didn't seem well-integrated into the music, and I'm not sure if that's just the mix or what. Anyways, it's still Metallica songs, and those tend to be pretty good (at that time). 3/5
Not my thing. I didn't really care for it. 2/5
Good album, but not as good as Treasure. I still really liked it though. 3.5/5
I liked the other Suede album more. This is ok, but just not my thing. 2.5/5
I had listened to this before and really didn't care for it. I will say it grew on me a bit, although it's still hard to say I like it. I do respect it, however. 2.49/5
I wasn't totally sold on this initially, but it grew on me. I like The Love Below more than Speakerboxxx but both halves are really good. I can't give this a higher rating because it's so long, but it is very good. 3.75/5
This is bad. I don't like this. It's annoying. 1.49/5
Was looking forward to this one, but ultimately didn't get it and found it boring. Too bad. 2/5